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研究生英语作文(My Unforgettable Summer Vacation)

研究生英语作文(My Unforgettable Summer Vacation)
研究生英语作文(My Unforgettable Summer Vacation)

My Unforgettable Summer Vacation

Although memories fade, I will never forget the summer vacation which was an awful and terrible experience of my life. Before this time, I would rarely get sick, and I always thought that illness could be a good thing because my parents would pay special attention to me. After suffering from two illnesses that vacation, I realized that sickness was definitely a painful experience when my tonsils got inflamed and when I broke my left arm.

The first time I realized what illness actually brought was when I got tonsillitis. It happened during the first days of the vacation when I graduated from senior high school. After a crazy all-night graduation party, I caught a cold and my tonsils were swollen. But I took it lightly because I thought my parents would just care for me. Despite having a headache and feeling weak, I didn’t take any measure until the day I felt lumps in my throat when I tried to swallow. I was in so much pain, so my mother took me to the hospital worriedly. The doctor told me that I had a serious inflammation of my tonsils, and the best treatment was to remove them. In order to be free of the troubles of my tonsils, I underwent the tonsillectomy operation. At the beginning of the operation, I was blindfolded with a piece of black cloth. Then a nurse putting six pins of anesthetic on both sides of my tonsils. It was painful and disgusting, and I felt like vomiting. After awhile, I began to feel nothing. In general, the operation went smoothly, except the anesthetic made me feel sick.

In the days after the operation, I experienced more torment. The first three days were the most painful. My throat hurt very much and was uncomfortable. In order to relieve the pain, I would put some ice in my mouth a few times a day. I couldn’t speak or eat but could only rely on glucose to supply nutrition. The worst thing was having to spit blood periodically. In the following days, with the pain alleviating slowly, I could only drink liquid or eat soft foods, such as porridge and eggs. Although my parents bought a lot of fruits and snacks, I couldn’t enjoy them because of the pain in my throat, which continued almost a month. This was the first time I realized that being ill was not good but painful.

However, my understanding of illness was not enough. Soon after, life gave me another lesson. After several days of suffering tonsillitis, I broke my left arm. One day when I was enjoying the air on the roof of our house, a thunderstorm suddenly came. I hastily


tried to get down using a ladder. Unfortunately, I took an awkward step, lost balance and fell about three meters from the air. After a muffled bang, I felt intense pain coming from my left wrist. I raised my hand and saw a big knot on it. I felt very disturbed, worrying that my left arm was broke. Enduring the stabbing pain, I called my parents back. Once again, I was taken to the hospital by my mother. The X-rays confirmed the fracture of my left arm. The doctor wrapped it tightly in plaster and put gauze around it a few times. From that point, I couldn’t move my left arm arbitrarily. The first night was tantalizing because my arm was so painful, and it seemed like a burning fire in my bone. I lay awake almost the whole night, while the pain was just the start of my “one handed life”.

The first day after the fracture, I had to face the brutal reality that I was “one handed”. Because my parents were busy, they didn’t have time to take care for me every day. The biggest problem was having to put on my clothes with one hand. I still remember the scene struggling to put on my clothes without my left hand. I spread my pants and the t-shirt on the bed and tried to put them on with my right hand and my two feet. When I encountered the zipper, I had to use the gravity of the plaster to suppress the lower end of the zipper, pulling it using my right hand little by little. That morning, I spent an extra fifteen minutes just putting on my clothes. In the following days, I had to continue using one hand to wash, to use the toilet, and even to tie my shoes. After a month of convalescence, I really knew how inconvenient it was to be injured. The ordinary things of my daily life became an insurmountable mountain for me to climb.

All in all, I managed to survive that terrible summer vacation, and I will never forget the lessons that life taught me at the age of eighteen. After suffering the painful tonsils and the broken arm, I realized how important my health was, and illness was not an attention-getter for my parents. The experience of not being able to eat or speak, feeling the inflammation in my throat, falling off a ladder and breaking my left arm me helpless and lonely. I learned that if I didn’t take precaution against illness and injury. In the future I would have to live a life of suffering and inconvenience.


