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Advice to Y outh

Mark Twain

Being told I would be expected to talk here, I inquired what sort of a talk I ought to make. They said it should be something suitable to youth—something didactic, instructive, or something in the nature of good advice. Very well. I have a few things in my mind which I have often longed to say for the instruction of the young; for it is in one’s tender early years that such things will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable. First, then, I will say to you, my young friends—and I say it beseechingly, urgingly—

Always obey your parents, when they are present. This is the best policy in the long run, because if you don’t they will make you. Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally make more by humoring that superstition than you can by acting on your own better judgement.

Be respectful to your superiors, if you have any, also to strangers, and sometimes to others. If a person offend you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick. That will be sufficient. If you shall find that he had not intended any offense, come out frankly and confess your in the wrong when you struck him; acknowledge it like a man and say you didn’t mean to. Yes, always avoid violence; in this age of charity and kindliness, the time has gone by for such things. Leave dynamite to the low and unrefined.

Go to bed early, get up early—this is wise. Some anthorities say get up with the sun; some other say get up with one thing, some with another. But a lark is really the best thing to get up with. It gives you a splendid reputation with everybody to know that you get up with lark; and if you get the right kind of a lark, and work at him right, you can easily train him to get up at half past nine, every time—it is no trick at all.

Now as to the matter of lying. You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught. Once caught, you can never agein be, in the eyes of the good and the pure, what you were before. Many a young person has injured himself permanently through a single clumsy and illfinished lie, the result of carelessness born of incomplete training. Some authorities hold that the young ought not to lie at all. That, of course, is putting it rather stronger than necessary; still, while I cannot go quite so far as that, I do maintain, and I believe I am right, that the young ought to be temperate in the use of this great art until practice and experience shall give them that confidence, elegance, and precision which alone can make the accomplishment graceful and profitable. Patience, diligence, painstaking attention to detail—these are the requirements; these, in time, will make the student perfect; upon these, and upon these only, may be he rely as the sure foundation for future eminence. Think what tedious years of study, thought, practice, experience, went to the equipment of that peerless old master who was able to impose upon the whole world the lofty and sounding maxim that “truth is migty and will prevail”—the most majestic compound fracture of fact which any of woman born has yet achieved. For the history of our race, and each individual’s experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal. Thre is in Boston a monument of the man who discovered anaesthesia; many people are aware, in these latter days,, that that man didn’t discover it at all, but stole the discovery from another man. Is this truth mighty, and will it prevail? Ah, no,

my hearers, the monument is made of hardy material, but the lie it tells will outlast it a million years. An awkward, feeble, leaky lie is a thing which you ought to make it your unseasing study to avoid; such a lie as that has no more real permanence than an average truth. Why, you ought as well tell the truth at once and be done with it. A feeble, stupid, preposterous lie will not live two years—except it be a slander upon somebody. It is indestructible, then, of course, but that is no merit of yours. A final word: begin your practice of this gracious and beautiful art early—begin now. If I had begun earlier, I could have learned how.

Never handle firearms carelessly. The sorrow and suffering that have been caused through the innocent but heedless handling of firearms by the young! Only four days ago, right in the next farmhouse to the one where I am spending the summer, a grandmother, old and gray and sweet, one of the loveliest spirits in the land, was sitting at her desk, when her young grandson crept in and got down an old, battered, rusty gun which had not been touched for many years and was supposed not to be loaded, and pointed at her, laughing and threatening to shoot. In her fright she ran screaming and pleading toward the door on the other side of the room; but as she passed him he placed the gun almost against her very breast and pulled the trigger! He had supposed it was not loaded. And he was right—it wasn’t. So there wasn’t any harm done. It is the only case of that kind I ever heard of. Therefore, just the same, don’t you meddle with old loaded firearms; they are the mostly deadly and unerring things that have ever been created by man. You don’t have to take any pains at all with them; you don’t have to have a rest, you don’t have to have any sights on the yan you don’t have to take aim, even. No, you just pick out a relative and bang away, and you are sure to get him. A youth who can’t hit a cathedral at thirty yards with a Gatling gun in three quarters of an hour, can take up an old empty musket and bag his grandmother every time, at a hundred. Think what Waterloo would have been if one of the armies had been boys armed with old muskets supposed not to be loaded, and the other arm had been composed of their female relations. The very thought of it makes one shudder.

There are many sorts of books; but good ones are the sort for the young to read. Remember that. They are a great, an inestimable, an unspeakable means of improvement. Therefore be careful in your selection, my young friends; be very careful; confine yourselves exclusively to Robertson’s Sermons, Baxter’s Saint’s Rest, The Innocents Abroad, and works of that kind.

