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Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. Turning to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After walking into a store you see that Huawei smartphones are 1.

But you’re not in China—you’re in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see 2things in many other cities. Chinese products have been 3worldwide.

Chinese food has been enjoyed in western countries for a long time. To 4local peoples’ tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the 5. Unlike Chinese, Australian people don’t like to eat meat with the bone 6. So Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones, 7for fish.

Some Chinese brands(品牌) are also becoming more 8. In many cities in Europe stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers. And more than half of US-owned drones(无人机) are Chinese models. They’re not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the 9.

In the past, most western people thought Chinese products were cheap and not dependable. But now, things have changed greatly. Made in China becomes cool. More and more people 10Chinese brands.

1.A.for fun B.at work C.on sale D.in use

2.A.simila r B.different https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b13503184.html,mon D.unusual

3.A.stored B.collected C.received D.accepted

4.A.meet B.copy C.spread D.answer

5.A.kitchens B.drink C.dishes D.services

6.A.up B.out C.on D.in

7.A.just B.even C.yet D.still

8.A.traditional B.expensive



9.A.country B.circle C.field D.town

10.A.sell B.trust C.improve D.question


We may have many difficulties in life, and sometimes it’s even unfair for someone, but it depends on how you face them.Sally is a student from a university, she made a 1last August.She decided to take her grandmother 2their

hometown and live with her in a rented room(出租房) near her school.

Sally’s family have met a lot in the past few years.Her grandmother 3her legs and she could walk only with a stick.Her father died because of illness.Sally’s mother plagued(受折磨) by these events, lost the 4to take care of others.“This was the only choice.No one else could 5my grandma,” Sally explained.Her grandmother has also had a 6 life.The old woman’s three sons have all died, and Sally couldn’t leave her alone where 7could look after her.A room with two beds, a desk and a table is their new home.The room 8her several hundred yuan every month.In order to make money, Sally works in a supermarket after class and spends the money 9the family.“I was brought up by my grandma, and now it’s my 10to take care of her,” said Sally.When she was young, her grandmother “magically” prepared every meal 11for her every day, even though she could not 12 a clock.

In the eyes of Sally’s teacher, the girl is a(n) 13student.“Though taking care of her grandmother takes her lots of 14, Sally has tried to stay on top of all her courses.She is even preparing for an English singing contest,” her teacher said.Sally even 15help from others.“It’s kind of like only getting without giving,” she explained.At present, the girl is able to support the home with her weak shoulder.

1.A.promise B.decision C.living D.progress

2.A.from B.in C.to D.for

3.A.kicked B.tied C.broke D.lost

4.A.hope B.ability C.dream D.power

5.A.look for B.wait for C.search for D.care for

6.A.homeless B.boring



7.A.nobody B.somebody



8.A.pays B.takes C.costs D.spends

9.A.supporting B.building



10.A.hobby B.interest C.dream D.turn

11.A.in time B.on time C.at times D.out of time

12.A.read B.notice C.see D.watch

13.A.unlucky B.fascinating



14.A.money B.spirit C.energy D.courage

15.A.accepted B.asked C.refused D.got


A[主旨大意] 本文通过介绍中国制造的产品在全球的受欢迎程度说明了“中国元素”正在走向世界。


B[主旨大意] 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个叫Sally的勇敢女孩的故事,她遭遇了种种不幸,但是她没有对生活失去信心,她一边照顾年迈有病的奶奶,一边打工,一边上学,她用柔弱的肩膀支撑起一个家。

1.B考查名词辨析。根据第一段中“She decided to take her grandmother 2their hometown and live with her in a rented room near her school.”推知,前句句意为“她去年八月做出决定。”故选B。

2.A考查介词辨析。根据后文“live with her in a rented room near her school.”可推知,前半句句意为“她决定带奶奶离开家乡。”故选A。

3.C考查动词辨析。根据后文“…and she could walk only with a stick.”推知,她的腿出了问题。故选C。

4.B考查名词辨析。根据前半句“Sally’s mother plagued by these events”推知,后句句意为“她失去了照顾别人的能力”。故选B。




8.C考查动词辨析。根据后文“In order to make money”推知,句意为“这间房子每月花费几百元钱。”四个选项均有“花费”之意,主语是事物,且为“花费金钱”用cost。故选C。

9.A考查动词辨析。根据前半句“In order to make money, Sally works in a supermarket after class”可推知,后半句意为“她花钱养家。”故选A。

10.D考查名词辨析。根据前半句“I was brought up by my grandma”推知,后半句意为“改轮到我照顾她了。”故选D。

11.B考查固定短语辨析。根据文中的“magically”和“not 12 a clock.”可推知,此处意为“当她小的时候,她的奶奶‘奇迹般地’为她准时做好午餐。”故选B。


13.D考查形容词辨析。根据“Sally has tried to stay on top of all her courses.”可推知,在萨利老师的眼中,她是一名优秀的学生。故选D。


15.C考查动词辨析。根据后文“It’s kind of like only getting without giving”推知,此处意为“她甚至拒绝别人的帮助。”故选C。



During the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), there was a man called Yue Yangzi.One day he saw a piece of gold on the road.He picked it up and 1it home.But his wife was not 2and said, “I hear that a great man doesn’t drink a thief’s water or accept alms(施舍物).What do you think of the action of keeping others’ thing for yourself?” Yue Yangzi felt sorry 3 what he had done, so he put the gold back to the place where he found it.

