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Module 1 The natural elements

Lesson 1 Fire

natural adj.['ntrl]自然界的,存在于自然界的

element n.['elimnt]元素,成分

raw adj.[r:]生的,未加工的

history n.['histri]历史;历史学

library n.['laibrri]图书馆,图书室,藏书室

cave n.[keiv]洞穴,山洞

heat n.[hi:t]热度,温度,热量

berry n.['beri]浆果(如草莓,黑莓,葡萄等)

stone n.[stun]石头

age n.[eid]时代

million n./adj.['miljn]百万,百万的

still adv.[stil]仍然

charcoal n.['tɑ:kul]木炭

gas n.[ɡs]气体,煤气,天然气,石油

village n.['vilid]村庄

electricity n.[,ilek'tristi]电力,电流

news n.[nju:z]新闻,消息,新闻报道

extreme adj.[ik'stri:m]极度的,最大限度的

danger n.['deind]危险,威胁

warn v.[w:n]警告,提醒

wood n.[wud]木材,树林

cigarette n.[,siɡ'ret; 'siɡ-]香烟

camp-fire n.['kmp,fai]篝火,营火

barbecue n.['bɑ:bikju:]烤肉;吃烤肉的野宴,(户外)烤肉;烤鸡;烤鱼countryside n.['kntri,said]农村,乡下

helicopter n.['helikpt]直升飞机

drop v.[drp]滴;落下;空投

match n./v.[mt]火柴;比赛;相配两个或以上人或事物without prep.[wi'eaut]没有

adult n.['dlt, 'dlt]成年人safety n.['seifti]安全

fire-safety n.['fai'seifti]n. 防火安全

shout v.[aut]呼喊;喊叫;大声说

careful adj.['kεful]仔细的,小心的

should aux.[ud]应该;就;可能;将要poster n.['pust]海报,广告;招贴

pack v.[pk]包装;捆扎,把…打包

push v.[pu](用力)推;(尤指)用力推进;推动throw v.[θru]抛,掷,投,扔:

rubbish n.[rbi]垃圾,废物

smoke v.[smuk]吸烟

Lesson 2 Air

breathe v.[bri:e]呼吸

survive v.[s'vaiv]幸存;活下来

rise v.[raiz]上升,升起

alive adj.['laiv]活着的;活泼的;有生气的keep v.[ki:p]保持处于某种状态experiment n.[ik'speriment]试验,实验

tie v.[tai]系;约束;打结

balloon n.[b'lu:n]气球

lift v.[lift]举起;提升

square adj.[sk wε]平方的;正方形的handkerchief n.['hktif]n. 手帕;头巾,围巾

string n.[stri]线,细绳

corner n.['k:n]角,角落

object n.['bdikt]物体,实体,实物

adult n.['dlt, 'dlt]成年人

parachute n.['pr,u:t]降落伞

happen v.['hpn]发生

closed adj.[kluzd]关着的

hit v.[hit]打,击,打击

gently adv.['dentli]轻轻地;温柔地,温和地heavily adv.['hevili]沉重地;猛烈地;沉闷地matter n.['mt]事情,情况

