当前位置:文档之家› 2015年对赴美访问学者J1英语要求,美国教育部





“Objective Measurement” of English Language Proficiency

Current regulations require that a prospective exchange visitor “possess sufficient proficiency in the English language to participate in the program,” however, the level of English proficiency was not specified, nor was the means to determine that sufficient proficiency was attained. The Department of State changed this rule because "too many exchange visitors lack sufficient English proficiency to perform their jobs or complete their academic programs; to navigate daily life in the United States; to read and comprehend program materials; to understand fully their responsibilities, rights, and protections; and to know how to obtain assistance, if necessary." [79 FR 60294, 60301]”

The new rules now require "sufficient proficiency in the English language, as determined by an objective measurement of English language proficiency, successfully to participate in his or her program and to function on a day-to-day basis." [22 CFR 62.11(a)(2)]

To comply with this provision proof of English proficiency will need to be provided though

? A recognized English language test

?Signed documentation from an academic institution or language school; or

? A documented interview conducted by the sponsor either in-person or by videoconferencing, or by telephone if videoconferencing is not a viable option

The Department of State "reminds sponsors to retain evidence of how they measured applicants’ English language proficiency so that it may be made available to the Department upon request." Examples of recognized English language tests include TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC or the Michigan Test. Additional details about acceptable documentation of English proficiency and ways to document interviews via videoconferencing will be forthcoming.


英语课程教学大纲(试行) —公共英语课— 英语II 一、教学对象 本课程为广播电视大学公共英语课,供各类专业的专科和本科根据该专业 的培养要求选择开设。 二、教学目的与要求 通过英语课程的学习,学生应能掌握一定的英语语言基础知识和基本技能,具有一定的读、听、写、说的能力,从而能借助词典阅读和翻译一般性业务资料,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中能进行一般性的书面交流和简单的口头交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的应用能力打下基础。 鉴于广播电视大学实行开放办学,学生入学时的英语水平差异较大,公共英语课程设置不同层次的三个教学模块,使各专业可以根据该专业培养要求和学生的具体条件为专科和本科选择开设适当的英语课程。英语I为公共英语课程的预备阶段,专科应达到英语II 的要求,本科应达到英语III的要求。 英语课程在加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,重

视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力。 英语II的基本要求为: 通过本阶段学习的学生应能掌握2,800左右的常用词汇(包括英语I要求掌握的1,600词)以及相关的常用词组;能够掌握并正确运用基本的语法知识;能够听懂日常生活中发音清楚、语速较慢的简短对话或陈述,并能用英语进行简短的日常交谈;能够阅读中等难度的一般题材的简短英文文字材料,理解正确,并能够读懂通用的简短实用文字材料,如通知、介绍和广告等;能够写简短的应用文,如日记、信函、通知等。 三、教学内容与安排 英语II总学时为108学时,6个学分,分2个学期开设,每学期54学时, 3个学分。 本课程的教学内容在选材上应注重语言材料的真实性,贴近生活,富有时代气息,能够学以致用;内容集知识性、趣味性与思想性为一体。(详见附录) 四、媒体使用与教学过程建议 英语课程的教学媒体设计既要按照英语教学的自身规律,又


2001年高考试题—英语听力(全国卷)录音 稿

2001普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语(全国卷) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18. 答案是B 1. Where did this conversation most probably take place? A. At a concert. B. At a flower shop. C. At a restaurant. 2. What did Paul do this morning? A. He had a history lesson. B. He had a chemistry lesson. C. He attended a meeting. 3. What can we learn about the man from the conversation? A. He's anxious to see his sister. B. He wrote to his sister last month. C. He's expecting a letter from his sister. 4. At what time does the train leave? A.3:00. B.3:15. C.5:00. 5. What is the man’s problem? A. He can’t decide how to go. B. He can’t drive himself. C. He doesn’t like travelling by train. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


