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◆奥斯卡·王尔德Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

《道林·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray,1891年)


乔治·萧伯纳G eorge Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)


?《圣女贞德》(Saint Joan)

The Victorian Age—English Critical Realism

Victorian literature:

Novel became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought.

Writers like Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy showed their primary concern is about the people in the society with sympathy for the poor and the unfortunate and became the major voice of the literary world by presenting a faithful picture of the horrible capitalist England.

The big output by the Victorian poets, especially Alfred Tennyson, the most representative poet of the time, and Robert Browning, the most original and experimental poet, paved the way for the 20th-century modern poetry, both in subject matters and technique.


Points of view:

He hates the social evils and intends social reform by exposing and critic izing in his works all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruption in the 19th –century England.

He thinks that the state should intervene to control the rapacity of landlords and capitalists.

He wants improvement in the life of the poor, but is afraid of a real revolution.

Dickens is a humanitarian who pours all his love and sympathy for those poor, weak, innocent, injured and neglected good people.

Charles Dickens (1812-1870)---The greatest representative of English critical realism

Major Works

There is abundant variety in Dickens’s invention of character and situation. Dickens has often been compared to Shakespeare for creative force and range of invention.

1836—1841, first period, Period of youthful optimist: fun, high spirit, naive optimism

1) Sketches by Boz (1836) ?博兹特写集?, the first book

2) The Pickwick Papers (1837) ?匹克威克外传?

3). Oliver Twist(1837-1838)?奥克佛·特维斯特?,《雾都孤儿》

4). Nichols Nickleby (1838-1839)?尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝?

5). The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841)?老古玩店?

6). Barnaby Rudge (1841) ?巴纳比·拉奇?

1842-1850, The second period-- Period of excitement, irritation and frustration: exposing the corrupting influence of wealth and power, optimism turned into dissatisfaction and irritation

1) American Notes (1842) ?美国札记?

2) Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-1844)?马丁·朱述尔维特?

3) A Christmas Carol(1843)《圣诞颂歌》

4) The Chimes《教堂钟声》

5) The Cricket on the Hearth《灶上蟋蟀》(以圣诞为题材, 具有浓郁宗教色彩。

6) Dombey and Son(1847-1848)?董贝父子?

7) David Copperfield(1849-1850)?大卫·科波菲尔?, the most autobiographical, one of the greatest English novels

The third period, a Period of steadily intensifying pessimism, showing underlying tone of bitterness, loss of hope for English bourgeois society

In his novels of this period, Dickens, consciously and subconsciously, shows himself more and more at odds with bourgeois society .

1) Bleak House(1852-1853) ?荒凉山庄?2) Hard Times(1854) ?艰难时世?

3) Little Dorrit (1855-1857)?小杜丽?4) A Tale of Two Cities(1859) ?双城记?

5) Great Expectations(1860-1861) ?远大前程?

6) Our Mutual Friend (1864-1865) ?我们的共同朋友?

7) Edwin Drood (unfinished)(1869)?艾德温·德鲁德之迷?.

Characteristics o f Dickens’ Life

?A man of action and business in the world, a student and writer of books

?The best shorthand reporter on the London press

?The best amateur actor on the stage

?A successful periodical editor

?Radical in politics and ideology

?Concerned about social problems

?Faithful to the people, pessimistic to capitalist society, the expression of the conscience of

his age

His Literary Creation & Literary Achievements

His later works show a highly conscious modern artist. The settings are more complicated; the stories are better structured. Most novels of this period present a sharper criticism of social evils & morals of the Victorian England, for example, Bleak House, Hard Times, Great Expectations & so on. The early optimism could no more be found.

Charles Dickens is one of the greatest critical realistic writers of the Victorian Age. It is his serious intention to expose & criticize in his works all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy(伪善)& corruptness(腐败)he saw all around him. In his works, Dickens sets a full map & a large-scale criticism of the 19th-century England, particularly London. A combination of optimism about people & realism about society is obvious in these works. His representative works in the early period include Oliver Twist, David Copperfield & so on.

Charles Dickens is a master story-teller. His language could, in a way, be compared with Shakespeare's. His humor & wit seem inexhaustible. Character-portrayal is the most outstanding feature of his works. His characterizations of child(Oliver Twist, etc.), some grotesque people (Fagin, etc.) & some comical people(Mr. Macabre, etc.) are superb. Dickens also employs exaggeration in his works. Dickens's works are also characterized by a mixture of humor& pathos.

Social Attitudes

●hates the state apparatus, especially the Parliament

●believes in the state’s positive role in raising the living standards of the working class

●social reform should work in the direction of reducing aristocratic privilege

●wants improvement in the life of the poor, but is afraid of a real revolution

●As a bourgeois writer, he can in no way supply any fundamental solution to the social


Selected Reading: Oliver Twist

● a novel set in London and in rural England in the 1830s

●presents Oliver Twist as Dickens's first child hero & Fagin the first grotesque figure.

●bettering the conditions in the English workhouses

Main Plot

●A young orphan, Oliver Twist, escapes a harsh apprenticeship in a rural town and travels

to London, where he becomes involved with a gang of thieves.

●Fortunately for Oliver, he is befriended by a wealthy family whose members protect him

from the robbers, investigate his mysterious past, and discover his parentage.

Analysis of Major Characters

Oliver Twist

On many levels, Oliver is not a believable character, because although he is raised in corrupt surroundings, his purity and virtue are absolute.

Throughout the novel, Dickens uses Oliver’s character to challenge the Victorian idea that paupers and criminals are already evil at birth, arguing instead that a corrupt environment is the source of vice.

Oliver does not present a complex picture of a person torn between good and evil—instead, he is goodness incarnation.

