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因为题目并不新颖,学生也不太可能无话可说,于是这样的作文才是真正能考查出学生英语写作基本功的应试作文。对于今年的考题(以及考研绝大多数看图作文),我们不妨依然按照三段论的“八股”文来写,分别是第一段描述图画,用两到三句话;第二段,阐述意义段,用四到五句;第三段,联系现实并发表评论,用三到五句。在这三段中,真正能体现考生核心竞争力的应该是其中的第二段,因为第一段第三段是存在一些“四平八稳”的万能模板的,比如描述图画段中的“as can be seen …...”万能句型,以及描述图画的常见的形容词副词,比如vividly, thought-provoking, drastically, ironically等等;第三段,也有一些类似的套话和固定思维可以采用,例如不管图画是什么内容,我们总能联系到学校教育,好的东西就传承,坏的东西就批判,总能联系到社会,好的东西就赞扬讴歌,坏的东西就改正,总能联系到法律,好的东西立法保障,坏的东西立法修正等等。这些已经可以被看做是考生共享的知识-------当然阅

卷人也知道,靠这些千篇一律的东西是很难吸引阅卷人注意力的,当然也很难得到高分,即使你的词汇多么华丽,语法结构多么复杂多遍,但“审美疲劳”的效应是确实存在的。于是问题简单了,第二段应该怎么写,应该怎样准备?我个人的感觉是,第二段内容上没有固定套式,但结构上却有,与其去押题背东西,不如扎扎实实的掌握两到三种常见的核心句型,在第二段中巧妙使用,以达到不变应万变。我个人认为,第二段没有必要创新,结构上就采用常规的总分(总)的格式就行,关键是其中的“分”,一定要体现出层次感,而且既要整齐,又要体现出各层次的个性,比如我们为了体现严密的层次,可以使用,in the first place, in the second place, what’s more等过渡指示词,但其后的句子去要尽量的的体现出个性,也就是尽量不使用同一类句型。对于考研大作文,我个人认为,第二段阐述意义段,我们只需要分两到三层即可,也就是说,你要从两到三个角度去引申图画的现实含义,这也就意味着,你需要掌握两到三种适用范围很广的句型,在这里,我给出几个句型作为参考,学生们,不妨多练习一下1,It is …that…,这样的形式主语句型;2,Students, boys and girls, love movies,这样的”飘逸的”含有插入语的句式以及3,Xiao Ming works very hard, which is well known among us.这样的含有拖后的非限制性定语从句的句型。根据我的教课经验,这三种句型是万能的。



















Dear Editor,

Despite the fact that restrictions are made, the phenomenon of plastic bag use is still prevalent and pervasive in some areas, which is sounding

an alarm to our environment. Therefore, I am writing this letter for the purpose of giving some suggestions to reverse the disturbing trend.

I would be grateful if you would take the following aspects into consideration. On the one hand, it is the obligation of the mass media to publicize the negative issue and arouse the public awareness. On the other hand, we should appeal to our government to make relevant rules and regulations to control the adverse phenomenon.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your attention to my proposals. And I shall feel obliged by a reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours, sincerely

Li Ming


The past decade has witnessed an increasingly inseparable relationship between man and Internet. As is vividly depicted in the picture, within a stretching spider web many people are surfing on line, either to entertain themselves or to meet the work's needs. Actually on-line visiting has become a routine activity in our everyday life. However, it seems rather ironic to present people separated from each other by the spider web when they attempt to communicate

The metaphoric and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between man and Internet. The spider web undoubtedly serves as a symbol of Internet, both connecting people and isolating them from each other. On the one hand, there is no denying that Internet is currently one of the most efficient media used for interpersonal communication. As a college student, I get on line everyday to discuss news with other people on BBS, to study English by registering for web

courses, to chat freely through e-mails with my friends. Being a veteran on-line shopper, I frequently bargain with sellers to purchase books at much lower prices. But on the other hand, a good many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain face-to-face contact with their friends and colleagues. Cyber-living resembles the experience of seeing disguised people behind a mask, maintaining distance between one another. Once indulged in the fictitious world, people feel reluctant to approach others and to concentrate on real life. That's why some people have lost the skill of direct contact and get alienated from others.

Therefore, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain from addiction. After all, Internet is invented to connect you and me, and to bring conveniences to our life rather than set a barrier to keep people beyond reach.


