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2004----2005学年第一学期本科 2003 级


班级:姓名:学号:成绩:共 6 页第1 页密封线Part I Listening Comprehension(1X20)

Section A (1X10)

Directions: In this section you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask

a question about what was said. Read the four possible answers in your test paper and choose the best one.

1. A. His lectures are more difficult than his books. B. His books are more difficult than his lectures.

C. The lectures are difficult, but not the books.

D. His lectures and books are equally difficult.

2. A. Sympathetic. B. Pitiless C. Suspicious. D. Encouraging.

3. A. She is tired because of too much work. B. She doesn’t want to work overtime, but she has to.

C. She wants to finish her work before the holiday.

D. She has to work even during the holiday.

4. A. There are not many English-English dictionaries. B. There are no English-English dictionaries available.

C. There are only dictionaries about stocks.

D. English-English dictionaries are out of date now.

5. A. It was good because it rained often. B. It was good although it rained often.

C. It could be better had it not rained often.

D. It could be better had it rained often.

6. A. Depressed. B. Confident. C. Impressed. D. Uncertain.

7. A. The woman won’t write the paper. B. The man loves writing papers.

C. They will refuse to write the paper on Friday.

D. They will have to finish the paper before Friday.

8. A. 61 B.60 C. 63 D.59

9. A. He didn’t expect the woman’s congratulations. B. He has long been expecting for the woman’s congratulations.

C. He didn’t expect the promotion himself.

D. He has long been expecting for the promotion.

10. A. The man smelt the cigarettes. B. The woman smelt the cigarettes.

C. The woman saw the man smoking.

D. The woman smelt smoking.

Section B (1X10)

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best

answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D.

Passage 1

Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. A. Arm-breaking B. Shoplifting C. Housebreaking D. Pocket-picking

12. A. One part of the body can do wrong without the knowledge of the whole.

B. The whole can do wrong without the knowledge of one part of the body.

C. The whole should be responsible for the wrong done by one part of the body.

D. The whole has nothing to do with the wrong done by one part of the body.

13. A. Cutting off the arm. B. One year’s imprisonment of the defendant.(被告人)

C. One year’s imprisonment of the arm.

D. Allowing the defendant to choose what punishment.

14. A. The defendant cut off his arm and left. B. The defendant broke out of the court room.

C. The defendant took off the lawyer’s arm and left.

D. The defendant took off the false arm and left.

Passage 2

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

15. A. The age of the tree. B. The population growth of the nearby region.

C. The history of man.

D. The history of the tree.

16. A. Where the people had to go. B. What the people had to eat.

C. How the people left.

D. Why the people had to leave.

17. A. Trees provided them with shades.

B. Trees indicated plenty of sunlight and rainfall.

C. Trees were materials for making fires and building houses.

D. Trees provided them with fruit and food.

Passage 3

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

18. A. Long before 400 B.C. B. Around 400 B.C.

C. Much later than 400 B.C

D. Not mentioned.

19. A. They drew one thousand short lines. B. They just wrote the number: 1000.

C. They pictured a flower.

D. They pictured three heel bones.

20. A. It aroused the idea that the position of a symbol can carry information.

B. It reduces the quantity of symbols to represent numbers.

C. It leads to the discovery that there are an endless number of numbers.

D. It makes us recognize numbers.

Part II Reading Comprehension (2X15)

Passage One

Stress may be defined as the response of the body to any demand. Whenever people experience something pleasant of unpleasant, we say they are under stress. We call the pleasant kind “eustress”, the unpleasant kind “distress”.

People sometimes compare our lives with that of the caveman (洞穴人), who didn’t have to worry about the stock market (股票市场) or the atomic bomb (原子弹). They forget that the caveman worried about being eaten by a bear or about dying of hunger―things that few people worry about today. I t’s not that people suffer more stress today; it’s just that they think they do.

It is inconceivable that anyone should have no stress at all. Most people who are ambitious and want to accomplish something live on stress. They need it. But excessive stress is by all means harmful. Worse, chronic exposure to stress over a long time may cause more serious diseases and may actually shorten your life.

The most frequent causes of distress in man are psychological lack of adaptability, not having a code of behavior. So the secret of coping with stress is not to avoid it but to do what you like to do and what you were made to do at your own rate. For most people, it is really a matter of learning how to behave in various situations. The most important thing is to have a code of life, to know how to live.

1. The modern man is suffering ______.

A. more stress than the caveman

B. less stress than the caveman

C. different stress from the caveman

D. the same stress as the caveman

2. Which of the following is an example of eustress?

A. Being lack of adaptability and code of life.

B. The Olympic Winner at the moment of his glory.

C. A man who has just lost his job.

D. Learning how to do something.

3. Stress is ______.

A. always harmful to you

B. a disease in your life

C. an example of human experience

D. a normal state for everyone

4. The best way to deal with stress is to ______.

A. do the things of our own accord

B. try to lengthen our life

C. become ambitious in business

D. get more eustress and meet less distress

5. The main idea of the passage is that one should ______.

A. overcome the serious diseases

B. cope with stress with the public sense

C. learn how to live in the best way

D. have the response of the body to any demand

Passage Two

Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious: that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: What kind of impression am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes?

It is obvious that such uncomfortable feeling must affect people adversely. A person’s self-concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other people’s reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.

Shy people, having low self-esteem, are likely very sensitive to criticism: they feel it confirms their inferiority. They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliments because they believe they are unworthy of praise. A shy person may respond to a compliment with a statement like this one: “You’re just saying that to make me feel good. I know it’s not true.” It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.