Themes In Oliver Twist, Dickens mixes grim realism and merciless satire as a way to describe the effects of industrialism on 19th-century England and to criticize the harsh new Poor Laws. The powerlessness of children Good’s ability to triumph over evil

Man’s humanity to man The inhumanity of city life under capitalism

The outcast’s search for status and identity The heinous nature of crime and criminals Dickens wrote, “I wished to show in little Oliver, the principle of Good surviving through every adverse circumstance and triumphing at last.”

Distinct Features of Dickens’Novels

1) Character Sketches & Exaggeration

In his novels are found about 19 hundred figures, some of whom are really such " typical characters under typical circumstances," that they become proverbial or representative of a whole group of similar persons.

As a master of characterization, Dickens was skillful in drawing vivid caricatural sketches by exaggerating some peculiarities, & in giving them exactly the actions & words that fit them: that is, right words & right actions for the right person.

2) Broad Humor & Penetrating Satire

Dickens is well known as a humorist as well as a satirist. He sometimes employs humor to enliven a scene or lighten a character by making it (him or her) eccentric, whimsical, or laughable. Sometimes he uses satire to ridicule human follies or vices, with the purpose of laughing them out of existence or bring about reform.

3) Complicated & Fascinating Plot

Dickens seems to love complicated novel constructions with minor plots beside the major one, or two parallel major plots within one novel. He is also skillful at creating suspense & mystery to make the story fascinating.

4) The Power of Exposure

As the greatest representative of English critical realism, Dickens made his novel the instrument of morality & justice. Each of his novels reveals a specific social problem.

2. Points of View

A spokesmen of the poor people

It is his serious intention to expose and criticize all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruptness.

He hates the state apparatus, especially the Parliament, and yet he is convinced that the state should intervene to control the rapacity of landlords and capitalists and to raise the living standards of the working class.

He is interested in social reform. He is certain that reform should work in the direction of reducing aristocratic privilege.

He wants improvement in the life of the poor, but is afraid of a real revolution.

A humanitarian who pours all his love and sympathy for the poor, weak, innocent, injured and neglected good people

3. Special Features

A master story-teller


both types and individuals

mostly larger than life

best at child character portrayal

horrible and grotesque figures and

the broadly humorous or comical characters.

Writing from a child's point of view

Humor and pathos

Dickens is a great humorist.

He believes that life is itself a mixture of joy and grief.

He gives readers bright merriments and dark gloom at the same time, mingling tears and laughter as in real life.

William Makepeace Thackeray (1811—1863) 威廉?梅克皮斯?萨克雷

主要作品:1) The Book of Snobs《势利人脸谱》《势利者集》

It gives a satirical description of the different strata of the ruling classes of England and is regarded as a prelude to Thackeray’s major literary career.

2) V anity Fair《名利场》

3) The History of Pendennis《彭登尼斯》

4) The Newcomes 《纽克姆一家》

5) The History of Henny Esmond《亨利?埃斯蒙德》

6) The Virginians《弗吉尼亚人》

Analysis of V anity Fair

Vanity Fair is Thackeray's masterpiece. It was published in 1847-48 in monthly installments. The sub-title of the book, “A Novel Without a Hero”, suggests the fact that writer ' s intention was not to portray individuals, but the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a whole. The title was taken from Bunyan's “Pilgrim's


In this novel Thackeray describes the life of the ruling classes of England in the early decades of the 19th century, and attacks the social relationship of the bourgeois world by satirizing the individuals in the different strata of the upper society. It is a world where money grubbing is the main motive for all members of the ruling classes.

Amelia Sedley ;simple, sentimental, weak, but good at heart

Rebecca Sharp;cunning, immoral and quick-witted 随机应变的shrewd, unscrupulous, sophisticated世故的

In the novel, Becky Sharp is a classic example of this money-grubbing instinct(本能).

Everyone wishes to gain something in Vanity Fair and acts almost in the same manner as Becky. The Characteristics of V anity Fair

(1) Vanity Fair has a sub-title, A Novel Without a Hero, which intends to portray the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a whole.

(2) Vanity Fair is work of social criticism, and is noted for the author’s realistic depiction, the ironic and sarcastic tone and constant comment and criticism.

(3) In Vanity Fair, Thackeray gives block characters(人物群体).

4) Thackeray uses symbolism in Vanity Fair.

(5) Thackeray employs an omniscient/?m?nisi?nt/ (无所不知的) narrator to tell the story. Comments on Thackeray’s Novels

1) Thackeray is one of the greatest critical realists of the 19th century Europe. He paints life as he has seen it. With his precise and thorough observation, rich knowledge of social life and of the human heart, the pictures in his novels are accurate and true to life.

2) Thackeray is a satirist. His satire is caustic(刻薄的,尖锐的) and his humor subtle(精妙的).

3) Thackeray is a moralist. His aim is to produce a moral impression in all his novels. Thackeray's writing style;Criticism Realistic Satire

The pessimism in his novel(悲观主义色彩)

It represents in four aspects:

*sentimentality in his subjective consciousness

*the tragic characters in the novel

*the tragic traits of the characters

*women's rights could't be got

Charlotte Bronte夏洛蒂·勃朗特1816-1855)-- a British authoress

Her writing style

concise,expressive, simple and vivid, combined with the first-person narrative language

It made her novels more close to the reality and the readers.

Meanwhile, her novels also reflected the characteristics of European Romantic literary tradition, showing the author's rich imagination and temperament of the poet.

In her narration, she used dreams, hallucinations, feeling and symbolism, metaphor and other techniques naturally ,which make her novels more attraction.


