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雅思写作高分范文赏析:Animal Testing

雅思写作高分范文赏析:Animal Testing
雅思写作高分范文赏析:Animal Testing

雅思写作高分范文赏析:Animal Testing

Animal Testing

Please Read This Warning Before You Use This Essay for Anything (It Might

Save Your Life) Animal Testing Using animals for testing is wrong and should be

banned. They have rights just as we do. Twenty-four hours a day humans are using

defenseless animals for cruel and most often useless tests. The animals have no

way of fighting back. This is why there should be new laws to protect them.

These legislations also need to be enforced more regularly. Too many criminals

get away with murder. Although most labs are run by private companies, often

experiments are conducted by public organizations. The US government, Army and

Air force in particular, has designed and carried out many animal experiments.

The purposed experiments were engineered so that many animals would suffer and

die without any certainty that this suffering and death would save a single

life, or benefit humans in anyway at all; but the same can be said for tens of

thousands of other experiments performed in the US each year. Limiting it to

just experiments done on beagles, the following might sock most people: For

instance, at the Lovelace Foundation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, experimenters

forced sixty-four beagles to inhale radioactive Strontium 90

as part of a larger

^Fission Product Inhalation Program^ which began in 1961 and has been paid for

by the US Atomic Energy Commission. In this experiment

Twenty-five of the dogs

eventually died. One of the deaths occurred during an

epileptic seizure; another

from a brain hemorrhage. Other dogs, before death, became feverish and anemic,

lost their appetites, and had hemorrhages. The experimenters

in their published

report, compared their results with that of other experiments conducted at the

University of Utah and the Argonne National Laboratory in which beagles were

injected with Strontium 90. They concluded that the dose needed to produce

^early death^ in fifty percent of the sample group differed from test to test

because the dogs injected with Strontium 90 retain more of the radioactive

substance than dogs forced to inhale it. Also, at the University of Rochester

School Of Medicine a group of experimenters put fifty beagles in wooden boxes

and irradiated them with different levels of radiation by x-rays. Twenty-one of

the dogs died within the first two weeks. The experimenters determined the dose

at which fifty percent of the animals will die with ninety-five percent

confidence. The irritated dogs vomited, had diarrhea, and

lost their appetites.

Later, they hemorrhaged from the mouth, nose, and eyes. In their report, the

experimenters compared their experiment to others of the same nature that each

used around seven hundred dogs. The experimenters said that the injuries

produced in their own experiment were ^Typical of those described for the dog^

(Singer 30). Similarly, experimenters for the US Food and Drug Administration

gave thirty beagles and thirty pigs large amounts of Methoxychlor (a pesticide)

in their food, seven days a week for six months, ^In order to insure tissue

damage^ (30). Within eight weeks, eleven dogs exhibited signs of ^abnormal

behavior^ including nervousness, salivation, muscle spasms, and convolutions.

Dogs in convultions breathed as rapidly as two hundred times a minute before

they passed out from lack of oxygen. Upon recovery from an episode of

convulsions and collapse, the dogs were uncoordinated, apparently blind, and any

stimulus such as dropping a feeding pan, squirting water, or touching the

animals initiated another convulsion. After further experimentation on an

additional twenty beagles, the experimenters concluded that massive daily doses

of Methoxychlor produce different effects in dogs from those produced in pigs.

These three examples should be enough to show that the Air force beagle

experiments were in no way exceptional. Note that all of these experiments,

according to the experimenters^ own reports, obviously caused the animals to

suffer considerably before dying. No steps were taken to prevent this suffering,

even when it was clear that the radiation or poison had made the animals

extremely sick. Also, these experiments are parts of series of similar

experiments, repeated with only minor variations, that are being carried out all

over the country. These experiments Do Not save human lives or improve them in

any way. It was already known that Strontium 90 is unhealthy before the beagles

died; and the experimenters who poisoned dogs and pigs with Methoxychlor knew

beforehand that the large amounts they were feeding the animals (amounts no

human could ever consume) would cause damage. In any case, as the differing

results they obtained on pigs and dogs make it clear, it is

not possible to

reach any firm conclusion about the effects of a substance on humans from tests

on other species. The practice of experimenting on non-human animals as it

exists today throughout the world reveals the brutal consequences of speciesism

(Singer 29). In this country everyone is supposed to be equal, but apparently

some people just don^t have to obey the law. That is, in New York and some other

states, licensed laboratories are immune from ordinary anticruelty laws, and

these places are often owned by state universities, city hospitals, or even The

United States Public Health Service. It seems suspicious that some government

run facilities could be ^immune^ from their own laws (Morse 19). In relation,

^No law requires that cosmetics or household products be

tested on animals.

