当前位置:文档之家› 第九、十章综合《机械振动和机械波》





1、图中的实线表示t时刻的一列简谐横波的图像,虚线则表示(t+△t)时刻该波的图像.设T为该波的周期.则△t的取值( ).(其中n=0,1,2,3…)





2、声音从声源发出,在空气中传播时( ).






(A) 2π(B) 2π

(C) 2π(D) 2π

4、对单摆在竖直面内的振动,下面说法中正确的是( ).





5、一轻弹簧上端固定,下端挂一重物,平衡时弹簧伸长了5cm.再将重物向下拉1cm,然后放手,则在刚释放的瞬间重物的加速度是(g取10m∕s2)( ).

(A)2.0m∕s2(B)7.5 m∕s2

(C)10 m∕s2(D)12.5 m∕s2

6、在某行星表面处的重力加速度值是地球表面处重力加速度值的4∕9,那么把在地球表面上走得很准的摆钟搬到这个行星表面上,它的分针转一圈经历的时间实际应是( ).


7、一个单摆,分别在Ⅰ、Ⅱ两个行星上做简谐振动的周期为T1和T2,若这两个行星的质量之比为M1:M2=4:1,半径之比为R1:R2=2:1,则( ).


:T2=1:1 (B)T1:T2=2:1



:T2=4:1 (D)T1:T2=2:1


8、图是一水平弹簧振子做简谐振动的振动的振动图像(x-t图),由图可推断,振动系统( ).














1.—These bananas are about 5 kilos______ total.Would you like to buy them? —Sure.How much are they? A.for B.on C.in D.at 2.They say that they will try their best______ their dreams. A.achieve B.achieving C.to achieve D.achieved 3.Beijing is one of______ cities in the world. A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.the biggest 4.We don’t need to rush. We still have______time. A.plenty of B.a few C.a number of D.a little bit 5.______! It’s not the end of the world. Let’s try again. A.Put up B.Set up C.Cheer up D.Pick up 6.They are going to have a celebration for their marriage. They______for ten years. A.have married B.got married C.have been married D.married 7.We prefer______swimming rather than______TV. A.to go;watch B.going;watching C.to go;watching D.going;watch 8.—I missed the beginning of the concert. —______The beginning was very wonderful. A.What a pity! B.Good luck! C.Congratulations! D.You’re welcome. 9.Everybody______Hangzhou for its beautiful scenery, so millions of people go and visit it every year. A.hates B.praises C.warns D.encourages 10.The water was______for several hours while the workers repaired the pipes. A.taken off B.shut off C.set off D.got off 11.By the end of the last term, we______about 2000 English words. A.will learn B.learn C.are learning D.had learned 12.The red skirt______my mother bought for me is made of cotton. A.that B.when C.who D.whose 13.Running Man is a very relaxing TV program______is hot among the young people. A.what B.which C.who D.whom 14.—Jim, how do your parents like country music? —______my dad______my mom likes it. They both like country music. A.Either...or B.Not only...but also C.Neither...nor 15.—Mike can’t go to the party with us because he has to stay at home and look after his mother. —______, we won’t wait for him any more. A.After all B.In that case C.For example D.Above all