1) The Professor,《教授》(based on her Brussels experience; not published until her death)

2) Jane Eyre,《简爱》(masterpiece) p.295

(1) the criticism of the bourgeois system of education; the Lowood school;

(2) the description of the English country squire;

(3) position of woman in society: equality

3) Shirley,《舍丽》(p. 294. Para. 2.) dealing with the life of workers at the time of the Luddites’movement (卢德运动, 17 c. machines, deprived, work, destroy)

4) Villette,《维莱特》, (p. 294. Para. 2.) a realistic description of her sad experiences at a boarding school in Brussels.

Emily: Wuthering Heights,《呼啸山庄》

Anne: Agnes Grey,《安格尼斯·格雷》

The Tenant of the Wildfell Hall 《王尔德费尔庄园的佃户》

Jane Eyre,taking the form of autobiographies written by authoritative and reliable narrators tells a story of a child’s development and maturation. Its popularity and success owns much to its exceptional emotional power. Deep inside Jane we discover Charlotte’s soul.

It is a work of critical realism as well as the first and one of the most popular works of the working middle- class women.

It is the first governess novel in the history of English literature.

Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the title character. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticim ,gothicism and romanticism to create a distinctive Victorian novel. Point of view in Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is written in the first person (“I”) which functions as follows:

1. indicates the characteristic of autobiography.

2. be favorable to reveal intense, fierce and sharp feelings directly and powerfully.

3. provides a full and complete thoughts of the whole event and the other characters from the angle of vision of the narrator.

4. makes the work consistent and tends to give authority and credibility to the narrative.

The use of verb, adjective and adverb reinforces the strength of emotions. It makes the sentence more intense and reflects the sharp anguish and inner struggles of the characters. While reading, we can’t help temporarily identifying ourselves with the characters. It proves especially in Jane’s declaration.

The following are two examples selected from chapter 23, Jane Eyre:

Themes Morality God and Religion Social class Gender relations Love and Passion Independence Atonement and Forgiveness Search for home and family

The writing style of Jane Eyre

1. the rich nature images which help establish the characters’ lives and build their personalities.

2. the framework of fair tale such as Cinderella (a heroine who is ill- treated by her stepmother but gets married to a prince later).

3. various rhetorical devices and writing skills such as hint, simile, metaphor, metonymy, symbol and so on.

Thornfield: thorn(荆棘,使人生气或苦恼的事物)+field. It is a image in Bible which alludes to Jane’s suffering from the unfair life and resisting the temptation from the outside world.

Love is a religion in Jane Eyre.

Jane Eyre’s development

There are five distinct stages of developm ent, each linked to a particular place: Jane’s childhood at Gateshead, her education at the Lowood School, her time as Adele’s governess at Thornfield, her time with the Rivers family at Moor House, and her reunion with and marriage to Rochester at


Analyze the work

The work is one of the most popular and important novels of the V ictorian age. It is noted for its sharp criticism of the existing society, especially the bourgeois system of education. At the same time , it is an intense moral fable. Rochester, has to undergo a series of physical and moral tests to grow up and achieve his final happiness.

. Jane Eyre's character:

Jane Eyre,an orphan child with a fiery spirit and a longing to love and be loved,a poor,plain,little governess who dares to love her master,a man superior to her in many ways,and even is brave enough to declare to the man her love for him,cuts a completely new woman image. In this novel Charlotte characterizes Jane Eyre as a naive,kind-hearted,noble-minded woman who pursues a genuine kind of love.

Jane Eyre represents those middle-class workingwomen who are struggling for recognition of their basic rights and equality as a human being. The vivid description of her intense feelings and her thought and inner conflicts brings her to the heart of the audience.

Charlotte Bronte is a writer of Realism combined with Romanticism. Why is Jane Eyre by her a successful novel?

The story opens with the titular heroine, Jane Eyre, a plain little orphan.

This novel sharply criticizes the existing society, e.g. the religious hypocrisy of charity institutions such as Lowood School where poor girls are trained, the social discrimination Jane experiences and the false social convention as concerning love and marriage

3. The success of the novel is also due to its introduction to the English novel the first governess heroine Jane Eyre.

4 It is an intense moral fable at the same time. Jane, like Mr. Rochester, has to undergo a series of physical and moral tests to grow up and achieve her final happiness.

Jane Eyre: A Ground Breaking Novel

The heroine is small, plain, & poor

The heroine is the first female character to claim the right to feel strongly about her emotions and act on her convictions

This romantic ground had previously been reserved for males

Such a psychologically complex heroine had never been created before

Based on Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, discuss the theme of her works and the image of women protagonists.

1. Charlotte’s works are all about the struggle of an individua l consciousness towards self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for love, understanding and a full happy life.

2. All her heroines’ highest joy arises from some sacrifice of self of some human weakness overcome.

3. The image of women protagonists in her works mostly reflect the life of the middle-class working women, particularly governesses.

4. Her works present a vivid realistic picture of the English society by exposing the cruelty, hypocrisy and other evils of the upper classes, and by showing the misery and suffering of the poor. Especially in Jane Eyre, she sharply criticizes the existing society, e.g. religious hypocrisy of charity institutions.

Charlotte’s features of her novels

1. presents a vivid realistic picture of the English society.

2. shows as intense love for the beauty of nature.

3. Greatly influenced by Byron and Scott, her novels are all about lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for life and love.

4. Charlotte is exceptionally good at landscape painting and presentation of atmospheres of mystery, horror and prophesy.

5. Charlotte is known as a great impressionistic verbal painter.

Wuthering Heights

It is one of the most intense novels written in the English language.

It is a story of doomed love and revenge.

