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用所给词的适当形式填空做题策略与技巧 ppt

用所给词的适当形式填空做题策略与技巧 ppt

用所给词的适当形式填空做题策略与技巧 ppt


如何做用所给词的适当形式填空 用所给词的适当形式填空是中考常见的试题类型之一,旨在考查学生的英语基础知识和综合运用英语的能力。 解此类型的试题可遵循以下步骤: 1.明确所给词的词性 2.弄清所给句子的意思 3.确定空白处所需的词性 4.正确写出所填的词 用所给词的适当形式填空主要考查以下词类: 一. 对名词的考查 1.考查名词的单数形式转换成复数形式: (1).名词的单数形式转换成复数形式(规则变化) ①一般情况下直接在单数名词之后加-s变为复数名词。例如:desk→ desks , key →keys , monkey →monkeys , boy →boys等 ②以-x,-s,-ch ,-sh ,结尾的单数名词变为复数名词时,在单数名词之后加-es。例如:fox→ foxes , boss →bosses , bus →buses, class→classes, dress →dresses, witness →witnesses, address → addresses, beach → beaches, coach →coaches , couch →couches ,inch →inches ,sandwich →sandwiches , church → churches ,watch → watches ,match →matches ,speech →speeches,witch →witches ,dish →dishes,brush →brushes,goldfish →goldfish, fish→fishes , toothbrush →toothbrushes等。 ③以o结尾的单数名词变为复数名词时,在单数名词之后加-s的有: zoo →zoos, radio →radios, photo →photos, piano →pianos, kilo →kilos, mango →mangos, bamboo →bamboos, kangaroo → kangaroos。 加-es的有: tomato→ tomatoes, potato → potatoes, dodo → dodoes/s, hero → heroes。 ④以辅音字母+y结尾的单数名词变为复数名词时,先变y为i,再加-es。 例如:family →families, lady →ladies,baby →babies , copy→ copies, body→ bodies, century →centuries, diary→ diaries, dictionary→ dictionaries, factory→ factories, library→libraries, battery →batteries, documentary →documentaries, buddy →buddies, ability →abilities, country →countries,butterfly →butterflies,enemy →enemies, memory→memories, balcony→balconies, laboratory→laboratories, beauty→beauti es, charity→charities, comedy→comedies, industry→industries, quality→qualities, reply→replies, difficulty→difficulties, theory→theories, mystery→mysteries, hobby→ hobbies, story→ stories, city→ cities, laundry→ laundries, activity→activities等。 ⑤以f或fe结尾的单数名词变为复数名词时,先变f或fe 为v,再加-es。 例如:half→ halves, knife→ knives, wife→ wives, leaf→leaves, shelf→ shelves, herself→ themselves, scarf→ scarfs / scarves, wolf→ wolves等。 考例1:[2005年镇江市] Look! There are some ___ (bird) flying in the sky. 分析:所给的词bird是可数名词的单数形式,根据主谓一致可知,应填名词的复数形式,bird的复数形式是birds,因此应填birds. 考例2:[2005年泰州市] Your present is in one of the ____. Can you guess? (box) 分析:所给的词box是可数名词的单数形式,根据习惯表达“one of the +可数名词复数”可知,应填名词的复数形式,box的复数形式是boxes,因此应填boxes。 考例3:[2004年淮安市] Newspaper reports say that some more ___ (country) have become E.U.(欧盟)members this year. 分析:所给的词country是可数名词的单数形式,根据主谓一致可知,应用可数名词的复数形式,因此应填countries。 考例4:[2003年济南市] The earthquake rocked the cities in the north of Algeria. Many people lost their ____. (life) 分析:所给的词life是可数名词的单数形式,根据句意可知,应用名词的复数形式,life的复数形式为lives,因此应填lives。 (2).名词的单数形式转换成复数形式(不规则变化) foot→feet, tooth→teeth, child→children, man→men, woman→women, policeman→policemen, policewoman→policewomen, Frenchman→Frenchmen, snowman→snowmen, businessman →businessmen, Englishman→Englishmen, gentleman→gentlemen, salesman→ salesmen, mouse→mice/mouses(鼠标),sheep→sheep, Chinese→Chinese, Japanese→Japanese, fish→ fish等。 考例1:[2004年无锡市] It’s good for us to brush our ____ (tooth) after meals. 分析:所给的词tooth是可数名词的单数形式,根据


