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2018-2019学年 上海市杨浦高级中学高一上英语期末考试英语试卷

2018-2019学年 上海市杨浦高级中学高一上英语期末考试英语试卷
2018-2019学年 上海市杨浦高级中学高一上英语期末考试英语试卷


II. Grammar and vocabulary (20%)

Section A

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D

Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. (10%)

17. Animal World is competing for more not just against other animal shows but against all dramatic television.





18. Having coffee as an occasional treat in though, is much healthier for you than having it every day as you do your daily vitamins and water.





19. These facts revealed recently highly embarrassing for the government.


【B】was proved

【C】was proving

【D】is proved

20. The man who has everything is in some ways a poor man. He will never know what it feels like to his

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soul with the dream





21. If your mind is relaxed but your body is do, some low-intensity stretches and exercises to relax your muscles.





22. The young man didn’t understand English, but he was enough to understand my question from the gestures I made.





23. This company is likely to dealings with other firms before details of the investigation are

made clear.





24. The smell from the garbage dulled her .


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25. Companies that get service right are rewarded with growth and devoted customers





26. Now, the gene discovered today doesn't all the diseases.

【A】account for

【B】involve in

【C】make the best use of

【D】mix with

27. There is still high possibility, as can be seen at the moment, our company can the opponents(对手).

【A】which, beat

【B】which, win

【C】that, beat

【D】that, win

28. The girl, in front of me, is the tour guide of this journey.



【C】who seats

【D】that seated

29. The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, he is accompanied

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30. My trusty printer was busy producing an important report it simply stopped





31. In the end, we got to the situation we had to take immediate action to save the wounded.





32. We lost track of her in previously belonged to China but now is part of Russia.





33. The Great Wall is such a well-known tourist attraction millions of people pour in every year.【A】that




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34. How long do you think the computer company brings out a new product?

【A】it will be before

【B】will it be until

【C】will it be when

【D】it will be that

35. Raymond always carries some painkillers in his bag a headache suddenly attacks.

【A】so that

【B】so long as

【C】in case

【D】even if

36. leaves the classroom last should remember to turn off the electrical appliances and lock the door.【A】No matter who.

【B】Who that



Section B

Directions: Conplete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be

used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.(10%)


B. avoid

C. exploring

D. aware AB .required AC. critical

AD. Cheating BC. ashamed BD. Proof CD.identify ABC. proper

We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been

cut by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding

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why we acted as we did, and then __37__ ways to avoid similar problems in the future.

Making ethical(伦理的) decisions is a(n) __38___ part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to __39___risks, because if we can't see the risks were taking, we can't make responsible choices. To recognize risks, we need to know the rules and be ___40___of the facts.For example, one who doesn't know the rules about plagiarism(剽窃)may accidentally use words or ideas without giving___41___credit or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote(引用) and cite sources as__42___. But the fact that such a violation is "unintentional" does not excuse the misconduct. Ignorance is not a(n) ____43___.

Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts, but manage to fool themselves

about the risks they're taking by using excuses: "Everyone else does it, ","i'm not hurting anyone,

or "I really need this grade. "Excuses can get very complex: "I know i'm looking at anothers exam,even though i'm supposed to keep my eyes on my own paper, but that's not ___44___ because. I'm just checking my answers, not copying, We must be honest about our actions, and

____45____ excuses. If we fool ourselves into believing we,re not doing anything wrong, we can't

see the real choice we're making--and that leads to bad decisions.

To avoid fooling yourself, watch out for excuses and try this test: Ask how you would feel if.

your actions were public, and anyone could be watching over your shoulder. Would you feel proud or ___46___of your actions? If you'd rather hide your actions, that's a good indication that

you're taking a risk and rationalizing it to yourself.

Ill. Reading Comprehension (43%)

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B,

C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.(15%)

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A Study of Point of view and Argument

Everyday life is an interaction(互动,相互作用) of points of view. Sometimes these interactions pass by virtually___47___ like when you find yourself forced to buy the newest cell phone but suddenly stop and ask yourself, Do I even need this thing? and then realize that the latest ad campaign has____48___ you of something without you really knowing it. Sometimes these interactions with others are obvious and deeply felt, like when an emotional argument__49___over why your father won’t quit smoking even though his health is __50____---you only see your desire for him to be OK, he only sees his independence, Then there are those times when these sorts of ___51__-feel delighted. like when you voice your opinion, as you do every year at the Thanksgiving table, about some political issue, and finally- after years of trying-see the ___52___ of hmm, you may be right' on your uncle's face.