The protagonists are characterized as figures of violent emotions and typical Y orkshire characters. The Gothic tradition and transcending including its sophisticated observation and artistic subtlety. Features of this novel

1. There is the combination of extremely simple language with the most mighty and intensified effects.

2. Its confusing narrative forms and narrators. The first person and the third person.

3. The apparent absence of social mortality.

Emily Bronte is perhaps the greatest writer of the three Bronte sisters - Charlotte, Emily and Anne. Emily Bronte published only one novel, Wuthering Heights . But that single work has its place among the masterpieces of English literature. Some of her best lyrics are also rated with the best in English poetry.

As far as Emily’s literary creation is concerned, she is, first of all, a poet. Her 193 poems, mostly devoted to the matter of nature with its mysterious working and its unaccountable influence upon people’s life, are works of strange sublimity beauty. They are ample proof for the poetic genius of this young, reclusive woman. But , to the common readers, she is better known today as the author of that most fascinating novel, Wuthering Heights.

2. The novel is a riddle which means different things to different people. From the social point of view, it is a story about a poor man abused, betrayed and distorted by his social betters because he is a poor nobody. As a love story, this is one of the most moving: the passion between Heathcliff and Catherine proves the most intense, the most beautiful and at the same time the most horrible passion ever to be found possible in human beings.

One way of reading is to treat it as a romantic story, as a tale of love and revenge. As such, it is superb. Every character in the novel is in one way or another connected with the triangular love between Heathcliff and Catherine and Edgar. Such love affair will usually end in tragedy. And yet, it is a most terrible yet wonderful tale of love with the mutual possession and torment, with the mutual belonging in life and death.

From the social point of view, the story is a tragedy of social inequality. Heathcliff, a waif, of the lowest order in society, is eager for love and friendship, but is forever looked down upon and rejected by the two families. He loves Catherine dearly but he cannot have her just because of the disparity between their social status.

At some deeper level, however, the story is more than a mere copy of real life. To many people it is an illustration of the workings of the universe, a book about the cosmic harmony of the universe and the destruction and re-establishment of this harmony. Finally the harmony is

reestablished when Heathcliff unites with Catherine in death and the ghosts of both stay to occupy Wuthering Heights, having young Cathy and Hareton to start their young, hopeful life at Thrushcross Grange.

2. The theme of the novel

The novel is a riddle which means different things to different people. From the social point of view,it is a story about a poor man abused,betrayed & distorted by his social betters because he is a poor nobody. As a love story,this is one of the most moving:the passion between Heathcliff and Catherine proves the most intense,the most beautiful & at the same time the most horrible passion ever to be found possible in human beings.

3. The structure of the novel

The novel has a unique structure:the story is told through independent narrators unidentical with the author,whose personality is therefore completely absent from the book. The story is told mainly by Nelly,Catherine's old nurse,to Mr. Lockwood,a temporary tenant at Grange. The latter too gives an account of what he sees at Wuthering Heights. And part of the story is told through Isabella's letters to Nelly. While the central interest is maintained,the sequence of its development is constantly disordered by flashbacks. This makes the story all the more enticing and genuine.

Emily’s Wuthering Heights

Heathcliff is a rebel against the bourgeois matrimonial system (婚姻制度).

The theme of the novel: a full human life (完美人生) in a capitalist society was impossible of attainment (达到).

What is the difference between Charlotte and Emily in expressing love?

Charlotte: thwarted(挫败的), lonely, sublimated (升华的)love

Emily:triumph, revenge of love against the 19th century

Writing Features

Both Charlotte and Emily write about their familiar things around them.

A: Charlotte’s Writing Features:

1) Charlotte’s novels are all about lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for life and love.

Charlotte’s Writing Features

2) Her novels are more or less based on her own experience and feelings and the life as she sees around.

3) Although her objective descriptions are detailed and exact, she is a subjective writer.

4) Her works are marked with an intensity of a volcanic(暴烈的) imagination and fiery passions and feelings, such as extreme fear, despair, and love, which can only be understood as her own. Emily’s Writing Features

1) She expresses the feelings of the hero in terms of spiritual suppress, tension and conflicts and the result to which such a feeling would lead.

2) Her novel is unique in its structure and its vision.

3) In her novel, there is the combination of extremely simple, austere (简朴的) and an adorned (修饰的) language with the most mighty and intensified effects (强大而有力的作用).


19世纪英国小说专题考试试题 一、名词解释(4*5') 1.欧洲历史小说之父:司各特被称为欧洲"历史小说之父". 沃尔特〃司各特(Walter Scott, 1771-1832)的浪漫主义历史小说为他赢得“西欧历史小说之父”的声誉。 2.现实主义思潮 哥特式小说:属于英语文学派别,是西方通俗文学中惊险神秘小说的一种。一般被认为随着贺瑞斯·华尔波尔的《奥特朗图堡》而产生。哥特小说可以说是恐怖电影的鼻祖,更重要的是,它使我们今天习惯地将哥特式与黑暗、恐怖联系在一起。3.显著的哥特小说元素包括恐怖,神秘,超自然,厄运,死亡,颓废,住着幽 灵的老房子,癫狂,家族诅咒等。 4.勃朗特三姐妹:夏洛蒂·勃朗特,艾米莉·勃朗特,安妮勃 朗特 二、简答(5*10') 1.谈谈简·奥斯汀小说的特点 一、以自己熟悉的乡村生活为背景,描写乡村绅士和淑女的日常生活、家庭、爱情、婚姻始终是其作品的中心。 在嘲讽生活的同时保持着崇高的道德感,不把生活漫画化,而是机智、幽默地向读者呈现出生活中因个性冲突而造成的种种感情纠葛。 二、善用白描手法塑造“球形”或“圆形”人物 比如《傲慢与偏见》 应该说,简作品里的人物都是一部关于年轻人自我

