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208.The Worker as Creator or Machine

208.The Worker as Creator or Machine
208.The Worker as Creator or Machine

8.The Worker as Creator or Machine

Erich Fromm


Aims 1.To know the author, Erich Fromm

2.T o learn the writing technique of causation

3.T o appreciate the language features

Teaching Contents 1. Erich Fromm

2. Causation and the thesis

3. Detailed study of the text

4. Organizational pattern

5. Language features

6. Exercises

Time allocation 1.The introduction of the author (10 min.)

2. Causation and the thesis (10min.)

3. Detailed study of the text (115 min.)

4. Structure analysis (15 min.)

5. Language appreciation (15 min.)

6. Exercises (15 min)


8. The Worker as Creator or Machine

Erich Fromm

1 Unless man exploits others, he

has to work in order to live. However primitive and simple his method of work may be, by the very fact of production, he has risen above the animal kingdom; rightly has he been defined as "the animal that produces." But work is not only an inescapable necessity for man. Work is also his liberator from nature, his creator as a social and independent being. In the process of work, that is, the molding and changing of nature outside of himself, man molds and changes himself. He emerges from nature by mastering her; he develops his powers of co-operation, of reason, his sense of beauty. He separates himself from nature, from the original unity with her, but at the same time unites himself with her again as her master and builder. The more his work develops, the more his individuality develops. In molding nature and re-creating her, he learns to make use of his powers, increasing his skill and creativeness. Whether we think of the beautiful paintings in the caves of Southern France, the ornaments on weapons among primitive people, the statues and temples of Greece, the cathedrals of the Middle Ages, the chairs and tables made by skilled craftsmen, or the cultivation of flowers, trees or corn by peasants--all are expressions of the creative transformation of nature by man's reason and skill.

2 In Western history, craftsmanship, especially as it developed in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, constitutes one of the peaks in the evolution of creative work. Work was not only a useful activity, but one which carried with it a profound satisfaction. The main features of craftsmanship have been very lucidly expressed by C. W. Mills. "There is no ulterior motive in work other than the product being made and the processes of its creation. The details of dally work are meaningful because they are not detached in the worker's mind from the product of the work. The worker is free to control his own working action. The craftsman is thus able to learn from his work; and to use and develop his capacities and skills in its prosecution. There is no split of work and play, or work and culture. The craftsman' s way of livelihood determines and infuses his entire mode of living."

3 3 With the collapse of the medieval structure, and the beginning of the modern mode of production, the meaning and function of work changed fundamentally, especially in the Protestant countries. Man, being afraid of his newly won freedom, was obsessed by the need to subdue his doubts and fears by developing a feverish activity. The out-come of this activity, success or failure,

decided his salvation, indicating whether he was among the saved or the lost souls. Work, instead of being an activity satisfying in itself and pleasurable, became a duty and an obsession . The more it was possible to gain riches by work, the more it became a pure means to the aim of wealth and success. Work became, in Max Weber's terms, the chief factor in a system of "inner-worldly asceticism," an answer to man's sense of aloneness and isolation.

4 However, work in this sense existed only for the upper and middle classes, those who could amass some capital and employ the work of others. For the vast majority of those who had only their physical energy to sell, work became nothing but forced labor. The worker in the eighteenth or nineteenth century who had to work sixteen hours if he did not want to starve was not doing it because he served the Lord in this way, nor because his success would show that he was among the "chosen " ones,, but because he was forced to sell his energy to those who had the means of exploiting it. The first centuries of the modern era find the meaning of work divided into that of duty among the middle class, and that of forced labor among those without property.

5 The religious attitude toward work as a duty, which was still so prevalent in the nineteenth century, has been changing considerably in the last decades. Modern man does not know what to do with himself, how to spend his lifetime meaningfully, and he is driven to work in order to avoid an unbearable boredom. But work has ceased to be a moral and religious obligation in the sense of the middle class attitude of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Something new has emerged. Ever-increasing production, the drive to make bigger and better things, have become aims in themselves, new ideals. Work has become alienated from the working person.

6 What happens to the industrial worker? He spends his best energy for seven or eight hours a day in producing "something." He needs his work in order to make a living, but his role is essentially a passive one. He fulfills a small isolated function in a complicated and highly organized process of production, and is never confronted with "his" product as a whole, at least not as a producer, but only as a consumer, provided he has the money to buy "his" product in a store. He is concerned neither with the whole product in its physical aspects nor with its wider economic and social aspects. He is put in a certain place, has to carry out a certain task, but does not participate in the organization or management of the work. He is not interested nor does he know why one produces this, instead of another commodity--what relation it has to the needs of society as a whole. The shoes, the cars, the electric bulbs, are produced by "the enterprise," using the machines. He is a part of the machine, rather than its master as an active agent. The machine, instead of being in his service to do work for him which once had to be performed by sheer physical energy, has become his master. Instead of the machine being the substitute for human energy, man has become a substitute for the machine. His work can be defined as the performance of acts which cannot yet be performedby machines.

7 Work is a means of getting money, not in itself a meaningful human activity. P.

Drucker, observing workers in the automobile industry, expresses this idea very succinctly "For the great majority of automobile workers, the only meaning of the job is in the pay check, not in anything connected with the work or the product. Work appears as something unnatural, a disagreeable, meaningless and stultifying condition of getting the pay check, devoid of dignity as well as of importance. No wonder that this puts a premium on slovenly work, on slowdowns , and on other tricks to get the same pay check with less work. No wonder that this results in an unhappy and discontented worker--because a pay check is not enough to base one's self-respect on."

8 This relationship of the worker to his work is an outcome of the whole social organization of which he is a part. Being "employed," he is not an active agent, has no responsibility except the proper performance of the isolated piece of work he is doing, and has little interest except the one of bringing home enough money to support himself and his family. Nothing more is expected of him, or wanted from him. He is part of the equipment hired by capital, and his role and function are determined by this quality of being a piece of equipment. In recent decades, increasing attention has been paid to the psychology of the worker, and to his attitude toward his work, to the "human problem of industry"; but this very formulation is indicative of the underlying attitude; there is a human being spending most of his lifetime at work, and what should be discussed is the "industrial problem of human beings," rather than "the human problem of industry."

9 Most investigations in the field of industrial psychology are concerned with the question of how the productivity of the individual worker can be increased, and how he can be made to work with less friction; psychology has lent its services to "human engineering," an attempt to treat the worker and employee like a machine which runs better when it is well oiled. While Taylor was primarily concerned with a better organization of the technical use of the worker's physical powers, most industrial psychologists are mainly concerned with the manipulation of the worker's psyche The underlying idea can be formulated like this: if he works better when he is happy, then let us make him happy, secure, satisfied, or anything else, provided it raises his output and diminishes friction. In the name of " human relations," the worker is treated with all devices which suit values are recommended in the interest of better relations a completely alienated person; even happiness and human with the public. Thus, for instance, according to Time magazine, one of the best-known American psychiatrists said to a group of fifteen hundred Supermarket executives: "It's going to be an increased satisfaction to our customers if we are happy... It is going to pay off in cold dollars and cents to management, if we could put some of these general principles of values, human relationships, really into practice." One speaks of "human relations" and one means the most inhuman relations, those between alienated automatons ; one speaks of happiness and means the perfect routinization which has driven out the last doubt and all spontaneity

10 The alienated and profoundly unsatisfactory character of work results in two reactions: one, the ideal of complete laziness; the other a deep-seated, though often unconscious hostility toward work and everything and everybody connected with it.

11 It is not difficult to recognize the widespread longing for the state of complete laziness and passivity. Our advertising appeals to it even more than to sex, There are, of course, many useful and labor saving gadgets . But this usefulness often serves only as a rationalization for the appeal to complete passivity and receptivity. A package of breakfast cereal is being advertised as "new--easier to eat." An electric toaster is advertised with these words: "... the most distinctly different toaster in the world! Everything is done for you with this new toaster. You need not even bother to lower the bread. Power-action, through a unique electric motor, gently takes the bread right out of your fingers!" How many courses in languages, or other subjects, are announced with the slogan" effortless learn- ins, no more of the old drudgery." Everybody knows the picture of the elderly couple in the advertisement of a life-insurance company, who have retired at the age of sixty, and spend their life in the complete bliss of having nothing to do except just travel.

12 Radio and television exhibit another element of this yearning for laziness: the idea of "push-button power"; by pushing a button, or turning a knob on my machine, I have the power to produce music, speeches, ball games, and on the television set, to command events of the world to appear before my eyes. The pleasure of driving cars certainly rests partly upon this same satisfaction of the wish for push-button power. By the effortless pushing of a button, a powerful machine is set in motion; little skill and effort are needed to make the driver feel that he is the ruler of space.