Part VI Translation (10 points) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answ et Sheet. Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the suff erer. He soon finds himself alone and miserable. There is, however, a cure so simple as t o seem, at first glance, ridiculous: if you don't feel happy, pretend to be! It works. Befor e long you will find that instead of pushing people away, you attract them. You discover h ow deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will. Then the make-believe becomes a reality. Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens filled with grateful friends. Part VII Writing (15 points) Directions: Write a composition of at least 150 words about the topic: The possibility of us ing the mobile phone to study English (or any other subject). You should write according t o the outline given below: 1.我认为手机(不)可以用来学习英语或其他知识。 2.理由是…… 3.结论


江苏大学XXXX级研究生期末考试卷样卷 课程:英语学术论文写作时间:XXXX 1. What are the general linguistic features of English academic writing?(10%) A1: There are eight main features that are often discussed to represent the style of academic writing: complex, formal, objective, explicit, accurate, hedged, responsible and making reference to other writers’ work. 2. Compare the stylistic features of the following two passages . (15%) (1) With the maid holding the umbrella over her, she walked along the gravel path until she was under their window. The table was there, washed bright green in the rain, but the cat was gone. She was suddenly disappointed. The maid looked up at her. “Ha perduto qualque cosa, Signora? [Have you lost something, Madam?]” “There was a cat,” said the? American girl. “A cat?” “Si, il gatto. [Yes, a cat.]” “A cat?” the maid laughed. “A cat in the rain?” “Yes,” she said, “under the table.” Then: “Oh. I wanted it so much. I wanted a kitty.” When she spoke English the maid’s face tightened. “Come, Signora,” she said. “We must get back inside. You will be wet.” “I suppose so,” said the American girl. They went back along the gravel path and passed in the door. The maid stayed outside to close the umbrella. As the American girl passed the office, the padrone bowed from his desk. Something felt very small and tight inside the girl. The padrone made her feel very small and at the same time


一、网恋 Directions: Write an essay entitled On-line Love Affair, your essay should meet the requirements below: (1)its side-effect (2)your viewpoints You should write 160~200words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: Although the popular belief is that internet increasingly plays an important role in our daily life, a current survey indicates that it has also brought some youngsters great disadvantages. They can do whatever they like, such matters as playing games, chatting. And some are even falling in love with chatters, which is called on-line love. Fresh notion as on-line love is, it sounds ridiculous when analyzed profoundly. What these young people fail to understand is that both sides have not well acquainted with mutually. Some net friends are reported to have been deceived by those people who are doing some criminal activities per year through the internet. Internet has indubitably provided various information for us, and on-line love is nothing but an artifact of fictitious world offered by internet. On the other hand, it is vital that we should make internet serve us better, and at the same time,as far as on-line love is concerned, being objective and levelheaded analysis is not far from being a sensible attitude. 范文精译: 尽管大家普遍认为网络在我们的日常生活中越来越重要,但当前的调查表明它同时也给一些年轻人带来了弊端。人们可以通过网络做他们喜欢做的一切,诸如打游戏、聊天。有些人甚至与聊天者谈起了恋爱,这就是所谓的网恋。 尽管网恋比较新颖,但仔细分析过后不免有些荒唐。这些年轻人没有意识到他们双方并不彼此了解。据报道,每年都有网友被那些专门通过网络做非法勾当的人欺骗。 毋庸置疑,网络给我们提供了各种各样的信息,而网恋只不过是网络这个虚幻世界的产物。一方面,我们应该使网络更好地为我们服务;同时就网恋而言,客观对待、冷静分析才是明智之举。 二、论美女经济 Directions: Write an essay with the title of On“Beauty Economy”,and your essay should be based on the following outline : (1)describe briefly the phenomenon of “beauty economy” (2)list positive effect (3)list negative effect You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: The “beauty economy” actually is “the eyeball economy”. The beauties are used to attract the public attention and make a profit. Meanwhile, the beauty contest activity which we are familiar with is regarded as the most gigantic manifestation of beauty economy. In the supporter’s eyes, the beauty economy gains high business profits through plans, organization, propaganda of the beauty contest. The participants can have the qualifications to participate in the competition as honour. The winners make their social status reach a high position. Thereupon, people become enthusiastic about beauty economy. The merchant has been laughing uproariously which hawked. The beautiful woman has the stage which declares a position. However, others don’t agree with it. Firstly, the beauties are treated as “unliving objects” just like the flower vase, and people pay too much attention to the pretty appearance of the beauties, but their internal world is ignored. Secondly, it leads to the distorted beauty culture. Many girls even women worship blindly the beauties and spend a lot of money in face-lifting to emulate them. Then our traditional aesthetic conceptions are totally overturned, and our conventional virtues completely disappear. Last but not the least, the beauty economy misleads the values. Relying on“being beautiful”, pursuing the wealth, they go after like ducks. And it also causes them to be the money worship.


