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2013年考研英语新大纲新增的60个词汇 详

2013年考研英语新大纲新增的60个词汇详解 海天教育2012-09-14 专业外贸英语,英语口语,商务英语培训浸泡式外贸英语培训让您英语快速提升! 2013年考研大纲解析及复习指导”专题的相关链接【点击进入】 2013年考研的孩子们,你们好!2013年考研新大纲英语一和二今天( 9 月14日)和大家见面了,宫东风英语团队第一时间为学生就13考研英语大纲 进行解析,新大纲删减许多词汇的同时新增60个词汇,新大纲应用文写作部 分删除了摘要写作要求,大家不用准备摘要了。英语二删除了阅读新题型中的 判断正误题型。别的方面没有改动。这充分体现了教育部考试中心的维护安定 团结以人为本的大方针。 近来,网上流传的新增700词,增加听力等新题型,阅读难度到专业八级 都是没有根据的,扰乱人心的…希望同学们以后在考研政策上对政府要有信任, 别信网上的谣传…考研的孩子,咱伤不起! 目前,大家要认真反复精研真题,把真题读懂读透读熟读烂… 孩子们,加油!Never say die!

2013年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)和(二) 考试大纲新增的60个词汇详解 1 accustom vt. 使习惯于(to):~ oneself to rising early使自己习惯于 早起 / ~ sb. to sea life使某人习惯于海上生活 / ~ one's ears to the din使自己的耳朵适应喧闹声 2 alienate vt. 1使疏远,使不友好;离间;The management must never become ~d from the employees.管理层决不能脱离员工。 2【律】转让,让渡(财产等)3使转移;使转向 ?alienator n. 3 allegiance n. 1(对国家、政府、事业、个人等的)忠诚;效忠,忠贞:give ~ to效忠于 2(臣子对君主的)臣服义务 3(侨民对所居国政府的)效忠义务 4 ape n. 1无尾猿;类人猿 2猴 3粗野的大汉 4模仿者,学样的人 vt. 模仿,学…的样 adj. 〈口〉疯狂的;狂热的◇go ~〈口〉发疯;变得狂 热:go ~ over a girl为一个姑娘神魂颠倒 ?apelike adj. / aper n. 5 archaeology n. 1考古学 2(某民族的)文化遗迹,古迹 ?archaeological adj. / archaeologically adv. / archaeologist n. / archaeologize vi.


考研英语:熟词僻义汇总 1.weigh v. 考虑,权衡 At the same time, the American Law Institute — a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight —issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones. (真题1999, Text 1, Paragraph 4) 与此同时,美国法学会——该学会由一群法官、律师、学者所组成,他们的建议举足轻重——签署了新的民事侵害法纲要,宣布公司不必警示顾客那些显而易见的危险,或者给顾客列出一份冗长的可能造成的危险的清单。 2. even a. 均匀的;平的 They seemed a priesthood, rather uneven in their merits but uniform in their bearing; they never referred to anything personal. (CET-6, 2003.6, Passage 2, Paragraph 4) 他们看起来像神职人员,尽管道行参差不齐,但举止非常统一;他们从来不谈私事。 3.odd a. 临时的 Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss’s agenda in businesses of every variety. (真题2007, Text 4, Paragraph 1) 迄今为止,信息保护工作一直被留给临时的、低层次的信息技术人员承担,并且只被看成是信息资源丰富产业所关切的一个方面,比如银行业、电信业以及航空旅行业,如今,信息保护则成为各类商业老板议事日程中需要优先考虑的问题。 4.weather v. 抵抗,克服 This “added-worker effect”could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times. (真题2007, Text 3, Paragraph 2) 这种“额外工人效应”可以支持由失业保险或残疾保险提供的安全网,以便帮助家庭渡过难关。


