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1英国人的民族特性English character

1 Despite traditional as well as present diversity, the English people have their common characteristics conservatism保守and deference顺从. 2The British , and in particular of the English ,is “reserved”内向.3English people are also known for their sense of humor. 4English people are careful with their manners礼仪.

2美国人民族特性:American character

The most striking feature of American character is taking success as a goal. In everyone`s minds ,there is an American Dream. 2 Most Americans have great vigor(活力) and enthusiasm. American have a warmth and friendliness which is less superficial than many foreigners think.


The differences between American English and British English mainly lie in pronunciation, vocabulary, spelling, grammar and usages.

4简答乌托邦是什么意思Utopia‘s meaning

The author of Utopia, written in the form of a conversation between More and Hythloday a returned voyager. The name Utopia comes from two Greek words meaning “no place” and was adopted by More as the name of his ideal commonwealth

5、名词解释non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication refers to all kinds of communication other than what is done through language ,including the body language、paralanguages、object language、environmental language。

6、列举感恩节的传统thanksgiving day tradition

1 Family reunion and feasting

2 Tradition of turkey3@Parades 4@ Football games

7、列举万圣节的传统 Halloween tradition

1 Bonfires

2 Costumes and masks

3 Jack-O`-lanterns

4 Trick or Treating



Taboo refers to some words or actions that are avoided by a particular group of people, or in certain culture for religious or social reasons


1.In Britain,Parliament comprises the monarch(君主) ,often referred to as the Crown ,the House(议院) of lords(上院) and the House of Commons.(下院)

2.George Washington is often referred to as the father of his country, for his central role in the formation of the united

3.The United Kingdom of grate Britain and northern Ireland, or UK, is in Northern Europe or western Europe.

4.The United State consists of 48 contiguous(相邻) states and the noncontiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii.

5 the History of English language:Old English、 Middle English and Modern English

6.English is classified as a Germanic language. To be more exact, English belongs to the west Germanic branch of the Indo-European family.

7、There are two major political parties in Britain: the Conservative Party and the Labor Party. The former is rather old while the latter is quite young.

8.The Labour Party is called the Left and it represents the interests of the middle and lower-middle classes

https://www.doczj.com/doc/555514556.html, Parties: the Democratic Party (donkey)and the Republican Party(elephant)

10.Almost all 50 states have laws that require 12 years of compulsory attendance at school for children in US

11.IN UK ,education is divided into :primary(5)、secondary(11),further education and higher education (18)。

12.William Faulkner and his The Sound and the Fury were called the “Lost Generation”


As for the relations between human and nature, westerners关于人类与自然的关系,西方人崇尚人与自然的对立。

The American mode of living, for example, is characterized by confrontation with and exploitation of the external world and humanity’s being armed against it.例如,美国人的生活模式的特点是人与外部世界的对立,人类对外部世界的探索及对抗。

The American culture is often referred to as an individualistic culture where individuals subordinate the goal of collectives to the personal goals.美国文化通常被称为个人文化,其中,个人把集体目标排在个人目标之后

InAmerica, personal privacy is respected highly and protected by law.在美国,个人隐私被高度尊重并且受法律保护。

Chinese culture is believed to be collectivism-oriented where the basic unit of the society is the family(collective),not the individual.中国文化被认为是有集体主义趋向的,其中社会的基本单位是家庭(集体),而并非是个人。

Westerners, especially Americans believe in changes, like changes, and respect changes.西方国家的人,特别是美国,相信变化,喜欢变化,尊重变化。

Most British independent schools are privately-funded, but they are also known as “public schools.”大部分的英国独立学院都是私有资金制,但他们也被认为是“公学”。

The principal method of teaching atCambridgecolleges is the supervision.剑桥大学各个学院最重要的教学方式就是导师制。

HarvardUniversityis a private university located inCambridge,Massachusetts, and is a member of the Ivy League.哈弗大学是一所位于剑桥曼切斯特的大学,同时它也是常春藤联盟的成员

Founded in 1636 by the colonialMassachusettslegislature, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in theUnited States.哈佛成立于1636年,由殖民时期的马萨诸塞州立法机构建立,它是美国最早的高等教育机构。

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of theUnited Kingdomduring World War II.温斯顿丘吉尔李奥纳德·斯宾塞先生是在二战期间主要领导英国的英国政治家