Can shyness be completely eliminated, or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcome shyness with determined and patient effort in building self-confidence. Since shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self-esteem, it is important for people to accept their weakness as well as their strengths. For example, most people would like to be “A” students in every subject. It is not fair for them to label themselves inferior because they have difficulties in some areas. People’s expectations of themselves must be realistic. Living on the impossible leads to

a sense of inadequacy.

6. The topic of the first paragraph is that ______.

A. shyness often results from misfortune

B. people are unhappy often because they are shy

C. shyness can be reflected on the clothes worn

D. people who are shy have self-consciousness

7. The word “adversely” (Line 1, Para. 2) can be best replaced by ______.

A. in public

B. constantly

C. unrealistically

D. unfavorably

8. According to the writer, a person’s comfortable feeling always depends on ______.

A. the reactions from others

B. his own self –awareness

C. all areas in his life

D. the way he behaves

9. Which of the following can be applied to describe a shy person?

A. He is likely to be active and determined.

B. He has confidence in himself.

C. He believes that he is unworthy of any praise.

D. He is indifferent to remarks about him.

10. Which of the following is NOT included in the passage? ______.

A. Too much self-consciousness proved to be harmful to our personality.

B. Self-awareness can never be divorced from self-confidence.

C. Shy people welcome criticism from others but never accept them.

D. Shy people should have an objective analysis of their abilities.

Passage Three

Do we need laws that prevent us from running risks with our lives? If so, then perhaps laws are needed prohibiting the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. Both products have been known to kill people. The hazards of drinking too much alcohol are as bad as or worse than the hazards of smoking too many cigarettes. All right then, let’s pass a law closing the liquor stores and the bars in this country. Let’s put an end once and for all to the ruinous disease from which as many as 10 million Americans currently suffer --- alcoholism.

But wait. We’ve already tried that. For 13 years, between 1920 and 1933, there were no liquor stores anywhere in the United States. They were shut down― abolished by an amendment (修正案) to the Constitution(to 18th) and by law of Congress (the Volstead Act). After January 20, 1920, there was supposed to be no more manufacturing, selling, or transporting of “intoxicating liquors.”Without any more liquor, people could not drink it. And if they did not drink it, how could they get drunk? There would be no more dangers to the public welfare from drunkenness and alcoholism. It was all very logical. And yet prohibition of liquor, beer, and wine did not work. Why?

Because, law or no law, millions of people still liked to drink alcohol. And they were willing to take risks to get it. They were not about to change their tastes and habits just because of a change in the law. And gangs of liquor smugglers made it easy to buy an illegal drink or two or three. They smuggled millions of gallons of the outlawed beverages across the Canadian and Mexican borders. Drinkers were lucky to know of an illegal bar that served Mexican or Canadian liquor. Crime and drunkenness were both supposed to decline as a result of prohibition. Instead people drank more alcohol than ever― often poisoned alcohol.

On December 5, 1933, they repealed (撤销) prohibition by ratifying (批准) the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.

11. Which of the following was NOT a characteristic reason for the proposal of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution? ______.

A. There would be no further danger to the public from alcoholism.

B. There would be a rise in the cost of alcoholic beverages.

C. Without liquor, people would not drink.

D. People would not become drunk or create a public nuisance.

12. During Prohibition, illegal alcohol was ______ .

A. sold openly

B. no longer a temptation

C. a major factor in the passage of the V olstead Act

D. brought across the Mexican and Canadian borders

13. During Prohibition, people_______.

A. lived in fear of the law

B. were willing to risk arrest for the pleasure of the liquor

C. recklessly endangered their communities

D. were respectful of the legal sanctions placed on them

14. When enacting the prohibition laws, government officials assured that ______ .

A. every American would buy alcohol illegally

B. all criminal activities would cease

C. patrols of the Canadian border would halt the sale of alcohol

D. the social threat from drunkenness would decline

15. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A. it was wise to repeal Prohibition

B. the Prohibition Era was characterized by a decrease in crime and drunkenness

C. during Prohibition, most Americans stopped drinking

D. laws should be passed to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages

Part III Vocabulary and Structure(0.5X40)

1. In the English Department girls outnumber boys in a ______ ratio.

A. special

B. ridiculous

C. conscious

D. rural

2. She was ____ to dismiss any suspicions I might have had because she had much evidence to show that she is the only daughter of this great man.

A. absolute

B. hopeful

C. prompt

D. basic

3. He overcame the _____ of blindness and deaf, and eventually he became a musician.

A. sake

B. basis

C. emotion

D. obstacle

4. Parents should set aside a time for their children to study, a (n) _____ from television.

A. spectator

B. shelter

C. emotion

D. reason

5. Only about a thousand persons were admitted to _____ the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

A. extend

B. behave

C. arrest

D. witness

6. He and I _____ to the Hope Project the respective sums of 100 yuan and 200 yuan.

A. criticized

B. declined

C. crawled

D. contributed

7. This celebrated painter has ____ the mountains many times before making a painting of them.

A. provoked

B. prescribed

C. sketched

D. hasted

8. The model must be ____ out before we put the product on sale.

A. figured

B. tested

C. disturbed

D. screamed

9. I hadn’t counted ____ meeting her here this morning and had written her a long letter to tell her about the discussion.

A. out

B. in

C. off

D. on

10. It is unbelievable for a Chinese that the presidents in western countries cannot keep the mass media _____attacking them.

