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中国文化 十二生肖介绍英文版

中国文化 十二生肖介绍英文版
中国文化 十二生肖介绍英文版


●It's interesting that we have 12 Chinese zodiacs in China, and

you have 12 signs in your culture.

●More than 30,000 years ago, the Chinese animal signs are a

12-year cycle used for dating the years. They represent a cyclical concept of time, rather than the western linear concept of time. The Chinese lunar calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, and is constructed in a different fashion than the western solar calendar. In the Chinese calendar, the beginning of the year falls somewhere between late January and early February.

●In traditional china, dating methods were cyclical, cyclical

meaning something that is repeated time after time according to

a pattern.

● A popular folk method which reflected this cyclical method of

recording years are the twelve animal signs. Every year is assigned an animal name or sign according to a repeating cycle: mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. You might found out that many Chinese people strongly believe that the time of a person's birth is primary factor in determining that person's characteristics.

●According to one legend, Buddha invited all the animals to his

kingdom, but unfortunately, only a total of 12 turned up, Out of gratitude, Buddha decided to name the year after each of the animals in their order of arrival. Actually, ox was the first, it get up early and the first set foot on the road which is the Buddha invited. By the way, Ox represents the diligent people in china.

In ancient times, people used ox farmland. But, the smartest mouse jumped on top of the ox to be the first one to arrive, so the first arrival belonged to mouse, followed by the ox, then tiger, the rabbit and so on. The last one is pig.(cause it is lazy animal.) It is essential in China that every person knows which animal sign he is born under and most of Chinese truly believe that the signs reveal the hidden secrets of a person's birth is primary factor in determining that person's characteristics. mouse charm, 鼠Ox patient, 牛Tiger sensitive, 虎Rabbit articulate, 兔Dragon healthy,龙Snake deep,蛇Horse popular,马Goat elegant,羊Monkey clever,猴Rooster deep thinkers,鸡Dog loyalty,狗Pig chivalrous.猪


cyclical[?siklik(e)l] 周期性的linear[?lini?] 线性的rooster[?r u:st?] 公鸡assigned[??sain]分配legend[?led??nd]传说diligent [?dilid??nt]勤劳的essential[i?sen??l]基本的,必要的represent [?repri?zent]代表



Chinese Dragon Dragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 years. The ancients in China considered the dragon (or loong) a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion. 对龙图腾他的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。中国龙是古人将鱼、蛇、马、牛等动物与云雾、雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。在中国人的心目中,龙具有振奋腾飞、开拓变化的寓意和团结凝聚的精神。Dumplings Dumplings are one of the Chinese people’s favorite traditional dishes. According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saint---Zhang Zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them. With thin and elastic dough skin, fresh and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times. There’s an old saying that claims, “Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings”. During the Spring Festival and other holidays, or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show high reverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new year. 饺子是深受中国人民喜爱的传统食品。相传为古代医圣张仲景发明。饺子的制作是包括:1)擀皮、2)备馅、3)包馅水煮三个步骤。其特点是皮薄馅嫩,味道鲜美,形状独特,百食不厌。民间有“好吃不过饺子”的俗语。中国人接亲待客、逢年过节都有包饺子吃的习俗,寓意吉利。对崇尚亲情的中国人来说,“更岁交子”吃饺子,更是欢度除夕、辞旧迎新必不可少的内容。 Acupuncture Acupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In accordance with the “main and collateral channels”theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel and regulate qi and blood, so as to keep the body’s yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation between the internal organs. It features in traditional Chinese medicine that “internal diseases are to be treated with external therapy”. The main therapy of acupuncture involves using needles to pierce certain acupoints of the patient’s body, or adopting moxibustion to stimulate the patient’s acupoints so as to stimulate the channels and relieve pain. With its unique advantages, acupuncture has been handed down generation after generation and has now spread all over the world. Nowadays, acupuncture, along with Chinese food, kung fu (otherwise known as Chinese martial arts), and traditional Chinese medicine, has been internationally hailed as one of the “four new national treasures.” 针灸是中医学的重要组成部分。按照中医的经络理论,针灸疗法主要是通过疏通经络、调和气血,来达到阴阳归于平衡,使脏腑趋于调和之目的。其特点是“内病外治”。主要疗法是用针刺入病人身体的一定穴位,或用艾火的温热刺激烧灼病人的穴位,以达到刺激经络。治疗病痛的目的。针灸以其独特的优势,流传至今并传播到了世界,与中餐、功夫、中药一起被海外誉为中国的“新四大国粹”。 Chinese Kung Fu Chinese kung fu, or Chinese martial arts, carries traditional Chinese culture in abundance. It is a