2020年考研英语作文范文 Part A 51. Directions: you are going to hold a club reading session.Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members。 You should state reasons for yourrecommendation。 You should write neatly on theANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ”instead. Do not write the address 。(10 points) Dear friends, I am writing to tell you about a fantasticbook I have just read, as we always share the same taste of books。 The book is called Journey to the West, which tells us a story thatfour monks conquered multiple handicaps to achieve their final destination.Besides the touching and thrilling plot, the book also features humorouslanguages, thanks to the talented author。 So I recommend it to all of you as one ofthe favorite books that I have ever read. I am sure you will love it as much asI do. I am looking forward to discussing more with you after you read it. Yours sincerely, LiMing


(一)1.目前金融危机正深深地影响到社会的方方面面 2. 人们对如何应对金融危机的不同看法 3. 你的看法 The Impact of Financial Crisis Presently, international financial crisis is becoming more and more serious, which has been influencing every part of our daily life. Job hunting is increasingly becoming difficult; food is getting more expensive; and people’s everyday living is much harder than before etc. As to how to deal with the crisis, people have different opinions. Some people hold a more positive view, who believe that the present crisis is not very serious, and we can overcome it in just a few years with the micro-control policy of our government. With the help of the government, living expenses will soon slow down. Things will get better, and we needn’t worry too much. But some other people take an opposite side. They believe that things are the other way round, and the present crisis is getting worse and worse. This crisis is worldwide and cannot be solved in a few years. People’s everyday life will become much harder. As for me, I have strongly felt the full negative impact this crisis has brought on me. Food in the supermarket is more expensive than that in the last few months; everyday expenses are getting higher. However, I don’t think this crisis is beyond control. I firmly believe that with the right policy of our government this crisis cannot outdo us. we should face this crisis calmly and do things with a more practical mind. (2)1.刚参加工作时遇到了哪些困难。 2.产生这些困难的原因。 3.如何克服这些困难。 The Problems I Had When I First Started to Work When I first started my work in an electronic company, I did meet with many problems. Two main problems are: I did not know how to conduct business with clients and customers and I had no idea about how to deal with a bargain and persuade them to take my offer. The second problem was that there was no room for me and I had to find a room far away from the company. It took me more than one hour on the way to the office and then came back. The reason for the first problem was that I had no practical experience and I needed to learn and practice. As for the second problem the company could not take care of every employee’s housing. And it was our responsibility to look after ourselves. To overcome these problems, I worked hard and learne d from any one modestly. After half year’s work I became experienced and began to make money. So I was able to rent a single apartment near my company. Now everything is all right to me. (3)1.合作的意义。 2.合作在工作中的重要性(举例)。 3.怎样培养合作的能力? The cooperation Cooperation means that people should work together smoothly for the purpose of mutual benefit. In the work they should help each other and learn from each other. They should have mutual respect, too. Cooperation is important in our work. Without it, we will fail. For example, two years ago, our institute managed to get a joint research project with a university in the south of China. At first everything went on all right. Then there was a misunderstanding and argument. Finally, the cooperation could not continue and the project failed. This example can show the importance of cooperation. I believe there are more examples. I think people should start to cultivate their sense of cooperation when they are very young. For example, in primary schools, pupils should be taught how to play with others, and how to study together. At university, students should be told frequently that in today’s world, individual is impossible to make big achievements, and they have to work or conduct research with others. Besides, they should be given a chance for team work. Then I think that people will be able to cooperate well with others.


考研英语作文范文 一、写作A节:预测:60%考摘要,40%考书信、备忘录、报告 (一)摘要: 1.最新大纲样题:经济类 Directions: Read the following Chinese text and write an abstract of it in 80-100 English words on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) 经济全球化的主要原因 20世纪50年代初以来,经济全球化获得迅猛发展。简单归纳,其原因主要包括以下几个方面: 全球化的技术基础。科技进步为全球化快速发展提供了物质基础和技术手段。科技革命是经济全球化发展的最根本的物质基础和动力,历历次科技革命都促进了社会生产力的飞跃发展,同时也促进了整个世界的融合。20世纪50年代以电子技术和信息技术等为主要标志的新的科技革命的 兴起,使科技日益成为社会生产力发展的先导,成为影响生产力发展的至关重要的因素。科技知识在社会生产的各个领域中得到广泛传播和运用,劳动者的智能和技能得到进一步

