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a bird in the hand is worth two the bush 一鸟在手,胜似二鸟在林

a blank slate 干净的黑板(新的一页,新的开始)

a bone to pick 可挑剔的骨头(争端,不满)

a cat nap 打个盹儿

a chip off the old block 大木头上砍下来的小木片(子肖其父)

a chip on one"s shoulder 肩头的木片(自卑感,因为自卑而爱找别人麻烦;喜欢向人挑衅)

a cake walk 走着去吃蛋糕(很容易的事)

a headache 头痛(麻烦事)

a knock out 击倒(美得让人倾倒)

a load off my mind 心头大石落地

a nut 傻子,疯子

a pain in the neck 脖子疼(苦事)

a piece of cake 一块蛋糕(小菜一碟,易事一件)

a pig 猪猡

a shot in the dark 盲目射击(瞎猜)

a short fuse 引线短(脾气火爆)

a sinking ship 正在下沉的船(越来越糟糕)

a slam dunk 灌篮(轻而易举的事)

a slap in the face 脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱)

a smoke screen 烟幕

a social butterfly 社交蝴蝶(善于交际,会应酬的人)a stick in the mud 烂泥中的树枝

a thick skin 厚脸皮

a thorn in someone"s side 腰上的荆棘(芒刺在背)a turn coat 反穿皮袄的人(叛徒)

an uphill battle 上坡作战(在逆境中求胜)

a weight off my shoulders 放下肩头重担

ace 得满分(得到完美的结果)

all ears 全是耳朵(洗耳恭听)

all thumbs 满手都是大拇指(笨手笨脚)

an ace up my sleeve 袖里的王牌

an open and shut case明显的事件

ants in one"s pants 裤裆里有蚂蚁(坐立不安)B

back in the saddle重上马鞍(重整旗鼓)

back on track重上轨道(改过自新)


ball and chain 铁球铁链,甜蜜的枷(老婆)beat a dead horse 鞭打死马令其奔驰(徒劳)beaten by the ugly stick 被丑杖打过(生得难看)beggar can"t be choosers 讨饭的谈不上挑三拣四

bet on it 下这一注稳赢(有把握,无疑)

bet your life 把命赌上(绝对错了)

better half 我的另一半

between a rack and a hard place 进退维谷(前有狼后有虎)

big headed 大脑袋(傲慢,自大)

bigger fish to fry 有更大的鱼要炸(有更重要的事要办)

bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂

bite the bullet 咬子弹(强忍痛苦)

birds of a feather flock together 羽毛相同的鸟总飞成一群(物以类聚)blow up in you face 在眼前爆炸(事情完全弄砸了)

bologna 胡说,瞎说

break a leg 折断一条腿(表演真实,演出成功)

break the ice 破冰(打破僵局)

bright 聪明,灵光

brown nose 讨好,谄媚

bug somebody 使人讨厌

bull in a china shop 瓷器店里的蛮牛(笨拙的人,动辄弄坏东西的人)bump into 撞上(巧遇)

burn bridges 烧桥(过河拆桥)

burst your bubble 扎破泡泡(打破人的幻想,煞风景)

bury one"s head in the sand 把头埋在沙里(自欺欺人)butterfingers奶油手指(抓不稳东西的人)

butterflies in my stomach肚里有只蝴蝶(心里紧张,七上八下)buy the farm买下农场(死了)


call it a night 一日事毕,可以睡觉了

can"t teach an old dog new tricks 老狗学不会新把戏

cash in my chips兑换筹码(睡觉,就寝)

chicken 鸡(胆小鬼)

circle the wagons 把篷车围成一圈(严阵以待)

clean up one"s act 自我检点,自我改进

come down in bucket 倾盆大雨

come down in sheets 整片整片地下(倾盆大雨)

cool your lips 冷静下来

cost someone an arm and a leg 要花上一条胳膊一条腿(代价昂贵)count on something /doing something 这事靠得住

count your chickens before they hatch 蛋还没孵化,先数小鸡(未雨绸缪)crock 破瓦片(无用之物,废话)

cross the line 跨过线(做得太过分了)

cross that bridge when we come to it 到了桥头就过桥(船到桥头自然直)cry over spilled milk 为泼了牛奶而哭(为过去的失败而懊丧)

cushion the blow 给垫着点儿(说话绵软一点,以免打击太重)

cut to the chase 抄捷径去追猎物(不绕圈子,开门见山,单刀直入)


daily grind 例行苦事,每天得干的苦工

days are numbered 来日无多

dead center 正当中

deadend street 死路,死巷子

dog 狗(丑八怪)

domino effect 多米诺骨牌效应

don"t hold your breath 别憋着呼吸(别期望太高)

don"t look a gift horse in the mouth 赠马不看牙(收人礼物别嫌好道歹)down to the wire 最后关头

down under 南边(常指面半球的澳洲)