The next year, Yue Yangzi decided to go to a faraway school to improve himself. A year later, he came back home 4.

“Why have you returned?” asked his wife in surprise. “You’ve 5spent one year studying with scholars(学者们).” “I come back because I 6you very much.”

Without saying anything, his wife took a pair of scissors and went to the loom(织布机) at which she had worked. 7 the half done cloth, she said, “The cloth is woven from the best silk.Now 8I cut it, all my previous(先前的) work will be wasted.It’s the same as your 9. You can learn a lot only by working hard.Now, you’ve stopped halfway.Isn’t it the same as cutting the cloth on the loom?”

Yue Yangzi was moved by 10she said.He again left home to visit scholars.Several years later he became a learned man.

1.A.bought B.took C.sent

2.A.happy B.surprised C.angry

3.A.for B.at C.as

4.A.successfully B.carefully C.suddenly

5.A.already B.only C.ever

6.A.worried B.missed C.believed

7.A.Thinking about B.Looking for C.Pointing at

8.A.if B.until C.unless

9.A.trip B.study C.business

10.A.how B.that C.what


If anyone can be called a scientific giant after Albert Einstein, that person must be Stephen Hawking.He was born in Oxford, England on Jan.8th, 1942.What a pity! On March 14th, 2018, the world-famous British scientist 1in Cambridge, UK.

After leaving high school, Hawking went first to Oxford University 2he studied physics and then went to Cambridge University where he studied cosmology(宇宙学).As he himself admitted, he didn’t work hard.And he did 3 work.However, he always enjoyed thinking everything around him, especially the universe.Today, he is called the King of the Universe.

It was at the age of 21 that Hawking first 4something was wrong with him.He started to bump into some things.When he visited his family at Christmas time, his mother was so worried that she 5him see a doctor.Hawking was sent to hospital for tests.Finally,the result came back.He 6to have motor neuron disease(运动神经元病), an incurable illness which would make him unable to speak, breathe or move 7the help of a machine.Doctors said they had no ways to help him.He might die before 23.

8,Hawking became very depressed.After a while, though, he began to see his life in a different way.As he later wrote, “After my illness was diagnosed(诊断),I was very 9with life.There had not seemed to be anything worth doing.But shortly after I came out of hospital, I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile(值得做的) things I could do.” Then Hawking got married and found a job at Cambridge University as a professor.We strongly believe that his story shows that 10,how bad their situation is, should lose hope.“Life is not fair,” he once said. “You just have to do the best you can in your own situation.”

1.A.has been dead B.died

C.has died

D.was died

2.A.which B.when C.that D.where

3.A.much B.lots of C.little D.few

4.A.noticed B.saw C.feels D.watches

5.A.advised B.made C.told D.wanted

6.A.found B.was founded

C.was found


7.A.without B.with C.under D.by

8.A.At last B.At first C.However D.First of all

9.A.boring B.excited C.interested D.bored

10.A.nobody B.somebody C.anybody D.everybody


A[主旨大意] 本文是一篇人物传记。通过两个小故事,赞扬了乐羊子的妻子的高尚品德和过人才识。乐羊子妻子的两段话,不管是过去,现在,还是将来,并且对不同民族,不同政党,不同文化,不同宗教的人来说都有着深远的意义。她告诫人们:做人必须具备高尚的品德,做事必须有坚韧不拔的精神。

1.B考查动词辨析。根据下文乐羊子妻子的话“What do you think of the action of keeping others’ thing for yourself?”,可知乐羊子把捡到的金子带回家。故选B。


3.A考查介词辨析。根据后一句“so he put the gold back to the place where he found it”可知,乐羊子又把捡到的金子放回了原处,说明他为自己先前的行为感到抱歉。be sorry for…对……感到抱歉。故选A。






9.B考查名词辨析。根据后文“You can learn a lot only by working hard.Now, you’ve stopped halfway.Isn’t it the same as cutting the cloth on the loom?”可知,乐羊子的妻子把乐羊子求学路上的半途而废比作剪断织布机上已经织好的布。故选B。

10.C考查引导词辨析。by是介词,that不能跟在介词后,故可排除;how不能作从句的宾语,she said没有宾语,how 也可排除;what she said“她说的话”。故选C。

B[主旨大意] 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了霍金的故事。霍金1942年出生在英国牛津,毕业后他去牛津大学学习物理,后来去剑桥大学学习宇宙学,正如他自己承认的,他学习不努力。在他21岁的时候,他得了一种无法治愈的疾病,起初他很难过,后来他意识到他有很多值得做的事情。他的故事表明,无论状况多么糟糕,都不应该放弃希望。

1.B考查动词时态。根据前半句“On March 14th, 2018”可知,这里应用一般过去时。die没有被动语态。故选B。











In order to reduce the stress on the students, Nanjing No.1 High School has 1 a “mark bank”. The bank lets students “borrow” marks 2they can pass exams, and then repay them in later tests.

