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Nonextensive statistical mechanics and central limit theorems I - Convolution of independen

Nonextensive statistical mechanics and central limit theorems I - Convolution of independen
Nonextensive statistical mechanics and central limit theorems I - Convolution of independen


*静力学statics *运动学kinematics *动力学dynamics *理论力学theoretical mechanics *约束constraint *力系force system *平衡力系balanced force system *刚体rigid body *力偶force couple *力的平移定理theorem of translation of a force *主矢principal vector *主矩principal moment *物体系统(物系)body system (bs) *滑动摩擦sliding friction *摩擦角angle of friction *自锁self-locking *物体的重心the center of gravity of object *轨迹trajectory *速度velocity *加速度acceleration of a particle *运动方程equation of motion *转角angle of rotation *转动方程equation of rotation *角速度angular velocity *角加速度angular acceleration *匀速转动uniform rotation *绝对速度absolute velocity *绝对加速度absolute acceleration *相对速度relative velocity *相对加速度relative acceleration *牵连速度convected velocity *牵连加速度convected acceleration *绝对运动absolute motion *相对运动relative motion *牵连运动convected motion *科氏加速度coriolis acceleration *平面运动方程equations of plane motion *质点particle *动量momentum *冲量impulse *动量矩moment of momentum *功率power *动能kinetic energy *动静法dynamic-static method *虚位移virtual displacements *虚功virtual work


结构力学 结构力学 structural mechanics 结构分析 structural analysis 结构动力学 structural dynamics 拱 Arch 三铰拱 three-hinged arch 抛物线拱 parabolic arch 圆拱 circular arch 穹顶 Dome 空间结构 space structure 空间桁架 space truss 雪载[荷] snow load 风载[荷] wind load 土压力 earth pressure 地震载荷 earthquake loading 弹簧支座 spring support 支座位移 support displacement 支座沉降 support settlement 超静定次数 degree of indeterminacy 机动分析 kinematic analysis 结点法 method of joints 截面法 method of sections 结点力 joint forces 共轭位移 conjugate displacement 影响线 influence line 三弯矩方程 three-moment equation 单位虚力 unit virtual force 刚度系数 stiffness coefficient 柔度系数 flexibility coefficient 力矩分配 moment distribution 力矩分配法 moment distribution method 力矩再分配 moment redistribution 分配系数 distribution factor 矩阵位移法 matri displacement method 单元刚度矩阵 element stiffness matrix 单元应变矩阵 element strain matrix 总体坐标 global coordinates 贝蒂定理 Betti theorem 高斯--若尔当消去法 Gauss-Jordan elimination Method 屈曲模态 buckling mode 复合材料力学 mechanics of composites 复合材料 composite material 纤维复合材料 fibrous composite 单向复合材料 unidirectional composite


Mechanics is an area of science concerned with the behavior of physical bodies when subjected to forces or displacements, and the subsequent effects of the bodies on their environment. The scientific discipline has its origins in Ancient Greece with the writings of Aristotle and Archimedes\ (see History of classical mechanics and Timeline of classical mechanics). During the early modern period, scientists such as Galileo, Kepler, and especially Newton, laid the foundation for what is now known as classical mechanics. It is a branch of classical physics that deals with particles that are either at rest or are moving with velocities significantly less than the speed of light. It can also be defined as a branch of science which deals with the motion of and forces on objects. In the undergraduate, we Theoretical Mechanics Statics kinematics (运动学) 动力学(Dynamics) Strength of materials, also called mechanics of materials, is a subject which deals with the behavior of solid objects subject to stresses and strains. Dynamics is a branch of physics (specifically classical mechanics) concerned with the study of forces and torques(力矩) and their effect on motion, as opposed to kinematics, which studies the motion of objects without reference to its causes. Isaac Newton defined the fundamental physical laws which govern dynamics in physics, especially his second law of motion. Generally speaking, researchers involved in dynamics study how a physical system might develop or alter over time and study the causes of those changes. In addition, Newton established the fundamental physical laws which govern dynamics in physics. By studying his system of mechanics, dynamics can be understood. In particular, dynamics is mostly related to Newton's second law of motion. However, all three laws of motion are taken into account because these are interrelated in any given observation or experiment.