William Shakespeare was the greatest English dramatist, widely regarded as the greatest writer of the English language, and as the world’s preeminent dramatist.威廉·莎士比亚是英国著名的戏剧作家,被公认为是英语语言学上最伟大的作家,也是世界上卓越的剧作家。

Westerners are generous in giving compliments face-to-face and accepting them, while the Chinese compliment each other less frequently than Westerners do on the whole.西方国家的人在给予和接受当面赞美的时候都很慷慨大方,而相对于西方人在整体上来说,中国人很少经常赞美对方

According to studies, it seems there are four main distances in American social and business relations: intimate, personal, social, and public.根据研究表明,在美国社会和商业的关系上,主要有四个隔阂:亲密,私人,社会,以及公众。

George Washington issued the first national Thanksgiving proclamation in 1789, the year of his inauguration as President of theUnited States of America.1789年华盛顿发布了首歌全国性的感恩节宣言,这一年也是他宣誓就任美国总统的一年。


山东经济学院2010--2011学年第 1学期期末试题 英美文化概况(110126)试卷(5) 注意事项:所有的答案都必须写在答题纸上,答在试卷上一律无效 Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. 2. The divine right of the king means the sovereign derived his authority from his subjects. 3. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. 4. The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy. 5. The origin of Bowling lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancient warriors. 6. Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidate for public office. 7. The Clinton Administration made national security, economic prosperity and promotion of democracy the three pillars of the American foreign policy. 8.It takes at least fours years to get a bachelor’s degree from an institution of higher learning in the US. 9. In Britain, Grammar schools select children at the age of 11 and provide them with a general education. 10. The president has the authority to appoint federal judges, and all such court appointments are subject to confirmation by the House of Representatives. 11.The main duty of the Congress is to make laws, including those which levy taxes that pay for the work of the federal government. 12.Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language, called “Gaelic” 13. When George W. Bush became President, his foreign policy has two prominent elements: isolationism and faith in military strength. 14. Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials. 15. There are about 60 members of the Commonwealth. 16. The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers. - 1 - (共页)


Chapter One: Understanding the Culture of the United States 1. Who established the dominant American culture? Immigrants, most immigrants were from northern Europe, and the majority were from England. Their values and traditions became the dominant, traditional culture of the United States. Chapter Two: Traditional American Values and Beliefs 2. What are the six traditional American values and beliefs? Individual freedom and self-reliance,equality of opportunity and competition,material wealth and hard work。 Chapter Three: The American Religious Heritage 3. What is the most important heritage of Protestantism in the United States? Self-improvement(p54)。Material success,hard work。Self-discipline。Volunteerism and humanitarianism(人道主义) Chapter Three: The American Religious Heritage 4. What is the “Protestant work ethic” according to our textbook? The belief in hard work and self-discipline in pursuit of material gain and other goals is often referred to as …the Protestant work ethic?.(p55 13) Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage 5. What does "frontier" refer to in American history? American macho heroes. Inventiveness and the can-do spirit. Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage 6. What are the two new values derived from the American frontier? Inventiveness and the can-do spirit. (p77) Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage 7. Why did the sale of guns rise after 9/11? How Americans reacted to 911 reveals another legacy of the frontier: Americans? willingness to take the law into their own hands to protect themselves and their families. This tendency usually appears when Americans believe the police cannot adequately protect them.