downhill from here 从此都是下坡路(自此每况愈下)

drop the ball 掉了球(失职)


empty nest 空巢(儿女长大离家)

every cloud has a silver lining 乌云也有银边(祸兮福所倚,塞翁失马)


fall into place 落实,就绪

fender bender 撞弯保险杠的车祸(小车祸)

fight tooth and nail 爪牙并施,拚命抵抗

fine line 细线(微妙的差别)

fish out of water 如鱼离水

flash in the pan 淘金盆里的反光(空欢喜一场,好景不长)

fork in the road 岔路

framed 被陷害,遭栽赃

full throttle 加足马力


get a foot in the door 一脚已经进了门里(获得立足点,占一份)get hitched 拴起来(结婚)

get off on the wrong foot 起步便错(第一印象不佳)

get the ball rolling 让球滚起来(动起手来)

get/give the green light 绿灯亮了(获准行动)

give the shirt off one"s back 连衬衫都肯脱给人(慷慨成性)

go one step too far 多走了一步(做得太过分了)

go out on a limb 爬高枝(担风险)

go overboard 过火

go to hell in a hand basket 坐着吊篮下地狱(一坏不可收拾)

go to one"s head 上头上脸,冲昏头脑

go under 沉没(破产)

goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩

grasp for straws 抓稻草(绝望中的挣扎,快要淹死的人连漂浮的稻草也抓)guts 胆子


hot 惹火

have one"s cake and eat it too 既想留着蛋糕,又想吃(既要鱼,又要熊掌)hindsight is 20/20 事后的先见之明

hit stride 脚步走顺了

hit the books 撞书(用功)

hit the hay 倒在稻草上(睡觉、就寝)

hit the jackpot 中了头彩

hit the road 上路

hold the key to my heart 掌管我心灵的钥匙

hold your horses 勒住你的马(慢来)

hang somebody out to dry 把……晾起来了(把……坑苦了


1.A watched pot never boils.

[字面意思] 眼睛盯着看的壶永远不会开。

[引申义] 事情在进行中,不到时候就不会有结果,要水到渠成才行。心急锅不开。你着急?着急也没用!用眼睛盯着它看也无济于事,事情不会因为你着急就会有较快的进展。

2.Bad news travels fast.

[字面意思] 坏消息传得快。

[引申义] 好事不出门,坏事传千里。尤其在现在这个信息爆炸的年代,一件事情刚刚发生几分钟,很可能就已经成为千里之外的人们议论的话题了。

3. Easy come, easy go.

[字面意思] 来的容易,去的快。

[引申义] 这句话适合讲给那些把什么事都看得容易的人。尤其是对那种认为挣钱容易,不把钱当钱,对任何事情都不担心的人最适合。应该提醒这种人"钱不是长在树上的"。钱不是像树上的果实一样,今年吃光了明年还会自动长出来。有些人自己不挣钱,不知道挣钱的艰辛。

4. Good wine needs no bush.

[字面意思] 好酒不需要做广告。

[引申义] 好的产品不需要做更多的广告。酒好不怕巷子深,或许这话在全球化经济竞争的年代不太适合。不过在现代社会,广告可以让好的商品更快地被大家熟知,使市场营销的一个重要手段。

5.I am all ears.

[字面意思] 我浑身上下都是耳朵。

[引申义] 我在洗耳恭听。我很感兴趣,我在集中精力,全神贯注地等你往下说。比如:女朋友说"我今天下午去参加面试了。你想知道结果吗?"女朋友没往下说,就等男朋友开口,希望他说:"Tell me! Tell me! I'm all ears!"

6.It slipped my mind.

[字面意思] 从大脑里溜走了。

[引申义] 忘记了,没记住。打击最熟悉的I forget it.和I can’t remember it. 都是说我忘记了,但是这个表达式口语里的常用成语,是不是更形象?举个例子:I meant to tell

you your girl friend had called, but it slipped my mind.意思就是:我本想告诉你,你的女朋友来电话了,但是我把这事给忘记了。这下你会用了吧!

7. It's not my pigeon.

[字面意思] 不是我的鸽子。

[引申义] 不关我的事,不是我的责任,跟我没关系。我们大家都知道的另一种说法是:It’s none of my business.也是只不关我的事。如果有一天同事说:老板看上去很生气,说那个大项目搞砸了,到底是谁出错了啊?你也可以换一种说法回应他:It's not my pigeon.

8. Little leaks sink the ship.

[字面意思] 小漏洞会使一条船沉没。

[引申义] 千里长堤,溃于蚁穴。告诉我们不能轻视出现的小问题,时间长了可能会引起大麻烦。当我们想提醒身边的朋友或同事要仔细处理某件大事的时候,可以用上这个成语,显得更加耐人寻味哦!

9.Love is blind.