教育和自我发展的成长史。 三、作品具有明显的戏剧性 初版时比较明显,大多是三卷加一个序幕,像个三幕剧,带有承、传、转、合的意味。 因为:一是叙述起来比较方便,再者她对人物的外部表现和细腻的场景描写非常感兴趣。 四、作品具有“反传奇”的特点针对“风俗小说”、“哥特式小说” 总的来说,简在19世纪初英国小说流于感伤和猎奇之际,以独特的写实手法写出了真实的人际关系、人们的日常生活和内心世界,从而反映了一个时代的侧面和一个阶层的精神面貌,这是简小说一方面的成就。 2.查尔斯·狄更斯的创作概况:早期(1833-1841) 大多以幽默风趣见长,同时也表现出善于抒情和渲染的特点。作品中虽有对社会弊端的揭露,但笔调却是喜剧性的,对生活的态度是乐观的,带有浪漫主义的理想色彩。《匹克维克外传》、《奥列佛·退斯特》、《尼古拉斯·尼考贝》、《老古玩店》。 国外旅行时期(1841-1847) 除早期特点之外,还多了一分愤懑,更多地表现出慈悲之心和仁爱精神。《马丁·朱述尔维特》、《圣诞故事集》鼎盛期(1848-1861)

英国文学史及选读 复习要点总结

《英国文学史及选读》第一册复习要点 1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题) 2. Romance (名词解释) 3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’s story 4. Ballad(名词解释) 5. Character of Robin Hood 6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet) 7. Heroic couplet (名词解释)8. Renaissance(名词解释)9.Thomas More——Utopia 10. Sonnet(名词解释)11. Blank verse(名词解释)12. Edmund Spenser “The Faerie Queene” 13. Francis Bacon “essays” esp. “Of Studies”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读) 14. William Shakespeare四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的是Hamlet这是肯定的。他的sonnet也很重要,最重要属sonnet18。(其戏剧中著名对白和几首有名的十四行诗可能会出选读) 15. John Milton 三大史诗非常重要,特别是Paradise Lost和Samson Agonistes。对于Paradise Lost需要知道它是blank verse写成的,故事情节来自Old Testament,另外要知道此书theme和Satan的形象。 16. John Bunyan——The Pilgrim’s Progress 17. Founder of the Metaphysical school——John Donne; features of the school: philosophical poems, complex rhythms and strange images. 18. Enlightenment(名词解释) 19. Neoclassicism(名词解释) 20. Richard Steele——“The Tatler” 21. Joseph Addison——“The Spectator”这个比上面那个要重要,注意这个报纸和我们今天的报纸不一样,它虚构了一系列的人物,以这些人物的口气来写报纸上刊登的散文,这一部分要仔细读。 22. Steel’s and Addison’s styles and their contributions 23. Alexander Pope: “Essay on Criticism”, “Essay on Man”, “The Rape of Lock”, “The Dunciad”; his workmanship (features) and limitations 24. Jonathan Swift: “Gulliver’s Travels”此书非常重要,要知道具体内容,就是Gulliver游历过的四个地方的英文名称,和每个部分具体的讽刺对象; (我们主要讲了三个地方)“A Modest Proposal”比较重要,要注意作者用的irony 也就是反讽手法。 25. The rise and growth of the realistic novel is the most prominent achievement of 18th century English literature. 26. Daniel Defoe: “Robinson Crusoe”, “Moll Flanders”, 当然是Robinson Crusoe比较重要,剧情要清楚,Robinson Crusoe的形象和故事中蕴涵的早期黑奴的原形,以及殖民主义的萌芽。另外注意Defoe的style和feature,另外Defoe是forerunner of English realistic novel。 27. Samuel Richardson——“Pamela” (first epistolary novel), “Clarissa Harlowe”, “Sir Charles Grandison” 28. Henry Fielding: “Joseph Andrews”, “Jonathan Wild”, “Tom Jones”第一个和第三个比较重要,需要仔细看。他是一个比较重要的作家,另外Fielding也被称为father of the English novel. 29. Laurence Sterne——“Tristram Shandy”项狄传 30. Richard Sheridan——“The School for Scandal” 31. Oliver Goldsmith——“The Traveller”(poem), “The Deserted V illage” (poem) (both two poems were written by heroic couplet), “The Vicar of Wakefield” (novel), “The Good-Natured Man” (comedy), “She stoops to Conquer” (comedy),


