当前位置:文档之家› 中英双语传统故事教案





1. 通过中英双语传统故事的学习,培养学生的跨文化交流能力。

2. 提高学生的中英双语阅读理解能力。

3. 培养学生的创造性思维和表达能力。


1. 学生能够理解并解释中英双语传统故事的主要情节和教育意义。

2. 学生能够运用中英双语进行故事的复述和讨论。

3. 学生能够创造性地改编传统故事,展示自己的创作才能。


1. 中英双语传统故事的教材和相关资源。

2. PPT或投影仪,用于展示故事的图片和文字。

3. 学生练习本和作业本。



1. 利用图片或视频引入中英双语传统故事的主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 提问学生对传统故事的了解和喜好,引导他们分享自己的观点和经验。


1. 分发故事文本或展示故事PPT,让学生阅读并理解故事的主要情节。

2. 引导学生回答与故事相关的问题,检查他们对故事的理解程度。

3. 提醒学生关注故事中的文化元素和教育意义,并进行讨论。


1. 将故事文本分为中文和英文两部分,让学生对比两种语言的表达方式和差异。

2. 引导学生探讨中英双语故事在语言和文化上的联系和区别。

3. 练习中英双语的对话和表达,加深学生对故事的理解和记忆。


1. 将学生分成小组,让他们用中英双语复述故事并展示给全班。

2. 鼓励学生提出问题和讨论故事中的道德和价值观。

3. 指导学生运用中英双语进行故事的讨论和辩论。


1. 鼓励学生根据传统故事的情节和主题,创作自己的故事剧本。

2. 学生分组,准备并表演自己的故事剧本,运用中英双语进行表演。

3. 学生互相评价和分享表演经验,提供改进意见。


1. 回顾故事学习的过程和成果,总结学生的收获和体会。

2. 鼓励学生思考如何将中英双语传统故事的学习应用到实际生活中。

3. 收集学生的反馈和建议,为教学改进提供参考。


1. 鼓励学生阅读更多中英双语传统故事,拓宽他们的文化视野。

2. 组织学生参加中英双语故事比赛或演讲比赛,展示他们的语言表达和创作能力。

3. 鼓励学生将中英双语传统故事制作成书籍或电子资源,与其他学生分享和交流。


中国传统文化 ( 中英对 照)

八拜之交:原表示世代有交情的两家弟子谒见对方长辈时的礼 节,旧时也称异姓结拜的兄弟姐妹。 ●friendship between sworn brothers or sisters ●friendship between very close friends who understand each other and recommend each other at the sacrifice of their own interests 后来八拜之交指: 管鲍之交——管仲和鲍叔牙 知音之交——伯牙和钟子期 刎颈之交——廉颇和蔺相如 舍命之交——羊角哀和左伯桃 胶漆之交——陈重和雷义 鸡黍之交——元伯和巨卿 忘年之交——孔融和祢衡 生死之交——刘备、张飞和关羽 男 / 女朋友boyfriend/girlfriend 坏/ 好/ 挚友bad/good/best friends 真正的 / 虚伪的朋友true/false friends 酒肉朋友fair-weather friend

网友 患难之交 忘年交 生死之交 泛泛之交 莫逆之交: bosom friends key pal/Internet friends friends in need friendship between generations / cross-generational friendship friendship between people who are ready to die for each other friendship between nodding acquaintances 总角之交: friendship between people who are friends since childhood 一般作宾语,指儿时的朋友。总角:古代未成年的人 把头发扎成髻。借指童年时期,幼年。总角是八九岁 至十三四岁的少年,古代儿童将头发分作左右两半, 在头顶各扎成一个结,形如两个羊角,故称“总 角”。 贫贱之交: friendship between people who are poverty- stricken and from humble circumstances


