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Interchange intro Unit 1 It?s nice to meet you.

1.nice 好的

nice car 好车;Nice car, Jason. 好车啊,杰森。

nice man 好(男)人;He?s a nice man.


2.conversation 对话

3.listen 听

Listen !听!

Listen carefully. 仔细听。

Listen to me. 听我说。

listen to music. 听音乐

listen to the radio 听收音机

4.practice 练习

Practice again and again. 反复练习。

5.again 又,再一次

again and again 再三地,反复地

6.first 第一;first name = given name 名

What?s your first name? 你的名是什么?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/562317873.html,st 最后的;last name = family name=surname 姓

What?s your last name? 你的姓是什么?

8.pair 一对,一双,一副;把……组成一对

pair work 分组练习

a pair of shoes 一双鞋

a pair of glasses一副眼镜

9.introduce 介绍

Can you introduce yourself? 你能介绍一下你自己吗。

Let me introduce Jason. 我来介绍一下杰森。

10.Partner 搭档;伙伴;合伙人

Introduce yourself to your partner. 向你的搭档介绍自己。


12.spell 拼写

How do you spell…?

How do you spell your last name?

How do you spell that?

How do you spell “spicy”你怎么拼写“麻辣”这个单词?


What?s your…?

What?s your name? 你叫什么名字?

My name?s James. / James. 我叫詹姆斯。

I?m James. / James. 我叫詹姆斯。

What?s your first name? 你的名是什么?

My first name?s James. 我的名是詹姆斯

It?s James. / James. 詹姆斯。

What?s your last name? 你的姓是什么?

My last name?s Liu. 我姓刘。

What?s your job? 你的工作是什么?/你是做什么的?

I?m a manager. 我是一名经理。

What?s your occupation? 你的职业是什么?

I?m a manager. 我是一名经理。

What?s her…?

What?s her name?

Her name?s…


What?s her first name? Her first name?s…


What?s her last name? Her last name?s…


What?s her job?

What?s her occupation? She?s …

What?s his…?

What?s his name?

His name?s..


What?s his first name?

His first name?s…


What?s his last name?

His last name?s…


What are their …?

What are their names? Their names are…

They are…

What are their first names? Their first names are…What are their last names? Their last names are…

What are their jobs? They?re …

What are their occupations? They?re…

What?s …?

What?s this? 这是什么?

It?s coffee. 咖啡。

It?s a panda. 一只熊猫。

It?s an apple. 一个苹果。

What?s t hat? 那是什么?

It?s wine. 酒。

It?s a car. 一辆车。

It?s an elephant. 一头大象。

What are …?

What are these? 这些是什么?They?re glasses. 眼镜。

What are those? 那些是什么?They are keys. 钥匙。

1.word 单词

in a word 总的来说,总之一句话

eat one?s words 收回说过的话,承认说错话了

I eat my words. 我收回说过的话。


Power off 关机,停机,停电

The phone you?re calling is powered off. Please try again later.


3. title头衔;标题

4. single单身;单独的Are you single?你单身吗?

single room 单间

I?d like a single room, please.我要一个单间。

single trip 单程round trip ticket 往返票

5. married已婚的Are you married?你结婚了吗?

marry 结婚Do you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?

6. formal正式的

7. informally非正式的

8. with用,和……一起Come with me. 跟我一起来。

9. without没有

10. complete完成

Can you complete the task on time?

11. correct 正确Please correct your mistakes.改正你的错误。

12. right 正确You?re right. 你是对的。

13. true真实的,正确的;false 错误;虚伪的

True or false? 是真是假?

14. incorrect 不正确

15. wrong 错误You?re wrong. 你错了。

16.parentheses (parenthesis的复数形式)圆括号

17.think of 想起; 认为

What do you think of this car?你认为这个车怎么样?

18. contraction缩写式


20.make a list 列一张表

shopping list购物清单

21.famous 出名的

22.go around 四处走动

Interchange int ro Unit 2. What?s this? Words:


meeting room会议室reading room阅览室



4.Find找到,发现;look for寻找

I?m look for my wallet but I can?t find it.


5.vowel sound元音consonant sound辅音

6.plural form复数形式singular form单数形式

7.bet 猜,打赌


Guess what?你猜怎么了?

You?ll never guess.


Gone With Wind

My wallet is gone.


wait a minute;

wait a second;

wait a moment.

wait for

I?m waiting for you.


pocket money

Do you give your daughter pocket money? Sentences:

What?s… what?re…

What?s this? It?s a wallet.

What?s that? It?s an elephant.

What?s your last name/ her job/ his phone number? What?re these? They?re sunglasses.

What?re these? They?re cameras.

What?re they/ their names/ addresses? Where…s… Where?re…

Where?s my phone/ car/ wallet/ your ticket?

Where?re you/ they/ my glasses/ my pants?

Is this/ that a wallet/ camera? Yes, it is./ No, it isn?t.

Is your wife/ daughter home? Yes, she is./ No, she isn?t. Is you?re your book gone? Yes, it is. / No, it isn?t.

Are these/those wallets/ cameras/ your tickets?

Yes, they are. /No, they?re not.

Are your daughters home? Yes, they are.

Interchange intro Unit 3. Where are you from?

1.country 国家countries (国家的复数)

2.city 城市

3.capital 首都

4.province 省

5.Italy 意大利

6.Russia 俄罗斯

7.Where are you from? 你来自哪里?

I?m from China. 我来自中国。

Whereare they from? 他们来自哪里?

They?re from Russia. 他们来自俄罗斯。

Where is he/ he/it from?他/她/它来自哪里?

He/ She/It is from Korea. 他/她/它来自韩国。

Are you/they from Italy?你/你们/他们来自意大利吗?

Yes, I am. / Yes, we are. / Yes, they are.

No, I?m not. / No, we?re not. / No, they?re not.

Is he/she/ it from Japan? 他/她/它来自日本吗?

Yes, he/she/it is.

No, he/she/it isn?t.

8.W hat?s the capital city of China? 中国的首都是哪个城市?

9.What nation ality are you? I?m Chinese.


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