行测选词填空的几种常见解题技巧 咸阳华图友情提供 逻辑填空,又名选词填空,是国家公务员考试和各省市地方公务员考试的一大常考题型。自2007年在国家公务员考试中出现以来,逻辑填空始终保持着20道的题量,占国家公务员考试言语理解与 表达题目的一半,其分量之重显而易见。 逻辑填空主要有三个考点:词义、语法和语用。目前这一题型考查的综合性越来越强,考查的范围 也越来越广泛,更侧重于从不同的角度对一个知识点进行考查。做题时,考生不仅需要清楚单个词 语的意思,还要综合考虑所给材料的语境和主题才能得出正确答案。 词义辨析词义辨析是逻辑填空题中一大考查重点,正确理解、准确辨析词语的含义,对解答逻辑填 空题至关重要。词语的含义包括两个方面:理性义和色彩义。 (一)词语的理性义 词语的理性义是词语含义的核心部分。近义词,指的就是理性义相近的词语。很多词语之所以意义 相近,多是因为它们具有相同的语素;同理,之所以意义不同,则是因为具有不同的语素。因此辨 析近义词词义,可以从相异语素着手,根据相异语素的字形、字义以及其组成的惯用词语来判断该 近义词的范围、侧重点和轻重程度。 1.看词义所指的范围范围有大小的不同,也有所指对象的不同。公务员考试中,对范围大小不同的 近义词辨析考查较少,多是对词义所指对象的考查。 示例1:“度过”VS“渡过”度过:指过去的意思,多用于表示与时间有关的对象,如“光阴”“童年”等;渡过:渡,水字旁。指经过与水有关的江、河、湖、海等,也指经过困难、危机等。 【误用】社会各界好心人士捐款共计20余万元,帮助这家人暂时度过了难关。 【辨错】句中说的是“难关”,应该与“渡过”搭配 【例题1】为英雄全训华守墓37年的陈健,获得了“感动中国”2005年度人物的称号。评委会给 他的颁奖词是:一个生者对一个死者的承诺,只是良心的自我(),但是他却为此坚守37年,放弃了梦想、幸福和骨肉亲情。()火红的时代背景,他身上有古典意识的风范。 A约束淡去B制约淡忘C约束淡忘D制约淡去 解析:此题答案为A。“约束”有制约之意,但“制约”只能来自对方,而“约束”既可以来自对方, 也可以来自自己。题干中的束缚是来自“自我”,因此选“约束”。“淡去”是淡化、稀释、褪去的意思,“淡忘”指印象逐渐淡薄以至于忘记。题干说的是“火红的时代背景”,用“淡去”表示对这种 鲜艳的“火红”色背景的淡化、稀释,符合句意。故第二空选“淡去”。 2.看词义的侧重点 示例1:“精准”VS“精确” 精准:侧重于很符合、没差错; 精确:侧重于精细、确切,如:精确到小数点后多少位数。 【误用】8号选手的远投非常精确。


用所给词的适当形式填空要点归纳 一、单复数 1、名词单复数 I like bananas (banana) very much. That is an apple (apple). 2、be动词单复数 There is (be) a pair of shoes under the bed. Here is (be) some water for you. I am (be) very glad to see you. Tom and I are (be) in the same class. Where were (be) you just now? I was (be) in the playground. 3、代词单复数 These(this) are rulers. Liu Tao is doing his(their) homework. 二、名词所有格 This is Helen’s (Helen) scarf. Happy Children’s(children) Day. 三、人称代词和物主代词 1.人称代词—主格(在句中作主语,陈述句中一般在开头,一般疑问句中一般是第二个单词……) We(our) milked cows on the farm yesterday. Does she(her) have a new bike? Which pen do you(your) like? On Christmas Day I(my) got many presents. 2.人称代词—宾格(在句中作宾语,一般用在动词或介词后) Let me(mine) have a look. David is behind her(she). 3.物主代词—形容词性(用在名词前) What is your(you) job? Miss Li is their(them) English teacher. 4.物主代词—名词性(相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”) The teapot is his(he). Yours(your) is over there. 四、基数词和序数词 1.基数词表示数量There are five(fifth) birds in the tree. 2.序数词表示顺序March is the third(three) month in a year. 五、动词—时态 1.一般现在时 A.主语为第三人称单数,动词要加“-s”或“-es” He lives(live) in a small town. Yang Ling often goes(go) to school by bike. 在否定句或疑问句中,已有did,动词就用原形。 She doesn’t go(go) to school on Saturday and Sunday. Does Ben like(like) animals? B.其它情况,动词用原形 I usually have(have) lunch at half past eleven. They read(reads) English everyday. 2.现在进行时----“be+现在分词” Look, I am drawing (draw) a monkey. Listen, the students are singing(sing) an English song. 3.一般过去时 A.规则变化:动词词尾加“-ed”