英语教学法与测试 课程编码: 209009 课程英文名称: English Teaching Methodology and Evaluation 课程类别:英语专业学科基础选修课开课对象:英语专业三年级学生 开课学期:第六学期学分:2 总学时:32 教材: 王蔷,2000.《英语教学法教程》北京:高等教育出版社 参考书: 1. Jeremy Harmer. 1983. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman. 2. Tang Lixing. 198 3. TEFL in China: Methods and Teaching. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 3. Richards, J. C. & David Nuan. 2000. Second Language Teacher Education. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 4. Fang Yi & Rui Yuping. 1998. Way Out. Chongqing: Chongqing Publish House. 一、课程的性质、目的和任务 英语教学法与测试是英语专业语言学方向课程之一,主要内容为英语教学与测试理论、课堂教学设计的方法、课堂教学技巧等。本课程还介绍与英语教学法与测试相关的假设、热点论题和现有的教学模式。课程的主要目的在于引导学生了解英语教学与测试的主要理论,掌握课堂设计和课堂教学的设计和操作技巧,使学生能够针对特定的学生、根据特定的学生备课和教学。 二、课程的基本要求: 要求学生通过本课程的学习,基本了解英语教学和测试的基本方法,了解有关的重要理论和其主要内容,熟悉一些主要术语;了解英语教学和测试的主要研究方向和前沿动态。掌握英语教学的主要方法,应用到将来的教学实践中去。 三、课程基本内容和学时分配 1.The Development, system and present status of English teaching methodology and the relation between it and other disciplines (2h); 2.Foreign language learning theories (2h); 3.Contrast analysis and error analysis (2h); 4.Major schools of foreign language teaching in the world (2h); 5.Teachers and students in English language teaching (2h); 6.ELT and mental development (2h); 7.English teaching syllabus and textbook in middle schools (2h); 8.Principles of ELT in middle schools (2h); 9.Classroom teaching of English (2h); 10.Teaching of English knowledge (2h); 11.Practice methods of English linguistic competence (2h); 12.Electrical teaching of English (2h); 13.Second classroom activities of English (2h); 14.Artistic teaching of English (2h); 15.English test and evaluation (2h); 16. Research of ELT (2h).


2001年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 上海英语试题 第一卷(共110分) I. Listening comprehension Part A Short Conversations Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in you r paper, and decide which one is the best answer t o the question you have heard. 1. A. In a library B. In a theatre C. In a cinema D. In a classroom 2. A. 40 B. 30 C. 20 D. 10 3. A. take a long walk B. Take a good rest C. Read a long story D. Catch up with her work 4. A. The woman B. The man C. The woman’s mother D. The baker 5. A. Doctor and nurse B. Cashier and customer C. Dentist and patient D. Conductor and passenger 6. A. 8:45 B. 9:00 C. 9:15 D. 9:30 7. A. A best writer B. A recent book C. A good sailor D. A new record 8. A. He’s a carpenter B. He’s a doctor C. He’s an electrician D. He’s an editor 9. A. Borrow a book B. Write a book C. Translate a book D. Buy a book 10.A. She’s not sure what’s happened to Geor ge. B. She doesn’t want to talk to George. C. George is always late for meetings. D. It’s difficult to understand George’s behavior. Part B Longer conversations Directions: In Part B you will heat two longer conversations. After each conversation, you will be asked two questions. The conversations will be read twice, but the question will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 and 12 are based on the following conversation. 11.A. The food in the West Lake is too expensive. B. Their own food will be cleaner. C. She wants more choices of food. D. They can have what they like. 12.A. The scenery is more beautiful B. The place is nearer C. The transportation is free D. The fields are better Questions 13 and 14 are based on the following conversation 13. A. Mental problem B. Final examinations C. Studrnt6s’ friendship D. Time agreement


高等学校英语专业教学大纲 前言 l 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 l 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲修订说明 前言 80年代初,受国家教委的委托,高等学校外语专业教材编审委员会英语组开始着手起草高校英语专业英语教学大纲。有关基础阶段和高年级英语教学的两个大纲经教材编审委员会英语组审定通过后,于80年代末和90年代初经国家教委高教司批准后在全国实施。十多年来,这两个教学大纲在规范和指导我国高校英语专业的教学工作方面发挥了很大的作用。 鉴于社会主义市场经济对我国高校英语专业人才的培养模式提出了新的要求,而且近十多年来的英语教学又发生了不小的变化,原有的两个大纲已无法适应新的形势,因而有必要作相应的修订。 受教育部委托,高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组于1998年由何其莘、何兆熊、黄源深、姚乃强、吴古华、陈建平、朱永生、钟美荪、王蔷和文秋芳10位教授组成了大纲修订小组,并于1999年6月起草了新大纲的征求意见稿。在听取了两百多所院校的意见之后,英语组在1999年10月的年会上逐条讨论了新大纲的各项内容,并在原则上通过了对新大纲的审定。年会之后,何其莘、黄源深和姚乃强三位教授根据各位委员的意见和建议,再次对大纲进行修订,并进行了文字上的润色。英语组于1999年12月将《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》送教育部高教司审批。 经教育部批准实施的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》对全国各类英语专业均有指导作用,是高校英语专业组织教学、编写教材与检查教学质量的依据,也是