Here’s 3it works: The “mark bank” allows students to 4marks if they fail the exam.But, just like real banks, it requires “clients(客户)” to pay back the loan(贷款) on time, with interest(利息).So students have to pay for the loan by getting extra marks in future exams.Some teachers also allow the students to repay the bank 5doing lab experiments or giving public speeches.Students who don’t pay back their loans are blacklisted(列入黑名单) by the bank, just like in real life.

“I was sick before the mid-term exams and missed several geography classes,” one student said. “I failed the exam, so I am glad the ‘mark bank’ gave me a 6to pass the exam.”

7many people think the “mark bank” is a great idea, not 8supports the https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b13503184.html,cation expert Xiong Bingqi, for example, believes 9the “mark bank” is not proper, but thinks that it takes stress off the students.Others think that such an idea just causes students to be 10in their studies.

1.A.built B.created C.developed

2.A.so that B.if C.when

3.A.why B.what C.how

4.A.borrow B.lend C.buy

5.A.in B.by C.on

6.A.place B.time C.chance

7.A.Though B.But C.Because

8.A.someone B.everyone C.anyone

9.A.that B.which C.whether

10.A.busier B.smarter https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b13503184.html,zier


There are lots of successful people all over the world.Different people have different opinions about their 1.Once a successful businessman was invited to a TV interview.Everybody couldn’t wait 2the secret of his great achievements. 3,he only said with a smile, “Won’t it be better for me to ask you for your ideas on a certain problem?”

All the people were listening to him 4.Here was his problem.He said, “People all 5to the place where a gold mine(矿) had 6been discovered.But when they got there, they found they were 7by a river in front of it.They had to cross the river if they wanted to get to the gold mine.What would you do if you were among them?”

“Make another way,” someone suggested.“Swim 8the river,” said another.The businessman smiled without saying a word.Finally he gave his idea, “Why not do something 9instead of rushing to the mine?How about 10 a boat to offer the ferry(渡船) service?” The listeners were all 11at his idea.He then explained calmly.The man who bought the boat could 12 a lot of money by taking the passengers to 13bank of the river.They would like to pay for the ferry 14there was gold across from the bank.

Do what the others haven’t thought of or do something that others have never tried before——that is the key 15 success.

A difficult situation, in the eyes of a wise man, often means a chance of success.

1.A.succeed B.success



2.A.hear B.hearing C.to hear D.heard

3.A.Already B.But C.Also D.However

4.A.care B.careful C.carefully D.careless

5.A.rushed B.entered C.got D.flew

6.A.just B.soon C.nearly D.almost

7.A.covered B.turned C.passed D.stopped

8.A.over B.through C.across D.along

9.A.difficult B.different



10.A.buy B.buying C.to buy D.bought

11.A.tired B.worried C.pleased D.amazed

12.A.make B.look C.send D.have

13.A.other B.others C.the other D.another

14.A.before B.so C.until D.because

15.A.of B.to C.for D.in


A[主旨大意] 本文是则说明文,主要介绍了南京一中为减轻学生压力,成立“分数银行”的相关情况。针对“分数银行”的成立,不同的人有着不同的看法。


2.A考查连词辨析。根据后文“and then repay them in later tests”可推知,银行借给学生分数,这样学生就能通过考试,下次考试的时候再把分数还上,so that引导目的状语从句。故选A。


4.A考查动词辨析。根据上文“The bank lets students ‘borrow’ marks…”可推知,允许学生借入分数。故选A。







B[主旨大意] 本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过一个成功商人讲述“过河淘金”的故事,告诉人们“成功的秘诀在于如何寻找商机”。




Most high schools in the United States publish a yearbook once a year, usually in the spring. It 1the school year—a “book of memories” for the students.

Inside a yearbook is each student’s 2. The seniors are graduating soon, and their photos appear first. Next are the juniors. They are one year behind the seniors. Then come the second year students. The 3photos are the first year students. The yearbook is not only about students. The 4have photos, too.

The yearbook also has photos and descriptions of 5that students do after school, such as the chess club and Spanish club. There is even a yearbook club. Students in this club write, design and take photos all year for the yearbook.

In the yearbook, some students receive 6titles. The seniors vote and choose the “class clown”(a funny student), the “most likely to succeed”(a student who got the best 7), and the “best dressed”(a student with a good fashion sense). There are also other awards(奖赏).

Students 8sign each other’s yearbooks. This is especially important for the seniors 9they are graduating. Students write notes to each other, such as “We had a lot of fun.” or “I’ll never forget you.” They also write about the fun and funny experiences they 10in school together.