以下是《材料力学》课中专业词汇,共141个,对机械、力学专业本科生绝对有用!mechanics of materials 材料力学 axial force 轴向力 bar 杆(只受轴向力) torsion 扭转 shaft 轴(只受扭转) bending 弯曲 beam 梁(只受弯曲) compression; compressive 压缩 column 柱(只受压缩) stress 应力 strain 应变 displacement 位移 deformation 变形 strength 强度 stiffness 刚度 stability 稳定性 tension; tensile 拉伸 shear 剪切 prismatic bar 等截面直杆 cross section 截面 uniformly distributed load; uniform load 均布载荷 normal stress 正应力 sign convention 符号规定 stress distribution 应力分布 stress concentration 应力集中 dimensionless quantity 无量纲量 homogeneous 匀质的 uniaxial stress and strain 单轴应力和应变 mechanical behavior (材料的)力学行为 specimen 试件 elongation 伸长量 extensometer 引伸计 gage length 标准长度 nominal stress 名义应力 true stress 真实应力 proportional limit 比例极限

Mechanics of Writing 英文写作过程

CHAPTER1 Mechanics of Writing Error-free writing requires more than just using good grammar.You must also use correct mechanics of writing in your documents.The mechanics of writing speci?es the established conventions for words that you use in your documentation.Grammar re?ects the forms of words and their relationships within a sentence.For instance,if you put an apostrophe in a plural word(“Create two?le’s”),you have made a mistake in the mechanics of writing,not grammar. The mechanics of writing guidelines in this chapter work well for computer documentation,but other style guides might suggest different rules that are equally effective.In most cases,which rules you follow doesn’t matter as long as you are consistent within your document or documentation set.See Chapter2for options related to the use of text and graphical elements,such as section headings,tables,and cross-references. This chapter discusses the following topics: I“Capitalization”on page2 I“Contractions”on page4 I“Gerunds and Participles”on page5 I“Numbers and Numerals”on page6 I“Pronouns”on page10 I“Technical Abbreviations,Acronyms,and Units of Measurement”on page11 I“Punctuation”on page14 1


Allowable stress:许用应力 Allowable load:许用荷载 Buckling:失稳 Flexural rigidity:弯曲刚度,bending 弯曲,normal stress in bending 弯曲正应力 Shear stress in bending 弯曲切应力 Bending moment :弯曲 Bending moment diagram:弯矩图 Critical stress :临界应力, critical load :临界荷载 Eccentric tension 偏心拉伸 Limit load:极限荷载,ultimate stress 极限应力,ultimate stress in tension 抗拉强度Normal Principal stress 主应力,principal stress trajectory 主应力迹线 Theorem of conjugate shearing stress切应力互等定律,reciprocal-displacement theorem位移互等定律 Torsion :扭转 弹性力学elasticity 弹性理论theory of elasticity 均匀应力状态homogeneous state of stress 应力不变量stress invariant 应变不变量strain invariant 应变椭球strain ellipsoid 均匀应变状态homogeneous state of strain 应变协调方程equation of strain compatibility 拉梅常量Lame constants 各向同性弹性isotropic elasticity 旋转圆盘rotating circular disk 楔wedge 开尔文问题Kelvin problem 布西内斯克问题Boussinesq problem 艾里应力函数Airy stress function 克罗索夫--穆斯赫利什维利法Kolosoff- Muskhelishvili method 基尔霍夫假设Kirchhoff hypothesis 板Plate 矩形板Rectangular plate 圆板Circular plate 环板Annular plate 波纹板Corrugated plate 加劲板Stiffened plate,reinforced Plate 中厚板Plate of moderate thickness 弯[曲]应力函数Stress function of bending 壳Shell 扁壳Shallow shell 旋转壳Revolutionary shell 球壳Spherical shell [圆]柱壳Cylindrical shell 锥壳Conical shell 环壳Toroidal shell 封闭壳Closed shell 波纹壳Corrugated shell 扭[转]应力函数Stress function of torsion 翘曲函数Warping function 半逆解法semi-inverse method 瑞利--里茨法Rayleigh-Ritz method 松弛法Relaxation method 莱维法Levy method 松弛Relaxation 量纲分析Dimensional analysis 自相似[性] self-similarity 影响面Influence surface