落实和贯彻教育部批准下发的《关于外语专业面向21世纪本科教育改革的若干意见》的重要保证。 高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会英语组 2000年3月 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 为了规范全国高等学校英语专业的英语教学,特制订本教学大纲。本大纲所作的各项规定,对全国各类高等学校的英语专业均有指导作用,也是组织教学、编写教材和检查与评估教学质量的依据。 一、培养目标 高等学校英语专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博的文化知识并能熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、研究等工作的复合型英语人才。 21世纪是一个国际化的知识经济时代。我们所面临的挑战决定了21世纪我国高等学校英语专业人才的培养目标和规格:这些人才应具有扎实的基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高的素质。也就是要在打好扎实的英语语言基本功和牢固掌握英语专业知识的前提下,拓宽人文学科知识和科技知识,掌握与毕业后所从事的工作有关的专业基础知识,注重培养获取知识的能力、独立思考的能力的创新的能力,提高思想道德素质、文化素质和心理素质。 二、课程设置 英语本科专业学制为4年。根据英语专业教学规律,一般将4年的教学过程分为两个阶段,即:基础阶段(一年级和二年级)和高年级阶段(三年级和四年级)。基础阶段的主要教学任务是传授英语基础知识,对学生进行全面的、严格的基本技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能力、良好的学风和正确的学习方法,为进入高年级打下扎实的专业基础。高年级阶段的主要教学任务是继续打好语言基本功,学习英语专业知识和相关心业知识,进一步扩大知识面,增强对文化差异的敏感性,提


第三部分:阅读理解(共25小题。A节每小题2分, B节每小题1分;满分45分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。 A Every year thousands of tourists visit Pompeii, Italy. They see the sights that Pompeii is famous for--its stadium(运动场)and theaters, its shops and restaurants. The tourists do not, however, see Pompeii's people. They do not see them because Pompeii has no people. No one has lived in Pompeii for almost 2000 years. Once, Pompeii was a busy city of 22000 people. It lay at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, a grass-covered volcano(火山).Mount Vesuvius had not erupted (喷发)for centuries, so the people of Pompeii felt safe. But they were not. In August of AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted. The entire top of the mountain exploded, and a huge black cloud rose into the air. Soon stones and hot ash began to fall on Pompeii. When the eruption ended two days later, Pompeii was buried under 20 feet of stones and ashes. Almost all of its people were dead. For centuries, Pompeii lay buried under stone and ash.Then, in the year 1861, an Italian scientist named Ginseppe began to uncover Pompeii. Slowly, carefully, Ginseppe and his men dug. The city looked almost the same as it had looked in AD 79. There were streets and fountains, houses and shops. There was a stadium with 20000 seats. Perhaps the most important of all, there were everyday objects, which tell us a great deal about the people who lived in Pompeii. Many glasses and jars had some dark blue colour in the bottom, so we know that the people of Pompeii liked wine. They liked bread, too; metal bread pans were in every bakery. In one bakery there were 81 round, flat loaves of bread- a type of bread that is still sold in Italy today. Tiny boxes filled with a dark, shiny powder tell us that women like to wear eye-makeup. Ginseppe has died, but his work continues. One-fourth has not been uncovered yet. Scientists are still digging, still making discoveries that draw the tourists to Pompeii. 51.Why do large numbers of people come to Pompeii each year? A.To visit the volcano B.To shop and eat there. C.To watch sports and plays D.To see how Pompeiians lived. 52.Why had so many Pompeiians remained by volcanic Mount Vesuvius?