Nevertheless, by six^o clock this evening, hundreds of animals will have their

eyes, skin, or gastrointestinal systems unnecessarily burned or destroyed. Many

animals will suffer and die this year to produce ^new^ versions of deodorant,

hair spray, lipstick, nail polish, and lots of other

products^ (Sequoia 27).

Some of the largest cosmetics companies use animals to test their products.

These are just a couple of the horrifying tests they use, namely, the Drazie

Test. The Drazie test is performed almost exclusively on albino rabbits. They

are preferred because they are docile, cheap, and their eyes do not shed tears

(so chemicals placed in them do not wash out). They are also the test subject of

choice because their eyes are clear, making it easier to observe destruction of

eye tissue; their corneal membranes are extremely susceptible to injury. During

each test the rabbits are immobilized (usually in a ^stock^, with only their

heads protruding) and a solid or liquid is placed in the lower lid of one eye of

each rabbit. These substances can range from mascara to aftershave to oven

cleaner. The rabbits^ eyes remain clipped open. Anesthesia is almost never

administered. After that, the rabbits are examined at intervals of one,

twenty-four, forty-eight, seventy-two, and one hundred an sixty-eight hours.

Reactions, which may range from severe inflammation, to clouding of the cornea,

to ulceration and rupture of the eyeball, are recorded by technicians. Some

studies continue for a period of weeks. No other attempt is made to treat the

rabbits or to seek any antidotes. The rabbits who survive the Drazie test may

then be used as subjects for skin-inflammation tests (27). Another widely used

procedure is the LD-50. This is the abbreviation of the Lethal Dose 50 test.

LD-50 is the lethal dose of something that will kill fifty percent of all

animals in a group of forty to two hundred. Most commonly, animals are

force-feed substances (which may be toothpaste, shaving cream, drain cleaner,

pesticides, or anything else they want to test) through a stomach tube and

observed for two weeks or until death. Non-oral methods of administering the

test include injection, forced inhalation, or application to animals skin.

Symptoms routinely include tremors, convultions, vomiting, diarrhea, paralysis,

or bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth. Animals that survive are destroyed (29).

Additionally, when one laboratory^s research on animals establishes something

significant, scores of other labs repeat the experiment, and more thousands of

animals are needlessly tortured and killed (Morse 8). Few

labs buy their animal

test subjects from legitimate pet stores and the majority use illegal pet

dealers. There are many stolen animal dealers that house the animals before,

during , and after testing. These ^farms^ most frequently hold animals between

tests while the animals recuperate, before facing another research ordeal. These

so called farms in question are mainly old barn-like buildings used as hospitals

and convalescent (recovery) wards are filthy, overcrowded pens. At one farm in

particular dogs with open chest wounds and badly infected incisions, so weak

that many could not stand, were the order of the day. These dogs were

^recuperating^ from open-heart and kidney surgery. Secondly, a litter of

two-day-old pups were found in a basket, with no food provisions in sight (Morse

19). In every pen there were dogs suffering from highly contagious diseases. An

animal^s road to a lab is seldom a direct one. Whether he^s stolen picked up as

a stray, or purchased, there^s a de tour first to the animal dealer^s farm;

There he waits- never under satisfactory conditions- until his ride, and often

life, comes to an end at the laboratory (23). Every day of the year, hundreds of

thousands of fully conscious animals are scalded, or beaten, or crushed to

death, and more are subjected to exotic surgery and then allowed to die slowly

and in agony. There is no reason for this suffering to continue (Morse 8). In

conclusion, animal testing is inhumane and no animal should be forced to endure

such torture. Waste in government is one thing; it seems to be an accepted

liability of democracy. But the wasting of lives is something else. How did it

ever get this way?


Fox, Michael Allen. The Case For Animal Experimentation. Los Angeles:

University Of California Press, 1986. Jasper, James M. and Dorothy Nelkin, eds.

The Animal Rights Crusade. New York: Macmillion Inc., 1992, 103-56. Morse, Mel.

Ordeal Of The Animals. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall International, 1968.

Sequoia, Anna. 67 Ways To Save The Animals. New York: Harper Collins, 1990.

