当前位置:文档之家› 暮光之城4台词



1.some say the world will end in fire. 有人说世界将终结于火。

2.i think i know enough of hate. 我想我对仇恨了解够多。

3.marriage is just is a piece of paper. 婚姻只不过是一纸证书。

4.where i am from ,it is the way one says,"i love you“. 在我的


5.you are worried about what people will think. 你是在意大家


6.it is two out of three marriages end in divorce. 三分之二的


7.i have to be back at four. 我四点要回去。

8.i just want you to get some separation from him. 我想让你


9.i will make you a deal. 我们做个约定.

10.i wonder what's wrong. 我想知道出了什么事。

11.there's someone missing in Seattle,over a year ago. 西雅


12.do you know something about this? 你知道些什么?

13.we have been tracking the situation in Seattle for a while.


14.we won't get that far.我们不会坐以待毙。

15.we will do sth. if we have to. 如果有必要,我们会......

16.we will do ...the first time . 我们会第一时间做.....

17.see you later. 回头见。

18.my parents wanted to remind you about the airline ticket

you got for your birthday. 我父母让我提醒你不要忘了用生日那天送你的机票。

19. a round trip ticket to see mom in Florida.去佛罗里达州看妈


20.i can't just drop everything and go.我不能抛下一切,说去就


21.it might be your last chance to see her before you


22.get out of the town for a couple of days,get some distance.


23.i wanted to know that her life was full by satisfying. 我想看


24.they have a really great science program. 他们的科研项目


25.i get it. 我明白。

26.on you left.在你左边。

27.just really hard saying goodbye.只是要告别真的很难。

28.is that why you ask me to go? 这就是你让我去的原因吗?

29.why haven,t you called me back? 你为什么不回我电话?

30.i have nothing to say. 我无话可说。

31.alright,you can shut up now.好了,你们都闭嘴吧。

32.i'm really sorry about ...... 对于...我很遗憾。

33.nothing else matters.其他的事情不再重要。

34.we must all be ready.我们必须有所准备。

35.Alice is planning a big graduation party,which you're


36.it's so pretty here. 这里好漂亮。

37.I figured that.我就知道。

38.I just wanted to do this differently.我其实想用不同的方法。

39.i want you to choose me , instead of him.我希望你选择的是


40.That's how i feel.这就是我的感觉。

41.There're no words. 无法形容。

42.At least I know I did evetything I could. 至少我知道自己尽


43.I'm exactly right for you.我才是最适合你的。

44.I'll always be waiting,untill my heart stops beating.我会一


45.you're already giving away too much.你放弃太多了。


福州雅思培训:雅思综合之美剧《暮光之城》经典台词 新航道福州雅思培训班小编搜集整理了雅思综合之美剧《暮光之城》经典台词,对大家有所帮助。 《暮光之城》是2010年最火的电影之一,电影的火爆使得大家对它的台词也变得非常的熟悉起来。这部电影是描写美国高中生生活的,有很多都是美国学生常用的语句出现,也就非常有可能成为雅思口语考试的考试题。现在,让我们看看《暮光之城》中那些经典台词。 1 i would miss my loving, erratic,harebrained mother. 我想念善良而又粗心大意的妈妈。 2 in the state of washington,under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there is a small town named Forks,population, 3120 people.This is where i'm moving. 在华盛顿州,在乌云骤雨下,有个小镇叫Forks。 3 we used to make mud pies when we were little. 我们小时候一起玩过过家家的。 4 sorry i had to mess up your game,Mike! 不好意思抢了你的头彩,麦克! 5 you know, you can always go for eating disorders. 其实你可以写饮食障碍症的。 6 spedo padding on the swim team. 游泳队里面的皇牌。 7 we are talking olympic-size 我们说的是奥运级别的人马。


