当前位置:文档之家› 最新人教版初二英语下册Unit3单元测试题含答案




Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?


1.After hearing the news。they looked at each other with surprise.

2.—Could I borrow your English-Chinese nary?

Sure。but you can’t lend it to others.

3.I saw two movies last week。but neither of them was good.

4.You’re old enough now。You shouldn’t depend on your parents all the time.

5.Mr。Brown got up early in order to catch the early bus.

6.Will your mother start to do the housework as soon as she gets home?

7.—Could you please clean the living room?

Sorry。I can’t。I’m doing my homework.

8.--Can you finish reading these books before 10 o'clock?

Yes。I can.

9.A。take out - "take out the rubbish" means to remove the trash from inside the house to outside for disposal.

10.C。neither - "neither do I" means that the speaker also does not like doing chores.

11.B。do。make - "make the bed" means to straighten the sheets and blankets on the bed。while "do chores" means to complete household tasks.

12.C。give me a ride - "give me a ride" means to offer n to someone in your vehicle.

13.A。stay out - "stay out" means to not be inside。usually referring to staying out of the house or a specific n.

14.A。make - "make your quilt" means to straighten and arrange the bedding on your bed.

15.C。working on - "working on" means to be using or occupied with a particular task or project.

1.fingers - "one of my fingers" refers to a specific part of the hand that was injured while cooking.

2."You are old enough and you should learn to be independent," my mother said to me.

3.Some of the neighbors can't stand the loud music from the party.

4.It's unfair that girls aren't allowed to participate in the sports meeting.

5.Yesterday morning。my mother bought two shirts for my brother.

6.You'd better learn to take care of yourselves carefully.

7.Doing chores can help children understand the concept of fairness.

8.CDs are played on a machine called a CD player.

9."Did you go to Mike's party?" "No。he didn't invite me."

10.John often helps his mother with chores.

III。Verb Usage:

1.Could you please lend me your bike?

2.Linda is a careful girl。She hates making mistakes.

3.The cleaner swept the leaves here just now.

4.My father often asks me to sweep the floor.

5.Thanks for buying us drinks and snacks.

6.Jim spent five hours drawing the picture.

7.Tom’s mother is very busy。so he needs to help out around the house.

8.I invited him to play the game.

9.It took me an hour to write the letter.

10.I spent two hours doing my homework.

1.I spend much time on schoolwork in order to get good grades.

2.I don’t think doing the housework is a waste of time.

3.Could you take out the box。please?

4.Please remember to make your bed.

5.The children these days rely on their parents too much.

6.She looked up in surprise when I shouted.

7.My parents asked me not to stay out late at night.

8.Could you give me a ride?

9.Chen Bin didn't go to school because he was sick yesterday. Chen Bin didn't come to school because he was sick yesterday.

After dinner。I washed the dishes and swept the floor.


A) 1.Lilly is four years older than Tom.

B) 2.Lilly’s mom never works at night.

A) 3.Lilly and her brother go to school by car.

B) 4.Lilly’s brother is so little that he can’t do any housework。

Chen Bin因为生病了,所以昨天没有来上学。







Nowadays。an increasing number of Chinese teenagers struggle to cope without their parents。This is because their parents tend to do almost everything for them at home。and as a result。they lack basic life skills such as housework.

For instance。Mary。a 14-year-old girl。was left alone at home when her parents went on a trip。Initially。she was excited to have the house to herself。but soon realized she didn't know how to cook。She searched the fridge for food and found meat and vegetables。but was unable to prepare them。Eventually。she had to dine out at a restaurant.

This is a common problem among teenagers like Mary。Therefore。it is crucial for them to learn basic life skills such as cooking。cleaning。and dressing themselves。They should not rely too heavily on their parents to do everything for them.

7.The article does not provide n on where Mary's parents went.

8.Yes。Mary ate supper at home at last.

9.Many Chinese teenagers cannot live without their parents because they rely heavily on their parents for nal and financial support.

10.Teenagers should learn life skills such as time management。budgeting。cooking。and basic household chores.

VI。1.I 2.provide 3.housework 4.ill 5.waste 6.care 7.neighbor 8.tries 9.sweeping 10.depend

I work in a cleaning company。Usually。people call us and we provide house cleaning service。We take care of the housework。such as sweeping and cleaning。so that our clients do not have to waste their time doing it。We try our best to provide a clean and organized living space for our clients。If someone is ill or unable to do the cleaning themselves。we can also provide extra care。Sometimes。we even e friends with our clients and their neighbors。We depend on our clients to call us back for future cleanings and to mend us to others.