课题:I used to be afraid of the dark 教学目标:学会运用used to句型谈论自己与他人的过去习惯、爱好及经常做的事情 教学重难点:used to及与used相关的词的用法 主要知识点: 1. use v.& n. 使用,用途→adj useful 有用的useless 无用的 ①use sth. to do sth . 用某物做某事 Farmers use horses to do the farm work . 农民用马干农活。 ② used to do sth . 过去常常,过去曾经 I used to sleep in class → I didn’t use to sleep in class . I usedn’t to sleep in class . ③ be used to(介词)+ n. / pron. /doing 习惯于 I am used to getting up early . ④be used to do sth / be used for doing sth 被用来做… The knife is used to cut apples . The knife is used for cutting apples . ⑤be used as 被用作…‘介词as表示“作为…”,后常接名词 English is used as a foreign language in China . ⑥be used by 被…使用,介词by后面常接动作的执行者 The car is used by my uncle . 例--- How does Jack usually go to school ? --- He _____ ride a bike ,but now he _____ there to lose weight . A .used to ; is used to walk B .was used to ; is used to walking C .was used to ;is used to walk D .used to ;is used to walking 解析:根据题意可知,此题考查used to do(过去常常做某事),be used to doing(习惯做某事),故此题选D. 而be used to do 意为“被用来做…” 2. 反意疑问句 ①肯定陈述句+否定提问如:Lily is a student, isn’t she? Lily will go to China, won’t she? ②否定陈述句+肯定提问如: She doesn’t come from China, does she? You haven’t finished homework, have you? ③提问部分用代词而不用名词Lily is a student, isn’t she? ④陈述句中含有否定意义的词,如:little, few, never, nothing, hardly等。其反意疑问 句用肯定式。如: He knows little English, does he?他一点也不懂英语,不是吗? They hardly understood it, did they?他们几乎不明白,不是吗? 注:反意疑问句的答语 ①如果反意疑问句中的陈述部分为肯定句时,用“Yes+肯定结构”作为 肯定回答;用“No+否定结构”作为否定回答 --- He enjoys singing , doesn’t he? 他喜欢唱歌,是吗? --- Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t. 是的,他喜欢。/不,他不喜欢。 ②如果反意疑问句中的陈述部分为否定句时,Yes译为“不”,No译为 “是”


综合英语教程第三版4 邹为诚主编 第二单元 1. 玛丽看到一个贼眉鼠眼的男人走进邻居家里。 Mary saw a shifty-eyed man walking into a neighbor’s house. 2. 鲍勃总是嘲笑我对服饰的眼光。 Bob always sneers at my taste in clothes. 3. 打探别人的秘密是不礼貌的。 It is impolite to pry into other’s secrets. 4. 我想克里斯想要抢我的饭碗。 I think Chris is after my job. 5. 她看到克里斯给他使的眼色,说话的声音便越来越小了。 She trailed off, silenced by the look Chris gave her. 6. 那些树枝干而易断。 The branches were dry and brittle. 7. 收音机老是发出噼里啪啦的声响,我们几乎听不清里面说些什么。The radio cracked so much that we could hardly hear what was said. 8. 地面向海倾斜。 The land slopes down to the sea. 9. 他的口袋里鼓鼓囊囊的塞满了钞票。 His pockets were bulging with money. 10. 我不得不和出租车司机就车费讨价还价。 I had to haggle with the taxi driver over the fare.

第三单元 1. 这样的好机会千载难逢。 An opportunity as good as this arises/occurs only once in a blue moon. 2. 这个孩子因为私自拿了母亲包里的钱而觉得十分愧疚。 The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother’s handbag without permission. 3. 她知道他的话一句真的也没有。 She did not give credence to a single word of his story. 4. 一般来说,老师对学生的错误都比较宽容。 Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students’mistakes. 5. 我想当然地以为你会跟我们一起来,于是就给你买了票。 I took it for granted that you’d want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket. 6. 由于经理的不断劝导,工作人员很快就改掉了迟到的坏习惯。Thanks to the manager’s repeated counseling, the staff soon broke the bad habit of coming late to work. 7. 他现在对她发火,但不久会原谅她的。这只是几小时的事,仅此而已。 He’s furious with her now, but he’ll forgive her soon. It’s just/only a matter of a few hours, that’s all. 第四单元 第一部分


人教版数学三年级上册 第九单元测试及答案 一.选择题(共8小题) 1.看图列式计算,正确的是() A.9﹣4=5(只)B.9﹣5=4(只)C.5+4=9(只)D.4+5=9(只)2.看图列式计算,正确的是() A.5﹣4=1 B.5﹣1=4 C.5+1=6 D.1+4=5 3.看图列式计算,正确的是() A.9﹣7=2(个)B.2+7=9(个)C.9﹣2=7(个)D.7+2=9(个)4.看图列式计算,正确的是() A.15﹣9=4(枝)B.15﹣6=9(枝)C.6+9=15(枝)D.15﹣9=6(枝)

5. 买哪种袜子便宜?() A.A B.B C.一样便宜6.求小小商店一共卖了多少支钢笔,算式是() A.8×44 B.12×8 C.12×44 7.幼儿园老师为小朋友们买酸奶,100元最多可以买()杯. A.20 B.21 C.24 8. 如图中,草莓的个数是苹果的()倍. A.3 B.8 C.16 二.填空题(共8小题) 9. 买1件大衣的钱可以买顶帽子. 10.分皮球. (1)一共有个皮球.