的开发,创造出越来越多的物质和精神财富,极大地促进了世界生产力的发展,生产社会化程度日益提高,国际分工日益深化,各国经济以此为基础紧密相联,世界经济进入一个全新的繁荣时期。同时,新科技革命使得科技成果积累的速度大大加快,新材料、新产品不断涌现,大量高技术产业不断产生,在世界范围内促进了产业结构的调整和转移,新的产业布局开始形成,以信息技术和产业为主导,以高新技术为基础的新兴产业部门也蓬勃兴起并迅速发展,快速取代了传统产业而逐渐成为经济的主导部门推进的重要动力源。 全球化的经济基础。市场经济体制的强势地位不断增强,跨国公司的突飞发展,国际经济组织的不断完善为经济全球化奠定了坚实的经济基础。 首先,市场经济体制成为世界各国发展经济的首选。20世纪80 年代末至90年代初,世界形势发生了重大变化,东欧剧变,苏联解体, 40多年的冷战格局最终结束。冷战结束后,国际形势总体上走向缓和。各国纷纷把发展经济列为首要目标,普遍扩大了对外开放,和平与发展成为当今时代的两大主题。前苏联和东欧国家先后走上了向市场经济过渡的轨道,改行自由市场经济,并积极致力于融入西方经济体系。中国在长期的实践中,也逐渐认识到计划经济的不足和弊端,自1978年起开始实行以市场为导向的、全面的经济改革,大力推行对外开放,努力实现同世界经济的接轨,


大作文我就是根据这个模板,然后自己修改了点,感觉这模板”万能”。之前一直觉得两百单词怎么拼也拼不出,看完这个后我是觉得两百很容易写了,优势还超过二三十多个单词。 其次就是多背点英语阅读中的比较好的句型,到时写作用到上面。 17句搞定考研英语作文所谓万能这个概念,如果大家都去这么用的话,就等于没有用了。PartB部分是有的,但是partA没有,PartB可以基本上把这个文章全写完的一个模板方式。万能模板,你这么想,大家告诉我,只要一个题目能够转变成一社会现象之后,最好准备两到三套大的万能无敌模式。关于万能模式的几个问题: 一、我们选用的句子的灵活性强,经过了精心的选择 二、句型都是五星级,并在开头和长短句子方面有设计,并注意语法的丰富,每句话语法都不同. 三、我们选的句子与市面的任何资料都不同 四、很多同学说写的一样是否是雷同,不大可能,因为很难分到一个考场批判危害性的框架 1.总共写十七个句子. 第一段四个句子,第一句宏观描述图画,并谈图画看似可笑但发人深思.第二句写出图画最强烈的视觉效果,第三句是主题句,谈用二十个单词的爆发力句型谈该现象对个人的发展和进步有破坏性,并引发思考,第四句是用贬义词批判这个现象是强烈的指责。 (1)As is vividly depicted in the picture, ,which seems to be humorous and ridiculous but thought-provoking on second thoughts.(2)The most striking feature that impresses me deeply is that unbelievably, ,(3)Recent few years has witnessed a phenomenon of 主题which seems to be disastrous to individual survival and prosperity. (4)This phenomenon of 主题should be condemned severely or made illegal. (5)There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration. 中间段落从两方面论证问题的危害,并举例论证,预测危害的趋势 第二段七个句子,首先第一句从宏观上谈这种现象的总的有两到三个点危害或者原因,第二句谈这个现象的第一个危害,用“not only, but also”的五星级句子,通常是谈对个人身心健康的危害性, 第三个句子谈第二个危害,通常是用一个豪华级的比较级的句子,让老师耳目一新,通常是谈这个现象对社会的危害.第四个句子谈对家庭或学校的危害.第五个句子谈一个代替“for example”的十五个单词的好句子,意思是说没有更好的例子来证明正如下文.第六个句子是例子群体的出现,谈根据一项调查表明,80%以上的人只要从事经历过这个消极的现象一定会对个人在精神和生活上有危害.最后一句话是预测趋势的二十五个单词的钻石级的句子,谈以下预测趋势,表明这种现象再这样下去,就会导致恶劣的结果出现,甚至是毁灭性的后果。 (1) To account for the above-mentioned phenomenon, several serious effects have been put forward. (2)To begin with,主题not only results does harm to our physical and mental health but also results in a frustrating and humiliating life. (3)In addition, nothing is more harmful than主题to contradict with a harmonious society. (4)Last but not the least, no issue is as harmful as 主题to increase family burdens, which is a threatening situation we are unwilling to see. (5)No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below . (6)According to a survey made by China Daily, 63.93% of young people who have ever experienced主题will live a dull life or even feel loss of hope about the future. (7)If we cannot take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable results may come out unexpectedly, we will see the