Possible answers:


Our Debate on Doing Chores

Recently。our class had a debate on whether we should do chores at home。Some students argued that doing chores was a waste of time and energy。and that parents should hire maids or cleaners to do them。Others believed that doing chores was necessary and beneficial for both parents and children.

As for me。I think that doing chores is a basic and important responsibility for every member of a family。It not only helps to maintain a clean and tidy living environment。but also cultivates a sense of n。independence。and discipline。By doing chores。we can learn how to take care of ourselves and others。how to organize our time and space。and how to appreciate the value of hard work and n。Moreover。doing chores can also ce the burden

and stress of our parents。who may have to work hard outside and inside the house.

In my family。I often do some simple chores。such as sweeping the floor。washing the dishes。and taking out the trash。

I don't think these tasks are too difficult or boring。and I feel

proud and satisfied when I finish them。I also think that doing chores is a way to show my love and respect for my parents。who have done so much for me。Of course。I don't do chores all the time。and I also have my own hobbies and interests。But I believe that doing chores is not a hindrance to my growth and happiness。but a part of it.

In n。I think that doing chores is a positive and necessary

part of our family life。It may require some effort and patience。but it can also bring us many benefits and joys。Therefore。I suggest that we should all try to do our share of chores。and appreciate the value and meaning of this simple but meaningful task。Thank you for listening.



1.C。in surprise (惊讶地)。

2.A。could 后面加动词原形。borrow 借入;lend 借出。

3.B。neither of 两者都不。

4.D。depend on 依赖于。

5.B。in order to do 为了做某事。

6.D。as soon as 一…。就…。

7.B。根据I’m doing my homework,要进行拒绝性的回答。

8.D。finish doing 完成做某事。

9.A。take out the rubbish 倒垃圾。

10.C。neither do I 我也不。

11.C。make your bed 整理床铺;do chores 做家务。

12.B。get a ride 搭便车。

13.A。stay out late 在外面逗留到很晚。

14.B。fold your quilt 叠被子。

15.C。work on it 从事于某事。


1.fingers。one of my fingers 我的一根手指。

2.independent。be independent 独立。
















2.She works a lot。usually at night。

3.Then Dad drives us to school。

4.Tom also helps with household chores by taking out the rubbish and watering the plants。

5.Dad enjoys cleaning the windows but dislikes ironing。

6.The reason they don't know how to do housework is because their parents do almost everything for them at home。

7.One day。her parents went on a trip。leaving her alone at home。

8.No。she couldn't cook and ended up eating at a restaurant。

9.The reason they don't know how to do housework is because their parents do almost everything for them at home。

10.Examples of household chores include cooking。cleaning up their rooms。and dressing themselves.


1.I provide house cleaning service。

2.She's still ill。

3.Mr。Smith is this gentleman's neighbor。

4.The room is in a mess。

5.They need to do housework。

6.Please sweep the floor.


Good afternoon。everyone。I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself。I am a girl from the countryside and I often assist with household chores。My daily routine includes sweeping the floor。washing clothes。and tidying up the room。During weekends。I assist my mother in preparing dinner.

In my n。it is important to assist our parents with household chores。This not only allows us to understand the hard work that our parents put in but also teaches us valuable life skills。By lending a helping hand。we can learn the importance of teamwork。responsibility。and discipline。

Thank you for listening to my n。I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you better.

人教版新目标八年级英语下册 Unit 3 单元测试题(含答案)