cry v.[krai]哭;叫喊

hurt v.[h:t]感到疼痛construction n.[knstrkn]建造物,建筑物

site n.[sait]位置,场所,地点

dust n.[dst]尘土;粉末

burn v.[b:n]点燃;烧毁

dirty adj.[d:ti]肮脏的

pollution n.[plu:n]污染,污染物

power n.[pau]电力

district n.['distrikt]区域;行政区;地方through prep.[θru:]通过;穿过

like prep.[laik]像;如同

call v.[k:l]叫喊,召集,邀请,打电话flyer n.[flai]飞行器

engine n。[endin]发动机,引擎

roll v。[rul]滚动,转动

forward adv。[f:wd]向前面

flight n。[flait]飞行,航班

metre n。[mi:t]米

kilometre n。[kilmi:t]千米,公里

per prep。[p(:)]每,每一

however conj。[hauev]可是,然而,无论如何next adv.[nekst]然后;下次;其次special adj.['spel]特殊的,特别的

finally adv.['fainli]最后,最终,终于

most adj.[must]大部分的,多数的;最多的poster n.['pust]海报,广告;招贴diamond n.[daimnd]钻石,金刚石

Lesson 3 Water

taste n。[teist]味道;品味

smell n。[smel]气味

waterfall n。['w:tf:l]瀑布

pump n。[pmp]泵,抽水机

tap n。[tp]水龙头

well n。[wel]井

around prep。['raund]围绕,在……周围

bath n。[bɑ:θ/bθ]沐浴;浴室

again adv.['ɡen, -'ɡein]又,此外;再一次

trip n。[trip](通常指短途)旅行(尤指娱乐). back adv。[bk]回原处

rest n。[rest]休息,歇息;歇息时间sandcastle n。['sndkɑ:sl]沙堡(尤指儿童玩耍时所堆积者) shower n。['au]淋浴

plastic adj。['plstik]塑料的;塑料制的

broken adj。['brukn]破碎的;坏掉的

can n。[kn]罐头

seaweed n。['si:wi:d]海藻,海草

fork n。[f:k]叉;餐叉

newspaper n。['nju:s,peip]报纸

reader n。['ri:d]读者

use v。[ju:z]使用,运用

litre n。['li:t][计量] 公升

wide adj。[waid]广泛的;宽的,广阔的

narrow adj。['nru]狭窄的

pipe n。[paip]管子,管道,输送管,导管reservoir n。['rezvwɑ:]水库;蓄水池

million n。['miljn]百万

first adv.[f:st]第一;首先

next adv.[nekst]然后;下次;其次

then adv.[een]然后;那么;于是;当时;此外

finally adv.['fainli]最后,最终,终于

become v。[bi'km]成为;变得;变成

sir n。[s:]阁下,先生

madam n。['mdm]夫人;女士

Lesson 4 The Earth

earth n.[:θ]地球;陆地;泥土

remember v.[ri'memb]想起;记得

forget v.[f'gt]忘记,遗忘;记不起来,没记得

land n.[lnd]陆地,地面

ocean n.['un]海洋

stream n.[stri:m]溪流;小河,川

hill n.[hil]小山,山丘

wood n.[wud]木材;木制品;树林

question n.['kwestn]问题,疑问;询问

send v.[send]发送,寄;派遣

answer v.['ɑ:ns](对…)回答,答复

post v.[pust]张贴;公布;邮递;布置

fax n.[fks]传真

dictionary n.['diknri]字典;词典

twinkle v.['twikl]闪烁;发亮

wonder v.['wnd]怀疑;想知道;惊讶

bright adj.[brait]光明的,明亮的,发亮的,闪亮的,闪烁的starry adj.['stɑ:ri]布满星星的;闪闪发光的;星光照耀的wink v.['wik]眨眼

kill v.[kil]杀死

skin n.[skin]皮肤;外皮

yesterday n.['jestdi,-dei]昨天;往昔

really adv.['rili, 'ri:li]真的吗(表语气)

Module 2 Relationships

Lesson 1 Relatives

relationship n.[ri'leinip]亲属关系,联系;关系

relative n.['reltiv]亲属,亲戚

dead adj.[ded]死亡的,死的,失去生命的

cousin n.['kzn]堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹

daughter n.['d:t]女儿

nephew n.['nefju:]侄子,外甥

niece n.[ni:s]外甥女,侄女

complete v.[km'pli:t]完成

table n.['teibl]表格

only adv.['unli]只,仅仅

member n.['memb]成员;会员;议员

tell v.[tel]告诉,说

say v.[sei]说,讲

speak v.[spi:k]说话;演讲;表明;陈述

talk v.[t:k]说;谈话;讨论

sometimes adv.['smtaimz]有时,间或

Lesson 2 Will you be my friend

playtime n.['pleitaim]游玩时间,娱乐时间

tonight adv.[t'nait]在今晚

able adj.['eibl]能,有能力的

solve v.[slv, s:lv]解决;解答

sum n.[sm]算术题(的解答) [用复数]算术,总数,总计promise v.['prmis]允诺,许诺

hardworking adj.['hɑ:d,w:ki]努力工作的;不辞辛劳的

keep v.[ki:p]保持,维持,继续(处于某种状态) friendly adj.['frendli]友好的;亲切的

helpful adj.['helpful]有帮助的;有益的

lie v.[lai]躺;说谎;位于

yet adv.[jet]还;但是;已经

botanical adj.[b'tnikl]植物学的

calendar n.['klind]一览表;日程表already adv.[:l'redi]已经,早已;先前

just adv.[dst]只是,仅仅;刚才,刚刚environment n.[in'vairnmnt]环境,外界

pollute v.[p'lut]污染;弄脏

pollution n.[p:'lju:n]污染

reservoir n.['rezvwɑ:]水库;蓄水池

Lesson 3 Spending a day out together dragon n.['drɡn]龙

bay n.[bei]海湾

village n.['vilid]村庄;村民

north n.[n:θ]北,北方

south n.[sauθ, saue]南方,南边;南部

east n.[i:st]东方;东风

west n.[west]西;西方;西部

stone n.[stun]石头

mall n.[m:l]购物商场,商店街department n.[di'pɑ:tmnt](专售某类商品的)部门somewhere adv.['smhwε]在某处;到某处

idea n.[ai'di]想法;主意

store n.[st:]商店

temple n.['templ]庙宇;寺院

cycling n.['saikli]骑自行车运动(或旅行) badminton n.['bdmintn]羽毛球

king n.[ki]国王

uptown n.['p'taun]住宅区

plaza n.['plɑ:z]广场;市场,购物中心

Module 3 My neighbourhood

Lesson 1 What job do you want to do secretary n.['sekrtri]秘书businessman n.['biznismn]商人

business-woman n.['biznis,wumn]女商人

bank n.[bk]银行

clerk n.[klɑ:k, kl:k]职员,办事员;店员assistant n.['sistnt]帮手,助手,助理

project n.['prdekt]计划;方案;规划

interview v./n.['intvju:]采访;面试

if conj.[if]是否

would aux.[wud]将,将要;愿意

Samuel n.['smjul]塞缪尔(男子名)