01-Mechanics of Vibration

振动力学Mechanics of Vibration

张亚辉Email: zhangyh@https://www.doczj.com/doc/5614972380.html, 张辉 Offi h S d 00000 Office: 综合实验楼1号楼505 Office hours: Saturday 10:00am ‐11:00am Meetings by appointment are also available 研究方向 ?结构动力学(土木、机械、航空航天、车辆)?复杂结构随机振动及其工程应用?大跨度结构抗震?结构抗风 ?车辆与桥梁动力相互作用? 噪声与振动控制

Textbook and optional references Required textbook 11.张亚辉, 林家浩. 结构动力学基础. 大连理工大学出版社, 2007 Reference textbooks 1.Thomson W T, Dillon D M. Theory of Vibration with Applications. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1998 2.Clough R W, Penzien J. Dynamics of Structures (Third Edition). Computers & Structures Inc., 2003(克拉夫R W等著, 王光远等译. 结构动力学. 科学出版社, 1985, 2006) 3.Meirovitch L. Elements of Vibration Analysis (2nd Edition). McGraw‐ Hill inc., inc1986


学习-----好资料 Sc-Te Words and Expressions used in Theoretical MechanicsⅠAlphabet Index A acceleration-due-to-gravity重力加速度 acceleration加速度accommodate调和,调整addition合成aerodynamics空气动力学aerodynamic空气阻力algebra代数学 align成一行 amplitude振幅 analytically解析法 angular-impulse角冲量angular-momentum角动量angular-velocity角速度application应用 apply施加,使用 approach途径,趋近,方法 arc-coordinates弧坐标 axis轴 B bearing轴承,支撑面 bit钻头 bolt螺栓 C cam 凸轮 cancel抵消,中和 cantilever悬臂 Cartesian-coordinate笛卡儿坐标系 cast-iron铸铁 center-of-gravity重心 center-of-mass质心 central-force向心力centroid形心 chain-rule-of-differentiation链导法则 circular-frequency圆频率clockwise(CW)顺时针 clutch离合器 coefficient系数collar套筒 collect提取(公因式) collinear共线 combine motion复合运动 combine合并同类项,联立 complementary-solution通解 component分量,构成元件 composite-body组合体 composite-motion复合运动 concept概念 concurrent汇交的 cone圆锥 conic-section圆锥曲线 conservation-of-momentum动 量守恒 conservation守恒 conservative-force保守力 consistent with….与…保持一 致 constants(const.)常数 contour等高线,参照线 constraint 约束 conventional惯例的 convention约定,惯例的 convert- conversion转化 coplanar共面的 Coriolis-acceleration科氏加速 度 corresponding相应的 Coulomb's-law-of-friction库仑 摩擦定律 counterclockwise(CCW)逆时 针 couple(s)力偶 crank曲柄 cross-product叉乘法 curvature曲率 curved-surface曲面 cycloid摆线 cylinder圆柱,汽缸 D d'Alembert's-principle达朗贝 尔原理 damped-vibration衰减振动 damp潮湿的,阻尼,衰减的 dashed虚线的 deduce推演,证明 deformation形变 degrees-of-freedom自由度 density密度 derivate求导 derivative导数 determinant行列式 detrimental有害的 diagonal对角线 differential-differentiation微分 dimension量纲,度量单位,维 direction-cosine方向余弦 direction方向 displacement位移 distributed-load分布载荷 dot-product点乘法 dynamics动力学 E eccentricity 偏心距,离心率 ellipse椭圆 elongation(弹簧等)伸长量 equal-sign等号 equation-of-motion运动方程 equilibrium平衡 equipotential-surfaces等势面 equivalence等价 equivalent等同的 expand(多项式)展开 exponent指数 F finite限定的,有限的 finite element method 有限元 方法 formula公式 Fourier-series傅立叶级数 frequency频率