选词填空的技巧 01拿捏词义的轻重 学生应拿捏词语的程度来适应语义和语境。 近义词虽然表达的意思是相近的,但在表现事物的某种特征或程度上,往往有轻重之别。我们辨析时就要注意区别。 例如:“损坏”“毁坏”“破坏”其表现的程度就层层升级,依次加重。再如:“陌生”与“生疏”,两个词都有“不熟悉”的意思。但“陌生”表示对一个人或事物因初次接触而不熟悉; “生疏”则可表示对一个人或事物以前熟悉或曾经有过接触,因相隔时间长变得不熟悉了,或者因接触时间不长次数不多所以不熟悉。 02限定词义的范围 有些近义词虽指同一事物,但所指范围却有大有小,这种分别也是辨析近义词的一个标准。 例如:“边疆”“边境”“边界”范围是越来越小。“边疆”指远离中心的地方,靠近国界的领土,范围大,同时这个概念比较抽象;“边境”指靠近国界的地方,范围较小,同时这个概念比较具体。“边界”仅指一条界限,范围最小。 再如:“年纪”与“年龄”。“年纪”专指人的年龄,词义范围小,“年龄”指人或动物植物已生存的年数,词义范围大。 03揣摩词义侧重 有些近义词虽指意义相似,但由于词素构成不同往往所指的侧重点不同,使用就有所不同。 例如:“景色”与“景点”,“景色”侧重指景象、情景。“景点”侧重指景物的地点。再如:“诡辩”与“狡辩”都指无理强辩,但“诡辩”着重在“诡”,即欺诈、怪异,“诡辩”就是用欺诈的手段,奇怪的言辞,似是而非的论证来为自己的谬论辩护。

“狡辩”着重在“狡”,即不老实,耍花招,“狡辩”是歪曲事实,狡猾的为自己的错误言行辩解。 04分清词性和语法功能 近义词一般词性相同,但也有词性不同或不完全相同的。 例如“诞生”与“诞辰”,前者为动词,后者为名词,词性不同,用法自然就不同了。也有因词性不同,表达的意思也就不同,如“突然”(形容词),“猛然”(副词)。 如:2005年2月10日下午3时,朝鲜外务省突然发表(),鉴于美国丝毫没有改变对朝敌视政策,朝决定无限期中止参加六方会谈,并采取措施进一步扩充核武库。此句中需要一个名词性的词语,应该填“声明”。 05语感与第一印象 选词填空题还考察我们的日常词汇和语言积累,许多固定搭配或者约定俗成说法,凭借语感即可做出答案。 学生在一定要相信自己的积累,不要耗费两大量时间迂回于一道试题。此外,有些词语习惯搭配我们也需要注意,这些就是考察我们的词语积累了。 06找准对象 近义词在实际运用时,使用对象也有区别。主要是谈话人或陈述对象所处的地位不同而使用的词语不同。 例如:“爱戴”与“爱护”都可一用于人,但“爱戴”只用于下对上,“爱护“用与同志之间或上对下,有时还用于物。 如“爱护公物”。如“他是一个深受群众爱戴的好干部”中的“爱戴”就不能换成“爱护”。再如:“希望”与“期望”。“希望”可用于别人,也可用于自己;“期望”只用多用于对别人,且多用于长辈对晚辈,组织或集体对个人。 07色彩的过滤