高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲 为了规范全国高等学校英语专业的英语教学,特制订本教学大纲。本大纲所作的各项规定,对全国各类高等学校的英语专业均有指导作用,也是组织教学、编写教材和检查与评估教学质量的依据。 一、培养目标 高等学校英语专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础和广博的文化知识并能熟练地运用英语在外事、教育、经贸、文化、科技、军事等部门从事翻译、教学、管理、研究等工作的复合型英语人才。 21世纪是一个国际化的知识经济时代。我们所面临的挑战决定了21世纪我国高等学校英语专业人才的培养目标和规格:这些人才应具有扎实的基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高的素质。也就是要在打好扎实的英语语言基本功和牢固掌握英语专业知识的前提下,拓宽人文学科知识和科技知识,掌握与毕业后所从事的工作有关的专业基础知识,注重培养获取知识的能力、独立思考的能力的创新的能力,提高思想道德素质、文化素质和心理素质。 二、课程设置 英语本科专业学制为4年。根据英语专业教学规律,一般将4年的教学过程分为两个阶段,即:基础阶段(一年级和二年级)和高年级阶段(三年级和四年级)。基础阶段的主要教学任务是传授英语基础知识,对学生进行全面的、严格的基本技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能力、良好的学风和正确的学习方法,为进入高年级打下扎实的专业基础。高年级阶段的主要教学任务是继续打好语言基本功,学习英语专业知识和相关心业知识,进一步扩大知识面,增强对文化差异的敏感性,提高综合运用英语进行交际的能力。在两个教学阶段中课程的安排可以有所侧重,但应将4年的教学过程视为一个整体,自始至终注意打好英语语言基本功。 英语专业课程分为英语专业技能、英语专业知识和相关专业知识三种类型,一般均应以英语为教学语言。三种类型的课程如下: (1)英语专业技能课程:指综合训练课程和各种英语技能的单项训练课程,如:基础英语、听力、口语、阅读、写作、口译、笔译等课程。 (2)英语专业知识课程:指英语语言、文学、文化方面的课程,如:英语语言学、英语词汇学、英语语法学、英语


绝密★启用前 2001年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(听力占20%) 英语 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷1至14页。第二卷1至4页。共150分。考试时间120分钟。 第一卷(三部门,共115分) 注意事项: 1.答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。 3.考试结束,考生将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 听力试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 作题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答在关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例: How much is the shirt ? A.£19.15 B.£9.15 C.£9.18 答案是B。 1.Where did this conversation most probably take place ? A.At a concert . B.At a flower shop . C.At a restaurant . 2.What did Paul do this moming ? A.He had a history lsson . B.He had a chemistry lesson . C.He attended a mecting . 3.What can we lean about the man from the conversation ? A.He’s anxious to see his sister . B.He wrote to his sister last month. C.He’s expecting a letter from his sister . 4.At what time does the train to Leeds leave ? A.3:00 B.3:15 C.5:00 5.W hat is the man’s problem?


绝密★启用前 2001年高考英语试题及答案(北京卷) 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。第一卷1至14页。第二卷1至4页。共150分。考试时间120分钟。 第一卷(三部门,共115分) 注意事项: 1.答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。 3.考试结束,考生将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 听力试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 作题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答在关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例: How much is the shirt ? A.£19.15 B.£9.15 C.£9.18 答案是B。 1.Where did this conversation most probably take place ? A.At a concert . B.At a flower shop . C.At a restaurant . 2.What did Paul do this moming ? A.He had a history lsson . B.He had a chemistry lesson . C.He attended a mecting . 3.What can we lean about the man from the conversation ? A.He’s anxious to see his sister . B.He wrote to his sister last month. C.He’s expecting a letter from his sister . 4.At what time does the train to Leeds leave ? A.3:00 B.3:15 C.5:00 5.W hat is the man’s problem? A.He c an’t decide how to go . B.He can’t drive himself .