有限元、力学专业词汇汇总--中英文对照 集中力concentrated force 分布力distributed force 拉力tensile force 拉伸实验tensile test 横向力lateral force transverse force 轴向力axial force 重力gravitational force 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 约束力constraint force 实际作用力actual force 正应力normal stress 切应力shear stress 正应力的大小magnitude of normal stress 剪应力的合力resultant of shear stress 拉应力tensile stress 压应力compressive stress 极限应力ultimate stress 屈服应力yield stress 应力应变曲线stress-strain curve 线性应力应变关系linear relationship between stress and strain 惯性矩moment of inertia 静矩static moment 扭矩torque moment 弯矩bending moment 扭转角twist angle 两端作用扭矩twisted by couples at two ends 扭转刚度torsional rigidity 拉伸刚度tensile rigidity 刚体rigid body 轴shaft 梁beam 悬臂梁cantilever beam 简支梁simply supported beam 一端铰支pin support at one end 一端固定fixed at one end 静定梁statically determinate beam静不定梁statically indeterminate beam 对称平面symmetry plane 刚体的平衡equilibrium of rigid body 平衡方程equilibrium equation 微分方程differential equation 相容方程compatibility equation 补充方程complementary equation 静力学方程equations of static 静力等效statically equivalent 虎克定律hook’s law 初始位置initial position 边界条件boundary condition 横坐标abscissa 纵坐标ordinate中性轴neutral axis 纵轴longitudinal axis 绕纵轴转动rotate about a longitudinal axis 纯剪切pure shear 横截面积cross-sectional area 弯矩图bending moment diagram 剪力图shear force diagram


材料力学中英对照词汇 A 安全因数safety factor B 半桥接法half bridge 闭口薄壁杆thin-walled tubes 比例极限proportional limit 边界条件boundary conditions 变截面梁beam of variable cross section 变形deformation 变形协调方程compatibility equation 标距gage length 泊松比Poisson’s ratio 补偿块compensating block C 材料力学mechanics of materials 冲击荷载impact load 初应力,预应力initial stress 纯剪切pure shear 纯弯曲pure bending 脆性材料brittle materials D 大柔度杆long columns 单位荷载unit load 单位力偶unit couple 单位荷载法unit-load method 单向应力,单向受力uniaxial stress 等强度梁beam of constant strength 低周疲劳low-cycle fatigue 电桥平衡bridge balancing 电阻应变计resistance strain gage 电阻应变仪resistance strain indicator 叠加法superposition method 叠加原理superposition principle 动荷载dynamic load 断面收缩率percentage reduction in area 多余约束redundant restraint E 二向应力状态state of biaxial stress F 分布力distributed force 复杂应力状态state of triaxial stress 复合材料composite material G 杆,杆件bar 刚度stiffness 刚架,构架frame 刚结点rigid joint 高周疲劳high-cycle fatigue 各向同性材料isotropical material 功的互等定理reciprocal-work theorem 工作应变计active strain gage 工作应力working stress 构件structural member 惯性半径radius of gyration of an area 惯性积product of inertia 惯性矩,截面二次轴距moment of inertia 广义胡克定律generalized Hook’s law H 横向变形lateral deformation 胡克定律Hook’s law 滑移线slip-lines J 基本系统primary system 畸变能理论distortion energy theory 畸变能密度distortional strain energy density极惯性矩,截面二次极矩 polar moment of inertia极限应力 ultimate stress 极限荷载limit load 挤压应力bearing stress 剪力shear force 剪力方程equation of shear force 剪力图shear force diagram 剪流shear flow 剪切胡克定律Hook’s law for shear 剪切shear 交变应力,循环应力cyclic stress 截面法method of sections 截面几何性质geometrical properties of an area 截面核心core of section 静不定次,超静定次数degree of a statically indeterminate problem 静不定问题,超静定问题statically indeterminate problem 静定问题statically determinate problem 静荷载static load 静矩,一次矩static moment 颈缩necking K 开口薄壁杆bar of thin-walled open cross section 抗拉强度ultimate stress in tension 抗扭截面系数section modulus in torsion 抗扭强度ultimate stress in torsion 抗弯截面系数section modulus in bending L 拉压刚度axial rigidity 拉压杆,轴向承载杆axially loaded bar 理想弹塑性假设elastic-perfectly plastic assumption 力法force method 力学性能mechanical properties 连续梁continuous beam 连续条件continuity condition 梁beams 临界应力critical stress 临界荷载critical load M 迈因纳定律Miner’s law 名义屈服强度offset yielding stress 莫尔强度理论Mohr theory of failure 敏感栅sensitive grid N 挠度deflection 挠曲轴deflection curve 挠曲轴方程equation of deflection curve 挠曲轴近似微分方程approximately differential equation of the deflection curve 内力internal forces 扭力矩twisting moment 扭矩torsional moment 扭矩图torque diagram 扭转torsion 扭转极限应力ultimate stress in torsion 扭转角angel of twist 扭转屈服强度yielding stress in torsion 扭转刚度torsional rigidity O 欧拉公式Euler’s formula P 疲劳极限,条件疲劳极限endurance limit


