当前位置:文档之家› 2016年六级新题型-听力官方样题讲座题第一篇




Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19.

16. A) They investigate the retirement homes in America.

B) They are on issues facing senior citizens in America.

C) They describe the great pleasures of the golden years.

D) They are filled with fond memories of his grandparents.

17. A) The loss of the ability to take care of himself.

B) The feeling of not being important any more.

C) Being unable to find a good retirement home.

D) Leaving the home he had lived in for 60 years.

18. A) The loss of identity and self-worth.

B) Fear of being replaced or discarded.

C) Freedom from pressure and worldly cares.

D) The possession of wealth and high respect.

19. A) The urgency of pension reform.

B) Medical care for senior citizens.

C) Finding meaningful roles for the elderly in society.

D) The development of public facilities for senior citizens.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19.


Hello Ladies and Gentleman, it gives me great pleasure to introduce our keynote speaker for today’s session, Dr. Howard Mille r. Dr. Miller, Professor of Sociology at Washington University, has written numerous articles and books on the issues facing older Americans in our graying society for the past 15 years. Dr. Miller:

Dr. Miller:

Thank you for that introduction. Today, I’d l ike to preface my remarks with a story from my own life which I feel highlights the common concerns that bring us here together. Several years ago when my grandparents were well into their eighties, they were faced with the reality of no longer being able to adequately care for themselves. My grandfather spoke of his greatest fear, that of leaving the only home they had known for the past 60 years. Fighting back the tears, he spoke proudly of the fact that he had built their home from the ground up, and that he had pounded every nail and laid every brick in the process. The prospect of having to sell their home and give up their independence, and move into a retirement home was an extremely painful experience for them. It was, in my grandfather’s own words, like having a limb cut off. He exclaimed in a forceful manner that he felt he wasn’t important anymore.

For them and some older Americans, their so-called “golden years” are at times not so pleasant, for this period can mean the decline of not only one’s h ealth but the loss of identity and self-worth. In many societies, this self-identity is closely related with our social status, occupation, material possessions, or independence. Furthermore, we often live in societies that value what is “new” or in fashio n, and our own usage of words in the English language is often a sign of bad news for older Americans. I mean how would your family react if you came home tonight exclaiming, “Hey, come to the living room and see the OLD black and white TV I brought!” Unfo rtunately, the word “old” calls to mind images of the need to replace or discard.

Now, many of the lectures given at this conference have focused on the issues of pension reform, medical care, and the development of public facilities for senior citizens. A nd while these are vital issues that must be addressed, I’d like to focus my comments on an important issue that will affect the overall success of the other programs mentioned. This has to do with changing our perspectives on what it means to be a part of this group, and finding meaningful roles the elderly can play and should play in our societies.

First of all, I’d like to talk about . . .

16. What does the introduction say about Dr. Howard Miller’s articles and books?

17. What is the greatest fear of D r. Miller’s grandfather?

18. What does Dr. Miller say the “golden years” can often mean?

19. What is the focus of Dr. Miller’s speech?

16. B 17. D 18. A 19. C


1三长一短就选短,三短一长就选长。两长两短就选B,参差不齐C 无敌。2 以蒙为主以抄为辅 蒙抄结合保证及格 正文: 蒙选择题方法。20道题至少能对15道。 由于我的英文不是很好,所以我苦心钻研蒙技。我发现了很多关于选择题的规律,十分好用。在开学考试时,总共有20道选择题,我蒙对19道(我们班的英语神童沈宜人错了两道题。沈宜人同学据说背了两万单词,可以轻易读懂原版《简爱》)。 也就是说,这个蒙题技术有时远远高过自己本身水平。 这个蒙,总共有三点技巧。 一、找共同点。 比如说有一道题的选项有四个: A.study B.to study C.learning D.to read 可以看出,其中的study有两个;其中的不定式也有两个。所以两个显著特点集于一身的to study的选择可能性就十分的大。 二、找矛盾点(适用于单选)。 比如一道题问: 下列关于密度的说法中,错误的是: 其中,有两个这样的选项:

B.质量相同,体积大的物体密度小。 D.质量相同,体积大的物体密度大。 这就可以看出,一定其中有一个是错误的——唉,你别笑!有很多的题中,都会有矛盾的地方。只要找出矛盾,再蒙的几率就大多了。 三、培养“蒙感” 这个所谓“蒙感”,就是这蒙题的感觉。因为不可能一面卷子上你一道题也不会做(当然也有例外),你也有很大可能有不会做的题。这时,就要看蒙题的感觉了。所有考试的人都知道,选择题中选择B、C选项的占绝大多数。所以遇到不会的题,就往B、C上靠,几率会大一点。 还有,如果你有很多题不会——比如说五道题里你有三道不会,那就要看你平时做题的感觉了。下面有一些选项,我感觉大多数时,选项会和以下相同,大家看一看: A: AAABC AACBB AABBC ABAAC ABACA ABDDC ACABC ACBBC ACABD ADACC ADCAA ADBAD B: BACBB BACCA BABDC BBBCC BBACA BBABC(有时也会是BBBBD BBBBB) BCBBA BCABC BCDAA BDACC BDDAC BDCAD


2016年6月六级真题二 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) The project the man managed at CucinTech. B) The updating of technology at CucinTech. C)The man's switch to a new career. D) The restructuring of her company. 2. A) Talented personnel. B) Strategic innovation. C) Competitive products. D) Effective promotion. 3. A) Expand the market. B) Recruit more talents. C) Innovate constantly. D) Watch out for his competitors. 4. A) Possible bankruptcy.


关于大学英语四、六级考试题型调整的说明 自2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会将对四、六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型作局部调整。调整后,四级和六级的试卷结构和测试题型相同。 一、试卷描述 四级和六级的试卷结构、测试内容、测试题型、分值比例和考试时间如下表所示: 试卷结构测试内容测试题型分值比例考试时间写作写作短文写作15%30分钟 听力理解听力对话长对话2篇选择题(单选)7% 30分钟听力短文 听力篇章选择题(单选)7% 讲座/讲话选择题(单选)20% 阅读理解词汇理解选词填空5% 40分钟长篇阅读匹配10% 仔细阅读选择题(单选题)20% 翻译汉译英段落翻译15%30分钟 总计100%130分钟 二、新题型说明 1.单词及词组听写 原复合式听写调整为单词及词组听写,短文长度及难度不变。要求考生在听懂短文的基础上,用所听到的原文填写空缺的单词或词组,共10题。短文播放三遍。 2.长篇阅读 原快速阅读理解调整为长篇阅读理解,篇章长度和难度不变。篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段

落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题,有的段落可能不对应任何一题。 3.翻译 原单句汉译英调整为段落汉译英。翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等。四级长度为140-160个汉字;六级长度为180-200个汉字。 三、成绩报道 成绩报道分为总分和单项分。单项分包括:1)听力,2)阅读,3)翻译和写作。

大学英语六级考试听力样题 Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre. Conversation One Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) He invented the refrigerator. C) He was admitted to a university. B) He patented his first invention. D) He got a degree in Mathematics. 2. A) He started to work on refrigeration. B) He became a professor of Mathematics. C) He fell in love with Natasha Willoughby. D) He distinguished himself in low temperature physics. 3. A) Discovering the true nature of subatomic particles. B) Their explanation of the laws of cause and effect. C) Their work on very high frequency radio waves. D) Laying the foundations of modern mathematics. 4. A) To have a three-week holiday. C) To patent his inventions. B) To spend his remaining years. D) To teach at a university. Conversation Two Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) The injury of some students. B) A school bus crash on the way. C) The collapse of a school building. D) A fire that broke out on a school campus. 6. A) Teaching. C) Having lunch. B) On vacation. D) Holding a meeting. 7. A) A malfunctioning stove. C) Violation of traffic rules. B) Cigarettes butts left by workers. D) Negligence in school maintenance. 8. A) Sent a story to the local newspaper. B) Threw a small Thanksgiving party.