But I have said enough. I hope you will treasure up the instructions which I have given you, and make them a guide to your feet and a light to your understanding. Build your character thoughtfully and painstakingly upon these precepts, and by and by, when you have got it built, you will be surprised and gratified to see how nicely and sharply it resembles everybody else’s. (1245 words)


Mark Twain:from humor to satire Abstract:Mark Twain, a mastermind of humor and realism, is seen as a giant in world literature. His humor had great impact on the following men of letters; critics also attached significant importance to it and put forward various interpretations. However,humor could no more be found in Twain's later works. On the contrary, it was replaced by bitter satire. Why did Twain change his writing style as well his attitude towards life?What was the cause of this sharp conversion? Focusing on these questions, the paper tries to analyze the basic elements which affected Twain from social influence and personal encounters respectively, aiming at offering rational analysis of this shift as well as making Twain's works readily understood. I Introduction Mark Twain, the pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, is the foreruner and Reputed realist in the arena of American literature. Because of his remarkable contribution to the nation, literary critics spoke highly of his achievements. For instance, these venerable titles‖the Lincoln of American literarure‖,‖the true father of our national literature ,‖‖Mark Twain –mirror of America‖ are used to highlight his pinnacles in literature. His faithful disciple, Ernest Heming way, more over, onve put it, ―all modern literature comes from one book by Mark Twain ,called Huck lebury Finn..‖ As far as a literatry giant is concerned, Twain was remembered by men of letters firstly as a mastermind of hunmor and then as bitter satiric writer. In other words, Twain in his writing career experienced a change from being cheerful and optimistic to despairing and pessimistic But what cause his shift from humor to satir? Personally, both social influence and personal encounters play critical roles in changing his writing from humor to satire and his attitude toward life as well ⅡSocial influences Both the American Civil war( happened in 1861 and lasted till1865) and the re-construction after the war greatly affected Twain‘s writing style. Mark Twain was born in Florida, Missouri, on30 November In 1835,into a lawyer family.With the advent of


小学六年级课外阅读测试题(第三学段) 一、选择题。(15分) 1.《呼兰河传》中有哪些不是富有东北特色的民间活动?…………() A.跳大神 B.唱秧歌 C.放河灯 D.骑布驴 2. 赵云这一人物形象出自………………………………………………() A.《封神演义》 B.《水浒传》 C.《三国演义》 D.《西游记》 3.下列哪些篇目不是《蓝调江南》的篇目………………………………() A.《老茶馆》 B.《母亲树》 C.《八音刀》 D.《青青庭院》 4.葵花的爸爸是()死的……………………………() A、被火烧死的 B、从天上掉下来摔死的 C、掉进河里淹死的 D地震 5.《水浒传》中“景阳冈打虎”的好汉是…………………………( ) A.林冲 B.武松 C.鲁智深 D.李逵 6.《寄小读者》的作者是………………………………………( ) A.巴金 B.叶圣陶 C.冰心 D.金波 7.下面哪一个不是《莎士比亚戏剧故事》里故事…………() A.《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 B.《李尔王》 C.《哈姆莱特》 D.《灰姑娘》 8.辛亥革命首先爆发的地点是………………………………() A.南京 B.武昌 C.长沙 D.北京 9.《爱的教育》里的主人公名字叫………………………() A.罗伯蒂 B.卡罗纳 C.西尔维娅 D.安利柯 10.《今天我是升旗手》中,被关禁闭的“士兵”是……() A.包郝 B.金铃 C.肖晓 D.马驭 11.《昆虫记》是哪个国家的法布尔写的?…….…………( ) A.俄国 B.德国 C . 丹麦 D .法国 12.《夏洛的网》中,夏洛的卵囊中一共多少枚卵?…………………() A.514 B.515 C.516 D.517 13.《外国历史故事》中,谁被称为英国铁娘子…………………() A.贞德 B.撒切尔夫人 C.努尔公主 D.居里夫人 14.福尔摩斯做侦探前的职业是什么………………() A.律师 B.警察 C医生 D.侦探 15.《稻草人》的《眼泪》一章中有一个人无休无息地寻找一件丢失的东西, 这件东西是()的眼泪。 A、珍贵 B、同情 C、爱恋 D、婴儿 二、填空题。(14分) 1. ,思而不学则殆。 2.被称为“中国童书皇后”的著名作家杨红樱是当代中小学生喜欢的作家之一,她的作品有《女生日记》、《男生日记》、《笑猫日记》等,她还塑造了我们一个非常熟悉的淘气包叫。