欢迎阅读 2015年-2018年职业规划 古语有云:凡事预则立,不预则废。要想在职业生涯中取得较为满意的成就,必须对自己的职业生涯有较好的规划。按照规划里制定的目标,结合环境和自身情况,将目标一段段分解,一步步完成指定的阶段目标,最终实现总体目标。 1(作流程了解不透彻,需要进一步地了解和学习。 优势:踏实认真,对于一件事能够很用心地完成;能吃苦、上进心强,我不甘落后,我要拼搏;接受能力强,对于老员工教过的知识能够很快掌握。 (2)工作分析 我很荣幸,能分到安全监管部工作。但现在我对于安全工作还是没有进入良好

的状态。由于部门刚成立各方面都不完善,有些工作需要从零开始做,需要大家不断提出新想法新思路,这就需要我多学多问,多学习一些别人的“点子”,从学习中成长,从成长中突破。 (3)行业分析 虽然新疆是天然气产出大省,但天然气的应用方面与内地相比起步较晚,新技 全监管员做好准备。在业余时间,多阅览一些关于燃气法律法规方面的书籍,丰富自己。相信这一年的时间能让自己逐渐成熟起来。 第二年成长阶段 在这一年里,巩固专业知识和进一步向前辈学习尤为重要。加强对公司安全方面的监管力度和同事间的合作能力;根据前一年工作中发现的问题,细化检查内容,

加大监管力度,同时该问的要虚心向同事,领导请教;搞好和同事,领导的关系,融入公司。希望自己脑子要很灵活的运用,临场不乱,能够及时有效的解决问题。这样自己以后的工作会更加美好,自己要多读一些关于可以帮助自己成长宏观调控类的书籍,如果有机会自己很想去进修一下。 第三年成熟阶段 1 学习还要有针对性的学习,特别自己的薄弱方面。学习更要广泛的学,因为公司的安全管理,要求每位从业者,特别专职管理者,必须既要懂专业,也要懂经济、也要懂营销、更要懂管理。这就需要更广泛的学习,跨专业的学习,综合地学习,才能满足工作的需要,才能满足成长的需要。 学习不仅要知道学、还要会学,要提高学习力。公司安全管理房是拼智力、拼脑


Part VI Translation (10 points) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answ et Sheet. Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the suff erer. He soon finds himself alone and miserable. There is, however, a cure so simple as t o seem, at first glance, ridiculous: if you don't feel happy, pretend to be! It works. Befor e long you will find that instead of pushing people away, you attract them. You discover h ow deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will. Then the make-believe becomes a reality. Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens filled with grateful friends. Part VII Writing (15 points) Directions: Write a composition of at least 150 words about the topic: The possibility of us ing the mobile phone to study English (or any other subject). You should write according t o the outline given below: 1.我认为手机(不)可以用来学习英语或其他知识。 2.理由是…… 3.结论


高一英语期末复习写作范文 Topic 1: Festivals 春节The Spring Festival 农历lunar calendar 正月lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar 买年货do Spring Festival shopping 红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.) New Year’s Day 元旦Christmas Day 圣诞节 New Year’s Eve 除夕Spring Festival 春节 April Fools’Day 愚人节Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 Lantern Festival 元宵节Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Labor Day 劳动节Day of the Dead 清明节 lucky money 压岁钱世界爱滋病日(12月1日)-----WORLD AIDS DAY 介绍春节 假如你是李华,你校的外教要在中国过春节,请你根据以下内容,用英文写一篇短文介绍我国的春节,并祝他们节日愉快。 时间一般在二月份,中国农历正月初一,前后要持续半个月 风俗: 1. 12生肖命名,如狗、猴、虎等,今年是猪年 2. 春节前人们要大扫除,大年夜全家人在聚集一起吃年夜饭 3. 年初一、初二走访亲友,给孩子们压岁钱 写作要求: (1)必须包括以上全部内容(题目已经写好); (2)只能使用5个句子。 参考词汇:农历Chinese Lunar Calendar 压岁钱lucky money A brief Introduction of the Chinese Spring Festival The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February. There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the monkey, the tiger or one of the twelve animals, and this year is the year of the pig. Before the New Year’s Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a good cleaning and on the last evening of the old year, all the members of a family will get together and have a big meal. On the first or second day of the new year, people usually go to visit their relatives and friends and give some lucky money to children. I wish you have a good time during the Spring Festival. Topic 2: Healthy diet Today, there are more and more people going on a diet.当今节食的人越来越多。 Going on a diet keeps people from growing too fat and saves them from many inconveniences and diseases related to being overweight. 节食可以防止肥胖,避免许多由于肥胖带来的不便和疾病。 However, if carried too far, going on a diet could become extremely dangerous. Some young girls risk their lives to lose weight because they are eager to have a beautiful figure. The risk can damage their health and even can be life threatening.