一、过年由来- - 中国古时侯有一种叫”年”的怪兽,头长尖角,凶猛异常,”年”兽长年深居海底,每到除夕,爬上岸来吞食牲畜伤害人命,因此每到除夕,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼,逃往深山,以躲避”年”的伤害.今年的除夕,乡亲们都忙着收拾东西逃往深山,这时候村东头来了一个白发老人对一户老婆婆说只要让他在她家住一晚,他定能将”年”兽驱走.众人不信,老婆婆劝其还是上山躲避的好,老人坚持留下,众人见劝他不住,便纷纷上山躲避去了.当”年”兽象往年一样准备闯进村肆虐的时候,突然传来白发老人燃响的爆竹声,”年”兽混身颤栗,再也不敢向前凑了,原来”年”兽最怕红色,火光和炸响.这时大门大开,只见院内一位身披红袍的老人哈哈大笑,”年”兽大惊失色,仓惶而逃。第二天,当人们从深山回到村里时,发现村里安然无恙,这才恍然大悟,原来白发老人是帮助大家驱逐”年”兽的神仙,人们同时还发现了白发老人驱逐”年”兽的三件法宝.从此,每年的除夕,家家都贴红对联,燃放爆竹,户户灯火通明,守更待岁.这风俗越传越广,成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日”过年”. 土家族民间体育活动之一--舞龙灯 二、舞龙灯的意义 舞龙灯,是中华民族的传统文化活动,各民族都有舞龙灯的习俗,传说,土家族在很早以前没有舞龙习惯。有一年,久旱不雨,禾苗枯黄,溪河断流,来了一位能算天气晴雨阴旱、人间祸福的鬼谷先生,对土家人说:“大家不要愁,今天午后未时排云,戌时下雨,城内下三分,城外下七分”。他这话,被治水的金勾老龙听到后心想,凡间有如此能人还要我管什么水?!顿生嫉妒,便赌气将玉皇大帝命他在城内城外的下雨量倒改过来分。结果,倾盆大雨,水淹城内,房屋倒塌,淹死了许多人这事被当坊土地向玉皇大帝启奏后,玉皇大帝把金勾老龙打入天牢,七天后斩首示众。观音菩萨知道此事向玉皇大帝求情保救老龙。没待观音开口,玉皇大帝就放阴剑把金勾老龙斩成九节。此后,鬼谷先生又来对土家人说:“老龙被斩,是和我赌气而丧命,但他对民间做了不少好事,他死了,你们要为他烧点香纸。”于是,土家人就制作九节金龙,到各村寨起舞,叫人们敬奉,求老龙保佑风调雨顺,五谷丰登。久之,舞龙亦成为土家族的传统习俗。但是,土家舞龙,在城镇是舞全国各地大同小异的布扎龙,在土家山寨舞龙与各地有别,其自成特色。 三、清明节的由来 我国传统的清明节大约始于周代,已有二千五百多年的历史。清明最开始是一个很重要的节气,清明一到,气温升高,正是春耕春种的大好时节,故有“清明前后,种瓜种豆”。“植树造林,莫过清明”的农谚。后来,由于清明与寒食的日子接近,而寒食是民间禁火扫墓的日子,渐渐的,寒食与清明就合二为一了,而寒食既成为清明的别称,也变成为清明时节的一个习俗,清明之日不动烟火,只吃凉的食品。 关于寒食,有这样一个传说: 相传春秋战国时代,晋献公的妃子骊姬为了让自己的儿子奚齐继位,就设毒


中国饮食文化英文介绍 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 篇一:中国饮食文化——英文版 China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China’s local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine. 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。当然,