13 But there is far more serious and deep-seated reaction to the meaninglessness and boredom of work. It is a hostility toward work which is much less conscious than our craving for laziness and inactivity. Many a businessman feels himself the prisoner of his business and the commodities he sells; he has a feeling of fraudulency about his product and a secret contempt for it. He hates his customers, who force him to put up a show in order to sell. He hates his competitors because they are a threat; his employees as well as his superiors, because he is in a constant competitive fight with them. Most important of all, he hates himself, because he sees his life passing by, without making any sense beyond the momentary intoxication of success. Of course, this hate and contempt for others and for oneself, and for the very things one produces, is mainly unconscious, and only occasionally comes up to awareness in a fleeting thought, which is sufficiently disturbing to be set aside as quickly as possible.

(from A Rhetorical Reader, Invention and Design,

by Forrest D. Burt and E. Cleve Want)


1. Fromm: Erich Fromm (1900- 1980), German-born psychoanalyst, has taught at universities in the United States and Mexico. Among his many books are: Psychoanalysis and Religion ; Marx' s Concept of Man ; Escape from Freedom ; The Sane Society; and The Crisis of Psychoanalysis.

2. beautiful paintings in the caves of Southern France: referring to paintings and

engravings on the rock face in the caves in France and Spain made by primitive man during the old stone age around 50,000 to 100,000 B. C.

3. C. W. Mills: author of White Collar ( 1951 ), from which this quotation is taken.

4. Protestant countries: referring to Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, the British Isles and Early America

5. Weber: Max Weber (1864- 1920), German sociologist, economist, and political writer. On the origin of capitalism in the West, his famous theory was as follows: Calvinism, Anabaptism, and their various combinations consider that man's economic success, achieved by an industrious life, proves that he is a chosen child of God. These religions thus provide an impulse to build up capital and to develop a capitalistic society, as occurred especially in the United States.










cathedral (n.) : any large,imposing church主教座堂,主教大堂;大教堂


peak (n.) : the highest or utmost point of anything;height;maximum最高点,顶点;最高值


lucid (adj.) : clear to the mind;readily understood易懂的;明白的


ulterior (adj.) : beyond what is exprssed,implied,or evident;undisclosed隐蔽的;秘而不宣的


prosecution (n.) : act of prosecuting彻底进行;执行;实行


infuse (v.) : put(quality,idea,etc.)into,as if by pouring;instill;impart逐渐灌输(思想品德等);把…传授给


protestant (adj.) : of any of the Christian churches as a result of the Reformation新教(徒)的;基督教(徒)的


obsess (v.) : haunt or trouble in mind,esp. to an abnormal degree;preoccupy deeply使分心;使心神困扰(尤指精神反常,着迷)


subdue (v.) : bring into subjection;conquer;vanquish使屈服,征服


asceticism (n.) : the practice or way of life of an ascetic苦行(主义);禁欲(主义)


succinct (adj.) : clearly and briefly stated;terse简明的;简短的


stultify (v.).: make seem foolish,stupid,inconsistent,etc.;make absurd or ridiculous 使显得愚蠢(可笑)


devoid (adj.) : completely not having;empty or destitute完全没有的;无(或缺乏的)


premium (n.) : a reward or prize,esp. one offered free or at a special。low price as an additional amount paid or charged奖品,奖赏,尤指奖金


slovenly (adj.) : of characteristic of a sloven马虎(或懒散)成性的


slowdown (n.) : slowing down,as of production(生产等的)减退;怠工


manipulation (n.) : skillful handling or operation:artful management or control,etc.操作;操纵;处理;熟练的;操作;巧妙的管理(或控制)


psyche (n.) : the human soul;the mind灵魂;心灵;精神


psychiatrist (n.) : expert in psychiatry精神病专家


routinize (v.) : make routine;reduce to a routine使成常规;使习惯于常规


spontaneity (n.) : the state or quality of being spontaneous自发性;自发的情况


deep—seated (adj.) : deep—rooted;firmly established根深蒂固的


gadget (n.) : any small,esp. mechanical contrivance or device(尤指机械装置的)小发明


cereal (n.) : any grain used for food,as wheat,oats,rice,etc.谷类


toaster (n.) : any of various utensils or appliances for toasting bread烤箱;烤炉


drudgery (n.) : work that is hard,menial,or tiresome单调乏味的工作;苦干


bliss (n.) : great joy or happiness极大的欢乐(或幸福)


knob (n.) : a handle,usually round,of a door,drawer,etc.(门、抽屉等的)球形把手


craving (n.) : an intense and prolonged desire;yearning or appetite,as for food,drink,etc.渴望,热望;(对饮食的)急欲


fraudulency (n.) : deceit;trickery;cheating欺诈;欺骗


intoxication (n.) : intoxicating or becoming intoxicated;a feeling of wild excitement;rapture;frenzy醉,喝醉;陶醉,极度兴奋,欣喜若狂


fleeting (adj.) : passing swiftly;not lasting疾驰的,疾逝的;短暂的



be obsessed by/with : If one is obsessed by/wisth.or sb.,he thinks about them all the time and cannot think of anything else.被…占据心思

例:He has always been obsessed by/with fear of unemployment. 他总是被



devoid of : completely lacking in;empty of没有,无

例:Mr.Wilson is a man totally devoid of aU humor.威尔逊先生是一个完全没



put/place a premium on : make it advantageous for sb.(to behave in a certain way,to do sth.)诱发;鼓励(某种行为,行动)

例:Work paid according to the amount done puts/places a premi-am on

speed and not on quality.按件付酬导致看重速度而不看重质量。


be indicative of : be a clear sign that a particular situation exists or that sth.is likely to be true表示

例:He believes that the report is indicative of a new economic growth.他相信



in the naIne of : with the authority of;in the cause of以…的名义,凭…的权威,为…的缘故

例:They carried out such cruel experiments on animals in tlle name of



pay off : yield full recompense or retum,for either good or evil全部还清

例:They must pay off their creditors.他们必须偿还他们债权人的债务.


rest upon/on : depend on orbe based on sth.依赖,基于

例:His conclusion rested upon the information that he collected.他的结论是



set/put sth.in motion : cause sth.to start moving or work使某物开始转动或工作例:Pull this handle upward to set the machine in motion.把这个手柄向上拉,
















在工业心理学方面的大多数调查都是关于如何使工人的生产率得以提高,如何能使他少带一些抵触情绪去工作。心理学已用来服务于“人类工程”,即试图把工人和雇员当作机器来对待,认为他们也像机器一样,只要加好油,就能运转得好一些。泰勒主要关心的是如何在工业生产上更好地组织使用工人的体力,而大多数工业心理学家关心的主要是如何左右工人的心灵。可以这样来表达其基本思想:如果他高兴就能工作得好一些的话,那么就让我们使他高兴、安心、满意或别的什么的,只要这样能提高他的产量,减少抵触情绪就行。在“人际关系”的名义下,他们用对一个完全冷漠的人的一切手段去对待一个工人;就是幸福和人们的价值观也是从与公众建立更好的关系这个角度提出来的。例如,据《时代》周刊报导,美国一位最著名的精神病学家对一批1 500名超级市场经理人员说:“如果我们是高高兴兴的,我们的顾客就会感到更满意……如果我们真的能把某些有关价值观和人际关系的总的原则付诸实践,那么对资方来说,换来的将是实实在在的金钱。”他们讲的是“人际关系”,指的却是最最非人的关系,冷漠的机器人之间的关系。他们讲的是幸福,指的却是完全机械的重复活动,这种活动使人完全失去了独立的思考和任何的主动性。









I. Write a short note on Peter F. Drucker.


1. Who's Who (1972)

2. The International Who' s Who (1976 - 1979)

Ⅱ. Questions on content:

1. Why is man defined as "the animal that produces"?

2. How does work liberate man from nature and make him a social and independent being?

3. Why, according to Fromm, was work meaningful in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in the Western countries?

4. How did the meaning of work change after the collapse of the medieval social structure? How did people's sense of insecurity influence their work? What part did religion play?

5. What two views of work were common during the first centuries of the modern era? How did different classes view work differently? How, according to Fromm, did these views emerge?

6. How has the industrial worker's role changed? What is his relationship to the machine?

7. What, according to Peter Drucker, is the meaning of a job in the automobile industry? Why is this meaning inadequate for the worker?