1.A.requires B.reviews C.records D.remembers

2.A.photo B.painting C.sign D.shape

3.A.first https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b13503184.html,st C.only D.best

4.A.students B.people



5.A.events B.activities



6.A.special B.simple



7.A.programs B.reasons C.grades D.plans

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b13503184.html,ually B.seldom C.always D.never

9.A.until B.after C.since D.because

10.A.changed B.realized C.shared D.missed


When I was fifteen years old, I became very interested in shopping.After a while being just a buyer, I wanted to 1 something.I had many things that I no longer needed at home.I knew with the help of my father I could make money.So for months and months I 2myself by selling things on my dad’s bank account(账户).

On July 18th, 2015, I made my own account and began to start my own 3.Things were going great and then I realized that selling things around the house wasn’t 4for me, so I decided to expand(拓展) my business by running a re-sale shop.I went around to the yard sales and bought things at low prices and sold them at 5prices to make money.

Last October, I went to a yard sale that was a little bit different.A lady had many nice things to sell.I went up to her and had a 6with her.Through the communication, I knew she was jobless at that moment and needed money to feed her family.I thought I could do it better and more quickly for her.So I made a decision to help her out.She looked at me for a while and then said 7.After that I took away some of her things and over the next month I made $1,500 for her! When I gave her the money, she broke down into tears(眼泪) 8.

I have never felt so 9to help someone in my life.I know my skills could be used to help those in need and that even one small act of kindness could 10.

1.A.buy B.sell C.produce

2.A.annoyed B.enjoyed C.punished

3.A.business B.holiday https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b13503184.html,cation

4.A.familiar B.helpful C.enough

5.A.higher B.lower C.half

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b13503184.html,petition B.fight C.conversation

7.A.no B.yes C.sorry

8.A.peacefully B.regretfully C.thankfully

9.A.worried B.stressed C.pleased

10.A.make a difference B.make a mess

C.make a mistake


A[主旨大意] 本文是一篇说明文。文中重点介绍了美国高中生制作的年鉴,其中详细介绍了年鉴的主要内容和年鉴对于学生的重要意义。

1.C根据下文“a ‘book of memories’ for the students”可知,此处指年鉴记录学年。故选C。

2.A根据下文“and their photos appear first”可知,此处指“在年鉴里面是每个学生的照片”。photo意为“照片”。故选A。



5.B根据下文“that students do after school”可知,此处指“学生放学后做的活动”。activities意为“活动”。故选B。


7.C根据前文“most likely to succeed”可知,此处指“取得最好成绩的学生”。grade意为“成绩”。故选C。




B[主旨大意] 本文是讲述的是作者从一个买家变成卖家,做起了小生意,并帮助了一位没有工作的女士,从此他懂得一个道理:即使一件很小的有善意的事也可以产生很大的影响。

1.B考查动词辨析。根据下文“I had many things that I no longer needed at home”及“make money”可知,“我”想出售这些不再需要的东西来赚钱。故选B。


3.A考查名词辨析。根据后文“so I decided to expand my business”可知,作者创建了自己的账户并且开始了自己的生意。故选A。

4.C考查形容词辨析。根据下文“so I decided to expand my business by running a re-sale shop”可知,事情进展得很顺利,随后“我”意识到在家附近卖东西对“我”来说是不够的,因此想拓展业务。故选C。

5.A考查形容词辨析。根据“to make money”可知,“我”去卖场以低价购买物品,然后以高一些的价格卖出去。故选A。

6.C考查名词辨析。根据“Through the communication”可知,“我”走向她并与她交谈。故选C。

7.B考查副词辨析。根据下文“I took away some of her things and over the next month I made $1,500 for her!”可知,她看了“我”一会儿然后表示了同意。故选B。






When you’re 50, what kind of holiday will you want to take?

If you’re under 30 today, 1you’ll be able to take a holiday in space!

A Japanese company, Shimizu, plans to open the first 2in space within 15 years.They want to 33-day holidays in a space station, which will be bigger than the International Space Station.However, holidays in space will be very 4! About 90,000 dollars for three days! Shimizu believes that there are enough people who will be ready to pay the price.Other companies, in Japan and the USA, want to open hotels on the moon! Trips to the moon will be 5more expensive!

The Japanese company is quite serious, but they cannot start building 6orbiting(轨道运行) hotel yet.

First they will have to buy a commercial(商业的) reusable shuttle(航天飞机).Today there are no shuttles.The old American shuttles, 7Atlantis and Columbia, were very expensive to launch.They had to be launched into orbit(轨道) with a big rocket which cannot be reused.Tomorrow’s shuttles will 8and land on their own.They will be much less expensive.Such shuttles do not yet exist(存在); the Americans are 9on them, but they will not be ready for several years.

However, there are other big difficulties too.How will common people react(反应) to life in space? Today’s astronauts 10months training before going into space.They have to be in top form too.

Holidays in space will not be for tomorrow, that is certain, but they will come.