(2)把这些皮球平均分给3个小朋友,每人分到个. (3)再来1个小朋友,平均每人分到个. 11.椅子高60cm,小方有. 12.北京到郑州的路程是千米. 北京到南京的路程是千米. 北京到广州的路程是千米. 上海到北京的路程是千米. 天津到上海的路程是千米. 郑州到广州的路程是千米. 13.填一填. 小明共有18元钱,他买了下面的哪几种东西后,正好把钱用完?小明要买的物品是、、.(按字母顺序填)

14.看图写算式. (1) ①有个 ②加法算式: ③乘法算式: (2) 乘加算式: 乘减算式: 15.数一数,填一填. (1)每把有根香蕉,有把,一共有根香蕉. (2) 横着看,每行有个人,有行,一共有个人.竖着看,每列有个人,有列,一共有个人.16.看图列式. ×= 口诀: 三.判断题(共5小题)


新标准大学英语综合教程2单元单元9测试第 y neighbour just covered over his old dirt M1. . driveway with cement Your answerCorrect answer

cement cement indy is a kindergarten teacher, which 2. C means she spends most of her day children. dedicated Your answer Correct answer entertaining dedicated I don't need to pay for my health insurance 3.

personally because my pays for it. employer Your answer Correct answer employer employer 4. Emergency room doctors need to have maximum in their schedules since surgery they never know when they'll be needed. Your answer Correct answer surgery flexibility 5. The big news this week is that there is a of qualified nurses across the major shortage UK. Correct answer Your answer shortage shortage of his new job was farther from 6. he


新人教版七年级上第九单元测试题姓名 一、根据句意填写合适的单词。 1. We learn ABC in ____________ class. 2. I like painting so _____________is my favorite subject. 3. Miss Read is our _________ teacher. She helps us sing and dance in her class. 4. Mary can play basketball very well and his favorite subject is _____________. 5. “What is 13 and 12?” our ____________ teacher asks us. 1. __________(I) favorite subject is history. 2. Why __________(do) your friend like P.E? 3. The___________(Greens) favorite sports is soccer. 4. I think you like some_____________(subject), such as science and geography. 5. Music is _____________(relax).I like it very much. 1. Mr Wang teaches us g____________ at school. 2. —What's your f___________ sport?—Football. 3. The children all like having physical e_____________. 4. His father is an English t____________. 5. She is good at painting. She likes a____________ very much. 6. Linda likes art and music because they are r______________. 7. My favorite s________ is science. 一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1. Lily likes Thursday. Because she ________(have) music on that day. 2. He is ________(real) busy. 3. On Wednesday, I have ________(China) history club. 4. After lunch he ________(have) music. It’s relaxing. 5. My favorite teacher is Mr. ________(black). 二、单选 ()1.Ken and Linda's favorite subject ____________ P.E. A.are B.is C.am ()2.I like music.It's ____________. A.funny B.relaxing C.boring ()3.We have math ____________ Monday. A.in B.on C.at ()4.He likes science ____________it's very interesting. A.and B.so C.because ()5. --_______ do you like music? --Very much. A. How B. Why C. When D. What ()6.All my classes finish ____________ 4:00 p.m.