2017考研英语高频词汇及例句汇总(十) 考研英语中词汇是英语的基础,复习备考的过程中,考生格外注意的是英语真题的考研英语高频词汇,这样可以更好地把握考研英语复习。为大家整理的一系列关于考研英语高频单词,希望对考生有所帮助! 1. adapt vi. 适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to); vt. 改编,改写; 改变…以适合(for); [例句]The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change. 世界会变得不同,我们必须做好准备以适应其变化。 2. additional adj. 补充; 额外的,附加的; 另外的,追加的; 外加; [例句]The US is sending additional troops to the region. 美国正向该地区增兵。 3. aggressive adj. 侵略的,侵犯的,攻势的;(美)有进取心的,积极行动的; 有进取心的,有闯劲的; 好争斗的,借故生端的,爱打架的,要打架的;

[例句]Some children are much more aggressive than others. 一些孩子比其他孩子更好斗。 4. amateur n. 业余爱好者; 外行,生手; adj. 外行的; 业余的,非职业的; [例句]Jerry is an amateur who dances because he feels like it. 杰里是个业余跳舞爱好者,他跳舞是因为自己喜欢。 5. analysis n. 分析,分解; 梗概,要略; [数] 解析; 验定; [例句]Her criteria defy analysis. 她的标准让人搞不明白。 6. apply vt. 申请; 涂; 应用,运用; 敷(药); vi. 申请,请求,适用; 适用,适合; 专心致志; [例句]I am continuing to apply for jobs. 我正在继续找工作。


考研英语大纲词汇(带音标和例句)超全版本(字母B) (275个单词) 例句基本选自《牛津英语词典》,个别出自《朗文词典》等。 370.baby ['beibi] n.婴儿;年龄最小的人;小动物 a.婴儿似的 Stop crying! Don't be such a baby. 371.bachelor ['b?t??l?] n.单身汉;(亦作B-)学士(学位) Many would regard him, I think, as an eligible bachelor. 372.back [b?k] a.后面的 ad.向后 v.倒退;支持 n.背;后面 Do you sleep on your back or your stomach? 373.background ['b?kɡraund] "n.背景,经历;幕后" The job would suit someone with a business background. 374.backward ['b?kw?d] "a.向后的,倒行的;迟钝的 ad.向后,朝反方向" She strode past him without a backward glance. 375.bacon ['beik?n] "n.咸猪肉,熏猪肉" Jim ate the last piece of bacon and moved the bed tray from his lap. His friends had all gone to college or were bringing home the bacon. 376.bacterium [b?k'ti?ri?m] n.(pl.)bacteria 细菌 The spots can become infected with bacteria. 377.bad [b?d] a.坏的;低劣的;不舒服的;腐败的;严重的 Smoking gives you bad breath. 378.badge ['b?d?] "n.徽章,像章;标记;象征;记号" All employees have to wear name badges. 379.badly ['b?dli]ad.非常,严重地;坏地,差地,拙劣地 The building is badly in need of repair.


考研英语中的熟词僻义(二) 考研英语中的熟词僻义(二) 考研英语中“熟词僻义”希望考研的同学多多注意,这往往是考研英语阅读中词汇题的考点,也是细节题和推理题的关键。下面文都教育的小编给大家整理了常见的熟词僻义词汇,希望能够引起大家的关注,多多学习。 1. tired 陈腐的,陈旧的 Curiously, some two-and-a-half years and two novels later, my experiment in what the Americans term “downshifting” has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality.(真题 2001, Text 5, Paragraph 2) 奇怪的是,大约两年半的时间我写完两部小说后,我这个被美国人称为“放慢生活节奏”的试验,却使我老掉牙的借口变成了现实。 2. fault n. 毛病 Gross and Levitt find fault primarily with sociologists, philosophers and othe r academics who have questioned science’s objectivity. (真题 1998, Text 3, Paragraph 4) 格罗斯和莱维特主要挑那些质疑科学客观性的社会学家、哲学家和其他学者的毛病。 3. practice n. 惯例,习惯,做法 Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country’s excellent elementary schools; a labor force that welcomed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums to inventors; and above all the American genius for nonverbal, “spatial” thinking about things technological. (真题 1996, Text 4, Paragraph 2) 在诸多形成因素中,我想特别指出这个国家优异的小学教育;欢迎新技术的劳动大军;对发明者进行奖励的做法;尤其是美国人在处理技术性事物所具有的非语言的空间思维才能。 4. principal n. 最重要的,主要的 The principal difficulty faced by the schools has been the tremendous increase in the number of pupils. (CET-6, , Passage 3, Paragraph 1) 学校面临的主要困难一直是学生人数的剧增。 5. tell v. 区别,分辨,识别