19世纪浪漫主义作家 十九世纪的浪漫主义文学是文艺的基本创作方法之一,与现实主义同为文学艺术上的两大思潮。在创作方法上与现实主义的不同,浪漫主义侧重于从主观内心世界出发,抒发对理想世界的追求,常用热情奔放语言、瑰丽的想象和矿长的手法来塑造形象。而浪漫主义作为思潮,是十八世纪后半叶到十九世纪上半叶盛行并发展于欧洲。 浪漫主义文学思潮的兴起,同这一时期流行的德国古典哲学有密切的联系。德国古典哲学奠定了浪漫主义文学思潮的理论基础。康德、费希特、谢林、黑格尔,夸大主观作用,强调天才、灵感和主观能动性,把“自我”提到高于一切的地位。这一时期,空想社会主义在欧洲一些国家里传播很广。圣西门、傅利叶、欧文,批判资本主义制度,幻想消灭阶级对立、企图通过空想实现全人类的解放,助长了耽于空想、脱离现实的倾向。 浪漫主义作家: (一)德国 弗里德利希·史雷格尔(1772-1829)是浪漫主义理论的奠基者。他发挥了席勒在《素朴的诗和感伤的诗》中的论点,使“古典的”和“浪漫的”两个概念逐渐传播于西方文论中。他在美学论著《断片》中阐述了他的浪漫主义理论,认为人的主观精神高于一切,“而世界便是它的艺术品”。诗人写诗,是为了表现自我,表现人类的完整个性,因此,“浪漫主义的诗是包罗万象的进步的诗”,“许多艺术家虽然不过存心只写一部长篇小说,实际下却描绘了自己本人”。史雷格尔的浪漫主义,是主观唯心论在文学理论上的反映,他的论点通过英国柯勒律治、法国史达尔夫人等人在西方产生了深远影响。 诺瓦利斯(1772-1801)是耶拿派的作家代表。他敌视启蒙运动和法国大革命,主张恢复中世纪君主专制和天主教统治。诗集《夜的颂歌》是为悼念他所爱的一个14岁便死去的女孩而写的,歌颂黑夜和死亡,充满病态心理和神秘主义色彩。在未完成的长篇小说的《亨利希·封·奥夫特丁根》里,他把中世纪描绘成牧歌式的黄金时代。 阿尔尼姆(1781-1831)、布伦塔诺(1778-1842)。他们重视发掘民族文化遗产,对中世纪的民间文学感兴趣。民间诗歌的朴素、单纯,对当时的文学发生了很大影响。阿尔尼姆和布伦塔诺搜集整理民间诗歌,合编了民歌集《男童的神奇号角》。 格林兄弟是雅各布·格林(1785-1863)和威廉·格林(1786-1859),当时涌现出来的童话作家。格林兄弟共同搜集民间故事、传说和童话,整理出版了《儿童与家庭童话故事》,即《格林童话集》(1812-1814),成为世界儿童文学的财富。其中脍炙人口的《灰姑娘》、《小红帽》、《白雪公主》等,这些童话所宣扬的正义、忠诚、善良、勇敢等品德对全世界都有教育作用。 霍夫曼(1776-1822)是一个有广泛影响的浪漫主义作家,他的作品具有奇异和荒诞的色彩。主题上,写人的生活受到一种阴暗的、幽灵般的力量的支配,无法主宰自己的行动,对社会进行批判,别具一格的讽刺。艺术上,幻想和现实相交织的手法,深刻的心理描绘,丰富的想象力。为20世纪现代派开启先河主要作品有《金罐》、《公猫摩尔》、《小查克斯》。海涅(1797-1856)是在浪漫主义的影响下走上创作道路的。他的理论著作是《论浪漫派》(1832),对德国早期浪漫主义进行了批评。他早期创作的诗歌体现浪漫主义特色。一是歌颂爱情,描写理想女性。二是想象丰富,描写梦境。通过对形形色色的梦境描写,来延伸诗人的现实感受,追求超脱现实之外的理想境界或幻想世界。梦幻性超过现实性。三是热爱大自然,描绘自然美,采用民间文学题材。主要作品《诗歌集》和《新诗集》、《德国,一个冬天的童话》和《罗曼采罗》


英国文学复习总结详解 Part one:Early and medieval English literature 1.Beowulf《贝奥武甫》------the national epic of the English people ,it is also the epic of the Anglo-Saxon.(P3) 2.The name of the terrible monster------Grendel(格伦德尔)(P3) 3.the most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration(头韵),others are metaphor (暗喻)and understatement(保守陈述)(P5) 4The Norman Conquest (诺曼征服)marks the establishment of feudalism in England. (P6) 5.The romance(传奇文学)(P8) The most popular of literature in fedual England was the romance. It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. The hero of the romance was the the knight, a man of noble birth, skilled in the use of weapons. It was written for the noble class(贵族的文学) Romances falls into three cycles : “matters of Britain”( adventures of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table),“matters of France” (Emperor Charlemagne and his peers) “matters of Rome”. (Alexander the Great and so for th) 6. William Langland威廉·朗兰------ Piers the Plowman《耕者皮尔斯》(P11) 7.The ballads(民谣)(P17) The most important department of English folk literature is the ballad.It is a story told in song ,usually in 4-line stanzas [?st?nz?],with the second and fourth lines rhymed. It was written for common people(平民文学). The subjects of ballads are various in kind,as the struggle of young loves against their feudal-minded families,the conflict between love and wealth ,the cruelty of envy,the criticism of the civil war,and the matters of class struggle. The most famous ballads are the ballads of Robin Hood. 8.Geoffrey Chaucer’ Contributions <1>Father of English poetry in 14th century. Chaucer introduces from France the rhymed stanzas of various types instead of the old Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse,especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter(the heroic couplet) to English poetry.(P26) <2>Chaucer is the first great poet who wrote in the English language. His production of so much excellent poetry is an important factor in establishing English as the literary language of the country.He did much in making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech.(P26) <3>the founder of English realism(P23) The Prologue(序言)suppies a miniature of the English so ciety of Chaucer’s time <4>. he forerunner of humanisim (P24 倒数第二行) 9.Geoffrey Chaucer died in 1400 and was buried in Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂)thus founding the “Poets’ Corner”..(P20) 10.The Romaunt of the Rose(translated from Franch)《玫瑰传奇》 Troilus and Criseyde(adapted from the Italian)《特洛勒斯和克莱西》 10. Geoffrey Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟------The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》 The tales of the Knight,the Pardoner(卖赎罪券者),the Nun’s Priest (尼姑的牧师),the Wife of Bath,together with the Prologue,are the best of the whole collection.(P24)(了解一下) Part two:The English renaissance