8. What has most concerned researchers in industrial psychology? How has the comparison of the worker to a machine influenced these investigations?

9. The alienated nature of work today has resulted in what two reactions, according to Fromm?

ⅢQuestions on appreciation:

1. How do the ideas presented in paragraph 1 prepare the reader for paragraph 2?

2. How does paragraph 2 provide the definition of an ideal kind of work?

3. Are the first two paragraphs important? What role do they play in the whole essay?

4. How do the quotations from C. W. Mills and P. Drucker support and develop Fromm’s point? Are quotations more effective than a paraphrase or a summary7

5. Why are industrial psychologists concerned with "human relations, " according to Fromm? What are Fromm's reactions to their endeavors? How does he make his reactions clear to his readers?

6. Review the ways in which Fromm demonstrates that work "has become alienated" from people. When did this alienation begin? What caused it? What have been its effects?

7. The method of causal analysis is used in the writing of this essay. Explain how Fromm' s survey of the history of people' s attitude toward work is essential to the development of his causal analysis.

8. Do you have any comments or criticisms to make on some of the points or views put forward by Fromm? Give your reasons.

Ⅳ. Paraphrase:

1. by the very fact of production, he has risen above the animal kingdom (para 1 )

2. Work is also his liberator from nature, his creator as a social and independent being. (para 1)

3. all are expressions of the creative transformation of nature by man's reason and skill (para 1)

4. There is no split of work and play, or work and culture. ( para 2)

5. Work became the chief factor in a system of "innerworldly asceticism, " an answer to man's sense of aloneness and isolation. (para 3)

6. Work has become alienated from the working person. (para 5)

7.Work is a means of getting money, not in itself a meaningful human activity. (para 7)

8. a pay check is not enough to base one's self-respect on( para 7)

9. most industrial psychologists are mainly concerned with the manipulation of the worker's psyche (para 9)

10. It is going to pay off in cold dollars and cents to management (para 9)

11. But this usefulness often serves only as a rationalization for the appeal to complete passivity and receptivity. (para 11)

12. he has a feeling of fraudulency about his product and a secret contempt for it (para


V . Translate paragraph 9 into Chinese.

VI. Look up the dictionary and explain the meaning of the italicized words:

1. he has risen above the animal kingdom (para 1 )

2. as a social and independent being (para 1)

3. develop his capacities and skills in its prosecution (para 2)

4. he was among the "chosen" ones (para 4)

5. Work has become alienated from the working person. (para 5)

6. the whole product in its physical aspects (para 6)

7. rather than its master as an active agent (para 6)

8. this puts a premium on slovenly work (para 7)

9. how he can be made to work with less friction (para 9)

10. with the manipulation of the worker's psyche (para 9)

11.It is going to pay off in cold dollars and cents to management (para 9)

12.There are, of course, many useful and labor saving gadgets. (para 11)

Ⅶ.Give ten synonymous and/or related words of the word creator (meaning producer). Give words of the same part of speech.

Ⅷ.Give corresponding nouns for the following adjectives or verbs:

1. appropriate11. English

2. precise12. ambiguous

3. subtle13. amass

4. prefer14. disappoint

5. accept15. disallow

6. assemble16. physiological

7. absent-minded17. provoke

8. sincere18. judge

9. carry19. understand

10. inherit20. extend

Ⅸ. Add the suffix -ship or-dom or -hood to the following words:

1. false11. guardian

2. official12. seaman

3. bachelor13. knight

4. woman14. duke

5. lord15. marksman

6. dean16. prince

7. priest17. town

8. king18. censor

9. brother19. serf

10. trustee20. citizen

Ⅹ. Explain how the meaning of the following sentences is affected when the italicized words are replaced with the words in brackets. Pay attention to the shades of meaning of the words:

1. However primitive and simple his method of work may be, by the very fact of production, he has risen above the animal kingdom; rightly has he been defined as "the animal that produces. " (backward) (correctly)

2. The more his work develops, the more his individuality develops. (individualism)

3. Work was not only a useful activity, but one which carried with it a profound satisfaction. (action)

4. There is no split of work and play, or work and culture. (difference between)

5. The outcome of this activity, success or failure, decided his salvation, indicating whether he was among the saved or the lost souls. (consequence)

6. The first centuries of the modern era find the meaning or work divided into that of duty among the middle class and that of forced labor among those without property. (wealth)

7. P. Drucker, observing workers in the automobile industry, expresses this idea very succinctly (briefly)

8. Most investigations in the field of industrial psychology are concerned with the question of how the productivity of the individual worker can be increased (products)

9. most industrial psychologists are mainly concerned with the manipulation of the worker's psyche (psychology)

10. One speaks of "human relation" and one means the most inhuman relations (humane)

Ⅺ . For each of the following, give another word or expression with similar meaning found in the text:

1. be detached from 6. act

2. mode7. gadget

3. duty8. riches

4. role9. passivity

5. feature10. longing

Ⅻ. Read the following paragraphs and prepare to discuss:

1 ) What is the central idea of the paragraph?

2) What method is used in developing the central idea?

1. I love my lawyer. My lawyer is not an ordinary person. My lawyer is a rebel, a revolutionary who is alienated fundamentally from the status quo, probably with as great an intensity, conviction, and irretrievability as I am alienated from it--and probably with more intelligence, compassion, and humanity. If you read the papers, you are no doubt aware of my lawyer's incessant involvement in agitation against all manifestations of the monstrous evil of our system, such as our intervention in the internal affairs of the Vietnamese people or the invasion of the Dominican Republic by U.S. Marines. And my lawyer defends civil rights demonstrators, sit-inners, and the Free Speech students who rebelled against the Kerr-Strong machine at the University of California. My love for my lawyer is due, in part, to these activities and involvements, because we are always on the same side of the issues.

2. Of all the forces which have tempted us to lose our sense of history, none has been more potent than television. While, of course, television levels distance--puts us closer and more vividly present in Washington than we are in our state capital and takes us all instantly to the moon--it has had a less noticable but equally potent effect on our sense of time. Because television enables us to be there, anywhere, instantly, precisely because it fills the instant present moment with experience so engrossing and overwhelming, it dulls our sense of the past. If it had not been possible for us all to accompany Scott and Irwin on their voyage of exploration on the moon, we would have had to wait to be engrossed in retrospect by the vivid chronicle of some Francis Parkman or Samuel Eliot Morison, and there would then have been no possible doubt that the moon journey was part of the stream of our history. But with television we saw that historic event--as we now see more and more of whatever goes on in our country--as only another vivid item in the present.

XIII. Topics for oral work:

1. Do you agree with all the views of the writer? What criticisms have you to make?

2. Do we have any problems in the management of our industry? How should we solve them?

X IV. Write a short expository composition on:

Worker in Socialist China.


I . Drucker: professor Peter (Ferdinand) Drucker, American writer, teacher and management consultant, born on November 19, 1909, in Vienna, Austria; Professor of Man agement, New York University, since 1954; Clarke profes sor of Social Science; Clairemont Graduate School, Claire mont, California, since 1971; Management Consultant (own firm), since 1945; Fellow of American Association for Ad vancement; Honorary Fellow of British Institute of Manage ment. Publications.The End of Economic Man (1939), The Future of Industrial Man (1942), Concept of the Corporation (1946), The New Society ( 1950), The Practice of Manage- ment (1954), Managing for Results (1964), Technology, Management and Society (1970), Manage~nent. Tasks, Re sponsibilities, Practices (1974), The Unseen Revolution IIow Pension Fund Socialism Came to America (1976), and text books and educational films.


1. Man is the only animal that produces his own food and things he uses. He has to produce (or to work) in order to live.

2. In the process of work man molds and changes himself. He emerges from nature by mastering her.

3. Work was not only useful, but one which carried with it a profound satisfaction. Even the details of daily work were meaningful because they were not detached in the worker' s mind from the product of the work. The worker used and developed his capacities and skills in the process of production. There was no split of work andplay, or work and culture.

4. Doubtful and fearful of his new freedom, man developed a feverish activity that became the index to the condition of his soul.saved and successful, or lost and unsuccessful. Work became a "duty and an obsession".

5. Work was a duty for the upper classes and middle classes and forced labor for the lower classes, those without prop- erty. Those who had amassed capital and employed others to work looked upon it as a duty.

6. Those who had to work long hours to keep from starving to death looked upon it as forced labor.

7. He does not care about the relation between what he pro duces and society as a Whole. "Instead of the machine be ing the substitute for human energy, man has become

a substitute for the machine.