暮光之城中的对白(很美的英语) 1.I've never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. 我过去从未过多考虑过我将来会如何死去,但死在我爱的人怀里倒是一个不错的选择。 2.I only said it’d be better if we weren’t friends, not that I didn’t wanna be. 我只是说如果我们不是朋友会好很多,但是那不代表我不想和你交朋友。 3. I feel very protective of you. 我很想保护你。 4. I don’t have th strength to stay away from you anymore. 我再也无法控制自己远离你了。 Then don’t. 那就不要。 5. But it’s you ,your scent, it’s like a drug to me. You’re like my personal brand of heroin. 但是你,你的气味,对我来说就像样。你就像我私人的海洛因一样。 6. Only for making me want you so badly. 只有你才能让我如此上瘾。 7. I am only afraid of losing you. I feel you’re gonna disappear. 我唯一害怕的事情就是失去你,我感觉你就要消失了。 8. I was unconditionally and irrevacobly in love with him. 我不顾一切地爱上了他。


1.我门都有自己的命运没有什么是随随变变发生的它都是计划的 一部分。《阿甘正传》 2.人生就好比一场拳击比赛,充满了躲闪与出拳,如果足够幸运,只需 一次机会、一记重拳而已,但首要的条件是你必须得顽强地站着,有何胜利可言,挺住意味着一切。《百万宝贝》 3.我将一直寻找真实的生活,哪怕它是一个病态的世界!楚门的世 界 4.真挚而伤感的情话在每个人的心中都建起了一座名叫做“断背”的 隐形山,感受那遥远宁静的群山中,一份永存的真情。《断背山》 5.当你试图拿回失去的对象时,大概你会失去更多。《老无所依》 6.当我对世事厌倦的时候,我就会想到你。想到你在世界的某个地 方生活着,存在着,我就愿意忍受一切,你的存在对我很重要。 《美国往事》 7.我一直相信数字,不管是方程式,或是逻辑学都引导我们去思考, 但经过终生的追求,我问自己逻辑到底是什么,谁去决定原由,我的探索……让我从形而下到形而上,最后到了妄想症,就这样来回走了一趟,在事业上我有了最重大的突破,在生命中我也找到了最重要的人,只有在这神秘的爱情方程式中,才能找到逻辑或原由来,今晚我能站在这里全是你的功劳,你是我成功的因素,也是唯一的因素《美丽心灵》

8.广告诱惑我们买车子,衣服,于是拼命工作买不需要的东西,我 们是被历史遗忘的一代,没有目的,没有地位,没有世界大战,没有经济大恐慌,我们的大战只是心灵之战,我们的恐慌只是我们的生活。《搏击俱乐部》 9.敌人的敌人就是朋友,欢迎你我的朋友。《贫民窟的百万富翁》 10.觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是 什么,要学会接受生活。《泰坦尼克号》 11.名单里是生命,名单外是深渊《辛德勒的名单》 12.战火硝烟中的背叛与我们在太平盛世中的背叛相较而言,就天真 单纯得多了,初恋的人们心存紧张并满怀柔情,但却可以抵御一切——只因为心如烈火。《英国病人》 13.我们不需要胜利,只需要战斗。《勇敢的心》 14.每一个城市都各具特色而令人难忘,很难。……罗马,无疑是罗 马,我会珍惜在这里的记忆,知道永远。《罗马假日》 15.我们的敌人其实是我们自己敌人就在自己心里。《野战排》 16.阻止我脚步的,并不是我所看见的,而是我所无法看见的。《海 上钢琴师》 17.儒怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以令你感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡 人。《肖申克的救赎》