Lesson 2 Please visit our school

choir n.['kwai]唱诗班;合唱队information n.[,inf'mein]信息,资料;知识;情报;通知board n.[b:d](布告)板,(告示)牌,(布告)栏programme n.['pruɡrm]计划,规划;节目;程序

next adj.[nekst]下一个的

parent n.['pεrnt]父亲(或母亲)

present n.['preznt]礼品,礼物

arrive v.['raiv]到,抵达,到达(目的地) entrance n.['entrns]入口;进入

again adv.['ɡein]又,此外;再一次

route n.[ru:t]路线

plan v.[pln]计划;设计;打算

activity n.[k'tivti]活动;行动;活跃

craft n.[krɑ:ft, krft]工艺;手艺;技巧,技能

art n.[ɑ:t]艺术;美术;艺术品

toilet n.['tilit]厕所,盥洗室

staff n.[stɑ:f]职员

covered adj.['kvd]有屋顶的,有盖的complete adj.[km'pli:t]完整的;完全的;彻底的upstairs adv.['p'stεz]在楼上,向楼上;上楼;往楼上

downstairs adv.['daun'stεz]在楼下

change n.[teind]变化,改变;转变;变革

invitation n.[,invi'tein]邀请;引诱

invite v.[in'vait]邀请

sincerely adv.[sin'sili]真诚地;由衷地,诚恳地

video n.['vidiu]视频;录像

delay v.[di'lei]延期;耽搁

delayed adj.[di'leid]延时的;定时的

diary n.['dairi]日志,日记

dairy adj.['dεri]乳品的;牛奶的;牛奶制的

date n.[deit]日期;约会

Lesson 3 On the way

take v.[teik]占据(时间、空间等);花费(时间)

only adv.['unli]只,仅仅;不料

second n.['seknd]秒

minute n.['minit]分钟

hour n.['au]小时,钟头

amount n.['maunt]数量;总额,总数

travel v.['trvl]旅游,旅行

spend v.[spend]用(钱),花费, 耗费,花费(时间、精力等);度过total adj.['tutl]全部的;完全的;整个的

hawker n.['h:k](尤指沿街叫卖的)小贩,叫卖商

church n.[t:t]教堂

primary adj.['praimri]主要的;初级的;基本的

secondary adj.['sekndri]第二的;中等的

lesson 4 Rules around us

around adv.['raund]在周围,在四周

tidy adj.['taidi]整齐的,整洁的

sentence n.['sentns]句子

switch v.[swit]开关;转换

break v.[breik]打碎,打破fan n.[fn]风扇

front adj.[frnt]前面的;正面的really adv.['rili, 'ri:li]真的吗(表语气)

Module 4 Food and drinks

Lesson 1 The food we eat spaghetti n.[sp'ɡeti]意大利式细面条steam v.[sti:m]蒸

steamed adj.[sti:md]蒸熟的,蒸的garlic n.['ɡɑ:lik]大蒜;蒜头spinach n.['spinid]菠菜watercress n.['w:tkres]豆瓣菜;西洋菜pea n.[pi:]豌豆

beef n.[bi:f]牛肉

tonight adv./ n.[t'nait]在今晚/今晚dessert n.[di'z:t]餐后甜点;甜点心mango n.['mɡu]芒果

fry v.[frai]油炸;油煎

fried adj.[fraid]油炸的,油煎的boil v.[bil]煮沸,烧开boiled adj.[bild]煮沸的,煮熟的bake v.[beik]烤,烘焙

baked adj.['beikid]烤的;烘焙的

item n.['aitm]项目,品目grocery n.['ɡrusri]食品杂货店oyster n.['ist]牡蛎,蚝

pork n.[p:k]猪肉

sauce n.[s:s]调味汁;沙司;酱油mushroom n.['mru:m]蘑菇

pepper n.['pep]胡椒;辣椒;胡椒粉lobster n.['lbst]龙虾[ 复数lobster ] chop n.[tp]排骨

curry n.['k:ri]咖哩粉,咖喱;咖哩饭菜pudding n.['pudi]布丁

seafood n.['si:fud]海鲜;海味;海产食品

stall n.[st:l]货摊

freeze v.[fri:z]使…冻住;使…结冰,冻结;冷冻froze v.[fruz]freeze的过去式形式

frozen adj./v.['fruzn]冻结的;冷酷的/ freeze的过去分词bar n.[bɑ:]酒吧

Lesson 2 Barbecues are fun

fun adj.[fn]有趣的;供娱乐用的,给人乐趣的grape n.[ɡreip]葡萄

spicy adj.['spaisi]辛辣的

meatball n.['mi:tb:l]肉丸子

watermelon n.['w:tmeln]西瓜

sour adj.['sau]酸的

sweet adj.[swi:t]甜味的

delicious adj.[di'lis]美味的;可口的

tasty adj.['teisti]可口的,味美的,好吃的

shall aux.[l]应;会;将;必须

honey n.['hni]蜂蜜

altogether adv.[,:lt'ɡee]完全地;总共,全部地

corn n.[k:n](美)玉米;(英)谷物choose v.[tu:z]选择,挑选,选出;决定

Lesson 3 Healthy eating

energy n.['endi]能量;精力

triangle n.['traiɡl]三角(形)