Singer, Peter. Animal Liberation. New York: Random House, 1975. OUTLINE I.

Introduction II. Supporting evidence on testing A. Experiments funded by US

government 1. Strontium 90 2. Irradiation by X-rays 3. Methoxychlor B.

Background on laws in US C. Examples of tests 1. The Drazie Test 2. The LD-50

Test D. What the animals go through 1. Trip to the laboratory 2. Their stay at

the lab 3. After the tests are done III. Conclusion


2015年6月6日雅思写作(一) 题目类别society 提问方式Discussion 考试题目 Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in their local community who need it. Others, however prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 有人认为给需要救助的人自己的帮助更加可取,有人认为给有需求的国家或国际援助组织提供经济援助更加重要,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。 Although people in industrialized countries lead a high standard of living, it is undeniable that there are still 1.2 billion people living below the poverty line. In order to solve poverty-related problems, I feel that all kinds of help should be encouraged and respected. Giving a helping hand to those who are in need in the local community seems reasonable. It is because even in the richest countries, there are still a lot of people, such as disabled people and orphanages, suffering from famine and extreme poverty. For this reason, it is easy and convenient for us to help our fellow citizens, such as donating food or clothing to them, so that we can see the result of our actions immediately. By contrast, it is rather difficult to track expenditure of international aids, which might result in corruption in some cases. Those who donate money to domestic and international charities believe that the collection of money has a tremendous effect on the poor countries compared with other forms of help. This is because few people are able to donate a large amount of money to construct schools, hospitals and roads in poor areas. Instead, governments and charities can achieve this. International aids can also purchase vaccines which are available in developed countries by using the money raised worldwide and save millions children’s life. In my view, minor proportion of donated money and other sorts of help should be appreciated equally as long as the money reaches to those who need it desperately. The government could run campaign and encourage door-to door help. At the same time, charitable organizations should make every penny count for donors.(word count:274)


雅思真题范文精选高分黄金句型及例句 笔者(胡义祥--南京新航道人气写作主讲)注:以下12种黄金句型为雅思写作大作文核心句型。熟练掌握以下句型的使用,并灵活运用雅思写作大作文精准定位法,大作文得分7分左右(考生写作时要求不偏题,词汇使用恰当)。 一:被动句 1:As a result, the quality of the whole population had been influenced, and a country could never be expected to develop fast with a low education rate.(28) 2:Nowadays, a large percentage of young people being admitted into universities can be witnessed and a country`s population is instilled with a fresh flow of well educated people, which can lead to the prosperity of a country.(37) 3:Firstly, by setting up a special day, an organization can better promote a specific activity, thus more people would know what it is trying to tell them and their perception of caring and social responsibility would be further woken.(39) 二:形式代词IT 1:However, some of them begin to notice that international travel also makes it possible for criminals to conduct some illegal actions like evading arrest. (24) 2:Especially with the easy access to computer technology, it has been increasingly noticed that a growing number of people prefer to work or study from home. (26) 3:It can be seen everywhere that people in the modern world are under huge pressure and have to spend most of their time on their work or study, which, consequently, hardly does any good to the family relationship.(插入语)(38) 三:限定性定语从句 1:Dating back to 30 years ago when scientific technology was not accessible to everyone, children were more interested in traditional games such as playing poker or playing chess.(28) 2:On the contrary, a company or a school is a place where lots of people are bunched together and asked to do the same thing at the same time.(29) 3:Due to the large number of students` graducating from universities, more people seek for good jobs and the job market becomes the arena where fierce competition can be seen all the time. (32)


雅思写作流程图解析 朗阁海外考试研究中心刘雅敏 相比较其它小作文题型,雅思写作中的流程图对于很多考生来说都会感觉束手无策,尤其 是拿到题目时无从下手。这主要是由流程图的考察重点决定的。不同于图表题型在表达方 式上的固定,流程图更加能够考察考生“真正的”词汇量。虽然流程图出题频率不算高(去 年48场A类考试中,流程图出现6次),且普遍集中在工业生产过程和自然现象这两类,但题材差距很大,2014年的6场考试以及今年出现的2次流程图的具体题材如下: 由于题材不同,所以每次考试的词汇要求都不同,这无疑增加了考生的备考难度。 另外,一般情况下流程图都是以图片而非数字形式出现,所以有不少刚接触流程图的同学 认为它更接近大作文的语言风格。其实不然,流程图的文章风格偏客观描述,而且与其它 小作文题型一样,流程图还有一个特点——主要扩展顺序为时间顺序,这一点不同于大作 文主要以逻辑顺序为扩展顺序。无论大作文还是小作文,逻辑性是一切文章的灵魂,而要 想使流程图的写作逻辑严密,就要按照时间顺序展开,并加入恰当的时间顺序连接词。 除了小作文的共性外,流程图又有自身在表达方式上的特殊要求。具体而言,要注意两点:动词的使用和三大句型的运用。 一、动词的使用

