当前位置:文档之家› 内蒙古科技大学电子信息专业英语翻译




27-2In the binary system of representation the base is 2, and only two numerals 0 and 1 are required to represent a number. The numerals 0 and 1 have the same meaning as in the decimal system, but a different interpretation is placed on the position occupied by a digit. In the binary system the individual digits represent the coefficients of powers of two rather than ten as in the decimal system. For example, the decimal number 19 is written in the binary representation as

10011 since


A short list of equivalent numbers in decimal and binary notation is given in Table 3.2.




27-3A general method for converting from a decimal to a binary number is indicated in Table 3.3. The procedure is the following. Place the decimal number (in this illustration, 19) on the extreme right. Next divide by 2 and place the quotient (9) to the left and indicate the remainder (1) directly below it. Repeat this process (for the next column 9÷2 =4 and a remainder of 1) until a quotient of 0 is obtained. The array of 1’s and 0’s in the second row is the binary representation

of the origin decimal number. In this example, decimal 19=10011 binary.


28-1A binary digit (a 1 or a 0) is called a bit. A group of bits that has the same significance is called a byte, word, or code. For example, to represent the 10 numerals (0, 1, 2, …, 9) and the 26 letters of the English alphabet would require 36 different combinations of 1’s and 0’s. Since 25<36<26, then a minimum of 6 bits per bite are required in order to accommodate all the alphanumeric characters. In this sense a bite is sometimes referred to as a character and a group

of one or more characters as a word.


29-1The parameters of a physical device (for example, VCE·sat of a transistor) are not identical from sample to sample, and they also vary with temperature. Furthermore, ripple or voltage spikes may exist in the power supply or ground leads, and other sources of unwanted signals, called noise, may be present in the circuit. For these reasons the digital levels are not specified precisely, but as indicated by the shaded region in Figure 3.6, each state is defined by a voltage range about a designated level, such as 4±1 V and 0.2±0.2 V.

每个实体器件样本的参数(如晶体管的VCE·sat )是不完全相同的,它们还会随温度变化。而且,电源或地线可能存在电压脉动或电压峰值,其他干扰信号——噪声也可能出现在电路

中。由于这些原因,数字电平没有明确的规定,但如图3.6中阴影所示,将每个状态定义为指定电平的电压范围,例如4±1 V 和0.2±0.2 V。


37-1The materials that make up our universe are composed of over one hundred basic and individual types of matter called elements. Ninety-two of these elements occur naturally and the remainders are man-made. Each element has a separate identify of its own, that is, no two elements have the same physical and chemical properties, nor can an element be subdivided by ordinary physical and chemical means into simple elements.[1] Examples of elements are gold, mercury and oxygen.


37-3Electrons whirl around nuclei in much the same manner that the planets of our solar system travel around the sun. The difference between an atom of one element and that of another is in the number of protons and neutrons contained in the nucleus.[2] All the elements in the universe, and therefore all matter, is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.


37-4There must be force of attraction between a nucleus and the electrons surrounding it, otherwise the electrons would fly off into space, in order to understand its nature, we find it helpful to call this force a charge. The charge of the nucleus is defined as positive, and the opposite charge of the electron, negative. In view of the fact that opposites attract, the force between the nucleus and the rotating electron around it prevents the electron from flying off into space.


38-last para Impurities may be added to pure semiconductors. This results in semiconductor materials, which may either have an excess of free electrons or a deficiency of orbital electrons. When an excess of electrons is present we call the material N-type; when lack of orbital electrons occurs, we call the material P-type. Both N-type and P-type semiconductors are made by treated materials. such as germanium and silicon with impurities ,such as arsenic and indium. The addition of impurities to semiconductors is called doping.



50-2At first, these disk drives used 14 inch disks, but now they use 5 1/4inch, 3 1/2inch,2 1/2

inch, and 1 4/5inch diameters. In contrast to the floppy disk drive, hard disk drives hold from 80 megabytes to gigabytes and terabytes of information. When purchasing a hard disk, consider storage capacity and seek time, a measure of a hard disk’s access speed. The smaller the numbers, the faster the disk. In the past, 65 milliseconds was the standard access time, but today the standard is less than 7 milliseconds.