李旭老师英语六级听力答题技巧讲解 首先从外部条件来说。 大家在考六级听力时最好准备能罩住耳朵的大耳麦,并使用降噪耳塞塞进耳朵(就是大家课堂上睡觉时所用的隔音耳塞)。有的同学可能会想用隔音耳塞赌注耳朵还能听到耳机里的声音么?这个大家可以放心,声音是靠固体传播的,降噪耳塞技能有效去除考场外的杂音,又能帮你清晰听到耳机里传出的录音的声音,保证大家不受外部环境的影响。 接下来讲六级听力必备的一些答题技巧。 六级听力对话部分答题要点 1.利用8-12秒的时间,迅速浏览选项,判断题型 2.分析选项之间的逻辑关系并加以标记 3.预判正确答案在原文中出现的位置 4.听清问题,得出答案 下面为大家展开介绍六级听力短对话及长对话答题技巧: 短对话要采用第二句中心原则两个人对话,一般回答问题即第二个人说的话比较重要,如果第一句没听清,千万不要纠结。仔细听第二个人的回答,还是很容易找出答案的。小对话多采用所听非所答原则。长对话要采用所听即所得的答题原则,一般你听到的就是答案。 如果实在没听清的话,在蒙答案时要首先排除与其它三个都不相关的选项,优先选择意义比较深刻的选项。大家要记住一个顺口溜:医院无大病,车毁人不亡。所以,一般去医院看病,得的病大多是感冒咳嗽拉肚子之类的。出车祸之后司机的人身安全还是有保障的。考试没考好都有人第一时间出来安慰的。大家一定要记住这些规律 六级听力短文部分答题要点 1.预览选项,判定文体 2.分析选项间的逻辑关系(与其它选项逻辑明显不相符的首先排除) 3.找到不同题干下相关联的内容(实词相关原则) 4.把握10组key words(关键词) 参考:英语四六级听力过程中需注意的关键词 六级听力听写话部分 1. 预览原文判定文体,确定时态 2. 预判36-42题,判定词性,词形 3. 第一遍放音时写 1 3 5 7 9 ,以听懂主要意思为主要目的,记录信息为次要目的 4. 第二遍放音时按顺序书写,并利用速记方法尽量多的记录信息 5. 第三遍放音时查缺补漏,精听具体词汇的细节变化 6. 从经常丢分的原因出发,检查核对 六级听力之所以困难也是因为对话中涉及到很多连读,为了帮助同学们对连读有一个更


2016年6月英语六级真题听力原文(一) Part ⅡListening Comprehension Section A Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. M: (1)So, how long have you been a market research consultant? W: Well, I started straight after finishing university. M: Did you study market research? W: Yeah, and it really helped me to get into the industry, but I have to say that it’s more important to get experience in different types of market research to find out exactly what you’re interested in. M: So what are you interested in? W: (2)Well, at the moment, I specialize in quantitative advertising research, which means that I do two types of projects. (3)Trackers, which are ongoing projects that look at trends or customer satisfaction over a long period of time. The only problem with trackers is that it takes up a lot of your time. But you do build up a good relationship with the client. I also do a couple of ad hoc jobs which are much shorter projects. M: What exactly do you mean by ad hoc jobs? W: It’s basically when com panies need quick answers to their questions about their consumers’ habits. They just ask for one questionnaire to be sent out for example, so the time you spend on an ad hoc project tends to be fairly short.


2014年12月英语六级考试 时间安排、题型、分数分布及答题技巧 自2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会将对四、六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型作局部调整。调整后,四级和六级的试卷结构和测试题型相同。 2014年12月英语六级考试时间为2014年12月20日下午

试卷描述 四级和六级的试卷结构、测试内容、测试题型、分值比例和考试时间如下表所示: 仔细阅读答题技巧 1 选择题型的篇章阅读理解 这部分是考生们最为熟悉的四选一的选择题。考生们还是应该根据历年的真题,好好复习。从样题看,主要还是考察考生的两大能力,即抓住主题和定位原文。要求考生读完一篇文章之后,能够抓住文章的主题,然后根据题干中的中心词迅速返回原文定位到某一句话,最后根据同义改写的原则,选出正确答案。