英语用词的适当形式填空 1. I want______(buy)a book. 2. Sunday is _______ (1)day of a week. 3. He'd like _______ (go)with Tom. 4. They all enjoy _______ (speak)English. 5. This story is as _________ (interest)as that one. 6. Do you finish ________ (read)this story book? 7. He is much __________ (athletic)。 8. This coat is pretty _________ (beautiful)。 9. Thanks for _______ (ask)me. 10. My father bought ____ (I)a new watch. 11. Can you help Tom?He needs some _____ (help)。 12. Let the cat ______ (go)out now. 13. We decide _____ (go)shopping tomorrow. 14. Hi, look!I can _________ (fly)the kite now. 15. They _____ (be)also students five years ago. 16. They ___________ (exercise)at the moment. 17. Sandy is an ______ (usual)girl. 18. I have to _______ (visit)my best friend Lin tomorrow. 19. How ______Tom often _________ (get to)there? 20. When spring comes, it gets ________ and _______ (long)。 21. When ______ he ______ (have)lunch yesterday? 22. I always like ______ (make)_______(friend)with others. 23. They are ________ (friend)to us. 24. The cat has four ______ (foot)。 25. The students enjoy __________ (read)English stories. 26. We went on _________(study)after we had a short rest. 27. The baby has two _______(tooth)now. 28. Ann didn't come to school because of her _________ (ill) 29. Which do you like _______(well)。carrots or tomatoes? 30. One of his ______ (foot)_______ (be)hurt. 31. He studies very hard. but his _________(speak)doesn't improve. 32. You should take the medicine ___________ (two) a day. 33. _________ is the fourth day of a week. 34. _______ your brother and you _______ (have)any questions? 35. You'd better ________ (not forget)send me an e-mail. 36. As soon as I went bed. I fell ________ (sleep)。 37. I felt _____(tire)after a long walk. 38. It's important ________ (learn)the language. 39. You will be possibly _____ (wake)if you drink dark tea before you go to bed. 40. I had no time ________(have)my breakfast. 41. It is easier ______(say)it than ______(do)it. 42. There ______________ (be)a football match tomorrow. 43. We'll have to sweep the floor before mother ____________(come)back. 44. Do you like going ___________ (ride)? 45. Look. he __________(babysit)his brother. 46. Yesterday. we _______(win)the first in the _______(run)race.


第一单元复习卷 一、请写出一下单词的过去式 stay 停留enjoy喜欢、享受go去 have有has有do做does做 teach教buy买like喜欢tell告诉 begin开始 speak说play玩talk谈论 listen听write写read读learn学习 use使用act表演am/is是are是 sing唱歌chant唱诗dance跳舞 work工作 ask要求、问practise练习make制作 二、请写出你知道的一般过去时的标志词。 三、请写出以下特殊疑问词的意思。 what when how where who whose how much how many what time 四、请写出以下固定搭配 do/to do/doing 1 enjoy+ sth.喜欢做某事 2 would like+ sth.想要做某事 3 begin+ sth.开始做某事 4 be interested in+ sth.对做某事感兴趣 5 ask sb.+ sth.要求某人做某事 6 practise+ sth.练习做某事 7 can+ sth.能够做某事8 let sb. + sth.让某人做某事 五、用适当的介词填空 1 tell sb. sth.告诉某人某事 2 +doing sth. 通过做某事 3 English 用英语 4 +sb.和某人一起 5 many ways 用许多方式 6 learn each other互相学习

7 pairs 成对8 groups成小组 9 ask sb. sth.询问某人关于某事10 night 在晚上六用所给词的适当形式填空 1 –Where you last night?-I in the zoo. 2 she (practise) her guitar(吉他) yesterday? 3 we (visit)Beijing last summer. 4 They (stay) in London for 3 days last year. 5 She (help) me 3 days ago. 七句型转换 1We went to Xi’an by train.(划线部分提问) you to Xi’an? 2 They visited the Great Wall yesterday.(划线部分提问) they the Great Wall? 3 We played football last week. (划线部分提问) you last week? 4 Kate had a piano lesson yesterday.(一般疑问句) Kate a piano lesson yesterday? 5 He did his homework last Sunday.(变否定句) He his homework last Sunday.


