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Module 10 Fitness单元检测试卷




1 ? He runs every morning to keep fit.

2? My father has just bumped into the head teacher in the street.

3.Taijiquan is a good way to stay healthy.

4.He is fat because he often eats junk food?

5 ? He wants to be a cook when he grows up.

1. _______

2. ______

3. _______

4. _______

5. _______


M: Whafs wrong with you, Mary?

W: I feel sick.I think I have a bad cold.

Q: Whafs the matter with Mary?

6? A.She has a feve r.

B.She has a terrible cold.

C.She has a bad headache?

W: Do you like to dance?C


M: Yes, I do.

W: When do you dance?

M: I usually dance at the weekend.

Q: When does the man dance?

7. A.On Saturday afternoon.

B.At the weekend.

C.In the evening.

M: Whafs the matter with you?

W: I'm not feeling well.I have a headache?

M: When did it start?

W: About three days ago.

M: Oh, you should have a good rest.

Q: Whafs wrong with the woman?

8. A.She has a cold.

B.She has a headache.

C.She has a toothache?

W: What are you doing for vacation?

M: Em going to Dalian for a week?

W: What are you doing there?

M: I'm going to enjoy the sun and swim in the sea. Q: How long will the man stay in Dalian?

9. A.Four days.

B ? Three days?

C. Seven days.

W: How does your father go to work?

M: He usually takes the subway.

W: How long does it take him to get there?

B ? at home

D. with his parents

M : About an hour.

Q : Does his father take a bus to work? 10. A.Yes, he does. B ? No, he doesn't ? C ? He takes the subway ?


Hello! My name is Mike.I am from the USA.Now I am in China with my parents.I like China.I like Chinese food, too.l have breakfast at home.I eat an egg ,bread and porridge for breakfast.I do not like milk.I have no time to go home for lunch.So I have it at school.The lunch in our school is good.I can have different food for lunch.I have rice, meat and vegetables.Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings.I have dinner at home with my parents.Sometimes we go out to eat with friends.We have chicken, vegetables and fruit.

11 ? Mike is ?

A. American

B. English

C. Chinese

D. in the USA

12 ? For breakfast, Mike has _______ A. an egg, an apple and porridge B ? an egg, bread and porridge C ? an apple, bread and milk D ? an egg, an apple and bread

13- He has lunch _______ A. at school C. in a restaurant

14. He has _______ for lunch. A.










C.chicken, meat and fruit

D. A and B

15 ? Sometimes they have dinner_______ .

A.at school

B.in a restaurant with some friends

C.at his friend's home

D.in the open air



16. Please tell me what happened _______ y ou, Jamie?

A?to B ? about

C. with D? for

17 ? The story about the heroes _______ me greatly.

A ? interested

B ? interests

C. is interested in

D. was interested by

1 8. You can keep if you exercise regularly and eat healthily.

A .fitting B. to fit

c.fit D? fitness

19. Would you like to stay 9

A. healthily Be healthy

C. health

D. unhealthy

20. Fve got a friend _______ parents are both teachers.

A- who

B ? that

21. I can't find the book I bought yesterday.

A ? what

B ? that

C. who D- whose

22. The boy is standing there is my brother.

A? who B ? whom

C. that

D. whose

23. The coat I put on the desk is red.

A? whose B. where

C. what

D. which

24.nothing I want to sav about it.

A. Almost B ? Nearly

C. Hardly

D. Only

25 ? The doctor persuaded him in bed for at least three days.

A ? to stay

B ? not to stay

C ? stays D- staying


Many animals know their food because they see it.So do humans.When you see an apple or a piece of chocolate, you know these are things 26 you can eat.You can also use other ways to choose your food.You may like it because it smells good or it 27 good.Different animals use different 28 to choose their food.A few animals depend on only one of the ways, 29 most animals use more?Although there are many different types of food, some animals 30 their lives by eating only one type.The panda eats only bamboos-A kind of white butterfly (虫胡蝶)will stay on the leaves of a cabbage, even though there are 31 of other vegetables.However, most animals have

more various (各禾申各样白勺)_32_.The bear eats fruits and fish.The fox eats small animals and

fruits.The diets of these animals will be 33 depending on the season.

We often eat food because we__34_ it but not because it is good for us.In France and Britain, people eat foods with too much suga匚This makes them fat, which is 35 for their health.So choosing the right food has become an area of study in modern life.

D? how

26. A.what B


that C. who

27. A.sounds



feels C ? tastes D? gets

28 - A.minds



ways C. interests



29. A.when



because C. if D. while

30. A.find



save C. spend D. waste

31. A.much



lot C. plenty D? type

32. A.risks



diets C ? features D? lives

33. A.main



different C. tasty



34. A.dislike



suit C. interest D. like

35. A.important


. good C. gentle D. bad



What can you do if you cant sleep well? Look at these tips for getting to sleep.The tips can help you deal with tension, stress and anxiety.Perhaps not all of these tips will get you to sleep, but a few of

them at least have proved to be successful.

Get some physical exercises during the day.Even 15 minutes a day of exercise (at least half an hour before going to bed so your body will have a chance to slow down) will give your body the activity and oxygen it needs to help you relax more and sleep better.

Listen to some light music.Play some soft, soothing music that helps you sleep.Of course you must have a recorder or a CD player that will automatically turn off because if you get up and turn it off at the end, it will lose its effect.

Drink warm milk.A glass of warm milk 15 minutes before going to bed will keep you healthy.

Keep regular bedtime routines (常规). Your body likes regular routines, whether you do or not.It likes to get up at the same time each day, eat at the same time, and go to bed at the same time.Keep away from caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.Before you go to sleep, you had better not drink coffee or cola which has caffeine.Don f t drink wine, beer or champagne which has alcohol and don't smoke.