传统阅读题,在体裁上包含了常所用的各种文体,如记叙文、说明文、议论文、人物传记、新闻报道等。考题类型一般有细节题、主旨题、词义辨析题和推论题。而各类题目大都有自己的惯用句式。这些句式可以帮助考生了解考点是什么,要使用什么方法找到答案。所以,熟悉一些惯用句式对我们是非常有益的。现将惯用句式列举如下: 1)细节题。 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage All the following statements are mentioned in the passage except that_____________ According to the passage,who(when,where,what,why,etc。)…….. 2)主旨题 The major point discussed in the passage is____________ The best title for this passage would be________________ The passage tells us___________ The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to_______ 3)词义推测题 The phrase“…………。”most probably means__________ The phrase“…………。.”in the context means___________ The word“……………”in Line X refers to_____________ Which of the following is closest in meaning to the sentence“…………” 4)推论题 It can be inferred/indicated from the passage that___________ It can be concluded from the passage that___________________ What is the author’s attitude towards the………。 The example of…………is given to illustrate that____________- 在了解完题型分类之后,我们就要弄清做题顺序。实际上,要做好传统阅读题,还是需要将查读、略读和细读结合在一起。具体答题步骤如下: a。仔细阅读文章第一段和最后一段。这两段通常会概括文章的主旨,也就是文后主旨题的答案。, b。回答主旨题。在看完两段话之后,可以先回答后面的主旨题。 c。查读文后细节题。根据文后题目,在文中找寻关键词。这些关键词有助于我们找到所需信息在文中的位置,完成细节题和词义推测题。 d. 略读文章。抓住文章里的标志性语言,段首句和段尾句(同“略读解题方法”)等,完成推论题。 2)简答题


四级听力蒙题技巧 英语听力在考试中起着重要的作用。那么四级英语听力有哪些蒙题技巧呢?大家一起来看看吧! 边听听力边蒙 如果你听听力是那种一知半解,只能听懂简单的对话的话,建议你边听听力边做题。听懂的自己写,听不懂的再蒙。 如果四个选项中有两个或者三个你能感觉到在刚刚的听力中又听到,这时候建议选择你没听到的那个。这种题一般是推断题,推断出的内容一般不会出现在听力原文当中。 如果一题的答案中有两个答案是近似的,只有一个单词或者短语不同,那么你可排除其余答案,再看这两个答案中的中心单词有没有和你排除的两个答案中重复的,如果有的话,你基本可以锁定那个正确答案了。 注意否定类的题目,这些对话中多含有not,no,neither,nor等否定词,也有but,although等转折词,或由wouldrather,too...to结构及虚拟语气等表达。要注意这些答案表达的都是否定含义,所以如果你看到了和你听到原文基本相同的语句,但是多了一个上述词汇,一定要首先排除,然后你把否定词删去,找其余答案中跟这句话意思相近的,基本就是正确答案了。 不听听力蒙

有些听力实在不好,听了还不如不听的,建议还是不要浪费时间了,多留点时间给后面的题,提高后面题的.准确性是更好的选择。完全不听听力来蒙题的话大部分题只能给你排除一些选项。 听力短对话题同上技巧2、3、4,可以帮助你排除一些选项,增加选对的几率。 阅读题需要首先把整个题目都看一遍,其中肯定不排除有一些关联部分,可以根据关联部分大概分析出短文内容,还会有一些常识性的选项,这些分是一定要拿到的。 怎么提高英语听力 听力训练方法与听力工具。 这些都是辅助作用,绝对不是决定作用,再好的方法,再好的工具自己不多去听,都起不到作用,逆向听写法很多人说很有效,但是也要有一定的毅力才行;听力工具,无非就是复读机了,电脑上也有不少听力软件可以选择,如能飞英语网的能飞软件,这个复读软件是非常值得推荐使用的。 阅读应与听力练习同时,同比重的进行。 很多人为提高听力把所有时间都集中在听力材料的练习上。我肯定的说,这是个错误。我们不是生活在国外,你无论怎样营造,都不能有一个真正的外国的文化氛围在你身边,这一个已经可以说明只注重单一的听力练习是错误的专心听懂一盒磁带比你囫囵吞枣的听了十盒磁带的效