1、西方文化的内涵 1)西方文化的基本内涵可以概要地表述为:第一,包括语言文字、哲学、历史学、建筑、艺术、法律和政治制度在内的希腊罗马文化;第二,以虔诚信仰为核心的犹太教文化和基督教文化;第三,给欧洲社会带来风俗习惯和民主传统的日耳曼文化;第四,伴随着商业交往、宗教热情和殖民冒险发展起来的资本主义文化。所以,在东方人的观念中,西方充满着浪漫与理性、热情与虔诚、冒险与智慧。 西方文化通过不同文化的“杂交”和相互否定而产生出新的文化性状,最终的结果是导致了整个社会和历史文化的不断变迁和自我超越。 2)当代西方文化的发展始终与科学理性、工具理性(目的理性或技术理性)为中心的现代工业文明相随,但逐渐暴露出重理轻文的偏颇、快餐文化的消极、拜金文化的媚俗。 2、阐述地理特征与希腊精神塑造间的关系 城邦林立的松散状态培养了自由独立民主的精神,同时,容易导致内战。 临海的地理位置,培养了海洋民族的冒险精神,同时,为反抗权威准备了随着得以出逃的出海口。 3、为什么基督教从非法的地下组织迅速发展为世界性宗教 1)罗马帝国后期,社会生活相对安定、交通便利,使用希腊方言更容易沟通感情2)罗马文化活力逐渐衰退这就为新的宗教的思想传播提供了客观条件3)基督教是多种思想和精神因素相结合的混合物。具有普遍性和包容性的根本特点(这是他的内在吸引力) 4、文艺复兴为何首先出现在意大利 1)意大利是古罗马的发源地,又是中世纪基督教文化的心脏地区。从文化渊源上,这里保留了古罗马优秀的古典文化传统,他们始终把自己看作是古代罗马人的后裔。 2)意大利的城市共和国的商业和贸易很发达,这就为文学和艺术的发展提供了雄厚的物质基础。(如佛罗伦萨的美第奇家族)3)作为资本主义的最早诞生地,意大利为文艺复兴提供了新兴资产阶级和新兴市民阶层。4)新兴资产阶级包括经济上成功的实业家、商人和银行家,他们对社会和文化生活提出了自己的,不同于过去的新要求,用手中的钱丰富和美化自己的生活成为他们的生活追求。城市生活还造就了新兴市民阶层,他们思想活跃,自由化倾向严重,是中世纪敢于冲破旧秩序束缚的那群人。 5、19世纪后半页欧洲为何会掀起现实主义思潮该思潮的文艺主张? 十九世纪末二十世纪初,物质财富与经济萧条并存,西方进入了一个充满矛盾的年代缓慢进行的社会改革与速度变化着的社会生活不相适应,人们的社会心态交织着乐观与悲观,希望和绝望的矛盾。 与此同时,浪漫主义也逐渐暴露出其虚假造作幻想化及过于重视个人情感的弊端,人们开始感觉到必需要回归到“什么是痛苦”“什么是真实”的问题思考上去。“理性王国”幻影消失使得“人们不得不用冷静的眼光来看待其生活地位,他们的相互关系。”现实主义思潮由此诞生。 文艺主张为1)、以真实的细节表现生活2)、以下层人民及劳动人民的题材作为创作素材3)、科学的对生活进行反思 6、简述古希腊瓶画风格的演变 1)、希腊花瓶最早的风格被称位“几何式”,这种风格的瓶绘主要依赖于直线和诸如圆形、方形和三角形这些基本图案的重复。 2)、公元前8世纪末开始,动物形象作为一种更受喜爱的装饰出现在希腊花瓶上,并迅速取代了原来的几何图案。因为有些动物是来自东方异域的野兽,因此,这一时期被称为东方风格时期 3)、一个世纪后,动物图案开始让位于以黑色造型技法绘制的人物形象。(之所以这样称呼,


一、填空题 1、(古希腊文学)和(希伯来文学)是欧洲文学的两大源流,文学史上称为“二希”传统。 2、欧洲古代文学包括(古希腊文学)和(古罗马文学)。 3、(古希腊)、(古罗马)是欧洲文明的发祥地。 4、公元前12世纪至公元前8世纪是古希腊从氏族公社制向奴隶制社会过度的时期,史称(“英雄时代”)、又称(“荷马时代”)。 5、(宙斯)是雷电神,(赫拉)是天后。 6、(波赛东)是海洋神,(得墨忒耳)是农神。 7、(阿波罗)是太阳神,(阿瑞斯)是战神, 8、赫淮斯托斯是(火神),(赫耳墨斯)是神使。 9、(雅典娜)是女战神,(阿佛洛狄忒)是爱神。 10、阿耳忒弥斯是(月神),(赫斯提亚)是家神。 11、英雄传说中的英雄都是神和人所生的后代,是(半神半人式)的英雄。 12、以某一英雄为中心,形成一个个传说系列,如俄狄浦斯传说系列,(赫拉克勒斯传说)系列,(奥德修斯传说)系列等等。 13、希腊神话的艺术特征主要有三点:1、(想象力极强)2、(故事性极强)3、(哲理性极强) 14、(柏拉图)称(萨福)为“第十位文艺女神”。 15、(《埃涅阿斯纪》)是欧洲文学史上第一部(文人)史诗。 16、流传至今的唯一一部完整的古希腊三连剧是(《俄瑞斯忒亚》),这个三部曲的基 本主题是反映(父权制)对母权制的斗争和胜利。 17、(埃斯库罗斯)被誉为“悲剧之父”。阿里斯托芬被誉为(“喜剧之父”)。 18、(教会文学)在中世纪欧洲文学史上长期占据统治地位,其文学题材大多取材于(《圣经》)。 19、(盎格鲁·撒克逊)人的(《贝奥武甫》)是流传迄今的欧洲最完整的一部史诗,共3100余行。 20、骑士抒情诗种类很多,其中以(《破晓歌》)最为有名。