A. beyond

B. about

C. through

D. from

11. Our instructions _____ that we should not tell anyone about this.

A. qualify

B. decay

C. specify

D. bother

12. Hearing a cry for help, the young man rushed to the bank and _____into the river to save the drowning boy.

A. hesitated

B. plunged

C. devoted

D. retreated

13. Your father’s recovery was only ____. It wasn’t real recovery, and please keep an eye on him further.

A. awkward

B. superficial

C. applicable

D. infinite

14. Though they said nothing about it, I know they must have _____ into the cause of it.

A. penetrated

B. regulated

C. frustrated

D. described

15. Since he is my boss, he paid me a _____ five hundred pounds a month.

A. steady

B. prior

C. novel

D. lonely

16. _____ by their quality, I decided to place a big order for the product.

A. Having impressed

B. Being impressed

C. Impressed

D. Impressing

17. To our surprise, the bride’s mother didn’t ______at the wedding ceremony.

A. run into

B. fall upon

C. show up

D. cut off

18. _____ the effort and good will of everyone involved, the Christmas party was a great success.

A. As of

B. Thanks to

C. Up to

D. Delighted with

19. The author is of the opinion that early success may prove harmful to a person’s all-round development ______.

A. in the long run

B. for the time being

C. all day long

D. side by side

20. The city government’s first _____is to build a new airport this year.

A. loan

B. setting

C. department

D. priority

21. Thank you very much for ______ me from the embarrassing situation.

A. providing

B. rescuing

C. retreating

D. sponsoring

22. Vicky succeeded too early in life and she suffered a complete nervous breakdown after being fired. So we say she is the _____ of her own


A. victim

B. power

C. prestige

D. stock

23. Jane would _____ her brother to solve this difficult question.

A. break into

B. branch out

C. rely on

D. come off

24. It was reported that the storm had caused _____ damage to the villagers near the sea.

A. sympathetic

B. desperate

C. infinite

D. rural

25. The city has grown rich because of its ____ with other countries.

A. chamber

B. column

C. leather

D. commerce

26. Tim always keeps a certain amount of money _____in case of an emergency.

A. in form

B. in use

C. on hand

D. on business

27. ______ was a very beautiful birthday present that Mary got from her aunt.

A. This

B. That

C. As

D. It

28. Bobby is a small staff in this company, but he talks to everyone in the office as if he ____ the boss.

A. is

B. were

C. had been

D. has been

29. This place was reported to _____ an earthquake registered 7.5 on the Richter scale yesterday.

A. have had

B. have

C. have been had

D. be having

30. The young man admitted ____ errors in judgment on more than one occasion.

A. to make

B. making

C. to have made

D. made

31. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have never _____ anyone who comes to their house and asks for help.

A. turned on

B. held onto

C. turned down

D. slowed down

32. He considered that a change of life style would be _____to Anne’s health.

A. cautious

B. beneficial

C. prior

D. eligible

33. With high taxes and his small income Henry had great difficulty in _____.

A. making ends meet

B. getting put down

C. making his life busy

D. leaving in his hands

34. _____ the scientist did not agree with the plan, but later he changed his mind.

A. Properly

B. Similarly

C. Initially

D. Fluently

35. The salesman’s _____ to general manager occurred without too much ceremony.

A. treatment

B. emphasis

C. invention

D. promotion

36. Not being able to pass his mathematical exam proved to be a(n) ____ to his career.

A. barrier

B. imagination

C. instruction

D. balance

37. First, we must have a discussion and decide on the suitable _____ to build our new swimming pool.

A. victim

B. rescue

C. location

D. custom

38. By introducing the new _____ the factory has increased its efficiency by half.

A. contrast

B. equipment

C. insight

D. obstacle

39. She will not help her own brother, ____ a stranger.

A. as of

B. regardless of

C. as for

D. let alone

40. John said that he owed it ______his teacher that he won the first prize in the English speech contest.

A. from

B. of

C. to

D. at

Part IV Cloze(1X10)

Direction: Please fill in the blanks with the exact words from the text.

This belief in hard work is the first of three main factors contributing _1__ Asian students’ outstanding performance. It springs __2_ Asians’ common heritage of Confucianism, the philosophy of the 5th-century-BC Chinese sage __3_ teachings have had a profound influence __4_ Chinese society. One of Confucius primary teachings is __5_ through effort, people can perfect themselves.

Confucianism provides another important ingredient in the Asians’success _6__ well. In Confucian philosophy, the family plays a central _7__, an orientation that leads people to work for the honor of the family, not __8_ for themselves. One can never repay one’s parents, and there’s a __9_ of obligation or even guilt that is _10__ strong a force among Asians as Protestant philosophy is in the West.

Part V Translation (2X10)

Section A Put the following sentences into Chinese(2X5)

1.He has been proclaimed “the finest mind alive”, “the greatest genius of the late 20th century”, and “Einstein’s heir”.

2.It is easy to understand the reasons for this prejudice against thinking.

3.They felt comfortable asking his advice on a wide range of matters, including the odd behavior of their partners across the ocean.

4.Success, which encourages repetition of old behavior, is not nearly as good a teacher as failure.

5.She ended up with two A’s in her first semester anyway.

Section B Put the following sentences into English (2X5)







1 剑桥少儿英语一级下册期末测试题姓分数 一.在听到的单词下面打勾(10分) 1.pen 2. lark 3. bat 4. bird 5. snake pencil park

cat girl snail 6. kick 7. big 8. fork 9. egg 10. tree act pig cork bag three 二. 听单词,把图片排序(20分)。 1. 2.