Advertising, media, novels and even the people you love often aim to___53___ our opinions. We see the usual practice of close reading not just as a method of doing the academic work of looking closely at text evidence, word and structure, but as an opportunity to bring those practices together, to ___54___our students to see the subtle messages in texts and in their lives, to help them be strong and ___55____consumers of ideas and reflective, caring members of society.

One large, multi-year study suggested that many students graduated without being able to distinguish- __56___ from the influence of carefully designed opinions and public relations, We believe educators can help ___57___this. We want our students to be able to recognize the points of view and arguments in texts and in life to see when they are happening and to-__58____engage them. We want our students to listen to those points of view and arguments with an open mindto truly listen to what other people believe and respectfully __59____or question what they are saying. We also want our students to live with the confidence of ___60____ themselves to make sound-___61___, to make sense of the world, and to take risks. Reading closely in this way can give our students a healthy skepticism (质疑态度) while also helping them to have a more open mind.

47.A. unbelievable B unnoticed C. mistaken D. available

48.A .convince B. informed C reminded D. expected

49.A .takes up B. takes in C. works out D. breaks out

50.A .recovering B. improving C. failing D. developing

51.A. interactions B. functions C messages D. issues

52. A phrase B.expectation C. reflection D. look

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53.Aaccept B. influence C. misunderstand D. refuse

54. A engage B understand C enable D. recognize

55.A affordable B. capable C.agreeable D. noticeable

56. A. facts B. conclusions C. conflicts D. arguments

57.A mistake B. question C. change D. discover

58.A. flexibly B. powerfully C unwillingly D.actively

59.A look out B.take in C. carry on D. give away

60.A exposing B.engaging C. trusting D. adapting

61. A improvements B. appointments C arrangements D judgments

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or

unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A. B. C and D. Choose the

one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(22%).


A brother and sister have been reunited after more than 60 years, thanks to a letter in the Welwyn and Hatfield Times.

For years John Hannant kept a photograph of his long-lost sister, hoping they would meet again. Margery, the eldest of the three children, had signed up to the Royal Air Force as part of the war effort, when John was still a baby. The family lost touch and as the decades passed only a single letter gave a clue to where she might be The clue was enough for a WHT reader to recognize Margery and put the family back in touch.

John, 67, said he had been searching for a long time and a friend suggested his writing to the paper.

“That's what made it, the letter to the paper was written back a few months ago, he said.” it's as if a dream came true. The last time we ever heard from Margery was in 1953 after the floods. She wrote home to see if we were all right. My sister Dorothy wrote back, but Margery had moved again and never got the letter. "

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Having retired from his job as a gardener at Park House on the royal estate at Sandringham, Mr. Hannant decided to take action once and for all. He and his wife Doreen, travelled to Margery’s home in Chelwood Avenue, Hatfield, which she shares with her husband Jack Cooke.

Margery is 88 this year (2008), and she was getting better after several months in hospital. She immediately recognized her brother”. John said,” it's something that I never thought was going to happen, but I always hoped it would”.

62. Why did Margery leave home?

A. Because a war destroyed her home.

B. Because she signed up to serve in the army.

C Because there was a flood in her hometown.

D. Because she went to search for her brother.

63. When she wrote to John the last time, Margery was_______.





64. John found his sister________.

A. by writing to his friend

B. by traveling around

C. with the help of Dorothy

D. with the help of a newspaper reader

65. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A Margery was not in very good health.

B. The photograph kept by John was the most important clue to where Margery might be.

C. Margery and Jack live with their children now.

D. Since 1953, Margery has come back home only once.

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1. Find out about the trail and surroundings, be sure that you have enough time to complete the entire route before darkness falls. Do not stray off the path to chase after animals.

2. Use good judgement regarding the fitness level required for the trek(徒步跋涉) and know your physical limits.

3. Always inform the park officials or let someone know of your plans and destination for the day, especially if going alone.