[字面意思] 爱情是盲目的。

[引申义] 情人眼里出西施。究竟他为什么爱上了她?我是不理解,但谁也说不清。爱情就是这样,正像人们常说的一样,Love is blind. 典出罗马神话,爱神丘比特Cupid用布蒙着眼睛,生有双翅,持弓箭,"爱情之箭"会盲目地射出。

10. Love me, love my dog.

[字面意思] 如果爱我,也应该爱我的狗。

[引申义] 你要是爱我,那也应该爱我所爱的一切。相当于汉语的"爱屋及乌"。我离了婚,还带着两个孩子。你说你爱我。但两个孩子不能离开我,我认的就是Love me, love my dog 这个理。




Don’t get high hat“别摆架子”

He was trying to tell me how to do my job, but I soon told him where to get off.“他要告诉我怎么做,我叫他哪儿凉快哪儿呆着去”

Get lost!用在祈使句里,相当于“滚开”或“离我远点儿”,这一句话口气很重,只有十分生气时才这样说。类似的说法还有Get stuffed!(此句也用于生气的拒绝某人时)。Don’t get me wrong:“别误会我/不要冤枉我”

Get an eyeful。“看个够”Let’s get real“别废话了,咱们说点儿正经的吧”(也可以说Let’s get a life)。


an eye for an eye 以牙还牙

have a bedroom eyes 有一双性感的眼睛

an eye for something 对某物有鉴赏力

eye someone 细看某人,打量某人

have eyes bigger than one’s stomach? 眼馋肚饱

four-eye 四眼

give someone a black eye 把某人打得鼻青眼肿

make goo-goo eyes at someone 对某人抛媚眼

green-eyed monster 嫉妒心

in a pig’s eye 废话,胡说

keep an eye on someone 密切注视某人,照看某人

keep one’s eyes peeled留心,警惕

see eye-to-eye 看法一致

be all ears 聚精会神地听,洗耳恭听

bend someone’s ear 与某人喋喋不休

blow it out one’s ear 胡说八道

chew someone’s ear off 对某人喋喋不休

have an ear for music 有音乐方面的天赋

fall on deaf ears 和没有心思听的人说话,没被理睬

good ear 辨别声音

keep one’s ear to the ground 注意听

perk up one’s ear 引起注意,竖起耳朵

play by ear 听过音乐后,不看乐谱而凭记忆演奏

put a bug in someone’s ear 事先给某人暗示,警告某人

talk someone’s ear off 因喋喋不休而惹怒某人

get off to a good start"”有了好的开始,开门红”Get the boot 委婉表达解雇某人If you're late again, you're getting the boot.”get booted 在chatrooms 还有被踢出去的意思。)

get one's teeth into something:认真对待,全神贯注于,死死咬住

1. clock in 打卡

Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.


2. come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐

Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.


3. come easily 易如反掌

Languages come easily to some people.


4. don't have a cow别大惊小怪

Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.


5. push around 欺骗

Don't try to push me around!



1. keep one's shirt on保持冷静

Keep your shirt on. He didn't mean to offend you. That's just the way he talks. 保持冷静。那只是他说话的惯常方式,他并非有意要冒犯你。

2. cool it冷静一点

Cool it. You are making me mad.


3. joy ride兜风

Let's go for a joy ride.


4. rap说唱乐

Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words.


5. red-letter day大日子

This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very important client. 今天是susan的大日子。她和一个非常重要的客户做成了第一笔生意。


1. go up in smoke成为泡影

Peter’s vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office.


2. hit the road上路

We should probably hit the road. It’s going to take us two hours to get home.


3. shape up表现良好,乖

You’d better shape up if you want to stay on.


4. scare the shit out of someone吓死某人了

Don’t sneak up behind me like that. You scared the shit out of me.


5. pull strings运用关系(源于“拉木偶的线”)

He pulled some strings and managed to get us front row seats for the concert. 他运用关系替我们拿到音乐会前排的位子。


1. come again 再说一遍

Come again? I didn't quite understand what you said.


2. come clean 全盘托出,招供

The criminal decided to come clean.


3. spring for 请客

Let me spring for dinner.


4. spill the beans 泄漏秘密

Don't spill the beans. It's supposed to be a secret.


5. stick in the mud 保守的人

Cathy is such a stick in the mud. She never wants to try anything




1. john厕所

I have to go to the john. Wait for me in the car.


2. keep in line管束

He needs to be kept in line. He's too wild.


3. jump the gun草率行事

Don't jump the gun. We have to be patient for a while. 不要草率行事。我们应该耐心等一会儿。

4. jump to conclusion妄下结论

Don't jump to conclusion. We have to figure it out first. 不要妄下结论,先把事情搞清楚。

5. lemon次

This car is a real lemon. It has broken down four times. 这辆车真次,已经坏了四次了!


1. fishy 可疑的

His story sounds fishy. We should see if it's really true.


