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皮肤软组织缺损的远位皮瓣修复 目的:总结远位皮瓣在创伤救治中的价值和经验体会。方法:对2001~2010年本院收治的应用皮瓣修复的住院患者资料进行分析总结。结果:本组64例皮肤软组织缺损需皮瓣修复的患者中,22例应用远位皮瓣修复,胫前皮肤软组织缺损应用远位皮瓣修复4例,手部皮肤软组织缺损应用远位皮瓣修复18例。在本组皮瓣修复的患者中远位皮瓣应用的比例较高(34.4%),特别是近年来修薄成真皮下血管网皮瓣后应用效果有所提高,清创抗感染是手术成功的基础,可以清创后立即行皮瓣移植,也可以在急诊处理中先清创,1~3 d后再行皮瓣移植。结论:创伤治疗中应用远位皮瓣可以挽救肢体,减轻伤残率,是创伤治疗中的重要方法。 [Abstract] Objective: To summarize the value and the experiences of pedicle flap donor sites for the repair of soft tissue injure. Methods: To analyze the medical records of trauma in the plastic surgery center from 2001 to 2010. Results: There were 64 patients whose soft tissue defects were repaired with skin flap, included 22 pedicle flap donor sites. anterior tibial soft-tissue defdct 38 patients. Hand soft-tissue defect 26 patients. Pedicle flap donor sites was made up 34.4% of 64 patients.Thorough debridement was very important for success of surgery.Anastomosis was the key point in surgery.The skin flap donor sites could he transferred immediately or 1~3 days after idement. Conclusion: Application of skin flaps donor sites,for the treatment of trauma can save limbs and reduce raaims rate.There was no other technique can replace the flap donor sites for the repair of soft tissue injury in some circumstances.[Key words] Surgical flags; Injures; Soft tissue defect;Repair 皮瓣移植作为一种修残补缺的手段,在创面修复中应用广泛,多用于皮片移植难以修复的创面,例如:骨关节、肌腱、重要脏器、大血管和神经干裸露,且无法利用周围皮肤直接拉拢缝合的创面;遭受磨压部位或局部营养不良创面;颊、鼻等处洞穿性缺损等。皮肤肿瘤或瘢痕切除以及创伤等原因造成的不同程度的皮肤软组织缺损在临床中十分常见[1]。远位皮瓣的优点是供区不在缺损部附近,缺损部可较好地修复。皮瓣修复在皮肤软组织创伤与缺损的治疗修复中的作用是十分重要的。本文根据本科2001~2010年收治的皮肤软组织缺损行远位皮瓣修复的患者资料,总结整形外科的修复原则与方法,特别是远位皮瓣修复在早期创伤治疗中应用的经验。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 本组64例皮肤软组织缺损需皮瓣修复的患者中,22例应用远位皮瓣修复,22例应用远位皮瓣修复的患者中,男性17例,女性5例,年龄19~35岁,平均27岁。胫前皮肤软组织缺损4例,手部皮肤软组织缺损18例。其中手指损伤


手指皮肤软组织缺损的皮瓣修复现状及进展【中图分类号】r575 【文献标识码】a 【文章编号】1672-3783(2011)11-0422-01 【摘要】手是人类重要劳动的重要器官,也是体外的显露器官,对人的形象是重要的。在现在生活和工作中,刀具和机器使用非常广泛,手部受伤特尤其是手指和皮肤缺损的几率明显增加。随着近年来由于工农业生产机械的广泛使用,人民生活中应用机械、电器等产品的增多,手外伤逐年增加成为外科急诊常见多发伤,手外伤发生率已位居外伤发生率第2位[1],占到外科急症总数的20%,骨科急症总数的40%[2],多发于工厂工人,成年男性居多。随着人们生活水平的提高,患者对于手指外观及生理功能的要求越来越高,因此,保留患指长度,恢复患指感觉及功能,成为临床医生的研究重点。 【关键词】组织缺损;功能修复;手指外伤;未来展望 the hand is an important human labor vital organs, is also the in vitro revealed organ, the people of the image is important. now the life and work, cutting tools and machine use very extensive, hand injuries, especially fingers and skin defect of significantly increased the chance. in recent years, with due to the widespread use of industrial and agricultural production machinery, the people’s life application machinery, electrical products, such as

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