当前位置:文档之家› 研究生英语复习总结



1.Only twenty-seven new members had been ____________ since the Leeds Congress, and the total membership still stood at less than one hundred.

A. ceded放弃

B. enrolled

C. faded

D. departed

2.You could go for advertising ____________, the catchy floor displays or the flashy packaging.

A. design

B. description

C. hype宣传

D. propaganda

3.The desk was ____________ with files, but the chair behind it was vacant.

A. cluttered凌乱

B. depicted

C. defined

D. represented

4.____________ is a meal typically eaten late in the morning as a combination of a late breakfast and an early lunch.

A. Dinner

B. Brunch早午餐

C. Banquet

D. Feast

5.The improvement of the highway will ____________ pressure on the trains to some extent.

A. ensure

B. relieve减轻

C. protect

D. guarantee

6.John's hands were ____________ as he put down his papers and started his speec h at the first time.

A. quivering颤抖

B. waving

C. shaking

D. lifting

7.His mood was an explosive mixture of ____________ self-pity and forced gaiety, the latter predominating as he got drunk.

A. maudlin脆弱

B. nasty

C. painful

D. outright

8.Because of the economic slowdown, the government changed its policy to ____________ revenue by limiting commerce.

A. disregard

B. challenge

C. diminish减少

D. reject

9.In women's magazines and educational material the apple ____________ good food and health.

A. anticipates

B. conjures想象的

C. Designates

D. presupposes

10.It is the opinion of a(n) ____________ tourist that no price would be too great to pay, the novelist declared.

A. affectionate

B. sensitive

C. appropriate

D. sentimental感情用事的

1.In the first year of peace, Lebanon's GDP soared by almost 40%.

A. flew

B. hovered

C. increased增长

D. decreased

2.SAIC's previous skirmishes with investigators had attracted little attention.

A. conflicts

B. struggles

C. skates

D. arguments争论

3.The boy grabbed hold of my bag and disappeared quickly into the crowd.

A. seized

B. snapped

C. snatched夺取

D. sneaked

4.Although Chicago has fared better than some cities, unemployment remains a problem.

A. got on进展

B. charged

C. offered jobs

D. provided welfare

5.The dwarfs were devastated, because they could not figure out how to save Snow White this time.

A. calculate

B. rate

C. consider

D. decide决定

6.His distrust of the power of critics made him ready to gibe at David Sylvester.

A. laugh嘲笑

B. ridicule

C. deride

D. taunt

A. unprotected脆弱的

B. sensible

C. susceptible

D. harmful

8.Short of the President himself, probably no one could have put the American case more persuasively.

A. Rather than

B. Other than

C. Less than

D. Short for

1.He mopped up the rest of his business and went on a vacation.

A. cleared out

B. worked out

C. finished完成

D. managed

2.This issue seems set to cause serious embarrassment to the government.

A. will

B. certain

C. obvious

D. likely

3.When she heard the news, she dropped the bowl on the floor and it broke into fragments.

A. divisions

B. parts

C. pieces碎片

D. segments

4.By modifying slightly the construction of the simple A.C. generator described above, the machine will provide direct current rather than alternating current.

A. adjusting

B. diversifying

C. changing

D. modernizing

5.When you move abroad you face a raft of financial decisions, including which type of bank account to open.

A. group

B. number

C. room

D. crowd

6.He managed to receive, through the medium of correspondence magazines, the equivalent of college education.

A. rival

B. ally

C. counterpart配对物

D. explanation

7.He is not an expert in these matters; it is not safe to go by what he says.

A. follow

B. analyze

C. judge by判断

D. refer

8.The observed relative abundances of various radioactive elements may give us some clue as to the time of their origin.

A. way

B. key

C. answer

D. sign记号

1.She tried everything in an attempt to evoke sympathy and pity from her parents.

A. educe

B. arouse引起

C. raise

D. create

2.The third quarter's slender profit was still an improvement on previous results.

A. Meager微薄的

B. slim

C. skinny

D. narrow

3.It was a tribute to her teaching methods that so many children passed the test.

A. gift

B. praise赞扬

C. talent

D. contribution

4.Our company has a commitment to equal pay and opportunities.

A. acceptance

B. permission

C. promise承诺

D. agreement

5.Because they are so good, so smart, they stand out like beacons in a sea of mediocrity.

A. watchtower

B. guidance

C. flare

D. elite杰出的人

6.The depression that started in mid-1929 was a catastrophe of unprecedented dimensions for the United States.

A. unparalleled无法比拟的

B. notable


D. unduplicated

7.As the economy slows, the markets are likely to trim their estimates of sustainability in the growth of both productivity and profits.

A. perseverance

B. maintenance

C. continuance坚持不懈

D. persistence

8.Fields adjacent to the nuclear facility were found to have high levels of radioactivity.

A. adjoining from

B. contiguous to连接紧靠着

C. drawing near

D. in sight of

9.Her skin spoke of warm summer days spent in the sun.

A. indicated表明

B. talked

C. expressed

D. told

10.The hope is that this area will develop into a vibrant commercial centre.

A. bright

B. exciting

C. attractive

D. lively有活力的

1.Mrs. Brown wishes to countermand her order for this microwave oven.

A. cancel取消

B. change

C. give

D. revise

2.Similar traditions and customs were known in widely divergent cultures.

A. contrast

B. convergent

C. different不同的

D. diverting

3.The manager is expected to use his best endeavor to promote the artist's career.

A. attempt试图

B. behavior

C. endear

D. endurance

4.The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy.