英语选词填空做题技巧 1.看单词。在拿到题目后,不要急于看文章,首先对备选的词汇研究几遍,对词性作简单的标记,例如:名词-n.,动词-v.,形容词-a.,副词-ad. 等等。同时对词义作初步的理解。 2.通读全文,了解短文大意,把握全局。语义完整、适用、合乎逻辑是做好填词的前提。通过上、下文的句子,充分理解短文的内容,注意发现固定搭配关系,凭借语感积极主动地猜测空格中所缺的信息,根据需要去备选词汇中寻找匹配的答案。 3.在选定单词后,不要轻率地填入。在填词过程中,需要瞻前顾后,既要符合本句的含义,又要保证句式结构的正确。根据语法,判断词性。进一步缩小选择范围,从而正确的选词。利用语境,确定词性。当你选定一个名词时,要考虑是否要把它变成复数或“所有格”形式。例如:match-matches, friend-friend's/friends'。其他还要考虑名词是否需要变成形容词,例如:sun-sunny, use-useful/useless/used, danger-dangerous;在遇到动词时,要有意识地去考虑时态和语态的变化以及非谓语动词形式的变化(动词不定式- to do, 现在分词-doing, 过去分词-done, 固定搭配-enjoy doing sth./used to do sth./have sth. done/ask sb. to do sth./want to do sth./…);形容词和副词填空时要主动去判定是否需要变成比较级或最高级,还有它们之间的相互转换以及形容词变名词的需求也需考虑,例如:interesting-more /the most interesting, happy-happily,happy -happiness; 填入代词时,需注意辨别主格、宾格、名词性和形容词性物主代词或反身代词的用法;数词方面要注意基数词和序数词的变化以及分数和虚实数的用法,例如:three-third, 2/3-two thirds, one thousand/thousands of ;冠词只需要在a或an之间判别,如a girl/an old man; 当遇到介词和连词时,就更简单,只要符合上下文逻辑或固定短语搭配,填入即可。为了方便记忆,试着记住下面的顺口溜:空前空后要注意,“名词”单复数要牢记,还有's 不能弃,“动词”注意要变形,“形副”注意要用三种级,要填“数词”请留意,千万别忘“基”


(2018·云南昆明)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使语篇意义完整,必要时请用否定式。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) The most interesting museum I’ve ever been to is the American Computer Museum. They have 66 (information) about different computers and who invented them. The old computer were much big ger. It’s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! I’ve also learned that there was a special computer. It could play chess even 67 (well) than humans. I wonder how much more computers 68 (be) able to do in the future. I’ve 69 (recent) been to a very unusual museum in India, the international Museum of Toilets. I just 70 (could) believe my eyes when I saw so many different kinds of toilets there. The museum 71 (teach) people about the history and development of toilets. It also encourages governments and social groups 72 (think) about ways to improve toilets in the future. Last year I went to the Hangzhou 73 (national) Tea Museum. It’s a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake. The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets. Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea 74 (it). 【主旨大意】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了三中不同类型的博物馆,展现了各国不同的文化。 66. information考查名词。information为不可数名词,故用原形。 67. better考查形容词。根据句中than可知要用比较等级,well比较级形式为better。 68. will be考查动词时态。根据句中in the future可知要用一般将来时,故用will be。 69. recently考查副词。recent为形容词,其副词形式为recently。 70. couldn’t考查情态动词。句意:当我看见那里这么多不同种类的厕所时我几乎不相信自己的眼睛。结合句意可知应用否定式,根据下文的saw可知应用一般过去式。 71. teaches考查动词时态。结合下文中“It also encourages…”可知此句应用一般现在时,主语为the museum,为单三形式。 72. to think考查非谓语动词。encourage sb. to do sth.意为“鼓励某人做某事”。 73. National考查形容词。national意为“国家的”,此处表示专有名词,故字母n大写。 74. itself考查代词。句意:观看茶的准备工作就像饮茶本身那样非常令人享受。itself意为“它自己”。 75. collecting考查非谓语动词。love doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”。 C ) (2018·江苏徐州) 用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,使短文完整。 (2018·江苏徐州) Donnie Darko is a fantastic film. It's a dark comedy, which is sometimes funny and sometimes frightening. The film 53 (set) in an American town. One night, Donnie Darko, who is a teenager, meets a frightening man 54 (dress) as a rabbit. When a plane crashes into Donnie's house, the man saves his life and then tells him that his enemies plan 55 (end) the world in 26 days. The film is about the next 26 days. It's a teenage love story, a thriller, a science fiction film, and a comedy, all in one film. Donnie Darko was written and directed by Richard Kelly, who 56 (be) only 25 when he made it. It 57 (win) plenty of film awards so far, but no Oscars. The music is really good, and it 58 (include) 1980s pop songs. Watch this film now and see what you think of it.