起初,这些磁盘驱动采用14英寸磁盘,但现在采用的是5 1/4英寸,2 1/2英寸和1 4/5直径的磁盘。与软盘驱动截然不同的是,硬盘驱动保存着兆字节到千兆字节、万兆字节的信息。购买硬盘时要考虑存储容量和寻道时间及存取速度。这些数字越小,磁盘就运行得越快。在过去,标准存取时间为65毫秒,而现在的标准为低于7毫秒。

50-3Storing data on hard disks is similar to storing data on diskettes. In order to read or write data on the surface of the spinning disk platter, the disk drives are designed with access arms, or actuators.[1] The access arms, or actuators, contain one or more read/write heads per disk surface. As the disk rotates at a high rate of speed, usually 3,600 revolution per minute, the read/write heads move across its surface. These read/write heads float on a cushion of air and do not actually touch the surface of the disk.[2] The distance between the head and the surface varies from approximately ten to twenty millionths of an inch. If some form of contamination is introduced or if the alignment of the read/write heads is altered by something accidentally jarring the computer, the disk head can collide and damage the disk surface, causing a loss of data. This event is known as a head crash. Because of the time needed to repair the disk and to reconstruct the data that was lost, head crashes can be extremely costly to users in terms of both time and money.


50-5The sector method for physically organizing data on disks divides each track on the disk surface into individual storage areas called sectors. Each sectors can contain a specified number of bytes. Data is referenced by indicating the surface, track, and sector where the data is stored.


51-6Most optical disks are prerecorded and cannot be modified by the user. These disks are used for applications such as an auto parts catalog where the information is changed only occasionally, such as once a year, and a new updated optical disk is created.[3] Optical disk devices that provide for one-time recording are called WORM devices, an acronym for write once, read many. Erasable optical disk drives are just starting to be used. The most common erasable optical drives use magneto-optical technology, in which a magnetic field changes the polarity of a spot on the disk that has been heated by a laser.[4]

大多数光盘是事先录好的,且不能被用户修改。这种光盘用于信息量大,不需要经常更改信息内容的场合。例如,一个汽车零件目录,其中的信息是经过一段时间(比如一年)才更新一次,需要更新时再制作一张新的光盘就可以了。只能刻录一次的光盘设备叫WORM设备,是write once, read many的缩写。可擦写光盘设备刚开始被使用。最常见的可擦写光盘驱动采用磁光技术,在这种技术中,磁场改变了磁盘上被激光加热的点的极性。



PCM is dependent on three separate operations: sampling, quantizing, and coding. Many different schemes for performing these three functions have evolved during recent years, and we shall describe the main ones.[1] In these descriptions we shall see how a speech channel of telephone quality maybe conveyed as a series of amplitude values, each value being represented, that is, coded, as a sequence of 8 binary digits.[2] Furthermore, we shall prove that a minimum theoretical sampling frequency of order 6.8 kilohertz (kHz) is required to convey a voice channel occupying the range 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz.[3] Practical equipments, however, normally use a sampling rate of 8 kHz, and if 8-digits per sample value are used, the voice channel becomes represented by a stream of pulses with a repetition rate of 64 kHz. Figure 6.2 illustrates the sampling, quantizing, and coding processes.

脉冲编码调制依靠三个独立的运作:采样,量化,编码。近年来,人们对这三个环节的实现提出了许多不同的方案,我们将对其中一些主要的方案进行讨论。在这些讨论中,我们会看到话路中的语音信号是如何转换成一个幅值序列的,而每个幅值又被编码,即以8位二进制数的序列表示。而且我们将证明,为了变换频率范围为300hz-3.4khz的话路信号,理论上的最小采样频率为6.8khz。但实际的设备通常采用8 kHz的采样速度,而如果采用8位每样本的值,则会出现重复速率为64 kHz的脉冲流。采样,量化和编码过程如图6.2所示。

67-2Digital transmission provides a powerful method for overcoming noisy environments. Noise can be introduced into transmission path in many different ways; perhaps via a nearby lightning strike, the sparking of a car ignition system, or the thermal low-level noise within the communication equipment itself. It is the relationship of the true signal to the noise signal, known as the signal-to-noise ratio, which is of most interest to the communication engineer. Basically, if the signal is very large compared to the noise level, then a perfect message can take place; however, this is not always the case. For example, the signal received from a satellite, located in

far outer space, is very weak and is at a level only slightly above that of the noise.[4] Alternative examples may be found within terrestrial systems where, although the message signal is strong, so is the noise power.