《暮光之城:破晓》是由导演比尔·康顿根据斯蒂芬妮·梅耶的小说《破晓》改编并执导的一部2011-2012两集浪漫奇幻电影。该片构成了《暮光之城》系列的第四部,也是结局部分。三个主要演员克里斯汀·斯图尔特,罗伯特·帕丁森和泰勒·劳特纳,在影片中继续扮演他们的角色。暮光之城4破晓经典台词1、I Edward Cullen,take you Belle Swan. 我爱德华。卡伦,迎娶你贝拉。斯万。2、贝拉 :For better,for worse 荣辱与共爱德华 :To love,to cherish 生死相依。3、雅各布:This is how I rememrber you. 这是我还念你的方式。4、爱德华:Last night was the best night of my existence 昨晚是我有生之年最棒的夜晚。5、when you can live forever, what do you live for? 当你可以永生、你将为何而活?6、I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. 我毫无条件地、不可救药地爱上了他。7、你们是人类—你们的记忆只昰一个滤,对你们人类而言,时间会治愈一切创伤。”8、你可以带走我的灵魂,我不想没有你—我的灵魂已经昰你的了。9、我内心深处感到非常难过,即便昰现在,当我感觉到你安全地在我怀里的时候,我真的昰最可怕的。10、我不能生活在一个没有你的世界。”11、我在这里,我爱你,我一直都爱着你,而且我会永远爱你。我不在你身边的时候,我一直想着你,在脑海里不断回想你的样子,当我告诉你我不想要你的时候,这其实昰最严重的亵渎。12、只不昰谎言的一部分,亲爱的,苦恼并没有什么分心的事。13、我不相信我自己昰……足够的……值得拥有你,我没有什么东西可以留住你。14、你香甜独特的气息昰引领我爱你的线索,但我最浓烈的爱意却只能用死亡来演绎。15、我不昰在为我自己的生命奔跑,我要抢在终点之前挽救对我而言极其珍贵的东西,我自己的生命此刻已经毫无意义了。


汪洋小盗发表于2010年03月25日 11:22 阅读(0) 评论(0) 分类:英语学习来源:手机Qzone 权限: 公开 1.Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain. (Bella) 有时候,我在想我眼里所看到的和世上所有其他人眼里所看到的是不是同样的东西.也许,我脑袋里哪里短路了. 囧...这个翻译很强悍呐...glitch就是"小毛病,小故障"的意思. 常见的搭配是"go off without a glitch",指某事进展顺利,没有发生大的问题. 也可以说成"go off without a hitch",hitch的意思和glitch相近,指"a problem or difficulty that causes a short delay 暂时的困难(或问题);故障;障碍" The ceremony went off without a hitch. 仪式进行得很顺利. 2.Do I dazzle you? (Edward) 我有没有让你神魂颠倒? 晕...居然就这么问了...dazzle在这里是指"(美貌、技能、知识等)使倾倒,使赞叹不已,使眼花缭乱". He was dazzled by the warmth of her smile. 她那温柔的微笑使他神魂颠倒. 3.About three things I was absolutely positive. 贝拉:有3件事我很确定 The first... Edward was a vampire. 第一,爱德华是吸血鬼 The second – there was a part of him, and I don't know how dominant that part might be.. that thirsted for my blood. 第二,他身上有一部分,我不知道是多大的部分,在渴望吸我的血. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. 第三,我毫无条件地,也无可救药地爱上了他. positive除了有"积极乐观"的意思之外,还可以指人"有绝对把握;确信;肯定",这里就用到了这个意思. "Are you sure?" "Positive." "你敢肯定吗?" "绝对肯定." I can"t be positive about what time it happened. 我说不准这事是什么时间发生的. thirst for sth是很文学的用法,表示"渴望,渴求". She thirsted for power. 她渴望拥有权力. 贝拉:你几岁 Bella: How old are you? 爱德华:17岁 Edward: Seventeen. 贝拉:你17岁多久了? Bella: How long have you been seventeen? 爱德华:好一阵子了 Edward: A while.


1. Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something. (Bella) 这无疑是个不错的死法,死在别人——我所钟爱的人的家里,甚至可以说,轰轰烈烈。这应该算是死得其所。 2. When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectatio ns, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. (Bella) 当生活给了你一个远远超过你期望的美梦,那么,当这一期结束时,也就没有理由再去伤心。 3. Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain. (Bella) 有时候,我在想我眼里所看到的和世上所有其他人眼里所看到的是不是同样的东西。也许,我脑袋里哪里短路了。 4. Forks was literally my personal hell on earth. (Bella) Forks对我而言,简直就是一座人间地狱。 5. He unleashed the full, devastating power of his eyes on me, as if trying to communicate something crucial. (Bella) 他把那双眼睛的全部魅力都释放在我身上了,好像试图跟我说某件至关重要的事情似的。 6. I wasn’t interesting. And he was. Interesting and brilliant and mysterious…and perfect and beautiful and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand. (Bella) 我没有意思,他有。有意思…才华横溢…神秘莫测…完美无缺…仪表堂堂,而且还能够单手举起大型客货两用车。 7. It was hard to believe that someone so beautiful could be real. I was afraid that he might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke, and I would wake up. (Bella) 很难相信居然真的有这么美的人。我害怕他会突然像一缕青烟一样消失掉,而我就像做了一场梦一样。8. I decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly. (Edward) 我想好了,反正是下地狱,我还不如来他个一不做二不休。 9 I had been vacillating during the last month between Bruce Wayne and Peter Parker. There was no way I was going to own up to that. (Bella) 上个月我一直认为他不是蝙蝠侠Bruce Wayne,就是蜘蛛侠Peter Parker,老在这两人中犹豫不决。我要坦白承认,那是绝对不可能的。 10. What if I’m not a superhero? What if I’m the bad guy? 要是我不是超级英雄呢?要是我是个坏蛋呢? 11. His voice was like melting honey. I could imagine how much more overwhelming his eyes would be. (Bella) 他的声音甜得跟蜂蜜似的。我可以想像出他的眼神的杀伤力不知还要比这大多少。 12. Don’t be offended, but you seem to be one of those people who just attract accidents like a magnet. So…try not to fall into the ocean or get run over or anything, all right? (Edward)


关于电影中的经典励志语录80句 决不能习惯失败,因为你要知道,身体的疲惫,不是真正的疲惫;精神上的疲惫,才是真的劳累。下面由小编与大家分享关于电影中的经典励志语录,希望你们喜欢!欢迎阅读! 关于电影中的经典励志语录 1、有些鸟儿是关不住的,它的每一根羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。——《肖申克的救赎》 2、或许我活在你的心中,是最好的地方,在那里别人看不到我,没有人能鄙视我们的爱情。——《茶花女》 3、纷乱人世间,除了你一切繁华都是背景。这出戏用生命演下去,付出的青春不可惜。——《我和春天有个约会》 4、没有法律。没有限制。只有一条规则——永远也别坠入爱河。——《红磨坊》 5、有可能,他爱你,你却爱上另一个他,而你的他又爱上他的她,而他的她又只爱爱你的他……就这样,每个人的心里都住着人,但那个人却不见得是手里牵着的他。——《东邪西毒》 6、恐惧让你沦为囚犯,希望让你重获自由,坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救别人。记着,希望是件好东西,而且从没有一样好东西会消逝。忙活,或者等死。——《肖申克的救赎》 7、真实的东西是最不好看的。——《胭脂扣》 8、生活不是电影,生活比电影苦。——《天堂电影院》 9、你不想为你的信仰冒一下险吗?难道想等你老了,再后悔莫及吗?——《盗梦空间》 10、如果你不出去走走,你就会以为这就是世界。——《天堂电影院》 11、你们人类天生就有自我毁灭倾向。——《终结者2》 12、这世上只有两种人——骗人的和被骗的。——《不夜城》 13、“你相信人能改变命运么?”“人应竭尽所能,然后再听天由命。”——《最后的武士》