力学词汇(mechanics) dynamic similarity 动力相似[性] plane flow 平面流 potential 势 potential flow 势流 velocity potential 速度势 complex potential 复势 complex velocity 复速度 stream function 流函数 source 源 sink 汇

velocity head 速度[水]头 corner flow 拐角流 cavity flow 空泡流曾用名“空腔流”。 supercavity 超空泡 supercavity flow 超空泡流 aerodynamics 空气动力学 low-speed aerodynamics 低速空气动力学 high-speed aerodynamics 高速空气动力学 aerothermodynamics 气动热力学 subsonic flow 亚声速流[动]又称“亚音速流[动]”。 transonic flow 跨声速流[动]又称“跨音速流[动]”。 supersonic flow 超声速流[动]又称“超音速流[动]”。 hypersonic flow 高超声速流[动]又称“高超音速流[动]”。

conical flow 锥形流 wedge flow 楔流 cascade flow 叶栅流 non-equilibrium flow 非平衡流[动] slender body 细长体 slenderness 细长度 bluff body 钝头体 blunt body 钝体 airfoil 翼型 chord 翼弦 thin-airfoil theory 薄翼理论 configuration 构型


索引 (按照汉语拼音字母顺序) A 安全系数 safety factor B 半桥接法 half bridge 闭口薄壁杆件 thin-walled tubes 比例极限 proportional limit 边界条件 boundary conditions 变截面梁 beam of variable cross section 变形 deformation 变形协调方程 compatibility equation 标距 gage length 泊松比 Poisson’s ratio 补偿片 compensating block C 材料力学 mechanics of materials 冲击荷载 impact load 初应力,预应力 initial stress 纯剪切 pure shear 纯弯曲 pure bending 脆性材料 brittle materials D 大柔度杆 long columns 单位荷载 unit load 单位力偶 unit couple 单位荷载法 unit-load method 单向应力 uniaxial stress 等强度梁 beam of constant strength 低周疲劳 low-cycle fatigue 电桥平衡 bridge balancing 电阻应变片 resistance strain gage 电阻应变仪 resistance strain indicator 叠加法 superposition method 叠加原理 superposition principle 动荷载 dynamic load 断面收缩率 percentage reduction in area 多余约束 redundant restraint E 二向应力状态 state of biaxial stress


拉力tensile force 正应力normal stress 切应力shear stress 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 集中力concentrated force 分布力distributed force 线性应力应变关系linear relationship between stress and strain 弹性模量modulus of elasticity 横向力 lateral force transverse force 轴向力 axial force 拉应力 tensile stress 压应力 compressive stress 平衡方程equilibrium equation 静力学方程equations of static 比例极限proportional limit 应力应变曲线stress-strain curve 拉伸实验tensile test 屈服应力yield stress 极限应力ultimate stress 轴shaft 梁beam 纯剪切pure shear