4. Take plenty of water and pack a few easy to eat snacks to keep energy level up. Unless trekking with a local guide, it is not advisable to eat jungle fruit or drink from any water source.

5. Be as quiet as possible to avoid scaring any wildlife. Getting an early start during the dawn provides the best chance to sight animals seeking food and the warmth of the early morning sun.

6. Wear thin, loose, preferably cotton clothing to remain comfortable.

7. Cover arms and legs with long trousers and long-sleeved shirts to ward off mosquitoes and to provide protection against thorny plants.

8. Be prepared for sudden rain showers by carrying a poncho that wraps over both body and your carrying pack to keep everything dry.9. Choose footwear with proper ankle support and good traction.

10. A wide brimmed hat helps to shade a trekker from the heat of the tropical sun.

66. Before an adventure, a trekker should .

A. tell the park officials his destination and time schedule

B. pack up some jungle fruit juice and pre-cooked meals

C. consult a local guide about the most adventurous route

D. have his fitness level assessed at the tourist center

67. Which of the following is NOT suitable for a rainforest trekking?

A. Long-sleeved cotton shirts.

B. Tight sports shorts.

C. Hiking boots.

D. A wide brimmed hat.

68. If a trekker starts out at dawn, he may .

A. escape being caught in the rain

B. sight scared wildlife

C. enjoy the heat of the tropical sun

D. see animals seeking food


Post-00s is a documentary about growing up. It covers almost every aspect of millennials’ experiences on their path toward adolescence - their struggles with schoolwork, their relationship with peers, their confusion if a younger brother or sister is born into the family, and their growing desire to keep a distance from their parents. But this five-episode series was different from any other TV program with a similar theme.

Post-00s was film over a period of 10 years, during which the show's makers followed a group of kids from when they were infants through to when they became teenagers. In other words, the show's "character" grow older for real, and their stories are all real.

"Coming-of-age" stories, as they're known, have special appeal. They satisfy our curiosity of looking at someone else' life, and we become more and more attached to the characters as if we truly know them. And while we enjoy the truthfulness of the stories because nothing is set in advance, we also cannot help but feel the cruelty of reality. After all, there's no re-writing of the script (副本) and there's no turning back - this is real life.

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This realness can also be seen in Boyhood. a 2014 film that won the Silver Bear award for best director at the 64th Berlin International Film Festival. During a period of 12 years, the film follows the life of Mason Jr. played by US actor Ellar Coltrane - from when he was 6 to when he finished high school.

One of Boyhood's appeals comes from its "ordinariness". Mason Jr. isn't some child genius....He is a quietly spoken, fairly typical American boy, growing up in the Texas suburbs.

He likes riding his bike and playing video games.

While coming-of-age stories may look ordinary on the outside, they often allow us to look underneath the surface and see something extraordinary— the power of life itself.

69. In the documentary, we see post-00's growing experience EXCEPT .

A. how they deal with their studies.

B. how they help look after brothers or sisters.

C. how they get along with people of their age

D. how much they long to be independent of their parents

70. What do Post-00 and Boyhood have in common?

A. They're intended to win an award for best director.

B. The heroes and heroines are characters themselves.

C. They're a kind of reality show of ordinary kids' growth.

D. The stories are based on true life but polished by writers.

71. Audience are interested in "coming-of-age" stories because .

A. they can see the truth of life

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B. they know the characters well

C. they are much fond of gossip.

D. they appreciate stories of daily life

72. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A. Post-00s are different geniuses.

B. Actors are ordinary characters.

C. Documentary is real life

D. Life is one big Story

Section C(4')

Directions: complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A. Our baby was not doing well, so Effie financed my wife's trip to New York for consultation with a specialist

B. Give your help to those in greater need.

C. The oddest part of the whole affair is that people whom I help often help others later on.

D. Effie worked diligently all her life.

AB. "Pay me whenever you like," said Effie, climbing back into her truck.

AC. "Don't give it to me all at once," she said.

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“Any apples today?” Effie asked cheerfully at my window. I followed her to her truck and bought a kilo. On credit, of course. Cash was the one thing in the world I lacked just then 73 .