个人未来三年职业规划 一、前言 在今天这个人才竞争的时代,想要自己不被潮流的大部队拖垮,就要尽快的对自己做出一个完善的职业发展规划。找清楚自己的发展方向和不足之处,为自己制定一个简单高效的计划是务必有帮助的。俗话说有目标才会有动力和方向,所谓的“知己知彼,百战不殆”,就是在认清自己的现状的基础上,认真规划一下自己的职业发展计划。 一份有效的计划是必须在充分正确认识自身条件与相关环境的基础上进行的。要记得时时审视自己,认识自己,了解自己。制定计划前需要弄清楚我想干什么,我能干什么,我应该干什么,这样会尽快找到自己的方向正确的评价自己。 二、自我评价 我步入这个行业已有二十多年了,通过国培、自修教育后,我得到了很多方面知识的补充。我愿意去付出,愿意去学习,给自己一个更大的发展空间,去进步。让我们自己制定一个未来发展计划,一步地去学习。 我觉得我自身还存在许多不足,例如教育理论还不够扎实,写作能力需要提高;基本功在教学中的运用还不是很完善;还有在选材方面和对教材的理解还不够透彻;教学过程环节中的衔接还不够自然;另外和家长的沟通工作中还有很多不完善的地方,对此我充满许多困惑。 三、发展目标 没有目标盲目的工作,就像无人驾驶的小舟,漫无目标的随风飘荡。目标对于成功有绝对的必要,正如空气对于生命一样。明确目标是成功的基础,所以树立一个目标很重要。 (一)一年目标

1.通过自修学习,不断学习新的教育理念,提高教学专业化水平,热爱工作,热爱学生,争取因材施教。加强论文写作,平时要不断的写作锻炼,在工作上能得到领导的肯定! 2.根据所在学校的情况,制定符合所在班级儿童年龄特点的合理的教学计划。 3.在原有的计算机应用的基础上,进一步学习多媒体课件制作,并尝试运用到教学当中。 (二)二年目标 1.进一步提高自己的基本功,比如绘画,普通话练习等等方面。 2.在所在学校里多上几次公开课,通过教师间的交流,不断提高自己的教学水平。 3.继续进行自修学习,在专业理论上进一步完善自己,提高论文写作能力。 (三)三年目标 1.在“班级管理”方面能与同行们经常交流、切磋各自的心得,知道教师的职业价值,逐步树立现代教育观念,形成自己的一套教学设计、教法和学法指导等教学方式。 2.多练习语言能力,使口语表达规范、清晰、准确,指导儿童的语言简练、恰当。并在生活中注重普通话的使用。 3.积极参加体育活动,锻炼身体,有助于身心健康把积极的生活情绪带入到工作教学中。 4.学会时时刻刻的反思和巩固,在不断的反思和巩固中成熟,在不断的反思和巩固中完善自己的教学理念。学会反思和及时巩固的人才会在各种各样的活动中获得进步。 四、个人总结