马克吐温名言100句 马克吐温名言100句 马克吐温名言精选(一): 1。A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes。 真理还在穿鞋的时候,谎言就走遍了半个世界。 2。If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous,he will not bite you。This is the principal difference between a dog and a man。 如果你收养了一只饥饿的狗,并且让它过上了舒服的日子,它将不会咬你。这便是狗与人最主要的区别。

3。Habit is habit,and not to be flung out of the window by any man,but coaxed downstairs a step at a time。 习惯就是习惯,谁也不能将其一下子扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引下楼。 4。Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been。 皱纹应当只是微笑留下的印记。 5。The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up。 让自我高兴起来的最好办法就是设法让别人高兴起来。

6。There are basically two types of people。People who acplish things,and people who claim to have acplished things。The first group is less crowded。 世界上主要有两类人。第一类人有所成就,第二类人号称自我有所成就。第一类人不如第二类人那么多。 7。I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one。 我总是等机会错过了才发现我曾有过机会。 8。Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see。 善良是一种聋子能听见、盲人能看见的语言。


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 从功能分析的角度试析广告英语中语言的性别差异 2 《愤怒的葡萄》的生态主义分析 3 初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策 4 从象征主义手法的运用浅析弗图纳多之死 5 苔丝之罪是谁之过 6 试探吸血鬼文化的起源 7 中式英语特点及发展趋势 8 《药》的两个英译本中翻译技巧比较 9 论狄更斯在《双城记》中的人道主义思想 10 从《马拉喀什》和《射象》看乔治?奥威尔散文的艺术风格 11 论标示语汉英翻译中的等效问题 12 A Comparative Study o n the Two Chinese Versions of Tess of the D’urbervilles from the Perspective of Nida’s Dynamic Equivalence 13 论第二语言习得与教学中的互动 14 CBI理论诠释及在英语教学中的应用 15 论《了不起的盖茨比》中“盖茨比”人物象征主义的运用 16 《玉石雕像》中的非言语交流 17 A Probe Into the Translation of the Hot Cyber Word—“Geili” 18 多丽丝莱辛的《金色笔记》中安娜的政治困惑分析 19 由王尔德的《莎乐美》探究法国象征主义对其唯美主义的影响 20 论中文电视栏目名称的英语翻译 21 对《一小时的故事》的批评分析 22 The Pursuit of Freedom and Love in E.M. Forster’s A Room with a View 23 从跨文化角度看电影标题汉译英 24 《厄舍屋之倒塌》中的哥特元素分析 25 《推销员之死》中的反英雄主义 26 论《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物悲剧的必然性 27 从奥斯丁和伍尔夫看英国女权主义思潮的演变 28 分析奥利弗退斯特悲剧生活的原因 29 从《绝望主妇》析字幕翻译的目的和归化策略 30 文化视野下的中美家庭教育方法的比较 31 论《英国病人》中角色的自我认知 32 A Comparative Study of Women in Fortress Besieged and Pride and Prejudice 33 中英酒吧文化对比 34 论《紫色》中的姐妹情谊 35 从《推销员之死》看消费主义时代美国梦的破灭 36 中英称谓语的差异 37 An Analysis of the Fool in King Lear from the Perspective of New Historicism 38 论交际法在初中英语教学中的运用 39 文化因素对品牌翻译的影响 40 《道连葛雷的画像》叙事艺术的分析 41 基于认知的颜色词隐喻研究