常用的前缀和后缀,部分国家(或地区)、语言、国民及国籍表,洲名及常见缩写词 一、常用的前缀和后缀 1、常用前缀 aero-:concerning the air of aircraft plane-aeroplane 飞机 space-aerospace 航空空间 anti-:against;opposite of nuclear-antinuclear 反对核武器的 matter-antimatter反物质 war-antiwar反战的 auto-:of or by oneself biography传记–autobiography自传 criticism批评-autocriticism自我反省 be-:to treat as the stated thing friend-befriend以朋友的方式对待;照顾 little-belittle使显得微小,轻视、贬低 bi-:two;twice;double lingual-bilingual 双语的;人 cycle-bicycle bio-:concerning living things chemistry-biochemistry生化 sphere-biosphere 生物圈 by-,bye-:less important produce-by-produce way-byway偏僻小路;学科的次要领域,冷门 centi-:hundredth part grade-centigrade ?摄氏meter-centimeter 厘米 co-:together,with author-coauthor合著者,合著 exist-coexist 同时共存、和平共处 col-:( used before l ) together,with location-collocation排列,配置,词的搭配 com-:( used before b,m,p ) together,with passion-compassion 怜悯、同情 con-:together,with centric-concentric同一中心的、同轴 federation-confederation结盟同盟,联邦 contra-:opposite diction-contradiction 矛盾、否定反驳 natural-contranatural违背自然的 cor-:( used before r ) together,with relate-correlate 有相关性 respond-correspond 相符合相一致,相当类似通信counter-:opposite act-counteract 对抗、抵消 attack-counterattack 反攻、反击 cross-:across;going between the stated things and joining them country-crosscountry越野的 breed-crossbreed杂种,使杂交de-:showing an opposite;to remove;to reduce code-decode 译码、解码、分析电子信号 value-devalue 贬值,贬低 dis-:not;the opposite of advantage-disadvantage 不利、劣势、短处 agree-disagree不同意、不一致、不适合 honest-dishonest 不诚实、不老实 em-:( used before b,m,p ) to cause to become body-embody 表现、象征;包括、包含 power-empower 授权、准许 en-:to cause to become;to make danger-endanger 危及、使遭受危险 large-enlarge 扩大、扩充放大 ex-:former ( and still living ) minister-ex-minister v辅助; 服侍,部长 wife-ex-wife 前妻 extra-:outside;beyond curricular-extracurricular 学校课程以外的 ordinary-extraordinary 奇怪;特别;额外,临时fore-:in advance,before;in or at the front arm-forearm前臂,预先武装 warn-forewarn 预先警告;事先告知 il-:( used before l ) not legal-illegal 非法literate-illiterate 目不识丁、文盲的im-:( used before b,m,p ) not moral-immoral 不道德、邪恶;放荡的 possible-impossible 不可能、办不到的;很难接受 in-:not direct-indirect 间接地,婉转的 sensitive-insensitive 感觉迟钝,不友好的;麻木infra-:below in a range;beyond red-infrared 红外线的 structure—infrastructure 基础设施,基础结构 inter-:between;among change—interchange 互换、互易;交替变换national—international 国际的 intra-:inside,within;into city—intracity市内的 department--intra-department ir-:(used before r)not regular—irregular 不对称、不规则的;不定期的responsible—irresponsible 不负责 kilo-:thousand gram—kilogram千克meter--kilometer千米macro-:large,esp. concerning a whole system rather than particular parts of economics—macroeconomics 宏观经济学structure—macrostructure宏观结构 mal-:bad or badly function—malfunction 故障,障碍 treat—maltreat 虐待、滥用