三.听句子,选择你所听到的句子。(10分) 1. ( ) A. I'm eight. B. I'm a boy. C. I'm singing. 2. ( ) A. I like playing. B. I like playing basketball. C. I like mangoes. 3. ( ) A. She's sleepi ng. B. He's sleeping. C. The pen is yellow. 4. ( ) A. There are four. B. There is a pen. C. They are green. 5. ( ) A. Thank you! B. No, I don't. C. Yes, I can. 2 四.试找出不同类的单词,并把它圈出来(10分) (1)apple banana eye watermelon (2)ear nose turtle hand (3)bear lemon elephant dog (4)ant blue green yellow (5)pineapple house mango pear (6)cow fox green panda (7)forty ten nine purple (8)bike car uncle train (9)under shirt on behind


2018剑桥少儿英语一级上册期末测试卷 Chinese Name English Name Score Part1. Listening(30%) 一、听录音,选择正确的答案。(10) 1. ( ) A. map B. mat C. hat 2. ( ) A. Sam B. sand C. Dad 3. ( ) A. short B. shoe C. shop 4. ( ) A. book B. boot C. foot & 5. ( ) A. home B. hole C. dome 6. ( ) A. bike B. bite C. mike 7. ( ) A. game B. make C. came 8. ( ) A. cute B. tune C. fume 9. ( ) A. chick B. cheese C. chess 10. ( ) A. north B. teeth C. month 二、在听到的单词下面打勾(10) 2. kite 3. time … bea 三、听录音,选择并写出你所听到的单词。(5) 1)I have got big (ears , eye)

2) The baby has a (big nose, small mouth). 3) Has Jane got (big, small) ears 。 4) That boy hasn’t got long (arms, legs). 5) My mother hasn’t got pretty (long, short) 四、听录音,选择正确的选项填入题前括号内(5分) ( )1、_______ is your cake A、Here B、What C、Where ( ) 2、This is _______ pen . A、my B、his C、her ( ) 3、It's a ______ bag. ! A、yellow B、green C、red ( ) 4、How many ________ . A、two B、ten C、five ( ) 5、How _______ you A、am B、is C、are Part 2 Writing(60%) 一.试找出一个不同类的单词,并圈出来。(5) 1) apple banana eye watermelon # 2) ear nose turtle hand 3) bear lemon elephant dog


剑桥英语一级下册期中测试题 Name______ Sore______ Part 1 Listening 一、Listen and circle.听和圈。(20分) 1. Nice to see you____. A. again B. gain C. now D. too 2. This ____, please. A. week B. wait C. wail D. way 3. Put your hands on your _____. A. head B. face C. feet D. desk 4. The _____ is eating a corn. A. horse B. dorm C. horn D. torch 5. _____ a minute. It’s ready. A. Face B. Just C. After D. Wait 6. It’s good to see you _____. A. bag B. back C.bed D. bad 7. Let’s buy some chicken and _____. A. sausage B. sausages C. sandwich D. vegetables 8. How ____ I am! I’ve got a name. A. nice B. sad C. happy D. hand 9. Please work in _____ now. A. green B. grape C. groups D. grade 10. Oh, I see a _____. A. sea B. tea C. pea D. bee 二、Listen and choice .听对话,选择相应的答语, 并将其序号填在题前的括号内。(10分) 1.( ) A. I’m eight. B. I’m a boy. C. I’m singing. 2.( ) A. I like playing. B. I like playing basketball. C. I’d like mangoes.


剑桥少儿英语一年级上 册期末测试题 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

剑桥少儿英语一级上册期末测试题 I. 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的所略词或单词(10分) () 1、A、PRC B、PLA () 1、A、cow B、down () 1、A、light B、lizard () 1、A、blue B、red () 1、A、VCD B、DVD 二、听录音,选择正确的汉语翻译或相关内容(5分) 1、() A、6 B、8 2、()A、课本 B、书包 3、()A、爷爷 B、奶奶 4、() A、黄色 B、红色 5、()A、苹果 B、菠萝 三、听录音,选择正确的选项填入题前括号内(10分) ()1、_______ is your cake A、Here B、What C、Where ( ) 2、This is_______ pen . A、my B、his C、her ( ) 3、It's a______ bag. A、yellow B、 green C、red ( ) 4、How many________ . A、 two B、ten C、five ( ) 5、How_______ you A、am B、is C、are II. 笔试部分 一.选择最佳答案(每题2 分,共20分) ( )1. How are you? . ,it is. ,thank you.. ( ) old are you? A. I’m Lucy. morning. ’m five. ( )3. What’s your hobby we are. like swimming. mother. ( )4. Is that yours you are. ,this is mine. ’s fourty.


2020-2021学年第一学期期末测试 三年级数学试题 学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 一、填空题(共5题;共9分) 1.口算700×5时,可以想________个百×5=________个百=________。 2.4357+2843=________ 3.填一填。 60毫米=________厘米 ________千克=1吨 2千米-900米=________米 16分米+4分米=________米 2500千克-500千克=________吨37厘米+53厘米=________分米 4.一个长5米的绳子,剪去了米,还剩________米。 5.一块长方形木板,长14分米,宽是长的一半,这块长方形木板的周长是________分米。 二、单选题(共10题;共20分) 6.一块长方形菜地,长15米,宽10米,四周围上竹篱笆,要围() A. 50分米 B. 25米 C. 50米 D. 40米 7.1千克和1千米()。 A. 1千米大 B. 同样大 C. 无法比较 8.五月份产量比四月份增加,五月份产量相当于四月份的()倍. A. B. C. D. 9.把一个班的60个学生平均分成4组,每组人数占全班人数的() A. 15个 B. C. D. 10.(1+2+3+4+5)×0=( ) A. 0 B. 15 C. 10 11.估算658+307,结果正确的是()。 A. 970 B. 960 C. 950 12.用4个不能拼成()。