人教版新目标八年级英语下册 Unit 3 单元测试题 Written test part (共95分) Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 21. Gina invited her classmates ______ her party. A. to B. in C. about D. with ( ) 22. —Could you please hang out with me this afternoon? —______. I have to make a plan for Clean-Up Day. A. Sorry, I couldn’t B. Sorry, I can’t C. Sure, I can D. Sure, I could ( ) 23. Alan doesn’t like junk food and ______ do I. A. either B. no C. neither D. not ( ) 24. I don’t like action movies, but I don’t mind ______ them. A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. to watching ( ) 25. Ben, ______ for the boy, please. He wants to sleep. A. make the bed B. do some shopping C. sweep the floor D. do the dishes ( ) 26. In fact, I think ______ a hobby is interesting. A. develop B. developing C. develops D. to developing ( ) 27. I ran out of my money. Could you ______ me some? A. lend B. sell C. borrow D. buy ( ) 28. Bob doesn’t have time ______ volleyball with me now. A. to play B. play C. playing D. to playing ( ) 29. She is only a child, so there is no need ______ her so much stress. A. give B. to giving C. to give D. giving ( ) 30. The clever boy ______ to ask others for help. He is independent. A. stops B. begins C. likes D. hates ( ) 31. After Jenny read the letter, she ______ it and put it in her book. A. finished B. wrote C. folded D. sent ( ) 32. Could you please ______ the door? It’s cold outside. A. open B. not open C. opening D. not opening ( ) 33. My grandmother is ill. I have to ______ her at home. A. take care of B. take after C. look for D. look forward to ( ) 34. I think it’s unfair ______ them work ten hours a day. A. made B. to make C. make D. making ( ) 35. —Could you help me sweep the floor, Dale? —______. A. Good idea B. Thanks a lot C. Of course D. That’s right Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 易读度★★☆☆☆ Dear Sir or Madam, I don’t like doing chores. But I have 36 choice (选择) but to do them because doing chores is a rule in our family. When I come back from school, my mom 37 says, “Could you take out the rubbish?” or “Could you help me 38 cooking?” I know she’s just trying to make me more independent and 39 me how to take care of myself. But 40 does she make me do all the housework? OK, I know I am the oldest and I should do chores. But it’s not 41 for me. My sisters should do them, too. Yesterday I did all the chores again. My parents went to visit my aunt with my sisters yesterday morning. They left me 42 at home because I had to do my homework. When I finished my homework, I found it was really a 43 at home. They didn’t do any chores. So I cleaned the rooms, 44 the dishes and watered the garden. Oh! I must look like a(n) 45 . What should I do? I hate doing chores all alone. Could you give me some advice, please?


人教版八年级英语下册unit3单元测试题 (有答案) 2.My mom always makes me (fold) my clothes after I do laundry. 3.The students were (amaze) by the magician's tricks. 4.I can't believe how (mess) your room is! 5.She (care) for her sick grandmother every day after school. 6.XXX him to stay in bed because he was (sick). 7.We should (start) the project as early as possible to avoid rushing at the end. 8.He (hand) me the book and I started reading it. 9.The (result) of the experiment were XXX. 10.I don't mind (take) out the trash。it's a simple task. 2.He has fixed up 16 bikes now. 3.I want to travel alone。but my parents told me not to do so. 4.XXX。I XXX. 5.XXX. 6.XXX nothing. 7.In fact。young people today have too much stress.

初中英语 人教版八年级下册Unit3 单元测试卷(含答案)

八年级英语下Unit 3检测题(满分120) 听力部分(25分) 第一节:下面你将听到5段短对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从每小题A、B、C 三个 选项中,选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题;每段对话只读1遍。 ( )1.What does the boy usually do at weekends? A.Cleans the room B.Washes the clothes. C. Cooks dinner ( )2.Whom does the man ask to help to clean the room? A. His son B.His daughter. C. His father. ( )3.What does the boy like doing? A.Doing the dishes. B.Making the bed. C.Taking out the rubbish ( )4.When is the sitcom over? A.At 7:40pm B.At 8:20pm C.At 9:20pm. ( )5.What does the girl need help with? A.B uying some snacks B.Buying some drinks C.Buying some drinks and snacks 第二节:下面你将听到6 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听每段对话或独白前,你都有10 秒钟的时间阅读有关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第一段材料,回答第6 至8 小题。 ( )6.What does the boy need? A.Some water . B.Some money. C.Some fruit ( )7.What does the woman ask the boy to do? A.Do his homework. B.Do some chores. C.Do some shopping. ( )8.When will the boy finish the work? A. In thirty minutes . B.In fifty minutes. C.In an hour. 听第二段材料,回答第9 至11 小题。 ( )9.Who does the housework most of the time in Eric’s house? A.Eric’s father B.Eric’s mother . C.Eric’s sister. ( )10.What does Sally think she should do? A.Help with the housework. B.Help with the volunteer work. C.Help with the homework. ( )11.What are they going to do next? A.Have dinner. B.Have a talk C.Have a class. 听第三段材料,回答第12 至14 小题。 ( )12.What is Tina doing? A.Telling a story B.Reading a book C.Taking a trip. ( )13.What can Tina do? A.Clean the table . B.Do the dishes. C.Sweep the floor. ( )14.When should Tina be home? A.By 8 o’clock B.By 9 o’clock C.By 10 o’clock. 听第四段材料,回答第15 至17 小题。 ( ) 15.What will Molly do at 3:00 this afternoon? A.P ractice English B.Make dinner. C.Play chess. ( )16.What does Jack have to do this afternoon?