14、你以为我穷。不漂亮,就没有感情吗?如果上帝赐给我美貌和财富,我也会让你难于离开我的!就象我现在难于离开你一样!——《简爱》 15、生活这条狗啊,追的我连从容撒泡尿的时间都没有。——《英雄时代》 16、当你年轻时,以为什么都有答案,可是老了的时候,你可能又觉得其实人生并没有所谓的答案。——《堕落天使》 17、假如我望见了那个人的背影,我会披荆斩棘地追去,脚扭伤了,跳着也要追。天下着最大的雨,扔下伞也要追。假如他不等我,就让她后悔一辈子。——《东京爱情故事》 18、多希望地球是平的,那样,我一直望下去,就可以看到你。——《似水年华》 19、二十多年都睡在一张床上,确实有些审美疲劳。——《手机》 20、我听别人说这世界上有一种鸟是没有脚的,它只能一直飞呀飞呀,飞累了就在风里面睡觉,这种鸟一辈子只能下地一次,那边一次就是它死亡的时候。——《阿飞正传》 21、不要相信漂亮的女人,尤其是不穿衣服的裸体女人。——《偷天陷阱》 22、我明白,爱情的感觉会褪色,一如老照片,但你却会长留我心,永远美丽,直到我生命的最后一刻。——《八月照相馆》 23、手不是用来打人的,而是用来拥抱你所爱的人;脚不是用来踢人的,是用来向理想的目标迈进的。——《魔女的条件》 24、人生不如意的时候,是上帝给的长假,这个时候就应该好好享受假期。当突然有一天假期结束,时来运转,人生才真正开始了。——《悠长假期》 25、世界上最遥远的距离不是生和死,而是站在你面前却不能说——“我爱你”。——《星愿》 26、我不相信有天堂,因为我被困在这个地狱的时间太长了。——《亚瑟王》 27、人若无名,便可专心。——《英雄》 28、我知道要想不被人拒绝,最好的办法就是先拒绝别人。—《东邪西毒》 29、小时候,同学们都走了,我仍独坐在操场,想已逝去的母亲。我忽然明白,我们最终都会消失:父亲,姐姐,所有的好朋友。——《八月照相馆》 30、对爱的人说心里话,不要等太久。——《双雄》


呼啸山庄经典台词 呼啸山庄经典台词 1、在我的生活中,他是我最强的思念。如果别的一切都毁灭了,而他还留下来,我就能继续活下去;如果别的一切都留下来,而他却给消灭了,这个世界对于我就将成为一个极陌生的地方。我不会像是它的一部分。 2、你的说法就好比当一个人在水中挣扎,还差一点就能够到岸边时要他休息一会儿一样!我要先上岸,再休息。 3、你知道我只要活着就不会忘掉你!当你得到安息的时候,我却要在地狱的折磨里受煎熬,这还不够使你那狠毒的自私心得到满足吗? 4、很多年后,你会这样说吗,那是她的墓,我曾经爱过她,失去她的时候我很悲痛,但那是很久以前的事了,我现在觉得,我的这些孩子和妻子比她更加珍贵,而且我死的时候,也不会因为要到她那去十分高兴,我会因为抛下我的妻子和这些孩子而难过…… 5、如果你还在这个世界存在着/那么这个世界无论什么样/对我都是有意义的/如果你不在了/无论这个世界多么美好/它在我眼里也只是一片荒漠 6、我爱他脚下的土地,头顶上的空气,他触摸过的每一件东西,

他说过的每一句话,我爱他所有的神情,每一个动作,还有他整个人,他的全部。 7、我相信人死后是有灵魂的,因为是我害死你的,所以你尽管来找我,这样我们就又可以在一起了。 8、我说他的天堂只有一半的活力,他却说我的天堂过于喧闹,就像醉鬼。我说,我一到他的天堂就会昏昏欲睡。他说,我的天堂使他窒息。 9、起来!别让自己退化成了一条下贱的爬虫。 10、温和慷慨的人不过比傲慢霸道的人自私得稍微公平一点罢了,等到种种情况使得两个人都感觉到一方的利益并不是对方思想中主要关心的事物的时候,幸福就完结了。 11、你是这么强壮,你让时间停滞在这吧,就现在这样!愿你和我就像这荒野一样,永远不变! 12、我这么爱他,并不是因为他长的英俊,而是因为他比我更像我自己。不管我们的灵魂是什么做的,他的和我的是完全一样的。 13、时间的流逝给他带来的是对命运的屈从和一种比寻常的欢乐更甜美的沉思。 14、我对埃德加的爱像树林中的叶子,当冬季改变树木的时候,随之就会改变叶子。我对希斯克利夫的爱却像地下永久不变的岩石……我爱的就是希斯克利夫!他无时无刻不在我心中,并不是作为一种乐趣,而是作为我的一部分。 15、天堂不是我的家园,流泪心碎后,我要重返人间。