A. 正方形 B. 圆 C. 长方形 13.要使345×□的积是一个三位数,□最大是()。 A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 14.620×5的积的末尾有()个0 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 15.一个正方形的边长是a厘米,这个正方形的周长是() A. a+3 B. 3a C. 4a 三、连线题(共2题;共10分) 16.连一连 17.哪两个数相乘的积接近圈中的数?把它们连起来 四、判断题(共5题;共10分) 18.求一个数的几倍是多少,用除法。() 19.1吨比1千米重一些。() 20.长方形的对边相等.() 21.8×0=0÷8=8÷0 ( ) 22.一个正方形,边长是2厘米,它的周长和面积相等。() 五、计算题(共3题;共24分) 23.把竖式填完整。


2018剑桥少儿英语一级上册期末测试卷 ChineseName English Name ScorePart1、Listening(30%) 一、听录音,选择正确得答案。(10) 1、()A、map B、mat C、hat 2、()A、Sam B、sand C、Dad 3、( ) A、short B、shoe C、shop 4、() A、book B、boot C、foot 5、()A、homeB、hole C、dome 6、()A、bike B、bite C、mike 7、( ) A、game B、makeC、came 8、()A、cute B、tune C、fume 9、()A、chick B、cheese C、chess

10、() A、north B、teeth C、month 二、在听到得单词下面打勾(10) 1、 e 、kite 3、trose 5、hope sejoke 6、7oot 8、st9ee 10、pea h e root coke bea 三、听录音,选择并写出您所听到得单词.(5) 1)Ihave got big(ears,eye) 2)The baby has a (big nose,smallmouth)、 3)Has Janegot(big,small)ears? 4)That boy hasn’t got long (arms,legs)、 5) My mother hasn’t got pretty (long, short) 四、听录音,选择正确得选项填入题前括号内(5分) ( )1、_______is your cake? A、Here B、What C、Where ( )2、This is _______ pen 、 A、my B、his C、her ( )3、It's a ______bag、


剑桥预备级上册期末测试卷(1) 一、从A. B. C中选出单词的正确词义,将其序号填入括号。(10分) ()1. mirror A 桌子 B 玻璃 C 镜子 ( ) 2. jacket A 夹克衫B风筝 C 篮球 ( ) 3. school A 花园 B 学校 C 操场 ( ) 4. bus A 小汽车B公交车 C 卡车 ( ) 5. ant A 蜜蜂 B 胳膊 C 蚂蚁 ( ) 6. eraser A 橡皮 B 尺子 C 刷子 ()7. zebra A 狐狸 B 大象 C 斑马 ( ) 8. snake A 兔子 B 乌龟 C 蛇 ( ) 9. pink A 绿色 B 紫色 C 粉色 G:( ) 10. house A 马 B 房子 C 母鸡 二.字母的左邻右舍。(20分) A a ___ ____ D d ____ ____ ____ H h ____ ____ _____ L l ____ ____ ____ P p ____ R r ____ T t ____ ____ _____ X x ____ ____ 三.根据汉语选择正确的单词。(10分) frog yellow cat it go bike ---riding tree book dog game bookshop 1.Clour it _______________(黄色). 2.Where is the ____________(狗)? 3.The___________(青蛙) is behind the clouds. 4.Who is __________( 它)? 5.The _________(树) is green . 6.Let’s play a ________(游戏). 7.C is for a __________(猫). 8. I’m going to the _____________(书店). 9.This is a __________(书). 10. I like to ___________________(骑自行车).



一、我会填空。(每空1分,共29分) 1.在括号里填上合适的单位。 一本数学书厚约6()。一辆货车载质量为4( )。 黄河全长约5464( )。一袋面粉重25( )。 明明系上红领巾所需的时间是20( )。 2.5千米+200米=( )米3500克-500克=( )千克 2分+30秒=( )秒6吨=( )千克 2分米-15厘米=( )厘米36毫米+64毫米=( )厘米3.实验小学举行“迎新春”联欢会,从晚上7:10开始,进行了2小时30分钟,到晚上( )结束。 4.爸爸上午8:30上班,11:50下班,爸爸上午工作了( )小时( )分钟。 5.. (1)的数量是的( )倍。

(2)如果的数量是的9倍,有( )个。 (3)如果的数量是的3倍,有( )个。 6.4个17加上3个17的和是( )个17 ,也就是( )。 7.从1里面减去3个18 ,结果是( )。 8.小马虎在做一道减法题时,把减数261看成了216,算得的差是 584,那么正确的差是( )。 9. 红红家到医院有4500米,到邮局有7000米。学校到邮局有 5500米。 (1)医院与邮局的距离是( )米,医院与学校的距离是( ) 米,合( )千米。 (2)红红家到学校的距离是( )米。 10.一根铁丝刚好围成一个长8米,宽6米的长方形,如果把这根 铁丝围成一个正方形,这个正方形的边长是( )米。 11.三(1)班参加短跑比赛的同学的学号是2、3、7、9、10、12、