2. flip out 乐死了

Chris flipped out when I told him that we won the game.


3. fix someone up 撮合某人

I think Xixi and Macaulay would make a perfect couple. Let's fix them up. (Haha,just kidding:)


4. take a shine to 有好感

He really likes you. There are very few people he takes a shine to right away.


5. third wheel 累赘,电灯泡

You two go on ahead. I don't want to be a third wheel.



1. ripoff 骗人的东西

What a ripoff! The new car I bought doesn't work!


2. rock the boat 找麻烦

Don't rock the boat! Things are fine just the way they are.


3. blow it 搞砸了,弄坏了

I blew it on that last exam.


4. in hot water 有麻烦

He is in hot water with his girlfriend recently.


5. put one's foot in one's mouth 祸从口出

Wally is always saying such stupid thing. He has a real talent for putting his foot in his mouth.



1. flop (表演、电影等)不卖座,失败

The movie was a flop. Nobody went to see it.


2. drop in/by/over 随时造访

Feel free to drop in anytime. I'm usually home and I'd love the company.


3. drop a line 写信

Drop me a line! 给我写信!

4. duck 躲闪,突然低下头


Growth in air travel harms environment(飞行增多危害环境) Climate change experts from the Tyndall Climate Research Centre in Britain have said urgent action(紧急行动)is needed to curb the rapid growth in air travel(抑制飞行的快速增长)if the government is to meet its commitments(实现承诺)on tackling global warming(处理温室效应). This report from Stephen Evans: Falling ticket price and rising incomes are leading to rapid growth in global air travel.(导致国际航空业迅速发展的原因是机票价格的下降和收入水平的提升。)According to the British government, the number of British air passengers, for example, will more than double in the next quarter of a century(下一个25年). Increases of such an order would mean much more aviation fuel(燃油)being burned and aviation fuel may be more harmful to the environment than other fuels because the resulting smoke is emitted at high altitudes(高海拔). A group of scientists at the environmental research group, the Tyndall Centre, says that if Britain is to meet its overall target for cutting damaging emissions(减少有害气体排放), other uses of fuel like for heating homes or driving cars would have to be cut dramatically. The British government wants the use of aviation fuel covered by international agreement on the environment. The difficulty for any individual government(任何政府)is that taxing fuel used at its own airports might push airlines to move their operations to competing airports in other countries. https://www.doczj.com/doc/5715588075.html,/worldservice/learningenglish/newsenglish/witn/2005/09/050921_aviation.sh tml Calls to control low-cost flights(限制廉价航空) Cheap flights(廉价航空)on no frills airlines may not be a burden on our wallets but they will dearly cost the UK's environment(严重危害环境), campaigners believe. Scientists predict that if carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase, global warming will bring higher annual temperatures and heavier rainfall(温室效应会带来更高的气温以及更大的降水)- with all the associated problems(相关的问题). +将来时)it is . Agencies such as the Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) want our air tickets to reflect "the true cost of flying" to the environment. To green groups, this involves the aviation industry having to pay tax on the fuel(航空业应该为燃油使用赋税)it puts in planes.


科技 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 在这部分,你的任务是: 一,背诵话题词汇短语 二,为题目列出英文提纲 基础词汇短语 advanced science 尖端科学 scientific invention 科学发明 exert a far-reaching impact on…对…产生一种深远的影响 double-edged sword 双刃剑 earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变 pay the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路 lay a solid foundation for…为…打下良好的基础 energy crisis 能源危机 depletion of resources 能源消耗 milestone 里程碑 sophisticated equipment 尖端设备 technical innovation 科技创新 expediency 权宜之计 antithetical 与…背道而驰的 over-commercialized 过渡商业化的 a heated discussion 热烈的讨论 exhaust gas 废气 disastrous 灾难性的 overshadow 使…相形见绌 compared to/with…与…相比 usher in 引领 speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适 opposite forces 负面影响 a fatal breakdown 致命故障 potential hazards 潜在危险 pose a threat to…对…有一种威胁 promote relative industries 促进相关产业发展 accelerate 加速… means of transportation 交通方式 transportation tools 交通工具 social status 社会地位 environmentally-friendly resources 环保的能源 make people's life easier 使人们生活更方便 alternative fuel 可替代燃料