A. clear

B. definite

C. frustrated

D. vague模糊

5.The ISS should not be a roadblock but a stepping stone to the future human space exploration.

A. an approach

B. a choke

C. an obstruction路障

D. a prevention

6.His function as a Mayor affords him the political leverage to get things done.

A. ability

B. influence影响力

C. responsibility

D. skill

7.Qingdao is a beautiful seaside city with buildings of every conceivable age and style.

A. unbelievable

B. incredible

C. imaginable可想像的

D. implausible

8.The rise of crude-oil prices is the fallout of the current economic and political crises.

A. attempt

B. consequence结果

C. injury

D. outbreak

9.We have embarked on a new lifestyle with the development of the Internet and other diversified digital products.

A. boarded

B. embraced

C. invested

D. started着手

10.The companies' commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.

A. investment

B. promise承诺

C. support

D. willingness

1.Advocates of organic foods frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.

A. announce宣布

B. denounce

C. pronounce

D. renounce

2.If I may venture an opinion, I'd say the plan needs closer examination.

A. expose

B. eliminate

C. express大胆表达

D. export

3.These photographs capture the essence of working-class life at the turn of the century.

A. describe描述

B. prescribe

C. inscribe

D. ascribe

4.There was a preponderance of female teachers in the English department.

A. domination

B. dominance占优势

C. occupation

D. regime

5.Clarence had only a few fuzzy memories of his grandparents.

A. ambiguous

B. bright

C. obscure模糊

D. blur

6.What he has achieved is an extraordinary feat that would be impossible to duplicate.

A. photocopy

B. equal复制

C. praise

D. describe

7.He's stopped taking drugs now, but he may revert to taking them again.

A. resort

B. reduce

C. restore恢复原状

D. recover

8.As often as not, people tend to scream under such circumstances.

A. Not often

B. Virtually

C. Rarely

D. Quite often

9.What is even more important is the fact that the astronauts' photographs have uncovered many things not evident at close range.

A. ventured

B. uploaded

C. declared

D. revealed暴露

10.The disposition of the troops on the battlefield is of paramount importance.

A. arrangement安排

B. character

C. dismissal

D. recruiting


1. She struggled to analyze whether this was a naivete天真幼稚point of view; or worthless cynicism.

2.With our first paddle stroke抖动, the canoe started moving rapidly down the river.

3.How simple that concept seems now, but how inhuman, how futuristic, how absurd荒谬it sounded to me then.

4.With the effort of informants, policemen finally caught the Big-time 杰出的cocaine dealer last week.

5.If the outcome of this somber忧郁的, lovingly detailed film is unsurprising, its emotional power is undeniable.

6.Again, Robbie complied, mnmbling含糊 a bit under his breath as he moved the octopus over to the doll.

7.The utilities' charts show that the overwhelm压倒majority of air pollution in the region results from natural dust.

8.The cover art accurately reflects the content, which is often pensive 沉思的 delicate and private.

9.It could do considerable damage if it happened to hit some of the more fragile脆弱的equipment.

10.Instead, Greenspan welcomed the stock plunge陷入saying it had chilled an overheated market.

1.As the sun sank沉陷lower and lower, the sky first turned pink and then orange.

2.His victims are vulnerable易受伤害的women whom he can control.

3.Progress was slow, fueling燃料concerns that the stadium would not

be finished on time.

4.The end of the Cold War notwithstanding尽管, the world is still

a dangerous place.

5.The risk for the purchaser is that the vendor may have understate 轻描淡写的the scope and extent of the creditors.

6.The conditions may sound wonderful, but they can have direied可怕的consequences.

7.With its greatly superior technology, the government forces completely overwhelm战胜the rebels.

8.Joseph was able to grease贿赂 a few palms, thus helping his brother to escape.

9.I always enjoyed walking the full length of the street to check how the other shops were faring进展.

10.Settlement houses and settlement house workers were at the cutting edge巨大进步of social change.

1.I got up and went to the corner of the castle parapet扶手, from where

I could see in three directions.

2.After treatment the store should be ventilate通风until the chlorine smell has dispersed.

3. Their many years of research have finally culminated到顶点 a cure for the disease.

4.He had expected everybody to abide忍受by the rules he had applied to his own life.

5.I could not open an application by selecting an icon图标and double-clicking.

6. I never saw anything as beautiful as that stone you were carving 切开

7.Jason has a girlfriend, and her energetic, cheerful presence has enlivened使活泼our household.

8.Some people believe that the family is the bedrock基石of society

9.With markets so volatile不稳定的, small investors are turning from do-it-yourself trading in search of greater interaction and guidance from brokers.

10.We've incorporate包含many environmentally-friendly features into the design of the building.

1. I think his words and deeds are too assertive肯定的to be understood by his colleagues.

2. Members of the jury, you must now retire退休to the office to consider your verdict.

3.Nelson Mandela was due to address从事 a gathering of supporters here shortly.

4.That was a movement of professionals in Alliance联合with progressive businessmen and politicians.

5.He was explicitly明确的about his intention to overhaul the party's internal voting system.

6.Instead of receiving收到sympathetic treatment, he received more of the blame than anyone else when the plan failed to work.

7.The report on the cloning of a human being has inevitably been greeted with skepticism怀疑的.

8.Everyone was surprised when the football team is about to be relegate 降低to the second division.

9. A rapid and well coordinated坐标international rescue operation will be embarked on in this area.

10.In order to popularize computer technology, many schools are now integration综合computer programs into the curriculum.