1、《汤姆索亚历险记》的作者是________________,他是_____国人。 2、汤姆索亚的全名是:___________________________ 3、汤姆索亚住在谁的家里?_______________;家里还有谁 ___________________________________。 4、“汤姆的姨妈罚汤姆干一件事,汤姆却把这件事当作快乐游戏引诱小朋友为他干,并交换得到了许多小朋友的苹果、风筝、铜门把手、石头弹子、鞭炮、小铁兵、刀把……”这件事指的是 5、啊呀,这女孩长得可真漂亮,一双可爱的蓝眼睛上闪动着长长的睫毛,一对金黄色头发编成的长辫子在身后晃荡,白色的衬衫扎在宽松的绣花长裤里,显得格外整洁动人。我们刚刚在战场上获得大胜的大将军汤姆心想,像这样的美人,一定属于我这样的英雄。这段话描写的人是谁? ___________________________ 6、汤姆喜欢的第一个女孩是:________________;第二个女孩是: ___________________。 7、汤姆背不出《圣经》,但他却想出一个办法从校长那里得到了一本《圣经》,他的办法是: ______________________________________________________ 8、“他经常穿着大人丢掉不要的破衣烂衫,全身一年四季都在开花,衣服上绽开的破布条随着他的蹦蹦跳跳而飘舞。他头上戴着一个很大的破帽子,一块弯月亮样的帽边搭拉下来遮住了半边脸,肥大的上衣几乎拖到脚跟,裤子只一根背带挎在肩上,另一根背带不知哪里去了,裤裆像个大口袋吊在两腿之间,一只裤脚卷着,还有一只毛了边的裤脚拖到地上,走一步带起一阵灰尘。”这段话描写的人是谁?_______________________________ 9、汤姆去上学,看见课室坐着新来的美丽女孩贝奇?萨契尔,他想坐到贝奇身边,故意老实对老师说他迟到前与流浪汉________________________在一起。 10、汤姆与________________一起在半夜去坟地里埋野猫时,看见 _________________把________________医生杀害了,这个杀人者却把罪行 嫁祸给了______________________ 11、汤姆想当海盗,他和_________________、_________________一起乘木筏来到密西西比河上的__________________岛,玩了一星期后,他们又在 ________________________________________________的时候出现在全 镇人的面前。 12、老师杜平的《解剖学》这本书被____________________撕破了,老师追 查时,汤姆却承认是自己撕破的。 13、暑假里,汤姆希望改掉自己的一些不良习气,加入了小镇上 “___________________”着个组织,并得到一条绶带,但汤姆后来退出了。14、汤姆勇敢地在法庭上站出来作证,指出__________________才是杀害 _____________医生的凶手,被冤枉的_____________最后被无罪释放。但凶 手却逃走了。 15、汤姆和__________________在鬼屋寻宝时,发现了杀人犯 __________________和一个装聋作哑的西班牙人,并得知他们获得了一袋金币。 16、印江?乔埃要报复_____________________,被_______________发现跟乔埃逃跑了。?踪,他赶紧报告威尔士,威尔士带两个儿子持枪抓捕,但印江


马克吐温名言英语 导读:本文是关于马克吐温名言英语的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、每条纬线都认为他只要获得了权利,就可以成为赤道。 Every latitude thinks that he can become an equator if he gains power. 2、当你为爱情而钓鱼时,要用你的心当作饵,而不是用你的脑筋。 When you fish for love, use your heart as bait, not your brain. 3、在所有的动物当中,人类是最残酷的,是唯一将快乐制造在痛苦上的动物。 Of all the animals, human beings are the cruelest and the only ones who make happiness painful. 4、习惯就是习惯,谁也不能将其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引下楼。 Habits are habits. No one can throw them out of the window. They can only lead them downstairs step by step. 5、爱情到来的时候,你既不能和它理论,也不能跟它讲价钱。 When love comes, you can neither argue with it nor bargain with it.

6、别到处埋怨这个世界欠你一个美好的生活,世界什么都不欠你,它比你先到。 Don't complain that the world owes you a good life. The world owes you nothing. It comes before you. 7、当你站在大多数人那边时,你就该想想自己是不是错了。 When you stand with most people, you should think about whether you are wrong. 8、如果你的朋友们开始夸你看上去多么年轻,那就是你正在变老的确据。 If your friends start to praise how young you look, that's the evidence that you're getting older. 9、我们要努力把一生好好地度过,等到死的时候,那就连殡仪馆的老板也会感到惋惜。 We should try our best to live a good life. When we die, even the owner of the funeral parlor will feel sorry. 10、实话是我们最宝贵的东西,我们节省着使用它吧。 The truth is our most precious thing. Let's save it. 11、让我们陷入困境的不是无知,而是看似正确的谬误论断。 It is not ignorance but seemingly correct fallacious assertions that make us in trouble. 12、必要的时候不妨把衣服穿得马虎一点,可是心灵美必须保持整洁才行。


