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我的父亲大学英语演讲稿6篇My father's College English speech document

编订:JinTai College













My father always stands in the center of my life, from past till now and possibly in the future.

My family was rather poor when I was in my childhood. We didn't have our own house and had to

live in a shabby, small room rented from my father's factory. The room was so small that there was little space for people to walk. I didn't have my own bed and had to sleep with my parents. This is terrible both

for my parents and me.

But father made this all different! Since the room was on the third floor, namely, the top floor in that old style building, the roof was quite high above the floor. So father got an idea. He bought two thick

ropes and a flat wood that later was planed smooth, painted and drilled two holes on both ends.

Then he hung the ends of ropes up to the roof. During the daytime, these two ropes would be tied up

so that people down could walk freely! When night came, father would loose the ropes and tied them to the two holes of that flat wood. The length of these ropes was just long enough for me to sit or sleep on the board without other's help.

So in this way my lovely, removable bed was born.

When winter came, this special bed obviously wouldn't be able to make me feel warm enough. But

father always had his so lution! He built a garret using some flat wood and iron sticks right above the bed. With some used iron tubes, he made an iron ladder for us to climb up to the garret. Besides, he made a wood en desk for me to do my homework, and some simple furniture for my clothes, books and something else he had in fact made a small bedroom for me.

At first, my mother and I dared not climb for

fear that it might collapse. But father climbed it everyday to prove its safety. The garret looked simple even shabby and the ladder seemed to decline soon. But later when I got used to it, I found it as solid as those made by professional carpenters.

I carried all my personal things onto that garret. My father and I pasted red papers on the wall and painted the ugly furniture red. So the garret became the first "room" that belonged to me.When I was about to move to my new house, I just didn't want to leave. That garret was created with my father's love and sweat and intelligence, beautified with my hand and filled with so many sweet memories of my family! That hard but sweet life time would live in my memory forever with father stands in the center of it.

篇章2:我的父亲大学英语演讲稿【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】If someone asks me who affects me most in my life, I will definitely tell him or her that the person should be no one else but my father. As a matter of

fact, I have been much affected by father's humor, kindness, enterprise, strong will ever since I was a little girl.

Father is well-known for his humor. He always makes use of his wit and humor to relax tense

situation at work. He is m humorous that his colleagues and friends all enjoy staying with him. He also uses humor to create a very happy family atmosphere. My mother tends to chatter over little things. Sometimes she talks angrily without any pause. When this happens, father just listens to her without a word. "Why don't you say a word, man?", mother is more angry at father. At this time father would give a cup of tea to mother, then replies: "Why not have tea first, my dear? Just take your time to enjoy it. I'm always your attentive listener." Hearing these words, mother stops talking with her anger gone at once. Such funny scenes often appear between father and mother which makes our family life happy and interesting.


Everyone has a father. My father is of middle height. He is stout and severe looking, with keen expressive eyes. On first sight you may feel he is

hard to approach. In fact he is very kind and considerate. Appearance is often misleading, so judge not by appearance.

I believe my father is a talented man. He is decisive and efficient in doing things. By his own talents and efforts, he has secured for the family a good soclal position and a comparatively rich life. People of all fields come to my house and, as a result, I gain lots of hard-earned social experiences and see more joys and sorrows of the world.

But at home, he is a harsh parent. He has high expectations of me. When I am lazy and idling away my time, I can see that it hurts him deeply. When I am doing something great, such as writing a book, he is more than excited. With such a father I am always reminded to go on and on, never give up.


Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.

Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.

When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,"Richness, can you take me with you?"

Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot

of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."

Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!"

"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you."

"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"

Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.

Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who Helped me?"

"It was Time," Knowledge answered.

"Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?"

Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."


I have been in University for about one year. During my stay here, I came to realize that university life is like drinking coke. We experience all tastes of life here, sour, sweet, bitter and hot.

I am from Province, which is far away from here.

I often miss my Mum, friends, and relatives in my hometown. However, I can't see them very often. So loneliness always keeps me company. I am sad that I can't be there with them.