Don't watch TV or read before going to bed.Wait at least half an hour before going to bed after reading or watching television.

36.What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “soothing” in the third paragraph?





37.If you choose to use the method of listening to music, the author advises you ________ ?

A. not to listen to soft music

B ? to have a recorder or a CD player that will turn off by itself

C? not to listen to soothing music

D? to make the recorder or the CD player lose its effect

38.Which should we do before going to bed according to the passage?

A.Watch TV or read.

B.Drink beer.

C.Drink warm milk.

De Drink coffee.

39.Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A. Use sleeping pills.

B ? Listen to light music.

C. Drink warm milk.

D? Keep far away from caffeine?

40.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Sleeping and music

B ? Drink milk before sleeping

C? Tips for getting to sleep

D? Sleeping well is important


In North America people are always in a hurry.Children have special lessons or sports activities after school.Parents often work late and don't get home until 7 or 8 o'clock at night.More than 50% of women work at full-time jobs, and many people do part-time jobs.Most North American families don't have time to eat meals together.

When a family takes time to have a meal together, often there isn't enough time to prepare for the food.That is why fast food is very popular in North America.People spend about 40% of their dollars on fast food.

Fast food is food such as pizza, sandwiches, or fried chicken.People usually buy the food from a restaurant chain such as Pizza Hut, McDonald's, or Kentucky Fried Chicken.Fast food saves work and time, but it is not good for health.

Fast food is popular in many countries.American fast-food companies now have restaurants all over the world.But not everyone is happy about the spread of North American fast food.A group of people in Italy want to fight agai nst it.They do not want any more fast-food chai ns to open restaurants in their country.They also want to fight against the spread of fast food everywhere in the world?

41 ? Children in North America.

A? don't go home until 7 or 8 o'clock at night

B ? often have sports activities after school

C. often do part-time work after school

D? have meals with their parents every evening

42.The second paragraph tells us _______ .

A ? something about American women

B ? where to have fast food

C.why people often have fast food

D.how to spend one r s money on fast food

43.Which of the following is NOT fast food?

A ? Pizza

B ? Sandwiches

C. Fried chicken

D. Rice

44.According to the writer, _______ .

A. people in many countries like fast food

B ? fast food is not at all popular in North America

C. people in North America spend most of their money on fast food

D? fast food is becoming more and more popular in the world

45 ? The passage is mainly about________ .

A. fast food

B ? history of fast food

C- fast food in Italy

D ? fast-food restaurants


Your school is to hold an English speaking contest on Friday, and the topic is "The Way to

Stay Healthy". In order to prepare the contest, you ask Uncle Lee, who is a doctor, for help.And he gives you the following tips?

Sugar一Public enemy number one.Do not eat too much sugar, or food with a lot of sugar, like sweets, biscuits and cakes.

Vegetables一Eat as many vegetables as you like, but don*t eat too many potatoes, carrots or peas. Fruit—Always eat fruit before a meal, and, if possible, 15 minutes before eating anything else.The only kind of fruit you should eat after a meal is strawberry?

Breakfast is the king一Have a big breakfast with fruit juice, milk and whole-meal bread. You can eat as much bread as you like, but only at breakfast, never at lunch or dinner. You can drink coffee, but don't drink too much.

Goodbye to big dinners一Dinner should be the lightest of the three meals.And try to have it as early as possible, not after nine o'clock in the evening?




51 ? Let us see what is on the m______ today.I want to eat potatoes?

52.My sister was e ______ i n England.She studied literature for years.

53.He was very busy, so he r ______ my invitation to the party.

54.I am doing exercises to improve my f


56.What he said ______ (interesting) me.I wanted to read his book.

57.It seems ______(likely) that he will come, so we eat first.

58.My lack of education was a _______ (advantage) when I looked for a job?

59- I want to sell my products, so I must _________ (advertisement) it.

60. They persuade me _______ (accept) the nice present.


A.They are high in fat.

B.What kind of food is healthier?

C.By the way, 1 think you also drink too much coffee, too.

D.I had hamburgers and fries.

E.Smoking is bad for your health.

F.Probably you are right.

G.Yeah, vegetables are much healthie匚

A: Hey, what did you eat for lunch today?

B: 61

A: Again? Don't you know those foods are not very good for your health?

B: Really?

A: Yes, 62 If you eat them every day you will become overweight and might have a heart attack someday?

B: ?3 Tomorrow I will have salad for lunch?

A: 64 They contain lots of vitamins and fibre, 65

B: One step at a time, my friend.


请根据下表内容提示,以u The way to keep healthy^^为题,用英文写一篇短文,谈谈你的建议。


The way to keep healthy


l.C 2.A 3.E 4.D 5.B

二、6-10 BBBCB

11-15 ABADB



六、36-45 CBCAC BCDA


46- Sugar

47.Potatoes, carrols and peas

48.Before a meal, if possible J 5 minutes before eating anything else


50.As early as possible, not after nine oclock in the evening

七、51. menu 52. educated 53. refused 54. fitness 55. concentrate

56. interested 57. unlikely 58. disadvantage 59. advertise 60. to accept

八、61.D 62.A 63.F 64.G 65.C



The Way to Keep Healthy

Everyone knows that it is very important to keep healthy.But do you know how to do it? Here are some tips for you.

On the one hand, you should eat more fruit, vegetables and other healthy foods.And you should often have sports and make sure you have at least 8 hours1 sleep every day.

On the other hand, you should eat less foods that have too much fat or sugar, such as hamburgers, icecream and so on .Don't drink too much coffee or smoke.Yoifd better learn how to relax yourself when you are tired?

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