新人教版九年级第九单元测试题附答案 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. (时间:100分钟,满分:100分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 1. Mike's father bought ________ electronic watch for him as his birthday. ________ electronic watch looks very beautiful. A. a; The B. the; The C. an; The D. an; An ( ) 2. My English is poor. Can you ________ time to help me with it,Mike? A .share B. spare C. agree D. save ( ) 3. I ________ the man was about forty according to his looks. A. believed B. knew C. supposed D. accepted ( ) 4. I still remember the college and the teachers ________ I visited in London years ago. A. what B. who C. that D. which ( ) 5. There are ________ books in our school library. A. a lots of B. a great deal of C. plenty of D. the number of ( ) 6. He was born in a poor family,but his parents managed to buy books for him _______. A. in this way B. in a while C. once in a while D. for a while ( ) 7. I like the cartoon ________ has a happy ending and makes me ________. A. which; to laugh B. that; to laugh C. whose; laughing D. which; laugh ( ) 8. I enjoy the music ________ makes me ________. A. that; happily B. that; happy C. which; happily D. who; happy ( ) 9. You can ________ a note on his door if he is not in. A. give B. share C. stick D. put ( ) 10. I like that music, but the lyrics ________ good enough. A. aren't B. are C. isn't D. is ( ) 11. The first thing ________ my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter. A. which B. that C. why D. who ( ) 12. —Which do you prefer,math ________ music? —I prefer music ________ math. A. or; to B. to; to C. or; or D. to; or ( ) 13. Did you enjoy the days ________ you spent in Beijing during the Spring Festival? A. where B. when C. that D. what ( ) 14. I prefer ________ rather than ________ to net bar. A. to stay at home; go out B. going out; stay at home C. staying at home; going out D. going out; to stay at home ( ) 15. — ________? —It's wonderful. A. How much is the MP5 B. Do you like the MP5


2017版新目标英语九年级第四单元重点知识点归纳 I used to be afraid of the dark. 一、单词盘点 1. humorous adj.有幽默感的 a humorous man —个幽默的人 2. humor n. 幽默a sense of humor 幽默感 3. silent adj.沉默的Keep silent !保持沉默silenee n.沉默in silenee 3. helpful adj.有帮助的be helpful to… 对....... 有帮助 help n.帮助I need your help. 4. score n.得分;进球get a good score取得好的成绩 5. backgro und n.背景 6. interview v. 采访;面试interview sb. about sth. 就某事采访某人He has an interview for the manager 'sjob. n.面试;访谈a job in terview 一次工作面试 7. Asian adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的Asian countries 亚洲国家 Asia n.亚洲We are in Asia. 8. deal v.对付;对待过去式;How to deal with so many e-mails? 过去分词dealt 9. dare v. 胆敢;敢于I dare to sing in front of our class. 10. ton n.吨pl.大量;许多tons of

11. private adj. 私人的;私密的 12. guard n. 警卫;看守several guards 几个警卫 v.守卫;保卫guard the house 13. require v.需求;要求requirement n.需求;要求 14. European adj. 欧洲的;欧洲人的Europe n.欧洲人 15. Afican adj.非洲的;非洲人的Africa n.非洲人 16. British adj.英国的;英国人的Britain n. 17. speech n.讲话;发言give a speech; make a speech发表演说 18. public n.民众adj.公开的;公众的in public公开的;当众 19. ant n.蚂蚁复数ants 20. seldom adv .不常;很少 21.i nflunce v.影响n. 影响have an in flue nce on ….对…有影响 22. absent adj.缺席be absent from 缺席absence n. 缺席 23. fail v.不及格;失败;未能做到fail to do sth.未能做成某事failure n.失败The failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母 24. exam in ati on n.考试=exam pass the exam in ati on 通过考试 25. exactly adv.确切地;精确地exact adj.确切的;精确的 26. pride n.骄傲;自豪take pride in以...... 而自豪 27. proud adj.自豪的;骄傲的be proud of以...... 而自豪 28. ge neral adj.总的;普遍的;常规的n.将军 29.introduction n.介绍make an introduction 做一个介绍