1. The poor man is hungry. He __________(not eat)anything for two days. 2. Harry Potter__________(not have) a birthday party for about eleven years. 3. He __________(grow) into a fine young man. 4. They lost the game because Tom __________(fall) on the ground during the race. 5. Look, the old lady __________(carry) a bag of rice. Let’s go and help her. 6. Since 1986, the old man __________(give) 200000yuan to help poor students go to school. 7. A: Where is Dick? B: He __________ (go) to the library. 8. A: What is Dick doing? B: He ________ (go) over his lessons in the study. 9. Julia __________ (make) a lot of friends since she came to China. 10. My parents __________(be) to Europe many times. 11.Yesterday, Tom __________(have ) a broken leg, so he __________(not go) to school. 12. Take the doctor’s advice. I hope you __________(get) better soon. 13. Brazil __________(spend) 34 billion yuan before 2006 to help its young people keep their teeth heathy. 14. Since January, Ren __________(travel) 20000kilometers to visit 50 different towns. 15. It __________(take) 365 days plus 6hours for the Earth to circle the Sun. 16. We all know that the earth __________(move) around the sun. 17. Bob __________(go) to the school library. He will stay there for two hours 18. The apples __________(fall) from the trees last night. 19. This lesson is very strange. I __________never __________(hear) anything like it before. 20. Many kids in the countryside __________(not see) a film for five years because they have no place to watch them.


用所给词的适当形式填空 1. I’d like__________ (have) a party. 2. Helen’s family ________ (be) at home last Sunday. 3. Please open ________ (they) for_____(I). 4. Listen! The girl ___________ (sing) over there. 5. Let’s_________ (clean) the window. 6. The girl ________(visit) Danny last month. 7. Listen! The little boy__________(cry). 8. She________ (draw) pictures every week. 9. Ben and Jim usually _________ (go) home together. 10. Tom ________ (go) to school every day. 11. I want to ________ (visit) the farm. 12. He_______ (have) a brother and a sister. 13. He always ________ (go) shopping. 14. What _______ (do) you do last Sunday? 15. _______ (I) shirt is black, but_______(you) is white. 16. _______ (she) cat is thin, but ______(he) is fat. 17.________ (we) pens are long, but ________(they) pens are short. 18.________ (I) is blue, and this one is grey. 19. My brother _______ (have) a new computer. 20. We often_______ (watch) TV in the evening. 21. There are five _______(people) in my family.


一般现在时用所给词的适当形式填空 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-

用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Mike’s sisters (have) many hobbies. 2.Mike’s sister (have) many hobbies. 3. Miss Li’s son (have) any animal friends? Yes, he . 4.Mike can (fly) kites, he often (fly) a kite and (have) a picnic in the park. 5.Mike likes TV. He often (watch)TV at weekends. 6.Do you like (swim)? Yes, I do. But my sister (not like) (swim). 7.Mike is not good at (draw) pictures. What (be) he good at? 8.Look at my cat. It (like) drinking milk. 9.What your sister (do) ? She is a teacher. 10. My father (teach) Maths. He (have) a lot of students. 11. your mother (cook) (good)? Yes, she’s a (cook). She is good at

(cook). 12. your parents (speak) English at home? No, they only ____ _(speak) at work. 13. David always (go) (climb). Sometimes he (skate). 14. Where he (live) ? He (live) in the USA. 15.Who (teach) you English? Mr Green _________. (do) 16.Helen always has (dance) lessons on Sunday afternoons. 17.What Liu Tao (do)at weekends? He usually (read)stories. 18.Mary likes (chat)with her friends. She often (chat) on the Internet.


用词的适当形式填空的方法。 根据以下。 1.用动词的适当形式填空时态: 1)时态 2)祈使句 3)情态动词+动词原型 ( can/could/would/should/ must/need+动词原型) 4)there be(is /are) 2.固定词组 3.基数词与序数词的转化 4.从主格到形容词性物主代词的转化 5.be+形容词 6.名词变复数 +s/es/ies 名词的所有格+ ’s/ ’ 名词变形容词, friend---friendly difference(s)---different sun---sunny 8. 动词/介词后+宾格 动词人复数

play—player—players teach—teacher—teachers clean—cleaner—cleaners visit—visit or---visit ors 动词名词 invite—invition swim -- swimming build--building 10。want看成一般现在时和一般过去时。11.who是单三称 BookII (UP) 1. 1.动词---动词ing 2.动词---动词的过去分词 3.形容词---副词+ly/ily slow—slowly quick—quickly 4. 形容词原级----比较级----最高级 比较级+ and+比较级越来越 5. 介词后+动词ing 6.if引导的条件状语从句是一般现在时。 即:if (如果)+ 一般现在时 7.when引导的将来时的时间状语从句是一般现

在时 即: when(当--)+一般现在时 8.want看成一般现在时或一般过去时 What + 名词词组+主语+谓语9.感叹句 How+形容词+主语+谓语BookII(down) 1.neither---nor

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