Yeah. Hey!- La Push, baby. You in? - Should I know what that means?La Push Beach down at the Quileute Rez. We're all going tomorrow.- Yeah, there's a big swell coming in. - And I don't just surf the Internet.Eric, you stood up once, and it was a foam board.But there's whale watching, too. Come with https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b12799134.html, Push, baby. It's La Push.Okay, I'll go if you stop saying that, okay?Seriously, dude. It's creepy, man.- What? That's what it's called. - So...Edible art?Bella.Thanks.You know, your mood swings are kind of giving me whiplash.I only said it'd be better if we weren't friends,not that I didn't wanna be.What does that mean?It means if you were smart, you'd stay away from me.Okay, well, let's say for argument's sake that I'm not smart.- Would you tell me the truth? - No, probably not.I'd rather hear your theories.I have consideredradioactive spiders and Kryptonite.That's all superhero stuff, right?What if I'm not the hero? What if I'm the bad guy?You're not.I can see what you're trying to put off,but I can see that it's just to keep people away from you.It's a mask.Why don't we just hang out?Everybody's going to the https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b12799134.html,e.I mean, have fun.- Which beach? - La Push.I don't know.I just...Is there something wrong with that beach?It's just a little crowded.- Hey, it's freezing. - I'm paddling out, Coates.- I don't know if it's worth it anymore. - We drove all the way out here.- I'm at least paddling out. - Yeah.- She's right. - You guys are babies.So, I keep thinking that Eric's gonna ask me to the prom,and then he just doesn't.You should ask him.Take control. You're a strong, independent woman.- I am? - Yes.- Hey, will you do me up? - Yeah.- Bella! - Hi, Jacob.- Guys, this is Jacob. - Hey, guys. How you doing?- Hi. - Hi.What are you, like, stalking me?You're on my rez, remember?Are you surfing?- Definitely not. - Thanks.You guys should keep Bella company. Her date bailed.What date?She invited Edward.- To be polite, that's it. - I think it's nice she invited him.- Nobody ever does. - Yeah, 'cause Cullen's a freak.You got that right.You guys know him?The Cullens don't come here.What did your friends mean about, you know, "The Cullens don't come here?"You caught that, huh?I'm not really supposed to say anything about it.Hey, I can keep a secret.Really, it's just like an old scary story.Well, I want to know.Okay, did you know Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?What? Like, wolves?- Yeah. - Like, real wolves?Well, that's the legend of our tribe.Okay.So what's the story about the Cullens?Well, they're supposedly descended from this, like, enemy clan.My great grandfather, the chief, found them hunting on our land.But they claimed to be something different,so we made a treaty with them.If they promised to stay off Quileute lands,then we wouldn't expose what they really were to the palefaces.I thought they just moved here.Or just moved back.Right.It touched my hand. A snake! Stop!Well, what are they really?It's just a story, https://www.doczj.com/doc/5b12799134.html,e on, let's go.A snake! A snake!My mama said I didn't know how to make a kitty meowHello?Gerald?Gerald?Hello.Nice jacket.Who are you?It's always the same inane questions."Who are you?""What do you want?""Why are you doing this?"James, let's not play with our food.He's not here.Whenever the weather's nice, the Cullens disappear.What, do they just ditch?No, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank them out for, like, hiking and camping and stuff.I tried that out on my parents. Not even close.Guys, I'm going to the prom with Eric.- I just asked him. I took control. - I told you that would happen.Are you sure you have to go out of town?Oh, yeah, it's a little family thing.Okay, we should go shopping in Port Angelesbefore all the good dresses get cleaned out.Port Angeles? You mind if I come?Yeah, I need your opinion.- I like this one. - That's cool.But, like, I don't know about the one-shoulder thing.- I like this one. - Yeah, I like the beading,- and you wouldn't need jewelry. - Jess, what do you think? Lavender?- Is that good? Is that my color? - I like it.I liked that dusty rose one, too.Okay, I like this one. It makes my boobs look good.- Hey. - Right?Nice.- Oh, God. - That is uncomfortable.That's disgusting.Bella, what do