1.A.just B.perhaps C.finally D.however

2.A.school B.club C.hotel D.bank

3.A.offer B.avoid C.build D.describe

4.A.cheap B.low C.high D.expensive

5.A.even B.already C.ever D.mainly

6.A.his B.our C .their D.your

7.A.instead of B.because of

C.such as

D.for example

8.A.take down B.take off C.take up D.take out

9.A.depending B.calling C.keeping D.working

10.A.cost B.take C.spend D.pay


My friends and I joined a two-day survival(生存) training course in the mountains.The first day was really 1—there was so much to do! Arriving at the campsite, we were divided into groups and given a tent, some food, a 2and a compass(指南针).Standing next to a small river, Fanny 3camping in the grassy area nearby.However, our instructor, Mr. Lee, pointed out that it might flood(淹没) if it rained.In the end, we found a 4area.Putting up the tent was very hard. 5Mr. Lee helped us a lot.

By the time we had put up the tent, 6was really hungry.“We wouldn’t have got this hungry if we had brought some snacks,” Peter said.We all told him to 7complaining(抱怨) and help us start a fire to cook our food 8.Realizing we were having trouble making the fire, he finally 9.

The next day started early.Woken by a strange noise, Peter went to see what was 10.“Some cows have eaten our breakfast!” he shouted.“That’s all because you didn’t 11the food properly last night,” said Mr. Lee.

Worried that Mr. Lee was angry with us, we tried very hard on our next 12—using the map and compass to find a secret location.We made it to the location 13the other groups did.We all felt very proud of 14.

The survival training course was a great 15.Now I feel I could survive anywhere!

1.A.disappointing B.difficult


完形填空专练(一) 先通读下面三篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 A My family I have five brothers and sisters, and I'm the second oldest. When we were young, it was fun living with a lot of people, but sometimes it could be a 1 . With so many people, the house was never 2 .It's hard for me to fall asleep before midnight. What's more, I often lost things, and I always had to 3 my turn to use the bathroom. My job In general, I enjoy my work. I'm a ticket seller in a theatre, so I 4 work in the evenings, and especially at weekends. I meet a lot of interesting people, and I don't have to pay for 5 . That's one of the reasons why I love my job since I enjoy watching movies. My studies I go to 6 classes in the morning. Many of the other students in my class work in the evenings, so we have a lot 7 . I study Chinese because I want to learn more about the big country. My free time I read a lot and I 8 play the guitar. At the weekend, I meet some friends and we go bike-riding together. 9 the weather's bad, we go and play music or watch a movie at a friend's house. I 10 spending time with my friends. ( )1. A. habit B. choice C. decision D. problem ( )2. A. tidy B. dark C. peaceful D. beautiful ( )3. A. ask for B. wait for C. look for D. prepare for ( )4. A. easily B. luckily C. usually D. probably ( )5. A. books B. clothes C. meals D. tickets ( )6. A. art B. music C. history D. language


中考英语完形填空专项练习经典 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I will never forget May 15, 2011. That night, my car crashed 1 a tree and everything has changed ever since. I lost most of my right 2 , and I was left bleeding with several broken bones. At the hospital, my body was 3 , but my mind was still very clear. I just kept 4 myself to hold on. Life must go on since I was still 5 . Two weeks later, I was allowed to go home. 6 I left the hospital, the fight was far from over. My left leg was badly hurt in that accident as well, as a result, I had to receive different 7 during the next few years. And soon, more of my right leg had to be cut off. This made it harder to wear my artificial leg (假肢), so I donated it to another girl who couldn't 8 one. The joy of being able to provide this gift for someone else was 9 than the happiness I felt on any day I could wear it myself. People often tell me they are 10 of me for staying strong. But in my mind, being strong has always been my only 11 . On the day I left the hospital, I made a promise to 12 to make good use of every day to live life to the fullest. I am not only confident but I hope to help those around me. In 2017, I 13 started modeling. My dream is that one day a little girl will see me in a magazine and say, "Wow, she only has one leg but she is beautiful 14 confidence and bravery" My dream is simple: to 15 every man, woman and child to know and believe that they are. 1. A. toward B. over C. upon D. into 2. A. arm B. ear C. eye D. leg 3. A. calm B. strong C. weak D. ill 4. A. teaching B. telling C. leading D. advising 5. A. alive B. lively C. live D. lovely 6. A. Since B. So C. Because D. Although 7. A. operations B. gifts C. prizes D. thoughts 8. A. offer B. afford C. borrow D. accept 9. A. greater B. smaller C. less D. fewer 10. A. afraid B. tired C. proud D. guilty