高三期中考试反思总结大全高三期中考试反思总结一学习是一个不断总结的漫长过程,因此对于高中学习的每一次阶段性的总结是很有必要的。总的来说这次考试有喜也有忧,喜在这里就不多说了,针对“忧”,我对每门科做了一些简单的总结。 语文,出人意料的课外文言文作为题目,可以知道光注重课本是不行的,应在“以本为本”的基础上进行适当的课外延伸,这是有必要的。另一问题是素材积累与语言综合应用的匮泛,我想这与平时的语文学习中的习惯和态度是分不开的,应多积累,多总结,多运用,针对语文的这些不足,自己在下学期应加以解决。 数学,所有的题型都见过的,但有的会做,有的却不会,为什么呢?,我想这与数学学习的两大要点是分不开的:“多练”,"多想".所谓多练就是巩固基础,适当延伸,勤加练习,这些方面体现了自己缺少练,所谓多想就是多总结多回想,总结这一类题型的常用方法与技巧,回想这一题的解题思路等。可见对于这方面我是比较欠缺的。总结起来就是一句话:贵在持之以恒。 英语:从初中以来,英语的不足主要就在于听力与完型这两部分,但却一直没有引以为戒,导致影响不断加深,因此我想应做到以下几点:1.对于语法,应日积月累;2.平时要训练听力,在理解课文的基础上多听课文听力,同时也应

多读以加深印象;3.阅读与完型也是在与平时的训练和不断积累技巧与经验;4.多预习、复习、总结、积累。 物理:有的人说这次物理很难,有的人却说很简单,的确卷子很简单,但有人却没考好,我想一定主要是考试心态的影响,例如某某,他做的物理题可以说是很多了,我和他补课知道。一些难题他基本都会,但这次考得却不太理想,我认为应该是考试心态的影响,做物理是一门来不得半点马虎的过程,只有经过深思熟虑后才能制胜,因此要切记勿马虎,同时考试心态要平稳,我的不住在这次考试中没有完全的体现出来,可能是幸运吧,但对于一些易错题,我想还是应该多反思反思的。我想物理的学习正如王老师所说的:“当天的任务当天完成,当天的知识当天消化!” 化学:初中时化学很好,但进入高中却不理想,这与我对化学学习态度有关。一开始以为化学基础好就行了,但却应知道:高中的化学知识点是很多的,大部分是从来没有接触到的。因此自己对于化学的学习态度就可以体现在化学考试上。虽然这次成绩比上次肯定要好,但卷子上70%的题目都已经考过,自己却不能完全做对,从这一点就反映了自己有必要提高学习态度,不要轻视任何一科,尤其是书本上的知识必须掌握透彻。 生物:从这次考试中的题目不难发现,对于平常最容易


1.Only twenty-seven new members had been ____________ since the Leeds Congress, and the total membership still stood at less than one hundred. A. ceded放弃 B. enrolled C. faded D. departed 2.You could go for advertising ____________, the catchy floor displays or the flashy packaging. A. design B. description C. hype宣传 D. propaganda 3.The desk was ____________ with files, but the chair behind it was vacant. A. cluttered凌乱 B. depicted C. defined D. represented 4.____________ is a meal typically eaten late in the morning as a combination of a late breakfast and an early lunch. A. Dinner B. Brunch早午餐 C. Banquet D. Feast 5.The improvement of the highway will ____________ pressure on the trains to some extent. A. ensure B. relieve减轻 C. protect D. guarantee 6.John's hands were ____________ as he put down his papers and started his speec h at the first time. A. quivering颤抖 B. waving C. shaking D. lifting 7.His mood was an explosive mixture of ____________ self-pity and forced gaiety, the latter predominating as he got drunk. A. maudlin脆弱 B. nasty C. painful D. outright 8.Because of the economic slowdown, the government changed its policy to ____________ revenue by limiting commerce. A. disregard B. challenge C. diminish减少 D. reject 9.In women's magazines and educational material the apple ____________ good food and health. A. anticipates B. conjures想象的 C. Designates D. presupposes


高三班主任学期末工作总结3篇 高三班主任学期末工作总结一: 过去的一学期里,我班在学校领导的统一组织、年级组长的带领、任课老师的大力支持和配合下,各项工作顺利开展,学习、工作等方面都取得较突出的成绩,现将我做的一些工作向大家汇报: 一、完善班级管理建设,重视发挥班委作用本学期通过民主选举更换了部分值日干部,对值日干部进行随时与及时的指导,主要是如何站在与同学平起平坐的立场管理,同时利用值日干部与个别同学的矛盾,在班上开展讨论与思想教育,让学生明白值日干部的付出,让学生学会换位思考,进一步树立值日干部的威信,经过半个多学期的努力逐渐培养出一批工作能力强、责任心强、威信高的值日班干部,并进一步带动了班风学风的好转。班主任对班干部,不能只是使用,还应该进行教育和培养。我经常教育他们树立为集体服务的光荣感和责任感,要求他们努力学习、团结同学、以身作则,鼓励他们既要大胆工作,又要严格要求,注意工作方法。当然,选出的干部毕竟不是完人,因此对他们不能过分苛求、指责,特别是在工作出现失误的时候。对班委会的工作要经常检查,而切要给予具体的指导和帮助,既不能包办代替,也不能班上的工作全部推给班干部自己放手不管。我