(一)1.目前金融危机正深深地影响到社会的方方面面 2. 人们对如何应对金融危机的不同看法 3. 你的看法 The Impact of Financial Crisis Presently, international financial crisis is becoming more and more serious, which has been influencing every part of our daily life. Job hunting is increasingly becoming difficult; food is getting more expensive; and people’s everyday living is much harder than before etc. As to how to deal with the crisis, people have different opinions. Some people hold a more positive view, who believe that the present crisis is not very serious, and we can overcome it in just a few years with the micro-control policy of our government. With the help of the government, living expenses will soon slow down. Things will get better, and we needn’t worry too much. But some other people take an opposite side. They believe that things are the other way round, and the present crisis is getting worse and worse. This crisis is worldwide and cannot be solved in a few years. People’s everyday life will become much harder. As for me, I have strongly felt the full negative impact this crisis has brought on me. Food in the supermarket is more expensive than that in the last few months; everyday expenses are getting higher. However, I don’t think this crisis is beyond control. I firmly believe that with the right policy of our government this crisis cannot outdo us. we should face this crisis calmly and do things with a more practical mind. (2)1.刚参加工作时遇到了哪些困难。 2.产生这些困难的原因。 3.如何克服这些困难。 The Problems I Had When I First Started to Work When I first started my work in an electronic company, I did meet with many problems. Two main problems are: I did not know how to conduct business with clients and customers and I had no idea about how to deal with a bargain and persuade them to take my offer. The second problem was that there was no room for me and I had to find a room far away from the company. It took me more than one hour on the way to the office and then came back. The reason for the first problem was that I had no practical experience and I needed to learn and practice. As for the second problem the company could not take care of every employee’s housing. And it was our responsibility to look after ourselves. To overcome these problems, I worked hard and learne d from any one modestly. After half year’s work I became experienced and began to make money. So I was able to rent a single apartment near my company. Now everything is all right to me. (3)1.合作的意义。 2.合作在工作中的重要性(举例)。 3.怎样培养合作的能力? The cooperation Cooperation means that people should work together smoothly for the purpose of mutual benefit. In the work they should help each other and learn from each other. They should have mutual respect, too. Cooperation is important in our work. Without it, we will fail. For example, two years ago, our institute managed to get a joint research project with a university in the south of China. At first everything went on all right. Then there was a misunderstanding and argument. Finally, the cooperation could not continue and the project failed. This example can show the importance of cooperation. I believe there are more examples. I think people should start to cultivate their sense of cooperation when they are very young. For example, in primary schools, pupils should be taught how to play with others, and how to study together. At university, students should be told frequently that in today’s world, individual is impossible to make big achievements, and they have to work or conduct research with others. Besides, they should be given a chance for team work. Then I think that people will be able to cooperate well with others.


2015初一英语期末考试英语作文范文 (一) Mynameis-----.I’magirl/boy,I’mtall,Ihavebigeyesandlonghair,I’mtwelveyearsold.I’mastudent,I’m inYuCaiMiddleSchool,I’minClassTwo,GradeOne.Myfavoritecolorisred.(Ilikeredverymuch,Ihaveredjacket s,redsweaters,andredshoes,Myclothesareallred.)Myfavoritesportisbasketball.(Ilikeplayingbasketball verymuch,Iplaybasketballeveryday.)Myfavoritefoodsareapplesandicecream.Ilikeeatingthemverymuch..(I (二) (PleasecallNickat (三) Mysportscollection Mynameis-----,I’m12yearsold,Ilikesportsverymuch,Iplaysportseveryday.Ihav eagreatsportscollection. Ihaveeighttennisrackets,ninebasketballs,andsevenbaseballs.Ihavethreesoccerballsandfivevolleyballs .Doyoulikesports?Doyouplaysportseveryday?

(四) Myroom Havealookatmyroom.It’ssmallbutnice/beautiful.Thereisabigbedinmyroom.Myhatand myschoolbagareontheb ed,Mybookcaseisnearthebed,Mybooksareinthebookcase.Mytableisinfrontofthebookcase.Mycomputerisonthe table.Mysoccerballisonthefloor,underthetable.AndthosearemyCDs,Theyareinmybackpack.. (五) (六) ----on


职业规划英语作文 职业规划英语作文(一) As is known to all, many famous people have high IQ such as Albert Einstein, a thinking machine, who was considered as the greatest scientist of the 20th century. Does high IQ play an important part in one’s career? The answer is yes. However, with the development of our society, more and more studies show that EQ counts more than IQ in career. 众所周知,许多著名人士都有着高智商比如说爱因斯坦,一部思考机器,被人们称为20世纪最伟大的科学家。高智商在人的生涯中很重要吗,答案是肯定的。但是随着

