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新编汉英翻译教程 第五章 篇章与段落

新编汉英翻译教程 第五章 篇章与段落
新编汉英翻译教程 第五章 篇章与段落


Shanghai men are smart and practical and even slippery, but what impresses most is that they are aggressive in their career and responsible to their families and respectful to females.

这已经是三年前的事情了。日军才退出……厚两寸,重约一斤。The thing happened three years ago. Shortly after Japanese troops withdrew, I went to Lida School in Jiangwan to inspect the damage, and lingered over that mournful scene for some hours. On the way back I picked up this lump of iron. The ground roundabout Lida School was littered with lumps of iron, some big, some small. I was told they were bomb fragments. The one I picked up was a small one. Measuring roughly six inches across, there inched high and two inches thick. It weight was about a catty.

我当时是接管中央美术学院的代表……“……就是很大的贡献……”I was then the military representative at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. I was told that Baishi was a professor there and that he came to the Academy once a month. Every time he came he would paint a picture as an example for the students to imitate, but some students proposed that his salary should be stopped since he came to infrequently.

“For an artist as old as he is, to come once a month and produce a painting is a great contribution…” I explained.

雨后,院里来了个麻雀,刚长全了羽毛……似乎要脱落下来。As soon as the rain stopped, a sparrow, almost full-fledged, flew into the courtyard. It hopped around, fluttered at times, darting up to the edged of the flower-pot and back to the ground again. Watching it move up and down liker this a couple of times, I realized that it could not fly any higher as the plumes on its left wing have got twisted, and one is sticking out as if about to come off any moment.


After checking of Main Dam Concrete Cut-off Wall by many means, it is verified that the concrete strength is lower at several places at the north of the panel NO. 1 and does not meet the design requirement. It was once demolished with the jackhammer by others in accordance with the requirement of the employer. The removal part is 3.2m long at the axis of the Cut-off Walland is down to the bottom of the panel NO.1. But there still remains a little amount of concrete to be chiseled.


In the past few years, the transform of business mode brought by information technology took on a rapid development trend. The economic running mode featured by electronic commerce improves rapidly by the impulse of technology. During the last year, the boiling debating on media on electronic commerce began to calm down. In the background of the global economic declining, the industry went more and more sensible and practical. Therefore, more theory discussion brought wide resonance as response to this sense.

当前最重要的任务是发张国民经济,……强大的社会主义国家。Our primary task at present is to develop national economy and promote the living standards of the people. Therefore, we must reform the old economic system so as to further liberate productive forces. Moreover, we should be open to the outside world so that we can learn advanced science and technology from other countries. And we are sure to build China into a powerful socialist century so long as we stick to the reform and opening policy.


one of Sichuan’s fine sports is Huanglong, which lies in Song Pan County just beneath Xuebao, the main peak of the Minshan Mountain. It has lush green forests filled with fragrant flowers, bubbing streams and songbirds.


Dear readers, maybe you wish to known if I have any private property at home. Just a minute! Let me see…Ah, here it is but nothing much though. I have left my wife for safekeeping a few changes of used underwear and a few pairs of socks with mended soles, all of which I used to wear last summer. She has now put them away in a remote mountain valley to prevent them from being stolen in case of Kuomintang attack, so that I may wear them again this summer. These are all the property I have to my name. but wouldn’t the declaration of my family treasures make myself an object of lively ridicule to the rich?


Like a bridge pearl set on the Taihu Lake and situated in the center od the beautifule and fertile Changjiang Delta id southern Jiangsu Province, Wuxi is one of China’s major tourist cities, with its pleasant climate, rich natural resources and picturesque scenery. Cutting through the city is the Beijing-Hhangzhou Grand Canal, an ancient project equal in fame to the Great Wall. A trip along the river will enable the visitor to know the custom and life style of the local people.


Eyes wide open now, I became immersed in thought. A multitude of facts dance4d randomly before my eyes, whilst in my ears, a cacophony of voice fought to be heard. Then, suddenly, everything vanished, and there was that little tap, tap, tapping again, coming from over by the window, as if someone was knocking at the door.

世上万千生物活过又死去……永恒,已经存在我的生命里了。Everything seems to want to live forever. Consciously or unconsciously, all aspire to the joke of eternity. Not I: I have had my eternity. So0 in fact has everything, even if only for a second. A second on earth is enough to know it all.


In the second of those tumultuous year, I was labeled one of the “reactionary gang”. What I feared most was not being forced to queue up among this gang of so many, but the vicious practice of being publicly denounced on a truck in front of my own house. Well, fear or no fear, the lot of fell on me soon enough. When the truck drove to the gate of my house, my mother, who was already in her eighties, spotted me on the truck. With lips trembling and eyes shut, she first leaned against the wall, then collapsed, weak and limp, like soft mud on the ground. Meanwhile, my wife just stood there dumbfounded like a blockhead, forgetting even to help my mother up.