还坚持定期召开班干部会议,组织他们学会制订计划及具体措施,检查落实情况,总结得失,并加以改进,教会他们如何分辨是非,及时阻止同学中的不良行为。而对于班干部在班级中的不良行为,决不姑息,鼓励他们以身作则并带动其他同学,促进整个班级的管理工作。 二、加强班级管理,深入了解学生,以身作则,全面深入地做好班级工作首先,三(10)班是一个普通班,学生的基础不好,但是为了升学,学生的压力很大,情绪也很不稳定,为了使学生放下思想包袱,一方面我每周利用班会以轻松的形式,去讨论各种问题,以此放松学生紧张的心情;另一方面我还经常利用课间、中午、自习等时间深入到学生中去,了解学生的思想动态,为学生排忧解难。其次,为了培养学生良好的学习习惯,我自己也以身作责,努力做学生的榜样,每天早上比学生早到校,对学生的各项要求,自己必须首先做到,然后再要求学生去做。再者,班干部和我配合的很好,对班级的任何事情都及时的向我汇报,以至于我能够及时掌握班级动向,调整好班级的各项事情。 三、鼓舞士气,培养班风 高三年级是学生的世界观发展、变化的重要阶段,同时,面临着毕业、升学等实际问题,再加上我班实际情况,随着课时和知识复杂程度的加重,不难想象有的学生甚至会感到迷惘,对前途失去信心。


Lesson 1 Make the following assertion as editor of the book Language in Britain and Ireland. For English is a killer. It is English that has killed off Norn. There are still parts of these islands where sizeable communities speak languages that were there before English. Yet English is everywhere in everyday use and understood by all or virtually all, constituting such a threat to three re-maining Celtic languages. an English academic 一位英国学者 In it, he argued that the major English-speaking countries, the worldwide English-language teaching industry, and notably the British Council pursue policies of linguistic aggrandizement. He also associated such policies with a prejudice which he calls linguicism(a condition parallel to racism and sexism). As someone sees it 在某人看来 predominantly white English-speaking world主要的白人讲英语国家 the hegemonic spread of English英语的大肆扩张 economic and colonial expansion经济和殖民扩张 point up the dangers of English as a world language the internationalization of English has in the last few decades been widely discussed in terms of three groups. Since the 1980s, when such terms became common, this third circle has in fact expanded to take in the entire planet. By and large, we now view them as more or less benign, and often talk with admiration and appreciation about the cultures associated with them and what they have given to the world. And it is fairly safe to do this, because none of them poses much of a threat. English however is probably too close for us to be able to analyze and judge it as dispassionately as we may now dis-cuss the influence of Classical Chinese on East Asia or of Classical Latin on Western Europe. The jury is still out in the trial of the English language, and may take several centuries to produce its verdict. But even so we can ask, in this European Year of Language, whether Price and Phillipson are right to warn us all about the language that I am using at this very moment. It certainly is not hard to look for situations where people might call English a curse. An example is Australia, which is routinely regarded as a straightforward English-speaking country. The word itself is Latin; evidently no one at the time thought of simply calling it “Southland”. a wide stretch of land 大片土地 Australia was thinly populated—but populated nonetheless—from coast to coast in every direction. Depending on your point of view, this is either a tragic loss or the price of progress. At the same time, however, can the blame for the extinction of Aboriginal language be laid at the door of English? If English is a curse or a killer, it may only be so in the sense that any large language is likely to influence and endanger smaller language. Spanish has adversely affected indigenous languages in so-called Latin America. 西班牙语对所谓“拉丁”美洲的土著语言产生了消极影响。 a communicative network Let us instead look at something rather different: the issue of politics, justice, and equality. Ten years ago, South Africa ceased to be governed on principles of racial separateness. be at first weak and disorganized However, the language through which this opposition gained strength and organization was English, which became for them the key language of freedom and unity, not of oppression. The answer is none of the above. How then should we think of English in our globalizing world with its endangered diversities? The answer, it seems to me, is crystal clear. Such symbolism suggests that users of the world’s lingua franca(通用语)should seek to benefit as fully as possible from the blessing and as far as possible avoid invoking the curse. apartheid n.种族隔离



南京大学临床医学和口腔医学专业学位研究生教育与江苏省住院医师规范化培训双向接轨试点工作 研究生培养方案细则(临床医学) 为贯彻落实《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》和《中共中央、国务院关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见》以及江苏省教育工作会议精神和《江苏省中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》,根据国务院学位委员会《硕士、博士专业学位研究生教育发展总体方案》精神和教育部关于开展研究生专业学位教育综合改革试点工作的通知要求,南京大学医学院启动临床医学和口腔医学专业学位研究生教育与住院医师规范化培训双向接轨改革试点工作。为了更好地落实这一改革项目,提高攻读临床医学硕士专业学位研究生(住院医师)(以下简称硕士研究生)的培养质量,结合南京大学医学院的具体情况,特制定本培养方案。 一、培养目标 本专业的人才培养坚持党的领导,坚持四项基本原则,坚持把立德树人作为人才培养的中心环节,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义事业建设者和接班人。 在专业方面,培养具有良好职业道德和专业素质,掌握扎实医学理论、专业知识和临床技能,能够独立承担本学科常见疾病诊治工作的高层次临床医师。 二、研究方向 01内科学02儿科学03神经病学04精神病与精神卫生学05影像医学与核医学06临床检验诊断学07外科学08妇产科学09眼科学10耳鼻咽喉科学11肿瘤学12麻醉学13急诊医学14皮肤病与性病学15临床病理学16全科医学