French n.[frent]法国人;法语

cream n.[kri:m]乳酪,奶

jelly n.['deli]果冻

milkshake n.['milkeik]奶昔

cornflake n.['k:nfleik]玉米片fat n.[ft]脂肪,肥肉

exercise n.['ekssaiz]运动;练习;运用;操练thin adj.[θin]薄的,瘦的

thick adj.[θik]厚的

magazine n.[,mɡ'zi:n]杂志

quiz n.[kwiz](非正式的)测验,考查habit.['hbit]习惯,习性;嗜好

teeth n.[ti:θ]牙齿(tooth 的复数)tooth n.[tu:θ]牙齿

Lesson 4 How do I make it

cookery n.['kukri]烹饪(术);烹饪业ingredient n.[in'ɡri:dint]原料;要素;组成部分tuna n.['tju:n]金枪鱼

paste n.[peist]糊,面团

pastry n.['peistri]制作糕点用的油酥面团spread v.[spred]摊开,涂,敷

mix v.[miks]使混合;掺和,拌和base n.[beis]基础

another adj.['ne]又一,另一;另外的other adj.['e]其他的,另外的

stick v.[stik]条状物;棒状物,棍,手杖trolley n.['trli]手推车

grate v.[ɡreit]磨碎,碾碎,擦碎sprinkle v.['sprikl]洒,撒;下稀疏小雨;喷撒


练习题二 一、用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. What is the ____(arrive) time of MU586? 2. My mother ____(cook) a nice food last Spring Festival. 3.The children ____(water) the flowers and ____(collect) eggs on the farm three days. 4. I ____(find) my ruler in my desk five minutes ago. 5. Shanghai is one of the most modern ____(city) in the world. 6. I have ____(many) books than you. 7. In Shanghai there are a lot of tall ____(build). 二、选择最恰当的答案 1. He comes from ____Asian country and ____Asian country is far away from ours. A. a; a B. a; the C. an; the D. the; an 2. There are over ____people at the square, waiting for the New Year to come. A. three thousand B. three thousands C. thousands of D. three thousand of 3. It ____the workers about half a year ____the bridge. A. spent; to build B. spent; in building C. took; to build D. took; in building 4. -____country is to the east of China? -Japan is. A. What B. How many C. Which D. Where 5. -Does Tim stay at home or go out to play at weekends? -____. A. Yes, he does. B. He stays at home. C. Yes, he stays at home. D. No, he doesn’t stay at home. 6. Do you like travelling to ____by air? A. other place B. other places C. others place D. others places 7. -How long will you stay in Beijing this summer holiday? -____three weeks. A. In B. For C. At D. On 8. My father is leaving for Guilin ____March 8. A. in B. at C. of D. on 三、根据所给要求,改写下列句子。 1. Tom read an interesting book at home.(改为否定句) Tom ________an interesting book at home. 2. It is two hours’ bus ride from our school to the Bund.(对划线部分提问) ________is it from your school to the Bund? 3. Mr. Peter has already bought several bags for his wife.(对划线部分提问) ________Mr. Peter bought for his wife? 4. The people in America like drinking coffee. (对划线部分提问) ____do the people in America like ____? 5. It took us about three days to travel from Shanghai to Bangkok by ship.(改为同意句) We ____about three days ____from Shanghai to Bangkok by ship. 四、完成对话 A. We’re also going to have a barbecue. B. Peter, it’ll be Tim’s birthday next Saturday.


Module 1 City life Unit1 Great cities in Asia 知识点梳理: I 词组 1. at an exhibition 在展览会上 2. the capital of China 中国的首都 the capital city of Shandong province 山东的省会城市3. north-east of Shanghai 在上海东北面 east/ west/ south / north of 在……的东、西、南、北面 north-east /north-west of 在……的东北、西北south-east /south- west of 在……东南,西南 * in/on/to the east of eg. Shanghai is in the east of China. Korea is on the east of China. Japan is to the east of China. 3. how far 多远 4. how 如何/怎样 5. how long 多久 6. in the past 在过去

7. other places 其他城市 8. from shanghai to Beijing 从上海到北京 9. read some information about Beijing 阅读关于北京的信息 10. the Great Wall 长城 * the Summer Palace 颐和园 * the Palace Museum 故宫博物院 11. more than= over 超过 * less than = under 少于 12. 15 million people 一千五百万人 *millions of, thousands of 13. huge department store 大型百货公司 *huge= very big 14. spicy food 辣的食物 15. in Asia 在亚洲Asia亚洲 Asian 亚洲人亚洲人的亚洲的 16. great cities= big cities 大城市 17. which city 哪个城市 18. by plane=by air; 乘飞机 by ship=by sea; 乘船