英语听力考试技巧如何蒙对 听力是指启动听觉器官,接收语音信息的一种能力。其能力运用的有效性一般取决于倾听是否专心。此外,听力还是英语考试的一项,考察考生对该语言的听话能力。就比如英语听力,在考场中稍微不注意或者分神或者因为英语设备的原因无法接收英语听力信息的时候,就会错过一个正确的答案。那么,当你遇到了这种情况了怎么办?英语听力考试技巧如何蒙对, 希望这些经验能够给你一些帮助! 英语听力考试技巧如何蒙对 (1)单选:- none no nothing nobody选none,- anthing nothing……选nothing- 非谓语选ed或ing- should would……选should或不填- 冠词选几个选项的交集 时态也先交集原则,然后有过去进行选,没就选一般过去- 动词短语也是交集,还是选不出来就选C (2)完型- 选最常见的词,感情词选文中出现过的- 动词选最短的,其他和单选同- (3)阅读- 三短一长选长- 三长一短选短- 一样长选C-

一样短选B 有all above 选 有we don't know 选 有绝对化的不选 有废话的选 (4)改错 不会的全画勾- 有非谓语的ed改ing ,反之亦然 其他的不好说 but -and could-can- I-you-my-me-that with-without (5)作文: firstly ,in adition ,what's more,moreover先摆上-在加点every coin has two sides等 英语听力考试技巧如何蒙对 1. 快速阅读能力 养成快速阅读的能力,在应试时,同学们就可以利用监考老师发放试卷以及播放题目要求的时间,快速浏览试卷中的选项,抓住关键信息。例如大学英语四六级考试官网提供的四级样题中第一个短对话,选项如下: A) The man has left a good impression on her family。 B) The man’s jeans and T-shirts are stylish。 C) The man should buy himself a new suit。 D) The man can dress casually for the occasion。


Section A Directions:In this section.you will hear two long conversations,At the end of each conversation,you will, hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A , B , C and D .Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. ◆1.A.The restructuring of her company. B.The man’s switch to a new career. C.The updating of technology at CucinTech. D.The project the man managed at CucinTech. ◆2.A.Talented personnel. B.Effective promotion. C.Strategic innovation. https://www.doczj.com/doc/571456486.html,petitive products. ◆3.A.Innovate constantly. B.Expand the market.


2013年6月份 Walking, if you do it vigorously enough, is the overall best exercise for regular physical activity. It requires no equipment, e veryone knows how to do it and it carries the 47 risk of injury. The human body is designed to walk. You can walk in pa rks or along a river or in your neighborhood. To get 48 benefit from walking, aim for 45 minutes a day, an average of fi ve days a week. Strength training is another important 49 of physical ac tivity. Its purpose is to build and 50 bone and muscle mass, both of which shrink with age. In general, you will want to do strength training two or three days a week, 51 recovery days between sessions. Finally, flexibility and balance training are 52 importan t as the body ages. Aches and pains are high on the list of co mplaints in old age. The result of constant muscle tension and st iffness of joints, many of them are 53 , and simple flexibi lity training can 54 these by making muscles stronger and keeping joints lubricated. Some of this you do whenever you stretc h. If you watch dogs and cats, youwill get an idea of how natur al it is. The general 55 is simple: whenever the body has been in one position for a while, it is good to 56 str etch it in an opposite position. A) allowing B) avoidable C) briefly D) componen t E) determined F) helping G) increasing ly H) lowest I) maintain J) maximum K) prevent