1.some say the world will end in fire. 有人说世界将终结于火。 2.i think i know enough of hate. 我想我对仇恨了解够多。 3.marriage is just is a piece of paper. 婚姻只不过是一纸证书。 4.where i am from ,it is the way one says,"i love you“. 在我的 时代,这表明”我爱你”的方式。 5.you are worried about what people will think. 你是在意大家 的看法。 6.it is two out of three marriages end in divorce. 三分之二的 婚姻都以离婚收场。 7.i have to be back at four. 我四点要回去。 8.i just want you to get some separation from him. 我想让你 和他保持一定距离。 9.i will make you a deal. 我们做个约定. 10.i wonder what's wrong. 我想知道出了什么事。 11.there's someone missing in Seattle,over a year ago. 西雅 图有个人失踪一年多了。 12.do you know something about this? 你知道些什么? 13.we have been tracking the situation in Seattle for a while. 我们一直在追踪西雅图的情况。 14.we won't get that far.我们不会坐以待毙。 15.we will do sth. if we have to. 如果有必要,我们会...... 16.we will do ...the first time . 我们会第一时间做.....


神探夏洛克经典语录: ★most people... blunder round this city, and all they see are streets and shops and cars. when you walk with sherlock holmes, you see the battlefield. 这城市大多人都庸庸碌碌,眼中只有繁华街肆车来人往.与夏洛克?福尔摩斯同行你却 能看到战场 ★did he offer you money to spy on me? yes. did you take it? no. pity, we could have split the fee. think it through next time. 他有没出钱让你监视我?没错。收了吗?没有。真遗憾,我们本可以平分。下次想清楚点。 ★brainy is the new sexy 智慧是性感的新潮流 ★every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。 ★anderson, dont talk out loud. you lower the iq of the whole street. 安德 森,别大声说话,你拉低了整条街的智商 ★ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish. that makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. do you see? 普通人让自己的脑中装满垃圾,所以学习有用的东西就很难。你发现了吗? ★listen. this is my hard drive, and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful. really useful. 听着,(大脑)这是我的硬盘,只有放入非常有用的东西才有意义。 ★do you know the big problem with a disguise, mr. holmes? however hard you try, its always a self-portrait. i think youre damaged, delusional and believe in a higher power. in your case, its yourself. 你知道化装术的最大弱点在哪吗?不管多么努力都只能描绘出一幅自画像。我觉得你深受 创伤妄自尊大,崇尚某种强力。对你来说,那就是你自己。 ★bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity. 勇敢是愚蠢最好听的代言词 ★applause! at long last the spotlight. 受人追捧终成焦点所在 ★bitterness is a paralytic. 愤懑是种麻醉剂 ★love is a much more vicious motivator. 更危险的动机是爱 ★because this was textbook: the promise of love, the pain of loss, the joy of redemption. 简直是教科书式的经典案例:爱的承诺,失去的苦楚,赎罪的欢愉. ★youre going to have to be strong to resist. you cant kill an idea, can you? not once its made a home...there. 要有超强的意志才能抵抗,因为想法是杀不死的对吧?只要它在这里... 扎了根. ★a lie thats preferable to the truth. everybody wants to believe it, thats what makes it so clever. 一个比真相更受欢迎的谎言,人人都想相信它这才是高明之处.篇二:欧美电影中的经典 台词 欧美电影中的经典台词 1.《卡萨布兰卡》


感人的经典电影台词盘点 导读:所以我突然明白了一个道理,这段感情里,原来我们势均力敌,结尾处统统惨败,我毁掉的,是他关于我的这个梦想;而他欠我的,是一个本来承诺好的世界。——《失恋33天》幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你 如果我没有什么可以帮到你,至少可以陪着你 你的时间有限,所以不要为别人而活。不要被教条所限,不要活在别人的观念里。不要让别人的意见左右自己内心的声音。最重要的是,勇敢的去追随自己的心灵和直觉,只有自己的心灵和直觉才知道你自己的真实想法,其他一切都是次要。----史蒂夫·乔布斯或许我们在另外一个平行的空间是在一起的!——《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》 一个人的涵养,不在心平气和时,而是心浮气燥时;一个人的理性,不在风平浪静时,而是众声喧哗时;一个人的慈悲,不在居高临下时,而是人微言轻时;情侣间的尊重,不是闲情逸致时,而是观点相左时;夫妻间的恩爱,不在花前月下时,而是大难临头时。-----陈道明 年轻时我们放弃的,以为那只是一段感情,后来才知道,那其实是一生。——《小情人》