还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如北京菜和上海菜。 Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系 Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes. Thin soup features clear and fresh while creamy soup looks thick and tastes strong. Jinan cuisine is adept at deep-frying, grilling, frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong division is famous for cooking seafood with fresh and light taste. 山东菜系,由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,清淡,不油腻,以其香,鲜,酥,软而闻名。因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。山东菜系注重


如何用英文介绍中国传统文化 春节文化 In the old days, New Year's money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. Today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth。 辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year 扫房:spring cleaning; general house-cleaning 新春佳节 1.传统中国节日:traditional Chinese festival 2.农历:lunar calendar 3.腊八节:Laba Festival 4.小年:Little New Year 5.除夕:Lunar New Year's Eve 6.春节:the Spring Festival 7.正月初一:Lunar New Year's Day 8.元宵节:the Lantern Festival 9.正月:the first month of the lunar year 10.二月二:Dragon Heads-raising Day 传统习俗 11.喝腊八粥:eat Laba porridge 12.扫尘:sweep the dust 13.扫房:spring cleaning 14.祭灶:offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen 15.守岁:stay up 16.拜年:pay a New Year's call 17.祭祖:offer sacrifices to one's ancestors 18.祭财神:worship the God of Wealth 19.春联:Spring Festival couplets 20.贴倒福:paste the Chinese character "Fu" upside down 21.去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune 22.辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year 23.兆头:omen 24.禁忌:taboo 25.烧香:burn incense 阖家团圆


Confucius named Qiu styled Zhongni, a great thinker and educator in the late Spring and Autumn Period, and the founder of Confucianism. Confucius instructed more than 3000 disciples and some were from poor families. Confucius gradually changed the tradition that only nobilities had the right to receive education. In his later years , Confucius compiled many literary works of ancient times, including The Book of Songs ,The Book of Documents, and The Books of Changes. His saying and behaviors were compiled in The Analects of Confucius by his disciples. His ideology has been absorbed and carried composing the essential part of Chinese traditional ideology. It was also spread into the border regions and areas building up a circle of Confucianism. UNESCO labeled him one of the “Ten Culture Celebrities”. 孔子 孔子名丘字仲尼,春秋末期伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派创史人。孔子一共教授了三千多个学生,其中不乏贫困家庭的孩子,改变了只有贵族子女才有资格上学的传统。孔子晚年还编订上古书籍,《诗经》《尚书》《周易》等。孔子的言行被他的弟子们收集在《论语》中,他的思想也被后人吸收和发扬光大,成为中国传统思想最主要的组成部分,并逐渐传播到周边国家,形成了影响范围很广的儒家文化圈。联合国教科文组织曾将孔子列入世界十大文化名人之一。 Beijing Opera Beijing Opera is the most popular and influential opera in China with a history of almost 200 years. In development Beijing Opera has formed a number of fictitious props. For instance a pedal means a boat. Without any physical props involved , an actor may perform going upstairs or downstairs opening or closing a door by mere gestures. Though exaggerated those actions would give audience an impression with graceful movements. There are four main roles sheng dan jing and chou. A sheng or dan has the eyebrows painted and eyes circled. A jing and chou have their facial makeup ,for example, a red face depicts the loyalty and bravery and a white face symbolizes treachery and guile. 京剧 京剧是中国流行的最广泛影响最大的一个剧种,拥有两百多年的历史。在长期的发展过程中,京剧形成了一套虚拟表演动作,如一条桨就可以代表一只船。不需要任何的道具,演员就能表现出上楼、下楼,开门、关门等动作,虽然经赤了夸张但这些动作能给观众既真实又优美的感觉。京剧演员分生、旦、净、丑四个行当,生和旦的化痕迹要描眉、吊眉、画眼圈,净丑面部需要化妆,比如,红脸表示忠诚勇猛,白脸表示奸险。