七年级英语Unit9单元检测题 一、单项选择(共15分,每小题1分) 1. Shaolin Temple is________ action movie. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Jack Chan makes________ movies. A. comedy B. thriller C. documentary D. action 3. —What kind of movies does Maria___________ —She__________ comedies. A. like……like B. likes…likes C. like…likes D. likes…like 4. David_________ likes Beijing Opera. A. also B. too C. either D. doesn’t 5. Rush Hour is Jackie Chan’s __________ movie. A. twelve B. twelveth C. twelth D. twelfth 6. We don’t go to school_________ weekends. A. in B. on C. of D. for 7. My uncle_________ to see a movie every day. A. go B. goes C. to go D. going 8. I often go to movies_________ my friends. A. and B. but C. with D. for 9. My brother wants_________ a movie actor. A. is B. be C. to be D. to is 10. ________ kind of movies does Brad like A. Whose B. What C. Where D. How 11. I like English__________ I like Chinese. A. and B. then C. but D. or 12. —Let’s go to see a comedy. — _______________. A. Excuse me. B. That’s great. C. Excuse me. D. How do you do 13. —Do the students like action movies —_______________. A. Yes, they like. B. Yes, they likes. C. Yes, they do. D. Yes, they does. 14. This is not__________ movie. It’s ________ movie. A. a English; a Chinese B. an English; an Chinese C. an English; a Chinese D. a English; an Chinese 15. His sister wants ______ to the shop. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going 二.完形填空(15分) My name __1__ Philip. Now I live __2__ China. __3__ Sunday my father often takes me to movies. My favorite __4__ are action movies. My father likes them, too. Many __5__ people like this kind of movies


第九单元医学 Text A 谁还需要医生?在变化的时代洪流中与时俱进 费格斯?沙纳汉所有的一切都早经由前人说过,但是没有人听,于是我们不得不总是返回起点,从头开始。 ——安德烈?纪德 通常情况下,医生大都具备适应变化的能力。但随着变化的脚步逐渐加快,他们会不断面临挑战,所担任的角色也会遭到不少质疑。尽管医学界在医药方面已经取得了不少成就,但是现代社会对医疗职业却存有的越来越多的疑问;尽管与之前相比,人们变得越来越健康,但是健康仍旧是人们所关注的热门话题。因此,随着人们对医疗职业的职业满意度越来越低,替代医学逐渐兴起。美国的新 闻杂志借由其封面大声喊出,“谁还需要医生啊?”,而很多医学杂志的评论标题也充斥着负面的情绪:“不高兴的医生”;“现代医学一成不变”;“医学作为一种艺术的失败”;以及“医生会有未来吗?”而这种情绪也在皇家医师学会的报道中有所体现,他们报道的对象正是在变化大潮中不断变化的医生角色。报道中出现了一些对医生不利的词语与表达:“医疗职业……处于劣势”;“心神不安”;“很多医生看起来都不快乐”;“医生……过时了”以及“医生的角色需要清晰的解释”。因此, 人们呼吁医生们在塑造未来的过程中能够担当起更加积极的角色。对医疗行业来说,明智之举就是培养更多的领导能力,重点关注如何能使人们保持健康的状态,以巩固医疗行业对社会福利的影响。但是目前,医疗行业存在的最大挑战将会是 在“伙伴关系”方面,也就是医生和病人之间的关系——医患关系。 十多年前有社论观点做出预测称,正是超级专业化,分子医学以及冠以“循证”的一切这些因素促进了医疗行业的变化,而最彻底的变化是在医患关系方面。 这种关系错综复杂,容易受到社会潮流的影响。而过去的分析倾向于侧重医生们如何确诊疾病,而当前难以捉摸的诊断已经很少见了。而对于病人来说,医患关系的好坏结果也取决于医生的职业福利,因此这方面需要获得人们的关注。随着世界变化日新月异,人们的职业也应在变化的大潮中面对挑战,做出相应的回应,所以医生个人需要与时俱进,并且要思考如何能够信心十足地面对挑战,并且享 受挑战。这里并不是指通过某些“熟能生巧”来提高工作技能或者委托给继续医学 教育进行新的资格认证就能达到的。这里关乎的是医学态度与医学方法。 医生终将会适应经济,社会以及人口学的潮流,但是在面对未来科学技术的进步时,有些人仍会遭遇挑战,或者无法跟上科技进步的脚步。上文提到的现代医学所感受到的不安与焦虑中,究竟有多少是来自信息技术对医患关系产生的影