樱花只开一季,真爱只有一次。如果只是寂寞,请不要爱我。——《花样年华》 我一直以为是我自己赢了,直到有一天看着镜子,才知道自己输了,在我最美好的时候,我最喜欢的人都不在我身边。------《东邪西毒》 其实人跟树是一样的,越是向往高处的阳光,它的根就越要伸向黑暗的地底。——尼采 我不知道我现在做的哪些是对的,那些是错的,而当我终于老死的时候我才知道这些。所以我现在所能做的就是尽力做好每一件事,然后等待着老死.------《老男孩》 懂你的人,会用你所需要的方式去爱你。不懂你的人,会用他所需要的方式去爱你。于是,懂你的人,常是事半功倍,他爱得自如,你受得幸福。不懂你的人,常是事倍功半,他爱得吃力,你受得辛苦。两个人的世界里,懂比爱,更难做到。——苏芩 每一个男子全都有过这样的两个女人,至少两个。娶了红玫瑰, 久而久之,红的变了墙上的一抹蚊子血,白的还是床前明月光。娶了白玫瑰,白的便是衣服上的一粒饭粘子,红的却是心口上的一颗朱砂痣。------《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》 没有人会对你的快乐负责,不久你便会知道,快乐得你自己寻找。把精神寄托在别的地方,过一阵你会习惯新生活。你想想,世界不可能一成不变,太阳不可能绕着你运行,你迟早会长大---生活中充满


———— 《美国美人》: Remember those posters that said,"Today is the first day of the rest of your life"?Well,that's true of every day but one“the day you die. 记得那些写着“今天是你余下生命之中的第一天”的海报吗?这倒是真话,除了““你死的那一天。 《四根羽毛》: My father used to say that God takes away what's dearest to our hearts to remind us how much we take for granted. 我的父亲以前说过,上帝会把我们心中最珍贵的东西拿走,以提醒我们有太多东西我们没懂得珍惜。 I can't deny that our path has been complicated,but in the end,love makes everything simple.不可否认我们的路一直很艰辛,但最终,爱让一切变得简单——《绯闻女孩》 I am grateful for you,for helping me appreciate life and all that comes with it.我感谢你,让我懂得体验生活,感受生活中的一切——《美食祈祷和恋爱》 You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you.And then you meet one person and your life is changed forever.你与茫茫人海擦肩,没有一个能真正触动你心灵,直到遇见那么一个人,于是你的一生都永远改变了——《爱情与灵药》 We'll take a trip around the world,just two of us.We'll get close again.Like the early days.让我们去周游世界,就我们俩,我们会亲密如故,如过去的岁月——《后裔》You don't get to break somebody's heart and still say you care about them.伤了别人的心,就别说还在乎。““《绝望的主妇》 If you stay,I don't need heaven.有你在,我不需要天堂——《暮光之城》 You don't know how long I've waited for you.I'd rather die than stay away from you.你不知道,我等了你有多久,所以,宁可死别,绝不生离——《暮光之城》 ———— 美剧经典台词 The things we have with each other,I don't have with any other person,with any other human being apart from you.We should be with each other.我对你的感觉,除了你,再也无法从任何人身上找到,我们应该在一起——《爱疯了》 Love may fade with the season.But some friendships are year round.爱情可能随着季节的变迁而褪去,可友谊会为你全年守候——《绯闻女孩》 If you are willing,I will always love you.Would you like,I will never miss.你要是愿意,我就永远爱你,你要不愿意,我就永远相思——《吸血鬼日记》 Happiness is about having each tiny wish come true,or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成,当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你——《飞屋环游记》 If you cannot fix it,you've got to stand it.不能改变,只能承受——《断背山》 How do you say goodbye to someone you can't imagine living wihout?该如何跟你不想失去的人说再见——《蓝莓之夜》 Even being alone,it's better than sitting next to your lover and feeling lonely.虽然孤独,也比坐在情人身旁却感觉孤独要好——《爱在落日余晖时 If being crazy means living life as if it matters,then I don't care if we are completely insane.如果痴狂的意思是过有意义的生活,我不介意彻底疯狂——《革命之路》

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