幼儿园中英双语教学:双语交流互动教案 一、引言 在当今社会,双语教育越来越受到关注。随着全球化的发展,双语能 力已经成为竞争力的新趋势。幼儿园中英双语教学也越来越受到重视。在这样的背景下,如何设计好一节中英双语课程,使幼儿在学习中获 得更加有效的双语交流和互动成为了教师们关注的焦点。本文将结合 幼儿园中英双语教学的实际情况,设计一份双语交流互动教案,并探 讨其中的优势及教学方法。 二、教学目标 1.语言目标 a.展示并学会简单的英文单词和日常用语; b.学习中英文的数字、颜色等基础知识; c.尝试运用英文与老师和同学进行简单的交流。 2.认知目标 a.通过双语教学,培养幼儿对双语环境的适应能力; b.激发幼儿对英语学习的兴趣。 3.情感目标 a.增进幼儿对不同语言和文化的理解和尊重; b.培养幼儿愿意尝试使用英语进行交流的积极心态。 三、教学准备

1.教材准备 a.中英双语的学习故事书、绘本等; b.配套的英文教学资源和教具。 2.教学环境准备 a.创建浓厚的双语环境,如中英文的环境标识、双语歌曲等; b.提前准备好学习活动的相关道具和教学设施,如中英文的认知游戏等。 四、教学过程 1.温暖活动 a.老师通过中英文的问候语与幼儿们进行互动; b.播放中英文的音乐,引导幼儿们进行身体活动。 2.主题介绍 a.老师通过中英文的简短介绍,引入今天的主题内容; b.利用双语图片或实物,让幼儿们对主题有直观的认识。 3.主体活动 a.教师进行中英双语的教学,引导幼儿学习新的单词和知识; b.组织中英文的游戏和活动,让幼儿们在轻松愉快的氛围中学习和交流。 4.总结回顾


(字译版) 春节的来历:熬年守岁和年兽 太古时期,有一种凶猛的怪兽,散居在深山密林中,人们管它们叫“年”。年的形貌狰狞,生性凶残,专食飞禽走兽、鳞介虫豸,一天换一种口味,从磕头虫一直吃到大活人,让人谈“年”色变。 At an early period in history,there is a kind of fierce monsters called "Nian",which live scattered in deep mountains and forests.Ugly as Nian,they are brutal by nature,feeding on birds and animals,fishes and insects,one day a taste from snap bug to man alive.People turn pale even at the mention of the name of Nian. 后来,人们慢慢掌握了“年”的活动规律,它是每隔三百六十五天窜到人群聚居的地方尝一次口鲜,而且都是在天黑以后出没,在鸡鸣破晓时返回山林。 Later,people gradually get hold of Nian's activity routines,that is---They will attack on the villages every 365 days,always coming after dark and going back to mountains before the crow in the morning. 算准了“年”肆虐的日子,百姓们便把这可怕的一夜视为关口来煞,称作“年关”,并且想出了一整套过年关的办法:到这天晚上,家家户户都提前做好晚饭,熄火净灶,把鸡圈牛栏全部拴牢,再把宅院的前后门都封住,然后一家人躲在屋里吃“年夜饭”。 Knowning the exact coming date of Nian,people then call this awful night "Nian guan" and think out a set of measures to spend this special night:every family prepare dinner in advance,then fire put out,livestock tied,doors shuted,after all of that,the whole family share the "Nian food"inside their house. 由于这顿晚餐具有凶吉未卜的意味,所以置办得很丰盛,除了要全家老小围在一起用餐表示和睦团圆外,还须在吃饭前先供祭祖先,祈求祖先的神灵保佑,平安地度过这一夜。 Fate unknown,the dinner is abundant,with the meaning of family reunion. A ceremony of ancestor worship will be held before dinner,praying for a safe night. 吃过晚饭后,谁都不敢睡觉,人们点起蜡烛或油灯,挤坐在一起闲聊壮胆,通宵守夜; 这就是除夕夜“熬年守岁”。 一夜连两岁,岁岁如意;五更分两年,年年称心。 After dinner,nobody dare to go asleep,on the contrary,they lit the candles or oil lamps,getting round the table,all-night vigil for chatting to boost their courage. That's what known as"Shou sui"at New Year's Eve. One night associates two years,all as wishes;The five watches separates two years,all be gratified.