语言教案:十二生肖 设计意图:十二生肖是我们中国几千年积累下来的传统文化,有着丰富的历史背景和现实意义,每年过年的时候无论是电视上还是大街上还是家里都可以看到这一年所代表的动物肖像,大家在互相拜年的时候也不忘带上吉祥物说几句吉祥话,所以对于幼儿来说这些动物他们都不会陌生。每个幼儿都知道自己有一个属相,但他们并不理解十二生肖,另外十二生肖究竟是由哪十二个小动物组成的,自己为什么是这个属相,幼儿一点也不了解。作为炎黄子孙的我们,有必要从小了解中国有悠久历史的中国特有的传统文化。为了让幼儿初步了解十二生肖,我特别设计了这节课,希望通过这节课让幼儿更好的掌握我们中华民族的本土文化。本活动我将钟点数字与生肖顺序匹配,引导幼儿把对钟的认识迁移到12生肖,使抽象、复杂的生肖变的简单有趣。 活动目标: 1.通过欣赏儿歌,了解十二生肖的名称、排序及轮回的规律,发展幼儿观察力,培养简单的推理能力。 2.知道自己、同伴和家人的生肖属相,培养幼儿大胆与人交往和表述的能力。 3.培养幼儿对属相的兴趣,激发幼儿的民族自豪感。 活动重点:十二生肖的名称、排列顺序。 难点:引导幼儿了解十二生肖轮回的规律。 活动准备: 1.经验准备:幼儿已认识时钟;事先了解自己及家中成员的属相。 2.课件《十二生肖》。 3.手工时钟人手一份、十二生肖图片人手一套(背面已粘好双面胶)。 活动过程: 一、教师戴生肖胸饰,引出主题。 小朋友们,瞧瞧我变成谁了?你们猜猜老师为什么要戴鸡的胸饰? 因为老师是属鸡的,所以戴上了鸡的胸饰,那你们是属什么的?你家人属相又是什么?(请幼儿模仿生肖动物的动作或叫声,其他幼儿猜猜是哪个属相)小结:每个属相都是一种动物,同年出生的人属相是一样的。我们每个人都有一个属相,属相也叫生肖,都是由动物代表的,那到底有哪些动物被确定为生肖呢?下面我们一起来欣赏儿歌《十二生肖》。 二、欣赏儿歌《十二生肖》PPT。


秦始皇: The First Emperor united the language,the measurement system and the currency, set up the prefectures and countries system, constructed the famous Great Wall and built extravagant palaces and mausoleums. 独生子女政策: Since the late 1970s, the Chinese government has been implementing the policy of family planning, or “one child policy”, hoping to control the population increase, improve population quality, promote the development of the economy and society, and protect the environment. 中国哲学发展六个时期: The philosophy in pre-Qin times The orthodox philosophy during the Han Dynasty Metaphysics during the Wei and Jin Dynasties The Buddhist philosophy during the Sui and Tang dynasties Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming dynasties Application philosophy in the Ming and Qing dynasties 中国伦理道德的特点 1.Seeking harmony and maintaining equilibrium: harmony seeks peace, compromise, concord, and unison. Maintaining equilibrium is the ultimate purpose of harmony. 2.Collectivism over individualism: traditional Chinese values attach great importance to collective interest. The interest of the society, the country and the family has always been given top prioity. An individual’s value can be realized within the group. 道家: Taoism is a school founded by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi. The school advocates the doctrine that the Dao is the course, the principle, the substance, and the standard of all things, to which people must conform. Based one the work of Lao Zi or Dao De Jing. Taoism promotes the belief that a person should live a simple life, not to strive for wealth, fame or power, which will only give one worries and trouble.The school favors the political of “achieving good government through non-action”. 四书五经: The Great Learning, The Doctrine Of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius and Mencius; The Book of Poems, The Book of History, The Book of Rites, The Book of Changes, And The Book of Spring and Autumn Annals. 活字印刷术: Block printing was probably invented between the Sui and Tang dynasties. The process of block printing started with the cutting of wood into blocks, and then characters were engraved in relief on the blocks. Ink was brushed on the engraved block and a white sheet of paper was spread across it and then brushed with a clean brush one its back, leaving an image when the paper was removed. 北京四合院屏风的作用: To prevent outsiders from peeping in, apart from security, it provides protection against dust and storms.offers space, comfort and privacy. 八大菜系: Shandong Guangdong Sichuan Jiangsu Zhejiang Hunan Anhui Fujian cuisines 五茶:green tea,black tea, oolong tea,compressed tea,and scented tea.


