当前位置:文档之家› 2020年高考英语语法专项突破训练专题09-《动词和动词短语》




对于动词和动词短语,主要考查词义辨析、动词的用法和搭配、一词多义以及在具体语境中正确使用动词短语。要特别注意一些最常用的词汇如get, make, have, take以及与它们构成的动词短语等。


注意:有些动词是兼类词。如:We have lunch at 12. (行为动词) / We have been to Japan. (助动词)



常用动词come, go, keep, look, make, put, take, turn, get的相关搭配

1. come

come about 发生;造成

come across 偶然遇到

come after 追踪;跟在……后面

come along 一道走;赶快

come at 向……扑过来

come from 来自

come on 跟随;上演;赶快;加油

come out 出来;出版;结果是

come to (oneself) 苏醒;总共;达到;涉及come to an agreement 达成协议

come to a close/an end 终止;结束

come to life 活过来

come to light 泄露;被发现

come to mind 想起;回忆起

come to the point (讲话、写文章等)切中要害come to the/one’s rescue 营救;帮助

come true 实现;变成现实

come up with 想出;提出

come into being/existence 出现;开始形成;成立

come in 进来;上市;流行起来;(比赛中)得……名次(come in second 得第二名) 2. go

go about 此处走动

go after 追赶;追捕;追求

go ahead 前进;说吧;走吧;做吧(口语) go all out to do sth. 全力以赴做某事

go beyond 超出;超出……的能力

go by 从……经过/通过;时间流逝

go back to 追溯到;回顾

go down 下降;下跌

go in for 参与;从事;爱好go into 进入;从事

go off 离开某地;爆炸

go over 复习;超过期限;审阅;仔细查看go out 熄灭;出去;过时

go through 穿过;经受

go too far 太过分;走得太远

go with 相配(同义词match)

go well with 协调;相配

go wrong 出错;发生故障

go around/round 绕道;四处走动;(故事、消息等)传开;萦绕3. keep

keep away 不靠近;远离

keep back 向后退;保留

keep in mind 记住;把……记在心里keep in order 保持整齐;使井井有条keep in touch with 保持联系

keep one’s ears open 留心细听;倾听keep one’s eyes open 留心;注意

keep out 不让入内;不要进来

keep out of 不参与;不牵涉进去;置身事外keep quiet 保持安静

keep up your courage 鼓起勇气;保持勇气keep up with 跟上

keep off 不接近;保持距离;避开;回避(某话题) 4. look

look about/around 四周环顾

look after 照顾

look ahead 向前看;展望未来

look at 看

look back 回顾;回过头看

look down upon 看不起

look down one’s nose at 傲慢;轻视某人look forward to 期待

look into 调查look like 看起来像

look out (of) 当心;小心;向外看look through 浏览;看穿

look up 仰视;查找(字典、电话本等) look up to sb. 尊敬

look up and down上下打量(某人) look to 指望;寄望;依靠

look on 袖手旁观

look over 仔细检查

5. make

make sense 说得通;有意义;言之有理make up 构成

make up for 弥补;补偿

make up one’s mind 下决心;决定

make an effort to / make efforts to 努力;尽力make oneself heard 让自己被别人听到make good sense / no sense 有意义/没意义make fun of 嘲笑;取笑be made up of 由……组成/构成make tea/coffee 泡茶/泡咖啡make a living 某人

make a difference 有影响;有关系make full use of 充分利用

make excuses 超借口;辩解make a contribution to 为……做贡献make a complaint 提出投诉

make a deep impression on sb. 给某人留下深刻印象6. put

put away 放好;收起来

put aside 放在一边;暂时不做;留出put back 放回原处

put down 放下;拒绝;写下来

put forward 提出(计划、建议等)

put off 推迟;延期;脱掉(衣服等) put into use 投入使用put on 穿上;上演

put out 扑灭;吹灭

put up 举起;张贴

put up with 忍受;忍耐

put one’s heart into 全心全意投入put in prison 投入监狱

put on weight 增肥

put through 做完;完成;接通电话(=get through)

7. take

take away 拿走;带走

take back 拿回来

take A for B 把A误认为是B take part in 参加

take advantage of 利用

take care of 照顾

take charge of 负责;管理take a chance 碰运气

take hold of 抓住;掌握take notice of 留心;注意take the opportunity of 抓住机会

take the place of 代替

take the risk of 冒……的险

take off 脱下;起飞

take up 占据(时间、地方等);从事于take in 吸收;欺骗

take in turn 依次

take a shower 冲凉

take pride in = be proud of 为……感到骄傲

8. turn

turn against 背叛;反对turn around 转身;转过来turn up 调大声;出现turn down 调小声;拒绝turn on 打开

turn off 关掉turn…into… 把……变成……turn in 上交(=hand in)

turn out to be 结果是;结局是turn over 翻动;翻过

turn to 转向;求助于

turn right/left 右转/左转

turn away 解雇;把……打发走turn back 折回

9. get

get accustomed to 习惯于

get across 度过;通过;说服;使理解get ahead of 胜过;超过

get on/along well with 与……相处融洽get away with侥幸逃脱;避免受罚get away from 拜托

get back 取回;回来;报复

get down to 认真对待;静下心来

get familiar with 熟悉

get hold of 获得;取得get into trouble 陷入麻烦

get into bad habits 染上恶习

get off 下车

get on 上车

get out of 从……出来

get over 越过;克服

get ready for 为……作准备

get rid of 除去;去掉;免除;摆脱get through 通过;及格;接通

get together 积聚;积累

get up 起床;起立get used to 习惯于



1. Striking a proper balance between study and rest keeps us energetic and a healthy diet is useful as well. (翻译:_______________________)