考研英语词汇:常见英语缩写词 AD,A.DAnno Domini(=in the year of the) Lord;since Christ wasborn 公元 A.M.,a.m.ante meridiem(before noon)上午,午前Apr. April 四月 Aug.August八月 Ave.avenue林荫道,大街 BABachelor of Arts文科学士 BC,B.C.before Christ公元前BS,BScBachelor of Science理科学士C°,Centigrade摄氏度 cccubic centimeter立方厘米CDcompact disk光盘,激光唱片 cf.confer(=compare)试比较;参看cmcentimeter厘米 https://www.doczj.com/doc/568432286.html,pany公司

c/ocare of由…转交 https://www.doczj.com/doc/568432286.html,pare比较 Dec.December十二月 dept.,Dept.department部,司,局,系Dr.doctor博士;医生 e.g.exempli gratia(=for example)例如esp.especially尤其是et al.et alia(=and others)其他的 etc.et cetera(=and the rest)等等FFahrenheit华氏的 Feb.February二月 ftfoot,feet英尺 g,gm.gram克 GMTGreenwich Mean Time格林威治时间

hr.hour小时 IDidentification card身份证i.e.id est(=that is)那就是,即in.inch英寸 Inc.incorporated股份有限的Jan.January一月 Jr.junior小(用于姓名后)Jul.July七月 Jun.June六月 kg.kilogram千克,公斤km.kilometer千米,公里 l. liter升 lb.libra(=pound)磅 Ltd.limited有限的,股份有限


热点熟词僻义总结【添加中】 1allow allow承认admit We must allow that he is right on this matter. 2address address vt 处理To deal with: addressed the issue of absenteeism. 处理旷工事宜 3advantage take advantage of 欺骗(deceive)对……加以利用 took advantage of the customer.欺骗消费者 4appreciate appreciate v.意识到(realize) 抬高…价格、涨价 I appreciate that I may be wrong. This land has appreciated in value. 这块土地增值了。 5apprehension apprehension忧虑、担心;逮捕、理解 The student looked around the examination room with apprehension.

那名学生恐惧地观看检查室的四周。 6apprehensive apprehensive理解的不安的,忧虑的(意思和用法等同于afraid) apprehensive for sb.'s safety 担心某人的安全 7approach approach着手To begin to deal with or work on: approached the task with dread. 惶恐地开始着手这项任务 8arch arch adj 调皮的,顽皮的n.弓形 an arch smile调皮的微笑 He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture. 9argument argument 论点,论据 10as 潮?潳洠捵??獡表示与其说是……倒不如说。否定前者肯定后者 1. He is not so much a writer as a reporter. 2. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool. (摘自真题) It's not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby). 11assume assume 承担,假装,假定,设想,


凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路! 2015年考研英语新题型重要词汇 1.7 comprehend [,kɑmpr?'h?nd] vt. 理解;包含 【词根记忆】:com全部+prehend/ prehens (相当于catch) = 全部抓住= 领会;理解 【短语搭配】:comprehend the meaning理解含义 【真题例句】:Clearly you try to comprehend, in the sense of identifying meanings for individual words and working out relationships between them…显而易见,你会尝试在阅读过程中理解。这种理解是建立在辨识单词本身的意思并理解单词与单词之间的关系之上… 2. 16 identify [ai'dentifai] v. 识别;辨识 【词根记忆】:ident 相同+ ify动词后缀→识别=将一个事物与其标准相互匹配的过程 【短语搭配】:identify with理解;认同 【真题例句】:As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. 你一醒来就立刻能确定在梦中是什么困扰你。(2005年阅读Text3) 3. 7 context ['kɑnt?kst] n. 环境;上下文 【词根记忆】:con共同+text 编织=共同编织在一起的=上下文 【短语搭配】:in the context of在…情况下 in this context 在这个背景下 【真题例句】:You begin to infer a context for the text, for instance by making decisions about what kind of speech event is involved…例如,你可以凭借判定何种类型的语言情景会涉及在这样的文本当中来推测文章语境。 4. 31involve [?n'vɑlv] vt. 包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于