英美文化概况简答论述 简答: 1.The Functions of Parliament ① First and foremost, it passes laws. ②provides the means of carrying on the work of government by voting for taxation. ③scrutinize government policy, administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day. ④There are no legal restraints upon Parliament. However, it does not assert its supremacy, but bears the common law in mind and acts according to precedent. Strictly speaking, the Parliament today consists of the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. 2.George Washington George Washington was one of the founding fathers of the American Republic. He was the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the War of Independence against the British colonial rule and the first President of the United States. 3.The Open University The Open University ―founded in the 1960’s for people who might not get the opportunity for higher educarion for economic and social reasons.It’s open to everybody and doesn’t demand the same formal educational qualifications as the other universities. Universities courses are following through TV, correspondence,videos and a net work of study centers. Ath the end of their studies at the Open University, successful students are awarded a university degree. Universities in the UK. 4.The strategy of Preemption In an address delivered to the West Point graduates, President Bush, for the first time, put forward the strategy of preemption(先发制人), which is formalized in the National Security Strategy issued in Sept. 2002. By preemption, the US means that when it determines that a country which is repressive and hostile to the US has acquired or produced weapons of mass destruction(大规模杀伤性武器)or has the potential to possess such weapons, the US should use force to remove this threat to US security and should not wait till the danger becomes imminent or until the Us is attacked. This is known as Bush Doctrine. 5. Comprehensive schools Comprehensive schools are the most popular secondary schools in Britain today. Such schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general education. Pupils can study everything from academic subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking. 6. The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791. The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.


英国: 1、The official name of the United Kingdom is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 2、The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain(the larger one)and Ireland,and hundreds of small ones. 3、(UK)capital:London 4、There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England,Scotland,and Wales.England is the largest,most populous and richest. 5、The British Empire(大英帝国):one fourth of the world’s people and one fourth of the world’s land area.The British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in1931.The Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. 6、The United Kingdom is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.The English Channel lies between Britain and France. 7、The highest mountain in Britain is Ben Nevis(本尼维斯山),1,343m in Scotland.The longest river is the Severn River(塞文河)(338km);the second largest and most important river is the Thames River(336km). The largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh(内伊湖)in Northern Ireland. 8、The English are Anglo-Saxons(盎格鲁撒克逊人),but the Scots,


西方文化史课外阅读书目 (带★者为必读书目) ★1.《圣经》(和合本) ★2.李泽厚著《美的历程》,文物出版社1989年版。 ★3.姜守明、洪霞著《西方文化史》,北京:科学出版社2004年版。 4.陈启能主编《西方历史名著提要》,江西人民出版社2001年版。 5.〈古希腊〉希罗多德著《历史》(王以铸译)商务印书馆1959年版。 ★6.〈法〉伏尔泰著《风俗论》,商务印书馆,上册(梁守锵译)1996年版;中册(梁守锵等译)1997年版;下册(谢戊申等译)1997年版。 ★7.〈英〉汤因比着《历史研究》上、中、下(曹未风等译),上海人民出版社1986年版。 8.裔昭印著《世界文化史》,上海:华东师范大学2000年版。 ★9.王佐良等主编《欧洲文化入门》,外语教学与研究出版社1992年版。10.〈荷兰〉彼得·李伯庚著《欧洲文化史》(赵复三译),上、下,上海社会科学院出版社2004年版。 11.郑敬高编著《欧洲文化的奥秘》,上海:上海人民出版社1999年版。12.〈德〉古斯塔夫·施瓦布著《希腊古典神话》(曹乃之译),南京:译林出版社1996年版。 ★13.〈美〉G. F. 穆尔著《基督教简史》(福建师范大学外语系编译室译),北京:商务印书馆1981年版。 14.张久宣编《圣经故事》,北京:中国社会科学出版社1982年版。15.〈苏〉苏联艺术科学院美术理论与美术史研究室编《文艺复兴欧洲艺术》上册(严摩罕等译),北京:人民美术出版社1985年版。 16.〈苏〉苏联艺术科学院美术理论与美术史研究室编《文艺复兴欧洲艺术》下册(严摩罕等译),北京:人民美术出版社1985年版。 ★17.〈英〉阿伦·布洛克著《西方人文主义传统》(董东山译),北京:三联书店1997年版。 ★18.〈德〉马克斯·韦伯著《新教伦理与资本主义精神》(于晓等译),三联书店1987年版。 19.〈美〉贝尔著《后工业社会的来临》(高铦、王宏周、魏章玲译),新华出版社1997年版。 ★20.〈美〉贝尔著《资本主义文化矛盾》(赵一凡等译),北京:三联书店1989年版。 21.〈德〉利奇德著《古希腊风化史》(杜之、常鸣译),辽宁教育出版社2000年版。 22.〈德〉奥托·基弗著《古罗马风化史》(姜瑞璋译),辽宁教育出版社2000年版。 23.〈德〉爱德华·傅克斯著《欧洲风化史·文艺复兴时代》(侯焕闳译),辽宁