马克·吐温的幽默故事 赴宴 一次马克·吐温应邀赴宴。席间,他对一位贵妇说:“夫人,你太美丽了!”不料那妇人却说:“先生,可是遗憾得很,我不能用同样的话回答你。”头脑灵敏,言辞犀利的马克·吐温笑着回答:“那没关系,你也可以像我一样说假话。” 吃鱼 有一天,马克·吐温收到一个初学写作的青年的来信。信中说:“听说鱼骨头里含有大量的磷质,而磷质有补于脑子。那么要想成为一个作家,就必须吃很多很多的鱼才行吧?您是否吃了很多的鱼?吃的哪种鱼呢?”马克·吐温在回信中告诉他:“看来你要吃一对鲸鱼才行。” 车票 马克·吐温一次乘车外出,火车开得很慢。当查票员过来查票时,马克吐温递给他一张儿童票。查票员调侃道:“我还真没看出您还是个孩子呢!”马克·吐温回答:“现在我已经不是孩子了,但我买票上车时还是个孩子哩。” 演讲 马克·吐温来到法国旅游。一天,他独自去理发店理发。“先生,您像刚从外国来的?”“是的。”“您真走运,因为马克·吐温先生也在这里,今晚您可以去听他演讲。”“我不得不去。”“先生,您有入场券吗?”“没有。”“这太遗憾了!”理发师耸耸肩,“那您只好从头到尾站着听了,因为那里不会有空座位。”“对!”幽默大师说,“和马克·吐温在一起可真糟糕,他一演讲我就得站着。” 没事的时候 法国名人波盖取笑美国人历史太短,说:“美国人没事的时候,往往喜欢怀念祖宗,可是一想到祖父一代,就不能不打住了。”马克·吐温回敬说:“法国人没事的时候,总是想弄清他们的父亲是谁,可是很难弄清楚。”油画马克·吐温在著名画家惠斯勒的画室参观时,伸手去摸了一下一幅油画。惠斯勒装着生气地喊道:“当心!难道你看不出这幅画还没干吗?”“啊,没关系,反正我戴着手套。”马克·吐温答道。


摘要 马克·吐温是美国著名的幽默讽刺作家,他的小说作品既充满幽默诙谐的情趣,又有着严肃而深刻的思想涵,从而将幽默与讽刺熔炼为一炉,形成了独特的幽默讽刺风格。鉴于马克·吐温的重要影响,研究其幽默讽刺艺术的资料甚多,但都或多或少的存在一个缺陷,那就是没有给予马克·吐温的幽默艺术和讽刺艺术同样的、足够的重视,而是往往将两者分裂开来,忽视了幽默与讽刺在他作品中的紧密关联。本文在借鉴既往研究资料的基础上,给予马克·吐温的幽默艺术和讽刺艺术平等的地位,并将两者有机整合于同一个话语系统中,这种尝试对于今后有关马克·吐温的创作艺术研究尤其是幽默讽刺艺术的研究未必不是一个很好的借鉴。文章通过分析和评述马克·吐温的诸多作品,探究他的幽默讽刺艺术的共通特点——漫画式的夸和荒诞、凸显矛盾和差异的对比手法以及口语化和善用反语的语言风格,并通过这些特点具体阐述马克·吐温幽默艺术与讽刺艺术的高度凝练和有机统一。在这样的艺术风格和追求中,我们看到,马克·吐温实现了自己“要做生活的导师”这一创作理想,同时他的幽默讽刺艺术对美国文学乃至世界文学都产生了深远影响。 关键词:幽默讽刺荒诞夸对比口语化

ABSTRACT Mark Twain is a famous American writer of humor and irony, and his novels filled with both humor and taste, and has a serious and profound ideological content, which will humor and satire as a smelting furnace, forming a unique style of humor and irony. Given the important influence of the art of research information on their humor and irony are many, but are more or less there is a flaw, it is not given Mark Twain's humor and satire art. Similarly, adequate attention but often the two split off, ignoring the humor and satire in his works in the closely related. In this paper, drawing on the basis of previous research data, inventive, giving Mark Twain's humor, satirical art and equality, and the organic integration of both systems in the same discourse, through analysis and commentary Mark Twain lot works delve into the art of his humor and irony common characteristics - comic exaggeration and absurdity, highlighting the contradictions and differences in contrast techniques as well as the use of the language spoken and ironic style. Through research, we see that in such a pursuit of art, Mark Twain implements its own "do life mentor" ideal. Keywords:Humor and irony absurd exaggeration contrast colloquial