中国传统文化——《十二属相》 活动名称:中国传统文化——《十二属相》 活动目标: 1、知道十二属相是中国特有的传统文化,增强幼儿做为中国人的自豪感和荣誉感。 2、能说出自己和自己熟悉的人的属相,增进对他人的了解和关心。 3、知道属相共有十二种并包括哪些动物。初步了解其顺序,重点知道排在第一位和第二位的动物。 活动准备: 1、活动前让幼儿了解自己父母和其他熟悉的人的属相;丰富幼儿对中国传统文化的知识。 2、教具:十二属相的大图片一套;动画课件《十二属相的故事》 3、每名幼儿若干小动物图片(其中抱括十二属相)。 4、彩带若干条。 活动过程: 一、请幼儿说一说自己的年龄及属相,并说一说自己所熟悉的人的属相。 二、通过观看动画《十二属相的故事》,知道属相有十二种及分别是哪十二种动物。 1、师:属相到底有多少种?又都有些什么动物?听了下面这个故事

你们就知道了。 2、教师播放动画课件《十二属相的故事》。 3、看完动画,教师提问:属相有多少种?十二属相包括哪十二种动物?(幼儿边说教师边出示动物图片,不要求幼儿按顺序) 4、引导幼儿回忆故事情节,了解十二属相的顺序,重点知道排在第一位和第二位的动物是谁。(教师同步调整十二属相的顺序) 三、通过操作活动和音乐游戏,加深幼儿对十二属相的认识。 (一)幼儿操作活动: 1、请幼儿在若干动物图片中将不属于十二属相的小动物找出来。 2、请幼儿把自己找出的图片给老师和小朋友们看一看。找对的交给老师,找错的,请幼儿将它送回去。 (二)音乐游戏: 1、引导幼儿回忆曾经做过的音乐游戏《猜面具》,并说一说歌中是怎样描述小动物的。 2、启发幼儿将原来的歌词替换成十二属相中的小动物。如:我是小鼠,吱吱吱吱叫。 3、教师和幼儿一起游戏。 4、当唱到“吵醒了小马”时,教师启发幼儿说出今年是蛇年,还没有过完,不能现在就把小马吵醒。 四、通过了解十二属相是中国特有的传统文化,拓展幼儿的思维。 1、幼儿讨论:外国人有没有属相? 2、教师介绍:十二属相是中国人很早很早以前发明的用来纪年的。


10篇传统文化英语作文背起来 1 假定你是李华,是某高中的一名学生。为了让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化,你校近日将举办中国传统文化展(The Traditional Chinese Culture Fair)。请给你的外教Mr. Smith写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加。邮件的内容包括: (1)展会时间和地点:本周五下午2:00--5:00,本校艺术中心; (2)展会宗旨:让更多的人了解中国优秀的传统文化; (3)展出内容:相关书籍、图片、实物等: 注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Mr. Smith, I'm writing to invite you to the Traditional Chinese Cultural Fair to be held by our school at the Art Center this Friday afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm. Since this event aims to help more people learn about the traditional Chinese culture, the staff, all the students and their parents as well as anyone interested in it are welcome. At the Fair, related books, pictures, videos and objects will be exhibited, through which visitors will not only understand traditional Chinese culture better but also definitely feel the unique beauty of it. If you're interested, please come and enjoy it. And I'd be glad to offer any help. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua 2 假定你是李华。最近China Daily就“如何看待中国传统文化”面向社会征稿。请你用英语给编辑写一封信,谈谈你自己的想法。要点如下:? (1)表明自己的立场(传统文化应该得到保护和传承); (2)给出你的理由;(3)呼吁社会共同参与。 注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:传承inherit 【优秀满分范文】 Dear editor, I'm writing to you to talk about my opinions about traditional Chinese culture.?I think it's necessary for us to protect and inherit it. Here are some reasons. Firstly,?as one of the ancient civilizations in the world,?the traditional Chinese culture is the foundation of the development of our country,?and it can provide spiritual motivation for Chinese economy. Secondly,?it includes many inspiring and shocking events,?through which we can learn some useful things to make our country develop more quickly. Last but not least,?it is an important part of Chinese history,?and inheriting it may make us stronger and benefit our growth. I hope Chinese government and citizens join in the campaign of protecting and inheriting traditional Chinese culture. We should make contributions and efforts to carry it forward.? ? ? Yours, Li Hua 3 假如你是李华,你校将举办中学生文化艺术节,请给你的英国朋友Peter写信,邀请他参加这次艺术节并请他表演一个节目。信的内容包括:? (1)演出地点、时间及参加人员;? (2)介绍艺术节主题:弘扬传统文化,促进文化交流.? 注意:(1)词数100左右?;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:中学生文化艺术节the?Middle?School?Art?Festival??承办?host??弘扬?carry?forward? 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Peter, How is everything going? I'm honored and happy, hearing you are a fan of traditional Chinese Art and Culture.?Here comes a piece of good news appealing to you. The Middle School Art Festival hosted by our school is drawing near.? The festival is to carry forward traditional culture and promote cultural exchange. And it provides audience with a stage where they can sample different forms of traditional Chinese and foreign culture while putting on performance. Next Friday,on the 30th of June, the festival will be held in the Shiyu Building. All of us students will take part in it. I sincerely hope that you can join us in our performance. By the way, it will be nicer of you to show us something from your country, since it will satisfy our curiosity about Britain. All of us will feel graced with the presence of you and your family. Yours, Li Hua 4 假如你是新华中学的学生会主席李华,你校学生会应英国Westminster School邀请,下星期将到该校进行交流访问,向该校学生介绍中国传统文化。请你给该校联系人Mr. Smith写一封邮件,信的要点如下:? (1)感谢对方的邀请;