8. Work means getting money. The job itself is "disagree- able, meaningless and stultifying" and places a premium on "slovenly work", resulting in unhappy workers.

9. The chief concern is to increase individual production. Whatever increases output and lessons frictions is valued. 10. The "ideal of complete laziness" and "deep-seated, though often unconscious hostility toward work".

1. The ideas presented in paragraph 1 are only general ones. So in paragraph 2 the author gives a more detailed explana tion of creative work by examples and a quotation of

C. W. Mills' remark.

2. The definition of an ideal kind of work in paragraph 2 is provided by the use of a direct quotation of C. W. Mills' re mark of craftsmanship--one of the peaks in the evolution of creative work, esp. in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.

3. The first two paragraphs are very important. The role they play in the whole essay is that they provide a contrast of how creative work develops to its contrary.

4. Mills emphasizes both the process and the product. Druck er cites an instance of how Fromm' s statement is true a mong automobile workers. The direct quotations give au- thority to the position Fromm is taking, a paraphrase would not provide that directness and authenticity.

5. The concerns and the objectives of industrial psychologists are to increase the productivity of workers. Their model is the machine. Fromm does not approve of this model or the activities of these industrial psychologists. He makes his attitude clear through his use of certain words and phrases -- "manipulation of the worker's psyche", "relations be- tween .. automations ".

6. Work began to be alienated from people when it ceased to be "an activity satisfying in itself" and became instead "a duty and an obsession", this process came with the end of the medieval age and has continued ever since. Man is now subordinated to the machines he operates, and as a result he has lost his self-respect and hates his work.

7. The method employed by the writer to develop his theme and to convince his readers may be called the method of causal analysis or just simply causation. Everything that exists and every event that takes place has a cause, and most things produce effects or results. "The worker is no longer a creator but has become a machine" is the effect or result as well as the theme of the text, with Fromm's sur vey of the history of people's attitude toward work serves as the causes, so it is essential to the development of his causal analysis.

8. Yes. Fromm does not employ the basic tenets of Marxism -- the existence of classes and class struggle -- to evalute and analyse the sociological problems in the United States. His basic approach is still that of a psychoanalyst, evaluat ing the psychological reaction of the worker to the working conditions and environment he finds himself in.


1. Because of the fact itself that man produces, he has devel oped far beyond all other animals.

2. Work also frees man from nature and makes him into a so cial being independent of nature.

3. All the above-mentioned work shows how man has trans formed nature through his reason and skill.

4. Therefore pleasure and work went together so did the cul tural development of the worker go hand in hand with the work he was doing.

5. Work became the chief element in a system that preached an austere and self-denying way of life. Work was the only thing that brought relief to those who felt alone and isolat ed leading this kind of ascetic life.

6. In capitalist society the worker feels estranged from or hos tile to the work he is doing.

7. Work helps the worker to earn some money; and earning money only is an activity without much significance or pur pose.

8. Just earning some money is not enough to make a worker have a proper respect of himself.

9. Most industrial psychologists are mainly trying to manage and control the mind of the worker.

10. Better relations with the public will yield larger profits to management. The management will earn larger profits if

it has better relations with the public.

11. The fact that many gadgets are indeed useful is often used by advertisers as a more "high-minded" cover for what is really a vulgar, base appeal to idleness and willingness to accept things.

12. The businessman knows the quality or usefulness of his product is not what it should be. He despises the goods he produces, conscious of the deception involved.

V. See the translation of the text.


1. kingdom: any one of the three divisions of the natural world

2. being : a human being : one who lives or exists, or assumed to do so

3. prosecution: the carrying on or engaging in something.

This word is more commonly used in its legal sense of con ducting legal proceedings against somebody.

4. chosen. (religious term) favored by God ; chosen by God to go to heaven after death

5. alienated, estranged, detached

6. physical: material

7. agent: a person that brings forming a certain action about a certain result by per

8. premium: an unusual or high value

9. friction : conflict, strife

10. psyche : mind

11. pay off: yield full recompense or retrun, for either good or evil

12. gadget: any small, especially mechanical contrivance or device

Ⅶ. producer, maker, manufacturer, creator, author, originator, founder, inventor, builder, grower

Ⅷ. 1. appropriateness, appropriation 2. precision, preciseness 3. subtlety, subtleness 4. preference, preferment 5. accep tance, acceptation 6. assembly, assemblage 7. absent mindedness 8. sincerity, sincereness 9. carriage 10. in heritance 11. English, England, Englishman, Englishwom an 12. ambiguity, ambiguousness 13. amassment 14. dis appointment 15. disallowance 16. physiology 17. provoca tion 18. judgement 19. understanding 20. extension

IX. 1. falsehood 2. officialdom 3. bachelorhood, bachelorship 4. womanhood 5. lordship 6. deanship 7. priesthood 8. kingship, kingdom 9. brotherhood 10. trusteeship 11. guardianship 12. seamanship 13. knighthood 14. duke dom 15. marksmanship 16. princedom 17. township 18. censorship 19. serfdom 20. citizenship


1. backward 为消极词,表达一种具有消极意义的比较,主要起直接描述作用,如a backward mountain region。有时它也用来指低下和无知,暗示缺乏进取心而应受指责。primitive具有对比意味,仅指人类文化发展的早期及工业化之前的阶段,也可指处在初级阶段或初级形态的任何一件未经加工制造的纯净简朴的东西。correct指无差错、瑕疵,符合某种标准。其使用普遍,不仅可用来说明真理或事实,而且还可用来修饰口味或(服装等)样式,如the correct dress for a formal dinner。right通常可和correct互换,但常暗含对道德方面的赞赏,如the right course of action。

2.individuality指某人区别于他人的特性、情趣、活动等。indi vidualism现常指一种意识形态(及其所体现的言行),该意识形态以自我为中心,把自身利益置于他人利益之前。3.action指某一行动的完成(所完成的事)或指完成某事的

过程,如the action of acid on metal。activity指运动的状态,或能量的消耗。activity词义很广,可用以指个人或集体运用身心进行的工作,该词常用来表达一些分离的、同步的或连续的行动,如the activity of the heart,busy week filled with social activities。


5.consequence可指以一种中立的方式所表达的简单的因果关系,如prosperity that was the consequence of widely ex Danded governmental spending。此词更多地是指否定性的结果或至少是在其他方面结果令人满意却又伴随有否定因素,如arguing that the rise in lung cancers was a conse auence of cigarette。outcome充分强调对某一事物的结局所作的唯一的、单独的结论。该词较为非正式,指事情的结局或解答,如a tragic outcome for such a happy marriage。

6.wealth就其具体的而非抽象的含义来看,是一个含义很广的词,可指贮藏或积蓄的、人们想要拥有的一切,尤指有经济利益或短期价值,由个人、集体或非生命实体所使用的物质的东西,如a man of wealth,a nation’s wealth。从广义上来讲,wealth既可指有价值的非物体的东西,也可指极丰富的任何事物,如a wealth of experience,a wealth of learn ing。property指个人或集体合法地获取或拥有的任何一件有价值的东西,如private property,government property。该词可以是不动产或动产,即它可以包括被看作不动的、永久的财富,如土地、建筑等,也可以包括被认为可动的、临时性的财富,如珠宝、书籍、家俱等等。

7.succinct意为压缩、排除了无关细节的,用以说明文章、讲话等简短、明白、概括,紧抓要点,如a succinct summarv of a lengthy treaties。brief用于时间的持续,其含义相对


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公司文员工作简历范文 公司文员在编写个人简历之前求职者需要对于自身有个准确的认知,只有这样才能够在个人简历中将自己准确的展现给招聘人员。在个人简历中编写自身优势时竟可能保证自己谦卑的求职态度,不要过于浮夸否则招聘人员认为你过于夸张,只有避免出现这种情况才能够获得面试机会。不要认为自己具备求职优势就能够在个人简历中以炫耀的方式编写,只有以真实诚恳的态度求职才能够保证个人简历的通过率 篇一:公司文员工作简历范文 个人信息 xx 性别:女 婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族 户籍:湖北-安陆年龄:22 现所在地:广东-珠海身高:165cm 希望地区:广东-珠海 希望岗位:行政/人事类-行政助理/文员 公司文职类-前台文员接待 寻求职位:文员、助理 教育经历 2006-09~2008-06安陆市中等职业技术学校计算机应用中专 **公司(2011-11~2012-10) 公司性质:民营企业行业类别:医疗、护理、保健、卫生服务 担任职位:行政文员岗位类别:行政助理/文员 工作描述:1.负责行政部各类付款申请; 2.负责公司复印机,打印机的维护,保证其正常工作; 3.员工食堂,宿舍的安排及管理; 4.公司文具辅料,办公用品,食堂及宿舍用品的采购;