(一)阅读下面的选段,完成13-16题。(12分) 政治经济学 (美)马克·吐温 早先我曾攻读政治经济学。每天上午我总是拿来一堆书,开始写文章。这工作要用上我全部的时间,因此我不喜欢有人打搅我。 话说那一天,我照常开始了工作,但是刚刚写了“政治经济学乃一切善政之基础……”几个字,我的工作被打断了,说是楼下大门口有一个陌生人要见我。我下楼问他有何贵干,同时竭力不让我的政治经济学的思绪跑掉。我是焦急万分,他却不慌不忙。 他说他刚才经过这里,发现我的房子需要装几根避雷针,因此冒昧来打扰。 我说:“好啊,你看怎么办?”他说没有别的,只是他很愿意帮我装。 我竭力装出一个会当家的老手,漫不经心地回答说,我早就想装上那么七八根避雷针了,只是……陌生人听了这话倒是吃了一惊。 我心想即使我脱口说出了什么外行话,想必他也不会计较的。只听见他说,在全城所有主顾中他最乐意为我效劳了。 我说那就装吧,说完正想走,他又把我叫住,说是需要知道到底想装多少“针”,装在房子的什么位置上,杆子要求啥质量。 我告诉他装八“针”,全装在房顶上,杆子要用最好的材料。 他说他供应的普通的一种是每英尺二十美分,铜质的是二十五美分,镀锌的螺旋状杆要三十美分。 我说我宁用螺旋状杆。于是他接着说,要想把事情干漂亮,好让任何人,看了都感到羡慕,都异口同声说有生以来从未见过这样对称布局的一组避雷针,那么他认为至少要用上四百英尺。 我说那就用它四百英尺,心里想着回去干我的工作。我终于摆脱了他,继续从事我的政治经济学。但是当我费了半个小时才使我的思路收拢时,他又打断我的工作,催我下楼去。 我又再次面对着装避雷针的人——他是那样的冷静,我则如此的烦躁。 他站在那里,正在品评鉴赏似的朝着我房顶上的主烟囱方向眺望。他说眼前这景致简直会使人产生新的乐趣,接着又说:“你自己说说看,可曾看见过比单独一个烟囱上就装有八根避雷针更美的景色吗?现在美中不足的,就差在屋顶周围再分散装上八根避雷针了。” 我说我还有急事要做,于是就让他再装八根避雷针,添加五百英尺螺旋状杆。 这一次我估计足足花了一个小时才把被打断的思路拉回来。但是装避雷针的人又传话上来要找我。 他说他是万万不得已,才只好又来打扰我,因为他发现原先的全部计算出了一点点毛病,照这个样子,万一雷暴到来,光凭这十六根避雷针怎能保证这座房子的安全呢? “求求你让我安静一下吧!”我说,“你就装它个一百五十根!在厨房间装一根,牲口棚上装一打!那只母牛身上装一对!厨师脑袋上也装上一根!你有什么材料全用上!用完避雷针,爱装什么装什么,但愿不要再来打扰我!” 后来当他又回来找我时,我对他说:“甭说了,报报账吧。九百美元?完事了吗?那么街上集合了这么多人干什么?怎么?原来是看避雷针!难道他们从未见过避雷针?是没有见过一座房子上装了这么多避雷针吗?真是少见多怪!我得下楼好好看看。” 在随后的二十四小时内,我们这座房子竟成了全城的一大奇观和人们议论的话题。房子所在的街道日夜都被看热闹的人群挤得水泄不通。 直到第二天,这才解了围,因为这时过来了一阵雷暴雨,雷电直冲我的房子打下来,五分钟后周围半英里内再也看不到一个观众了,但是在同样的距离外,所有高楼大厦的每个窗口和屋顶上都挤满了人。根据当时计算,四十分钟内,我的房子竟遭到了七百六十四次雷击。


Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get. 气候是我们期待的东西,天气是我们得到的东西。 小编:这句可以用来识别近义词。 Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times. 戒烟是这个世界上最容易的事情了,我知道这个因为我干过无数次了。 The most interesting information comes from children, for they tell all they know and then stop. 最有趣的消息都是从孩子嘴里说出来的,因为孩子说出他们知道的一切之后就打住了。 A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. 有了一个新想法的人只是个怪人,除非这个想法成功了。 小编:所以,不要再抱怨怀才不遇啦,只有创意和想法是不够的,还需要把创意和想法成功实现的行动力哦。 The main difference between a cat and a lie is that a cat only has nine lives. 猫和谎言的主要差别是猫只有九条命。 小编:原来,老外也信这个~ Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. 保持沉默让大家以为你是个傻瓜比开口说话让大家确定你是傻瓜要好多了。 Everything has its limit - iron ore cannot be educated into gold. 万物都有极限——铁矿石不可能打造成黄金。 小编:人也好,东西也好,不能指望不切实际的突破极限,但还是可以因材施教朝着合适的方向发展。iron 虽然不能变成gold,打造个iron man 还是有可能的。 Truth is stranger than fiction,because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities;truth isn't. 真实比小说更不可思议,因为小说还得遵从可能性,真实可不用。 A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar.男人只有在承认自己是骗子的时候才最真实。 When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it's a sure sign you're getting old. 当朋友都开始称赞你很年轻,就是你正在变老的表现。