英国文学总结: 一:The Anglo-Saxon period(央格鲁萨克逊时期)(450----1066) 1. First Anglo-Saxon poet: Caedom. 2. Two highlights in the development of the Anglo-Saxon literature-----Northumbrian school and Wessex literature 3. “Father of English History” is Venerable Bede. “英国历史之父” 代表作:The Ecclesiastical History of the English People 4. The king Alfred:代表作:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle He created a style of Anglo-Saxon prose which was not obscure. 他创造了Anglo-Saxon散文体。 5. Anglo-Saxon poetry: Beowulf《贝奥武夫》( national and religion epic) A mixture of paganism(异教) and Christian elements. 二:The Norman Period (1066---1350) =The Medieval Period 1. Romance was a type of literature that was very popular in the Middle Ages. (1): the matter of France: the exploits of Charlemagne the great and Roland, Chanson de Roland (2): the matter of Rome: Alexander the great and the Great and the siege of troy. (3): the matter of British: the Arthurian legend: Sir Gawain, Launcelot, Merlin, the death of King Arthur. 三:The Age of Chaucer(乔叟时代) (1350----1440) 1.John Wycliff:Father of English prose“英国散文之父”, translate the Bible into standard English. 2.William Langland: Piers Plowman《农夫彼尔斯》Form: Allegory寓言 3.Geoffrey Chaucer:The Father of English Poetry“英国诗歌之父”,首创“heroic couplets”英雄双韵体,首次用伦敦方言写作,被葬在:Westminster Abbey Works divided three periods: A: 1360—1372: French literature: The book of the Duchess B: 1372---1836: Italian literature: Troilus and Criseyde adapted from Boccaccio The Decameron C: the last fifteen year of his life: The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》 四:The Fifteen Century (1400----1550) 1.Ballds(歌谣) became an important feature in the 15th. The most popular is the Robin Hood Ballads.五:The English Renaissance (1550—1642) 1.Edmund Spenser斯宾塞:The poet’s poet 诗人的诗人 代表作:The Shepherds Calendar《牧羊人日记》 The Faerie Queene《仙后》 Amoretti《爱情小唱》 2. Christopher Marlow马洛创造了无韵体/素体诗“blank verse”, 代表作:Tumburlaine《帖木儿大帝》 The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus《浮士德斯博士的悲剧》 3. William Shakespeare莎士比亚 代表作:two narrative poems: Venus and Adonis The rape of Lucrece 四部悲剧:Othello Macbeth Hamlet King Lear 四部喜剧:As you like it《皆大欢喜》Mid-summer Night’s Dream 《仲夏夜之梦》Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》The Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》 六:The Seventeenth Century (1603---1688) 1.Francis Bacon培根:father of science 科学之父 First English essayist 第一位随笔作家 The founder of English materialist philosophy唯物主义哲学开拓者 代表作:Essay《随笔》----of studies《论学习》


Part Five: Romanticism in England the Age of Poetry Teaching Arrangement: I. Historical Background II. Romanticism III. A. poets 1. Escapist romanticists / Lake Poets(湖畔派诗人) (William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey) 2. active romanticists /demonic group/Satanic school (撒旦派) (George Gordon Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats) B. essayists (Charles Lamb, William Hazlitt, Thomas De Quincey) C. novelist (Walter Scott) I. Historical Background (1) Industrial Revolution —transformed Britain from agricultural to industrial country, responsible for the change in the pattern of social life and the worsening of social contradictions;? (2) American revolution in 1775— the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, with its emphasis on individual rights; (3) The French revolution in 1789 —introduced the democratic ideals: liberty, equality and fraternity for everybody; (4)the abolition of slavery in the British colonies; (5) the introduction of system of national education; (6)the Factory Acts《工厂法案》by which the employment of children under nine was forbidden by the law. (7) Lyrical Ballads, 《抒情歌谣集》a collection of poem by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, published in 1798, which marked the start of Romanticism as a literary trend. II. English Romanticism 1. definition—English Romanticism is generally said to have began in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth & Coleridge‘s Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill《改革法案》in the Parliament. English Romanticism is a revolt of the English imagination against the neoclassical reason. The French Revolution of 1789-1794 and the English Industrial Revolution exert great influence on English Romanticism. Romanticists show in their works their profound dissatisfaction with the social reality and their deep hatred for any political tyranny, economic exploitation and any form of oppression, feudal or bourgeois. In the realm of literature, they revolt against reason, rules, regulation, objectivity, common senses, etc. and emphasize the value of feelings, intuition, freedom, nature, subjectivism, individuality, originality, imagination, etc. 2. The features of the Romantic writings: 1)? Dissatisfaction with the bourgeois society. 2) Their writings filled with strong-willed heroes or even titanic images, formidable events and tragic situations, powerful conflicting passions and exotic pictures. 3) pay attention to spiritual and emotional life of man. Most works are supernatural and full of



History of English Literature Historic al period Liter ary Perio d Repres entative writer s Representati ve works Signifi cance Old English (410-10 66) Anglo -Saxo n (poetr y) Beowulf The national epic of the English people. Mediev al Englan d (1066-1 400) (The Wars of Roses, Foundi ng of the Medi eval / Midd le Engli sh (poetr y, roma nce and balla Geoffre y Chauce r Canterbury Tales (masterpiece ), The House of Fame, Troilus and Criseyde, The parliament of fowls. The founder / father of English poetry, and the earliest forerunner of realism. The Arthurian legends: Sir Gawain and the

Tudor Dynasty ) d) Green Knight Robin Hood Ballads: Lytell Geste of Robin Hood《罗宾 汉英雄事迹 小唱》 The Pre- Elizabet han and Elizabet han Ages (1400-1 603) (The Reform ation and the Enclosu Renai ssanc e (Hum anism ) (Poet ry and dram a) Thomas More Utopia The forerunner of modern socialist thought. Edmun d Spenser The Faerie Queene (Spenserian stanza) He has great influences on all the later poets. Christo pher Marlow e Tamburlaine 《铁木耳转》 Dr. Faustus 《浮士德悲 剧》The Jew The greatest pioneer of English drama. He reformed the