(通用版)中考英语完形填空专练汇总(共 104页) 2021中考英语完形填空基础练(一)及答案 【能力选练】 A It seems that on every street corner in the world, there is a fast food restaurant. People everywhere are __1__, so they do not want to wait for their food. __2__ the world$240 billion a year is spent on fast food. Yes, __3__ fast food has become quite popular, there are many myths(荒诞的说法)about __4__. The first myth is that fast food is a recent __5__. This is not true. More than 2000 years ago, the people of Rome __6__ in the street to buy quick meats at small stands. One __7__ of their more popular fast food looked a lot like a modern hamburger. All through __8__, people have always eaten fast food. A second myth is that all fast food is __9__. While many modern fast food restaurants are American, some very traditional Chinese food is __10__ fast food. This includes mantou, noodles and Chinese dumplings. __11__, one of the most popular fast food chains(连锁店) in the US is a Chinese fast food chain, Panda Express. It __12__ more than 1600 restaurants in America. Finally, many people think that fast food is always __13__ for you. This is true of a lot of fast food. However, nearly __14__ fast food restaurant has some healthy food on its menu, and some fast food restaurants only __15__ healthy food. The problem is not fast food, but the choices we make. We can choose to eat healthy food, even at fast food restaurants. 1. A. slow B. busy C. bored D. tired 2. A. Around B. During C. At D. Of 3. A. while B. even though C. as if D. unless 4. A. them B. you C. us D. it 5. A. invention B. information C. story D. news


中考英语完形填空专项训练 (附带答案解析) 1 Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s beautiful but it’s hot in __1__. So I usually returned to my hometown when my __2__ began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could __3__ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night. One day I had some __4__ to solve. But I didn’t take the dictionaries home. My father told me Charlie, one of my __5__, had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I __6__ mid dle school. At first he didn’t recognize me. He __7__ me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred!” Of course we were __8__ to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and __9__. Later on he showed me around his li brary. It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I __10__ were in them too. At last I said, “__11__ you lend some dictionaries to me, please?” “I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to __12__,” said the young man. “Are you afraid I’ll __13__ them?” “No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t __14__ them to me. Look! All the books are not __15__, but borrowed!” 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 2. A. birthday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. holiday 3. A. study B. play C. rest D. run 4. A. words B. sentences C. problems D. stories 5. A. brothers B. sisters C. aunts D. classmates 6. A. finished B. heard C. saw D. met 7. A. lifted B. carried C. looked D. pulled 8. A. angry B. happy C. worried D. sad 9. A. doctors B. teachers C. workers D. drivers 10.A. looked for B. read C. wrote D. looked at 11.A. Need B. Must C. May D. Can


中考英语完形填空专题练习 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案. The Secret Soldier A young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, lay dying in a hospital bed. He was too 1 to speak or move. Two men stood over him. "I think this young man has 2 ," one man said. "I'll take his jacket and boots," said the other. Robert gathered all of his strength to 3 , "I…I'm alive. " The doctor came running over as Robert fell into a coma(昏迷). "We can 4 him," he said as he examined the young soldier, "Oh, my! He's a 5 ! " It was true. The young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, was really Deborah Sampson. 6 who was she? Deborah Sampson had grown up in Massachusetts, living as a servant. She 7 of having great adventures (冒险). 8 the Revolutionary War broke out in 1775, women were not allowed to serve in the army. But Deborah 9 herself as a man and became a solider. She called herself Robert Shurtliff. One day, during an attack, Deborah was shot in the neck and 10 . Another soldier lifted Deborah into his horse and rode her to the 11 . A doctor treated the wound on her back and asked if 12 had any other injuries. Deborah lied and said no. She was afraid that if the doctor examined her leg, he would discover her 13 . Using a pocket knife, Deborah got the bullet(子弹)out of her own leg. She 14 to fight as a soldier. After the war ended, Deborah got married and had children. But she still longed for 15 . So she put on her soldier's uniform and travelled around the country telling of her life as young, brave soldier, Robert Shurtliff. 1. A. busy B. weak C. surprised D. strong 2. A. got up B. lost heart C. passed away D. got lost 3. A. whisper B. cry C. shout D. laugh 4. A. accept B. kill C. support D. save 5. A. soldier B. mother C. woman D. father 6. A. Though B. But C. Or D. However 7. A. died B. talked C. heard D. dreamed 8. A. When B. While C. Until D. Since 9. A. worked B. dressed C. acted D. lived 10. A. arm B. hand C. leg D. stomach 11. A. hospital B. library C. studio D. bedroom 12. A. she B. he C. it D. they 13. A. appearance B. ability C. beauty D. secret 14. A. failed B. continued C. agreed D. planned


完形填空专项练习 (1) My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. The first three years of his life was ___1___ in hospital. By the time he was eight, you wouldn’t know he has a problem when you saw him ___2___. Children in our neighborhood always ran around ___3___ their play, and Joey would jump and ran and play, ___4___. We never told him that he probably wouldn’t be ___5___ to run like the other children. So he didn’t know. In ___6___ grade he decided to join the school running team. Every day he trained. He ran more than any of the others, ___7___ only the top seven runners would be chosen to run for the ___8___. We didn’t tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didn’t know. He ran four to five mile every day—even when he had a fever. I was ___9___, so I went to ___10___ him after school. I found him running ___11___. I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He has two more mile s to go. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept ___12___. Two weeks later, the names of the team ___13___ were out. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had ___14___ the team. He was in seventh grade —the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldn’t do it … so he didn’t know. He just ___15___ it. 1. A. spent B. taken C. cost D. paid 2. A. talk B. sit C. study D. walk 3. A. after B. before C. during D. till 4. A. either B. too C. though D. yet 5. A. able B. sorry C. glad D. afraid 6. A. sixth B. seventh C. eighth D. ninth 7. A. so B. if C. then D. because 8. A. neighborhood B. family C. school D. grade 9. A. excited B. tired C. pleased D. worried 10. A. think about B. hear from C. agree with D. look for 11. A. alone B. away C. almost D. already 12. A. riding B. walking C. playing D. running 13. A. jumpers B. runners C. doctors D. teachers 14. A. got B. kept C. made D. found 15. A. made B. played C. had D. took (2) Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s beautiful but it’s hot in __1__. So I usually returned to my hometown when my __2__ began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could __3__ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night.