67-3If we consider binary transmission, the complete information about a particular message will always be obtained by simply detecting the presence or absence of the pulse. By comparison, most other forms of transmission systems convey the message information using the shape, or level of the transmitted signal; parameters that are most easily affected by the noise and attenuation introduced by the transmission path.[5] Consequently there is an inherent advantage for

overcoming noisy environments by choosing digita1 transmission.



67-4So far in this discussion we have assumed that each voice channel has a separate coder, the unit that converts sampled amplitude values to a set of pulses; and decoder, the unit that performs the reverse operation. This need not be so, and systems are in operation where a single codec (i.e., coder and its associated decoder) is shared between 24, 30, or even 120 separate channels. A high-speed electronic switch is used to present the analog information signal of each channel, taken in turn, to the codec. The codec is then arranged to sequentially sample the amplitude value, and code this value into the 8-digit sequence. Thus the output to the codec may be seen as a sequence of 8 pulses relating to channel 1, then channel 2, and so on. This unit is called a time division multiplexer (TDM), and 15 illustrated in Figure 6.3. The multiplexing principle that is used is known as word interleaving. Since the words, or 8-digit sequences, are interleaved in time.目前我们在这个讨论中假定每个话路有单独的编码器,也就是将采样幅值转换成脉冲序列的单元;并有单独的解码器,也就是执行相反操作的单元。其实并不需要这样,系统靠单一的编译码器(编码器和其关联的解码器)运行,它有24,30,甚至120个单独的信道。高速电子开关用以表示每个信道的模拟信息信号,并把信号依次送入编译码器。而后编译码器顺序地进行幅值采样,并把幅值编排成8位码序列。这样编译码器的输出看起来就像一串关于信道1,信道2等的8位脉冲序列。这个单元叫做时分多路器。图6.3说明了15个信道的时分多路器工作原理。采用的分路原理叫字交叉。因为每个字或8位码序列是在一段时间内交叉存取的。


电子信息工程专业课程名称中英文翻译对照 (2009级培养计划)


高等数学Advanced Mathematics 大学物理College Physics 线性代数Linear Algebra 复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variable and Integral Transforms 概率论与随机过程Probability and Random Process 物理实验Experiments of College Physics 数理方程Equations of Mathematical Physics 电子信息工程概论Introduction to Electronic and Information Engineering 计算机应用基础Fundamentals of Computer Application 电路原理Principles of Circuit 模拟电子技术基础Fundamentals of Analog Electronics 数字电子技术基础Fundamentals of Digital Electronics C语言程序设计The C Programming Language 信息论基础Fundamentals of Information Theory 信号与线性系统Signals and Linear Systems 微机原理与接口技术Microcomputer Principles and Interface Technology 马克思主义基本原理Fundamentals of Marxism 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论 和“三个代表”重要思想 概论 Thoughts of Mao and Deng 中国近现代史纲要Modern Chinese History 思想道德修养与法律基 础 Moral Education & Law Basis 形势与政策Situation and Policy 英语College English 体育Physical Education 当代世界经济与政治Modern Global Economy and Politics 卫生健康教育Health Education 心理健康知识讲座Psychological Health Knowledge Lecture 公共艺术课程Public Arts 文献检索Literature Retrieval 军事理论Military Theory 普通话语音常识及训练Mandarin Knowledge and Training 大学生职业生涯策划 (就业指导) Career Planning (Guidance of Employment ) 专题学术讲座Optional Course Lecture 科技文献写作Sci-tech Document Writing 高频电子线路High-Frequency Electronic Circuits 通信原理Communications Theory 数字信号处理Digital Signal Processing 计算机网络Computer Networks 电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Field and Microwave