Lucky for me, life in university is rich and colorful. With more free time,we can do many more things besides study, such as joining

societies clubs, and taking part-time jobs. Such activities not only make our life more colorful, but also help us improve all kinds of skills. The university is a society miniature, what we learn here will benefit our future life.

Our path in life will not always be smooth. Setbacks can't be avoided. Failing an important exam,

break up with boy or girl friend, or refused by a promising company, such setbacks are likely to get us down. Sometimes we fell so frustrated that we even burst into tears. Drinkin coke is wonderful, despite the undesirble consequent hiccups. It's bitter, sour and peppery, but also sweet. And you'll even feel excited after gulping down a glass. A college experience is part of growing up. We cry, smile, fall in love, get hurt, leave, learn and then we become a better person.

University life is like drinking coke. I'm experiencing it. And I know, I enjoy it!

篇章6:大学英语即兴演讲稿3分钟【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】Smile, and sometimes can be a life to retain power.

"To retain the life of laughter," tells the story of a place in the true story of the war years, in the story, a huge smile to show her magic.

War, a number of German soldiers found guilty of a terrible mistake had been closed to general, including one soldier in particular would like to go out alive, but this possibility is too remote. He was informed of his life in the death of the ultimatum had been issued - and three months would be shot, so he does not pin any hope on the survival of the. Two weeks later, he calmed down. He visited every day to face the smiling general, the generals began to ignore him, then, he has a little goodwill, and began to talk to him ... ... three months after the date on the

blink of an eye later, shot By the time this is a very strange shot: General cite shot on the left hand,

right hand to give back to the team that can be a continuation of the war. His turn, he closed his eyes, waiting for death to come, this time, his generals to see, he slowly raised his right hand ... ...

This is the life-saving force, which is hard to imagine the magic! Every day to a general apology to smile, even from its own bottom line back to the

original point of death, this not the great power of a smile?

If we are able to smile in the face of every person and every thing, the success or failure of

honor in the face with a smile, a smile in the face of all with a smile of genuine spiritual insights better life, it would be very happy and well-being.

Jan-mouth, will be able to draw a beautiful arc, which is how simple things! However, we do every day

to add a smile to my soul? Did not - did not test test, simply Poguanposhuai; job search is unsuccessful, they feel depressed; to buy lottery tickets with the first prize was only a figure on the stomp beat their

chests ... ...

Strictly speaking, these trivial little too! But sometimes we do these things to worry all day,

affecting many of the stem.

Smile is a force used to be a smile, a smile used to the things people will not be led by the nose,

facial expression is not just a smile or a state of mind, it should be a smile from the heart. The story of the soldiers that if only the blunt expression, that the general will be more than just a pleasing.

So smile is a positive state of mind, you have a smile on other people, other people will also answer your smile.

Smile is in the hearts of the Yi Shuguang, the hearts of bright, full of hope.

Smile is embedded in the heart of love, the magic of love.

In the face of your life with a smile! We find that the world is so beautiful.

-------- Designed By JinTai College ---------


初中生简单英语演讲稿范文6篇Simple English speech for junior high school students 编订:JinTai College

初中生简单英语演讲稿范文6篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:初中生简单英语演讲稿范文 2、篇章2:初中生简单英语演讲稿范文 3、篇章3:初中生简单英语演讲稿范文 4、篇章4:初中生短篇英语演讲稿 5、篇章5:初中生短篇英语演讲稿 6、篇章6:初中生短篇英语演讲稿

英语演讲是学校重视英语实际应用常会举行的活动,这 也是课堂教学的一种延伸,可以让学生们学到更多的知识。下面是小泰为大家整理了初中生简单英语演讲稿范文,欢迎大家阅读。 篇章1:初中生简单英语演讲稿范文 Hello, everyone, I’m Liu Dongdong. I’m a student. There are three people in my family—my father, mother and I. My father is 40 years old. He is a worker. I think he is a good worker. Because he works very hard. He gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. So he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets 小学 home. He likes reading newspapers. He usually reads it after supper. So he gets lots of news. My mother is 38 years old. She is a worker too. She works in a very small factory. She is not tall and she has two big eyes. She loves me and she is good for