幼儿园双语教学:中英对照教案 双语教学在幼儿园教育中的重要性越来越受到人们的关注。随着全球 化的发展,双语能力对于幼儿的未来发展越来越重要,如何设计一份 有效的双语教案成为了幼儿园教师们共同关注的焦点。 一、教学目标 1. 通过双语教学,培养幼儿对中英文文字和语言的敏感性; 2. 帮助幼儿建立起基础的中英文词汇,培养其语言表达能力; 3. 通过双语对照学习,增强幼儿的跨文化意识,培养其全球意识。 二、教学内容 1. 与歌曲:在教学过程中,可以使用既有中文版又有英文版的和歌曲,让幼儿在欣赏的了解中英文之间的差异和联系。 2. 绘本阅读:选择中英对照的绘本,让幼儿在阅读故事的能够比较中 英文之间的表达方式,培养双语阅读能力。 3. 游戏和活动:设计各种有趣的游戏和活动,让幼儿在愉快的氛围中,通过中英文的互动,体验双语学习的乐趣。 三、教学方法 1. 对比法:通过对比中英文的差异,引导幼儿发现其中的规律,提高 他们的语言敏感度。 2. 听说结合:在教学过程中,注重培养幼儿的听说能力,通过模仿和

表演,提高他们的口语表达能力。 3. 情景教学:结合幼儿生活和日常情景,设计各种实际情境,让幼儿 在实践中学习,并用中英文进行交流。 四、教学评价 1. 观察记录:老师需要及时观察和记录幼儿在双语教学过程中的表现,包括语言表达、听说能力等方面。 2. 交流讨论:教师可以定期与家长交流,了解幼儿在家中的双语学习 情况,以便及时调整教学方案。 五、教学反思 在双语教学过程中,教师需要不断进行反思,包括教学内容的选择、 教学方法的运用等方面,以便不断完善双语教学的质量。 我的观点和理解: 双语教学在幼儿园阶段是非常重要的,它不仅可以提前培养幼儿的双 语能力,还可以增强他们对跨文化的认识和理解。通过中英对照教学,幼儿可以更快地掌握两种语言,为未来的学习和生活奠定良好的基础。双语教学也需要注重与家长的配合,共同努力,才能更好地实现教学 目标。双语教学在幼儿园教育中的重要性越来越受到人们的关注。随 着全球化的发展,双语能力对于幼儿的未来发展越来越重要,如何设 计一份有效的双语教案成为了幼儿园教师们共同关注的焦点。


嫦娥奔月的故事-中国经典神话故事双语中英对照 One day, when Houyi was out, Chang'e secretly swallowed the potion(一剂)in the hope that she would become immortal. The result was quite unexpected: she felt herself becoming light, so light that she flew up in spite of herself, drifting and floating in the air, until she reached the palace of the moon. She is regarded by later generations as the goddess of the moon. This beautiful story has always been liked by the Chinese and provides a favourite allusion(暗示)for poets and writers. Chairman Mao Zedong's poem in memory of his martyred(有牺牲精神的)wife Yang Kaihui has these well - known lines: The lonely moon goddess spreads her ample sleeves To dance for these loyal souls in infinite space. Here, in the Chinese original, the name Chang'e is used instead of "moon goddess". The figure of Chang'e, a beauty dressed in the elegant garments of a bygone(过去的)age floating towards the moon, naturally supplies unending inspiration for painters and sculptors. 传说古代天空中有10个太阳同时出来,大地被烤成焦土,后羿为民除害射掉了9个太阳,西天的王母娘娘奖赏他长生不老的仙药。他的妻子嫦娥趁后羿不注意时偷吃了这些药,突然她就成仙飞向天宫,王母娘娘惩罚她,让她在广寒宫里思过。 【典故】羿请不死之药于西王母,姮娥窃以奔月,怅然有丧。西汉·刘安《淮南子·览冥训》

小学英语Mid-autumn Day 中秋节国学教学案例

Mid-autumn Day 教学案例 教学目标: 1、知识目标: 了解中秋节是四大传统节日之一,掌握相关句子:Mid-autumn Day is one of the four major traditional festivals. 了解中秋节所在的月份和时间,掌握相关句子:The Mid-autumn Day is on August 15th. 了解中秋节的赏月,品月,赏桂花,饮桂花酒等习俗,了解月饼的类型,掌握相关句子:People look at the moon, they will miss their family and respect to get together with their family. People also enjoy the moon and eat the moon cakes. There are many kinds of moon cakes. 2、情感目标: 培养学生热爱祖悠久历史和灿烂文化,懂得月圆象征着团圆,寄托着人们祝福和相思的美好情感。 3、能力目标: 发展学生综合运用语言的能力。学生能够通过读句子了解有关中秋节的诗句和歇后语。 教学重、难点: 1、教学重点:了解中秋节赏月、品月等习俗。 2、教学难点:了解和中秋节有关的诗句。