同意与否文体 There is no denying that the specific issue of srh./ 或接*whetker 从句has become controlersial. Howoer, in spite of those who are against-' for ?“ I approve ■wholeheartedK- of/ 或I strongly object to the idea that ??? Those who hold negach e/ positive aniiude co^ ards ??. "belie1e chsu ... mayexen ad^erse/ significant effect on us. ... isal^\ ays top of the list of their argument. Fnr nampl^...(滴用举洌子的方法*軽).Rxirlz, rhnw crirics/ ad vncar^^ alm claim that ...(就处写第二个原因〉for the reason dial …. It is often the case lhat…(此处总结上段反方提出的几个观点)。But when it comes to .... .... and…:(此处先总结写你所支持的几个锂由户an increasing number of people inducing me are com-inc ed that.. .For one thing ... ? The ev idence rec ent h presented in research journah av a liable to the public confhmw tha.t ???it 处写谓查结果■通过敎字来证明自己所列举的理由1。Stnulariy.. should also deserve our special attention In other words, ...(^种说法解⑥。If .not ..(S过来在说一o Last but not least.... ObY?u$ly t ir is hard for both sides to coiue to an agreement on this coKuplicaced issue, butl srill commit to the notion that <..(HI申你的立场)。


雅思写作基础段教学大纲 课程名称:雅思写作基础段 课程周期:16小时 课程安排:2小时 / 次;共8次 教学目标: 教学安排: 第一次:雅思写作task 1整体介绍;task 1常用词汇及运用 第二次:雅思写作task 1常见图表介绍及相应的表达 第三次:雅思写作task 2整体介绍和常用词汇及运用 第四次:雅思写作task 2分类介绍与背景构建 第五次:雅思写作task 2常用表达运用及强化进阶 第六次:雅思写作task 1 和task 2 混合基础分场景共建 第七次:雅思写作task 1和task 2混合表达及词汇共建 第八次:雅思写作基础段总结及强化段铺垫与衔接 雅思写作强化段教学大纲 课程名称:雅思写作强化段 课程周期:12小时 课程安排:2小时 / 次;共6次 教学目标: 在进行了起步段和基础段之后,通过强化段的课程来帮助学生更深入地理解雅思写作考试。帮助学生解决备考中的关键性问题——思维发散。通过强化段的课程来提高学生在雅思写 作方面的应试能力。 教学安排: 第一次:雅思写作task 1图表分类强化 第二次:雅思写作task 1图表分类强化 第三次:雅思写作task 1图表分类强化 第四次:雅思写作task 2分类强化 第五次:雅思写作task 2分类强化 第六次:雅思写作task 2分类强化篇二:定制雅思教学计划 雅思阅读【总学时】 24学时 教材选用 《剑桥雅思考试全真试题4-9》外语教研社 第一阶段:第一个月(4次*2h) 教学重点:基础词汇积累&定位信息,关键词的基本能力 授课内容: 1,扩充雅思基础阅读词汇。 2,学会寻找关键词,在原文中快速定位,教授雅思阅读中常见的3种题型:1heading sentence(找标题)summary(摘要填空) ture/false/not given(是非题) 再陈述与推理及true, false, not given 题的技巧。 培养学生雅思判断题需要的逻辑思维 4,教会学生读文章的步骤,利用文章中的图片图表信息做题。 模考安排:每4次课一次单科模考和分析反馈 第二阶段:第二个月(4次*2h) 教学重点:猜词与复杂句,基本题型的操练 授课内容:1,词根,词缀,词性,利用上下文猜词的能力;十大句子关系。 学会如何判断词性,句子成分,如何判断区分有用与无用的生词。 3,快速找到复杂句的重点,根据复杂句完成简单的问题;


Crime 类范文 犯罪类 There are an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. What are the causes of this phenomenon? 只分析一个方面(产生原因),写成5段式 开头段(不少于4句) In this day and age, the incidence of juvenile offenses has been growing at an alarming rate. Today, the sheer number of juvenile offenders has reached staggering proportions. A recent survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed that one out of four crimes today was carried out by minors. Hence, it is imperative that we pinpoint the causes of this disturbing phenomenon. 主体段1(不少于4句) In the first place, many instance of juvenile delinquency have been attributed to the violent or pornographic content of some TV shows and video games. Now we are facing a proliferation of blood and guts and nudity on TV, the computer and the Internet. Many youngsters, especially boys, get addicted to such scenes. Lacking the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, they develop criminal tendencies. 主体段2(不少于4句) In the second place, parental neglect and domestic violence play a pivotal role in the increase of youth crimes. Today there are an ever-growing number of dysfunctional families. The children raised in such families tend to be afflicted with constant fear. In the end, they develop a hatred for society and other individuals. 主体段3(不少于4句) In the third place, there is a definite correlation between the increase of juvenile crime rate and the rise of adult crime rate in society. The more adult crimes, the higher the probability of youngsters falling prey to adult offenders. Many youths are tempted by evil adults into committing crimes. And some others are victims of adult offenses and become criminals themselves to get their revenge on society. 结尾段(不少于2句) In sum, many factors contribute to the surge of juvenile delinquency. It is crucial that we take vigorous measures to tackle these problems and ensure that the future or our nation—that is, the youngsters, have a more promising future ahead of them. Crime 类8分范文 Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 一边倒写法=写完全同意或者完全不同意:五段式 开头段(不少于4句) With the crime rate hovering at high level, the print media as well as the electronic media dedicate large proportions of their space or airtime to detailed crime coverage. Whether the media should present detailed accounts of crimes has triggered spirited debate. Many assert that the news media should stop giving details of crimes. Speaking for myself, I totally agree with their views. 表示同意可以替换成approve of /wholeheartedly support/ cannot agree with their view more/ consent to/ am for 不同意可以替换成disagree with/ am against/ am opposed to / object to/ disapprove of/ cannot go along with 主体段1(不少于4句) In the first place, given the mercenary motives behind most detailed crime coverage, it is imperative that we discourage such coverage. The principal purpose of reporter covering criminal acts is to boost newspaper circulations or television ratings; much detailed crime coverage is biased or exaggerated. It only serves to leave a multitude of citizens constantly fearful about crime. 主体段2(不少于4句) In the second place, detailed reports of crimes by the press afford the potential criminals very useful learning materials. Reporting crimes in graphic detail helps those who are in the process of plan some criminal act to perfect their plans. Drawing on the well-documented crime stories in the media, would-be criminals learn how to avoid the mistakes in their crime. And this may aggravate the already soaring crime rate. 主体段3(不少于4句) In the third place, detailed reports of heinous crimes may traumatize the victims of the reported crimes. The reporters rarely consult the victims before they describe details of horrific crimes to the public. Hence, such reports become nothing more than an attempt to satisfy the curiosity of some base minds. Without


