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1. (2005 天津卷) By the time Jane gets home , her aunt ______ for London to attend

a meeti ng.

A. will leave

B. leaves

C. will have left

D. left

[解析]答案为C o从gets home可知Jane还未回到家,等到 Jane在将来的某个时


2. ( 2008 四川卷)The telephone ___ ,but by the time I got in doors ,it stopped.

A. had rung

B. was ringing

C. rings

D. has rung

[解析]答案为B o进门之前电话铃一直在响,但当我进门的时候,它停止了。but 前面分句的动作是先发生的,而且延续的时间较长,故用was ringing 。

3. (2008 山东卷) By the time he realizes he ______ i nto a trap , it 'l be too late for him to do any thi ng about it.

A. walks

B. walked

C. has walked

D. had walked

[解析]答案为C o主句用了一般将来时,根据时态一致原则排除B和D o根据句意


4. (2009 北京卷) When I talked with mygrandma on the phone, she sounded weak,

but by the time we ___ up , her voice had bee n full of life.

A. were hanging

B. had hung

C. hung

D. would hang

[解析]答案为C o当我与祖母通电话时,她听起来很虚弱,但是当我们挂断电话的

时候,她的声音已经充满活力。by the time 后的主句用了过去完成时,因此空档处最好


5. (2011 辽宁卷) By the time Jack returned homefrom England , his son _______ from college.

A. graduated

B. has graduated

C. had bee n

D. had graduated



by the time 意为到..... 时候(为止)”是一个介词短语,在句中经常起连词作用,


1. 如果从句中的谓语动词是一般过去时,那么主句中的谓语动词通常用过去完成时,


By the time he was fourteen years old , Einstein had learned advaneed mathematics all by himself. 到14岁的时候,爱因斯坦就已经自学完了高等数学。

By the time he returned home , the rain had stopped. 等他回至U家时,雨已经停了。

2. 如果从句中的谓语动词为一般现在时(表示将来),那么主句中的谓语动词常为将来


By the time John finishes his homework, his classmates shall have left to play football. 到约翰做完作业时,她的同学将已离开去伦踢足球了。

By the time you get back , I shall have fi nished the work. 到你回来时,我将


3. 如果主句动作不强调已经完成,只是说明过去某个时候的状况,此时主句不用完成

时,而应根据实际需要选用适当的时态,此时by the time 相当于when。例如:He was out of breath by the time he reached the top. 登上顶端时,他气喘吁吁。

By the time the bus came, so many people were waiting that it was a free fight 公共汽车来的时候,等车的人很多,成了一场挤车的混战。

to get on it.

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