外国文学史复习题及参考答案 第一章古代文学 一、单项选择题 1 .古希腊最早的一部以现实生活为题材的诗作是(A )。 A.《工作与时日》 B .《胜利颂》 C .《神谱》 D .《牧歌》 2 .古希腊最早的一部比较系统地叙述宇宙起源和神的谱系的作品是(B A .《长征记》B.《神谱》 C .《工作与时日》 D .《胜利颂》 3 .古希腊古典时期文学成就最大的是( D)。 A .抒情诗 B .散文 C .寓言D.戏剧 4 .被柏拉图称为“第十位文艺女神”的诗人是( C)。 A .维吉尔 B .贺拉斯C.萨福 D .奥维德 5 .《伊索寓言》主要反映的是(C )。 A .个人情感 B .贵族与奴隶主的情趣 C .奴隶制社会劳动人民的思想感情 D .市民的思想感情

6 .古希腊被称为“历史之父”的作家是(A )。 A .希罗多德 B .修昔底德 C .色诺芬 D .苏格拉底 7 .西方客观唯心主义的始祖是( A)。 A .柏拉图 B .亚里士多德 C .西塞罗 D .卢克莱修 8 .亚里士多德的文艺理论代表作品是(C )。 A .《理想国》 B .《伊安篇》 C .《诗学》 D .《诗艺》 9 .“希腊化时期”最著名的新喜剧作家是( A)。 A .米南德 B .阿里斯托芬 C .普劳图斯 D .泰伦斯 10 .泰伦斯的代表作品是(C )。 A .《双生子》 B .《一罐黄金》 C .《婆母》 D .《恨世者》 11 .维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》被称为欧洲文学史上的第一部(A )史诗。 A .文人 B .英雄 C .民族 D .悲剧

12 .贺拉斯最重要的文艺理论著作是( B)。 A .《诗学》 B .《诗艺》 C .《讽刺诗》 D .《颂歌集》 13 .奥维德的代表作品是(B )。 A .《爱经》 B .《变形记》 C .《讽刺诗》 D .《颂歌集》 14 .《伊利昂纪》是一部描写部落战争的英雄史诗,开篇写的是(A )。 A .阿喀琉斯的愤怒 B .希腊联军节节败退 C .阿喀琉斯重上战场 D .阿喀琉斯杀死赫克托耳 15 .《奥德修纪》是一部( B)。 A .描写部落战争的英雄史诗 B .反映氏族社会末期至奴隶社会初期人类对自然和社会斗争的史诗 C .悲剧史诗 D .英雄传说 16 .奥德修斯的形象是一个(A )。 A .被理性化了的早期奴隶主的形象 B .足智多谋的政治家形象 C .战胜自然的形象 D .漂泊者 17 .被称为“古希腊悲剧之父”的是( C)。