中国独有的传统文化知识大全 【十二生肖】 〖中国〗子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪〖埃及〗牝牛、山羊、狮子、驴、蟹、蛇犬、猫、鳄、红鹤、猿、鹰 〖法国〗摩羯、宝瓶、双鱼、白羊、金牛、双子、巨蟹、狮子、室女、天秤、天蝎、人马〖印度〗招杜罗神的鼠、毗羯罗神的牛、宫毗罗神的狮、伐折罗神的兔、迷立罗神的龙、安底罗神的蛇、安弥罗神的马、珊底罗神的羊、因达罗神的猴、波夷罗神的金翅鸟、摩虎罗神的狗、和真达罗神的猪, 【年龄称谓】 襁褓:未满周岁的婴儿 孩提:指2——3岁的儿童 垂髫:指幼年儿童(又叫“总角”) 豆蔻:指女子十三岁 及笄:指女子十五岁 加冠:指男子二十岁(又“弱冠”) 而立之年:指三十岁 不惑之年:指四十岁 知命之年:指五十岁(又“知天命”、“半百”) 花甲之年:指六十岁 古稀之年:指七十岁 耄耋之年:指八、九十岁 期颐之年:一百岁 【明清科举考试(起于隋代,盛于明清,清光绪31年废止)】 (1)等级:院试(又叫“童试”,县级考试,童生参加,考上为“生员”,即“秀才”。)乡试(又叫“秋闱”,省级考试,生员参加,考上为“举人”。) 会试(又叫“春闱”,国家级考试,举人参加,考上为“贡士”。) 殿试(国家级考试,皇帝主考,贡士参加,考上为“进士”。其中,第一名叫“状元” 第二名叫“榜眼”,第三名叫“探花”) (2)内容:四书五经等,规定文章格式为“八股文” 【古代主要节日】 元日:正月初一,一年开始。 人日:正月初七,主小孩。 上元:正月十五,张灯为戏,又叫“灯节” 社日:春分前后,祭祀祈祷农事。 寒食:清明前两日,禁火三日(吴子胥) 清明:四月初,扫墓、祭祀。 端午:五月初五,吃粽子,划龙(屈原) 七夕:七月初七,妇女乞巧(牛郎织女) 中元:七月十五,祭祀鬼神,又叫“鬼节”