1.This electron beam sweeps across each line at a uniform rate,then flies back to scan another line directly below the previous one and so on,until the horizontal lines into which it is desired to break or split the picture have been scanned in the desired sequence. 电子束以均匀的速率扫描每一行,然后飞速返回去扫描下一行,直到把被扫描的图像按所希望的顺序分割成行。 2.The technical possibilities could well exist,therefore,of nation-wide integrated transmission network of high capacity,controlled by computers,interconnected globally by satellite and submarine cable,providing speedy and reliable communications throughout the word 因此,在技术上完全可能实现全国性的集成发送网络。这种网络容量大,由计算机控制,并能通过卫星和海底电缆实现全球互联,提供世界范围的高速、可靠的通信。 3.Transit time is the primary factor which limits the ability of a transistor to operate at high frequency. 渡越时间是限制晶体管高频工作能力的主要因素 4.The intensity of sound is inversely proportional to the square of the distance measured from the source of the sound. 声强与到声源的距离的平方成反比。 5.The attenuation of the filter is nearly constant to within 0.5 dB over the entire frequency band. 该滤波器的衰减近于恒定, 整个频带内的变化在0.5 dB以内。 6.At present, the state of most semiconductor device technology is such that the device design and process technology must be supplemented by screening and inspection procedures, if ultimate device reliability is to be obtained and controlled. 目前, 大多数半导体器件的技术尚未十分完善, 以至若要获得并控制器件最终的可靠性, 就必须辅以筛选和检验, 以弥补设计和工艺技术之不足 7.Bandwidth of transistor amplifiers vary from about 250 MHz in the L band to 1000 MHz in the X band. 晶体管放大器的带宽在L波段约为250 MHz, 在X波段为1000 MHz。 8.The output of the differential amplifier is fed to the circuit’s output stage via an offset-compensation network, which causes the op-amp’s output to center at zero volts. The output stage takes the form of a complementary emitter follower, and provides a low-impedance output. 差动放大级的输出通过一个失调补偿网络与输出级相连, 目的是使运放的输出以0 V为中心。输出级采用互补的射极跟随器的形式以使输出阻抗很低 9.Because of the very high open-loop voltage gain of the op-amp, the output is driven into positive saturation (close to +V) when the sample voltage goes slightly above the reference voltage, and driven into negative saturation (close to-V) when the sample voltage goes slightly below the reference voltage. 由于运放的开环电压增益很高, 当取样电压略高于参考电压时, 输出趋向于正向饱和状态(接近+V)。当取样电压低于参考电压时, 输出趋向于负向饱和状态(接近-V)。 10.If the signal source were direct connected instead of capacitor coupled, there would be a low resistance path from the base to the negative supply line, and this would affect the circuit bias conditions. 如果信号源和电路不是用电容耦合而是直接相连,从基极到负电源线就会一个低阻通路,并且这将影响到电路偏置状态 11.The differential amplifier has a high-impedance (constant-current)“tail”to give it a high input impedance and a high degree of common-mode signal rejection. It also has a high-impedance collector (or drain) load, to give it a large amount of signal-voltage gain (typically about 100 dB). 差动放大极有一个高阻抗的“尾巴”(恒流源)以提供高输入阻抗和对共模信号的深度抑制,同时,它还具有一个高阻抗和集电极或漏极负载以提供高的信号电压增益(典型的数据是100dB). 12.On the other hand, a DC negative-logic system, as in Figure 3.6(b), is one which designates the more negative voltage state of the bit as the 1 level and the more positive as the 0 level. 另一方面, 如图3.6(b)所示, 把比特的较低的电压状态记为1电平, 较高的电压状态记为0电平, 这样的系统称为直流负逻辑系统。 13.For example, to represent the 10 numerals (0, 1, 2, …, 9) and the 26 letters of the English alphabet would require 36


电子技术英文自我介绍带翻译 I am 26 years old,born in shandong province . I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003. I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. In July 2003, I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job. And in August 2004,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position. I think I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure. 我26岁,出生在山东省。 我毕业于青岛大学。我的专业是电子。我毕业后,我得到了我的学士学位在2003年。


各个学科名称英文翻译 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law ) 诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws 经济法学Science of Economic Law 环境与资源保护法学Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law 国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law) 军事法学Science of Military Law


