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2014年临床肿瘤学新进展学术研讨会一一2014年临床肿瘤学新进展学术研讨会一一Best of ASCO? Event in China 2014 会议日程 Program

议第一天2014 年7 月11 日(Day 1, July 11,2014) 00- 8:15 开幕式(Opening Ceremony)

O 代表:吴一龙教授致辞(Ope ning speech by Prof. Yi-Lo ng Wu on behalf of CSCO) 0代表:Peter Yu 教授致辞(Opening speech by Prof. Peter Yu on behalf of ASCO)

液肿瘤专场(Hematologic Malig nan cy)

席Chair):马军(Jun Ma)、王健民(Jian-Min Wang)

尿系统肿瘤专场 1 (Ge nitouri nary Can cer Session 1)

席Chair):叶定伟(Ding-Wei Ye)、马建辉(Jian-Hui Ma)

时间(Time) 题目(Topic) 讲者(Speaker)

8:55 —9:20 Abstract LBA2 戴波(Bo Dai)

Impact on overall survival (OS) with chemohorm onal therapy

versus horm onal therapy for horm one sen sitive n ewly

metastatic prostate can cer (mPrCa): An ECOG-led phase III

ran domized trial.



Abstract 5003

Immediate versus deferred

initiation of androgen deprivation therapy in prostate

cancer patients with PSA-o nly relapse.


Abstract 5008

Phase 3, ran domized,

placebo-c on trolled trial of ortero nel (TAK-700) plus

系统肿瘤专场 2 (Genitourinary Cancer Session 2) Chair):周芳坚(Fang-Jian Zhou)、谢晓冬(Xiao-Dong Xie)

Abstract 5011

In hibiti on of PD-L1 by MPDL3280A and clinical activity in pts with

metastatic urothelial bladder can cer (UBC).


Abstract 5012

Imm uno modulatory activity of ni volumab in previously treated and un treated metastatic renal cell carc in oma (mRCC): Biomarker-based results from a ran domized cli nical trial.

Nivolumab 对经治和未治转移性肾细胞癌的免疫调节活性:基于生物 标志物的随机临床试验结果。


Discussi on Topic: Im muno therapy for RCC? 讨论主题:肾癌细胞免疫治疗?

10:00 - 10:1 0

王秀问(Xiu-Wen Wang)

10:10 — 10:1

讨论(Q & A)

周芳坚(Fang-Jian Zhou) 谢晓冬(Xiao-Dong Xie) 王秀问

(Xiu-Wen Wang)

:15-10:30 休息 Break

性黑色素瘤专场(Mela noma Sessio n)

席Chair):郭 军(Jun Guo)、梁 军(Jun Liang)

io :



1。:55 Abstract 9000八

Efficacy and safety of the an ti-PD-1 monoclonal an tibody MK-3475 in 411 patients (pts) with mela noma (MEL).

抗PD-1单抗(MK-3475)治疗411例黑色素瘤患者的疗效和安全性研究 结果。

Abstract LBA9008

Ipilimumab versus placebo after complete resecti on of stage III mela noma: In itial efficacy and safety results from the EORTC 18071 phase III trial.

Ipillimumab 与安慰剂辅助治疗III 期黑色素瘤术后患者的III 期对照 研究(EORTC18071 :初步疗效和安全性结果。

Abstract 9003八

Survival, resp onse durati on, and activity by BRAF mutation (MT) status of nivolumab (NIVO, an ti-PD-1, BMS-936558, ONO-4538) and ipilimumab (IPI) con curre nt therapy in adva need mela no ma.

抗 PD-1 单抗 nivolumab (BMS-936558 联合 Ipilimumab (IPI )治疗不


题目(Topic) 讲者(Speaker) 斯璐(Lu Si)

肿瘤专场 1 (Gastro - intestinal Cancer Session 1) 席Chair):沈琳(Lin She n)、徐建明(Jia n-Mi ng Xu)

(PTX) versus placebo (PL) plus PTX. in the treatme nt of


:50- 14:00 午餐和/ 或卫星会(Lunch and/or satellite symposium)

肠肿瘤专场 2 (Gastro - intestinal Cancer Session 2)

席Chair):李进(Jin Li)、徐瑞华(Rui-Hua Xu)

Abstract 3504

Final results and subgroup an alyses of the phase 3 CAIRO3 study: Maintenance treatme nt with capecitab ine + bevacizumab versus observation after induction treatme nt with chemotherapy + bevacizumab in metastatic

肠肿瘤专场 3 (Gastro - intestinal Cancer Session 3) 席Chair):秦叔逵(Shu-Kui Qin)、王理伟(Li-Wei Wang)

腺癌专场 1 (Breast Ca ncer Session 1)

席Chair):江泽飞(Ze-Fei Jia ng)、宋尔卫(Er-Wei Song)

:00-16:15 休息Break

腺癌专场 2 (Breast Ca ncer Session 2)

席Chair):徐兵河(Bing-He Xu)、刘冬耕(Dong-Geng Liu)

腺癌专场 3 (Breast Ca ncer Session 3)

席Chair):徐兵河(Bing-He Xu)、刘冬耕(Dong-Geng Liu)

腺癌专场 4 (Breast Ca ncer Session 4) 席Chair):于丁(Ding Yu)、胡夕春(Xi-Chun Hu)


17:50 Abstract LBA1

廖宁(Ni ng Liao) —

Ran domized comparis on of adjuva nt treatment with aromatase

inhibitor (Al) exemesta ne (E) plus ovaria n fun cti on

suppressi on (OFS) versus tamoxifen (T) plus OFS in preme no

pausal wome n with horm one receptor-positive (HR+) early

breast cancer (BC): Joint analysis of IBCSG TEXT and SOFT





Abstract 500

Bevacizumab (Bv) in the adjuva nt treatme nt of HER2-negative

breast cancer: Final results from Eastern Cooperative On cology

Group E5103.



Abstract 504

Prog nostic associations of 25OH vitamin Din NCICCTGMA.21, a

phase III adjuvant RCT of three

:10- 19:30 自助晚餐(Buffet Dinner)

:00- 20:30 卫星会(Satellite symposium)

议第二天2014 年7 月12 日(Day 2, July 12, 2014) 00- 8:10 主席致辞(Chairman Address)

树锦教授欢迎参加第2天会议(Welcome to day 2 by Prof. Tony Mok)

瘤专场(Sarcoma Sessi on)

席Chair):秦叔逵(Shu-Kui Qin)、潘宏铭(Hong-Ming Pan)

癌专场 1 (Lung Cancer Session 1)

席Chair):吴一龙(Yi-L ong Wu)、程颖(Yi ng Che ng)

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