18,参加跳远比赛的同学的学号是1、3、6、7、9、10、11, 参加短跑比赛或跳远比赛的一共有( )名同学。 12.吴老师的身份证号是422129************ ,吴老师今年( ) 岁,吴老师是一位( )老师。(填“男”或“女”) 二、我会判断。(对的画“√”,错的画“×”)(每题1分,共6分) 1.因为9>6,所以19>16 。 ( ) 2.52+0,52-0与52×0的计算结果相同。 ( ) 3.长与宽相等的长方形就是正方形。 ( ) 4.三(1)班男生占全班人数的35,三(2)班男生也占全班人数的35 ,这说明三(1)班男生人数与三(2)班男生人数同样多。 ( ) 5.三位数乘一位数的积一定是四位数。 ( ) 6.3千克的铁比3000克的棉花重。 ( ) 三、我会选择。(将正确答案的字母填在括号里)(每题2分,共10分) 1.725×8积的末尾有( )个0。 A .1 B .2 C .3 D .0 2.下面的图形都是用3个相同的小正方形拼成的,其中周长最大的 是( )。


剑桥少儿英语二级下册期末考试试卷 听力部分(20分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中的单词并将其序号填在题前括号内。 ()1、A. going B. doing C. swimming D. shoping ( ) 2、A. sunny B. wet C. weather D. how ( ) 3、A. my B. mine C. your D. yours ( ) 4、A. better B. best C. good D. beautiful ( ) 5、A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Sunday D. Thursday ( ) 6、A. week B. weekday C. weekend D. Sunday ( ) 7、A. shall B. can C. could D. should ( ) 8、A. matter B. wrong C. up D. right ( ) 9、A. let B. let’s C. It’s D. Is ( )10、A. and B. while C. but D. get 二、听音根据问句选择相应的答语,并将其序号填在题前括号内。 ( ) 1、A. I usually go to the movies. B. I did my homework. C. I am washing. D. Thank you. ( ) 2、A. You’re welcome. B. The same to you.C. It doesn ’t matter. D. Do it again. ( ) 3、A. At 8:00 B. By bike C. Every day D. No ( ) 4、A. Once a week. B. Two times a day. C. Not at all. D. I like cats. ( ) 5、A. Yes, I do. B. No, thanks. C. An apple, please. D. A big one. 笔试部分(80分) 三、选择题。 ( ) 1、——______ that your bag? —— Yes, it is. A. Am B. Are C. Is D. / ( ) 2、—— What is she doing? —— ______ . A. I am watch B. He is watching TV. C. He is watching TV. D. She is watching TV ( ) 3、—— Where are you going? —— _____. A. I am going to the library. B. I am reading a book. C. I am reading a book. D. I like reading. ( ) 4、—— I s your father going to the park ? —— _____. A. Yes, he isn’t. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he is. D. Yes, she is. ( ) 5、——It’s rainy today.—— Please ______. A. take your umbrella B. put on your sunglasses. C. make a snowman. D. put on a hat.


剑桥少儿英语一年级上 册期末试题 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

剑桥少儿英语一级上册期末试题 Name Score 一.将下列数字按顺序排列。(10分) one nine two four eight seven five six ten three ____________________________________________________________ 二.把下列单词连到对应的位置。(10分) eye hand cap leg shirt mouth shorts shoes hair arm 看一看,读一读,在打“√”或“×”。( 10分 ) 1) This is a cow . 2 This is a boy. 3) This is a duck. 4This is a flag. 5)This is a cat. 四.连线。(10分) on the desk under the chair in the box between the books behind the cat next to the bus 在椅子的下面在箱子里面在课桌上在小猫的后面靠近公共汽车在书中间 bike plane ship boat jeep 飞机轮船自行车小船吉普车 五.选择括号中对应的单词。(10分) Two little________小熊(a. bears b. monkeys)are going home. They are very_______难过 (a. happy b. sad). They havn’t got any honey. They come to a big_______黄色(a. yellow b. orange)house. They are very ______高兴( a. happy b. sad)now. A little______小猫( a. cat b. dog)and a little_____小狗( a. cat b. dog)come to play with them. 六.用正确的词填空。(10分) 1.one plus two is_______. 2. two plus three is________.


剑桥少儿英语一年级下册英语期末测试 题 一、根据要求写单词: eat (现在分词 )write( 现在分词 )tall( 反义词 ) peach(复数 )potato(复数 ) 二、选择填空。 ()1. Look! She is milk. A. drink B. drinking C. drinks ()2. I like table tennis. A. play B. playing C. go ()3. Your pen is red,mine is green. A. and B. to C. but ()4. —How old is your father? — A. a boy B. She’s 35. C. He’s 35. ()5. I a beautiful girl. A. is B. are C. am ()6. —How many are there? — There are three. A. girl B. book C. boys ()7. Do you like? A. swim B. swiming C. swimming ()8. Today is Day, Ben gets up very early. A. Children ’s B. Children C. children’s ()9. I sing, but I can’t . A. can, sing B. can, dancing C. can, dance ()10. I four pencils. A. am B. have C. has ()11. —Happy birthday, Peter! — A. Thank you! B. Happy birthday! C. That’s OK. ()12. —Do you like black?—Yes, . A. I am B. I do C. I don’t ()13. —What is she? — She is reading a book. A. do B. doing C. does 1 / 4


人教版小学三年级数学上学期期末考试卷及答案 一、我会填空。(每空1分,共29分) 1.在括号里填上合适的单位。 一本数学书厚约6( )。 一辆货车载质量为 4( )。 黄河全长约5464( )。一袋面粉重25( )。 明明系上红领巾所需的时间是20( )。 2.5千米+200米=( )米 3500克-500克=( ) 千克 2分+30秒=( )秒 6吨=( )千克 2分米-15厘米=( )厘米 36毫米+64毫米=( ) 厘米 3.实验小学举行“迎新春”联欢会,从晚上7:10开始,进行 了2小时30分钟,到晚上( )结束。 4.爸爸上午8:30上班,11:50下班,爸爸上午工作了( ) 小时( )分钟。 5..