Unit 9 Chinese Food Text comprehension I. B II. TTTFT III. omitted IV. 1. Food to us Chinese is one of the greatest joys in life: it is thought about before being prepared; it is treated with lots of love and care while being prepared; and when it is ready, a great deal of time is devoted to enjoying it. 2. The main reason for the sudden and tremendous popularity of chinese food throughout the whole Western world lies in two facts: One is the increased desire for sensual pleasures (which is abundant in Chinese food) and freedom from age-old customs in the West; the other is the notion of physical pleasure provided by Chinese food, which is always ready to satisfy the taste of the eater. Vocabulary I. 1 emotional strength to do what one believes to be right. 2 material used to produce power; something used to keep the body functioning 3 lower-class type 4 a number of dishes that are served one after another in an orderly way 5. by themselves II. 1 fastidious; 2 ecstasies; 3 lavish; 4 elusive; 5 phenomenal; 6 proceeding; 7 enterprise; 8 contrived III. 1 disregard; 2 authoritative; 3 ubiquity; 4 desirable; 5 piquancy; 6 ceremonially 7. gluttonous; 8 derivation IV. 1 come off; 2 conform to; 3 derives/derived... from; 4 attend to; 5 sprung up; 6 came about; 7 proceed with; 8 lavishing...on V. 1. distantly (indifferently) 2. epicure 3. fundamental (primary, principal) 4. produce (make) 5. affirm (state) 6. mix (intermingle, combine) 7. change (modify, adjust) 8. provocative (sharp, pungent) VI. 1 explains; 2 accidentally found; 3 discuss with; 4 start; 5 played a prominent role in 6 think about it carefully 7 consumed part of; 8 interrupting


第九单元《溶液》测试题(一) 可能用到的相对原子质量: H :1 Cl: 35.5 Zn : 65 一、选择题 1、下列各组物质中前一种是溶液,后一种是化合物的是() A、酒精、二氧化碳 B、稀硫酸、液氧 C、汽水、干冰 D、冰水混合物、氧化铜 2、下列说法不正确的是() A、厨房洗涤剂清洗油污后形成溶液B用硬水洗衣服不如用软水洗得干净 C、硝酸铵溶于水制得的冰袋可用于给高烧病人降温 D、冬季向公路上的积雪撒盐,可使冰雪快速融化 3、在实验室,有一瓶失去标签的蒸馏水和一瓶失去标签的氯化钾溶液,鉴别它们的正确方法是() A.尝液体的味道 B.蒸发液体看是否结晶 C.加入白色硫酸铜粉末 D.看颜色 4、炎热的夏天,小林打开冰箱,从4℃的储藏室中拿出一杯内有少量蔗糖晶体的溶液m.在室温下放置一段时间后,发现晶体消失了。得到溶液n。下列说法正确的是() A .4℃时 m溶液一定是饱和溶被 B.室温下,n溶液一定是饱和溶液 C.蔗糖晶体的溶解度随温度的升高而降低 D.m溶液的溶质的质量分数大于n溶液的溶质的质量分数 5、下列变化属于化学变化的是()A.蔗糖溶解于水 B.食盐水蒸干后出现白色粉末 C.饱和石灰水升温后变浑浊 D.澄清石灰水在空气中表面形成一层白膜 6、据文字记载,我们的祖先在神农氏时代就开始利用海水晒盐。海水晒盐的原理是() A. 日晒风吹使海水中的氯化钠蒸发 B. 日晒风吹使溶液由饱和变为不饱和 C. 日晒风吹使氯化钠的溶解度变小 D. 日晒风吹使水分蒸发晶体析出 7、长期放置在敞口容器内的饱和食盐水,在保持温度不变的情况下,发现容器底部有少量晶体出现,这说明() A.溶液变为不饱和溶液 B.溶剂质量减少,溶液仍为饱和溶液 C.溶液中溶剂、溶质的质量均未改变 D.溶液比原来要浓一些8.配制溶质质量分数一定的食盐溶液,正确的操作顺序是()A.计算、称量、溶解、倒入试剂瓶、贴上标签 B.溶解、计算、称量、倒入试剂瓶、贴上标签 C.称量、溶解、计算、倒入试剂瓶、贴上标签 D.称量、计算、溶解、倒入试剂瓶、贴上标签 9、用50g 98%的浓H2SO4配制成20%的稀H2SO4,需加水的质量为() A. 145g B.195g C.196g D.245g 10、向一接近饱和的KNO3溶液中,逐渐加入KNO3晶体,下列图像中符合溶液中溶质质量变化规律的是() 加入KNO3的量 A 加入KNO3的量 D 加入KNO3的量 C 加入KNO3的量 B