最新-关于我的大学演讲稿 我的大学演讲稿6篇 精品

关于我的大学演讲稿我的大学演讲稿6篇有人说,成长像一本日记,每一页都记有我们成长的欢乐与心酸.成长还像一串珍珠,每一串都记有我们成长的一个故事. 而我觉得成长就像老鹰学习飞翔,从断崖俯冲,经过无数次失败后,翱翔在九霄云外.每个人每一次的经历都是他一次成长的蜕变!1997年7月1日,香港回归祖国的怀抱,1个多月后我降临在这个奇妙的世界. 我想,每个人的降生对这个世界都有独特的意义,是的,我一直坚信着,每个人都会成为点缀着这颗蓝色星球最亮的星.小时候的我,成绩不出众,才艺也没有,身高属于残废,颜值还拖低班级的平均水平. 就是那种把你仍在大街上,就会马上淹没在人群中的最普通的人.但是,虽然上帝给我关上了所有的门还上了防盗锁,但我想他忘记了加防盗窗. 我有一颗不服输的心,我一直认为这是支撑我一直努力着走到现在的源泉动力.记得小时候对车特别感兴趣,看见邻居能够骑着单车奔驰在马路上,而自己骑着还是儿童自行车(那种后面带有平衡轮的车子),(那时候我)就想着我也要学会,而且骑的比他好,是的,我确实学会了. 高一那年,学校搬迁新校区,因为爱自由,不想被公交车拘束,所以买了辆山地车,还记得小时候学骑车那种想要超过别人的感觉,所以每天骑车上学,对我来说并不完全是上学,还是锻炼骑行技术的时候,是的,那一年我学会如何只用双脚去平衡车子并拐弯,学会了如何脚不点地的使车子停在路上一段时间,当然还学会了修自行车.也记得高中三年,每个月都有一次考试,那时候总是对考试有种莫名的感觉,既爱又恨吧,每次考试时都纠结着答案,也每次都期待着成绩,因为每次都想着进入全班前五,每次都会把月考成绩多打印一份留存,那纸上的圈圈点点都记录着我的一段段心路历程,每次都想着下次要超过XX,这过程中也收获着失望与惊喜. 因为总觉得自己并不比别人差,有些事情别人可以做到,我想我应该也可以,当然经历了太多考试之后,也收获了宠辱不惊,闲看庭前花开花落;去留无意,漫随天外云舒云卷的心态.高三那年,记得教室里堆着看不见人脸高的书,记得黑板上醒目的高考倒计时,记得习题永远做不完,记得上课永远都是昏昏欲睡的,记得后排的女生永远都是那么漂亮,记得老师一直在说到了大学你们就解放了.


大学英语演讲稿主题 篇一:3分钟英语演讲稿带翻译3篇 My Chinese Dream 我的中国梦 I am very glad to stand here to give thier a short my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland 很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未来。 When preparing for the English speech contest, I simply want to search some articles as the contents of my speech. I read a lot of articles, some from the university professor, some from the famous host, some from the college students, and even from junior high school students. But after reading it, I gave up the idea, I even felt shameful. Today,the topic I want to talk about is a solemn and serious theme full of glory and pride, which is a common aspiration of all our Chinese. Every Chinese has his own dream of China, and of course, there is a dream lingering in my heart only belongs to my own. 在准备英语演讲比赛的时候,我本想简单地从上搜索一些文章作为我演讲的内容。我看过很多文章,有著名主持人