横截面积cross-sectional area 挠度曲线deflection curve 曲率半径radius of curvature 曲率半径的倒数reciprocal of radius of curvature 纵轴longitudinal axis 悬臂梁cantilever beam 简支梁simply supported beam 微分方程differential equation 惯性矩moment of inertia 静矩static moment 扭矩torque moment 弯矩bending moment 弯矩对x的导数derivative of bending moment with respect to x 弯矩对x的二阶导数the second derivative of bending moment with respect to x 静定梁statically determinate beam 静不定梁statically indeterminate beam 相容方程compatibility equation 补充方程complementary equation 中性轴neutral axis 圆截面circular cross section 两端作用扭矩twisted by couples at two ends


岩石力学英语专业词汇必备 土木工程专业课程双语教学 岩石力学英语专业词汇必备 (主要选自CHARLES JAEGER 著, ROCK MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING 之SUBJECT INDEX) 戴俊 西安科技大学建筑与土木工程学院 二零零三年八月 For bi-linguistic teaching of a course in civil engineering specialty ESSENCIAL ENGLISH GLOSSARY FOR ROCK MECHANICS (MAINLY FROM THE SUBJECT INDEX OF ROCK MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING BY CHARLES JAEGER) J. DAI Architechure and Civil Engineering College of Xi?an University of Science and Technology August, 3002 , A abscissa 横坐标 agar 岩石,石头,琼脂 age of rocks 岩石(地质)年代,岩石时效 void index,index of void 空隙系数

aging of rock masses 岩体的时效 air,Permeability of rock to 岩石的 透气性 altazimuth 高度方位角,地平经纬仪 alluvium 冲积土,冲积层,泥沙alteration of rock 岩石遍化,岩层变化 American Society of Engineering 美国工程地质协会 Geologists American Task Committee 美国特别工作委员会 amphibolite 闪岩 amortization 阻尼 anchorage of cables 索锚固,钢索锚固 anchored cables 锚索 compression tests with cables 利用锚索进行的压缩试验 forces in cables 锚索中的力 rock reinforcement 岩石加固, shear tests with cables 锚索剪切试验 anchored dams 锚固坝,锚杆支护坝体 anchors,steel(rock bolts) 钢锚杆 andesite 安山石 anisotropy 各向异性,有向性,非均质性 analysis of ~ 各向异性分析 ~ of rock masses 岩体的各向异性 ~ of rock material 岩石材料的的各向异性anticline 背斜 arch of rock,selfsustaining 自稳岩石(平衡)拱 arch dams 拱坝 abutments of ~ 拱坝的基础,坝基,拱坝支撑结构 drainage for ~ 拱坝排 水 foundations of ~ 拱坝基础 , reserve of strength of ~ 拱坝的强度储备 rotation of base of ~ 拱坝基础的旋转 arch gravity dams 重力拱坝,拱形重力坝 arching,degree of 成拱度,成拱性 argilolith (一种岩石) Austrian method 奥地利施工法 ~ for estimating rock jointing 奥地利岩石节理评估法 ~ for in situ tunnel tests

AP Physics C Mechanics Practice Tests

The questions contained in this AP ? Physics C: Mechanics Practice Exam are written to the content specifications of AP Exams for this subject. Taking this practice exam should provide students with an idea of their general areas of strengths and weaknesses in preparing for the actual AP Exam. Because this AP Physics C: Mechanics Practice Exam has never been administered as an operational AP Exam, statistical data are not available for calculating potential raw scores or conversions into AP grades.This AP Physics C: Mechanics Practice Exam is provided by the College Board for AP Exam preparation. Teachers are permitted to download the materials and make copies to use with their students in a class-room setting only. To maintain the security of this exam, teachers should collect all materials after their administration and keep them in a secure location. Teachers may not redistribute the files electronically for any reason. ? 2008 The College Board. All rights reserved. College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP , AP Central, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trade-mark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. All other products and services may be trademarks of their respective owners. Visit the College Board on the Web: https://www.doczj.com/doc/5614972380.html,. Practice Exam Advanced Placement Program AP ? Physics C: Mechanics

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