Unit 1 Who is younger? 单元教学内容简析: 本单元主要话题就是二种事物得比较。通过对话引出语言项目:形容词比较级。 本单元A部分通过创设情景,三人之间聊天引出两种事物比较得话题。 B部分主要学习常见形容词及其比较级。 C部分与D部分就是本单元得句型结构部分,重点学习句型及其答语Who's taller than David?Whose bag is heavier , yours or mine ?要求学生能够四会掌握这些句型。 E部分为Look ,read and judge。要求学生能根据所给得内容判断对错。 F部分为游戏活动部分,要求学生在听听、瞧瞧、做做、玩玩中进行。 G部分为语音部分,让学生了解字母组合or在单词中得读音。H部分就是一首歌谣,要求学生 能够会唱、并能配以动作进行表演。 单元教学要求: 1、能听得懂、会说、会读与会拼写 tall , light , young , old , heavy。 2、掌握会话中出现得三会单词与词组twin ,minute ,centimeter, child ,cute, also, chat、 3、能听得懂、会说、会读与会写四会句型:Who taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David 、 4、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语、Whose bag is heavier , yours or mine ?I'm as tall as you 、SuYang is younger than Su Hai 、 5、了解字母组合or在单词中得读音。 6、会说英语歌谣《I wish I was taller、》 单元教学重、难点: 见教学要求。 The First Period(第一课时) 一、教学内容: 6B、Unit 1 A部分,Listen ,read and say、 二、教学目标: 1 初步掌握理解句型,并能在交际中口头运用比较级句型 2 掌握四会单词tall,taller ,old ,older, young 、younger、 3 掌握三会单词与词组cute,go for a walk、 4 能听懂会说句型Are you as tall as your 、、、、、、, Su Yang's twenty minutes than me , Who is younger, you or Su Yang ? 三、教学重、难点: 5 能正确理解、掌握四会单词并能听懂会说句型Are you as tall as your 、、、、、、, Su Yang's twenty minutes than me ,Who is younger, you or Su Yang ?。 四、课前准备: 1 准备录音机与本课A部分得磁带。 2 准备A部分得图片。 3 课前写好本课得课题6B、Unit 1A部分Look, read and say 五、教学过程: A Sing a song、跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲Hello B Free talk、师生交流 T: Good morning, boys and girls、 Ss: Good morning, T: Nice to see you again、 Ss: Nice to see you, too、 T: How old are you ?


上海版牛津英语六年级下册6B重点知识点复习整理 Module 1 City Life Unit 1 Great cities in Asia 【知识点梳理】 1.方位词:east / west / north / south / north-east / north-west / south-east / south-west 用法:a. 两地不相邻: e.g. A is north B. (= to the south of) b. 两地接壤: e.g. A is on the north of B. c. 所属关系,A包含B, B属于A: e.g. B is in the north of A. 2. by + 交通工具表示“乘……交通工具”, 用how进行提问 e.g. by bus / ferry / train / ship / underground… by plane = by air, by ship = by sea 3. How far…多远(询问距离的远近,路程的长短) e.g. Hoe far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校有多远? 4. How long…多长,多久(询问时间的长短,提问一段时间) e.g. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train? 坐火车从上海到北京 要花多长时间? 5. It takes (sb.) some time to do sth. 做某事需要花费多少时间 e.g. It takes me five hours to make this modal plane. 做这个模型飞机花了我5个小时。 6. like / love / enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 e.g. The people in Bangkok like / love / enjoy eating spicy food. 曼谷人喜欢吃辛辣食物。 7. 词组句型 at an exhibition about great cities in Asia 在一个关于亚洲大城市的展览会上 Which city…? 哪个城市…?the capital of……的首都from…to…从…到…in the past 在过去 travel to other places 去别的地方more than = over 超过,多于 visit the Great wall 参观长城tall buildings 高楼大厦 huge department stores大型的百货商店famous hotels著名的宾馆 quiz cards测试卡 at these beautiful beaches 在这些美丽的沙滩上 Module 1 City Life Unit 2 At the Airport 【知识点梳理】 1.have/has been to 去过,到过(表示现在已经回来) have/has been in 住在= have lived / stayed in have/has gone to去,到….. (表示现在还没有回来) e.g. We have already been to Changfeng Park.


上海牛津英语6B模块1重点总结 Module 1 City life 城市生活 Unit 1 Great cities in Asia 亚洲的著名城市 Ask and answer问一问,答一答 In pairs, look at the map and talk about the cities, like this: 两人一组,看着地图,谈论这些城市,像这样: S1: Which city is the capital of …? 哪个城市是……的首都? S2: … is the capital of …? ……是……的首都。 S1: Where is it? 它在哪里? S2: It’s … of Shanghai.它在上海的……。 S1:How far is it from Shanghai to …? 从上海到……有多远? S2: It’s about…它大约…… S1: How can we travel to …? 我们怎样去……? S2: We can travel by …我们可以坐……去。 S1: How long does it take to travel from … to … by …? 乘……从……到……要花费多少时间? S2: It takes about…大约花费…… 拓展:Saying名言 All I am, or can be, I love to my angel mother. 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。 Language语言 ◆Where is it? 它在哪里? It’s north/south/east/west of…它在……的北/南/东/西。 It’s north-east/north-west/south-east/south-west of… 它在……的东北/西北/东南/西南。 ◆How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing? 从上海到北京有多远? It’s about 1,400 kilometres. 大约1400公里。 ◆How can we travel to Beijing? 我们怎么样去北京?