最新人教版初中八年级英语下册 第三单元 Unit 3 同步练习题含答案解析

Section A (1a—2d) Ⅰ. 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. Your office is in a(n) ________ (杂乱). Please clean it up. 2. Mrs. Hunt ________ (扫) her yard (院子) every day. 3. Ben ________ (折叠) the paper carefully and put it on the table. 4. Jackie is sitting on the ________ (地板). Ⅱ. 根据所给图片提示,用恰当的短语完成句子。 1. Bill dislikes __________________. 2. Linda is __________________. 3. Bill __________________ ten minutes ago. 4. I don’t know how to __________________. 5. Jane often helps her mom __________________. Ⅲ. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式。 1. Every morning Andy ____________ milking the cow on the farm. 2. Jenny, if you ____________, your parents will be worried. 3. —Jane, would you like to ____________? —Thank you, but I want to walk home. 4. It’s a small house but ____________ there’s a garden (花园). Ⅳ. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。


最新人教版初二英语下册Unit3单元测试 题含答案 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? I。单项填空。 1.After hearing the news。they looked at each other with surprise. 2.—Could I borrow your English-Chinese nary? Sure。but you can’t lend it to others. 3.I saw two movies last week。but neither of them was good. 4.You’re old enough now。You shouldn’t depend on your parents all the time. 5.Mr。Brown got up early in order to catch the early bus.

6.Will your mother start to do the housework as soon as she gets home? 7.—Could you please clean the living room? Sorry。I can’t。I’m doing my homework. 8.--Can you finish reading these books before 10 o'clock? Yes。I can. 9.A。take out - "take out the rubbish" means to remove the trash from inside the house to outside for disposal. 10.C。neither - "neither do I" means that the speaker also does not like doing chores. 11.B。do。make - "make the bed" means to straighten the sheets and blankets on the bed。while "do chores" means to complete household tasks. 12.C。give me a ride - "give me a ride" means to offer n to someone in your vehicle. 13.A。stay out - "stay out" means to not be inside。usually referring to staying out of the house or a specific n.

人教新目标八年级英语下册Unit 3 单元测试题含答案

Unit 3 单元测试题 Written test part (共95分) Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 21. We’re spending more money ______ food than we used to. A. in B. on C. with D. for ( ) 22. ______ we have a few minutes to wait for the train, let’s have a cup of coffee. A. Since B. Although C. Before D. While ( ) 23. My father always makes a terrible ______ when he cooks. And he never cleans it up. A. matter B. decision C. pollution D. mess ( ) 24. It’s ______ that I am working while everyone else is enjoying themselves! A. similar B. educational C. independent D. unfair ( ) 25. Helen, the m ore careful you are during the exam, ______ mistakes you’ll make. A. the more B. the fewer C. fewer D. more ( ) 26. David, don’t eat junk food. It’s important to ______ healthy habits in daily life. A. develop B. choose C. raise D. carry ( ) 27. —Bob, hurry up! We only have 15 minutes to catch the bus. —Oh, Dad. 15 minutes ______ enough for us. A. are B. is C. were D. was ( ) 28. I don’t mind ______ if you are tired. A. to drive B. drive C. driving D. to driving

新人教版初中八年级下册英语Unit 3单元测试卷(含听力材料及答案解析)

UNIT 3单元过关卷 时间:100分钟满分:120分 第Ⅰ卷听力部分(25分) Ⅰ. 听下面5个句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. Ⅱ. 听下面5段小对话,每段对话对应一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共5分) 6. What is Tom doing now? A. Watching TV. B. Doing homework. C. Playing computer games. 7. What does the woman ask Mario to do? A. Clean the room. B. Meet his sister. C. Look after his sister. 8. How will the girl go to school today? A. By bike. B. By car. C. By bus. 9. What does Cindy want to borrow?