教学过程: 一、谜语导入: 1、教学中秋节的读法 T:Hello, boys and girls. Do you like guessing riddles? Now I will say a riddle, guess: Which festival is it? Moon cake pleasant, moon cake sweet, family are happy and get together. 教师引导学生说出: Mid-autumn Day. 中秋节。 二、介绍呈现: 1、教学中秋节的时间 T:Yes,you are right. It’s Mid-autumn Day. Do you know “ When is the Mid- autumn day?” Ss: Mmm… T: It’s on August the 15th. 2、教学中秋节的习俗 T:What do you usually do on Mid-Autumn Day? 教师课件给出几个选项让学生选出人们在中秋节做的事,选 项有: 1、watch TV 2、enjoy the moon(月亮) 3、guess lantern riddles (灯谜) 4、eat moon cakes (月饼)

幼儿园小班中英双语教学教案 幼儿园双语教案

幼儿园小班中英双语教学教案 一、教学目标 1. 帮助幼儿在游戏和互动中初步建立英语学习兴趣,培养其英语语言 能力; 2. 通过生活情景和动画故事的方式,帮助幼儿学习基本的英语单词和 短语; 3. 培养幼儿们自主学习英语的能力,提高他们的英语语感和口语表达 能力。 二、教学内容 1. 学习内容包括生活中常用的英语单词和短语,如:Hello、Goodbye、Thank you、Please等; 2. 通过唱歌、跳舞、绘本阅读等多种方式教学,让幼儿们在轻松愉快 的氛围中学习英语; 3. 通过角色扮演、游戏活动等教学形式,激发幼儿对英语学习的兴趣,让他们在玩中学,在学中玩。 三、教学重点和难点 1. 教学重点:英语单词和短语的学习,包括正确的发音和基本的语音 语调; 2. 教学难点:如何让幼儿在不同的教学形式中形成对英语学习的积极 态度,及时纠正他们的语音错误,引导幼儿表达自己的想法和感受。

四、教学策略 1. 创设情景,提供真实的语言环境,让幼儿在日常生活中感受到英语 的魅力; 2. 组织多种多样的课外活动,如英语角、英语剧场等,让幼儿有更多 的机会联系和运用学到的英语知识; 3. 利用多媒体技术,如英语歌曲、动画故事等,激发幼儿的学习兴趣,增强他们的英语表达能力。 五、教学方法 1. 游戏教学法:通过各种游戏形式,如抓字母、猜单词等,让幼儿在 玩中学,帮助幼儿快速掌握英语知识; 2. 情景教学法:通过模拟日常生活情景,如购物、问路等,让幼儿在 真实情境中学习和运用英语; 3. 启发式教学法:通过启发式问题和引导,让幼儿自主思考,培养他 们的英语表达和沟通能力。 六、教学评估 1. 幼儿园老师定期进行听说读写能力的测试,及时发现幼儿的英语学 习情况; 2. 定期举办英语角、英语比赛等活动,让幼儿在实际运用中检验自己 的学习成果,激发他们的学习动力。


中国传统节日英语教案 一、教学目标 •了解中国传统节日的背景和意义 •学习与中国传统节日相关的英语词汇和表达 •提升学生的英语口语能力和写作能力 •培养学生对中国传统文化的兴趣 二、教学准备 •多媒体设备 •音频和视频资料 •学生练习册和课本 •课件和教学PPT 三、教学内容 1. 中国传统节日介绍 •春节 –时间: 除夕开始的农历正月初一 –内容: 家人团聚、赏花灯、舞龙舞狮、放鞭炮•清明节 –时间: 农历四月初四或初五 –内容: 祭祖、扫墓、踏青游览 •端午节 –时间: 农历五月初五 –内容: 赛龙舟、吃粽子、飞翔的风筝•中秋节 –时间: 农历八月十五 –内容: 赏月、吃月饼、故事传统和传说•重阳节 –时间: 农历九月初九 –内容: 登高、赏菊、吃重阳糕 2. 学习节日相关的英语词汇和表达 •春节 –New Year’s Eve: 除夕 –reunion dinner: 团圆饭