Even now, this remains fresh in my memory. It often causes me distress, and makes me try to think about myself. The military and political affairs of those years I have forgotten as completely as the classics I read in my childhood. Yet this incident keeps coming back to me, often more vivid than in actual life, teaching me shame, urging me to reform, and giving





I caught sight of several vendors waiting for customers

outside the railings beyond a platform. But to reach that

platform would require crossing the railway track and doing

some climbing up and down. That would be a strenuous job

for father who was fat. I wanted to do all that myself, but he stopped me, so I could do nothing but let him go.


年。Known both in China and abroad as a famous New Stone Age archeological site, the Hemudu Site is under state protection. It is located northeast of the village of Hemudu in the township of Luojiang of Yuyao City in eastern Zhenjiang province and covers an area of 40,000 square meters. Excavation of the site’s four overlapping culture layers of the New Stone Age that have been found in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the entire southeast coast of China. They trace back to between 6000 and 7000 years ago.


There were two hens in a coop. One was found of cackling while the other like to keep quiet. As it is customary for a hen to cackle after laying an egg, the chicken raiser accordingly credited the cackler with all the eggs that had been laid. As a result, he became so practical to his favorite bird that he fed her with every cock-roach he caught. With the passing of time, however, it became known that the cackler had in fact laid very few eggs while the non-cackler kept laying one egg a day. Every time, as soon as the latter laid an egg, she quit the coop quietly, leaving the former standing by the newly laid egg shouting and yelling her head off.


But the snowflakes that fall in the north remain to the last like powder or sand and never hold together, whether scattered on roofs, the ground or the withered grass. The warmth from the stoves inside has melted some of the snow on the roofs. As for the rest, when a whirlwind springs up under a clear sky, it flies up wildly, glittering in the sunlight like thick mist around a flame, revolving and rising till it fills the sky, and the whole sky glitters as it whirls and rises.


新四级汉译英段落翻译技巧 新四级汉译英段落翻译解题技巧 ?题型简介?基本要求?翻译技巧 题型简介 ?自2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四级考试的翻译部分将由原单句汉译英调整文段落汉译英,翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等题材。 140~160词 基本要求 要求考生以词、句的翻译为基础,扩大到对整体段落的翻译的把握,段落内容相对完整、结构相对独立。翻译时要把整个段落当作一个有机的语篇,注意各句子之间的衔接和段落间的过渡。 翻译技巧 (一) 词的翻译 (二) 句的翻译 (三) 段落翻译 (一) 词的翻译 1. 词义选择 2. 词类转换 3. 词的增补 4. 词的省略 5. 词的替代 1.词义选择 (1)语境词?汉语有些词语的含义会因语境而发生微妙的变化,称之为“语境词”,应紧密结合上下文译成相应的词,不能按照原词的字面意思来译。?原文:手机刷新了人与人的关系。?译文:Cell phone have altered the relationship among people. ?分析:“刷新”此处实际是指“改变”,而并非是我们平常所指的含义,因此不宜译成refurbish或renovate,翻译为alter或 change更恰当。 (2) 表意模糊的词?原文:这所全国重点大学为社会输送了大批的人才。?译文:The national key university has prepared batches of qualified graduates for the society. ?分析:“输送”在句中是一个模糊笼统的词,具体说来是指“培养出”。“人才”笼统,译为qualified graduates比较确切。 (3) 比喻词汇?汉语有许多比喻词汇,表面意义和喻指含义完全不同,英译时应跳出机械对应的思维定式,动态地译出其潜在含义。?原文:老师答应给这几个学生“吃小灶”。?译文:The teacher has promised to give these students special tuition. ?分析:“吃小灶”在这里指的是“个别辅导”。 2.词类转换 (1)动词?名词?英语动词受到形态变化规则的严格限制,大量本应该由动词表达的概念,常需借助于名词,因为名词不受形态规则的束缚,使用相对灵活、方便。?原文:吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝口。?译文:You"ll be full of praise while eating the first two main courses. ?分析:英语中有大量抽象名词表示行为或动作意义 advice,agreement,inheritance,knowledge,praise,use等。以上例句借助抽象名词表达了特定的行为动作,译文也显得较为地道。 (2)动词?介词?介词与名词密切相关,英语名词的广泛使用使得介词也频繁出现,而且英语中有些介词本身就是由动词演变来的。汉译英时,有些动词可以用介词来表达。?原文:人们常用剪纸美化环境。?译文:People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. (3)动词?形容词?汉语的一些动词常常用形容词来表达,这些形容词通常是与动词同源的词(如dreamful,doubtful,sympathetic 等),这样的译文有时会更地道、标准。?原文:在明朝和清朝时期特别流行。?译文:It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》(第2版)-第3章 词语的英译【圣才出品】