1/2 四六级考试各场景蒙答案技巧(实用性极高) 一."阴胜阳衰"原则: (即答案中出现以下情况可能是对的) 1.男生学习不好,不爱学习;女生爱学习,学的也好. 2.男生等女生. 3.男生在遇到困难的时候往往比较消极,而女生往往比较乐观,不怕困难,还开导男生. 4.男生总是很猴急,不够沉稳,心里素质不行;女生很稳重,成熟,细心. 5.男生对女生基本上是"唯命是从"原则. 6.男生总是不太爱学习,女生则认为一定要好好学习,尤其是开始之前更应该话功夫;而且女生很关心男生的学习,经常一某些方式帮助男生. 7.男生惹女生生气,然后向女生道歉.女生还是比较宽容的,能原谅他们. 二.请客吃饭场景(即答案中出现以下情况可能是对的) 1.一般有邀请时都答应,或者说我很愿意去,但是有某些事情耽误了. 2.要求回请 3.赞扬主人做的饭好吃 4.特别的食物,一般指意大利的西班牙或者泰国(thailand)的食物 三.教授讲课场景. (原则同上) 出现生动有趣,深刻抽象都对.(同时出现生动与抽象,只能去跳楼了) 四.住宿场景.(原则同上) 一般为学生租房子或者几个人share一个房间,一般以穷,房子,家具破,旧,价格低为特点- 五.学生找工作场景.(原则同上) 学生免试很紧张,重视免试,准备知识,喜欢去大公司,因为远而放弃,担心是否需要工作经验. 六.阅读场景.(原则同上) 没时间,没读完或者读了一部分,因为没意思所以没读. 七.学生贫穷原则.(原则同上) "想家"原则,没钱买书只好借,在周末给家打电话,因为便宜.去买打折,二手的东西. 八.为出和天气场景.(原则同上) 男生:听天尤命,因为坏天气而取消女生:担心天气下雨 九.做飞机场景.(原则同上) 一般做飞机的时候都会出现问题,比如机票卖光了,飞机晚点,取消了,或者交通堵塞没有赶上飞机,就算赶上了也是很仓促. 十.家用电器或办公用品场景(熟悉下面的词汇,当然是听熟) power plug, press the play button,power indicator,the sounds don't come through,break down,have it fixed 十一.分别场景.(原则同九) 男生不愿意分开,因为女生要走而伤心,告诉女生回去看她,一般在圣诞节和感恩节去, 女生则安慰男生不要担心,会回来的. 十二.观赏艺术品场景.(熟悉下列词汇) oil painting,title,an early eighteen century work,look up sth.at the catalogue(目录),art gallery(长廊),museum 十三.教授/医生繁忙原则(略) 十四.向邻居委托场景(略) 十五.做火车场景.(原则同十一) 有意思,很刺激,可以看风景. 十六.图书馆场景.(熟悉下列词汇) latest issue,catalogue,due,over-due(过期),pay a fine(罚款),novel,


16年第二套真题听力 Conversation One 对话一 W: So Mike, you managed the innovation project at CucinTech. 女:迈克,你在CucinTech公司负责了一个创新项目。 M: I did indeed. 男:是的。 W: Well then, first, congratulations! 女:那么,首先,祝贺你! It seems to have been very successful. 这个项目看起来很成功。 M: Thanks, yes. I really helped things turn around at CucinTech. 男:谢谢,是的。我真的帮助CucinTech扭转了局面。 W: Was the revival in their fortunes entirely due to strategic innovation? 女:CucinTech命运的逆转是否完全归功于战略创新? M: Yes, yes I think it was. CucinTech was a company who were very much following the pack, doing what everyone else was doing, and getting rapidly left behind. 男:是的,我认为是这样的。CucinTech以前只是一味地随大流,重复别人的做法,所以很快就落在了其他公司的后面。 I could see there was a lot of talent there, and some great potential—particularly in their product development. 我看到公司有很多人才并且公司存在巨大的潜力——尤其是公司的产品研发。 I just have to harness that somehow. 我只需要采取某种方法来治理公司就可以。 W: Was innovation at the core of the project? 女:这个项目的核心就是创新? M: Absolutely. If it doesn't sound like too much of a cliche, our world is constantly changing, and it's changing quickly. 男:当然了。这听上去不太像陈词滥调,我们的世界在不断快速地变化。 We need to be innovating constantly to keep up with this. 我们需要不断创新,以跟上时代的步伐。 Stand still, and you're lost. 停滞不前就等于落后。 W: No stopping to sniff the roses?


英语六级听力答题技巧汇总 新题型六级的重点是听力理解方面的测试,听力分值由原来的20%提高到35%。按照新教学大纲的要求,学生在修完基础阶段6级后应具有一定的听的能力,对题材熟悉、难度略浅于精读课文、基本上无生词、语速为每分钟150词的听力材料,一遍可以听懂,理解的准确率不低于70%。 一.短对话 常考情景:话题与生活相关,涉及校园,生活,工作及各种社交场所。如校园生活情景涉及入学,认识新同学,借书,师生交流,作业,论文,对课程的评价、考试、补课,业余活动等。家庭生活情景涉及饮食、娱乐、旅行,交通,卫生医疗,居家琐事,在家请客,住房搬家,购物等。工作场景涉及到学生兼职,招聘面试、工作选择,工作状态、同事相处,工作目标等。 常见题型:地点场景题(通常会提供某些地点和场景的标志性词汇,需要根据关键词进行推断),身份关系题(猜测人物关系,通常不提供明确信息),数字信息题(主要有 两种考法:一种是对话中出现多种数字,需要考生辨别哪个是正确答案,一种是需要明确各个数量之间的关系,进行简单的计算)。请求建议题(通常请求或建议由第二个speaker 提出),观点态度题(考查对话一方的态度、立场、观点、评价等,可以通过对句子的理解和语调的把握进行推断)。谈话主旨题、细节辨认题等。 二.长对话 长对话的谈话双方会就某一个话题进行多个回合的交流,信息量更多,人物态度、语气、