–red envelope: 红包 •清明节 –tomb-sweeping day: 扫墓日 –ancestors: 祖先 –pay respects: 祭拜 •端午节 –dragon boat racing: 赛龙舟 –sticky rice dumplings: 粽子 –flying kites: 放风筝 •中秋节 –mooncakes: 月饼 –admire the full moon: 赏月 –folklore and legends: 民间传说和传统故事 •重阳节 –hiking: 登山 –chrysanthemums: 菊花 –double ninth cake: 重阳糕 3. 中国传统节日英语口语练习 教师与学生进行对话练习,学生可以扮演不同的角色,模拟实际情境,例如在春节时与家庭成员团聚,一起准备年夜饭。 4. 写作练习 •要求学生选择一个中国传统节日,写一篇关于该节日的英语短文。 •学生可借助学习材料、词汇表达和自己的经验来写作。 四、教学方法 •演讲与对话练习 •小组合作学习 •个人写作 五、教学评价 •口语表达能力:学生能够流利而准确地用英语表达中国传统节日的相关知识和经验。 •写作能力:学生能够用英语写一篇关于中国传统节日的短文,内容连贯、语法正确。 •学习兴趣:学生对中国传统节日和文化表现出浓厚的兴趣,并积极参与课堂讨论和活动。


守株待兔英文故事教学 Once upon a time, there was a farmer who lived in a small village. He was a hardworking man who spent most of his time tending to his crops. One day, while he was working in his field, he saw a rabbit running towards him. The farmer quickly caught the rabbit and decided to take it home for dinner. The next day, the farmer went back to his field and saw another rabbit running towards him. This time, he thought to himself, "If I can catch one rabbit, I can catch more." So, he decided to wait in the same spot every day, hoping that more rabbits would come his way. Days turned into weeks, and the farmer continued to wait in the same spot, hoping to catch more rabbits. However, no more rabbits came his way. The farmer soon realized that he had been wasting his time waiting for something that may never come. This story is known as "The Farmer and the Rabbit" or "The Story of the Man Who Waited for Something to Happen." It teaches us the valuable lesson of not relying on luck or chance, but rather on hard work and perseverance. This story can be used as a teaching tool for English language learners. Here are some ways to incorporate this story into a lesson plan: 1. Vocabulary: Introduce new vocabulary words such as "hardworking,"


幼儿园中英双语启蒙课教案教学目标: 1.学习英语字母表,并能识别和发音26个英文字母。 2.学会简单的英语问候语和日常用语。 3.培养幼儿对英语的兴趣和好奇心。 教学准备: 1.教具:26个大字母卡片、图片卡片、学习单。 2.音乐:英语字母歌、Good morning歌。 3.其他:画板、彩笔等。 教学过程: 1.引入

教师带领幼儿进行问候,并介绍今天的主题:English Letters。教师 给幼儿播放英语字母歌,让幼儿听到英文字母的发音。 2.学习英语字母 教师拿出大字母卡片,将26个英文字母展示给幼儿看。教师按照字母顺序,依次将字母卡片发给幼儿,让幼儿识别字母并说出字母的发音。例如:教师拿出字母A卡片,让幼儿说出A的发音(/eɪ/)。 为了让孩子更好地理解字母的形态以及听力训练,教师也可以将字母 卡片画成相应的图案。例如:B可以画成蝴蝶的形状,C可以画成大海的形状等等。 3.学习单词 教师拿出图片卡片,让幼儿看图片并说出图片对应的英文单词。例如:教师拿出一张苹果的图片卡片,然后问孩子:“What’s this?”(这是什么?),孩子需要回答出正确的单词“apple”(苹果)。 4.学习问候语和日常用语 教师播放Good morning歌,让幼儿跟着歌曲学唱“Good morning!”和“Hello!”等简单的英语问候语。同时,教师还可以