牛津版英语六年级第二学期知识点梳理 Unit 10 知识点梳理: I. 词性转换 1.leaf (pl.)—leaves 2.build (v.)—building (n.) –*builder (n.) 3.wood (n.)—wooden (a.) 4.furniture ( uncountable noun) *a piece of furniture 5.die (v.)—dead (a.) 6.lose (v.)-- *loss (n.) –* lost (a. ) 7.plastic (n.)—plastic (a.) 8.wool (n.)— woollen (a.) 9.glass (n.)— a pair of glasses 10.hard (a.) – hard (ad.) 11.feel (v.)—* feeling (n.) II. 词组 1.cut down trees to make houses 砍下树木来造房子 2.stop doing sth. 停止做某事 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5d2235239.html,e sth. to do sth. = use sth for doing 用…来做 4.provide sth. for sb./ sth =provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物 5.be made of 由…制成 6.*be made from 由…制成 7.*be made up of 由…组成 8.make a display board 制作一块展览板 9.read some information about forests 阅读一些关于森林的信息 10.a large area of trees 一大片的树木 11.provide shelter and food for..为……提供居所和食物 12.make nests in trees 在树上筑巢 13.cook food with wood 用木头做饭


6BUnit1like/love/enjoydoing sth. 喜欢做某事 greatcitiesinAsia 亚洲的大城市findmuseums,palacesa nd parksthere 在那儿找到博物 馆、宫殿和公园 agreatcity 一个大城市 traveltodifferentci ties 去不同的城市旅 行manytourists 许多游客 traveltothesamecity 去同一个城市旅 行 likevisitingthosepla ces 爱参观那些地 方 anexhibition=ashow 一个展览visittheGreatWall 参观长城 atanexhibitionabout greatcities 在一个关于大城 市的展览上 morethan15millionpeo ple 一千五百多万 人 enjoyeatingdumplings 喜欢吃饺子 lookatthemap 看地图seealotoftallbuildin gs 看到许多高楼 whichcity 哪个城市hugedepartmentstores 大型百货商店Beijingisthecapital of China. 北京是中国的首 都。 famoushotels 着名的宾馆 goshopping/swimming 去购物/去游泳 Tokyoisthecapitalof Japan. 东京是日本的首 都。 gotravelling/fishing /cycling 去旅游/钓鱼/ 骑车 inTokyo 在东京 Tokyoisnorth-eastof Shanghai. 东京在上海的东 北面。 about12millionpeople 约一千二百多 万 loveeatingsushi 喜爱吃寿司 south-westofShangha i 上海的西南thecapitalofThailand 泰国的首都inEast Asia 在东亚south-westofShanghai 上海的西南面 northofChina 中国的北面manytemplesandbeache s 许多寺庙和海 滩 North China 华北inBangkok 在曼谷 byplane/air/aeropla ne 乘飞机enjoyswimminginthese a 喜欢在海里游 泳 byship=bysea 乘船atthesebeautifulbeac hes 在这些漂亮的海滩 bytrain 乘火车loveeatingfruit 喜爱吃水果 howfar 多远loveeatingspicyfood 喜爱吃辣的食物 fromShanghaito Beijing 从上海到北京Ittakessb.sometimeto do sth. 某人花费多少 时间做某事 howlong 多长时间inthepast 在过去traveltootherplaces 去其它地方旅行onehour=anhour 一个小时halfanhour 半小时

上海牛津英语 6B 作文

My Favourite City Shanghai is my favourite city. It is one of the biggest cities in China. It is also an international city in the world. There are many tall buildings and department stores in Shanghai. Many tourists enjoy shopping in Shanghai. You can buy anything you want. What’s more, it is famous for its night views. You can also visit many interesting places in Shanghai. I like Shanghai best. A trip to ___________ Last summer holidays I went to Hainan Island with my parents. We went there by plane. The weather is very nice. We went swimming in the sea and played volleyball at the beaches. We visited many beautiful places. We also enjoyed eating seafood there. I have a good time and I will never forget it. Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Festival is an important festival in China. It is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. People eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to celebrate the festival. There are two kinds of rice dumplings. They are sweet rice dumplings and salty rice dumplings. I like the salty ones with meat best. They are delicious. People celebrate the festival to remember a great man, Qu Yuan. I like Dragon Boat Festival very much. How to keep healthy It is very important for us to keep healthy. How to keep healthy? First, we should have good diets. We must eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, a lot of rice, noodles and bread. We must not eat too much fried food or drink too many soft drinks. Second, we should have good eating habits and a good lifestyle. In addition, we should take an active part in sports and have some exercises. I would like to be a _____________ I would like to be a policeman because I think that being a policeman is a good job. In 15 years’ time, I will be taller and stronger and I will help many people. Now I am good at English and Chinese. But I am poor at sports. So I have to do more exercises to stay healthy. I hope that my dream will come true.