篇一:英语演讲稿1分钟 亲爱的同学们: 你们好! 我想请问大家,如果我打开地图,请你为我指出,你最喜欢哪个国家?也许你会指自由自在的美国,也许你会指浪漫的法国,也许你还会指神秘的埃及。可是在我们的心中,却永远忘不了一个令人骄傲的国度,那就是我们的祖国——中国! 我们伟大的祖国是最大的国家之一。它的人口超过12亿。北京是他的首都。想必大家都知道,中国历史悠久,在1949年以前,我们曾是一个很软弱贫穷的国家,这些都已成为过去,中国现在是一个强大的发展中国家。事实证明,中国是强大的不可战胜的。 如果有人问起,我会自豪地说,我是中国人。中国我为你骄傲。 谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕! hello, everyone 自我介绍 i’d like to ask you to point out your favorite country if here is a map. maybe you will choose the united states for the freedom; maybe you will choose french for the romantic. i’d like to say that these are nice countries for traveling. but there is one country in the bottom of my heart, and i will be proud of her forever, that’s china---my motherland! our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. it has a population of over thirteen hundred million. beijing is its capital. it’s needless to say that china has a long history.now china is a strong and developing country. facts have proved that china is a powerful, invincible. if anyone asked, we will proudly say that i am chinese.i am proud of you-----china. i am a primary school student now; i know that all of us are the future of our nation. so, what we need to do is to study hard step by step, listen carefully in the class and do homework everyday so that we can dedicate ourselves to our nation when we grown up! that’s my speech! thank you for listening. 篇二:新大学生英语一分钟演讲稿 新大学生英语一分钟演讲稿 yes,we can this is for my people who just lost somebody, your best friend, your baby, your man or your lady. lift your head to the sky, we will never say bye. these are words of the song bye-bye. every time when i hear it, i’ll always lose myself in grief recalling the tough time we came through in 2011. the snow storm, the tibet issue, the obstruction to the olympic torch relay,the earthquake……time dates back to the day the horrible earth quake occurred in sichuan, tens of thousands of people lost life and families. i’ll never forget those days i sat front of the tv, moved by people never gave up under ruins even there’s little hope to survive. i’ll never forget those days most newspapers and websites were all in black and white. i’ll never forget those days i had my black coat on, writing down my best wishes to the suffering people. at the same time, i also remember those days my friends abroad told me that they joined in the protest against western world’s bias on china and the fight against the tibetan separatists. i can still remember the day when i went to see the torch


中学生英语演讲稿五篇 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 五分钟英语演讲稿篇一 Ladies and gentlemen, your honored judges When you're leaving the hotel will you look into a mirror and adjust your clothes in front of it. But if it were a black mirror what could we get? With technology developing at a rocket speed, the black mirror is everywhere, on the screens of our cellphones, our computers and our televisions. In our daily life, we are always facing black mirrors. However, we can hardly see ourselves in it. Perhaps sometimes we can, but only as a colourless face. Technology has brought great convenience of communication for information but at the same time, it has webbed our thought. Several years ago, an article named “Is Google making us stupid” got quite popular on the Internet. At that time, I thought it was just alarmism but now I find it much worse because technology is not just making us stupid but also weakening our independent thought. About half year ago, I was invited to judge a debate competition. When I arrived at the competition room,


关于大学生活的演讲稿模板合集6篇 关于大学生活的演讲稿模板合集6篇 演讲稿的格式由称谓、开场白、主干、结尾等几部分组成。在我们平凡的日常里,越来越多地方需要用到演讲稿,那么,怎么去写演讲稿呢?下面是小编精心整理的大学生活的演讲稿7篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 大学生活的演讲稿篇1 我想,每位同学在初中甚至高中新学期的第一次班会就是“新学期新计划”,没想到来到大学同样有这样的班会。不过,每一个大一新生来到完全陌生的大学环境都如在黑暗中探索。但提前给自己定一个奋斗目标如在黑暗中点亮一盏明灯,时刻提醒指引我们前进。 之前通过学长学姐们的经验交流,可以避免我们走弯路。但每个人都是一个独立存在的个体,不可能完全照搬经验,应该有自己的大致规划。大学生活主要包括学习,工作和生活。下面我就从这三个方面来讲讲我的规划。 关于学习:只要我们还是学生,学习总应该放在比较重要