文学人类学论文 十二生肖文化漫谈 王秦 41116208


论中国传统文化之十二生肖 王秦 41116208 理工科基础教学部2011级金融学2班 摘要: 十二生肖文化作为中国传统文化之一在国人口中广为流传,并与西方传统文化中的十二星座文化遥相呼应,好比东西方文化中的两颗璀璨的明星在历史的长河中绽放它独特光芒。十二生肖文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,由12种源于自然界的动物即鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪组成,古人亦将它们用于记年,顺序排列为子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪。十二生肖在中华文化圈内被广泛使用。作为一种古老的民俗文化事象,有关十二生肖的起源,历代学者众说纷纭。有人认为生肖与地支同源,可以追溯到史前的传说时代,有的学者甚至持生肖外来说的观点,认为十二生肖是由古巴比伦传入中国的。但通过大量的文献资料证明,生肖的确起源于中国,是华夏先民动物崇拜、图腾崇拜以及早期天文学的结晶。 关键词: 十二生肖起源、天干地支、生肖与时辰、生肖信仰、生肖寓意 一、十二生肖起源 十二生肖作为中国的传统文化,在中华上下五千年的历史长河中传承了下来,在21世纪的今天依旧为世人所叹服。有关十二生肖的起源,历代学者众说纷纭。有人认为生肖与地支同源,可以追溯到史前的传说时代,有的学者甚至持生肖外来说的观点○1,认为十二生肖是由古巴比伦传入中国的。中国生肖源于古人以十二种动物与十二地支相配纪年,即子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、巳蛇、午马、未羊、申猴、酉鸡、戌狗、亥猪。以动物纪年可以追溯到黄帝时期,如《事物纪原》【1】载:“黄帝立子丑十二辰以名月,又以十二命兽属之。”在陕西省临潼骊山人祖庙的西北方,有一巨碑,上面刻有鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪十二种动物的形象,被称为“十二像石”。相传此为皇帝确定十二生肖座 ○1:持这种观点的代表有郭沫若,他在《甲骨文字研究·释支干》中讲“ 十二肖像于巴比伦、埃及、印度均有之,然均不甚古,无出于西纪后百年以上者。意者此始汉时西域诸国,仿巴比伦之十二宫而制定之, 再向四周传播者也。”

介绍中国文化英语作文 中国中英文介绍(最新)

The Spring Festivel The Spring Festivel is an important holiday in china.All Chinese families celebrate it. It is always in January or Feberary.It is often very cold at this time of year,but people are all busy and happy.Family members get tegether and then have a big dinner .After dinner we like to watch TV.There is a great Spring Festival Gala on TV every year. 翻译:春节是中国的一个重要的假期里的节日.所有的中国家庭都庆祝它. 它总是在每年的一月或二月.这个时间通常都很冷,但是所有的人们都很忙碌和快乐.家庭成员们聚在一起,然后吃一顿大餐.大餐之后我们喜欢看电视.这里每年都有一个很棒的新春盛典. Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the world. This is true even as popular culture that has traditionally been considered Western begins to spread throughout China. Kung Fu, especially, has had a great impact on the millions of people who first learned about China through it. From that, they may come to China and learn about other aspects of this culture, such as traditional operas like the Beijing and Sichuan ones. Asian nations have long known about the greatness of ancient Chinese culture. Their own cultures are a mix of native ones and those Chinese characteristics. Korea and Japan long ago adopted ideas such as Confucianism is something that continues today even as it is challenged by Pop Culture. This strength comes from the ideas given in the Four Books of Confucianism (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, and The Book of Mencius). These books built upon the ideas of an even more ancient period codified in the Five Classics. From them, the West learns such things as Fengshui and other concepts that are uniquely Chinese. China has taken steps to further this spread of its culture by establishing Chinese Cultural Centers in such places as the United States and Europe. 中国传统文化正在吸引全世界的注意,尽管在传统意义上被看成是西方文化的流行文化开始在中国广泛传播。尤其是中国功夫,对于那些通过功夫初次了解中国的成千上万的人来讲,有着非常大的影响。由于功夫,他们可能来到中国,学习了解中国文化的其他方面,比如京剧和川剧这样的传统戏剧。亚洲国家很早以前就知道古代中国文化的博大。他们自己的文化混合了本民族的文化和中国文化的特色。韩国和日本很早就把儒教等观念引进了他们的社会当中。甚至在被流行文化冲击的今天,儒教的影响也一直在延续。这种力量来自“四书”(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》和《孟子》)中的思想。这些书是依照“五经”之中所体现

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