第3章词语的英译 3.1 复习笔记 一、词语指称意义与蕴涵意义的确定 1. 指称意义的理解与表达 指称意义是“词的确切和字面的意义”。并且一词多义的现象在语言中广泛存在。 在具体翻译时,应结合词语所处的具体搭配关系和语言环境对词语的指称意义进行全面、周密的分析。例: 他是我父亲。He is my father. 这姑娘是漂亮。This girl is really beautiful. 此人是书就读。This man reads every book he can reach. 是可忍,孰不可忍?If this can be tolerated, what cannot? 是古非今。Praise the past to condemn the present. 【解析】“是”在以上各句中的指称意义各不相同。第一句的“是”表示判断。第二句中的“是”应重读,表示“的确、实在”。第三句中的“是”表示“凡是”。第四句的“是”意为“这”,仅用于书面语中,“是”的这一用法已带有蕴涵意义了。第五句的“是”意为“认为正确”,作动词用,也是书面语。 2. 蕴涵意义的理解与表达 蕴涵意义指词语内含的情感和联想意义,是词语的隐含意义。主要体现在词语的修辞色彩、文体特征、文化内涵等方面。 ★汉语词语的语言形式往往具有浓厚的修辞色彩,集中体现在汉语的国俗词语中,如俗

语、成语、歇后语等等。翻译此类词语时,译者可采用直译等方法尽可能在译文中反映出原文独特的文化信息和审美价值。例: 宝钗笑道:“不用问,狗嘴里还有象牙不成!”(曹雪芹《红楼梦》) “I don’t have to ask,” retorted Pao-chai. “One doesn’t expect ivory from a dog’s mouth.”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译) ★词语的蕴涵意义还体现为词语的文体特征。两个指称意义相同的词在文体上常有庄谐、雅俗之分。 ★汉语中的颜色词、叠词、数词等词汇往往具有丰富的蕴涵意义,译者在翻译这类词语时应充分考虑到它们在汉语语言文化中的特殊内涵,注重其蕴涵意义在译文中的再现。 二、词语英译与语言语境 词义与语境关系密切。“每个词在一个新的语境中就是一个新词”(Each word when used in a new context is a new word。)所以,汉译英时应结合具体的语境对词语进行分析。 1. 根据语言语境确定原文词义 搭配(collocation)指的是语言系统内各个语言成分的同现和组合,是语言语境的重要组成部分。所以,汉译英时可根据词语的搭配关系确定词义。例如“红包”一词的翻译:过年、婚庆、生日等场合所送的红包指的是“礼金”,应译成gift money; 单位在节假日时发的红包指的是“奖金”,应译作bonus; 行贿时所送的现金也称作“红包”,应译作bribes。 2. 根据语言语境选择译文用词 语言中存在着大量的近义词。在翻译的表达阶段,译者常常需要根据译语的语言语境来


第一章 一、概述 1.(1)英语:是语法型,重语法结构,注重以形显意,靠关联词,用显性连接 (2)汉语:是语义型,重语义结构,通过逻辑纽带或语序间接地表现出来,隐形连接。 2.英语的形式接应手段:除关系代词、关系副词、连接代词、连接副词之外,还有若干连词和为数众多的介词。英语的句子通常均有各种关联词来表示多种语法关系。 3.翻译特点(意合与形合): (1)英语译为汉语:形合转为意合类似松绑(注意汉语意合表现力、句法特点) (2)汉语译为英语:意合转为形合类似(注意符合英语句法结构),要求上下文中语义搭配合乎事理,强调的是语言结构内部意义关系的“意合”,即造句注重意念连贯,具体表现是关联词的大量省略,很多成分也经常隐去。 4.关于形合与意合的说明:虽然英语和汉语句法中有形合与意合的 特征以及两者相互转换的必要,但不能由此推断英语中的形合结构必须一律转换为汉语的意合,或汉语的意合一律转成英语的形合。因为每一种语言都有自身的伸缩性,形合与意合两种句法在英语和汉语中同样是存在的,只是在汉语中意合更为普遍,而英语中形合更为普遍。 二、例句 1.形合到意合的转换: (1)I may be wrong and you may be right,and by an effort ,we may be nearer to the truth.也许我是错的,你是对的。我们做出努力,就会更接近真理。 (2)Now there is in America a curious combination of pride in having risen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genius delight in what one is able to accomplish with one’s own hands.现在美国有一个奇特的现象:一方面人们为上升到不在需要靠体力劳动谋生的地位而感到自