第九单元测试卷 一、填一填。 1.如图,把5张画连在一起钉在墙上,需要()个图钉。 2. (1)小刚买了()种文具,小娜买了()种文具,两人一共买了()种 文具。 (2)两人买的相同的文具是()。 3. (1)喜欢唱歌的共有()人,喜欢画画的共有()人。 (2)既喜欢唱歌,又喜欢画画的有()人。 (3)喜欢唱歌的和喜欢画画的共有()人。 4.统计午餐。 (1)周六和周日一共做了()道菜。 (2)重复的菜有()道,不重复的菜有()道。 二、做一做。 1.统计人数。 (1)把人名填在圈里。

(2)一共调查了()人,只喜欢篮球的有()人,只喜欢足球的有() 人,两种球都喜欢的有()人。 2.填整十数。 3.调查40户学生家庭,每户至少有两种物品中的一种。 有电脑的有摄像机的 33户28户 三、计算题。 1.直接写出得数。 30×7=500×8=23×2=15×8=+=-= 2.列竖式计算。 465+278= 324+128= 403-156=423-86= 482+561= 312-115=

四、解决问题。 1.三年级有92个小朋友参加文艺会演,其中参加大合唱的有68人,参加舞蹈 演出的有64人,每人至少参加一项表演,三年级既参加大合唱又参加舞蹈演出的有几人? 2.三(3)班有30人去过西湖,有20人去过长城,其中有9人两个地方都去了, 没有一个地方都没去过的。三(3)班一共有多少人? 3.某工厂有180人,其中每个人要么会打乒乓球,要么会打羽毛球,要么两样 都会。现知道会打乒乓球的有80人,既会打羽毛球又会打乒乓球的有20人,会打羽毛球的有多少人?只会打羽毛球的有多人? 4.一次数学测验。三(2)班36人中,做对第一道拓展题的有21人,做对第二道 拓展题的有18人,每人至少做对一道拓展题。两道拓展题都做对的有几人? 5.三(1)班参加语文兴趣小组的有16人,参加数学兴趣小组的有18人,其中有 6人两个小组都参加了,没有一个小组都不参加的。参加这两个兴趣小组的一共有多少人?


Unit 4 一、根据首字母及汉意填入适当的词。 1. H can’t speak in front of people. He is s_____. 2. I’ll study hard. I don’t want to let my parents d_____. 3. He is _______(自信的)to pass the exam. 4. Without my _______( 允许), don’t touch my things. 5. I am very busy. Don’t b______ me, OK 6. The population of the world i_____ very fast. : 7. He is _______(精力充沛的). He can do everything well enough. 8. Do you know the h______ of the basketball 二、单项选择 1. If he ______ here, that’s very goo d. A. is B. was C. were D. has been 2. The man _______ came to see you is my brother. A. who B. whose C. which D. whom 3. He divided those people _______ two groups. $ A. in B. of C. from D. into 4. I don’t know ________ he lives. A. what B. how C. where D. which 5. He has many different ways ______that work. A. to do B. doing C. does D. did 6. If a friend said something bad ______ you, what would you do A. about B. on C. for D. to 7. I don’t know _________. ; A. what to do it B. how to do it C. what to do D. to do what 8. He is too tired ________ any longer. A. not to walk B. to walk C. walking D. not walking 9. He went to school without ______ to school. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go 10. He is afraid to speak in _______ public. A. the B a C. an D. / 三、翻译句子 > 1.如果我有了零钱,我会把它存进银行。

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