我们社会的发展,越来越多的研究表明,在职业生涯中情商比智商更重要。 Believe it or not, there are several reasons. In the beginning, IQ means cleverness and intelligence, and EQ stands for an ability of judging, dealing, adapting and so on. Furthermore, IQ represents rational while EQ is in the name of emotional. The latter one helps you get well along with other people by a positive way, which is more significant to your success. At last, high IQ just gets more knowledge and skills, but high EQ gains people’s respect, understanding and support. 不管你相信与否,有以下几个理由。首先,智商代表着聪明与智慧,而情商代表着一种判断、处理、适应等等的能力。其次,智商代表着理性而情商代表着感性。而后者能够帮助你与他人更好地相处,这对你的成功非常重要。最后,高智商仅仅给人以更多的知识和技能,但是高的情商得到的却是人


教师职业发展成长近三年规划 (2018年-2021年) 在县局王主任的“100名教师,100个火种”的美篇精神引领带动下,我有幸成为了100个火种之一,在2018年9月19一起赴上海华东师范大学培训部参加了为期12天的培训学习。在这短暂的12天里,我和其他学员认真聆听了多位专家、教授的精彩讲座,并且参访了上海延安中学、上海复习实验中学、华师大附属外国语实验学校等。通过各位专家的精彩讲座,使我对教师职业和我县教育有了新的感知,也更感受自身专业技能的不足。为了不辜负领导的期望,让我们真正发挥火种的作用,我特此规划个人未来三年的职业成长发展。 一、基本情况 2000年8月参加工作以来,长期担任班主任和数学、语文教学工作。工作中,我一直认真工作,班级管理尽心尽力,曾多次被评为镇级优秀教师、优秀班主任。2016年4月至2017年10月参加了桐梓县小学品社王佳秋名师工作室课堂教学教研培训。2008年至2018参加县级组织的擂台赛、教研论坛中、技能比赛中多次获得一、二、三等奖。但随着时代的发展和进步,我深感自身的专业素养的不足。 二、自我分析 1、在爱岗敬业方面,我基本能做到热爱教育、热爱学校、教书育人,注重学生品德教育和心理健康教育。身边的人都觉得我很敬业,但我心里明白,自己对待工作还有可以发挥的余地,存在一些懈怠。 2、在热爱学生方面,我一直视学生为自己的孩子,力争全方位了解学生、关心爱护学生、尊重学生人格,耐心教导、保护学生合法权益。但对班级问题学

生的关心和教导还不够专业,缺乏艺术性,不能起到明显的关爱和教育效果。 3、在专业技能方面,我认真钻研教材,认真备课、上课,细心批改作业,耐心辅导差生,积极参与校本教研和各项业务培训活动。但这方面的工作和学习都停留于“循规蹈矩”,缺乏思考,缺乏创新,不敢带头,尤其缺乏把反思到的内容精细化,形成可以成系统的理念和方法,也使自己的专业素养一直在原地踏步,难以进一步提升。 三、规划总目标 1、继续更新教育理念,能够以发展性眼光来看待学生与教学,具有一定的创新精神及教研意识。 2、进一步学习现代教育理论、现代教育技术,掌握基本的教学规律,努力提升专业素养和教育教学能力。 3、结合本次培训的中讲到的分层递进教学和育人为本的理念,以及本校各科的研究专题,积极带头开展教研工作和课题研究,努力提高课堂教学效率。 4、通过系列的学习与研究,将自己从一名“责任型”的教师转化成“探究型”教师。 四、阶段目标 1、第一年:努力提高学生的阅读和写作、创新能力和水平,养成写教学反思的习惯,每一学期争取上尽量多的高效率课,认真开展课改实验,积极参与课题研究,培养激发学生学习兴趣,重视认知过程和情感的培养,努力提高课堂教学的效率。 2、第二年:继续深化第一阶段的达成目标规划,每一学期争取上尽量多的高效率课,进一步提高课堂教学的有效性,努力使自己的课堂成为孩子们愿意和