三、学习年限及时间安排 硕士研究生学习年限一般为3年。 1、课程学习:入学后一学期内利用平时或晚间及周末在学校完成 学位课程学习。 2、临床技能训练: 按国家卫计委要求进行不少于33个月的住院医师规范化培训。 3、结合临床工作,在导师指导下进行课题工作。 四、课程设置 课程类型课程名称学分学时 公共基础课(A类) 英语 4 72 中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究 2 36 自然辩证法概论或马克思主义与社会科 学方法论或马克思主义原著选读(三选 一) 1 18 专业基础课(B类)医学科学研究方法以及科研伦理简介 2 36 重大疾病的研究进展 2 36 专业实践课(C类) 临床技能培训 6 108 循证医学 1 8 临床思维与人际沟通 1 8 医学法学 1 8 重点传染病防治 1 8 学术讲座 2 36 公共选修课(D类) 炎症与疾病 2 36 生物医学数据处理与统计分析 2 36 生物信息学与医疗大数据 2 36 生物医学仪器分析 2 36 生物医学科学史 2 36 疾病研究的生物学方法 2 36 实用医学实验动物学 2 36 公共卫生与重大传染病预防 2 36


工作汇报/工作计划/期末工作总结 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-ZJ-024713 高三第一学期期末总结1000字The first semester of senior high school final summary 1000 words

高三第一学期期末总结1000字 高三的第一个学期就这样结束了.迎来了盼望已久的寒假. 时光飞逝,斗转星移。转眼高中生活已经过了一大半了。回首这三年的点点滴滴,朝朝暮暮,心中顿生了许多感触。这三年中经历的每一天,都已在我心中留下了永久的印记,因为这些印记见证我这样一个新生的成长。在过去三年的内,通过不断地学习,我收获了很多.时间就是这么无情头也不回的向前走着,而我们却在为了不被它丢下死命的追赶着。是的,谁都不想被时间丢下.而我们也随着时间的流逝一点一点的成长.而美好的纯真随着风雨的磨灭化成了成熟.或许这正是成长的代价.回想自己还是考生的那段日子,显得是那么的遥远。我在憧憬中懂得了来之不易的珍惜;在思索中了解了酝酿已久的真理;在收获后才知道努力的甜美。突然觉得自己似乎明白了许多事情,但是仔细琢磨后又不尽然……原来过去所见所识都是那么的偏见而又肤浅,以前的天真似乎在一瞬间幻化成无知和可笑,我想谁又不是这样的呢?或许在以后也回嘲笑现在的渺小……我们不得不笑着回首我们所走过的路. 在学习上:我深知学习的重要性。面对二十一世纪这个知识的时代,面对知识就是力量,科学技术是第一生产力的科学论断,我认为离开了知识将是一个一无是处的废人。以资本为最重要生产力的"资本家"的时代将要过去,以知识为特


Translation 1. Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies. 译文:而且,人类还有能力改变自己的生存环境,从而使所有其他形态的生命服从人类自己独特的想法和想象。 2. But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago. 译文:但更为重要的是,这是科学家们所能观察到的最遥远的过去的景象,因为他们看到的是150亿年前宇宙云的形状和结构。 3. Since psychological traits depend so much upon experience, it is to be expected that they will reflect it. 译文:由于心理特点在很大程度上取决于经历,可想而知心理特点也反映经历。 4. The optimists believe defeat is not their fault: circumstances, bad luck, or other people brought it about. Such people are not bothered by defeat. 译文:乐观主义者相信失败并不是他们的错,环境、运气不佳或其他人可能造成自己的失败。这些人从不为失败所困扰。 5. Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a wide variety of problems-for example, depression, headaches, physiological impairments, and neurotic and psychosomatic


高三期末考试总结800字 高三期末考试总结800字紧张的考前复习,压制神经的考试,下考场后的议论纷纷,有人欢喜有人忧。全县统考结束后顿时感觉轻松了很多,暂且不去说考试成绩的好坏,至少这种感觉让人感到发自内心的放纵。随后而来的便是对考试成绩的焦急等待和新一轮学习的开始也许以我这次的考试成绩并不能说成是优异,可以说算个中等吧。但对于我个人来说这也是一个进步,虽然有几科成绩不尽人意。下面就认真分析分析吧。 先说说英语和历史吧。总体来说进入高中以来我的英语成绩呈现直线下滑趋势,这次也毫不出意外的只考了87分。我很清楚的明白考低分的原因平常老师让默写单词时不写,让记语法时不记。一到考试的时候就开始发愁,特别是在做单项选择题的时候,单词不知道什么意思感觉哪个选项都对,语法不知道怎么运用感觉哪个选项都是答案,结果只有乱猜了,这次考试在这方面就吃了大亏了。历史这科自我感觉还是挺简单的,因为上次考试还得了80多分呢,我想的是这次至少可以考85分的,结果非常完美的验证了一个词语眼高手低。成绩下来只考了66分。虽然说这次全校历史成绩都有所下滑,但是得高分的还是有的。这次历史成绩给了我不小的打击,更何况老班是就是由历史老师,的确有点不给他面子了。平常历史学的还挺卖劲的,对历史也是有浓厚的兴趣的,可考试毕竟是考试,后面的非选择题基本上都是只