2019 考研英语大纲5500 词汇表 1.a[ei]art. 一( 个); 每一( 个);( 同类事物中) 任一个 2. a bandon['bndn]vt. 离弃,丢弃; 遗弃,抛弃; 放弃 3. a bdomen[b'dumen]n. 腹,下腹( 胸部到腿部的部分) 4. a batement['beitmnt]n. 减( 免) 税,打折扣,冲销 5. a bide['baid]vi.(abode ,abided)(by) 遵守; 坚持;vt. 忍受,容忍 6. a bility['biliti]n. 水平; 本领; 才能,才干; 专门技能,天资 7.able['eibl]a. 有( 水平、时间、知识等) 做某事,有本事的 8.abnormal[b'n :ml]a. 反常的,不正常的,不规则的 9. a board['b :d]ad.&prep. 在船( 飞机、车) 上;ad. 上船( 飞机、车) 10. a bolish['bli]vt. 废除( 法律、习惯等); 取消 11. a bound['baund]vi. 大量存有;(~in ,~with) 充满,富于 12. a bout['baut]ad. 在周围; 大约prep. 关于; 在周围a. 准备 13. a bove['bv]a. 上述的ad. 在上面, 在前文prep. 在.. 之上,高于 14. a broad['br :d]ad. 到国外,在国外; 在传播,在流传 15. a brupt['brpt]a. 突然的,出其不意的;( 行为等) 粗鲁无礼的 16. a bsence['bsns]n. 缺乏,不存有; 缺席,不在场; 缺席的时间 17. a bsent['bsnt,b'sent]a. 缺席的; 缺乏的, 不存有的; 心不在焉的


附录3常用的前缀和后缀,部分国家(或地区)、语言、国民及国籍表,洲名及常见缩写词 一、常用的前缀和后缀 1、常用前缀 aero-:concerning the air of aircraft plane-aeroplane 飞机 space-aerospace 航空空间 anti-:against;opposite of nuclear-antinuclear 反对核武器的 matter-antimatter反物质 war-antiwar反战的 auto-:of or by oneself biography传记–autobiography自传criticism批评-autocriticism自我反省 be-:to treat as the stated thing friend-befriend以朋友的方式对待;照顾little-belittle使显得微小,轻视、贬低 bi-:two;twice;double lingual-bilingual 双语的;人 cycle-bicycle bio-:concerning living things chemistry-biochemistry生化 sphere-biosphere 生物圈 by-,bye-:less important produce-by-produce way-byway偏僻小路;学科的次要领域,冷门 centi-:hundredth part grade-centigrade ?摄氏 meter-centimeter 厘米 co-:together,with author-coauthor合著者,合著 exist-coexist 同时共存、和平共处 col-:( used before l ) together,with location-collocation排列,配置,词的搭配com-:( used before b,m,p ) together,with passion-compassion 怜悯、同情 con-:together,with centric-concentric同一中心的、同轴federation-confederation结盟同盟,联邦contra-:opposite diction-contradiction 矛盾、否定反驳natural-contranatural违背自然的 cor-:( used before r ) together,with relate-correlate 有相关性 respond-correspond 相符合相一致,相当类似通信 counter-:opposite act-counteract 对抗、抵消 attack-counterattack 反攻、反击 cross-:across;going between the stated things and joining them country-crosscountry越野的 breed-crossbreed杂种,使杂交 de-:showing an opposite;to remove;to reduce code-decode 译码、解码、分析电子信号value-devalue 贬值,贬低 dis-:not;the opposite of advantage-disadvantage 不利、劣势、短处agree-disagree不同意、不一致、不适合honest-dishonest 不诚实、不老实 em-:( used before b,m,p ) to cause to become body-embody 表现、象征;包括、包含power-empower 授权、准许 en-:to cause to become;to make danger-endanger 危及、使遭受危险 large-enlarge 扩大、扩充放大 ex-:former ( and still living ) minister-ex-minister v辅助; 服侍,部长 wife-ex-wife 前妻 extra-:outside;beyond curricular-extracurricular 学校课程以外的ordinary-extraordinary 奇怪;特别;额外,临时 fore-:in advance,before;in or at the front arm-forearm前臂,预先武装 warn-forewarn 预先警告;事先告知 il-:( used before l ) not legal-illegal 非法 literate-illiterate 目不识丁、文盲的 im-:( used before b,m,p ) not moral-immoral 不道德、邪恶;放荡的possible-impossible 不可能、办不到的;很难接受 in-:not