在职考研英语作文模板 考研英语大作文占20分,要求考生根据提示信息写出一篇160~200词的短文(标点符号不计算在内)。提示信息的形式有主题 句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表等。以下是小编为您整理的在职考研英语作文模板相关资料,欢迎阅读! 一、首段 第一段四个句子,第一句宏观描述图画,并谈图画看似可笑但发人深思;第二句写出图画最强烈的视觉效果;第三句是主题句,用二十个单词的句子谈该现象对个人的发展和进步有破坏性,并引发思考;第四句是用贬义词批判这个现象是强烈的指责。 1、As isvividly depicted in the picture, which seems to be humorous and ridiculous butthought-provoking on second thoughts. 2、Themost striking feature that impresses me deeply is that unbelievably, 3、Recentfew years has witnessed a phenomenon of 主题which seemsto be disastrous to individual survival and prosperity. 4、Thisphenomenon of 主题should be condemned severely or madeillegal. 二、中间段落 中间段落从两方面论证问题的危害,并举例论证,预测危害的趋势。 第二段七个句子,首先第一句从宏观上谈这种现象总的有两到三个点危害或者原因;第二句谈这个现象的第一个危害,用“not only, but also”的五星级句子,通常是谈对个人身心健康的危害性;第三个句子谈第二个危害,通常是用一个豪华级的比较级的句子,让老师耳目一新,


Evaluation of the Effect of AIDS Health Education on College Students in Nanjing Fang Kun 152899;Wang Chongxu 152895; Song Yue 152894; Deng Lin 152898; Chen Chen 152922; LvRongrong 152921 ; Cheng Xiaoqing 152903

Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this research is to know college students’ knowledge, attitude and behavior about AIDS in Jiangsu province, so we can evaluate the effect of AIDS intervention to provide evidence for AIDS public education more effectively in the future. Methods: We educated college students of six pilot universities by playing the videos and sending health education prescription as the main way of risk warning education. We selected students from each college randomly as evaluation object, the questionnaire mainly included students’ basic information, AIDS related knowledge and sexual health.Descriptive analysiswas conducted to analysis s tudents’ basic situation and the sexual health conditions,chi-square test was used to analysis the difference of the education on HIV/AIDS related knowledge, awareness and attitude. Results: After education, the awareness level of the basic knowledge of AIDS in all students increased from 69.05% to 82.15%(Χ2=147.335,P<0.001), but the level of awareness of the students varied from school to school, and there is a big space for improvement in each school; Introduction of the programme witnessed a dramatic change in the students’ attitudes towards AIDS. For instance, the answers of“students’attitudes towards the importance of teaching AIDS related education in schools,someone suspected of being infected with the AIDS/HIV virus will immediately do the antibody detection test or not and the willingness to use condom during the sexual encounter” ha ve proportionally increased in the positive direction. Conclusion: The evaluation results show that the pilot educational activities have made significant effect. Although promotion of AIDS education in the colleges has proven to be fruitful, beneficial and worthy enough but some part of the education still needs to be improved and strengthened. Key words: College students; AIDS; Intervention; Effects


考研英语作文范文10篇 范文1 "Good Health" 1.身体健康的重要性。 2.保持健康的途径。 3.我自己的实践。 Good Health The desire for good health is universal. In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful. There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their health. Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit one's health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time. As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning. I also attach much importance to enough sleep and relaxation. I believe this will ensure my good health for the rest of my life. <评析> 这篇文章语句通顺,语言流畅,句式变化多样,用词面比较宽。就内容来说,则很切题,包括了提纲中的所有要点。第一段的第二句即主题句是从提纲发展而来的,第二段的首句,即主题句也是由提纲中的第二点发展而来。 范文2 Hope Project Education plays a very important role in the modernization of our country. However, because of historical factors, there are still a lot of people in China who are undereducated, especially among youngsters in rural areas. They cannot afford the expenses of schooling and need help. At the same time, China is not able to invest too much money in the matter at present time. It is in this particular situation that the authorities carry out the "Hope Project ". This project is necessary to our country. It is an urgent measure that the government has taken. In the first place, this project will provide conditions for the youngsters to go back to school, which will contribute to their future success. Thus it will lead to the enhancement of the intelligence level in our country. Secondly, education makes it possible for people to acquire knowledge, which is useful to their future work. Hence, this Project benefits the modernization of our country a lot. Finally, it can make more people educated. Therefore, it may indirectly

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