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语专业各课程教学大纲 英语教学法与测试课程编码: 209009 课程英文名称: English Teaching Methodology and Evaluation 课程类别:英语专业学科基础选修课开课对象:英语专业三年级学生开课学期:第六学期学分:2 总学时:32 教材: 王蔷,2000.《英语教学法教程》北京:高等教育出版社参考书: 1. Jeremy Harmer. 1983. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman. 2. Tang Lixing. 1983. TEFL in China: Methods and Teaching. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 3. Richards, J. C. & David Nuan. 2000. Second Language Teacher Education. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 4. Fang Yi & Rui Yuping. 1998. Way Out. Chongqing: Chongqing Publish House. 一、课程的性质、目的和任务英语教学法与测试是英语专业语言学方向课程之一,主要内容为英语教学与测试理论、课堂教学设计的方法、课堂教学技巧等。 本课程还介绍与英语教学法与测试相关的假设、热点论题和现有的教学模式。 课程的主要目的在于引导学生了解英语教学与测试的主要理论,掌握课堂设计和课堂教学的设计和操作技巧,使学生能够针对特定的学生、根据特定的学生备课和教学。 二、课程的基本要求:要求学生通过本课程的学习,基本了解英 1/ 22


第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单选填空(共15 小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child be or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 21. We have various summer camps for your holidays, you can choose ____ based on your own interests. A. either B. each C. one D. it 22. good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dished. A. Far from B. Apart from C. instead of D. Regardless of 23. Tsinghua University, in 1911,is home to a great number of outstanding figures. A. found B. founding C. founded D. to be founded 24. She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students ____ allows them to communicate freely with each other. A. which B. where C. what D. who 25.-Shall has a gift for creat an atmosphere for her students allow them to communicate freely with each other. -I am afraid you ,in case he comes late for the mooting . A.will B.must C.may D.can 26.The lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is thought to be a major of global climate change. A.result B.cause C.warning D.reflection 27.The difference in thinkness and weight from the earlier version makes the iPad 2 more comfortable . 28.I’d prefer to my judgement until I find all the evidence. A.show B. express C.pass D.reserve 29.-It’s nice.Never before such a special drink!


上海师范大学英语专业课程教学大纲 《英语语音》 一、课程基本信息 授课对象:外国语学院英语语言文学专业一年级学生 课程类别:必修课 周课时数:2 上课周数:18 总学时:36 考试方式:笔试和口试结合 二、课程的性质、目的和任务 英语语音课程是英语专业开设的一门专业基础课程。开设的对象是英语专业一年级新生,开设的时间是一学期,是培养学生良好发音的基础学科,为必修考试课。本课程的教学目的是通过对语音知识的系统学习和听辨、模仿等训练,使学生了解英语语音的基本知识和基本理论,掌握正确、标准的英语发音,学会使用自然得体的语音语调表达思想,以达到有效交际的目的。正确的语音语调是英语专业学生必须具备的基本功之一,并且语音能力直接影响到听力和口语的提高。因此语音课的任务就是让学生在正常的语流中学习英语的发音,使学生能操一口流利顺畅、清晰易懂、交际自如的英语,通过语音学习学会交际。 三、课程教学内容的基本要求、重点和难点 本课程采用《英语语调的结构、功能及应用》(卜友红编著)和《英语语音

教程》(王桂珍主编),教学内容基本按照课本编排的顺序实施。内容主要包括:44个音素的发音,词重音,句重音,强读与弱读。学生应掌握下列知识和技能:1.了解音素、音位变体、宽式标音和窄式标音、最小对立对、互补分布等基本概念; 2.掌握英语44个音素的发音; 3.了解英语的音节结构,掌握不同音素组合的发音; 4.正确的把握词与词之间的过渡,使同一意群的词连贯、流畅地连接在一起;5.掌握每个多音节词的重音模式;熟悉并会使用单词的强读式与弱读式;6.正确地把握句子重音;掌握正确的话语节奏规律; 7.正确得体地使用语调;最重要的是,通过使用正确的语音语调达到交际的目的。 8.本课程的重点和难点在于如何正确地把握重音、话语节奏规律及语调,也就是说,如何通过使用正确的语音语调达到交际的目的,形成自然流畅的语流,养成良好的口语习惯。 四、教学方式及学时分配 语音课程是一门实践性比较强的课程,因此本课程采用的方法是进,讲授,举例,领读,课堂实践注重听说齐头并进。 练习形式:每单元的练习都从音的听辨入手,使学生在正确辨音的基础上开口练习。口语练习以朗读和模仿为主,从简单的单词、句子的朗读到对话、段落的模