2017考研英语高频词汇及例句汇总(一)考研英语中词汇是英语的基础,复习备考的过程中,考生格外注意的是英语真题的高频考研英语词汇,这样可以更好地把握考研英语复习。为大家整理的关于2017考研英语高频单词及例句,希望对考生有所帮助! 1.create vt.产生; 创造,创作; 封爵,把…封为(贵族); vi.[英][俚] 大发脾气,大发牢骚; [例句]We set business free to create more jobs in Britain. 我们放开对企业的限制以便在英国创造更多的就业机会。 2.decline n.下降;(力量、健康、品格、权力、价值等的)衰退; 下倾;(人、生命等的)衰退期; vt.辞谢,谢绝(邀请等); vi.(道路、物体等)下倾;(太阳)落下;(在品格、价值上)降低; 衰落,谢绝; [例句]The number of staff has declined from 217,000 to 114,000. 员工人数从21.7万减少到了11.4万。 3.hard

adj.硬的; 困难的; 有力的; 努力的; adv.努力地; 猛力地; 严重地; 沉重地; n.英〉硬海滩,登陆处; [例句]He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor. 他拖着脚在硬木地板上走动。 4.ability n.能力,资格; 能耐,才能; [例句]The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job. 公众从来不相信他有能力胜任这一职位。 5.professional adj.专业的; 职业的; 专业性的; n.专业人士; [例句]His professional career started at Liverpool University. 他的职业生涯是从利物浦大学开始的。 6.spot n.地点,场所; 斑点,污点; [股票] 现货; 职位,职务;


文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 考研英语词汇:常见英语缩写词 AD,A.DAnno Domini(=in the year of the) Lord;since Christ wasborn 公元 A.M., meridiem(before noon)上午,午前Apr. April 四月 Aug.August八月 Ave.avenue林荫道,大街 BABachelor of Arts文科学士 BC,Christ公元前 BS,BScBachelor of Science理科学士 C°,Centigrade摄氏度cccubic centimeter立方厘米CDcompact disk光盘,激光唱片 cf.confer(=compare)试比较;参看cmcentimeter厘米 https://www.doczj.com/doc/568432286.html,pany公司 c/ocare of由…转交 https://www.doczj.com/doc/568432286.html,pare比较 Dec.December十二月 dept.,Dept.department部,司,局,系

文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. Dr.doctor博士;医生 gratia(=for example)例如 esp.especially尤其是 et al.et alia(=and others)其他的 etc.et cetera(=and the rest)等等FFahrenheit华氏的 Feb.February二月 ftfoot,feet英尺 g,gm.gram克 GMTGreenwich Mean Time格林威治时间hr.hour小时IDidentification card身份证est(=that is)那就是,即in.inch英寸 Inc.incorporated股份有限的Jan.January一月 Jr.junior小(用于姓名后)Jul.July七月 Jun.June六月

考研英语词汇 —— 熟词僻义

考研英语词汇——熟词僻义 1 allow allow 承认admit We must allow that he is right on this matter 2 address address vt 处理To deal with: addressed the issue of absenteeism. 处理旷工事宜 3 advantage take advantage of 欺骗(deceive) 对……加以利用 took advantage of the customer. 欺骗消费者 4 appreciate appreciate v.意识到(realize) 抬高…价格、涨价 I appreciate that I maybe worng. This land has appreciated in value. 这块土地增值了。 5 apprehension apprehension 忧虑、担心;逮捕、理解 The student looked around the examination room with apprehension. 那名学生恐惧地观看检查室的四周。 6 apprehensive pprehensive 理解的不安的,忧虑的(意思和用法等同于afraid) apprehensive for sb.'s safety 担心某人的安全 7 approach approach 着手To begin to deal with or work on: approached the task with dread. 惶恐地开始着手这项任务