翻译理论与实践 Introduction of the course(高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲): 1)培养目标(p1) 2)课程描述(p25)笔译 3)英语专业课程设置:专业技能;必修课;高年级 4)教学要求:翻译(八级要求p10) Selection of texts: 1) 孙致礼《新编英汉翻译教程》 陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》(“十五”规划教材) 2)彭长江《英汉-汉英翻译教程》(修订本) 3)自编练习与对照读物。 课程考核: 平时课堂及作业占30%,期末占70% 教学目的:旨在让学生了解什么是翻译以及翻译的性质 教学重点与难点:翻译的定义和性质 教学方法:讲述与实例相结合 参考书目:陈宏薇,《新编汉英翻译教程》;孙致礼,《新编英汉翻译教程》;彭长江,《英汉-汉英翻译教程》。 Topic 1 Definition and Nature of Translation 教学目的:旨在让学生了解什么是翻译以及翻译的性质 教学重点与难点:翻译的定义和性质 教学方法:讲述与实例相结合 参考书目:孙致礼,《新编英汉翻译教程》;陈宏薇,《新编汉英翻译教程》;彭长江,《英汉-汉英翻译教程》 教学时间:2 节 1.What is “to translate”? The Oxford English Dictionary: “to turn from one language into another” “翻译是从一种语言转换成另一种语言” Taken literally, it can be given four meanings, according to concrete


“文化”( culture ) 物质文化( material culture ) 制度文化( institutional culture ) 心理文化(也称观念文化)(mental culture)咖啡( coffee)、 巧克力( chocolate )、 色拉( salad)、 三明治( sandwich )、 歇斯底里( hysteria)、 休克( shock)、 基因( gene)、 钙( calcium)、 维他命( vitamin )、 奥林匹克( Olympic )、 雷达( radar)、 先令( shilling )、 夹克( jacket)、 电视( television )、 激光( laser)、 飞机( aeroplane)、 火车( train)、 交响乐( symphony )、 基督徒( Christian )、 面包( bread)、 盲文( brail )、 圣诞老人( Santa Claus)、 圣经( Bible )、 马海毛( mahair)、 贝雷帽( beret)、 革命( revolution ) 、营养( nourish )、 解放( liberate )、 民主( democracy)、 科学( science)、 独裁( dictatorship )、 心理学( psychology )、 形而上学( metaphysics)、 图书馆( library )、 想象( imagination )、 暗示( hint )、 投资( investment) 磁卡电话( card phone)、 立交桥( overpass)、 隐形眼镜( contact lenses)、

第2章 汉英翻译基础知识(新编汉英翻译教程 陈宏薇)

“文化”(culture) 物质文化(material culture) 制度文化(institutional culture) 心理文化(也称观念文化)(mental culture)咖啡(coffee)、 巧克力(chocolate)、 色拉(salad)、 三明治(sandwich)、 歇斯底里(hysteria)、 休克(shock)、 基因(gene)、 钙(calcium)、 维他命(vitamin)、 奥林匹克(Olympic)、 雷达(radar)、 先令(shilling)、 夹克(jacket)、 电视(television)、 激光(laser)、 飞机(aeroplane)、 火车(train)、 交响乐(symphony)、 基督徒(Christian)、 面包(bread)、 盲文(brail)、 圣诞老人(Santa Claus)、 圣经(Bible)、 马海毛(mahair)、 贝雷帽(beret)、 革命(revolution) 、营养(nourish)、 解放(liberate)、 民主(democracy)、 科学(science)、 独裁(dictatorship)、 心理学(psychology)、 形而上学(metaphysics)、 图书馆(library)、 想象(imagination)、 暗示(hint)、 投资(investment) 磁卡电话(card phone)、 立交桥(overpass)、 隐形眼镜(contact lenses)、

下拉菜单(pulldown)、 软驱(floppy drive)、 光驱(CD drive)、 鼠标(mouse)、 电脑(computer)、 内存条(RAM chip)、 复印机(xerox machine)、 安乐死(euthanasia)、 艾滋病(AIDS)、 香波(shampoo)、 连锁店(chain store)、 热狗(hot dog)、 自助餐(buffet)、 牛仔服(cowboy suit)、 T恤衫(T-shirt) 意合(parataxis) 隐性(covertness) 显性(overtness) 形合(hypotaxis) 伦理(ethics) 认知(cognition) 顺其自然(Let nature take its course in accordance with its natural tendency)、 听其自然(leave the matter as it is; take the world as it is)、 听天安命(accept the situation)、 听天由命(be at the mercy of nature; be left to God's mercy; let fate have its way; submit the will of Heaven; wait for one's fate)。 individualism( 不管别人怎样做)只按个人方法行事的感觉或行为;我行我素 个体主义”。 整体(integrity) 综合性(synthetic) 个体(individuality)、 分析性(analytic) 直觉(intuition) 实证(evidence) 天人合一”(The Unity of Man and Heaven