最高级和比较级 主语谓语最高级和比较级(宾语) than 英国在某方面花费的最多 Britain spent the most heavily on… 英国的花费高于其他国家 Britain spent more than other countries. 德国花的只比法国多 Germany only spent more than France. 主系表结构 意大利的花销只比法国多一点 Italy’s spending is only marginally greater than that of France. 英国的花费高于其他国家 British spending is considerably higher than that of other countries. 西班牙是最受欢迎的度假胜地。 Spain is the most popular holiday destination. 被动语态 女性失业率高于男性的。 More women are unemployed than men. 红色车的销量较高。 Far more red cars are sold. 英国在玩具上的花费高于其他国家 More money was spent on toys in Britain than in other countries. 女性的失业率最高 The highest percentage of women are unemployed. The unemployment rate for females is the highest. 位居中间maintain middle position 表示比较的连接词 By comparison = in contrast = by contrast: 对比来说, Compared with A = in contrast to A :和A对比来说, On the contrary = conversely: 相反 数字连接词修饰词 at \with\ reaching the figure of some\approximately\more or less\ just over\just under\ number or so The number of visitors to France and Germany reached 3million and 5million respectively 相等be equal to 主谓宾结构中常用动词 Spend Consume Consider mention cite prefer\favor\appeal to enjoy\have \own Suffer hoose 最the most 最不the least


Animal 类 范文 Some people think animal experimentation should be stopped because it is cruel. Others think it is necessary for the development of science. Discuss both view and give your own opinion. Animals were friend of foes of humanity at different times of the human history. In modern times, experiments upon animals have long been a breeding ground for spirited debate. Some animal right activists argue that we should ban animal experiments altogether because putting animals through experimentation is unjustifiable on moral grounds. Yet some other people contend that the advancement of science necessitates animal testing. Personally, I believe both their views have merit and demerit. Granted, empirical evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any attention to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure. First and foremost, improper confinement of test animals such as locking them up in cramped cages is inhumane. It can gravely disrupt natural biological functions of the test animal. Further, the effects of vaccination and vivisection conducted on live mammals can be chilling. They may, in some case, even constitute sheer torture of live animals. However, from a more pragmatic perspective, evidence bounds that animal subjects are still an indispensable part at this point. In the first place, it is manifest that drug experimentation on live mammals is far more effective than experimentation on bacteria or on other lower species in testing drug safety. Drugs that have severe potential side effects on Homo sapiens must be tested by pharmaceutical companies on live mammals first to ascertain their toxicity. In the second place, in space research, live animals are still the only practical alternative to humans in testing living creature reaction to outer-space experience on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts. Lastly, lab research about the behavioral tendencies of chimpanzees, gorillas and other members of the primate group is also necessary. It produces outcomes consistently advancing anthropological and genetic studies. To conclude, I concede that experiments upon animals may induce suffering to the test animals. However, I am convinced that there are no feasible alternatives to this methodology at the current stage of scientific development. On balance, I think that we should allow animals testing to be continued but at the same time we use techniques such as anesthetic to minimize the pain of the test animal. Animals 类词汇 动物权益保护主义者 animal rights activists 医学研究 medical research , 残忍的cruel/ merciless/ inhuman/ callous/ brutal 活体解剖 vivisection 麻醉anaesthetic