A. An MP3. B. An English dictionary. C. Some CDs. 10. What does the boy like to do? A. Do the dishes. B. Sweep the floor. C. Clean the windows. Ⅲ. 听下面4段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1分,共10分) 听第1段对话,回答第11、12小题。 11. What does the man ask the girl to do? A. To go to the movies. B. To do the dishes. C. To do her homework. 12. What is Linda busy with? A. Tomorrow's homework. B. The delicious dinner. C. The writing competition. 听第2段对话,回答第13、14小题。 13. Who folds clothes for Alice? A. Her father. B. Her sister. C. Her mother. 14. What does Alice like doing? A. Folding clothes. B. Washing bowls. C. Washing clothes. 听第3段对话,回答第15至17小题。 15. Who will pay a home visit? A. The boy's math teacher. B. The boy's English teacher. C. The boy's history teacher. 16. Where are they talking? A. At home. B. At a restaurant. C. At school. 17. When will the boy's father be back? A. In 5 minutes. B. In 10 minutes. C. In 15 minutes. 听第4段对话,回答第18至20小题。 18. What is Mike doing when his mother asks him to clean his room? A. Doing homework. B. Taking out the rubbish. C. Watching TV.

2020-2021学年度人教版八年级英语下册单元测试卷Unit 3 【含答案】

2020-2021学年度人教版八年级英语下册单 元测试卷 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? I. 单项填空。(15分) l. —Could you please ________ your schoolbag? It’s too dirty.—Sure. A.washed B.washing C.wash D.to wash 2. –Please ________ your brother when I'm on business. —My pleasure. A.look at B.look up C.look like D.look after 3. —Lucy, do you like playing basketball? —No, I ________ it. A.hate B.need C.forget D.enjoy 4. —Could you help me with the math problem? —________. I'm too busy now. A .Yes, please B.No, sure C.Yes, you could D.Sorry, I can't 5. Anna ________ me ________ her party last night. A.invited; for B.invited; to C.inviting; to D.inviting; for 6. —Could you get me some tea? —________. A.That's right B.You're right C.That’s all ri ght D.With pleasure 7. —Ann, could you ________ the rubbish? —Sure. I'm coming. https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b19353366.html,e out B.give out C.take out D.go out 8. The government provided the homeless people ________ food and clothes. A.in B.with C.onto D.to 9. —How long have you lived in the new flat? —________ 2010. A.In B.After C.Since D.Before 10. —Could I ________ your iPad, Alice? —Of course. Here you are. A.lend B.keep C.borrow D.return 11. —I'm not going swimming tomorrow afternoon. —________. I have to clean up my bedroom. A.So am I B.Neither am I C.Neither I am D.So I am 12. —Can you finish ________ these books before 10 o'clock? —Yes, I can. A.to read B.read C.reads D.reading 13. She got up early this morning ________ she could catch the first bus. A.in order to B.in order that C.all that D.whether 14. Man's understanding of nature is developing ________. It never stays at the same level.


新目标英语八年级下册Unit 3单元检测 一、单项选择 1.--Could you please your clothes? --Certainly,mom. A.fold B.make C.sweep D.do 2.Two hours of TV enough for us every day. A.are B.is C.was D.were 3.I hate to some chores,but I like to my bed. A.make;do B.do;do C.make;make D.do;make 4.I don’t like doing the dishes because it’s A.interesting B.boring C.interested D.bored 5.Please _______ the trash after you finish your homework. A. cut up B. turn on C. think of D. take out 6.Let’s the room right now,and mom will find the room and tidy when she comes back. A.clean;clean B.to clean;clean C.clean;cleaning D.cleaning;cleaned 7.--Could I please ? --Sorry you can’t.Your father has to use it. A.do chores B.go to the movies https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b19353366.html,e the car D.go to school 8.Bob got a boring because he had to all day. A.work;work B.job;work C.work;job D.job;working 9.Mr.Wang did his best to make money have a better life. A.in order to B.in order that C.so that D.such that 10.--Will you please your sister here next time? --Sure,I won’t bring her next time. A.bring B.not bring C.taking D.not taking 11.Mr.Wang has two children, but of them live with him because they both work in USA. A.both B.none C.neither D.either 12.The you work at your classes,the results you will get. A.hard;good B.harder;good C.hard;better D.harder;better 13.--How long may I the book? --Just one day,I will return it to Mary tomorrow. A.keep B.borrow C.lend D.kept 14.I will go to visit my aunt in England the summer holidays start. A.while B.since C.until D.as soon as 15. —Could you please look after my daughter when I am away? —________________. A. You’re welcome B. With pleasure C. It doesn’t matter D. Good idea 二、完形填空 Carl Walter was my piano teacher. During one of my lessons he asked how long I 1 playing the piano every day. I said three or four hours a day. “Then how long do you practice each time?” “About an hour” “Well, don’t do that” he said loudly.“When you grow up, you won’t be 2 to have so much free time. You can practice 3 you find five or ten minutes before school, after lunch or between doing chores. Spread the practice through the day and piano-playing will 4 a part of your life.” At that time, I was 14 years old. His words got out of my 5 as soon as that piano lesson was over. Several years later, I became a teacher at Columbia. I had a(n) 6 in writing and I always dreamed to write something. But I had to mark the students’ homework, prepare for lessons and take part in committee meeting. All those 7 my days and evening. For about two years I 8 wrote nothing down on paper, and my excuse (借口)was that I had no time.