在职考研英语作文模板 考研英语大作文占20分,要求考生根据提示信息写出一篇160~200词的短文(标点符号不计算在内)。提示信息的形式有主题 句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表等。以下是小编为您整理的在职考研英语作文模板相关资料,欢迎阅读! 一、首段 第一段四个句子,第一句宏观描述图画,并谈图画看似可笑但发人深思;第二句写出图画最强烈的视觉效果;第三句是主题句,用二十个单词的句子谈该现象对个人的发展和进步有破坏性,并引发思考;第四句是用贬义词批判这个现象是强烈的指责。 1、As isvividly depicted in the picture, which seems to be humorous and ridiculous butthought-provoking on second thoughts. 2、Themost striking feature that impresses me deeply is that unbelievably, 3、Recentfew years has witnessed a phenomenon of 主题which seemsto be disastrous to individual survival and prosperity. 4、Thisphenomenon of 主题should be condemned severely or madeillegal. 二、中间段落 中间段落从两方面论证问题的危害,并举例论证,预测危害的趋势。 第二段七个句子,首先第一句从宏观上谈这种现象总的有两到三个点危害或者原因;第二句谈这个现象的第一个危害,用“not only, but also”的五星级句子,通常是谈对个人身心健康的危害性;第三个句子谈第二个危害,通常是用一个豪华级的比较级的句子,让老师耳目一新,


作文文:Helping Others Makes Me Happy In our lives, we often help others and also get help from others. When we help our classmates with their study and other things, we can develop our friendship. Xiao Ming, a friend of mine. I looked after his little dog when he visited Shanghai last summer holiday. It is a lovely dog. I played with it and went out for a walk with it. It made me happy. Xiao Ming bought me some gifts when he came back. I think we can get much when we help the people around us. As the saying goes, “Giving is much better than receiving.” A Visit to Hainan Island Have you ever been to Hainan Island? It’s the second largest island in China. It’s a beautiful place. If you go there, you could walk along the beaches. The weather in Hainan is very hot, so many people like doing water sports. Such as fishing, swimming, boating and surfing. One great thing about Hannan is that you can try many kinds of sweet fruits. If you go to Hainan, I’m sure you will enjoy yourself. My Summer Holiday Plan The summer holiday is coming. I’m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I’ll read more useful books because it can make me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time talking with my parents and help them to do some housework. I’m going to join the swimming club because I like swimming very much. If possible, I want to go to Hainan Island for a visit. I’m sure I’ll have an interesting and mearningful summer holiday. A True Friend Friends are important to us. In our daily life, we’ll feel happier if we get on well with our friends, but we’ll feel lonely without friends. We can make new friends here and there, but it is hard to find a ture


一个好的工作计划能使工作起到事半功倍的效果。下面是有未来三年个人工作计划,欢迎参阅。 未来三年个人工作计划范文1 转眼之间两年半的校园生活马上就要结束了。面对社会是无法避免的,让我对毕业后的人生有了初步的打算。“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,未来,由自己掌控。志存高远的我屹立于职业初端的小山坡,目睹知识信息飞速发展,技能浪潮源源不绝,人才竞争日益激烈,形形色色人物竞赴出场,不禁感叹,社会日异月新。作为一名应届毕业生,在机遇与挑战的社会中,我即将起航。 人生是计划的过程,计划的主人是自己,计划做得具体,执行做得确实,胜算必然属于自己。作为一名刚走上工作岗位的我,对自己的职业发展做一个具体并切合实际的规划,使自己的目标明确,是尤为重要的。作为一名应届毕业生,我们要努力的还有很多。而怎么样才能使自己更有效率更有目标的在设计这个领域做得更好,就需要好好的规划。未来三年里,我的目标是:努力成长自我,完善自我,展现自我 第一年学习与累积

在这一年里,我觉得最重要的事情就是苦练基本功,适应工作环境,丰富工作经验。对于应届毕业生而言,缺乏经验是最大的劣势。所以应结合学校里所学习的理论功底,与技能实践相磨合,在不断的尝试与努力中创新。在平时,虚心向同事请教,搞好同事之间的关系,熟悉工作业务,学习好的工作习惯,借鉴经验;通过多听多学多问,学习其他同事的闪光点,以及在工作中如何化难为易的方法,积累工作经验;同时应做好工作后的反思,通过累积的工作经验反馈总结失误,优化工作经验;积极做好上级领导的工作分配,用最短的时间做出最大的努力,力争在工作质量上做到最好;加强学习,积极参加公司的培训,多欣赏一些好的设计作品,把握每一次成长的机会,在培训中锻炼自己的组织及团队能力,掌握公司经营理论,为自己成为一名合格策划师做好准备。在业余时间,多阅览一些关于设计方面的文化书籍,丰富自己。相信这一年的时间能让自己逐渐成熟起来。 第二年首要坚持(成功与否贵在坚持) 在这一年里,巩固同事关系和进一步向前辈学习尤为重要。尽量多跟客户沟通,提高自己表达能力。加强对公司和公司业务方向了解;该问的问题要虚心向同事,领导请教;搞好和同事,领导的关系,融入公司。克服容易紧张的障碍,跟人沟通的技巧,软件的熟悉度,了解市场需要。时时能让自己的脑子转起来,而不是简单的按提前组织好的来说。 希望自己脑子要很灵活的运用,临场不乱。多与人交流沟通,希望自己不要遇到什么事经常穷词。多学习一些职业礼仪与职业素养。这样自己以后的工作会