(1)的数量是的( )倍。 (2)如果的数量是的9倍,有( )个。 (3)如果的数量是的3倍,有( )个。 6.4个17加上3个17的和是( )个17 ,也就是( )。 7.从1里面减去3个18 ,结果是( )。 8.小马虎在做一道减法题时,把减数261看成了216,算得的 差是584,那么正确的差是( )。 9. 红红家到医院有4500米,到邮局有7000米。学校到邮局有 5500米。 (1)医院与邮局的距离是( )米,医院与学校的距离是 ( )米,合( )千米。 (2)红红家到学校的距离是( )米。 10.一根铁丝刚好围成一个长8米,宽6米的长方形,如果把

这根铁丝围成一个正方形,这个正方形的边长是( )米。11.三(1)班参加短跑比赛的同学的学号是2、3、7、9、10、 12、18,参加跳远比赛的同学的学号是1、3、6、7、9、10、 11,参加短跑比赛或跳远比赛的一共有( )名同学。12.吴老师的身份证号是422129************,吴老师今年( )岁,吴老师是一位( )老师。(填“男”或“女”)二、我会判断。(对的画“√”,错的画“×”)(每题1分,共6 分) 1.因为9>6,所以1 9 > 1 6 。( ) 2.52+0,52-0与52×0的计算结果相同。( ) 3.长与宽相等的长方形就是正方形。( ) 4.三(1)班男生占全班人数的3 5 ,三(2)班男生也占全班人数的 3 5 , 这说明三(1)班男生人数与三(2)班男生人数同样多。 ( ) 5.三位数乘一位数的积一定是四位数。( ) 6.3千克的铁比3000克的棉花重。( ) 三、我会选择。(将正确答案的字母填在括号里)(每题2分,共 10分) 1.725×8积的末尾有( )个0。 A.1 B.2


剑桥少儿英语三级下期末测试 Name_________ Mark A、听力部分(25分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ( ) 1. A. kite B. cat C. cake ( ) 2. A. but B. butter C. butterfly ( ) 3. A. spring B. bring C. rain ( ) 4. A. season B. reason C. snow ( ) 5. A. see B. saw C. seize ( ) 6. A. beautiful B. beauty C. because ( ) 7. A. cut B. card C. car ( ) 8. A. arm B. came C. same ( ) 9. A. steal B. stole C. stolen ( ) 10. A. speak B. spoke C. spoken 二、听录音填空,将句子补充完整(10分) 1. He is _______ to London _______ tomorrow. 2. I’m ________ at playing _______. 3. Let’s go forward to the of the _______ in Mexico.

4.Is Mike the _______ in your class? No, he is the _______. 5. _______ makes our life more _______. 三、听录音,选择正确的答语。(5分) ( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I didn’t. C. To the office. ( )2. A. Yes, there is .B. No, there are. C. No, there aren’t. ( )3. A. I watched TV. B. He went swimming. C. Yes, I did. ( )4. A. It’s that. B. It’s mine. C. It’s the short one. ( )5. A. Sure,here you are. B. Yes, I did C. I didn’t think so. B、笔试部分(75分) 一、看图,给句子选择正确的图片。(5分) A B C D E 1. We plant trees in spring every year.() 2. I had English class yesterday.() 3. Teacher’s day is in September.() 4. I go to school by bike every day.() 5. Look, the boy is playing the piano.() 二、把相应的字母填在括号内(10分) ()fly a kite A堆雪人()New Year’s Day F 去年


剑桥少儿英语一级上册期末试题 一.将下列数字按顺序排列。(20分) one nine two four eight seven five six ten three ____________________________________________________________ 二.把下列单词连到对应的位置。(20分) eye hand sock leg shirt mouth shorts shoes hair arm 三.看一看,读一读,在( 20分) 1)This is a cow . 2)This is a boy. 3)This is a duck. 4)This is a flag. 5)This is a cat. 四.连线。(20分) on the desk under the chair in the box between the books behind the cat next to the bus 在椅子的下面在箱子里面在课桌上在小猫的后面靠近公共汽车在书中间

飞机轮船自行车小船吉普车 bike plane ship boat jeep 五.选择括号中对应的单词。(10分) Two little________小熊(a. bears b. monkeys)are going home. They are very_______难过 (a. happy b. sad). They havn’t got any honey. They come to a big_______黄色(a. yellow b. orange)house. They are very ______高兴(a. happy b. sad)now. A little______小猫(a. cat b. dog)and a little_____小狗(a. cat b. dog)come to play with them. 六.用正确的词填空。(10分) 1.one plus two is_______. 2. two plus three is________. 3. three plus_________ is seven. 4.six minus three is_______. 5. eight minus _______ is one.