All pretense(借口) of payment was dropped when our funds, food and fuel decreased to alarming lows. Effie came often, always bringing some gift: a jar of peaches or some firewood There were other generosities. 74 Effie was not a rich woman. Her income, derived from investments she had made while running an interior decorating shop, had never exceeded $200 a month, which she supplemented by selling her apples. But she always managed to help someone poorer.

Years passed before I was able to return the money Effie had given me from time to time. She was ill now and had aged rapidly in the last year. "Here, daring," I said, "is what I owe(欠) you", 75 "Give it back as I gave it to you - a little at a time.” I think she believed there was magic in the slow discharge of a love debt.

The simple fact is that I never repaid the whole amount to Effie, for she died a few weeks late. By now, the few dollars Effie gave me have been multiplied many times. But curious thing began to happen.

Whenever I saw a fellow human in financial trouble, I was moved to help him. I can't afford to do this always, but in the ten years since Effie’s death, I have indirectly repaid my debt to her.

76 At that time, it seemed that my debt would forever go unsettled. So the account can be marked closed, for Effie’s love will go on in hearts that have never known her.

第II 卷(21%)

IV. Grammar (6%)

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

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The Grasshopper in Van Gogh Painting

Art conservators (管理员) dream of finding hidden secrets in the masterpieces they look after. Rarely do they expect to find a dead grasshopper.

Conservators at the Nelson-Atkins museum of art in Kansas City said they discovered the dead insect in one of its star paintings, Vincent van Gogh’s Olive Trees, when it (77)_______ (scan) as part of the research for a catalogue of its French painting collection.

It was spotted by Mary Schafer. She told a local broadcaster that she found it in the work’s lower foreground. Looking at the painting with the microscope ,I came across the tiny body of a grasshopper covered in the paint, so it must have occurred in the wet paint back in 1889.

“We can connect it to Van Gogh painting outside, so we think of him battling the elements, dealing with the wind, the bugs, and then he’s got to walk back to his studio through the fields. What’s fun is that we can come up with all these stories for (78)_______ the insect landed in the paint.”

Schafer said they were curious to know if the grasshopper could be studied further to possibly identify (79) season Van Gogh painted Olive Trees.

Michael Engel, a professor at the University of Kansas, was approached to examine the grasshopper further. He discovered that part of the insect’s body was missing and there was no sign (80) movement in the surrounding paint. In other words, it was already dead (81)_______ it somehow landed on the artist’s wet canvas and could not be used for dating purposes.

Van Gogh painted Olive Trees in 1889, the year after his falling out with his friend Gauguin, (82)_______ may have led to his famous act of self-mutilation in the history of art: cutting off his own ear.

The grasshopper may not help in any art historical research but it has become a talking point for museum visitors, looking closely into the painting to see whether they can spot the dead insect.V. Translation (17%)

1. 那些没有均衡饮食的孩子更容易得病。(increase)

2. 在上海科技馆看电影,我有一种身临其境的感觉。(feel like)

3. 我们所吃的动物(在加工成肉前)不得不拥挤地生活在狭小的空间里。(spend)(注意:括号里的中文晴不要翻)

4. 由于一位参赛者昏迷了,所以导演匆忙地从舞台对面的控制室走了下来。 (faint)

5. 一些关于人体所需的蛋白质的科学信息可以帮助我们在吃什么问题上做出正确的决定。


【答案】17.B 18.D 19.A 20.D 21.D 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.B 26.A 27.C 28.B 29.D 30. C 31.A 32.C 33.A 34.A 35.C 36.D

【答案】37.C 38.AC 39. CD 40.D 41.ABC 42.AB 43. A 44. AD 45.B 46. BC

【答案】47-51BADCC 52-56CAABD 57-61 CDCDC

【答案】62-65 BCDA

【答案】66.A 67.B 68.D

【答案】69.B 70.C 71.A 72.C

【答案】73.AB 74.A 75.AC 76.C

答案:77 was being scanned 78. how 79. which 80. of 81. when 82 which


1.The possibility of getting sick increases from those who have not balanced diet

2.Watching movies in Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, I feel like I were truly in there.

3.The animals that we eat have to spend their whole life in narrow space.

4.The director hurried to come over from the controlling room on the opposite of stage because a contestant got faint.

5.Some scientific information about the protein needed in the body can helps us decide correctly what can be eaten.

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