当前位置:文档之家› 初三英语总复习默写(五)(8AUnits1-2)




1. 诚实_____________ (反)_____________

2. 苗条的(比)__________

3. 几乎_______________

4. 无聊的___________

5. 糟糕的_________(比)________(最)________

6. 将来___________

7. 不舒服的__________________

8. 令人愉快的______________(同)________________

9. 今晚____________ 10. 健康___________(副)11. 科学____________ 12. 科学_____________ 13. 操练___________ 14. 英国的_____________ 15. 整洁的___________ 16. 学科____________ 17. 英雄(复)___________ 18. 亲密的__________ 密切的____________ 19. 真的_________(副)__________ (名)___________ 20. 文章____________





4. 乐于给需要的人让座_________________________


6. 面带笑容________________________________

7.帮助人们解决问题________________________ 8. 做健康美味的饭菜______________________

9.彼此交谈很开心_________________________ 10. 从家里带来书和杂志____________________


1. 如果你渴了,就喝点其它什么吧!

2. 他的腿很长,桌子底下搁不下。

3. 读书周总是太短,因为我们还想看所有同学的书。

4. 夏季,中国学生比英国学生多休息几个星期。

5. 我理想的学校一边是公园,另一边是购物中心。

6. 这不及雪天开车危险。

7. 学校下午三点放学,所以我们将有很多时间参加课外活动。

8. 每个月学校都组织我们去参观博物馆或去剧院。

9. 我认为,如果我们细心一些,这些户外运动中任何一种都不危险。

10. 我的新衣服与他们的颜色一样。

初三英语复习导学案(五)(8AUnits1-2) 责任人:盖频萍


( ) 1. I don’t know how to learn English well. Will you please give me _______ on how to learn English well?

A. an advice

B. advices

C. some pieces of advice

D. A、B and C

( ) 2. Could you say ________ about it , please ? I’d like to know ______.

A. nothing else , more

B. anything else , most

C. anything other , more

D. something else , more

( ) 3. How much time do you often spend __________ English ?

A. to practise speaking

B. practising speaking

C. practise to speak

D. practising to speak

( ) 4. Kate usually _____ a white skirt. Look, she ____ a white skirt now, but she _____ a red skirt

tomorrow morning.

A. is wearing; wears; is gong to wear

B. wears; is wearing; is gong to wear

C. is going to wear; is wearing; wears

D. wears; wears; wears

( ) 5. --- I’ve ___________ the story. --- Me, too. It ___________ funny.

A. heard; look

B. heard of; sounds

C. listened; feels

D. listened to ; is sounds

( ) 6. He made his dog _______on his lap and it made the dog ______.

A. to lie, comfortable

B. lie, comfortably

C. lie, comfortable

D. lying, comfortably

( ) 7. Betty is ______ careful as I , but I’m ______ than you.

A. as, much careful

B. so , more careful

C. as , much more careful

D. so , very careful

( ) 8. The number of the students in Class 2 is _____than _____in Class 1.

A. more, it

B. larger, those

C. larger, that

D. less, number

( ) 9. Shanghai is larger than not only _____in China but also ______in France.

A. any city, any other city

B. any other city, any other city

C. any city, any city

D. any other city, any city

( ) 10. James is the tallest_____all the boys____my class. A. in, of B. in, in C. of, in D. of, with

( ) 11.There is a book on my desk. He knocks ______when he walks past.

A. off it

B. over it

C.it off

D. it over

( ) 12.There is no danger_______in the swimming pool.

A. swimming

B. to swim

C. swim

D. to swimming

( ) 13. At this time there are_______people and _________traffic in the streets. It's very quiet.

A. few, little

B. little , few

C. a few, a little

D. a little , a few

( ) 14.My father is the same ______as my mother. A. old B. big C. age D. tall

( ) 15.The food my mother cooks is______. It _____very nice.

A. tastes, tasty

B. tasty, tastes

C. tasty, tasty

D. tastes, tastes


1. It's __________for you to go to the cinema because the film is over.(use)

2. The more exercise you take, the ___________you will become.(health)

3. Of all the students he did _____________in his maths test.(bad)

4. Did you have a good time _______________with us? (stay)

5. British English has some _________________from American English.(不同)

6. We are old enough to look after ______________(we).

7. Can you remember your _____________ names? (偶像)

8. When I grow up, I want to be a _______________.(science)

9. My hair is the same______________ as his.(长)

10. Taishan is the third ____________mountain in China. (high)

11. You must write down the words on the blackboard___________ (correct).

12. The old man looked at his son_______________(angry).

13. Taking a plane is much _________(fast) than____________(take) a bus, but it’s____________(expensive).

14. In ___________people talk to each other in ___________(British) English.

15. We are very pleased with that ______________ (please) trip.

16. The old man looks much ____________ (bad). He must be sent to hospital at once.

17. Our teacher organized us to go ________________ (camp).

18. Mark Twain had a sense of ___________(humourous).

19. If something__________me, I always feel __________. (worry)

20. He is a __________( truly) friend of ___________(me).

21. My sister is is much___________(music) than me.

22. Are you__________(will) to go___________(徒步旅行)with me?

23. He felt very ___________at the ___________flim. (bore)

24. I’m __________sorry to know the________(true).

25. Do you have any problems ___________(解决)this problem?


1. 他不仅是我们的老师,也是我们的朋友。我们很乐意和他交朋友。

2. 下个月如果我们休一个星期的假,我们就去香港旅游。

3. 我昨天读了一篇马克·吐温(Mark Twain)写的文章,我发现它很有趣。

4. 我家的房子和你的一样大小。

5. 当我英语遇到困难时,我总是向他求助。

6. 我们每天有一个半小时的家庭作业要做。

7. 他是一个诚实的人,你可以相信他说的话。

8. 他不仅能够保守秘密,而且从不说别人坏话。

9. 他今天没有往常起得那么早。

10. 我们决定投票选举李平,因为他对人很慷慨大方。


Japanese people often ask people what blood group they are. This is b_____ _ they believe that a person's blood group says a lot about their character and personality. The Japanese also believe that k_____ _ blood group can he lp them decide that if a person will be a person’s good friend. It is strange that this idea is so popular in Japan because it is not a traditional idea, but a m__ one. Blood groups were only d___ _ in 1901 and in 1916 a Japanese doctor suggested that blood groups were related to temperament (气质、性情).

In 1927,a writer did a large study of people and wrote a guide to blood groups. He said that people from blood group O are calm, patient and in c____ _of their emotions (情绪). They are f___ _ of self-confidence but are also quiet. People from blood group A are gentle and careful, worry a lot, find it hard to make a d_____ _, and do not like arguments. People from blood group B are cheerful and “independent”(独立). They like to talk and do things w____ _ needing help from others. Blood group AB is quite a strange group. These people may seem like people from blood group B but they are actually more like people from blood group A. They are shy and confident, trustworthy (可信赖的) and like to help others. The Japanese also think that your blood group a____ _ your choice of job and even your choice of m_____ _ partner!

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