考生面临的比较普遍的问题就是:图里面的词汇可能认识的只有一半,碰到这种情况,考 生应尽量猜,运用常识和看图猜词意。图里面可能会给出一定数量的动词,也可能没有给出。具体而言,一般会出现三种情况: 1. 图详细+注解详细 流程图中出现过的词汇可以使用一次,第二次出现的时候尽量换成其同义词甚至可以是近 义词。但即使猜出了大概含义,找出同义替换仍然比较困难。对此,有两种解决方案: 1). “名词动用”,如果原图给出了某个词的名词形式,在你的作文中可以将其转变成该词 的动词形式。同理,形容词可以换成副词(通常在该形容词后加-ly),副词变成形容词。 比如剑桥真题6 Test 3的范文中:原图第二个步骤中的“food”, 作者改成了动词“feed”。 2). 根据“下义词”,找出其“上义词”,比如说“furnace”(熔炉)在“玻璃瓶的回收”之类的 流程图中都会出现,我们称之为“下义词”(即含义较具体),而其“上义词”(即概括性较 强的表达)可以是“a container”。 2. 图详细+注解简略 这种情况要求考生把图片中出现的、而注解中表述比较简略而省掉的信息运用考生会的表 达方式补充出来,尤其注意动词的使用。比如:“玻璃瓶的回收”这一流程中有个步骤是把 碎玻璃倒进熔炉里面将其融化,图片画得较详细:一个椭圆形的鼎样容器,上面画的温度 计显示融化玻璃的具体温度数值,燃料是用木炭还是煤炭还是天然气……但下面的注解可 能只有三个单词:the melting process。显然,我们不可能只用这三个单词描述这一步骤,原因很简单,即考生都熟悉的一个悲剧——图描述完了,字数没写够!遇到这种情况,建议考生用自己的话把图表信息补充完整。 3. 图简略+注解更简略 同样还是以“玻璃瓶的回收”流程为例,其中一个步骤是玻璃瓶被重塑成新瓶子、并注入相 应液体产品后,被卡车送到超市,消费者购买并使用。该步骤在原图中只出现了两个名词——“supermarket”和“customers”。实战中有相当数量的考生只用一句话说完了这个步骤(比如:These bottles are transported by trucks to supermarkets, and then they would be bought by consumers.)。这种写法与上面的写法后果是一样的——

雅思写作经典范文 雅思小作文数据描述模板25个

雅思写作经典范文雅思小作文数据描述模板25个 1.the table shows the changes in the number of……over the period from……to…… 该表格描述了在……年之……年间……数量的变化。 2.the bar chart illustrates that…… 该柱状图展示了…… 3.the graph provides some interesting data regarding…… 该图为我们提供了有关……有趣数据。 4.the diagram shows (that)…… 该图向我们展示了…… 5.the pie graph depicts (that)……. 该圆形图揭示了……

6.this is a cure graph which describes the trend of…… 这个曲线图描述了……的趋势。 7.the figures/statistics show (that)…… 数据(字)表明…… 8.the tree diagram reveals how…… 该树型图向我们揭示了如何…… 9.the data/statistics show (that)…… 该数据(字)可以这样理解…… 10.the data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that…… 这些数据资料令我们得出结论……

11.as is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table…… 如图所示…… 12.aording to the chart/figures…… 根据这些表(数字)…… 13.as is shown in the table…… 如表格所示…… 14.as can be seen from the diagram, great changes have taken place in…… 从图中可以看出,……发生了巨大变化。 15.from the table/chart/diagram/figure, we can see clearly that……or it is clear/apparent from the chart that…… 从图表我们可以很清楚(明显)看到……