中考英语完形填空专项练习(有答案详解)2套 A small "shop" by ther oad in Japan has a dog "shopkeeper". It's selling roasted(烤的)Sweet 1 there. The friendly dog is 2 Kenkun. Because the shop is a self—service one, what the dog should do is just to be cute for customers and he does well 3 that. The roasted sweet potatoes are kept in a heated "box" outside the shop. So customers can help 4 directly They need to 5 100 yen(日元)into the money box for each potato I'm they take. It seems to be working fine now. 6 , who would steal a dog? Actually, the three-year-old dog is a good "shopkeeper. It's 7 cute and lovely that some of the customers come to see him and of course, they will leave with 8 one or two potatoes. People online have different opinions about this. Some of them think that's interesting and they say the dog is the 9 one they've ever seen. But others think it's crazy to keep a dog 10 near a "box" for several hours a day. In their opinion, dogs should run and play hers and there in the sun. 1. A. corn B. tomatoes


完型填空(一) Joe wanted a computer. He asked his (1)______ for the money and they said he must get it himself. But how did he get it? He (2)_____ about this when h e walked home. Not many people wanted to asked children to work for them. Maybe he could take away snow for the neighbors. But this was not (3)_____. He had to wait a long time for that. He couldn't cut grass for their gardens(4) ______ he had no tools to do the work with. Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick .delivering (5)_________ . I could d o that, he thought. Maybe I could even get the computer (6)______ away. I c ould pay (7)_____ it a little each week. He ran to (8)______ up with Dick. Jo e asked him a lot of questions. He learned that it was (9)_______ to get twen ty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job took (10)______ three hour s each night. Dick (11)______ him the phone number of the newspaper mana ger. Joe almost flew home. After he told his mother (12)_______ he thought, she (13)______. “I think it is a (14)_______ idea.” She said, ''I'll call the newspaper…”“Wait,Mum,”Joesaid, “I'll call. After that. I'm going to be a businessman now.' Joe's mother smiled (15)_______. ( )1. A. teachers B. parents C. classmates D. friends ( )2. A. said B. told C. thought D. spoke ( )3. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter ( )4. A. because B. when C. while D. after ( )5. A. newspapers B. bikes C. computers D. tools ( )6. A. now B. right C. just D. only ( )7. A. on B. to C. of D. for ( )8. A. take B. catch C. carry D. get ( )9. A. friendly B. kind C. possible D. wrong ( )10.A. at B. about C. before D. after ( )11.A. taught B. gave C. made D. asked ( )12.A. that B. when C. what D. where ( )13.A. smiled B. shouted C. cried D. worried ( )14.A. big B. large C. great D. bad ( )15.A. sadly B. happily C. politely D. angrily


中考英语完形填空专项练习经典(word) 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.完形填空 As a parent trainer I am now dealing with helicopter parents﹣ the ones who 1 all the difficulties and make it smooth sailing for their kids. Sometimes watching kids 2 without jumping in to fix it for them is the 3 thing parents can do. I appreciate someone who knows when it is time to let kids struggle a little 4 that's real life and Mom (or Dad)won't always be there to give help. So, let kids 5 real life and grow up by failing, keeping on trying, never giving up and sometimes 6 learning from making mistakes. 7 other words, parents have to be comfortable with the idea of allowing kids to fail as part of the learning 8 .What matters in learning? It isn't about whether or not it is perfect or correct. It matters whether or not kids have 9 to go to places, to see things, to play, to inquire and so on. That is what I think 10 should do for kids: give them time to be kids: give them chances to grow up and experience life themselves. 1. A. take away B. bring in C. put off D. give out 2. A. succeed B. study C. fail D. pray 3. A. happiest B. hardest C. easiest D. luckiest 4. A. because B. but C. so D. and 5. A. know B. learn C. get D. experience 6. A. actually B. simply C. hardly D. gradually 7. A. From B. With C. By D. In 8. A. result B. process C. goal D. cost 9. A. abilities B. money C. chances D. energy 10. A. parent trainers B. adults C. teachers D. parents 【答案】(1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)A;(5)D;(6)D;(7)D;(8)C;(9)C;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章主要讲述了家长培训师通过培训家长该如何做才能够让 家长成为合格的父母。 (1)句意:作为一名家长培训师,我现在正在与直升机家长打交道——那些困难重重的家长,让他们的孩子一帆风顺。 take away带走, 摆脱, bring in带进来, put off脱下, give out用完, 结合后面make it smooth sailing for their kids可知:让孩子顺利航行。由此可以推断出这 里指"直升机父母"就是克服所有的困难,让孩子顺利航行的那些父母,故答案是A。 (2)句意:有时,看着孩子们不插手解决问题就失败了,这是父母能做的最困难的事情。succeed成功, study学习, fail失败, play玩耍, 根据后面without jumping in to fix it for them,可知父母不插手为他们解决问题,故答案是C。 (3)句意:有时,看着孩子们不插手解决问题就失败了,这是父母能做的最困难的事情。happiest最快乐的, hardest最难的, easiest最容易的, luckiest最幸运的, 根据上文As a parent trainer I am now dealing with helicopter parents—the ones whotake away all the difficulties and make it smooth sailing for their kids. 可知直升机父母就是克服所有的困难,让