最新高三期中考试总结范文 作为一名高三的学生在考完试之后进行总结是很有必要的,这样能找到自己的缺点从而改进。下面是由小编为大家整理的“2020高三期中考试总结范文”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 2020高三期中考试总结范文(一) 期末考试结束了,我所剩下的中学生活随着一次又一次的考试逐渐变短,这次考试比上次有些进步,我认真分析了原因: 1、在考试前我并没有深入复习,只不过是看了看书。 2、临阵磨枪,突击,平时不善于积累。 3、复习没有重点。 其实,语文一直是我这三科中最不理想的科目,我对此也非常的着急,所以我在今后的学习中会更加重视学习。 数学一直是我的强项,可这次发挥的也不是很令自己满意,但也没有发挥出自己应有的水平。这是什么原因呢?主要是自己思想上的问题,我总认为没什么,靠自己的功底完全可以应付,但是事实与自己所想的是完全相反的。 经过这次考试,我也明白了,随着年级的升高,我们所需要掌握的知识也在不断的增多,我以前学的那些知识已经远远不够,所以,既是自己的强项,就更不能落下,就更应该跟着老师好好的学。在语文方面,我还应该加强阅读训练,使自己的阅读能力有所提高。 努力,是我们熟得不能再熟的字眼,但这两个字就够一个人做一辈子的了,而且它是永远做不完的。所以我更应该珍惜时光,为自己的

目标而奋斗!好的成绩是靠良好的学习方法。许多教育专家认为,将来的“文盲”,不再是目不识丁的人,而是一些没有学会如何获取知识,不会自己钻研问题,没有预见力的人。这就要求我们不仅要掌握知识,更重要的是必须学会如何学习。 学习的方法因人而异,因学科而异,正如医生用药,不能千人一方。同学们应当从实际出发,根据自己的情况,发挥特长,摸索适合自己特点的有效方法。但良好的学习方法绝对离不开预习、认真听课和课后复习。 然而在这三点中,我认为听讲是最重要的,或许这已经是老生常谈了,但是,只有听讲你才能取得事半功倍的效果。认真听老师的讲课,甚至比做10道练习题还要好。 预习,不仅仅是简单的看书,对于语文,应该画一些重点字词、概念和一些重要的知识点;数学则要着重地看例题和定理、概念。看完书以后,可以试着做一下课后的练习题。这样可以帮助你知道你是否已经基本了解了这些新知识。英语只要了解基本的句型构成,再多背几个单词就可以了。 人长得越大,记忆力就越是递减。因此,常常复习很重要。不过不必天天复习,毕竟我们也没有那么多的时间。你可以把学的知识积累下来,利用周末的时间复习。每周都是这样,一个月后,来一次总的复习,把前四周的内容再巩固一下。如果一个月后你记住了这些新知识,那么,以后,只要你有空的时候再看看,就一定可以牢牢记住了。 除了这三点,还有三个“必须”。


1.boisterous 2.slithered 3.If an actor forgets his words, he sometimes ___ improvises即席而作;即席创作____. 4.meditation 5.connotation 6.It is ____ mandatory ________to pay the debt within six months. 7.“Better late than never” is a ___ platitude陈词滥调___ that is very familiar to most English speakers. 8.reciprocal互惠的, 相应的, 倒数的, 彼此相反的 9.indispensable 10.No men was allowed to ___ infringe _破坏, 侵犯, 违反__ on the livelihood of his neighbor. 11.She really enjoyed the film because it was a ___ fusion熔合____ of history and contemporary events. 12.business associate 13.deprived 14.When he tried to make a little joke, the judge warned him not to give __ frivolous轻薄的; 轻 浮妄动的____replies to the lawyer’s questions. 15.ascribed to. 16.warrant 17.What were your ___ aggregate ____ wages for this last year? 18.The newspapers ____ biased _____ their readers against the new government. 19.rigorous discipline. 20.authentic 21.He was quite ____ explicit _____ about on what he thought about our plan. (A)exquisite (B) extensive (C) external (D) 22.The book is highly ___ endorsed ____ by prominent people. 23.This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important __ facets 方面___ of American life. 24.manifestation 25.hindered 26.imminent 即将来临的, 逼近的 27.reciprocal 28.We can gain lasting peace only if we proceed with the understanding, the confidence, and the courage which flow from___ conviction ______. 29.deteriorate 30.attributes 31.reverberate 32.Although _____ afflicted ____ by serious eyesight problem, Alicia Alonso was one of the principal stars of the American Ballet Theater. 33.In order to prevent a sudden outbreak of hostilities, we must give our rivals no _ provocative _____ hints. 34.When the old man was near death he lost interest in ___ mundane 世俗的____ affairs. 35.I was so sleepy I could scarcely ____ stifle 抑制_____ a yawn. 36.prolific


中国人民大学历史学院2016年拟录取硕士研究生名单 历史学院- 文物与博物馆(专业学位) 姓名考生编号初试成绩复试成绩加权总成绩备注吴忧100026114116945 396 311 83.06 吉艺龙100026114103705 398 307 82.84 郝沁源100026114109340 393 305 82.01 王艺霖100026114108851 403 292 81.73 汪海伦100026114103716 387 293 79.92 王爱梅100026114113814 378 296 79.18 吴嘉莉100026114103717 354 310 77.90 宋阿云100026114103664 350 299 76.17 王峥骞100026114115835 351 295 75.83 侯佳岐100026114109079 359 286 75.76 张嘉桐100026114116621 337 305 75.29 袁漫潇100026114103712 351 290 75.26 温馨100026114107866 351 281 74.23 胡艳100026114116860 356 273 73.92 骨干杨通琴100026114116859 309 258 66.56 骨干历史学院 考古学及博物馆学 姓名考生编号初试成绩复试成绩加权总成绩备注孙锐100026114103663 404 313 84.25 王晓丹100026114116617 392 312 82.69 贺纪元100026114109333 382 302 80.35 史学理论及史学史 姓名考生编号初试成绩复试成绩加权总成绩备注邓啸林100026114111777 379 272 76.56 王冰100026114111783 379 271 76.45