马克吐温 人物生平 马可﹒吐温原名塞缪尔﹒克莱门斯。1835年出生于密苏里州的佛罗里达。父亲是一个贫穷的地方律师,收入微薄,塞缪尔是他们的第六个孩子。 1843年,父亲死于肺炎,年仅十二岁的塞缪尔被迫开始独立的劳动生活。他先后做过印刷厂学徒,当过送报员和排字工,参加过南军民兵部队(《艰苦岁月》,《卡城名蛙》),还经营过木材业,矿业——《百万英镑》,在密西西比河上当过水手,舵手,——《汤姆索亚历险记》《哈克贝利﹒费恩历险记》,但他所有的工作中最有效的还是当记者和写作幽默文学。 马克﹒吐温是美国批判现实主义的奠基人。他经历了美国从“自由”资本主义到帝国主义的发展过程。其思想和创作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺再到悲观

厌世。 我们来看一下他的作品分类(阶段) 《卡城名蛙》幽默诙谐的笔调嘲笑美国“民主选 早期《竞选州长》举”的荒谬和“民主天堂”的本质。 《艰苦岁月》 《匹克威克外传》,选民们都得了昏厥 症 《百万英镑》深沉、辛辣的笔调讽刺和中期《哈克贝利费恩历险记》揭露了像瘟疫般盛行的美国《汤姆索亚历险记》的投机,拜金狂热及暗无天 《傻瓜威尔逊》日的社会现象和惨无人道的种 族歧视。 《赤道环行记》批判揭露意义减弱,后期《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》显现出绝望神秘的情《神秘来客》绪,最后发展到悲观

厌世。 大背景 马克吐温出生于密苏里州,该州是个奴隶州,并被大部分人视为是属于南方的一部分,但密苏里里州并没有加入联邦。当战争开始的时候,马克吐温和他的朋友加入联邦的民兵部队,并参加了战斗。在那场战斗中有一个人被杀,马克吐温发现他根本不能忍受自己杀死任何人,所以他离开了。他的朋友加入了南军,马克吐温则到哥哥那里,当时哥哥是内华达州的秘书,他的这些经历成了《艰苦岁月》一书中的主要部分,并给《卡城名蛙》提供了资料。之后他写了《汤姆索亚历险记》,这本书描写了他在汉尼拔的童年。他模仿自己小时候的性格,塑造出汤姆的性格(人物形象),在这本书中引入的另一角色,哈克贝利费恩


Comparison On satire in Luxun’s and Mark Twain’s Works HUANGHE S&T COLLEGE SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ZHOU ZHAN JUN (黄河科技学院外国语学院周战军) Abstract:Living during the period of 19th-20th century, Lu Xun and Mark Twain are two great representatives of Chinese and American novelists respectively. Both of them are masters of writing in satire. This article compares the similarities and differences in their satire and has the conclusion that their influence is still far-reaching. Key Words: comparison; satire; direct satire; roundabout satire I. Purpose of the thesis Both Lu Xun and Mark Twain are masters of satire and contribute a lot to Chinese and American literature respectively. They had great influence upon writers after them, especially for their writing vehicles—satire. So far many researchers have become increasingly interested in Lu Xun’s satire or Mark Twain’s satire. However, few studies have made on the comparison of Lu Xun’s satire and Mark Twain’s satire. This is one of the reas ons why I’m interested in this topic. For other reasons, they had a large number of similarities: Lu Xun was the penname of Zhou Shuren; Mark Twain, pseudonym of Samuel Clemens. The life span of the two writers covered nearly the same age, Lu Xun was born in 1881, and died in 1936; while Mark Twain lived from 1835 to 1910. Meanwhile, Lu Xun was the founder of modern Baihua; while Mark Twain played a very important role in spreading American Colloquialism. Both Baihua and Colloquialism are milestones in literature. The most important reason why I’d like writing this is that I appreciate Lu Xun and Mark Twain’s prominent satire. S ome experts had analyzed Mark Twain’s satire, they pointed out that Mark Twain mixed humor with satire. Some scholars even argued th at Mark Twain’s writing style was transferred from humor to satire. Still, other studies have shown that Lu Xun described the psychology and performance of characters to criticize the unawake people. In this thesis, I want to make a comparison on Lu Xun’s satire and Mark Twain’s satire, to have a preliminary study on the style of their satire. In order to finish this job, some books are helpful, such as Lu Xun’s Kong Yiji, The True Story of Ah Q, The Medicine,Mark Twain’s The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras Country, The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg. Meanwhile, some writer’s views about Lu Xun and Mark Twain’s satire are also very important, such as Li Chuanpen, his article “On Lu Xun’s satire” argues that Lu Xun made full use of people’s appearance, ps ychology and action to criticize people’s apathy. [1] He gives us an example―Kong Yiji’s words and clothings. Y e Mang, “On the Satire of Lun Xun’s Novel”, published in June 15th 2007, points out in The True Story of Ah Q, Lu Xun used Ah Q’s view to satirize the people’s indifference.Wei Desan, “On the Satire of Mark Twain” argues that Mark Twain made full use of the arrangement of the plots and humorous words to criticize the evil. [2]He Dongyan, “On Mark Twain’s Humor” points out Mark Twain mixed humor and satire to satirize the injustice. [3] The purpose of this paper is to make a comparison on Lu Xun’s and Mark Twain’s satire, to find out the differences and similarities of their satire. This paper falls into 3 sections: section one is to tell the purpose of this writing; section two is about the comparison on the style of their satire; section three is a conclusion that there are similarities and differences between Lu Xun and Mark Twain’s satire.