中考英语完形填空专题练习经典 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 My neighbor is a doctor. He and his wife are some of the 1 people I have ever met. A few years ago, we started this kind of "favor war "where one of us would do something kind for the other, such as 2 the driveway or building a shed, and next time the other would 3 to top it with another favor. Yesterday morning there was about 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I 4 he shoveled (铲) my driveway for me when I was out on a business trip last 5 . So I took out my shovel and took care of both our sidewalks and driveways because it was my turn to do a favor 6 . It took a while but I finished it and got into my car for work. That night I got a 7 on my door, it was my neighbor. He immediately shook my hand and thanked me for shoveling 8 driveway and sidewalk, so that he was able to get to work earlier and 9 a boy. "As soon as I started the car early this morning, a(n) 10 came through that a young boy in our neighborhood was seriously ill. 11 , my partner and I were only about 2 minutes away, but the closest ambulance (救护车) 10 minutes," added he. "A young boy got to live his life 12 you did me the favor earlier this morning." It wasn't too much 13 to shovel a driveway, but what I did got a young boy to see his family again, go back to school again and live his life again. 14 favor is too small. Even the smallest favor can make the biggest 15 . One favor will always be followed by another. 1. A. nicest B. busiest C. richest D. happiest 2. A. looking for B. going down C. cleaning up D. walking across 3. A. try B. stop C. agree D. refuse 4. A. saw B. thought C. expected D. remembered 5. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 6. A. soon B. back C. again D. first 7. A. note B. kick C. gift D. knock 8. A. my B. our C. his D. your 9. A. met B. saved C. supported D. encouraged 10. A. call B. card C. letter D. invitation 11. A. Finally B. Actually C. Luckily D. Suddenly 12. A. when B. unless C. because D. though 13. A. practice B. trouble C. attention D. experience 14. A. No B. Any C. Some D. Each 15. A. choice B. progress C. decision D. difference 【答案】(1)A;(2)C;(3)A;(4)D;(5)D;(6)B;(7)D;(8)C;(9)


最新中考英语完形填空专项练习经典 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳等案,使短文连贯完整。 John was a manager in a factory. He enjoyed running for exercise around the park when he was free. One Sunday afternoon, after running as usual, John 1 to go home and have a rest. Just then, he noticed an old woman standing by the road. 2 old woman looked around worriedly. John went over and asked what 3 for her. After a short talk. John came to know that she forgot her way home and got lost. Besides, she was very tired and hungry. John called the old woman's son and then took her to the 4 restaurant. In the restaurant, John ordered food and drink for the old woman 5 . While eating, sometimes she carelessly sprinkled(撒)food and drink on the table and on her coat. Other customers felt disgusted(厌悲的)at this sight. 6 John didn't care about this. He stood up and cleaned the table from time to time 7 silence. It took the old woman some time 8 eating. After that, John paid the bill and they were ready to leave when the old woman's son arrived. He held John's hands and said, "Thanks to your help, my mother 9 well" "You're welcome. She makes me remember my mom who died years ago. I did what a son should do, "said John. All the 10 around showed respect(尊敬)to John. They were touched by his kindness. 1. A. decided B. has decided C. decides D. will decide 2. A. A B. An C. The D. / 3. A. can he do B. he can do C. could he do D. he could do 4. A. nearest B. nearer C. farthest D. farther 5. A. polite B. politely C. angry D. angrily 6. A. And B. But C. Or D. So 7. A. on B. for C. in D. with 8. A. to finish B. finish C. finishes D. finished 9. A. treats B. is treating C. was treated D. will be treated 10. A. woman B. women C. customer D. customers 【答案】(1)A;(2)C;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B;(6)B;(7)C;(8)A;(9)C;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了John热心帮助老妇人的故事。 (1)句意:一个星期天下午,像往常一样跑步之后,约翰决定回家休息。根据One Sunday afternoon 可知描述过去用一般过去时,故选A。 (2)句意:老妇人担心地环顾四周。old woman是特指上文出现的,故用定冠词the,故选C。 (3)句意:约翰走过去问她能为他做什么。宾语从句是语序是特殊疑问词+陈述句语序,主句是asked,一般过去时,故从句也是一般过去时,could是can的过去式,he could do

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