硕士研究生两年读研规划 一、目前自我状态分析: 上一学期里,由于是我刚刚入校,所以对研究生生活充满着迷茫,惆怅和不知所措。但在经过一学期的学习之后,我已很好地适应了学校的研究生生活,并知道了自己在剩下的研究生时间里应该做些什么,怎么做些什么了。俗话说,凡事预则立,不预则废。我相信:通过我对自己的合理的规划,加之自身的努力,我会成为一名合格的研究生的。以下就是我对剩余研究生生活的规划,希望老师可以指点一二。 二、具体的学习规划: (一)研究生一年级下学期规划: 1、通过证券从业资格考试,取得证券从业资格证书,为我以后有可能进入相关职业做好准备; 2、坚持学习英语。其一,我需尽可能的通过英语六级;其二,我需上好研二下学期英语课程,为英语期末考试做好准备;其三,学好英语,为我以后进入职场打下较为扎实的英文基础; 3、多读有关经济法的专业书,多看有关经济法的相关论文和资料,为我以后可以完成一篇经济法方向的毕业论文打好较为坚实的专业基础; 4、因为法律硕士的考试基本上都是闭卷考试,所以顺利的通过期末考试对我毕业及以后的找工作是非常重要的,因此这是必然的成为我本学期的一大主要的要完成的工作,即很好的学习本学期开设的各门课程,并很好的完成各门课程的相关考试。 (二)研究生二年级上学期规划: 1、本学期对于我来说最主要任务就是实习、实习报告和最终确定论文选题。实习对于我们法律人来说是至关重要的,其对我们以后更好的进入法律职业具有极好的基础性作用,因此我必须在本学期内认真的完成实习工作、切实的提高自己的司法实践能力、扎实的做好实习报告。 2、实习的意义不仅在于提高我理论运用于实践的水平,即法律实践能力,而且还在于为我最终完成毕业论文提供可靠的实践基础,因此,实习结束之时,


班主任期末考试总结 班主任期末考试总结 高三的班级管理工作有其有利的地方: 学生身心发育更加成熟,学习习惯逐渐稳定,学习的积极性、主动性加强,班级管理保持了一种良好的惯性。但随着学生学习压力的增大、会考的进行和高考的临近,班级管理工作不仅更加复杂繁重而且难度加大。我通过一个学期的努力,班级工作取得了预期的效果,配合学校各部门完成好各项任务,班级常规工作稳定有序,学生学习成绩稳中有升,会考全部顺利通过,学生个体发展显著。本学期的班主任工作体会良多,主要有以下几个方面。 一、心理疏导是第一要着进入高三后,随着学习压力越来越大,学生的心理问题也越来越突出。这一时期,学生容易产生急躁、压抑、苦闷、自卑、焦虑等不良情绪,这些情绪给学生造成的不良影响非常大,如果不能因势利导,及时排除学生心理上的暗礁,学生的成长和进步就会受到极大的阻遏。我所带的高三××班女生占了绝大多数,而女生心理承受力、自我调控力普遍较差,仅仅因为一次考试的失利、同学间闹点小矛盾,便会产生自卑、烦躁、厌学情绪甚至有轻生的念头。有的同学会找老师、家长或其她同学倾诉,老师只要适当开导加以解决;而有的同学就会不喜言语、郁郁寡欢、心不在焉,长期积累影响到学生的成绩和身心健康发展,这就要求班主任必须随时保持高度的职业敏感,及时捕捉学生心理上的一个个微小的不和-谐音符,帮助他们把握学习与生活的旋律,正确地认识生活和自己,促使学生健康快乐成长。

二、激励教育是关键理想和志向对于一个人的成长至关重要。高三的学习生活犹如一场马拉松比赛,不仅是身体素质和技能的比拼,更是意志的较量。我选择了一些典型的事迹,利用座谈会、周记摘要、“榜样激励”等方式,及时地教育、鼓舞学生,使他们树立高远的目标,明确人生的方向,踏踏实实走好人生的每一步。但高三学生对成功的渴望极其迫切,反而使他们对挫折的承受能力愈加薄弱。学习中遇到的一个小小的难题、一次考试没考好,都可能使他们放大挫折和痛苦。一次期高三的班级管理工作有其有利的地方:学生身心发育更加成熟,学习习惯逐渐稳定,学习的积极性、主动性加强,班级管理保持了一种良好的惯性。但随着学生学习压力的增大、会考的进行和高考的临近,班级管理工作不仅更加复杂繁重而且难度加大。 附送: 班主任期末评语精选 班主任期末评语精选 期末评语班主任期末评语精选 班主任期末评语精选 xxx同学:你朴实无华,思想健康,积极上进,你身处逆境,却永不退缩,你不追求享受、只追求方方面面的进步,我为你感到无比的高兴,希望你做生活的强者,不屈不挠、勇往直前,我会永远支持你、祝福你!前进的道路是坎坷的,愿你做一个无畏的勇士,采撷最美丽的花朵!xxx同学:你心地善良,为人坦诚,接物待人春风扑