最近考试高频的十八个写作话题思路分析与素材汇总!只有7页,共18个话题,中英双语结合给出了关键思路和素材,给出了关键的高分词汇与表达!老是在考试时理不清思路、想不出素材的同学,看了一定会有帮助的!大家加油加油! ----------------------------------------------我是分割线--------------------------------------------------- 一、跳槽的原因及解决办法 1、相关词汇: fierce competition heavy pressure job-hopping is looked upon to move upward quickly keep skill fresh and up to date acclimatize themselves to the rapidly changing society 2、原因: (1)社会压力大,人们的竞争意识增强,不断改变以适应社会的变化。 (2)处于个人发展的需要,寻求升职,更新知识。 (3)金钱的诱惑,不在乎在哪儿工作,做什么职业,只要挣钱多。 (4)家庭原因,spouse工作地点改变或孩子去其他地方上学。 3、解决方法: (1)要理性看待,一般来说,stability equals success。

(2)chronic job-hopper将被questioned integrity and loyalty ,not reliable。 (3)政府和mass media应该鼓励人们扎根一个地方,扎扎实实干事业,并且尽可能提高welfare,改善城市和community的环境,留住人才。 (4)公司应该提高工资待遇,给employee创造一个良好的工作环境,在保证企业利润的同时要考虑员工个人发展,增加培训,扩充员工的知识。 二、大学是否应该根据就业教授学生知识,大学的主要功能是什么 平衡写: 1、认为应该提供实际知识的: (1)大学生毕业就要找工作,因此要培养学生掌握future job的技能。 (2)有人甚至声称理论没用,不是每个大学生都要做科学家。 2、反对方: (1)It will definitely be shortsighted to…目光短浅理论知识非常重要,理论指导实践,大学的职责不仅是教会学生一门技术,更重要的是教授一种方法。 (2)不学理论只学实际知识,会使学生变成utilitarian,narrow-minded,lack of imagination,如果学生要学的只是生存的技能,那就去vocational school。 3、总结 总之,我认为大学的功能是versatile的,促进学生all-around development,培养学生具有creative mind in some special field,而不只是教授该领域的实际知识,可以通过一些part-time job来获得。 三、个人不能对环境保护做不了什么,同意不同意 This is just an excuse for the ignorance of environmental protection. 1、分析环境恶化原因是缺乏环保意识。 2、给出解决办法。 四、维持博物馆是否是浪费金钱? 1、提出自己的观点(反对)。 政府应该spend a lot of money to enrich the collection of museums to cater for different tastes or needs of different people.有的人认为是浪费钱,我认为是很有必要的。 2、博物馆很重要(博物馆的作用)。 (1)illuminate the culture,history and arts of the world. 比如,世界上最大的British Museum provide visitors with all-round knowledge about the world culture and arts,collections in it trace the development of civilization throughout the history of mankind. Definitely a heartquake! (2)shoulder the responsibility to preserve and carry forward a country‘s traditional culture. (3)serve as a significant mean of adolescent education,benefit both the present and future generation. 教育学生什么是美,purify their heart,也可以作为第二课堂,提供教学参考


雅思写作教材 ?雅思写作必须为AcademicWriting,但是何为AcademicWriting,且看下面两段文字: E.g.:livinginbigcityisagoodchoice,becauseourchildrencouldgetbettereducation. Forexample,plentyofprimaryschoolsarelocatedinbigcity,so localcitizenscouldsend theirchildrenthere.Secondly,therearealotoftheatersinbigcitysowecouldenjoyfilms intheweekend. Thetwomeritsinbigcitiesasbetterservicejointlycontributetomakeurbanizationapriority. Firstofall,sufficienteducationalinstitutionsandfundshaveguaranteedthat higherlevelofeducationcouldbeacquiredinlargecity.Additionally,urbancitizenscanappreciate amorecolorfullifethanruralcitizens.Thecityprovides aplentyofplacesfor entertainmentwhilerurallifemayabitdull andtasteless. 第二段文字是典型的AcademicWriting,仅供参考。 ?雅思写作必备基础常识。首先从类型角度说五类小作文,四类大作文;从字数角度说是至少150+250=400字;从写作时间角度说是理论上20+40=60mins;从技术处理角度说建议先写大作文再写小作文。 ?官方给出每篇作文的分数是根据四个评分标准来的,小作文分别是:TA/CC/LR/GRA,大作文分别是:TR/CC/LR/GRA。两者结合白话一点说就是:题意理解/连贯衔接/词汇运用/语法准确。分别来看: 7分作文: ?写作内容涵盖写作任务的要求 ?(学术类)清晰地呈现关于主要趋势、区别或不同阶段的概述 ?(培训类)清晰地呈现写作目的,行文语气一致且恰当 ?能就主要内容/要点进行清晰的呈现与强调,但未能更为充分地展开 ?符合逻辑地组织信息及观点;清晰的行文推进贯穿全文 ?恰当地使用一系列衔接手段,尽管有时使用不足或过多 ?使用足够的词汇,体现一定灵活性及准确性 ?使用不常见词汇,对语体及搭配有一定认识 ?在选择用词、拼写及/或构词方面可能偶尔出现错误 ?运用各种复杂的语法结构 ?多数句子准确无误 ?对语法及标点符号掌握较好,但有时出现少许错误 6分作文:根据写作任 务要求作文 ?(学术类)选择恰当的信息进行概述 ?(培训类)写作目的基本清晰;行文语气有时未能保持前后一致 ?呈现并充分地强调了主要内容/要点,但有时含有不相关、不恰当或不准确的细节信息 ?连贯地组织信息及观点,总体来说,能清晰地推进行文发展 ?有效地使用衔接手段,但句内及/或句间的衔接有时有误或过于机械 ?有时无法保持一贯清晰或恰当地使用指代 ?使用足够的词汇开展写作任务