基于单片机控制的光收发器设计 1 引言 在“三网合一”的推动下,光纤到户等光纤接入方案的应用日益广泛。在光进铜退的呼声下,光网络迅速发展。光收发器在光通信中起到光电、电光转换的作用,是光通信必不可少的器件。由于涉及到高速电路设计、精密机械加工和光学设计,光收发器的成本占据了光纤通信系统和的重要部分,而较高的光收发器价格成了制约光纤接入推广的瓶颈。进一步降低光收发器的成本将有利于光接入的应用推广,加快光进铜退的步伐。 光收发器主要由电路部分、光发送组件和光接收组件组成。其中电路部分又包括激光驱动、光接收信号放大和控制部分。目前市场上的光收发器的电路部分使用的是三个专用芯片。一直有公司在研究把激光驱动和接收信号放大电路集成在一个器件上,控制器使用普通的嵌入式处理器的方案。由于只使用一个专用芯片和一个通用芯片,这样就可以大幅降低电路部分的成本。PHYWORKS 公司研制的PHY1076芯片就是一款这样的芯片。它主要针对1.25Gbps到2.5Gbps的光收发器,具有外围电路简单,控制电路只需要普通的8位单片机就可以实现的特点。本文主要研究了PHY1076 的性能,选择了ATMEL 公司的ATMEGA88 单片机进行控制,设计出光收发器样品,并进行了性能测试,最终成功设计了1.25G 光收发器。 2光收发器设计方案及工作原理讨论 光收发器在发展的过程中,有许多种不同的外形封装。SFP(小型化可热插拔光收发一体模块)是目前在5Gbps以下速率中最先进的一种封装形式,具有小型化、可热插拔、功耗小、系统可集成度高以及能够进行数字诊断功能等特点。 本设计中使用激光驱动电路和光接收放大电路集成的PHY1076 作为专用芯片,使用ATMEL 的AVR 单片机ATMEGA88 进行控制和实现DDM功能,加上相应的TOSA(光发射组件),ROSA(光接收组件)和结构件,设计了一款工作在1.25Gbps传输距离为10km 的SFP 光收发器。系统方框图如图1所示:


哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law ) 诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws


合肥工业大学各学院、专业名称及其英文翻译仪器科学与光电工程学院School of Instrument Science and Opto-electronic Engineering 1、测控技术与仪器Measurement & Control Technology and Instrument 2、光信息科学与技术 Optic Information Science & Technology 机械与汽车工程学院 School of Machinery and Automobile Engineering 3、车辆工程 Vehicles Engineering 4、工业工程 Industrial Engineering 5、工业设计 Industry Design 6、过程装备与控制工程 Process Equipment & Control Engineering 7、机械设计制造及其自动化 Machine Design & Manufacture & Its Automation 8、交通工程 Transportation Engineering 9、热能与动力工程Thermal Energy & Power Engineering 材料科学与工程学院 School of Material Science and Engineering 10、金属材料工程 Metal Materials Engineering 11、材料物理Materials Physics 12、无机非金属材料工程 Inorganic Non-metallic Materials Engineering 13、材料成型及控制工程 Material Forming & Control Engineering 电气与自动化工程学院 School of Electric Engineering and Automation 14、电气工程及其自动化 Electric Engineering and Automation 15、生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering 16、自动化 Automation 计算机与信息学院 School of Computer and Information 17、计算机科学与技术 Computer Science & Technology 18、电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering 19、电子信息科学与技术 Electronic Information Science & Technology 20、通信工程 Communications Engineering 21、信息安全Information Security 化学工程学院 School of Chemical Engineering 22、高分子材料与工程 Macromolecule Material and Engineering 23、化学工程与工艺Chemical Engineering and Technics 24、制药工程 Pharmacy Engineering 25、应用化学 Applied Chemistry 土木建筑工程学院 School of Civil Engineering 26、给排水工程Water Supply & Drainage Engineering 27、工程力学 Engineering Mechanics 28、水利水电工程 Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering 29、土木工程 Civil Engineering 30、建筑环境与设备工程 Architectural Environment & Equipment Engineering 建筑 与艺术学院 School of Architecture and Arts 31、城市规划 Urban Planning 32、建筑 学 Architecture 33、艺术设计 Artistic Design 资源与环境学院 School of Resources and Environment 34、地理信息系统 Geographic Information System 35、环境工程