2015年6月6日 雅思大作文解析

2015-6-6 Task 2 An ask 2 Analysis Some people p ople prefer to provide help and support directly to loca local community who need it. Others prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.有?人喜欢直接帮助社区中需要帮助的?人。也有些?人喜欢把钱投给国内或国际慈善组织。讨论这两个观点并且表达你?自?己的想法。 1Topic 话题 Charity 2Question type 题型Discuss 3 5W ANALYZE THE QUESTION审题 (WHO+what+when+where+why+how) WHO: people WHAT: do charity How: direct support vs money donation Where: local vs national & international 4identify key words and their synonyms 关键词理解 support directly=direct involvement give money to=donate charitable organizations=charities 5identify all the writing tasks 确定全部写作任务 1. some people prefer direct help 2. others donate to non-pro?t organizations 3. own opinion Brainstorming and organ d organizing ideas 写作思路 Direct support Donation to non-profit 6Necessary: 必要性 组织运作不当,造成损失: charity frauds Bene?ts: 重要性 积极参与:direct involvement 及时?高效: concretely helping ?立竿?见影: make a signi?cant difference Necessary: 必要性 有些问题单纯本地解决不了 not easy to tackle at the local level Bene?ts: 重要性 资本有效运作:Meet more basic needs with fewer dollars 减税福利:tax bene?ts for helping globally


雅思真题作文解析 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

生活质量下降的原因及解决方案 要求: 【题目要求】 Today,the quality of life in large cities is decreasing . What are the causes and solutions? 【题目讲解】 报告类题目,难度不大,思路要点在于解决方法与原因分析的对应性。 第一段:开头 第二段:原因——环境污染,健康问题,工作压力 第三段:解决——绿色科技+绿化,健康意识+运动设施,学会自我减压 第四段:结尾

【写作范文】 In recent decades, a large number of young population surge into major cities to pursue a better life, but to their disappointment, the quality of city life is not as high as they expected. The fundamental reason for declining quality of life should be the centralization of various societal resources, such as hospitals, education institutions, large companies and so forth. Centralizing fine resources in a place is originally why a city is founded, but over concentration can lead to high density of population who come to share these resources by being employed or starting a business, and cause problems in many social aspects including traffic congestion, high living cost, severe pollution, etc. Ironically, in spite of tight squeeze in small flats, city dwellers have no opportunity to develop close relationships with their family, friends and neighborhoods and the reason for such social isolation is that young people are busy competing for precious opportunities for a successful career and life, leaving little time for their personal life. To tackle these problems, diverse measures should be taken but the most effective one should be to uproot the resource centralization. By that I mean to move some industry, business and services from metropolises to smaller


雅思经典小作文柱状图4篇范文+写作要点分析 C1T3 题目 The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods. Write a report a university lecturer describing the information shown below. The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income groups, spending more than twice as much on hamburgers (43 pence per person per week) than on fish and chips or pizza (both under 20 pence). Average income earners also favored hamburgers, spending 33 pence per person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence, then pizza at 11 pence. Low income earners appear to spend less than other income groups on fast foods, though fish and chip remains their most popular fast food, followed by



关于雅思写作句式:14种句式变换(高分内容) 谁都知道写作文句式单调不是好事,但却很少有人能参透到底怎样才能让句子丰富多样。传说中的句式多样化一直高深莫测,让考生们想当郁闷。 如果你的写作单项目标是6.5或者7分的话,请把下面这些剑桥范文变化句式的不宣之秘熟练掌握而且积极使用。对于只需要6分的同学,如果今天还不是很累,也不妨很快地看看以便有个印象。考官们,不好意思,是pat出卖了你们“压箱底”的宝贝…… A句首状语提前 雅思写作里状语提前是一种相当拿分的句式,遗憾的是很多同学却没有意识到: 所谓状语提前就是把一个由副词、介词、现在分词或动词不定式形成的小短语放在句首。这种句式最大的好处就是在一堆长句子里突然出现一个短语,让句子产生一种长短结合的节奏感。 剑桥考官范文中的状语提前能够用“海量”一词来形容,请大家认真体会下面的剑桥例句中

放在句首的状语所产生的效果: ◆B ecause it is more likely(更有可能的) now that both parents work,there is little opportunity for children to stay in their own home up to that age. instead, they will probably go t a nursery school (幼儿园,与nursing home 不同) when they are much younger. ◆O verall, i think an ability to keep clear perspective(视角) in life is a more essential(重要的,核心的) factor in achieving happiness. ◆U nfortunately, professionals from other fields who make a much greater contribution to human society, are paid so much less that it is hard to disagree with the statement. ◆I n spite of this, the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied. ◆I n addition to the financial benefits, some jobs bring intellectually rewards