的位置。都说大一应该打下夯实的高数和英语基础。所以在这两门科目上投入更多的精力是无可厚非的。上了一周的高数可,我感觉确实有一定难度,课前的预习和课后的习题巩固相当重要。希望通过自己踏实的学习在高数上不要挂科。马上就要开始安排晨读了,这是学习英语,练习英语口语的最佳机会。早起确实很难,但我作为学习部的一员,我不仅要以身作则更应让其他同学在晨读中有所所获。我们一周只有两天晚上有课,晚上的大把时间应该充分利用起来。去图书馆,参加各种讲座活动都可以收获很多!其它课程我想上课认真听讲,考前记下重点,考试问题应该不大。 关于工作:每一位大一新生都希望在大学找一份工作来锻炼自己。我也不例外,经历了很多次面试,进入了三个部门。肯定会累一点,忙一点,但我很充实,认识了很多人,交到很多朋友,学到很多书本上没有的知识。做到工作学习两不误才是最好的。 关于生活:因为生在武汉,来到大学是我第一次完全独立生活。从打开水到洗衣物,到洗澡,到整理内务……一切都显得很不习惯。没有了父母的帮助和关心,甚至唠叨,自主权还给了我。多了份自由,少了份拘束;多了份辛劳,少了份关爱;多了份懒散,少了份督促……但有了寝室里同学们的帮助和关心,我同样感觉有家一般的温馨。 我相信,在学习,工作,生活三方面找到平衡点,齐头


篇一:大学英语演讲稿3分钟 大学英语演讲稿3分钟 when i was seven, i started learning english. i played games and sang english songs with other children. sometimes, i watched english cartoons. its funny. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world. i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america to visit washington, because my cousin is over there. of course, i want to go to london too, because england is where english language developed. if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy. i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. also ill introduce china to them, such as the great wall, and the gardens in suzhou. i will teaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country. i like the english language. to learn english is wonderful. i my future is not a dream. 篇二:大学英语演讲稿3分钟 大学英语演讲稿3分钟 when i was seven, i started learning english. i played games and sang english songs with other children. sometimes, i watched english cartoons. its funny. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world. i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america to visit washington, because my cousin is over there. of course, i want to go to london too, because england is where english language developed. if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy. i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. also ill introduce china to them, such as the great wall, and the gardens in suzhou. i will teaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country. i like the english language. to learn english is wonderful. i my future is not a dream. 篇三:3分钟英语演讲稿带翻译3篇 my chinese dream 我的中国梦 i am very glad to stand here to give thier a short speech.today my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland 很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未来。 在准备英语演讲比赛的时候,我本想简单地从网上搜索一些文章作为我演讲的内容。我看过很多文章,有著名主持人的、北大教授的、大学生的,也有初中生的。但是看完之后,我放弃了当初的想法,我甚至为当初的想法感到有一些羞愧。因为今天我站在这里向大家演讲的主题,是一个庄重而严肃的主题;是一个充满荣耀与自豪的主题;是每一个中华儿女共同期盼的主题。每个人都有属于他们自己的中国梦,而我,当然也有一直萦绕在心怀只属于我的中国梦。 so what?s my chinese dream ? finally i will announce. we had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. we


大学英语演讲稿3分钟3篇 3分钟大学英语演讲稿篇一 when i was seven, i started learning english. i played games and sang english songs with other children. sometimes, i watched english cartoons. its funny. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world. i hope i can travel around the world someday. i want to go to america to visit washington, because my cousin is over there. of course, i want to go to london too, because england is where english language developed. if i can ride my bike in cambridge university, i will be very happy. i hope i can speak english with everyone in the world. also ill introduce china to them, such as the great wall, and the gardens in suzhou. i will teaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country. i like the english language. to learn english is wonderful. i once wanted to be an english teacher . i also like chinese literature. when i was really young, i was able to remember lots of poems. i also wanted to be a teacher of chinese. now i think that both of my