创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX 创作者:别如克* 阅读下面的文字,完成(1)~(4)题。(25分) 百万英镑马克·吐温 一个豪华房间里坐着两兄弟,这两位绅士忽发奇想:假如一位有头脑、又诚实的外地人落难伦敦,举目无亲,除了一张百万英镑的大钞一无所有,而且他还没法证明这张大钞就是他的,这样的一个人会有怎样的命运呢?大哥觉得那人肯定会被抓住,然后饿死。弟弟却不以为然,他说愿出两万英镑打赌。就在这时,沦落在伦敦街头,破衣烂衫,兜里只剩一块钱的我来了。 他们给我一个信封,说打开便知他们的心意。我走到看不见那所房子的地方,打开信封一看,里边装的是钱哪!我急不可待地撒腿就朝最近的小吃店跑,一顿猛吃,一直到肚子实在塞不下东西了,我掏出那张钞票来展开,只扫了一眼,就差点昏倒。五百万!乖乖,我懵了,盯着那张大钞头晕眼花,想必足足过了一分钟才清醒过来。突然我计上心来,把那张大钞递到小吃店老板眼前。老板以为我是故意打扮成这样来跟他开玩笑的,说这点小钱不算什么,我想什么时候结就什么时候结。 从小吃店出来我去找了那两兄弟,想把事情问清楚把钱还给他们,却被告知他们出远门了,得一个月才能回来。我把刚才那信封里的信抽出来,信上说这笔钱借我用三十天,不计利息。这俩兄弟在我身上打了一个赌。假如弟弟赢了,我可以在他的职权范围内随意择一个职位。我对那份美差浮想联翩,期望值也开始上升。不用说,薪水肯定不是个小数目。过一个月就要开始上班,从此我就会万事如意了。 转眼间,我感觉好极了。看到一家服装店,我想甩掉这身破衣裳,可是,不一会儿我又转了回来,来来回回走了足有六趟,终于,我投降了,还是进去了。 我问他们有没有顾客试过不合身的衣服。伙计没搭理我,只是朝另一个点点头,另一个也不说话,又朝第三个点点头。第三个说这就来,我等着他忙完了手头的事,看他在一摞退货当中翻了一通,挑出一套最寒酸的来。这衣服不合身,毫无魅力可言,可它总是新的。我迟迟疑疑地说:要是你们能等两天再结账。就帮了我的忙了。现在我一点零钱都没带。”店员端出一副刻薄至极的嘴脸说:“哦,您没带零钱?说真的,我想您也没带。我以为像您这样的先生光会带大票子呢。”我火了:“我买得起,就是不愿添麻烦,让你们找不开一张大票。”他稍稍收敛了一点:“我可没成心出口伤人,我们找得开。”我把那张钞票递给他,他笑着接了过去,那种无处不在的笑容,笑里有皱,笑里带褶,一圈儿一圈儿的,就像往水池子里面扔了一块砖头。可是,只瞟了一眼钞票,他的笑容就凝固了,脸色大变,就像你在维苏威火山山麓那些平坎上看到的起起伏伏的凝固熔岩。我从来没见过谁的笑脸定格成如此这般的永恒状态。这时老板过来看到底出了什么事。 那老板看了一眼,便一头扎进一堆衣服里乱翻起来。一边翻,一边不停唠叨:“把一套拿不出手的衣服卖给一位百万富翁!这个傻瓜!从来就没分清过谁是百万富翁,谁是流浪汉。啊,我找的就是这件。先生,请把这些东西脱了,都扔到火里去。您赏我

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