雅思大作文专项突破:追随时尚 本文收集整理了雅思大作文专项突破:追随时尚。这是目前常见的、高频的雅思写作话题,同学们在备考时可以边写边学,积累写作素材,以便在考试中更胸有成竹。 Topic 24: Fashion is difficult to follow, and some people argue that we should not follow it. They think that we should dress what we like and feel comfortable. Do you agree or disagree? 解析: 支持追随潮流(following fashion)的观点: ? 时装是自我表达( a means of self-expression)的一种休现,表现人的性格和喜好(reflect one's personality or likes),让人们在生活巾体验不同角色(allow people to try on many roles in life),同时便世界更加丰富多彩(diversity and variety of the world in which we live); ? 新时代的时尚(fashion in the new era)并不一定意味着高消费,也并非一定穿某种款式的衣服才算时尚;

? 时装源于生活(root in daily life),反映生活趋势(reflect that life),充分考虑了消费者的需求C consider consumer demand),不像人们想的那样肤浅(not as superficial as some people think) 反对追随潮流(following fashion )的观点: ? 潮流变化太快,盲目追求潮流(follow fashion blindly)是浪费时间和金钱; ? 失去了自己的喜好和判断(dwell too much on what others think); ? 鼓励人们将衣服和地位、社会阶层还有财富联系在一起(associate clothing with status, social class and wealth),这是一种歧视。 范文 Fashion refers to a style of clothing worn by most people of a country. The growing concern about fashion in recent years comes as no surprise, considering the fact that fashion is very often at odds with the traditional function of clothing, protecting wearers from the extremes of weather. In my opinion, fashion is not a betrayal but an indicative of a principle that wearing clothing is for both functional and social reasons. Fashions are linked to personal style. Fashions allow wearers to express emotion and solidarity with other people. People dress to their mood and according to circumstances. Buying fashionable clothes is a


雅思写作36个基础句型 1 benefit from 从……当中获益 例句:Others,however,believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.(剑8例句) 2 invest in 对……投资 例句:The government should invest a large proportion of its budget in helping the needy, despite the economic recession. 3 promote the development of 促进……的发展 例句:Even though the city has invested millions of pounds in museums and art galleries,it has done little to promote the development of education and medical care. 4 boost efficiency/productivity 提高效率/生产力 例句:The main question about high-tech education is whether it actually boosts the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. 5 play a pivotal role in 在……中起关键作用 例句:Vitamins and minerals play a pivotal role in keeping our body heathy;therefore,children and adults alike shoud eat more vegetables that are rich in various vitamins and minerals. 6 enrich one’s social/academic/professional experience 丰富……的社会的/学术的/职业的经历 例句:Working for a period before going to university can greatly enrich students’social experience and make them more capable in university. 7 keep society safe and stable 保持社会稳定 例句:Harmony keeps society safe and stable while conflict disturbs social order. 8 have a duty/obligation to do…有责任做… 例句:In most European countries,parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children receive proper education. 9 relax their bodies and ease their minds 让人放松身心 例句:Children not only need opportunities to acquire knowledge ,they need time to relax their bodies and their minds as well. 10 be based on 基于 例句:Discipline should be based on a positive,loving parent child relationship instead of on force and punishment. 11 generate employment opportunities 创造就业机会 例句:International tourism can generate employment opportunities.On the other hand ,it may damage the culture heritage of a nation. 12 be less time-consuming and more economical 省钱又省时间 例句:Contrary to the popular belief ,advertising makes our shopping experience neither less time-consuming nor more economical. 13 relieve one’s academic/financial/psychological burden 减轻某人的学业/经济/心理负担 例句:Part-time jobs help students to relieve their parents’financial burdens.Nevertheless,working on a part-time basis may create psychological burdens for the students themselves. 14 fulfill one’s potential 发挥某人的潜力 例句:Employees may feel they cannot fulfill their professional potential when their work is not

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