2. T hey can’t teach children learning,let alone offering their psychological and moral education. (翻译:_______________________)

3. So the whole society should pay special attention to this social phenomenon. (翻译:_________________)

4. It is a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal is served. (翻译:_____________)

5. Some people say that the key to success is the luck, so they never work hard and of course can only envy others’ success. (翻译:_______________________)

6. Just as the famous saying by Einstein goes, success is 99% of hard work and 1% of the fortune. (翻译:_______________________)

7. Therefore, I wish all of us achieve success through our hard work! (翻译:_______________________)

8. Besides, studying abroad can not only broaden their horizons but also deepen their understanding of the culture and customs in that country. (翻译:_______________________)

9. However I think it difficult for them to adapt to the new environment. (翻译:______________________)

10. So it would be better to go abroad after they have finished their college at home, when they are more capable of learning and living on their own. (翻译:_______________________)

11. As you know, we Chinese take pride in our original hair color and we are fine with it. (翻译:_________)

12. In my opinion, those with different hair colors, turning a blind eye to school rules, are not worth learning from because they just want to make themselves noticed. (翻译:_______________________)

13. It is known to us that nowadays middle school students are diligent in their studies for the prosperous future of their motherland. (翻译:_______________________)

14. No pain, no gains. Therefore I’d like to say to those who’d like to cheat in exams, “Get down to work now and don’t cheat yourself any more.” (翻译:_______________________)

15. Thousands of trees have been cut down per year, so in return soil is becoming more and more barren (贫瘠的), and meanwhile, the air is getting worse and worse. (翻译:_______________________)

16. We are supposed to live harmonious with nature. (翻译:_______________________)

17. I am writing you a letter in order to apply for a position in your company. (翻译:___________________)

18. Li Ming is very strict with herself in her work and daily life, and is always ready to help other people. (翻译:_______________________)

19. My own experience can also well illustrate the importance of praise. (翻译:______________________)

20. I began to put my heart into study, listening attentively in class and finishing my homework on time. (翻译:_______________________)

21. I strongly suggest that all of us try to spot others’ strong points and not be mean with our praise. (翻译:_______________________)

二、语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Qiao is a sixth-grader at Yuhui Primary School. He is only 12 years old 1 has been smoking for three

(begin) smoking four years ago. “Smoking is part of my life,” Liu said. Qiao and Liu are not those boys’ real names. B ut their problem, smoking,

(become) a bigger problem for young people. Most


A study of 8,000 Beijing students last May told us that smoking is a problem for many Chinese kids. More than 21% of middle school students and 6% of primary school pupils said 6 smoked.

hard to give up later on,” said a professor.

(go) up to about ten million a year by 2030, the World Health Organization (WHO) says. 10 we have to learn and tell others about the dangers of smoking.


teens n. 十几岁addicted adj. 上瘾的

nicotine n. 尼古丁go up to 上升到

primary school 小学World Health Organization 世界卫生组织


Dear editor,

From the questionnaires we have received, we can find the fact that less families are satisfied with the relationship between children and their parents.

Only 30% parents are satisfied with their relationship with their children, for their children are considerate to others, diligent and easy to communicate with, and above all, they are honest and respect their parents. The democratic atmosphere of the family and the time parents spent communicating with them contribute to this.

However, about 70% parents are unsatisfied with their relationship with their children, saying that their children are selfish and difficult to communicate with. What’s worse, they sometimes tell lies and don’t form a good habit in life and study. The reasons are as follows: they are too busy to communicate with their children and instruct them in doing everything and the society has a great influence on them.

It is clear that parents should spare more time communicating with their children however busy they are.






1. 在学习和休息之间取得适当的平衡

2. 更别提/更别说

3. 特别注意

4. 饭前

5. 成功的关键;妒忌别人的成功

6. 成功是99%的努力加上1%的运气

7. 取得成功

8. 开阔视野

9. 适应新环境10. 更有能力自己学习和生活11. 为……感到自豪12. 对……视而不见13. 为了祖国的繁荣昌盛14. 开始认真学习吧15. 反过来/作为回报16. 应该17. 申请18. 总是乐于助人19. 说明表扬的重要性20. 全心投入学习21. 我强烈建议;发现别人的优点,不要吝啬我们的赞美



2. a 不定冠词的基本用法,在此意为“一个”。

3. began 根据空后的four years ago可知用一般过去式。

4. is becoming 此句是问题的现状,故用现在进行时。

5. earlier 根据前面的in their teens可知,此处存在隐形比较级。

6. they 缺少主语填代词。they在此指代前面的21% of middle school students and 6% of primary school pupils。

7. If 空后是两个分句,故填连接词。再根据句意,此处明显存在一个表条件的关系,故填If引导条件状语从句。注意首字母要大写。

8. to 固定搭配get addicted to意为“对……上瘾”。

9. will go 根据前面的条件状语从句if people keep smoking可知,此处用一般将来时。习惯句型: If …., …will…意为“如果……,……将……”。

10. So 根据上下语境,此处显然存在一个表“所以……”的意思。So是个表因果关系的并列连词。

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