(电子行业企业管理)电子专业中英文词汇翻 译

有功功率activepower 无功功率reactivepower 视在功率apparentpower 功率因数powerfactor 功率因数补偿 power-factorpensation 串联谐振seriesresonance 并联谐振parallelresonance 谐振频率resonancefrequency 频率特性frequencycharacteristic 幅频特性 amplitude-frequencyresponsechar acteristic 相频特性 phase-frequencyresponsecharacte ristic 截止频率cutofffrequency 品质因数qualityfactor 通频带pass-band 带宽bandwidth(BW) 滤波器filter 一阶滤波器first-orderfilter 二阶滤波器second-orderfilter 低通滤波器low-passfilter 高通滤波器high-passfilter 带通滤波器band-passfilter 带阻滤波器band-stopfilter 转移函数transferfunction 波特图Bodediagram 傅立叶级数Fourierseries 三相电路 三相电路three-phasecircuit 三相电源three-phasesource 对称三相电源symmetricalthree-phasesource 对称三相负载symmetricalthree-phaseload 相电压phasevoltage 相电流phasecurrent 线电压linevoltage 线电流linecurrent 三相三线制 three-phasethree-wiresystem 三相四线制 three-phasefour-wiresystem 三相功率three-phasepower 星形连接 starconnection(Y-connection) 三角形连接triangularconnection(D-connectio n,deltaconnection) 中线neutralline 电路的暂态过程分析 暂态transientstate 稳态steadystate 暂态过程,暂态响应transientresponse 换路定理lowofswitch 一阶电路first-ordercircuit 三要素法three-factormethod 时间常数timeconstant 积分电路integratingcircuit 微分电路differentiatingcircuit 磁路与变压器 磁场magneticfield 磁通flux


中国教育在线考研频道提供考研全方面信息指导及咨询服务,为您成功考研提供一切帮助。 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence

电子信息工程专业英语 课文翻译 Unit 12 译文

Unit 12 生物识别技术 Unit 12-1 第一部分:指纹识别 在所有的生物技术中,指纹识别是最早期的一种技术。我们知道,每个人都有自己独特的、不可变更的指纹。指纹是由手指表皮上的一系列峰谷组成的。指纹的独特性是由这些峰谷的形状以及指纹的细节点所决定的。指纹的细节点是指纹局部凸起处的一些特性,这些特性出现在凸起的分叉处或是凸起的截止处。 指纹匹配技术可以被分为两类:基于细节的指纹匹配技术和基于相关性的指纹匹配技术。基于细节的指纹匹配首先要找出细节点,然后在手指上对应出与它们相关的位置,如图12.1所示。但是,使用这种方法存在一些困难。要精确地提取指纹的细节点是很困难的。而且,这种方法不能很好地考虑指纹峰谷的整体形状。基于相关性的指纹匹配技术可以解决部分基于细节的指纹匹配方法存在的问题,但它也存在一些自身的缺陷。基于相关性的匹配技术需要给出已注册过的特征点的精确位置,并且该方法会受图像平移和旋转的影响。 图12.1 基于细节的指纹匹配 基于细节的指纹匹配技术在匹配不同大小的细节模型时(未注册过的)会存在一些问题。指纹上局部的凸起结构不能完全由指纹细节实现特征化。我们可以尝试另一种表达指纹的方法,它可以获得更多的指纹局部信息并且得到固定长度的指纹编码。于是,我们只需要计算两个指纹编码之间的欧几里得距离,匹配过程有望变得相对简单。 研发对于指纹图像中噪声更稳健并能实时提供更高精度的算法是重要的。商用指纹(身份)认证系统对给定的错误接受率要求具有很低的错误拒绝率。在这点上,任何一项简单的技术都很难实现。我们可以从不同的匹配技术中汇总多个证据从而提高系统的总体精确度。在实际应用中,传感器、采集系统、性能随时间的变化是关键因素。为了评价系统性能,我们有必要对少数使用者在一段时间内进行现场试验。 每天我们可以从法医鉴定、出入口控制、驾驶证登记等多个方面的应用中采集并保存大量的指纹。基于指纹的自动识别系统需要把输入的指纹与数据库中大量的指纹进行匹配验证。为了缩短搜索时间、降低计算复杂度,要以准确而一致的方式将这些指纹分类,从而使输入的指纹只需与数据库某一子集中的指纹进行比对。 指纹分类是将指纹划分入多个预定义指纹类型中的一类中的一项技术。这些预定义的指纹类型是由提供索引机制的文献建立的。图12.2表示了不同类型的指纹。它们有螺纹状的、右旋状的、左旋状的、弓形的、帐篷形的。输入指纹首先粗略地被匹配为预定义的类型中的一类,随后,输入指纹仅与这一大类指纹库中的子集作更精细的比较。 图12.2 不同类型的指纹 指纹自动匹配中关键的一步是自动并且可靠地从输入指纹图像中提取出细节。然而,细节提取算法的好坏很大程度上依赖于输入图像质量的好坏。为确保自动指纹识别或确认系统的性能对于不同指纹图像质量具有稳健性,必须在细节提取模块中加入指纹增强算法。快速指纹增强算法能根据对局部指纹脊方向和频率(密度)的估计自适应地改善输入指纹图像中脊和沟结构的清晰度,如图12.3所示。实验证明加入增强算法可以显著增强指纹认证的精度。 图12.3 指纹增强 Unit 12-2 第二部分:说话人辨认介绍 介绍 现代安全系统范围很广, 通常要通过多层系统才能完全被突破。除了标准的锁和警报系统以外,还有很复杂的方法来保护重要资料。其中多数的方法为可以允许或者不允许一个特定人员获取资料——计算机系统必须能够检测出指纹、读取个人眼孔图样、或者确定说话者的真实身份。最后一点是本文讨论的重点——说话人辨认。说话人辨认经常会与其他类似的术语混淆。以下对这些术语的精确定义做出解释。 说话人识别:确定是谁在说话。 说话人辨认:初始情况下不知道说话人是谁,必须在与模板比较后确定说话人的身份。通常会有很多相关的模板。 说话人确认:确定说话者是否就是他(她)自称的那个人。仅将说话者的话音与一个样板进行比对,即他(她)自称的那一个。 语音识别:识别出人们说话时的语句。换句话说,识别出一个人在说什么而不是谁在说话。这个术语经常与声音识别相混淆。声音识别是识别出说话人。