生活在19世纪末到20世纪初的英国著名小说家劳伦斯,在欧洲大陆是第一个将人物心理分析纳入到小说创作的先行者之一。我们在对其小说进行阅读和欣赏的时候,需要学习和探讨的是:作者是如何运用独特的写作手法对笔下人物的内心世界进行细致入微地描写的。 根据劳伦斯的观点,他认为任何一个正常个体的心理发展过程在最初都是建立在性冲动基础之上的。性是人类生命力量的象征,任何有意识的或潜意识的对性的压抑都会有悖于个体自然的心理发展。过度的焦虑、抑郁会导致人性如火山般爆发。他的这一观点恰如其分地解释了在他的小说创作过程中,人物的内心深处剖析为什么有时读起来荒诞,甚至不合乎常人思想的逻辑。原因在于人的潜意识里有一种不可被预测的性的冲动在起着决定性的作用。 劳伦斯对于人物内心的刻画有自己独到的见解。在他看来,每个独立的个体都是两个自我的组合。其中一个自我,我们姑且称为“潜意识自我”,它代表着个体内心深处真实的情绪和情感的流露,也可以说是感性的领悟。另一个自我,我们不妨叫它“社会的自我”,它则代表着个体对自我社会形象的维护,它更趋向于对理性的捍卫。这两个自我独立地存在于个体的心灵深处,但又无时无刻不在针锋相对,激烈地抗争。一方面,当潜意识的自我在经过一番较量,终于战胜社会的自我时,人物的心灵就会表现出愉悦和健康的一面;另一方面,当社会的自我凌驾在潜意识自我之上时,个体则会表现为自我封闭、意志薄弱、生命活力殆尽,以至最终沦落为精神上的木偶。其实,现实生活中的个体和文艺作品中的人物都毫无例外地生活在这两个自我的抗争之中,无处不在,无时不在。 基于上述的理论和观点,在文学作品的创作中,劳伦斯时时刻刻地关注着他笔下人物内心世界的变化,笔墨不多,但细微传神,使人物心理刻画这一独特的写作手法对整篇文章情节的发展,小说背景气氛的铺垫起到了推波助澜的作用。 现在试以劳伦斯的短篇小说《马贩子的女儿》一文为例,分析劳伦斯是如何运用人物心理刻画这一写作手法来推动整个故事情节的展开和发展的。该小说讲述的是女主人公梅宝和年轻乡村医生杰克间的故事。身为马贩子的女儿,梅宝的家境一度富足,但父亲去世后,


英语文学史分时期总结作家作品 贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons Epic:long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated. e.g. Homer?s Iliad and Odyssey Artistic features: 1. Using alliteration Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵) Some examples on P5 2. Using metaphor and understatement Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里?乔叟1340(?)~1400 (首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。) The father of English poetry. writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity. ①坎特伯雷故事集: first time to use …heroic couplet?(双韵体) by middle English ②特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ③声誉之宫 Medieval Ages’ popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事) Famous three:King Arthur Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Beowulf The Renaissance Period A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival: 1. new discoveries in geography and astrology 2. the religious reformation and economic expansion 3. rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture The most famous dramatists: Christopher Marlowe William Shakespeare Ben Johnson. 1. Edmund Spenser埃德蒙?斯宾塞1552~1599 (后人称之为“诗人的诗人”。)The poets?poet.Th e first to be buried in the Poet?s corner of Westerminster Abbey


英国文学史 I. Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages 贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons Epic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated. Artistic features: 1. Using alliteration Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵) Some examples on P5 2. Using metaphor and understatement Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟1340~1400 (首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》。) The father of English poetry. writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity. ①坎特伯雷故事集: first time to use ‘heroic couplet’(双韵体) by middle English ②特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ③声誉之宫 Medieval Ages’popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事)


19世纪末迎来英国戏剧的复兴 ◆奥斯卡·王尔德Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) 《道林·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray,1891年) 《莎乐美》(Salomé,1893年) 乔治·萧伯纳G eorge Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) ?《皮格马利翁》(Pygmalion) ?《圣女贞德》(Saint Joan) The Victorian Age—English Critical Realism Victorian literature: Novel became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought. Writers like Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy showed their primary concern is about the people in the society with sympathy for the poor and the unfortunate and became the major voice of the literary world by presenting a faithful picture of the horrible capitalist England. The big output by the Victorian poets, especially Alfred Tennyson, the most representative poet of the time, and Robert Browning, the most original and experimental poet, paved the way for the 20th-century modern poetry, both in subject matters and technique. Dickens Points of view: He hates the social evils and intends social reform by exposing and critic izing in his works all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruption in the 19th –century England. He thinks that the state should intervene to control the rapacity of landlords and capitalists. He wants improvement in the life of the poor, but is afraid of a real revolution. Dickens is a humanitarian who pours all his love and sympathy for those poor, weak, innocent, injured and neglected good people. Charles Dickens (1812-1870)---The greatest representative of English critical realism Major Works There is abundant variety in Dickens’s invention of character and situation. Dickens has often been compared to Shakespeare for creative force and range of invention. 1836—1841, first period, Period of youthful optimist: fun, high spirit, naive optimism 1) Sketches by Boz (1836) ?博兹特写集?, the first book 2) The Pickwick Papers (1837) ?匹克威克外传? 3). Oliver Twist(1837-1838)?奥克佛·特维斯特?,《雾都孤儿》 4). Nichols Nickleby (1838-1839)?尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝? 5). The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841)?老古玩店? 6). Barnaby Rudge (1841) ?巴纳比·拉奇? 1842-1850, The second period-- Period of excitement, irritation and frustration: exposing the corrupting influence of wealth and power, optimism turned into dissatisfaction and irritation 1) American Notes (1842) ?美国札记? 2) Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-1844)?马丁·朱述尔维特? 3) A Christmas Carol(1843)《圣诞颂歌》 4) The Chimes《教堂钟声》

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