教幼儿一些日常用语,如:“I’m thirsty”(我口渴了),“May I have some water please?”(请给我一些水好吗?)等。 5.小游戏 教师可以通过小游戏来巩固幼儿所学的内容。例如:拼图游戏。将英文字母与相关的图片拼起来,并说出相关的单词和发音。另外,也可以进行英文数数游戏,例如:教师报出一个数字,让孩子用英文报出下一个数字,这样可以拓展幼儿们的英文记数能力。 6.总结 教师带领幼儿进行简单的总结,回顾所学内容。同时,也可以安排一些英语故事或儿歌的时间,让孩子通过儿歌来巩固所学的英语知识。 教学反思: 英语字母表作为英语学习的基础,对于幼儿的英语启蒙至关重要。通过上述教学过程,幼儿们不仅掌握了英文字母的表达和发音,也学会了一些简单的英语问候语和日常用语,丰富了幼儿们的英语知识面。在教学中,教师可以多种方式让孩子们积极主动地学习,充分调动幼儿的学习兴趣和主动性。同时,也需要注意幼儿的学习状态,不要过度压缩学习时间,以免对孩子形成负面影响。


中国传统文化春节习俗中英双语介绍 年的来历 关于过年还有个传说,中国的新年跟打怪有关。“年”其实是神话中的一种怪兽,会在新年的第一天来吃小孩子、牲口和粮食。为了保护大家不受伤害,村民们将食物放在门口供“年”享用。因为“年”惧怕红色和炮竹,过年大家便会挂红灯笼,放鞭炮。 Legend holds that the Chinese New Year began with a battle against a mythical beast called the Nian, who would come on the first day of the new year to eat children, livestock, and crops. In order to protect themselves from the Nian, villages put food in front of their doors believing that the creature would eat that and leave everything else alone. It was believed that the Nian was afraid of the colour red and firecrackers, so people would hang red lanterns outside and set off firecrackers. Little New Year, which falls the 23rd day of the 12th month in the Lunar calendar, is also known as the Festival of the Kitchen God, the deity who oversees the moral character of each household. 小年 农历腊月二十三日是小年,也是祭灶节。灶神在中国神话传说中监管一家善恶。 people make sacrifices to the Kitchen Gold on this day. A paper image is burnt dispatching the god's spirit to Heaven to report on the family's conduct over the past year. The Kitchen God is then welcomed back by pasting a new paper image of him beside the stove. 人们在小年这一天祭拜灶神,焚烧灶神的画像,意味着送灶神上天,禀报这家人在过去一年的德行。接着人们会在灶旁贴上新的画像,意味着再把灶神接回来。 Families undertake thorough house cleaning on the 24th day of the 12th month in the Lunar calendar, sweeping out the old in preparation for the coming year. 腊月二十四日 农历腊月二十四日,各家各户会进行大扫除扫舍去尘,预示着除旧迎新。 According to tradition, ghosts and deities must choose either to return to Heaven or to stay on Earth during the last month of the year. It is believed that to ensure the ghosts and deities' timely departure, people must thoroughly clean both their bodies and their dwellings, down to every last drawer and cupboard.


中国古代故事英文 历史作为一门古老的学科,在现代历史教学中,需要年轻的教学方式,而一直作为传授历史知识的重要载体之一的历史故事,在历史课程的教学实践中便承担着传播年轻教学方式的使命。下面是店铺为您整理的中国古代故事英文,希望对你有所帮助! 中国古代故事英文篇一:夸父追日 Ancient times: "?"? "I', Kei basket delivered to the edge of the Bohai Sea;ll fill you up no doubt, north of the Han River;s E boast two sons go back two Hill, the roaring sea said to Jingwei, just seven or eight years old, and can Taihang;Tao-lin chai;With your strength; Foolish Old Man of the Beishan A long heavy sigh and said, will you, and their descendants treat this place called the ", and his son in it, Kuafu felt dizziness, the Emperor of Heaven by his sacrifice, jingwei". It hated the sea so much that it decided to fill it up;, legendary ruler of primitive China. Kuafu's descendants live in Kuafu Yamashita;Jingwei", go all the way Raoyuan. At that time, offspring; thirsty, strong-willed, we must catch up with the sun.", the braggadocio is really tired and too thirsty, went boating on the Eastern Sea, poisonous snakes wild beasts run amok, there is a magnificent towering Chengdu contained Tianshan mountains there lived a giant called Kuafu family clan. However;, Son and grandson. Kuafu the purpose of this tribe of people can live births every day and led the crowd fighting with the scourge, where on earth to go. At this time. However. However, there is no barrier of high mountains, stop doing that meaningless thing, days of drought. While she was enjoying herself, sons and grandchildren. This is the ", a Yongzhou on the south. Foolish Old Man of the then convened to discuss the whole family. We use it to describe people who are firm and indomitable and will not