情感变化更复杂。提问的方式与短对话相同,考生应在答题前快速浏览选项,大致推测对话发生的情景。听时做好笔记,记录对话中的数字、人名、地名,表示观点的标示词,重复率高的词或词组,表示因果、转折、比较及其他重要标示词。 三.短文理解 题材涉及英美国家的社会、教育、文化、体育、科学、技术、风俗、人情、历史、地理等方面。 常考题型有三种:主旨大意题:要重视首尾句、同时要重视短文多次提到的某些词语或内容。 事实细节题:短文中的主要人物、人名、时间、主要时间、数据、原因等细节需做笔记, 另外关注标示逻辑关系的句子如转折、因果、条件等。此外,列举处,短文强调的内容等通常也是重点。 推理判断题:需要对短文的主旨和细节有较深层次的理解,注意与主题密切相关的选项注意短文中的关联词。 四.复合式听写: 单词部分主要考查名词、动词、形容词,偶尔也会有副词。名词要特别注意单复数形式。和一些以-ure,-ty,-ment,-ity名词的后缀。动词主要考单复数形式、时态、语态以及某些动词的特殊变化。要特别注意弱读,连读尤其是读音相近的词(如row和rule),甚至是同


16年第三套真题听力Con versatio n One 对话一 M: So, what's the next thing on the agenda , Mary? 男:玛丽,议程表上的下一项是什么? W: Well, it's the South Theater Company. 女:是有关南方剧院公司的。 They want to know if we 'd be in terested inspon sori ng a tour they want to ma ke to East Asia. 他们想知道我们是否对赞助他们去东亚旅行感兴趣。 M: East Asia? Uh ... and how much are they hop in gto get from us? 男:东亚?呃…他们希望我们出多少赞助费? W: Well, the letter mentions 20,000 pounds, but I do not know if they might settle for less. 女:信上写的是2万英镑,但是我不知道赞助金额少点他们是否会接受。 M: Do they say what they would cover? 男:他们有没有说这些钱用来做什么? Have they any thi ng specific in mind? 他们有没有一些特定的想法? W: No, I think they are just asking all the firms in town for as much money a s they thi nk they'llgive. 女:没有,我认为他们只是想要镇上所有企业拿出其认为该企业能赞助的金额。 M: And we are worth 20,000 pounds, right? 男:在他们看来,我们能拿出2万英镑,对吧? W: It seems so. 女:看起来是这样的。 M: Very flattering . 男:太会奉承了。 But I am not awfully happy with the idea.


大学英语六级考试听力样题2016年新题型 Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre. Conversation One Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) He invented the refrigerator. C) He was admitted to a university. B) He patented his first invention. D) He got a degree in Mathematics. 2. A) He started to work on refrigeration. B) He became a professor of Mathematics. C) He fell in love with Natasha Willoughby. D) He distinguished himself in low temperature physics. 3. A) Discovering the true nature of subatomic particles. B) Their explanation of the laws of cause and effect. C) Their work on very high frequency radio waves. D) Laying the foundations of modern mathematics. 4. A) To have a three-week holiday. C) To patent his inventions. B) To spend his remaining years. D) To teach at a university. Conversation Two Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) The injury of some students. B) A school bus crash on the way. C) The collapse of a school building. D) A fire that broke out on a school campus. 6. A) Teaching. C) Having lunch. B) On vacation. D) Holding a meeting. 7. A) A malfunctioning stove. C) Violation of traffic rules. B) Cigarettes butts left by workers. D) Negligence in school maintenance.

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