5.参与公司各类废旧物品的变卖; 6.公司所有钥匙的管理; 7.负责公司各部门每个月的费用分摊及预算; 8.固定资产的管理; 9.B账考勤,工资的核算及整理; 10.完成上级领导安排的其他事务. **公司(2010-04~2011-11) 公司性质:私营企业行业类别:其它生产、制造、加工 担任职位:人事兼行政文员岗位类别:人事助理/文员 工作描述:1.整理各部门岗位职责,负责公司人力资源网络及现场招募; 2.负责员工入职、转正、调动、离职手续办理,组织员工培训; 3.部门资料以及人事档案的整理及保管; 4.负责公司全体员工的考勤工时、餐费、水电费及薪资核算; 5.负责公司宿舍及食堂管理; 6.负责公司员工就业信息登记、社会保险、商业保险办理; 7.为公司员工办理居住证,社保卡; 8.负责公司员工工伤申报、鉴定、偿付等一切手续; 9.行政用品需求统计及申购; **公司(2008-10~2010-02) 公司性质:外资企业行业类别:其它生产、制造、加工 担任职位:普工岗位类别:普通工人 工作描述:1.操作半自动成型机:根据班次生产计划,完成产品成型数量并在生产过程中进行检查; 2.操作全自动成型机:根据班次生产计划,完成已成型产品的修剪工作同时进行检查, 确保产品质量; 3.做好工作区域6S工作; 技能专长 专业职称:机算机应用


个人简历 我叫***,男,****年*月出生,中共党员,本科学历,经济学学士学位,经济师职称。 现就职于河南省*行*****,担任****职务。拟应聘贵行省分行公司业务部副总经理。 一、个人简历 1993年9月至1997年7月,就读于湖南财经学院,主修营销公关专业,副修会计学专 业; 1997年9月至2002年9月,就职于平顶山市**中兴路支行,主要从事储蓄、出纳、会 计、联行等工作; 2002年9月至2004年12月,就职于省**公司业务处,交流干部,主要从事客户营销管 理工作; 2005年1月至今,就职于省**公司业务部,曾任业务二科副科长(主持工作)、管理三 科副科长(主持工作)、营销一科副科长(主持工作)、客户一部经理等职务,主要从事客户 营销管理工作。 二、工作能力 (一)概况 我自2002年开始从事公司类客户营销管理工作,曾先后负责煤炭、电力、交通、烟草、 造纸、水泥、纺织、贸易等行业客户的营销管理工作。目前,主要管理河南煤化集团、中平 能化集团、义煤集团、郑煤集团、神火集团、华润电力在豫企业等大型煤炭、电力企业。 (二)工作技能 1、2007年被评为河南省**讲师团培训师,主要讲解信贷调 1 查评估和短期融资券、固定资产贷款、并购贷款等产品。 2、曾主持完成对大唐信阳2*600mw、大唐禹龙2*600mw、中电投南阳热电2*200mw、新 亚纸业年产20万吨apmp杨木化机浆、山东里能集团3000吨/日水泥熟料生产线等项目的调 查评估工作;完成对河南煤化集团、中平能化集团等大型集团性客户的综合授信尽职调查工 作;完成对河南煤化集团煤炭资源整合并购贷款尽职调查工作等。 3、主笔撰写石武铁路客运专线、漯阜铁路、永煤集团等大型项目或客户的综合服务方案。 4、参与****公司、****公司等客户的风险处置工作。 (三)主要成就 曾先后执笔撰写: 《中国**银行河南省分行信贷调查行为准则》,2004年,河南**文件印发; 《论商业银行风险客户退出管理》,2006年,在《河南银行业》杂志上发表; 《河南省烟草行业分析报告》,2006年,河南**决策参考印发; 《中国**银行与河南省人民政府全面深化合作共同推进中原崛起战略合作协议》,2008 年; 《河南省电力行业分析报告》,2008年,河南**决策参考印发; 《关于构建河南省分行城市核心法人客户群的意见》,2009年,河南**文件印发; 《中国**银行股份有限公司河南省分行法人客户联动营销 2 管理办法(试行)》,2010年,目前正在进行试点。 另外,还起草了《河南省分行公司类客户资产业务营销情况通报》(2008年)、《关于进 一步加强法人客户资产业务营销工作的通知》(2008年)、《关于认真做好2009年"双节"客户 走访工作的通知》(2008年)、《关于印发二级分行班子成员牵头营销客户名单的通知》(2009 年)、《关于在全省**开展法人客户走访活动的通知》(2009年)、《关于印发2010年省分行城


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目录 一、包装说明.............................................................................................................................. - 4 - 二、矩阵系统说明...................................................................................................................... - 4 - 2.1 矩阵功能的概述........................................................................................................... - 4 - 2.2 数字高清矩阵的分类................................................................................................... - 4 - 2.2.1伯爵II全无缝高清混插矩阵 ............................................................................ - 4 - 技术规格...................................................................................................................... - 5 - 输入信号卡.................................................................................................................. - 7 - 输出信号卡.................................................................................................................. - 7 - 型号系列...................................................................................................................... - 7 - 技术参数...................................................................................................................... - 7 - 2.2.2数字高清全无缝DVI矩阵(混合全无缝输出卡)...................................... - 10 - 产品特征.................................................................................................................... - 10 - 技术规格.................................................................................................................... - 11 - 2.2.3 数字高清全无缝HDMI矩阵(混合全无缝输出卡) ................................. - 13 - 产品特征.................................................................................................................... - 13 - 技术规格.................................................................................................................... - 14 - 三、安装连接............................................................................................................................ - 17 - 3.1 矩阵主机与机柜的安装........................................................................................... - 17 - 3.2 RS-232通信接口的连接方法.................................................................................. - 17 - 3.3 RJ45型网线插头的连接方法.................................................................................. - 18 - 3.4 伯爵II高清混插智能矩阵后面板示意图及接线说明 .......................................... - 19 - 3.5 数字高清全无缝DVI矩阵后面板示意图及接线说明.......................................... - 20 - 3.6 数字高清全无缝HDMI矩阵后面板示意图及接线说明 ...................................... - 20 - 四、操作说明............................................................................................................................ - 21 - 4.1 面板按键控制方式..................................................................................................... - 21 - 4.2.1 亚像素级调试技术.......................................................................................... - 22 - 4.2 RS-232协议控制指令系统......................................................................................... - 23 - 4.3 应用软件使用说明..................................................................................................... - 24 - 4.3.1 《MatrixTool》软件介绍................................................................................ - 24 - 4.3.2 软件的启动...................................................................................................... - 24 - 4.3.3 《MatrixTool》的操作.................................................................................... - 24 - 4.4 手机安卓软件的使用................................................................................................. - 27 - 4.4.1 界面操作.......................................................................................................... - 27 - 五、系统应用连接示例图........................................................................................................ - 29 - 5.1 伯爵系列高清混插智能矩阵系统连接图(以HD1818为例) ................................... - 29 - 5.2 数字高清DVI矩阵(以HD DVI1818为例) ............................................................. - 30 - 5.3 数字高清HDMI矩阵系统连接图(以HDMI1818为例) .............. 错误!未定义书签。


文员简历怎么写 个人简历是文员个人求职者求职的敲门砖。以下是为大家收集到的文员个人简历范文,希望对大家有帮助! 文员个人简历范文(一) 姓名:XXX 性别:男 民族:汉族 年龄:29 身高:171cm 婚姻状况:已婚 户籍:广东-湛江 现所在地:广东-东莞 希望地区:广东-东莞 希望岗位:质量/安全管理类-安全/健康/环境经理/主管 质量/安全管理类-审核员 质量/安全管理类-体系工程师 行政/人事类-行政经理/主管 寻求职位:验厂经理/主管、人事/行政经理/主管、审核员 教育经历 20xx-09~20xx-06广东培正学院工商管理(第二专业)大专

20xx-09~20xx-06广东培正学院人力资源管理大专 培训经历 20xx-06~20xx-06广东省东莞市职业技能鉴定指导中心员工关系管理*** **公司(20xx-08~至今) 公司性质:其他行业类别:能源、矿产 担任职位:人事行政岗位类别:其他相关职位 工作描述:1、建立并完善人力资源管理体系,制度和完善人力资源管理制度; 2、制定岗位说明书,落实各岗位职责和工作内容; 3、负责组织公司员工的招聘,录用,合同签订,建档,转正,辞退,离职,调动,考核等人事系列化基础管理工作; 4、协调和指导各部门的人才招聘,员工培训,绩效考评,薪酬等工作的进行,确保企业人力资源的合理利用; 5、根据企业实际情况进行人力资源整体分析和人才储备工作; 6、组织制定公司人力资源发展的各种规划,并监督各项计划的实施; 7、负责指导客户质量、社会责任验厂及对供应商评估;