剑桥少儿英语一级A册unit1——unit11测验 Name _____________ Marks_____________ Listening (30 points) Part 1、.听录音,选择正确的答案(8’) ()1.A pen B. pencil C. book D. bag ( ) 2.A horse B. fish C. duck D. dog ( ) 3.A orange B. mango C. coconut D. pear ( ) 4.A hair B. head C. mouth D. arm ( ) 5.A hat B.sock C. book D. flower ( ) 6.A cousin B. lizard C. tomato D. potato () 7.A blue B .yellow C. green D. red ( ) 8.A table B. cow C. rabbit D. eraser Part 2、听录音,写出Yes 或No (5’) 1.ear_____ 2.goat_______ 3.mango______ 4.nose_____ 5.potato_____ Part 3、听录音补充丢失的字母。( 5 ‘) 1. te__ 2.d__sk 3.h__t 4.m__p 5.d__d 2.6.b__at 7. __nder 8. l__g 9. ha__r 10. turt__e Part 4、根据你所听到的内容把下列短文补充完整(12’) This is my (family / father) . There are (six / five) people in my family. Look! This is my grandfather. He is old. He is (76 / 67) years old. He is drinking (water / tea). This is my grandmother. She is watering a (flower / tree). This is my father. He is tall and (fat / strong). He is reading a (book / newspaper). This is my mother. She is thin and beautiful. She is (cook / cooking) in the kitchen. This is my brother. He is very lovely. He is only (5 / 6 ) years old. He is playing with a toy (plane/ car). This is me. I’m a


2018-2019学年度上学期期末学习质量调研检测 三年级数学 时量90分钟答题95颗☆卷面5颗☆ 题号一二三四五六卷面合计☆数 一.我会填空。 1.①我们上一节课的时间是40()。②一棵大树高5()。 ③小明身高大约是14()④这辆货车最多载货物5() 2. 8分米=()厘米()吨=5000千克 1分30秒=()秒 9000米=()千米 3.比300多54的数是(),300比54多(), 4.9的4倍是(),42是()的6倍,18是6的()倍。 5.用分数表示下面各图中的阴影部分。 ()()() () () () 6.按分数涂颜色,并比较分数的大小。 3 4○3 4 2 4 ○3 4 1 6○1 4 2 5 ○3 5

7.小东和小明进行400米赛跑。小东用了1分13秒,小明用了1分6秒,()跑得快一些。 8.希望小学四年级三班学生丁小飞的学号编码是2011040328,他是2011年入学,班级排序为28,那么该校三年级一班王明明是2012年入学的,班级排序为16,那么他的学号编码是()。9.三(1)班有42人参加了美术兴趣小组和音乐兴趣小组,其中参加美术小组的有34人,参加音乐小组的有28人,()人既参加了美术小组又参加了音乐小组。 10、小明6:55从家出发去上学,30分钟到学校,小明到学校时间是() 二.我会判断。(正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。) 1.踢毽子的有6人,跳绳的人数是踢毽子的6倍,跳绳有12人() 2、5千克棉花比5千克铁轻。() 3、把一个长方形拉成一个平行四边形,周长不变。() 4、最小的三位数乘最大一位数,积是三位数() 5.把一张纸分成5份,4份就是这张纸的。() 三、我会选择。 1. 操场跑道一圈是400米,小丽跑了2圈后,还差()米就是1千米。 A. 200 B. 600 C. 800 3 4、1 8 按从大到小的顺序排列正确的是()。 3 8>1 8 >3 4 >1 8 1 8 >3 8


ENGLISH PRE-STARTERS Name______ Teacher ________ Point _________ 听力 一、圈出你所听到的单词。(20分 1.pear carrot mango banana 2.turtle giraffe socks T-shirt 3.glasses shorts spider sheep 4.plane train bike jeep 5.ship bus car mouth 6.red yellow green pink 7.my his her their 8.nine ten seven six 9.body hands hair farm 10.rabbit mouse snake parrot 二. 圈出你所听到的句子的序号(10分 1.A.What can you see? B. I can see a big book .C.D0 you like apples? 2. A. Tell me please. B. Jump and touch . C. Catch and count 3. A. What’s he doing? B. What’s she doing? C. What’s they doing ? 4. A. You and I. B. He and she. C.We and you

5. A. I’m Nick. B. She’s Pat . C. He’s Tom 6. A. I like cats. B. I like dogs. C. I like ducks. 7. A. He’s taking a bath. B. He’s having supper. C.He’s watching TV. 8. A. We are going to school by bus. B. We are going to school by car C.We are going to school by bike. 9. A.This is a hand. B. This is an ear. C.This is a leg. 10.A. Who’s that? B. Whose book is it? C.What’s your name? 笔试 一、给下列单词选出合适的反义词,并写到横线上。(6分 sad cold short old small right happy__________ left__________ tall__________ young__________ big__________ hot__________ 二、给下列句子选出合适的答语。(15分 ( 1. What can you see? A.This is big. B. I can see a big book. C. I like cats. D. This is Aa. ( 2. Do you like apples? A. Yes, I do.


剑桥少儿英语预备级下册期末试卷 姓名:_________ 分数:________ Listening Part 一、听录音,选出你听到单词的图片。8分 1、() 2、() A B A B 3、() 4、() A B A B 二、听一听,给下面的图片排序。8分 ()()()() 三.听音,把正确的序号写在横线上。5分 1). I like . A. monkeys B. dogs C. bags 2).The tea is . A. left B. hot C. big 3). Let's watch . A. TV B. UN C. UK 4). This is my . A. sister B. mother C. father writing

四、选出不同类的单词,将字母代号写在括号内。 ( ) B bag C apple D orange ( ) red B pink C walk D yellow ( ) 3. A hen B climb C dog D cat ( ) nose B one C face D foot ( ) 5. A book B eye C leg D ear 五、选择题。 ( ) 1).-How are you going to Shanghai -I’m going there _______ A .by bike B. by ship C. by plane ( ) 2).The pencil is ______ .That pencil is ______. A. tall short B. long short C. left right ( ) 3).-What’s this -This is ________ doll. A. our B. my C. her ( ) 4).——What’s Maggie doing ——She is ________. A. sleeping B. watching TV C. doing homework ( ) 5). -How many onions - ______ A. four B. two C. five

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