《英汉翻译理论与实践》课程教学大纲 (英文名称E-C Translation: Theory and Practice) 一、课程说明 课程编码 22110280 课程总学时 32 周学时 2 学分 1.5 课程性质专业必修课适用专业英语专业1、教学内容与学时安排(见下表): 教学内容与学时安排表

2、课程教学目的与要求: 本课程是高等学校英语专业三年级学生开设的一门专业必修课。它是理论与实践相结合的一门课程,其主要目的在于使学生具备笔头英汉翻译的基本能力。通过介绍各类文体语言的特点、汉英两种语言的对比和分析以及各种不同文体的翻译方法,使学生掌握英汉翻译的基本理论,掌握英汉词语、长句及各种文体的翻译技巧和英译汉的能力。要求译文比较准确、流畅,翻译速度达到每小时250-300字。 3、本门课程与其它课程关系: 本课程为英语专业本科三年级学生开设。学生在修该课程之前已修完综合阅读,综合英语,语法学,词汇学,英美文化等课程,这些课程都为学生修该课程奠定了扎实的语言基础。该课程又是学生综合英语语言运用能力的体现和反映,它的开设不仅能提高学生的翻译能力,而且它与英美文学,语言学,口译,高级英语等都能帮助学生进一步提高他们的综合英语语言运用能力。 4、推荐教材及参考书: 教材采用孙致礼编著的《新编英汉翻译教程》上海外语教育出版社(2003年4月第1版)教学参考书 Baker, Mona. 2001. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Bassnett S, Lefevere A. 2001. Constructing Cultures: Essays On Literary Translation.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Brown Gillian & Yule George. 1983. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2000 Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press. Hatim B. 2001. Communication Across Cultures:Translation Theory and Contrastive Text

《英汉翻译简明教程》学习辅导书(课文-演 讲)【圣才出品】

第10单元演讲(Speeches) 10.1 复习笔记 翻译理论选读 一、 A New Concept of Translating by Eugene A. Nida and Charles R. T aber Each language has its own genius.1 In the first place, it is essential to recognize that each language has its own genius. That is to say, each language possesses certain distinctive characteristics which give it a special character. 尤金·奈达(Eugene A. Nida)博士是美国圣经学会翻译部主任。他不仅在美国主持《圣经》的英译工作,还在世界各地指导许多其他语言的翻译工作。 奈达认为,过去人们在翻译过程中过于重视与原文在形式上保持一致,而他主张着重考虑读者对译文的反应,应使译文的读者和原文的读者产生同样的感受。 关于原语,就《圣经》而言,也就是希伯来语和希腊语,奈达认为它们也不过是工具,被人们用来表达《圣经》里包含的意思而已。 关于译语,奈达认为每一种语言都有自己的特点,在构词法、语序、句子结构、谚语诸方面各不相同。各个民族的文化背景不同,对各自的语言也产生不同的影响。译者不必因为译语缺少某种表达方式而抱怨;相反地,他应该尊重这一语言的特点,最大限度地发挥其潜

力,以找出适当的表达方式。他的结论是,要想使译文保持原作的内容,就必须在形式上有所改变。 word-building capacities, unique patterns of phrase order, techniques for linking clauses into sentences, markers of discourse,2 and special discourse types of poetry, proverbs, and song. Each language is rich in vocabulary for the areas of cultural focus, the specialties of the people, e.g., cattle (Anuaks in the Sudan), yams (Ponapeans in Micronesia), hunting and fishing (Piros in Peru), or technology(the western world). Some languages are rich in modal particles.3Others seem particularly adept in the development of figurative language, and many have very rich literary resources, both written and oral. To communicate effectively one must respect the genius of each language. Rather than bemoan the lack of some feature in a language, one must respect the features of the receptor language4and exploit the potentialities of the language to the greatest possible extent. Unfortunately, in some instances translators have actually tried to “remake” a language. For example, one missionary in Latin America insisted on trying to introduce the passive voice of the verb into a language which had no such form. Of course, this was not successful. One must simply accept the fact that there are many languages which do not have a passive voice. They merely choose to report actions only as active. Rather than force the formal structure of one language upon an- other, the effective translator is quite prepared to make any and all formal changes5 necessary