人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 3单元试题(含答案)

2021—2022学年八下(人教新目标版)Unit3综合测试题总分:120分 Class Name Number一、单项选择题(20分) ()1.——Who is the man in black hat? ---Oh, he is my. He is new here. A. passenger B.guest C.neighbor D.owner()2.of the two girls is interested in chess. They think if s boring. A. Neither B.Both C.None D.AII()3.——Why must I tidy up my the house by myself, mom ? I think if s to me. ---Because your brother cleaned it yesterday. A. fair B.unhappy C.unfair D.happy()4. You can two books from the library and you can them for two weeks. A. borrow, lend B.lend, borrow C.borrow, keep D.lend, keep()5. Do you know how this math problem? A. to solve B.solve C.solving D.solved()6.We can lunch for you if you work here. A. feed B.provide C.eat D.feel()7.---Mary, can we go for a picnic tomorrow? ---It the weather. A. carries on B.lives on C.depends on D.holds on()8. ---Has Tony arrived in Beijing? ---I am not sure. But he will call us as soon as he. A.will arrive B.arrives C.arrived D.was arriving()9.we do for other people,we will be. A. Much, happier B. More, happyThe more, the happier D.The most, the happiest ()10.——Excuse me, could you help me do some cleaning? A.No problem B.Yes, I do C.lf s a good idea D.Not at all 二、完形填空题(10分)Dear Sir or Madam, I don't like doing chores . But I have 1 choice to do them because doing chores is a rule in my family . When I come back from school, my mom 2 says, "Could you take out the rubbish ? "or"Could you help me 3 cooking ? "I know she is just trying to make me more independent and 4 me how to take care of myself . But 5 does she make me do all the housework ? Oh, I know I am the oldest and I should do the chores . But it's not for 6 me . My sister should do them, too . Yesterday I did all the chores again . My parents went to visit my aunt with my sister in the morning . They left me 7 at home because I had to do my housework . After I finish my

人教版八年级下册英语Unit3单元练习试题 (含答案)

人教版八年级下册英语Unit3单元测试题 I. 单项选择: 1.—Could I look at your picture ? —Yes, of course you ______ . A. could B. can C. will D. may 2. —Could I _______ your bike ? —Yes, but you can _______ it for only two days. A. borrow; lend B. lend; keep C. keep; borrow D. borrow; keep 3. I _______ you as soon as I _______ my homework. A. help; will finish B. will help; will finish C. help; finish D. will help; finish 4. —My father is reading a magazine _______ I am writing an e-mail at home. A. as soon as B. after C. until D. while 5. —Let’s ______ some dumplings right now. —OK, I’ll cut up the meat. A. eat B. buy C. heat D. make 6. It’s nice of you to______ so much time showing me around your school. A. take B. spend C. cost D. have 7. All of us find _______ necessary to take exercise every day . A. this B. that C. them D. it

人教版八年级下册英语 Unit 3 单元测试卷(含答案)

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Name___________ Grade___________ 第一节单项选择。(本题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1. —Could I have the television on? —. A. Yes, you can B. Yes, you could C. No, you couldn’ t D. No, you can ( )2. Can you finish the storybook on time? A. reading B. read C. to read D. in reading ( )3. —I’ m not going swimming tomorrow afternoon. —. I have to clean up my bedroom. A. So am I B. Neither am I C. Neither I am D. So I am ( )4. —Could I your iPad, Alice? —Of course. Here you are. A. lend B. keep C. borrow D. return ( )6.. Daisy is such a good daughter that she most of her spare time with her parents. A. spends B. costs C. takes D. affords ( )6. —Could you please pass me the book? —. A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldn’t C. Sure. Here you are D. No, that’s no problem ( )7. The local people like that restaurant because it both delicious food and good service. A. uses B. wants C. shares D. provides ( )8.—Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? —Well, it all the weather. A. belongs to B. happens to C. depends on D. concentrates on ( )9. —Why are you so excited? —Alan invited me on a trip to Tibet.

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