一.电子元器件Electronic Components 1.保险元器件safety device (1)保险丝座 fuse block (2)电流保险丝 current fuse (3)其他保险元器件 other (4)温度保险丝 temperature fuse (5)温度开关 temperature switches (6)自恢复熔断器since the resumption of fuse 2. 变频器transducer (1)PLC 变频器 PLC transducer (2)高性能通用变频器High-performance Universal transducer (3)恒功率变频器Constant Power Inverter (4)恒转矩变频器Constant Torque converter (5)专用变频器Exclusive Inverter 3.变压器transformer (1)电源变压器Power Transformer (2)隔离变压器the isolation transformer (3)恒压变压器constant voltage transformer (4)脉冲变压器pulse transformer (5)其他变压器other transformers (6)音频变压器Audio transformers (7)自耦变压器autotransformer (8)耦合变压器coupling transformer 4.场效应管voltage controller 5. 传感器sensor (1)电磁传感器Power Transformer (2)光电传感器Photoelectric Sensors (3)光纤传感器Fiber Optic Sensors (4)加速度传感器Accelerometer (5)接近传感器Proximity sensor (6)料位、液位传感器Level, liquid level sensor (7)压力传感器Pressure Sensor (8)振动传感器Vibration Sensor (9)气体传感器Gas Sensor (10)声波传感器Acoustic sensor (11)视觉、图像传感器Visual, image sensor (12)水分、湿度传感器Moisture and humidity sensor (13)位移传感器Displacement sensor (14)敏感元件传感器Sensor sensor 6.传声器microphone 7.电容器capacitor (1)玻璃电容器Glass capacitors (2)玻璃釉电容器Glazed glass capacitors (3)复合介质电容器Composite Dielectric Capacitors


中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称哲学Philosophy 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism xx 哲学Chinese Philosophy xx 哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic

西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学) Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学) Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics


Infrared Remote Control System Abstract Red outside data correspondence the technique be currently within the scope of world drive extensive usage of a kind of wireless conjunction technique,drive numerous hardware and software platform support. Red outside the transceiver product have cost low, small scaled turn, the baud rate be quick, point to point SSL, be free from electromagnetism thousand Raos etc.characteristics, can realization information at dissimilarity of the product fast, convenience, safely exchange and transmission, at short distance wireless deliver aspect to own very obvious of advantage.Along with red outside the data deliver a technique more and more mature, the cost descend, red outside the transceiver necessarily will get at the short distance communication realm more extensive of application. The purpose that design this system is transmit customer’s operation information with infrared rays for transmit media, then demodulate original signal with receive circuit. It use coding chip to modulate signal and use decoding chip to demodulate signal. The coding chip is PT2262 and decoding chip is PT2272. Both chips are made in Taiwan. Main work principle is that we provide to input the information for the PT2262 with coding keyboard. The input information was coded by PT2262 and loading to high frequent load wave whose frequent is 38 kHz, then modulate infrared transmit dioxide and radiate space outside when it attian enough power. The receive circuit receive the signal and demodulate original information. The original signal was decoded by PT2272, so as to drive some circuit to accomplish customer’s operation demand. Keywords:Infrare dray;Code;Decoding;LM386;Redoutside transceiver

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