Comment on Walden In 1845, Thoreau decided to conduct an experiment of self-sufficiency by building his own house on the shores of Walden Pond and living off the food he grew on his farm. He sought to reduce his physical needs to a minimum, in order to free himself for study, thought, and observation of nature, himself. Walden can be many things and can be read on more than one level. But it is, first and foremost, a book about man, what he is, and what he should be and must be. Considered one of the all-time great books, Walden is a record of Thoreau's two year experiment of living at Walden Pond. The writer's chief emphasis is on the simplifications and enjoyment of life now. It is regarded as 1. a nature book.2. a do-it-yourself guide to simple life. 3. a satirical criticism of modern life and living. 4. a belletristic achievement 5. a spiritual book. The Scarlet Letter Symbolic meaning of the letter “A” :1.The scarlet letter “A” is the central symbol of the novel. At the beginning it symbolized the sin of Hester—“adultery”, 2.then gradually when Hester became accepted by the community, it stands for Hester’s intelligence and diligence—“able”. 3.At the end of the novel the symbol has evolved to represent the high virtues of Hester Prynne—“angel”. Comments on The Scarlet Letter:1.The theme of the story should be the moral, emotional and psychological effects of the sin on people. 2.Scarlet Letter is a cultural allegory, in which the author indirectly tells the future of Puritanism.3.Scarlet Letter is a sample in which American Romanticism adapted itself to American Puritanism.(Because of the strong influence of Puritanism in American society, Hawthorne only expressed his ideas on the sin indirectly by employing symbolism.) Symbolism in the novel Moby Dick A. the voyage itself is a metaphor for “search and discovery, the search for the ultimate truth of experience.” B. the Pequod is the ship of the American soul and consciousness. C. Moby Dick is a symbol of evil to some, of goodness to others, and of both to still others. D. The whiteness of Moby Dick is a paradoxical color, signifying death and corruption as well as purity, innocence and youth; it represents the final mystery of the universe. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Setting: unpopulated wildness an a dense forest along Mississippi River Characters:1.Ignorant uneducated black slave Jim2.Uneducated outcast white boy Huck Finn。Theme: Huck’s inner waving struggle between what he was taught and what he thought out of good-heart and humanity.Its Features:1.Profound portrait of Huckleberry Finn 2.Magic power with language, the use of vernacular. 3. Humor In a Station of the Metro1 by Ezra Pound The apparition of these faces in the crowd: Petals on a wet, black bough. Note: 1。a Paris subway station Analysis of this poem The poem’s form is similar to Japanese haiku, with considering its title as a verse-line. The word “apparition” has double meaning:1. “appearance”, something which can be clearly observed;2. something which seems real but perhaps is not real; something ghostly which cannot be clearly observed. Petals may refer to the faces in the crowd, while bough may refer to the railway in the Metro.


《英美文化概况》(13) 中国石油大学(北京)2013--2014学年第一学期 《英美文化概况》期末考试试卷A(闭卷考试) 班级:________ 姓名: _______ 学号: ______ Part I Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false. (20 分) 1._________ The best-k nown En glish lege nd, King Arthur, derives from the Anglo- Saxons ' time. 2._________ English drama flourished during Elizabeth I era. 3._________ After World War II, the British economy became the 2nd largest power in the world. 4._________ America was named after the great discoverer Amerigo Vespucci.

5._________ Britain is situated in Western Europe. 6._________ The Lake District is closely related with English literature in the 19 th century. 7._________ The Iongest river in North America is the Missouri River. 8._________ Com mon laws are laws which have bee n established through common practice in the courts. 9.________ The "Bill of Rights" was added to the Constitution in 1791. 10.________ Most heavily populated districts have more senators than the small states. 11._______ The United States has two major political parties: the Democratic Party and the Conservative Party. 12.________ Tolerance and respect for others are central to the way of life in the U.K. 13.________ The Protestant Church and the Catholic Church are two major groups in Christianity. 14.________ The second largest religious group in the U.K. is Buddhism. 15. _______ The University of Oxford is the second oldest university in the English-speaking world. 16. _______ Easter Day is to celebrate Christ 's resurrection from the dead.