小升初总复习资料 牛津英语6B》期末测试卷 Name Class Score Listening part 听力部分(30%) 一、据所听内容在相应的图下括号内标出序号(听两遍) (每小题1分, 共8分) 二、听音,勾出你听到的单词。(听两遍) (每小题1分, 共5分) 1.()sign ( ) fine ( ) line 2.()sea ( ) she ( ) see 3.()block ( )look ( )book 4.()brother ( ) another ( )mother 5.()coat ( ) cold ( ) cotton 二、根据所听对话,判断下列句子是否与所听内容相符,相符的在括号内写(T),不相符 的在括号内写(F) (听两遍) (每小题1分, 共6分) ( )1. Mike is going to play the piano at the concert this evening. ( ) 2. Nancy likes autumn better than spring. ( ) 3. David had some bread for his breakfast at home today. ( ) 4. Helen is going to the cinema to watch a film with her friends. ( ) 5. Yang Lin wants to buy some birthday presents for her mother. ( ) 6. Peter doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. 三、根据所听内容,选择正确答案(听两遍) (每小题1分, 共8分) ( ) 1. A. Ben. B. Jim. C. We don’t know.


学员编号: 年级:课时数: 学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师: 授课类型T Unit4(牛津6下)基础知识梳 理 教学目标1、使学生能够基本掌握牛津6年级下册Unit4中的基础词汇及重要句型; 星级★★★ 授课日期及时段 (建议2-5分钟) 批注:上面图片涉及到孩子们平时的室外活动,和学生讨论平时喜欢什么类型的室内外活动,并讨论活动的意义,导出主题stay healthy。 (建议20-25分钟) 想知道更多的室内外活动及其意义吗?让我们先扫开单词障碍吧! 一、词汇Words T同步-U4基础知识梳理

1. indoor adj.室内的,户内的 e. g. an indoor pool一个室内游泳池indoor paint室内画 an indoor party户内聚会indoor gardening户内园艺 2. outdoor adj.室外的,户外的 e. g. outdoor games户外运动an outdoor pool户外游泳池 an outdoor theatre露天剧场lead an outdoor life在野外生活 批注:这里可以引入常见的室内外活动的英文表达,可以为孩子写作文积累素材。丢沙包:earth bags; 踢毽子:Shuttlecock;跳绳:rope skipping;打篮球:play basketball;踢足球:play football;打排球:play volleyball;游泳:;画画:drawing;弹钢琴:play the piano;郊游:go for an outing;露营:go camping。 4. forget v. (过去式forgot,过去分词forgotten,现在分词forgetting)忘记 e. g. -I'm sorry I've forgotten your name.很抱歉,我忘了你的名字。 -I'm John. We met on the first day of school.我叫约翰,我们在开学第一天见过面。 【指点迷津】forget to do sth.与forget doing sth. 前者表示‘‘忘记去做某事”,而后者表示“忘记做过某事”的意思。 e. g. She forgot to post the letter.她忘记寄这封信了。 I'll never forget meeting my school headmaster for the first time.我永远忘不了和我校长初次见面的情景。批注:这里可以将remember和forget一起讲解。 9. health n.健康 e. g.-Which would you choose, health or wealth? 健康和财富,你选择哪一个? -Health, if I have to choose one.如果非得选一个的话,我选健康。 【知识拓展】healthy adj. (比较级healthier,最高级healthiest)健康的. e. g. -How can we keep healthy? 怎样才能保持健康? -Eat healthy food and do exercise.吃健康食品,做运动。 批注:健康食品的英文表达为health food,不健康食品为unhealthy food. 11. headache n.头痛 e. g. -Are you all right? You look pale.你身体不舒服吗?你脸色苍白。 -I have a bad headache.我头疼得厉害。 【知识拓展】病痛的表达 (1)英语中身体各部位疼痛的词多数由“部位+ache”来表示。 (2)表示病痛的词大多数是可数名词,如a headache,a stomach ache等,但牙痛toothache是不可数名词。 12. cold n.感冒 a bad, heavy, slight cold严重、重、轻感冒 have a cold in the head/on the chest患伤风头疼/伤风咳嗽 e. g. -You look ill.你看上去好像病了。 -Yes, I've got a bad cold.是的,我得了重感冒。 【知识拓展】cold n.冷;寒冷 e. g. the heat of summer and the cold of winter夏暑冬寒 She doesn't seem to feel the cold.她似乎不觉得冷。