汉英翻译技巧汇总 Title: 汉英翻译技巧:合并(Combination) Key words: combination, simple sentence, compound sentence, C-E translation Abstract: It discusses the technique of combination of simple and compound sentences. Compiler: 丁树德等 C-E (A) in terms of simple sentences (1)天气寒冷,河水都结冰了。It was so cold that the river froze. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (2)理论必须密切联系实际,这是我们应当牢记的一条原则。That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (3)他在战斗中表现突出,受到连长的表扬。He was commended by the company commander for his distinguished performance in the battle. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (4)年满十八岁的公民,都有选举权和被选举权。All citizens who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to vote and to stand for election. (丁树德,"英汉汉英翻译教学综合指导",大学出版社,1996) (5)当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放,不对中宾开放。At the time the friendship store was exclusively open to foreign visitors.(王大伟,"现代汉英翻译技巧",世界图书出版公司,1999)(本科四年级以上) (B) in terms of compound sentences (6)她对自己所取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。She is justifiably proud of her achievements. ("现代汉英翻译技巧" 王大伟世界图书出版公司1999) (7)这家小工厂经过技术改造,发展很快,使人感到惊讶不已。This small factory underwent a technological renovation, thus developing with


翻译必备七大技巧 泛瑞翻译 汉译英的七大基本技巧: 一、增词 在段落翻译时,为了能充分的表达原文含义,以求达意,翻译时有必要增加词语来使英文的表达更加顺畅。例如:虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 译文为:Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 其中间加上了增连词whereas,以使英语的句子表达更加有逻辑性。 二、减词 考生要明白,英语的表达倾向简洁,汉语比较喜欢重复,重复作为汉语的一种修辞手法,在某种场合下,重复的表达一个意思,是为了强调,加强语气。汉语中为了有更强的节奏感和押韵,也经常会出现排比句。考生在翻译这些句子时,为了符合英文表达的逻辑,就要有所删减或省略。例如:这是革命的春天,这是人民的春天,这是科学的春天!让我们张开双臂,热烈拥抱这个春天吧! 译文为:Let us stretch out our arms to embrace the spring, which is one of the revolution, of the people, and of science. 以上的汉语是比较重复的排比句,汉译英时考生要遵守英语的逻辑表达,加上定语从句来翻译,这样英文句子读起来也朗朗上口。 三、词类转换 英语语言的一个很重要的特点,就是词类变形和词性转换,尤其是名词、动词、形容词之间的转换。例如:她的书给我们的印象很深。 译文为:Her book impressed us deeply. 在此翻译中汉语中的名词印象转化成英语中的动词impress。 四、语态转换 语态分为被动语态和主动语态,汉语中主动语态使用率较高,英语中被动语态的使用率较高。所以考生在翻译时,要注意语态之间的转换。例如:这个小女孩在上学的路上受了伤。 译文为:The little girl was hurt on her way to school. 五、语序变换 为了适应英文的修辞避免歧义,有时需要对原文的语序进行调整。 六、分译与合译 考生在遇到较长的句子或较复杂的句子时,可以考虑分译,以使译文简洁,通俗易懂。同时考生也可以把汉语的两个较简短的句子翻译成一句英文,可以用连接词来链接。 七、正反表达翻译


新编汉英翻译教程(第二版)期末考试比较a 与b题型归纳 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5a7327888.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

以下是课本几乎所有有a,b 的都收集起来了,已经超过老师所说的20多条的.....自行挑着看,重点看第四章!!!其他爱看不看啦... 2.金桂湖位于武汉的南部后花园一一咸宁市咸安区南川水库。 9页 a.Jingui Lake, which lies in the south part of Wuhan, called the Back Garden—the Nanchuan reservoir. b. Jingui Lake is located in the Southern back garden of Wuhan— the reservoir of Xian an district of Xianning. C. Jingui Lake lies in the area of Nanchuan Reservoir, Xian'an District, Xianning, which is reputed as the Back Garden to the south of Wuhan 3.本书收集了有关他们(钱锺书、杨绛)生平与创作的资料,有关的评论文章,同时选 编了研究资料的目录索引,是研究钱锺书、杨绛的必备书。9页 a. It is a necessary book to study Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang, since it collects materials of their life and works as well as relevant comment writings,and compiles contents and index of the research materials. b.It includes materials of their life experiences, literary creation and related commentary essays. A bibliographic index is also presented here, which all the more entitles the book to a must for the research on the two. 练习四58页 1.这是民国六年的冬天,大风刮得正猛,我因为生计关系,不得不一早在路上走。 a. It's the winter of 1917. The wind was blowing hard, but I had to walk in the street to make a living. b. It happened during the winter of 1917. A bitter north wind was blowing but, to make a living, I had to be up and out early. 2.世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。 a. The world's affairs, well understood, are all scholarship. Human relationships, maturely experienced, are already literature. b. True learning implies a clear insight into human activities. Genuine culture involves the skilful manipulation of human relationships. 3.这尊塑像站了几百年了,他觉得这是一种苦役。 a. Having stood there for several hundred years, the statue had now come to detest it as a kind of forced drudgery. b. Having stood there for several hundred years, the statue felt that it was hard labor. 13.西风,秋水,雁阵,衔着落日的远山,交融在一起,更增添打猎者的无限兴致。 (徐光兴《枪口》) 66页 a. The joy of hunters was enhanced by the west wind, the autumn stream and the wild geese mingled with the distant mountains that held the sinking sun.