2018考研英语复习计划表你早该参考了! 2018年考研英语复习,你准备好了吗?作为一个考研过来人,在这里给大家一些复习的建议,希望可以帮助到有需要的人。大家可以借鉴,根据自身的实际情况来制定适合自己的复习计划。 一、考研复习第一阶段(3——6月份) 这个阶段的主要任务是夯实基础知识,核心任务是解决单词问题。考研英语要求的词汇量是5500个,数量非常多。复习单词的时候需要详细制定计划,并且并且要循序渐进的去完成。 1.阅读美文,通过拓展课外阅读来复习词汇。通过长期阅读英语文章,扩充词汇量,拓展思维及知识面。 2.单词和语法的学习,每天要坚持用个小时。可以利用真题学习,复习效率会比较的高。推荐北大博士吕升运的《考研圣经》,这本书专为基础薄弱的人编写的,书中逐句精讲了单词和语法知识。对于基础不好的人来说,可以很快的学会单词和语法。

二、考研复习第二阶段(7——9月份) 在这个阶段需要对所有题型进行掌握,努力提升相关的做题能力,为下一阶段做好准备。 1.阅读专项训练一定要按时按质完成。暑假时间比较充分,一定得好好利用。需要掌握阅读技巧,阅读理解能力有一个质的飞跃。我当时用这本书复习的时候,先做题后对答案,其答案采用的选项表析,很大程度上提升了我的阅读能力。 2.翻译要集中进行练习,熟悉考研英语翻译的命题特点,并进行强化训练,进一步巩固单词和语法。另外要多总结翻译的小技巧,这本书中的翻译给出的是雕梁画栋的模式,主要是从翻译的词砖、句架等完美展现了翻译的整个过程,大家可以从中很快的学会翻译的技巧。? 三、第三阶段(9——11月底)

这个时期属于复习的后期,需要开始对英语作文进行复习了。 1.写作语料的积累。建议大家多背诵一些好的范文,掌握范文中的语料和写作模式。 2.千篇一律的作文不容易拿到高分,还需要大家总结相应的写作模板,便于高效的写作。注意写出符合考研作文要求的文章,要最大限度避免常见语法错误。 四、第四阶段(12——考前) 这个阶段要静下心来好好查漏补缺,这个环节是很重要的,可以帮助你大大提升自己的能力。 推荐历年考研英语二真题·汇编王,这本书真题资料很多,很适合用来刷题。 下面系统推荐一下历届学长学姐大力推荐的考研英语一辅导书 一、词汇 1.《非常词汇》 适合人群:英语一和英语二通用 推荐理由:800个句子浓缩所有大纲单词,通过句子记单词,让你不再由A背到Z,背单词不再那么枯燥,记忆量大大变小了。赠送的4大赠本中,不仅包括考研英语必考词和基础词,还有4大赠本《高考词+四级词+六级词+考研词》、《基础词+必考词+偶考词+超纲词》,


2020 高三期末个人总结文档 Job Summary

高三期末个人总结文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,对前一时间的工作学习活动等以书面形式形成的文字材料. 研究一下,肯定成绩,找出问题,归纳出经验教训,提高认识,明确方向,以便进一步做好工作,把这些用文字表述出来,就叫做工作总结.总结的写作过程,既是对自身社会实践活动的回顾过程,又是人们思想认识提高的过程.通过总结,人们可以把零散的、肤浅的感性认识上升为系统、深刻的理性认识,从而得出科学的结论. 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 高三期末个人总结【一】 时光如梭,转眼即逝,当毕业在即,回首三年学习生活,历历在目: 三年来,学习上我严格要求自己,注意摸索适合自己情况的学习方法,积极思维,分析、解决问题能力强,学习成绩优良。 我遵纪守法,尊敬师长,热心助人,与同学相处融洽。我有较强的集体荣誉感,努 力为班为校做好事。作为一名团员,我思想进步,遵守社会公德,积极投身实践,关心国家大事。在团组织的领导下,力求更好地锻炼自己,提高自己的思想觉悟。 性格活泼开朗的我积极参加各种有益活动。高一年担任语文科代表,协助老师做好各项工作。参加市演讲比赛获三等奖。主持校知识竞赛,任小广播员。高二以来任班级文娱委员,组织同学参加各种活动,如:课间歌咏,班级联欢会,集体舞赛等。在

校文艺汇演中任领唱,参加朗诵、小提琴表演。在校辩论赛在表现较出色,获“最佳辩手”称号。我爱好运动,积极参加体育锻炼,力求德、智、体全面发展。 三年的高中生活,使我增长了知识,也培养了我各方面的能力,为日后我成为社会主义现代化建设的接班人打下了坚实的基础。但是,通过三年的学习,我也发现了自己的不足,也就是吃苦精神不够,具体就体现在学习上“钻劲”不够、“挤劲”不够。当然,在我发现自己的不足后,我会尽力完善自我,培养吃苦精神,从而保证日后的学习成绩能有较大幅度的提高。 作为跨世纪的一代,我们即将告别中学时代的酸甜苦辣,迈入高校去寻找另一片更加广阔的天空。在这最后的中学生活里,我将努力完善自我,提高学习成绩,为几年来的中学生活划上完美的句号,也以此为人生篇章中光辉的一页。 高三期末个人总结【二】 时光如梭,转眼即逝,当毕业在即,回首三年学习生活,历历在目: 三年来,学习上我严格要求自己,注意摸索适合自己情况的学习方法,积极思维,分析、解决问题能力强,学习成绩优良。 我遵纪守法,尊敬师长,热心助人,与同学相处融洽。我有较强的集体荣誉感,努 力为班为校做好事。作为一名团员,我思想进步,遵守社会公德,积极投身实践,关心国家大事。在团组织的领导下,力求更好地锻炼自己,提高自己的思想觉悟。

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