Revision for 6B Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. (用所给词的适当形式填空。) 1.They enjoyed ________ at the party yesterday. (they) 2.Look, a bird is ________ in the sky. (fly) 3.We can find many ________ changes in different seasons. (season) 4.We must wear red ________ when we go to school. (scarf) 5.Look, there are many ________ on the notice board. (notice) 6.Kitty usually goes ________ with her mother at weekends. (shop) 7.My aunt like coffee ________ sugar because sugar keeps her fat. (with) 8.One of Eddie’s favourite indoor ________ is playing the piano. (active) 9.The ______ Sunday of June is Father’s Day. (three) 10.In autumn, ______ begin to fall down from trees. (leaf) 11.“Work harder,” he often says to ______. (he) 12.There are a lot of ______ jobs in summer. (season) 13.You can see many ______ in the garden. (butterfly) 14.All students at Rose Garden School must wear red ______. (scarf) 15.Watermelon is one kind of __________ fruits. (season) 16.There are a lot of __________ falling from the trees. (leaf) 17.It is __________ to go outing in spring. (comfort) 18.I’d like to stay at an __________ room. (air-condition) 19.__________ students drink hot drinks in winter than in summer. (many) 20.People in the world can find many __________ in Shanghai every year. (change) 21. The wind is strong and the farmer holds his clothes _______________( tight). 22.The strong wind ______________( blow ) my mother’s hat away. 23.We raise our national ______________( flag) every day. 24.Harry and his father are wearing ______________( raincoat). 25.It is ______________(rain ) heavily outside. 26.There were several traffic ____________( jam ) near our school this morning. 27.What will the weather be like tomorrow ? It will be ___________( cloud ). 28.– What can you see when there is a gentle wind? -- I see children ____________ ( fly ) their kites in the park. 29. There are different ____________( kind ) of windy weather. 30. I like to go out for a walk with my mother on a ______________( sun ) day. 31.Everyone should remember the ___________ ( safe ) rules. 32.On ___________( rain ) days, we must be more careful with the traffic . 33.The leaves on the tree are blowing _____________( gentle ) in the wind. 34.We should inside our _____________( flat ). 35.Ships and boats should stay in typhoon _____________( shelter ). 36.Jenny checked her homework ________________( careful ). 37.He will ___________( possible) buy some flowers for his mother on Mother’s Day. 38.Drinking more water can help you keep _________( health ). 39.It is raining _____________( heavy ) outside. 40.My heart _____________( sink ) when I heard the bad news. 41.There goes the bell. Let’s go into the classroom ____________( immediate). 42.Every morning I see many old people ____________( do ) exercise on my way home.


上海版牛津英语6B主要内容及知识重点基 本 题 型Module1 How far is it from Shanghai to Bangkok ? It′s 3050 kilometres . Howlongdoesittaketogetthereby ship ? It takes about 3days. Have you got your suitcase ? Yes / No…. 1.How far is it from…to…? How long does it take…?的正确使用,区分它们的 用法。还有分数和英文多为数字的读法。 2.复习巩固现在完成时,对句型进行操 练,同时了解出国时的一些相关知识, 并对其提问Module2 1.He/She will possibly be a/an…?—Yes, I agree./No, I don’t agree. 2. What do many students like doing?_____. 3. Why do many students like…?Because___. 4. What will travelling in Beijing be like in 10

years’time?—Perhaps ___of the people willtravel by______?Module3 1.Whatcanyouseewhenthereisagentle wind? 2.Whatmayhappenwhenthereisatyphoon? 3. I can see…when there is… 4. How can we save water? 5. What is it made of?知 识 重 点 教 材 位 置学生们能够熟练掌握将来时态will be能够熟练掌握现在完成时态,大凡引导的句子(问答句)包括第三人称的运用将来时态和大凡过去时态的句子.能熟和表达。能熟练掌握由WhatWhy引导的分外练掌握状语从句,动词不定式等的用疑问句及like doing sth.结构在句中的运法.用。学会对比两种句型:过去(Inthepast)能正确的读和写分数和现在(Nowadays)之间的异同,对动词过去时的用法能灵敏掌握和表达。 五年级B M2中出现了方位词north大凡将来时的句型在4B教材中出现此内容在4B和5B中的M3,U3中south联想到其他的方位词。过。由What引导的分外问句在3A—6A中都出现过,由what和how引导的分外六年级AM1,3模块中出现了现有出现。Why引导的句子在5A中有过。过疑问句在3A-----6A中都有出现.在完成时去式的表达在五年级中有过接触。


2011学年度第二学期六年级期末模拟卷 Part 1 Listening 第一部分听力 (25%) Ⅰ. Listen and choose the right picture.(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):6% 1._______ 2. ______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. ______ 6. ______ Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案): 7% ( ) 1. A. A doctor B. A teacher C. A nurse D. A policeman ( ) 2. A. He is going to work in a factory. B. He is going to meet his friends. C. He is going to help the old people. D. He is gong to do some shopping. ( ) 3. A. To take bus No. 21. B. To go there by bike. C. To go there by car. D. To take a taxi. ( ) 4. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 ( ) 5. A. Tea and coffee. B. Some tea. C. Some water. D. Some coffee. ( ) 6. A. Because he has got toothache. B. Because he was tired. C. Because he ate too much ice-cream. D. Because he got wet in a heavy rain the day before yesterday. ( ) 7. A. It’s sunny and hot. B. There was a typhoon. C. It was rainy. D. The typhoon passed quickly Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)6% ( ) 1. My family has four people, my father, my mother, my sister and I. ( ) 2. My father works in another city, so we can’t see him all day, sometimes. ( ) 3. My mother likes to be a bank clerk. ( ) 4 My mother never cooks for us because she is busy.. ( ) 5. My brother likes to make new friends. ( ) 6. I want to be a teacher. It’s easy for me, I think. Ⅳ. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (根据你听到的短文,完成下列句子,每格限填一词): 6%

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