2018年高考英语真题分类汇编专题01:单词用法 一、单选题(共13题;共26分) 1.(2018?北京)In today's information age, the loss of data _________ cause serious problems for a company. A.need B.should C.can D.must 2.(2018?北京)_________ we don't stop climate change, many animals and plants in the world will be gone. A.Although B.While C.If D.Until 3.(2018?北京)During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together _________ a meal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes. A. share B. to share C. having shared D. shared 4.(2018?北京)They might have found a better hotel if they _________ a few more kilometers. A. drove B. would drive C. were to drive D. had driven 5.(2018?北京)Ordinary soap, _________ correctly, can deal with bacteria effectively. A. used B. to use C. using D. use 6.(2018?北京)_________ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience. A. Travel B. Traveling C. Having traveled D. Traveled 7.(2018?天津)If we ___________the flight yesterday, we would be enjoying our holiday on the beach. A. had caught B. caught C. have caught D. would catch 8.(2018?天津)I need a new passport so I will have to have my photograph___________. A. taking B. taken C. being taken D. take 9.(2018?天津)I can't find my purse. I___________ it in the supermarket yesterday, but I'm not sure. A. should leave B. must have left C. might leave D. could have left 10.(2018?江苏)There is a good social life in the village, and I wish I _______ a second chance to become more involved. A. had B. will have C. would have had D. have had 11.(2018?江苏)Around 13,500 new jobs were created during the period, _______ the expected number of 12,000 held by market analysts. A. having exceeded B. to exceed C. exceeded D. exceeding 12.(2018?江苏)_______ you can sleep well, you will lose the ability to focus, plan and stay motivated after one or two nights. A. Once B. Unless C. If D. When


英语教学法与测试课程编码: 209009 课程英文名称: English Teaching Methodology and Evaluation 课程类别:英语专业学科基础选修课开课对象:英语专业三年级学生 开课学期:第六学期学分:2 总学时:32 教材: 王蔷,2000.《英语教学法教程》北京:高等教育出版社参考书: 1. Jeremy Harmer. 1983. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman. 2. Tang Lixing. 198 3. TEFL in China: Methods and Teaching . Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 3. Richards, J. C. & David Nuan. 2000. Second Language Teacher Education. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 4. Fang Yi & Rui Yuping. 1998. Way Out. Chongqing: Chongqing Publish House. 一、课程的性质、目的和任务 英语教学法与测试是英语专业语言学方向课程之一,主要内容为英语教学与测试理论、课堂教学设计的方法、课堂教学技巧等。本课程还介绍与英语教学法与测试相关的假设、热点论题和现有的教学模式。课程的主要目的在于引导学生了解英语教学与测试的主要理论,掌握课堂设计和课堂教学的设计和操作技巧,使学生能够针对特定的学生、根据特定的学生备课和教学。 二、课程的基本要求:要求学生通过本课程的学习,基本了解英语教学和测试的基本方法,了解有关的重要理论和其主要内容,熟悉一些主要术语;了解英语教学和测试的主要研究方向和前沿动态。掌握英语教学的主要方法,应用到将来的教学实践中去。 三、课程基本内容和学时分配 1. The Development, system and present status of English teaching methodology and the relation between it and other disciplines (2h); 2. Foreign language learning theories (2h); 3. Contrast analysis and error analysis (2h); 4. Major schools of foreign language teaching in the world (2h); 5. Teachers and students in English language teaching (2h); 6. ELT and mental development (2h); 7. English teaching syllabus and textbook in middle schools (2h); 8. Principles of ELT in middle schools (2h); 9. Classroom teaching of English (2h); 10. Teaching of English knowledge (2h); 11. Practice methods of English linguistic competence (2h); 12. Electrical teaching of English (2h); 13. Second classroom activities of English (2h); 14. Artistic teaching of English (2h); 15. English test and evaluation (2h); 16. Research of ELT (2h). 四、习题及课外教学要求:本课程用全英语授课,2/3 时间为授课,1/3 时间为讨论,要求学生课前预习所学内容,课堂上积极参加讨论,课后准备讨论题,以供课堂讨论用。 五、考试方式及成绩评定:考试方式:每位同学自由选择授课内容,自行设计授课方案,制作授课工具,进行15 分钟的试讲。试讲成绩根据教态、课堂语言和教学方法三个方面决定,其中教态占30%,课堂语言20%,教学方法占50%。

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