●Introduction to the United Kingdom 1、全称The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2、组成England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland 3、The Union Flag:The Union Jack,is a combination (union) of the flags of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick. 4、Bordered by four seas: to the south by the English Channel to the east by the North Sea to the west by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean 5、The Prime Meridian本初子午线、Greenwich 6、England---London、Scotland---Edinburgh、Wales---Cardiff、Northern Ireland---Belfast ●Education 1、The purpose of education: to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society to socialize children 2、divided into six terms: 9-10、10-12、1-2、2- 3、4-5、6-7 3、The main school holidays are: *Christmas- 2 weeks *Easter - 2 weeks *Summer - 6 weeks There are also one-week holidays: *end of October *mid February *end of May 4、state schools: private schools:public schools=independent schools 5、age 16: GCSE exams (General Certificate of Secondary Education)中学毕业证书 ①quit school and find a job ②prepare to sit exams for university entrance :A-levels (General Certificate of Education-Advanced)高级水平测试结业证书 ③concentrate on vocational training:GNVQs (General National V ocational Qualifications)国家专业资格证书 6、O-level(Ordinary-level) 7、Oxford and Cambridge--Oxbridge (the oldest) 8、In Scotland:St. Andrew (1411) Glasgow (1450) Aberdeen (1494) Edinburgh (1538) 9、Bachelor(学士) 10、departments:chief (professor),Professors, Readers/Senior Lecturers, Lecturers ●British Media 1、TV、radio、Newspaper 2、Quality paper、Tabloids 3、The Observer 《观察家报》the world's oldest national newspaper 4、The Times 《泰晤士报》the UK's oldest daily newspaper 5、The Guardian《卫报》 a national daily newspaper which is radical 激进的in politics and interested in society and social problems. quite soft on crime and quite feminist and shows great


一、古代篇 第一章古代希腊文化 一、希腊的地理环境 希腊半岛是主要组成部分,半岛境内山峦起伏,只有些不大的平原,耕地不足,土壤贫瘠,淡水资源匮乏,夏季炎热干燥,冬季气候温和,矿藏资源匮乏,但半岛东临爱琴海,海上岛屿星罗棋布,有曲折的海岸线和许多天然的良港。航海业和海外商业贸易扮演极为重要的角色。经济发展还是需要以农业为基础。 希腊半岛的这种山区地形,交通不便,在某种程度上妨碍了城邦之间的经济交流和政治统一进程。 希腊地理的山区特性使得希腊的统一进程极为不易,难于真正达到统一,多数情况下只能通过争霸的方式建立不同城邦之间的政治联系,不过也正因为这一点,使得从过去的军事民主制时代遗留下来的民主风气小国寡民的城邦中得以留存,甚至发扬光大。同山区物产的贫乏,不利于城邦之间的经济交流,只有跨过海洋与其他地区进行商业贸易,客观上加强了希腊半岛与欧亚其他地区的文化经济交流。 二、欧洲最早的文明:爱琴文明(克里特—迈锡尼文明) 爱琴文明分为两个阶段:克里特文明(米诺斯文明)和迈锡尼文明。 1、克里特文明 阿卡亚人入侵说。大多数考古学家认为,外族入侵是米诺斯文明毁灭的主要原因。迈锡尼文明及其灭亡 2、迈锡尼文明,这一文明以迈锡尼、梯林斯等城邦为中心。 迈锡尼文明是克里特文明的继续和发展,其位置处于南希腊的伯罗奔尼撒半岛,文明的创造者是来自欧洲的阿卡亚人 三、古典时代希腊城邦政治与文化特征 1、▲城邦的定义:形式上,即一城一邦。 本质上,与现代国家相比,城邦的特征:一、从规模上而言,它们只是刚刚从较为原始的部落公社时代转变过来的小国寡民的政治实体,一般都以某一城市为中心,周围环之以范围有限的农业灌溉区域。二、 具有原始氏族公社时代的民主制遗风。比如王权远非专制的,要受贵族群体的限制,甚至有些城邦实行的是平民民主制度,如斯巴达、雅典和早期的罗马。三、城邦 时代的阶级关系带有很浓重的氏族时代的血亲遗存。四、城邦的公民权属于本城邦自由民,外来者只能处于附属地位。这带有明显的氏族时代家族制遗风。五、城邦的治理一般都是由国王和贵族合作进行,还没有出现职业化的官吏队伍和职业化的军队。六、一般都是执行兵民合一的制度。 A、荷马时代(英雄时代或军事民主制时代,公元前11-9世纪之间) B、古风时代(城邦形成及发展时期公元前8世纪—前6世纪) C、古典时代(城邦民主政治繁荣的时代,约公元前510-前323年) D、希腊化时代(古希腊没落时期,公元前323年—公元前30年) (二) 古希腊城邦民主政治文化——以雅典为例 1、(1)民主制度,西方的直接民主制起源于古代希腊,而雅典城邦的民主政治则是古代希腊的典范。经过提秀斯改革、梭伦改革、克里斯提尼改革、伯里克利改革,终于在雅典确立了民主制度,法律面前人人平等。

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