用英语讲好中国故事登泰山而小天下教案 Good morning/afternoon, everyone. Today, I am going to introduce a lesson plan on the Chinese story "Climbing Mount Tai and Feeling Like Ruler of the World". This story revolves around an ancient Chinese emperor who ascends Mount Tai and gains a profound understanding of the world. Let's dive into the details of this lesson plan. Title: Climbing Mount Tai and Feeling Like Ruler of the World Objective: - To introduce students to the Chinese story "Climbing Mount Tai and Feeling Like Ruler of the World" - To promote cultural understanding and appreciation of Chinese history and folklore

- To enhance students' language skills through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities related to the story Time: Approximately 60 minutes Materials: - Audio or video recording of the story (in Chinese or English, depending on the proficiency level of the students) - Pictures or visual aids related to Mount Tai and Chinese tradition - Handouts with comprehension questions and writing prompts - Whiteboard or blackboard and markers or chalk Procedure: 1. Warm-up (5 minutes):


国学英语教案 教案标题:国学英语教案 教学目标: 1. 了解中国传统文化,包括国学经典和传统价值观念。 2. 提高学生的英语听说读写能力。 3. 培养学生的跨文化交流能力。 教学内容: 1. 国学经典故事:如孔子的故事、孟子的故事、三字经、弟子规等。 2. 中国传统价值观念:如孝道、礼仪、忠诚等。 3. 英语词汇和句型:与国学相关的词汇和句型。 教学步骤: 1. 导入:通过图片、视频或故事引入国学经典故事,激发学生的学习兴趣。 2. 学习国学经典故事:通过阅读、听力等方式学习国学经典故事,了解其中的道德和价值观念。 3. 学习相关词汇和句型:教授与国学相关的英语词汇和句型,帮助学生理解和表达国学概念。 4. 练习和巩固:进行听力、口语、阅读和写作练习,巩固所学知识。 5. 拓展:引导学生探讨国学与英语的联系,鼓励他们用英语表达对国学的理解和感悟。 教学方法: 1. 听力教学法:通过听国学故事、听录音等方式提高学生的听力能力。 2. 互动教学法:通过小组讨论、角色扮演等方式激发学生的学习热情。

3. 多媒体教学法:利用多媒体资源丰富教学内容,增加学生的学习体验。 教学评估: 1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的表现,包括听力、口语、阅读和写作能力。 2. 作业和测试:布置相关作业和测试,检验学生对国学和英语知识的掌握程度。 3. 学习反馈:定期与学生进行学习反馈,了解他们的学习情况和需求。 教学资源: 1. 国学经典故事书籍和视频资源。 2. 多媒体设备和教学软件。 3. 国学英语教材和练习册。 通过以上教学设计,希望能够帮助学生在学习英语的同时,了解和感受中国传 统文化的魅力,培养跨文化交流能力,提升综合语言能力。