Chapter one 2012-3-27 ?翻译可分为口译interpretation和笔译translation。 ?Interpretation can be divided into two types: one is consecutive interpretation, another is simultaneous interpretation. ?翻译三原则(George Washington Campbell,Alexander Fraser Tytler) 1.原作的意义、意思 2.原作的思想、精神 3.流畅、通顺 ?翻译方法1.直译literal translation 2.意译free translation 3.音译transliteration ?山雨欲来风满楼The coming events cast their shadows before. 才学最差,叫喊最多The worst wheel of a cart creaks most. 与……狼狈为奸hand in glove with… 乱七八糟at sixes and sevens 千载难逢once in a blue moon 路必有弯,势必有转机It is a long lane that has no turning. 家丑不可外扬It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest. ?The main principles of TRANSLITERA TION 1.准确读音 2.正确拼写姓名拼写中姓与名要空一格首字母要大写eg. Pu Songling 地名拼写中首字母大写不空格eg. Fujian Guangdong Xi’an 一般来说除地名人名之外其他专有名词英译时首字母要大写如汉Han; 一般名词要小写 3.弄清词源有些词需要追溯到最初发音以利于音译eg.菩萨Bodhisattva 4.约定俗成eg. 孙中山Sun Y at-sen 宋庆龄Soong Ching Ling 陈嘉庚Tan Kah Kee 5.准确回译eg. 纽约New Y ork 6.缩略语复原eg. 闽Fujian 武大Wuhan University Chapter two 2012-3-28 ?The classification of CULTURE 1.物质文化material culture 2.制度文化institutional culture 3.心理文化mental culture ?中英思维方式对比 1.中国人注重伦理,英美人注重认知 2.中国人注重整体、偏重综合性思维;英美人注重个体、偏重分析性思维 3.中国人重直觉,英美人重实证 4.中国人重形象思维,英美人重逻辑思维 Chapter three 2012-3-31 ?词语的指称意义与蕴含意义的对比 1.指称意义是词语在交际过程中所表达的字面的最基本的意义,相当于一种约定俗 成的认知 2.蕴含意义的理解与表达eg:His wife was unfaithful to him, and he became a cuckold. 他老婆红杏出墙,给他戴了顶绿帽子。此处注意红和绿。?词语英译与语言语境 1.根据语言语境确定原文词义:“醉心于……”be engrossed in褒be infatuated with 贬 2.根据语言环境选择译文用词:①Mum gave a book as my birthday present .


1、英军胜利地登上了小岛。 a. The British army climbed onto the island successfully. b. The British army landed on the island successfully. 析:“登”一词既有“爬、攀登”之意,又可理解为“登陆”。从本句的上下文来看,“登”这一动作的施动者是军队,对象是小岛而非高山,“登上”意为“登陆、上岸”,应译作land on ,而非climb onto 。 2、他对事情的进展情况也还满意。 He is quite satisfied with the way things went. 析:“也”在句中是表示程度的副词,不可作“同样”解,不应译为also 或as well 。 3、他是我父亲。He is my father. 这姑娘是漂亮。This is girl is really beautiful. 此人是书就读。This man reads every book he can reach . 是可忍,孰不可忍?If this can be tolerated, what cannot? 是古非今Praise the past to condemn the present 析:“是”在以上各句中的指称意义各不相同。第一句的“是”表示判断,第二句中的“是”必须重读,表示“的确、实在”,第三句中的“是”表示凡是,第四句的“是”意为“这”,仅用于书面语中,“是”的这一用法已带有蕴涵意义了。第五句的“是”意为“认为正确”,作动词用,也是书面语。所以,译文的表达也相应地有所不同。 4、知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it----this is knowledge . (孔子《论语》,James Legge 译) 析:句中一连出现了五个“知”字,前四个“知”的词性与指称意义相同,都作动词“知道”解。在这种情况下,译者稍有大意就会将“是知也”中的“知”也理解为“知道”。然而这一理解在此句中无法自圆其说,因为“知之”也好,“不知”也罢,最后都“是知也”,这岂非有悖逻辑?因此,“是知也”中的“知”应作“学识修养”解。 5、南京的风俗:但凡新媳妇进门,三日就要到厨下收拾一样菜,发个利市。这菜一定是鱼,取“富贵有余”的意思。 The custom in Nanjing is for all brides to invite good luck by going to the kitchen on the third day and cooking a fish, which stands for fortune. (吴敬梓《儒林外史》,杨宪益、戴乃迭译) 析:“收拾”在《汉英词典》(外研社1995 年修订版)中相对应的译法有四种:( 1 )put in order; tidy; clear away (2 )get things ready; pack (3 )repair; mend (4 )settle with; punish ,其中任何一种解释都难以准确地表达“收拾”在此文中的意义,即“烹制、制作”。“收拾”的这一指称意义虽未被字典收录,但常常在口语中出现,细心的译者应该可以从“收拾”与“一样菜”的搭配关系以及上下文中找到线索,正确地理解并妥帖地表达它在此句中的意义。 3.1.2 蕴涵意义的理解与表达