8、上级交办的其他工作。 **公司(20xx-02~20xx-06) 公司性质:外资企业行业类别:印刷、包装 担任职位:体系主管岗位类别:安全/健康/环境经理/主管 工作描述:1、负责公司ISO9001\ISO14001\QS体系的正常运行及文件的编写修改。 2、主导公司社会责任ICTI(COC)\FSC\反恐\GMP的开展。 3、负责欧美客人查厂,MAXX、BKC、KOHLS、Hallmark、LEGO、WAL-MART、SEARS等客人验厂事宜。 离职原因:家庭原因:回家结婚 **公司(20xx-05~20xx-02) 公司性质:外资企业行业类别:橡胶、塑料制品 担任职位:行政专员岗位类别:安全/健康/环境经理/主管 工作描述:1、负责公司ISO9001质量体系运行,SA8000、ICTI、商检,CCC,反恐,COC社会责任、WAL-MART,COSTCO、Sears及迪斯尼等欧美验厂。 2、负责公司行政事务。 3、负责公司环境健康方面的推行。 **公司(20xx-04~20xx-05)


个人简历模板公司招聘个人简历表格 杜开诚的简历 出生日期2020年7月民族仫佬族 婚姻状况dy文友籍贯栾城县 政治面貌党员邮箱艾特985 期望月薪5500+/月电话廖鸿朗1287 求职意向期望能在栾城县从事销售总公司销售科类岗位 兴趣爱好微博、摄影、足球、杜开诚等 教育经验 毕业院校东北大学专业名称世界史 毕业日期2013年9月最高学历本科 校内荣誉获南京邮电大学足球联赛团体第一名,南京邮电大学运动会男子801米第一名,成绩排名前20个人技能及证书 语言技能普通话六级甲等,英语六级证书 计算机技能熟练掌握OFFICE、PS等日常办公软件,英语口译专家 其他技能C1驾照、汽车评估 主要工作经验 本人有3年工作经验,主要工作履历如下: 于2020年7月至2013年9月在天狮集团担任销售总公司销售科一职,主要负责公司市场组织的建设、培训与考核,销售渠道的建立和维护,制订市场营销战略计划。根据公司的经营理念和发展战略制定公司各工作岗位的工作目标;负责制定及推进公司员工的培训、绩效、薪酬的管理。 于2020年7月至2013年9月在浙江建华集团担任数据库开发工程师一职,撰写问卷,提取用户后台数据,进行数据分析,撰写调研报告、产品分析报告;重视课堂教学实效,认真总结经验,不断改进教学方法,努力提高教学水平与能力 自我评价 工作方面:工作积极认真,细心负责,熟练运用办公自动化软件,贺泰华专业知识扎实,熟练掌握了多种计算机编程、仿真和制图软件。更加辛勤地耕耘,用自己的汗水,浇灌出更加丰硕的果实。杜和安接受能力快,并且能够出色的完成各项工作任务。 职业素质:工作积极认真,细心负责,熟练运用办公自动化软件,贺泰华专业知识扎实,熟练掌握了多种计算机编程、仿真和制图软件。更加辛勤地耕耘,用自己的汗水,浇灌出更加丰硕的果实。杜和安接受能力快,并且能够出色的完成各项工作


公司内部竞聘报告 篇一:公司内部竞聘自荐书 公司内部竞聘自荐书 尊敬的领导: 您们好! 我叫许慧瑶,目前岗位是公司技术部。我自荐到公司技术二部做技术员,我认为个人具备胜任公司技术二部技术员的能力和素质。 我个人情况如下: 1.自我介绍 在公司工作近半年了,积累了一些实践经验,对公司的营运也有了一定的了解。通过公司的相关培训及各种会议分享学习,发现成功并不是想象中的那么困难:正确的目标+详细的计划+顽强的意志力=成功。这看起来是一个简单到不行的加法,但实行起来是要有惊人的毅力的!其实,说白了,人人都可以成功,经营企业也是一样的道理。通过不

断地学习,让我获得了知识,增长了自信,当然不足的地方我加以修正,同时从不同的角度上去提升自己! 做一行就要专一行,这是我进来公司以后最明确的一句话!慢慢的,我喜欢上了这门行业,开始逐步明确了人生职业理想,争取早日成为一名出色的得到大家认可的环保界的精英!正所谓,没有目标又何来成功。 一个萝卜一个坑,做好工作上的定位,做好人生的积淀,面对未来的挑战,我怀揣着满腔热情,希望得到不断地升华,希望得到各式各样的历练,成就一个不一样的我! 2.职位申请 在以往的学习工作中,我与他人融洽相处、团结合作,在培养了我良好的团队合作精神的同时,也锻炼了自己的沟通和协作能力。我渴望迎接新的挑战,我希望我能加入技术二部。 相信,在这日新月异的社会了里,在日趋激烈的人才竞争中,我还欠缺很

多,但我相信若有幸得到公司全体同仁的信任和指导,具有谦虚好学、务实上进、追求卓越以及坚韧性格和奋斗精神的我,一定能够在技术部,在日后的实际工作中不断提高,日趋完善。同时,我也会竭尽我所能先出的才智,完成好每一件工作。 我会怀着: 我学到什么? 我哪里可以变得更好? 现在还有哪些事情可以变得更完美?我如何以最短时间得到我要的结果,同时又享受过程? 我寻找到我要的答案了吗? 这些问题,更好的服务于公司,服务于大家! 殷切地希望能给我一次施展才能的机会和平台,我会用真诚、上进和充满激情的心来回报一份惊喜! 希望公司领导能给我这次机会!公司蓬勃发展,蒸蒸日上! 此致


高清视频混合矩阵 现代会议室常用的视频设备包括高清数字摄像机、高清录播机、蓝光高清DVD、高清视频会议终端、高清视频矩阵、高清液晶电视、高清投影机等;同时还有多种视频接口:AV、VGA、RGBHV、YPBPR、DVI、HDMI、HD- SDI等。如此繁复的设备以及各不相同的接口,给系统设计人员增加了很大设计难度。基于市场客观需求,深圳华天成为各行业设计了一款高清视频混合接口矩阵。该高清视频混合矩阵具有如下设计特点: 1、支持多种视频接口的输入,包括VGA、YPBPR、AV、SDI、HDMI、DVI的输入,支持HDMI、DVI、HD-SDI 全高清输出; 2、输入输出可以自由切换; 3、采用模块化设计,客户可以根据不同的会议室,对视频传输系统的输入和输出做到最佳资源配置,减少资源浪费; 4、具有多种介质传输的优势,可以支持普通的铜线传输、网线传输、光纤传输; 5、每个板卡可以做到视频接口的自由配置,便于设备运行中的硬件升级; 6、紧凑型结构设计,减少资源浪费。 华天成高清视频混合矩阵优化资源配置与硬件升级,极大简化了传输系统,降低了系统成本,同时也降低了安装维护工作量,提高了系统的稳定性和可靠性。

华天成高清视频混合矩阵应用拓扑图: 上图是华天成某客户视频会议主会场高清矩阵系统拓扑图,该视频源设备信号种类非常复杂,有SDI 摄像机、VGA电脑、AV的电视机顶盒、HDMI的蓝光高清DVD、视频终端等设备,需要将这些信号按需切换到会场中的4台55英寸高清液晶电视、投影机以及会议室监控显示器中显示,同时需要将两路高清双流会议信号输出给终端和录播设备。 该项目应用华天成高清混合矩阵,配合相应的SDI/VGA/AV/HDMI信号类型输入卡,实现了原有3台矩阵与转换器(VGA/SDI/HDMI)才能够实现的功能。而且会场的显示设备与机房中的矩阵间平均距离超过40米,矩阵配备了相应网线与光输出卡,轻松解决了传输问题。 从上图中可以直观地看到该混合接口系统优势:各种信号直接接入矩阵,无需转换器,安装维护方便;网线与光纤直接接入矩阵,无需传输设备或中继设备,布线方便;插卡式设计,方便更换升级。一个现代化的、复杂的高清会议室采用CUANBO的一台高清混合矩阵,即可搭建一套高清视频传输系统,降低了成本,简化了安装维护,同时系统的稳定性与可靠性大幅提高,也便于系统的软硬件升级。