arch adj 调皮的,顽皮的n.弓形 an arch smile 调皮的微笑 He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture. 9 argument argument 论点,论据 10 as not so much...as"表示"与其说是……倒不如说"。否定前者肯定后者 1. He is not so much a writer as a reporter. 2. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool.(摘自真题) It's not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby). 11 assume assume 承担,假装,假定,设想, assume an obligation 承担义务 12 balance balance sheet 资产负债表 13 balance balance 余额 Something that is left over; a remainder. 余额:剩下的某物;余数 14 bottle bottle up 装入瓶中控制(抑制)To hold in; restrain: bottled up my emotions. 15 cater cater 食物,投合(cater for) catering 公共饮食catering industry 公共饮食业 Most of our work now involves catering for weddings. 16 check check 控制阻碍The condition of being stopped or held back; restraint: kept my temper in check; holding agricultural pests in check with sprays. 克制我的脾气;用喷雾剂灭农业害虫


绝地学社___绝地无边,携手并肩,汇聚良师,提供最有品格的大学生成长课程people [5pi:pl] n. 1.[用作person的复数]人; 人们 2.[the ~]人民,国民;民众;平民 3.[用作单或复]一国人民;民族v.居住于,构成…的人口 【例句】The government of the ~, by the ~, and for the ~ shall not perish form the earth. 民有、民治、民享的政府将永世长存。【认知】广义词。“peop”与“pop”为变体,含义为“crowd; nation”(人民;民众)。在言语中使用时常不包括说话者自己在内。 job [dVCb] n. 1.(一件)工作,活儿,活计;零活 2.做的工作,需特别费力的事 【例句】Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small ~s. 如果化整为零,什么 工作都不会太【认知】本词的核心意义与“工作”具有关联性。本词侧重于困难性。 world [wE:ld] n. 1.世界,地球,天下2.人类;世人;众人 3.人世,今世;来世 【例句】Naked came I into the ~. and naked must I go out. 我赤身来到民世上,也必须赤身离去。【认知】G。本词的核心意义与“人—纪元”具有关联性。本词强调人文的方 面。 work [wE:k] n. 1.工作(量),劳动,作业 2.职业,差事 3.工作成果;产品,著作,作品4.作用,效果v. 1.工作;干活,劳动(~ out)2.起作用,有效 【例句】The English public takes no interest in a ~ of art until it is told the ~ in question is immoral. 在有人说一件作品不道德之前,英国大众对这一作品不感兴趣。【认知】广义词。本词的核心意义与“to do; act”(做;行为)具有关联性。society [sE5saiEti] n. 1.社会,2.(社会)阶层,界 3.交往,相处;交往活动 【例句】Books introduce us into the best ~; they bring us into the best ~; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. 书籍把我们引入最好的交际圈, 带我们去见古往今来最伟大的智者。【认知】广义词。词根为“soci”,含义为“companion; to join”(联合)。 age [eidV] n. 1.年龄 2.成年;法定年龄 3.生命中的一个阶段(for ages)4.老年;老v. 变陈旧;变老;显老 【例句】Age is very high price to pay for maturity. 年龄是为成熟付出的极高代价。 first [fE:st] a. 1. 第一(位)的,首要的;第 一流的,(地位、职位)最高的 2.最先的,最早的,最前面的 3.基本的,概要的n.第一个人;第一件事 【例句】Read the best books ~, or you may not have a chance to read them at all. 先读最好的书,否则你也许永远没机会读它们了。 【认知】本词整体含义具有积极色彩。 study [5stQdi] n. 1.学习;攻读;[常作studies]学业 2.研究;探讨 3.书房v. 1.学习;攻读;研读 2.研究;调查 【例句】I ~ myself more than any other subjects; it is my metaphysics, and my physics. 我研究自己多于别的任何题目。这是我的形而上学,我的物理学。 well [wel] ad. 1.好,妥善地有利地令人满意(或愉快)地 2.完全地,充分地 3.很相当;

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