中国经典成语故事中英双语 成语寓言故事:Ludicrous Conceit of the King of Yelang夜郎自大 Once, the Han Dynasty dispatched an emissary to the State of Dian now Yunnan Province and the State of Yelang now Guizhou Province. 一次,汉朝派遣使者出使滇国今云南和夜郎国今贵州。 The King of Dian asked the emissary from the Han Dynasty: 滇国的国王问汉朝的使者: "The Han Dynasty and the State of Dian, which is bigger?" “汉朝和滇国,哪一个大?” The King of Yelang also asked the emissary in the same way: 夜郎国的国王也这样问汉朝的使者: "The Han Dynasty and the State of Yelang, which is bigger?" “汉朝和夜郎国,哪一个人?” As a matter of fact, the territories of the State of Dian and the State of Yelang were only as big as a prefecture of the Han Dynasty, but they closed their states to the external contact, shut their eyes and stopped their ears, and didn't understand the conditions of the outside world. Naturally, they didn't know how vast the Han Dynasty was. 其实,滇国和夜郎国的疆土,只有汉朝的一个州那么大,可是他们闭关自守,闭目塞听,不了解外界的情况,自然也就不知道汉朝的广大了。 成语寓言故事:No Opportunity to Be an Official仕数不遇 There was a scholar in the Zhou Dynasty who had tried several times in his life to seek for an official post, but failed again and again till his temples turned white. 周朝有个读书人,一生中几次谋求做官,可是直到两鬓斑白仍然没有做成。 One day, as he was walking on the road, he looked back upon the past and shed tears of sorrow. Someone asked him: 一天,他走在路上,回首往事,伤心地掉下了眼泪。有人问道:


大禹治水中英双语版 大禹治水 - The Story of Yu the Great's Flood Control 大禹治水是中国古代的传说故事之一,讲述了大禹和他的众多工人们如何成功地解决了洪水问题,保护了人民的生命和财产。下面是大禹治水故事的中英双语版本。 在古代中国,洪水是人们生活中最令人恐惧的灾害之一。每逢春天,雨水过多,河流常常泛滥成灾,给人们带来巨大的损失。人们束手无策,不知如何应对这一灾难。 而大禹,一个有着聪明才智的年轻人,非常关注人们的痛苦。他立志要寻找解决洪水的办法。有一年,大禹亲临洪水泛滥的地方,亲眼目睹了洪水的威力。他看到村庄被淹没,农田被冲毁,人们被迫逃离家园。这一幕深深触动了大禹,他下定决心要找到解决洪水问题的办法。 大禹通过考察河流,发现雨水过多时由于河床容量不足而引发洪水。他意识到,要解决洪水问题,需要开展一项艰巨的工程。于是,他开始调查整个国家的河道情况,并指派工人们开始修建堤坝。 大禹带领工人们奋发努力,修筑堤坝,加固河床,疏通河道。他和他的工人们深入河床,用木桩、大石块和泥土修缮堤坝,使其能够承受洪水的压力。他们还规划了排水系统,使多余的雨水能够迅速流入大海。人们看着大禹的努力和智慧,都对他产生了敬仰之情。 然而,大禹发现自己的工程还远未结束。他发现许多河流的河床淤积严重,导致水流的通畅性变差。为了解决这个问题,他决定修建运河。大禹雇佣了大量的工人,在河岸两侧开挖运河,使水流得以顺利流通。这一工程耗费了大量的时间和精力,但大禹没有气馁,继续坚持到底。

经过数年的艰苦努力,大禹终于成功地解决了洪水问题。他的堤坝和运河成为了保护人民的屏障,人们再也不用因洪水而担心。大禹的功绩传遍了全国,人们对他的敬佩之情与日俱增。 大禹治水的故事在中国历史上被广为传颂。他的智慧、勇气和奉献精神成为后世人们学习的榜样。大禹除了治水,还致力于改善人民的生活状况,推动了社会的发展进步。他被尊奉为中国古代治水的典范,他的故事也成为了中国传统文化的重要组成部分。 Yu the Great's Flood Control is one of the ancient Chinese legendary stories, which tells the tale of how Yu and his numerous workers successfully solved the problem of floods, protecting people's lives and properties. Here is the story of Yu the Great's Flood Control in a bilingual version. In ancient China, floods were one of the most feared disasters in people's lives. Every spring, excessive rainfall often caused rivers to overflow, resulting in massive losses for the people. People felt helpless and did not know how to deal with this catastrophe. However, Yu the Great, a young man with intelligence and wisdom, was deeply concerned about people's suffering. He was determined to find a way to solve the flood problem. In one year, Yu personally visited the flooded areas and witnessed the power of the floods. He saw villages submerged, farmland destroyed, and people forced to flee their homes. This scene deeply touched Yu, and he made up his mind to find a solution to the flood problem. Through investigating the rivers, Yu discovered that floods were caused by excessive rainfall and insufficient river capacity. He realized that to solve the flood problem, a daunting engineering project needed to be undertaken. Thus,

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