我的大学演讲稿范文5篇 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 愉快、难忘的大学生活即将结束,两年多的大学生活为我将来的工作打下了良好的基础。我坚信,在以后的工作中,我会更好地发 挥主观能动性,从点滴的小事做起。古人说:不积跬步,无以至千里。我将以高尚的职业道德、严谨的工作作风、负责的工作态度, 透过我勤劳的双手,将一个个困难变成一个个跳动的音符,奏响出 悦耳动听的旅游工作交响曲。 时光流逝,空间转移。再见了,美丽的xxx!再见了,我的大学——难忘的旅游学院!老师们,再次真诚地感谢你们,我在工作中会 时常想念你们;同学们,让我们展开壮志与毅力的事业双翼,一齐飞 向更高的蓝天! 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! 我的大学演讲稿范文(二) 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 或许有同胞们会说,我的大学生活需要规划吗?周一到周五就是 不停地上课,下课,再上课,周末就是不停地睡觉,吃饭,再睡觉。每个星期都是不停地重复,重复再重复。再加上计划永远赶不上变化,难道还必须每天都不停地重新规划,重新规划,再重新规划?既 然这样,大家认为对大学生活还有没有必要规划啊?我认为是有的, 不然我就可以说:“我的演讲到此结束”了。 其实大学规划指的是什么呢?首先,我们要明白“规划”的含义,“规划”是指对未来整体性、长期性、基本性问题的思考、考量和 设计未来整套行动方案!是比较全面的长远的发展计划。所以,没错,

计划永远赶不上变化,但变化又永远追不上规划喔!再具体地说,你 很难听见有人说:我们国家的规划生育工作做得不错哦!这样子,所以,小弟我认为规划是一件比较泛的工作,而计划是一件比较烦的 工作。你需要制定很多很多的小计划来完成一个大学生活规划。 那说到小弟我自己了,对于小弟来说,就在过去的一个学期,我们的生活有了许多的改变,所以,在心理方面,我们要适应这些改变,无论是周围的生活环境,还是考试方式,上课模式,大学作息,身边的人等等,用一个学期去适应这些,我认为只有这样,对于接 下来几年的路,才会更好走。 那还有些剩下的时间又怎样利用呢?兼职,锻炼,到图书馆逛逛,虽然,以上三样我连一样都没做,但我确实认为这是有必要写进我 的规划里的,不然,时间一久,就会感觉生活不充实啊,抱怨什么 大学好无聊啊,这样子,然后经常都会感觉不知道自己到底要做什么,或是做什么都提不起劲。为什么会这样啊,因为你的生活太空 闲了,你缺乏一个由目标带来的动力。 规划了空余时间,规划了爱情,接下来我要规划一下日常生活。自从到了大学,真的很多同学都说自己花的钱都是建立在父母的痛 苦之上,说自己不可以在这里浪费光阴,要挣钱养活自己。然后就 每天吃很少,又找很多兼职,我觉得呢,有把握好那个度咯,我上 学期就因为每顿都吃得太少,导致一学期瘦了10斤。所以,我以后 要有一个营养均衡搭配的饮食,有水果,有牛奶,身体都垮了拿什 么学习啊?至于穿着方面,说真的,我来湛江没有买过衣服,也不打 算在这买,自己带来的够穿就行了,当然,你家住得很远,不方面 的话,那当然要买啦,是吧。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! 我的大学演讲稿范文(三) 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!


大学生环保主题英语演讲稿 这篇大学生环保主题英语演讲稿是由整理提供的,请大 家参考!大学生环保主题英语演讲稿 We Are a Normal Member of the Big Family of Nature 我们只是自然大家庭中普通的一员By Wang Yonghui( 主永晖北京对外经济贸易大学) 专家点评 : 演讲者围绕环境污染的 严重性作了一次次的说明。文章的结构严谨,也很有层次感。 Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen. Today,we are gathering here to discuss a very hot issue. how to find harmony in a new age between man and nature? Where modern science and technology are concerned I am only a layman I have to say. However, living in this "new age" , seeing my dear ones suffering from respiratory diseases from time to time, finding the beautiful colors of green and blue are being replaced by that of gray and pale, and realizing that our mother planet is getting more and more unhealthy; I can't help trying to offer my idea and my trivial efforts to look for the answer of the question.尊敬的评委,女士们、 先生们。今天我们聚在一起讨论一个热门的话题: 如何在新时代找到人与自然的和谐?谈到科学技术,我必须承认,我