面试文员的个人简历范文 以下是关于面试文员的个人简历范文,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 E-mail:XXX 求职意向 期望工作性质:全职 期望工作地点:不限 期望从事行业:办公设备/用品、环保、房地产开发/建筑与工程、广告/会展/公关、通信 期望从事职业:行政专员/助理、前台接待、经理助理/秘书/文员 到岗时间: 1周以内 教育经历 毕业学校: xx广播电视大学 时间: 2005-09至 2008-07 专业:旅游管理 学历:大专 专业核心课程与主要实践环节:旅游学概论、旅游经济学、旅游市场营销学、旅游资源学、旅游法规、旅行社经营管理、导游业务、导游基础知识、旅行社导游实习、毕业论文等,以 ·

及各校的主要特色课程和实践环节 工作经验 公司名称: xx设备有限公司 职位名称:办公室文员 工作时间: 2008-09至2009-05 工作描述: 1. 接听、转接电话;接待来访人员。 2. 负责办公室的文秘、信息、机要和保密工作,办公室档案收集整理工作。 3. 负责公司公文、信件、邮件、报刊杂志的分送。 4. 负责办公室仓库的保管工作,做好物品出入库的登记。 5. 按照公司印信管理规定,保管使用公章,并对其负责。 6. 管理员工人事档案材料。 7.统计每月考勤并交财务做帐,留底。 8. 管理办公各种财产,合理使用并提高财产的使用效率,提倡节俭。 9. 接受公司其他临时工作。 公司名称: xx食品有限公司 职位名称:前台文员 工作时间: 2008-03至2008-08 工作描述: ·

1、前台接待,日常事务的管理工作 2、考勤工作的监督,考勤机的管理工作 3、培训牌、工作牌的制作、发放以及保管 4、请假条的发放和统计,文件的打印 自我评价 本人性格开朗,乐于接受新事物,吃苦耐劳,善于与人沟通,能独立完成工作。在往日的工作中也使自己的判断力、组织能力有所提高。成功的企业必须要一直有效益并且有效率的团队,我深深明白要想成为这样团队中的一员,必须对工作负责、对团队负责,干预挑战任务,敢于承担责任。我期待着伯乐的出现,使自己可以投身优秀如您的团队,绽放青春的光彩! 面试文员的个人简历范文【二】基本信息 姓名: 性别:女 年龄: 32 岁身高: 161CM 婚姻状况:未婚户籍所在:贵州省贵阳市 最高学历:中专工作经验: 10年以上 联系地址:中天未来方舟 求职意向 最近工作过的职位:贵州汉和广告有限公司 期望工作地:贵州省/贵阳市云岩区 ·


高清混合矩阵 使 用 说 明

安全注意事项 注意:手册中所列为出版之前时的信息,制造商保留更改和改进其产品的权利,所有参数如有更改,恕不通知 安装场所 为了确保设备使用安全并且获得满意的性能,在安装设备时,需要考虑下述情况: 1.远离高温的热源和环境。 2.避免阳光直接照射。 3.为了确保设备的正常散热,应避开通风不良的场所切勿堵塞设备的通风口。 此款设备上盖和两侧有通风口,在安装时,其后部两侧应距离其他设备或墙壁5CM以上以利于散热。 4.本设备应水平安装。 5.避免安装后会剧烈震动的场所。 6.避免在过冷、过热的场所间相互搬动机器,以免设备内部产生结露,影响机 器的使用寿命。 7.切忌勿用湿手触摸电源和机器。 8.勿将液体溅落在设备上,以免造成设备内部短路或失火。 9.勿将其它设备直接放置于本机上部。 10.在工程安装时请连接好地线,以免造成雷击主芯片损坏。 11.设备有故障时,为了避免损坏,请勿自行拆开机壳,必须委托有资格的专业 维修人员在指定的维修单位进行维修。

12.为了防止电击和失火,请勿将本机器放置到雨淋或潮湿的场所。 在使用前请阅读和研究此手册中的所有指示和注意事项!此手册和原有销售单据保留,以便将来必要的维修时之用。拆开包装后,检查是否遗失或损坏如果发现任何遗失或损坏,请不要安装或操作此产品,应尽快同代理商联系。 1.概述 高清混合矩阵矩阵是为了将各种模拟或数字视频信号统一进行重新分配和组合的交换设备。该设备可将多路CVBS、VGA、YPbPr、HDMI、DVI和SDI视频输入信号切换到多路输出通道的任意通道上去。且输出通道可任意选择CVBS、VGA、YPbPr、HDMI、DVI或SDI接口。可广泛用于需要进行多种视频信号分配和组合的场合,应用领域涉及军工、多媒体教学、电视电话会议、金融、科研、气象等领域。 2.性能特点 (1)标准插卡式工业机箱,工作可靠,增减通道灵活方便,一卡2路(8x8,16x16),一卡4路(32x32,64x64); (2)输入输出信号源格式自由选配,输入支持CVBS,VGA,YPbPr,SDI,HDMI和DVI,输出支持VGA,


文员工作个人简历范文 导读:本文是关于文员工作个人简历范文,希望能帮助到您! 公司名称:有限公司起止年月:2008-06 ~ 2009-02 公司性质:私营企业所属行业:纺织,服装 担任职务:商品部助理 工作描述:主要负责自营店铺的补货与调货;退货跟踪,商品分析!与店铺打交道。销售分析,跟踪! 离职原因:公司裁员 公司名称:都市家园起止年月:2007-09 ~ 2008-07 公司性质:私营企业所属行业:木材,家具 担任职务:财务文员 工作描述:负责六个仓库的统计工作。每月对仓库盘点,然后按照仓库盘点数据做一份盘点表,月报表上交给财务! 离职原因:搬厂 公司名称:佛山南方印染股份有限公司起止年月:2004-07 ~2007-09 公司性质:国有企业所属行业:纺织,服装 担任职务:统计文员 工作描述:负责仓库物料管理。电脑进、销、存。月底跟财务对账! 离职原因:离家太远 教育背景

毕业院校:广州市第81中学 最高学历:高中毕业日期:2004-07-01 所学专业一:历史所学专业二: 受教育培训经历: 起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专业获得证书证书编号 2002-092004-09第八十一中学历史高中 语言能力 外语:英语一般 国语水平:精通粤语水平:精通 工作能力及其他专长 5年工作经验,粤语,普通话流利。有5年以上的统计及仓库文员文职经验。使我懂得不断学习,才有进步的空间做事认真负责。积极主动!好学!有耐性!丰富的工作经验使我懂得,人只有肯做肯学,才能走得更好。希望贵公司能给予学习机会 详细个人自传 本人在工作中,不断学习,不断进步。在这5年工作中,使我懂得,人都是在不断的学习长大,学习待人处事方式,学习遇到问题中,如何去解决问题,不断得到提高。我相信只有通过自己自身的努力,提高自我价值,才能得到别人的认同!我也相信自己的工作能力。一定得到你的认同。 篇二:文员工作个人简历范文个人信息 性别:女 婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族


公司招聘个人简历表格 徐咏志的简历 出生日期2020年6月民族纳西族 婚姻状况dy文友籍贯扬州市 政治面貌党员邮箱艾特724 期望月薪5500+/月电话崔鹤轩1762 求职意向期望能在扬州市从事标准化员类岗位 兴趣爱好摄影、无人机、跑步、徐咏志等 教育经验 毕业院校对外经济贸易大学专业名称地质工程 毕业日期2013年8月最高学历本科 校内荣誉获得校二等奖学金,电子商务师证书(中级),成绩排名前20 个人技能及证书 语言技能普通话六级甲等,英语六级证书 计算机技能熟练掌握OFFICE、PS等日常办公软件,商务西班牙语应用专家 其他技能C1驾照、商务俄语应用专家 主要工作经验 本人有3年工作经验,主要工作履历如下: 于2020年6月至2013年8月在物产中大集团担任标准化员一职,主要负责公司市场组织的建设、培训与考核,销售渠道的建立和维护,制订市场营销战略计划。负责社团组织建设,社团机构的管理,协调各部门工作; 于2020年6月至2013年8月在重庆龙湖企业担任资料管理员一职,监控后台数据:营销数据、交易数据、供应商管理、商品管理、顾客信息管理;;进行相关产品的易用性和功能分析,进行产品开发全流程中的用户研究工作 自我评价 工作方面:具有良好的文化素质,将以充沛的精力,努力工作,稳定地进步自己的工作能力。汪鸿波热爱程序开发工作,具备一定的软件分析、设计、开发和应用能力勤勉上进,认真细致,踏实肯干,对工作认真负责;热情大方,待人热忱,韩兴安具备丰富的财会项目分析处理经验,谙熟国内会计准则以及相关的财务、税务、审计法规、政策。 职业素质:具有良好的文化素质,将以充沛的精力,努力工作,稳定地进步自己的工作能力。汪鸿波热爱程序开发工作,具备一定的软件分析、设计、开发和应用能力勤勉上进,认真细致,踏实肯干,对工作认真负责;热情大方,待人热忱,韩兴安具备丰