第一章 汉英语言对比 相关参考: 翻译教学和研究的经验表明:翻译理论和技巧必须建立在不同语言和文化的对比分析基础上。英汉互译的几项基本原则和技巧,如选词(Diction)、转换(Conversion)、增补(Amplification)、省略(Omission)、重复(Repetition)、替代(Substitution)、变换(Variation)、倒臵(Inversion)、拆离(Division)、缀合(Combination)、阐释(Annotation)、浓缩(Condensation)、重组(Reconstruction),以及时态、语态、语气、习语、术语等的译法,都集中地体现了英汉的不同特点。机器翻译是让计算机按照人们所制定的程序和指令进行不同语言的对比转换,也离不开对比分析。翻译之所以困难,归根结底是因为语言差异和文化差异。因此,对比、分析和归纳这些差异,便是翻译学的重要任务。 不同语言的对比分析不仅有利于教学和翻译,也有助于语言交际。通过对比分析,人们可以进一步认识外语和母语的特性,在进行交际时,能够有意识地注意不同语言各自的表现方法,以顺应这些差异,防止表达错误,避免运用失当,从而达到交际的目的。 ——连淑能,《英汉对比研究》 纪德是最理解莎士比亚的法国作家之一。在他看来,“没有任何作家比莎士比亚更值得翻译”,但同时,“也没有任何作家比他更难翻译,译文更容易走样”。纪德对莎士比亚的理解是双重的,既是精神的,也是语言的。他在与莎士比亚的相遇与相识中,经历了一系列的考验。对他在翻译中经历的这番历史奇遇,他曾在为七星文库出版的《莎士比亚戏剧集》撰写的前言中作了详尽的描述:描述了两种文化与两种语言之间的遭遇,也揭示了翻译中译者所面临的种种障碍。 纪德首先看到的,是语言与文化层面的逻辑性,这涉及到不同语言的思维方法。他说:“莎士比亚很少考虑逻辑性,而我们拉丁文化缺了逻辑性就踉踉跄跄。莎士比亚笔下的形象相互重现,相互推倒。面对如此丰富的形象,我们可怜的译者目瞪口呆。他不愿意对这种绚丽多彩有丝毫遗漏,因此不得不将英文原本中用仅仅一个词表示的暗喻译成一个句子。原来像蛇一样紧紧盘成一团的诗意,如今成了松开的弹簧。翻译成了解释。逻辑倒是很满意,但魅力不再起作用。莎士比亚的诗句飞跃而过的空间,迟缓的熊虫一瘸一拐才能走完。”在紧密的逻辑与丰富的形象之间,英语与法语的天平有所侧重,在两者的遭遇中,译者的无奈与局限源于文化与语言的巨大差异。 头脑清醒的纪德没有丝毫责备英语或莎士比亚的语言的意思,相反,在翻译莎士比亚的戏剧中,他充分意识到了母语的缺陷。他说:“只有在接触外语时,我们才意识到本国语言的缺陷,因此,只会法语的法国人是看不到缺陷的。”他的这一观点与德国作家歌德的观点几乎是一致的。异之于我,可作一明镜,从异中更清楚地照清自身。在这个意义上,与异语文化的接触,有助于认识母语与母语文化的不足。看清了自身的不足,便有可能从异语异文化中去摄取营养,弥补自身,丰富自身。 在艰难的翻译中,纪德亲历了种种障碍,他结合翻译中的具体例证,作了某

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