Some industrialized countries have serious environmental problems. The damage to the environment is an inevitable result when a country tends to improve the standard of living. To what extent do you agree or disagree. 正文: Nowadays, environmental problems is (are/have been) one of the most serious phenomenon (Chinglish, 改为dangerous issues)that threat almost some(every) industrialized countries are facing. However, whether only countries use the resource in environment to increase the quality of life is a controversial issue. (我觉得应该改为:Thus, it is controversial that many countries have adapted the technics of excessively exploiting natural resources in order to accelerate economic development.)In my opinion, it is unavoidable that countries break the surrounding(破坏环境?不这样搭配) if they want to develop the industry and the level of life. (In my opinion, comparatively damage to the environment in the process of developing comprehensive national strength is an inevitable result.) Nowadays, environmental problems have been one of the most dangerous issues that threat almost every industrialized countries. Thus, it is controversial that many countries have adapted the technics of excessively exploiting natural resources in order to accelerate economic development. In my opinion, comparatively damage to the environment in the process of developing comprehensive national strength is an inevitable result. First, it is obvious that for our life(?), the purpose of long-term human activity is to make industrial development(make development没有这个用法哦)and improve the quality of life. This means that there are more and more rubbishes when we are working.(为什么用这么多there be 句型呢)Therefore, if we want to promote the economic (promote economy), we may damage our environment in the daily life.(in the daily life 很生硬, 改为in unconscious ways) Firstly, the very existence of human beings indeed exerts various influences on the natural environment, such as water pollution, disafforestation and the greenhouse effect. Besides that, human waste pollution has become more and more noteworthy with the fast sprawl of urban districts concerning the unprecedentedly speed of economic development. Moreover, with the population growing by (没这个搭配哈, with the amount of population growing/increasing 差不多), we need a loads of resource(resources)to support our life. For example, it is allowed by government that every family can get child more than one since 2014 in China.(普遍二胎政策不是这样翻译的哈,还是自己要多查资料) So it maybe(may)consume more resources than before. (it consume,it指代的是什么?) Moreover, larger pollution demands greater amounts of resources to support, a phenomenon that consequently adds more man-made pressure to the natural environment. For instance, Chinese government has issued the universal two-child policy which originally aims at optimizing the demographic structure but may simultaneously bring greater demands of natural resources from the environment.


第一篇 The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph sho ws the trends in consumption of fast foods. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. 柱状图显示的是1970-1990二十年间英国人每周在快餐上花费了多少钱;曲线图展示的是这二十年间快餐消费的趋势。 The bar chart shows how much money was spent on fast foods per week in the UK over a span of 2 0 years from 1970 to 1990 while the graph reveals the trend of fast food consumption over the same period of time. 从柱状图看,各收入阶层在汉堡和鱼煎薯条这两种快餐上的支出相对高于在皮萨上的消费;曲线图反映出汉堡与皮萨的消费呈现上升趋势,鱼煎薯条则呈现出波动趋势。 As we can see from the chart, the weekly expenses of people of different income levels on hamburg ers and fish and chips were relatively higher than that on pizza. The graph indicates that while hamb urger and pizza consumption both revealed a general trend of increase, fish and chips showed a tren d of fluctuation. 首先,高收入阶层和中等收入阶层每周在汉堡上的平均消费分别是每人42便士和33便士,比低收入阶层的14便士搞出了很多。在鱼煎薯条方面,高收入阶层的支出略低,是17便士,但中等及低收入阶层的支出都分别达到了25便士和18便士,相对于在皮萨方面支出