在职研究生英语统考作文必背模板 写作模板1. (单一话题议论文) 第一段概述(大约40字): When it comes to the topic of______(作文的话题及某种社会现象,一般是作文标题).Some people hold the idea that ______ (人们的看法,观点). As far as I’m concerned, I think______ (我的看法,观点). So I firmly support (object to) the______(观点). 第二段正文(大约70字): There are several reasons for this______(这种现象或某种观点), but in general, they come down to three major ones , which listed as follows. To start with _____(第一个原因) .That is to say_____ (扩展介绍).What's more _____ (带来的影响).Secondly, ______(第二个原因).Besides_____ (扩展介绍).As a result of_____(带来的影响). And finally_________(第三个原因或者影响).Even more_________(扩展介绍).Not only _________ but also _________ (带来的影响). Obviously, it is high time that we_________( 本段小结). 第三段总结(大约40字): To sum up, I insist that______ (我的看法,观点).It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to solve the problem. On one hand,________ (给出建议). And on the other hand,_______( 给出建议).I believe all these measures will certainly help to ______(改变某种现象,进一步完善). 写作模板2. (辩证对比话题) 第一段概述(大约40字): Nowadays, when it comes to the _______(作文的话题及某种社会现象,一般是作文标题), the answers may vary from person to person. Some people hold the idea that_______(第一种看法,观点),but others argue that_______(第二种看法,观点). As for as I’m concerned, both_______(上述观点一)and_______(上述观点二). I will_______(陈述我的观点)for the following reasons. 第二段正文:(大约70字): In my opinion, __________(第一种看法,观点)can bring____ to________ (优势或者劣势). For one thing________ (阐述理由一). And it is usually ____(阐述理由一).What's more _____ (阐述理由一). Despite many obvious advantages ofthe first opinion, we can still find the second one also has some advantages when compared with the first. First of all ______(阐述理由一). Because of_______(阐述理由二). Even more _____ (阐述理由三,及带来的后果及影响). 第三段总结(大约40字): From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion. It is undoubted that _______(第一种看法,观点)is as important as_______(第二种看法,观点). So as for me, I agree to take the middle road. They both should be play extremely important role in our modern society. Only in this way can we become_______(总结,展望,呼吁) 各种文体写作要求


作文范文:Helping Others Makes Me Happy In our lives, we often help others and also get help from others. When we help our classmates with their study and other things, we can develop our friendship. Xiao Ming, a friend of mine. I looked after his little dog when he visited Shanghai last summer holiday. It is a lovely dog. I played with it and went out for a walk with it. It made me happy. Xiao Ming bought me some gifts when he came back. I think we can get much when we help the people around us. As the saying goes, “Giving is much better than receiving.” A Visit to Hainan Island Have you ever been to Hainan Island? It’s the second largest island in China. It’s a beautiful place. If you go there, you could walk along the beaches. The weather in Hainan is very hot, so many people like doing water sports. Such as fishing, swimming, boating and surfing. One great thing about Hannan is that you can try many kinds of sweet fruits. If you go to Hainan, I’m sure you will enjoy yourself. My Summer Holiday Plan The summer holiday is coming. I’m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I’ll read more useful books because it can make me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time talking with my parents and help them to do some housework. I’m going to join the swimming club because I like swimming very much. If possible, I want to go to Hainan Island for a visit. I’m sure I’ll have an interesting and mearningful summer holiday. A True Friend Friends are important to us. In our daily life, we’ll feel happier if we get on well with our friends, but we’ll feel lonely without friends. We can make new friends here and there, but it is hard to find a ture friend. What is a true friend? I think the true friend is someone who can share happiness and sadness. They can help each other when they are in trouble,and encourage each other when they are sad. So the old say “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

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