大学英语演讲稿:选择的重要性 Over the past Spring Festival, I got involved in a family dispute. Right before I got home, four satellite channels of CCTV were added to the 14 channels we had already had. In prime time at night, they all had interesting shows. Therefore, the five of us-my parents, my sisters and I-had to argue over what to watch. Finally, we agreed that we should watch the "most interesting" program... If wecould agree what that was. However, all of us there remember that for a long time after we had TV, there were only one or two channels available. The increase in options reveals an important change in our life: the abundance of choice. Fifteen years ago we all dressed in one style and in one color. Today, we select from a wide variety of designs and shades. Fifteen years ago, we read few newspapers. Today, we read English newspapers like the China Daily and the 21st Century, as well as various Chinese newspapers. Fifteen years ago, English majors took only courses in language and literature. Today, we also study Western culture, journalism, business communications, international relations, and computer science. The emergence of choices marks the beginning of a new era in China's history; an era of diversity, of material and cultural richness, and an era of the rebirth of the Chinese nation. We enjoy the abundance of choice. But this has not come easily. About 150 years ago, China was forced to open up its door by Western canons and gunboats. It has been through the struggle and sacrifice of generations that we finally have gained the opportunity to choose for ourselves. The policy of reform and openness is the choice that has made all the difference. Like others of my age, I'm too young to have experienced the time when the Chinese people had no right to choose. However, as the next century draws near, it is time to ask: What does choice really mean to us young people? Is choice a game that relies on chance or luck? Is choice an empty promise that never materializes? Or is choice a puzzle so difficult that we have to avoid it? First, I would like to say: To choose means to claim opportunities. I am a third-year English major. An important choice for me, of course, is what to do upon graduation. I can go to graduate school, at home or abroad. I can go to work as a teacher, a translator, a journalist, an editor and a diplomat. Actually, the system of mutual selection has allowed me to approach almost every career opportunity in China. Indeed, this is not going to be an easy choice. I would love to work in such big cities as Beijing or Shanghai or Shenzhen. I would also love to return to my hometown, which is intimate, though slightly lagging in development. I would love to stay in the coastal area where life is


初中英语演讲稿【五篇】 【篇一】初中英语演讲稿 good morning everyone: it’s a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. then today i want to talk something about dreams and reality. as the famous russian litterateur lev tolstoy (列夫、托尔斯泰)said, “ideal is the beacon(烟火、灯塔). without ideal, there is no secure (无虑的, 安全的, 安心的, 可靠的’, 保险的)direction; without a direction, there is no life.” so there’s no doubt that everyone needs his or her own ideal. have you ever thought that what is practical and sensible(.明智的, 有感觉的, 明理的) will connect with our most treasured dreams? maybe, to somebody, reality has little relation to ideal. to others nothing can be done without the sense of reality. so make our dreams a part of our reality. and make our reality a part of our dreams. there is no reason why our dreams must oppose our reality. improve our dreams and our reality by bringing them together. as a university student, establishing a dream is one of the most important things we have to do .but


大学英语演讲稿【四篇】 大学英语演讲稿【一】 The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. For example , forest destruction results in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather. In addition, man is faced with problems of water pollution and air pollution. A lot of measures have been taken. Planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment. Besides, laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and achieved good results. However, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved. On the one hand, the environment pollution and destruction are getting worse and worse in the modern world. On the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem. In a word, there is a long way to go before we enjoy a clean and comfortable world. The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. For example , forest destruction results in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather. In addition, man is faced with problems of water pollution and air pollution. A lot of measures have been taken. Planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment. Besides, laws concerning environmental


大学英语演讲稿4篇 大学的英语可不比小学。英语演讲是每个大学生都需要拓展的技能,为大家整理了有关大学英语的演讲稿4篇,欢迎大家阅读。 大学英语演讲稿篇 1 We've all been taught that we should help people. It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. It may even win us favors in return. However, we must be realistic. We can't say yes to every request. If we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure. Sometimes we simply don't have the time to help. In this case, we must know how to say no politely. When we need to say no, here is one method we can try. First, we should tell the truth. If we really can't do something, we should just say so. Second, we should remember to refuse requests politely. We must communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic. A true friend will understand. Finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no. Sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do. It can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble. In short, we cannot please everyone all the time. Refusing favors

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