雅思写作地图题深度解析(上) 朗阁海外考试研究中心姜芮 在雅思小作文中,流程图和地图题无疑对于广大考生来说都有不小的威胁,很多考生在遇到此类型的题目时,会变得手足无措,不知道应该从何写起。许多考生抱着侥幸的心里,往往不重视此类小众题目的备考,结果作文分数受到了很大的影响。在本系列文章中,朗阁海外考试研究中心写作组的专家将着重对雅思写作地图题做一个深度解析。 我们用两个经典的地图题真题为例,在近两年出现的数次地图题中,多数都是属于这类“三格地图”。 WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The diagram below shows the development of the village of Kelsby between 1780 and 2000.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 在审题过程中我们需要特别注意以下几点: 1. 时态:关注时态是小作文能否取得高分的关键,同样对于地图题,我们也应该很好地注意时态,本文的时间是明确的,都是过去的时间,因此全文应当使用一般过去时。 2. 顺序:该图属于动态的地图题,这种类型的地图题一律按照时间顺序来写。在这道题中,也就是按照图的顺序依次来写,不要把元素拆开。如果是静态的地图题(即不涉及时间变化的题型),则按照空间顺序来写。在描述单幅地图时,我们可以采取上北下南的顺序描述,或者从左到右的顺序也可以,但值得注意的是,如果地图上有明显的方向标示,那就要根据这个标示来描述。 下面我们一起来分析文章的写作。 第一段:Introduction 引言段就是把题目进行改写。原文中的diagram,可以替换成figure,原文中的shows,可以改为illustrate, demonstrate, reveal, indicate等词。宾语development,可以替换成transformations,也可以改为宾语从句how the village of Kelsby developed/ changed. 题目中给出的时间比较模糊,可以具体化为in 1780, 1860 and 2000. 【例文】The three maps illustrate how the village of Kelsby changed in 1780, 1860 and 2000. 第二段:描述1780年的地图 1780年的情况只涉及到静态的数据,因此只需要用存在句即可表达,不涉及任何变化的单词。但是,考生非常容易把这些元素全部用there be这个句型来表达,从而导致句式单一。表示存在的句型除了there be之外,还有非常简单的have句型,还有lie/ be located/ be situated这样的结构。另外还有一种倒装句型,比如“桌子上面有一本书”,可以翻译为on the desk is a book. 除此之外,要注意几个元素的顺序问题。这里有四大元素:住宅区homes,树林woods,农场farms,还有一条河流river。理论上只要按照一定的空间顺序(比如顺时针、逆时针,从左到右)都是可以的,但是要考虑家庭数量的变化是导致其它所有变化的根本原因,因此建议先写住宅区homes。 还有就是土地单位的表达,land是不可数名词,因此不能说a land,只能说a piece of land。为了表达更加精确,可以用a plot of land(一小块),a stretch of(一长片),a large expanse of(一大片)。 另外朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生们还要注意方位词的表达。地图题中常用的方位词有:in the east/ west/ south/ north of ...; in the eastern/ western/ southern northern part of ...; 如果是在角落,可以用in the southwestern corner of ...; 在河流的上/下游:at the lower/ upper reaches of the river; 在河岸:alongside the riverbank; 在河流的南端:at the southern end of the river.


雅思大作文高分句型 I. 不要总是以有生命的名词或者人称代词开头。 屌丝:People experience many great changes in the last half century. 高分:文章原句 技巧:找到原句中的非生命名词短语,把它变成主语。 屌丝:Because the rich and powerful people impose the changes (such as in working conditions or property developments) that depends on them. 高分:文章原句 技巧:使用强调结构。在强调的内容前加上it is,强调的内容后加上who/that, 公式就是It is + 强调内容+ that + 非强调内容 屌丝:Many people think birth control is quite necessary in China. 高分:It is widely(commonly) thought/believed/held/accepted that birth control is quite necessary. 技巧:使用主语从句。Many people think...= It is widely(commonly) thought/believed/held/accepted that..... 屌丝:Many Chinese people have gone to the Unite States in the past 15 years. 高分:The past 15 years have bought many Chinese people to the United States. 技巧:用时间做主语,效果非常好。The last half of the 20th century has seen/witnessed many great breakthrough in every aspect. 练习: 1.In many of these countries, this increasing number of visitors (mostly from western countries) has caused problems like drug abuse and alcoholism. 2.Because only rich people have enough money to travel overseas, poorer countries such as Thailand and Indonesia have become the playgrounds of wealtheir nations. II.英语中被动使用频率远远高于汉语 屌丝:They make a lot of innovations to make money for a few people. 高分:文章原句 技巧:宾语变主语 屌丝:We may think more of the elderly who live apart from their children. 高分:More thought may be given to the elderly who live apart from their children. 技巧:动词变名词。 练习: 1.We produce millions of tons of pollutions every day. 2.Nowadays sophisticated computer games fascinate every child. III.不要总是用“如果”、“因为”、“当”等口语意味较重的句子。不要对动词过于依赖,要

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