8进8出高清混合型矩阵 产品图片: 产品名称:8进出高清混合型矩阵 产品型号:HS-6608-08HD 一、产品介绍: HOSHI昊视之星品牌HS-6600系列混合型数字矩阵是一款高性能的高清视频信号交换设备,最高支持144路信号输入,144信号输出,HS-6600系列高清矩阵用于多个高清数字信号输入、输出交换,任何一路信号的输出可以自由选择任何一路信号源而不会干扰其他的输出,使信号传输衰减降至最低,图像和声音信号棱高抱枕输出。 HOSHI系列数字高清混合型矩阵切换器的输入端具有:HD-SDI、HD-VGA、HD-DVI、HD-HDMI、HD-YPBPR、C-VIDEO、光纤接口、网络接口等多种信号格式。 二、产品功能: 1、3U标准机柜式机箱结构。 2、板卡模块化设计、支持热插拔。 3、板卡端口数为4的倍数。 4、最高支持8路各种信号输入、输出。 5、支持AV视频、YPBPR分量、VGA电脑信号、HDMI 1.3a数字信号、DVI-D 1.0

数字信号、3G SDI 数字信号、1芯光纤信号(单多模合用)、2芯光纤信号(单多模合用)、4芯光纤信号(单多模合用)、HD Bast等信号输入。 6、支持AV视频、YPBPR分量、VGA电脑信号、HDMI 1.3a数字信号、DVI-D 1.0数字信号、3G SDI 数字信号、1芯光纤信号(单多模合用)、2芯光纤信号(单多模合用)、4芯光纤信号(单多模合用)、HD Bast等信号输输出。 7、支持FULL EDID模式,无需任何操作,插上即用。 8、Optic部分支持单模、多模光纤合用。 9、输入端、输出端内置ESD静电保护电路,即时保护设备不受外界环境干扰。 10、输入端、输出端内置EQ(信号放大)功能,无需外加信号放大器,高清信号有效传输20米、使用特定线材有效传输30米。 11、支持使用特定输出板卡HDMI-M 、DVI-M,实现无缝交换。(可选) 12、支持使用特定输出板卡HDMI-M 、DVI-M,实现信号格式转换、行频转换、场频转换、解决各种复杂的应用环境。(可选) 13、6.7英寸高清液晶触摸控制屏(可选)。 14、低灰低黑字不锈钢无指纹控制按键+液晶显示屏(可选)。 15、黑低白字不锈钢无指纹控制按键+液晶显示屏(可选)。 16、内置RTC时钟控制电路 17、USB现场软件升级更新;LED升级指示。 18、PC端控制无需安装,支持简体中文、全英文控制界面 19、R232控制功能 20、10/100 Base-T 以太网远程管理 21、交换时间200ns


公司文员工作个人简历精品范文 当我们填写完简历之后也不要忘记检查简历的标题,注意标题当中是否有错别字或者使用的名称不适合等,另外标题字数之间的间隔也是需要注意到的地方。 个人信息 性别:女 年龄: 24岁民族:汉族 工作经验:应届生居住地:浙江台州临海市 身高: CM 户口:浙江台州临海市 自我评价 本人踏实认真,有责任心,学习能力较强,对indesign、photoshop有入门基础,会office办公软件。证书:英语四级,普通话二甲,计算机二级优秀 求职意向 希望岗位:计算机-开发/应用-网站编辑员公司文职类-文案策划/资料编写公司文职类-文员 寻求职位:编辑或文职类 希望工作地点:浙江台州椒江区 期望工资: 3000 /月到岗时间:20XX-11-29 工作目标 / 发展方向

杜桥为工作首选地,因去椒江等地工作要考虑租房因素,若待遇较好,会认真考虑 工作经历 ▌20XX-03--20XX-10:台州龙卷风网络技术有限公司 所属行业:媒体、影视制作、新闻出版(其他) 担任岗位:编辑/发行类/其它相关职位 职位名称:微信编辑 职位描述:主要负责三个微信公众号 1.微信广告编辑,与客户直接交流,独立完成广告的编辑,让客户满意 2.两个微信公众号16篇新闻的编辑,类型包括原创采编、转载 3.编辑旅游帖,根据要求发布在专门的旅游服务号上 4.每晚定时推送其中一个微信公众号内容 教育经历 20XX-09--20XX-06 浙江越秀外国语学院语言文学类/新闻编辑本科 技能专长 语言能力:英语:良好(大学英语四级); 中文普通话:精通 所在地方言:精通; 计算机能力:全国计算机等级考试二级 计算机详细技能:会office办公软件,熟悉photoshop、indesign软件的操作


互联网公司社招个人简历模板 xx简历是个人求职者在互联网公司社招过程中给招聘单位发的第一份简要介绍。下面是我整理的,以供大家阅读。一姓名:黎先生性别:男婚姻状况:未婚民族:汉族户籍:广东年龄: 30现所在地:广东-广州身高: 173cm希望地区:广东-广州、广东-东莞、广东希望岗位:计算机IT类-管理/技术支持-其它相关职位寻求职位:网络工程师、网络教师待遇要求:可面议要求提供住宿最快到岗:随时到岗教育经历2006-02 ~ 2008-01 广东教育学院计算机科学与技术本科2001-09 ~ 2004-07 广东经济管理学院计算机应用大专1998-09 ~ 2001-07 增城职中计算机应用中专工作经验至今4年6月工作经验,曾在3家公司工作***公司名称 2010-03 ~至今公司性质:私营企业行业类别:通讯、电信、网络设备担任职位:网络工程师岗位类别:网络工程师工作描述:公司网络规模为700多个节点,本人担任网络工程师一职,主要负责公司的网络维护与安全策略的规划,还负责公司内部计算机的维护工作。期间曾为公司完成准入系统和网络监控系统,确保公司网络的安全。本人工作认真,责任心强,有较强的团体合作精神,有较强的判断和处理问题的能力。项目经验1、在各交换机的接口上应用安全策略,实现外来的计算机不能访问公司的网络,必须通过我们开通权限。 2、在各部门交换机所对应的网络端口上配置端口安全策略,让交换机每个接口都自动学习其所对应计算机的MAC地址,并把学习的MAC

地址个数设为1,这样外来计算机连接到网络时就会自动断开。3、会议室的网络接口经常会有外来人携带计算机连接网络,绑定MAC地址显然不方便,因此使用802.1X协议来实现限制计算机的功能。4、根据不同会议室建立不同的用户名和密码,这样可以令不同部门所用的会议室的密码不一致,保证在不同会议室使用的计算机不能随意访问其他部门的资源。5、配置镜像端口对整个网络实现监控,再利用抓包工具或监控软件对网络数据进行分析,从而排查出网络出现的问题以及监控每个部门使用网络的情况。责任描述: 1、配置端口安全策略。2、配置802.1X策略。3、根据需求规划不同的用户名和密码。 4、配置镜像端口。***公司名称 2008-06 ~至今公司性质:私营企业行业类别:互联网、电子商务担任职位:网络工程师岗位类别:工作描述:公司网络规模为200多个节点,本人担任网络工程师一职,负责公司的网络维护,主要包括:win2003各种服务器与域的管理、路由与交换协议和网络安全策略。期间曾参与公司的内部改造,如子网和VLAN划分,路由协议配置与重分发等。本人工作认真,好学上进,严格遵守公司制度,深受领导的信赖。项目经验:1、两台核心交换机之间使用以太网通道技术,Vlan间的路由通过三层交换机实现。2、总公司和分公司使用OSPF路由协议,总公司在Area 0,广州分公司在Area 1,上海分公司在area2。3、遂达外贸公司仅在北京总公司申请一条宽带接入互联网,出口部署防火墙,并在路由器与交换机上配置安全协议。4、根据要求将使用ACL控制列表,限制总公司工作人员使用网络资源。根据VLAN划分不同子网,并在核心

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