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On the Differences of Apology Speech Act in Chinese and English

摘要:道歉语是指能够为被冒犯的人挽回面子的一类语言。在全球化日益增强的现代社会,中美合作与接触不断增多,但由于社会背景,文化及价值观念的不同,在跨文化交际中经常会出现一些误解甚至是冲突。由于任何一种言语行为都反映了一定的社会准则和价值,并服务和维护那些价值观,因此,道歉言语行为能够像镜子一样折射出中美文化价值的差异。所以,为了在跨文化交际中获得更好的交际目的,就有必要对中美道歉语进行跨文化研究。本文首先介绍了道歉语研究的国内外现状,接着阐述了道歉语的种类、策略及制约因素,后对中英道歉策略的选择进行比较;最后从文化价值方面分析汉语和英语道歉语的差异。通过研究表明, 由于英汉文化不同、交际方式和价值取向的不同, 道歉策略的选择上也相应的有所不同。


Abstract: The language of apology is a special kind of speech which could provide support for the hearer who is offended. In the increasing global world, cooperation and contacts between Chinese and Americans are rapidly rising. However, along with this are the constant misunderstandings or even conflicts in cross-cultural communications due to different cultures and values. Because any speech act reflects a variety of culture norms and values and serves, the speech of apology can act as a mirror of certain cultural values in Chinese and English cultures. Therefore, in order to help people cultivate intercultural communicative competence and achieve better communicative purposes, it is necessary to study the language of apology between Chinese and Americans. This paper firstly introduces the study of research to the speech of apology both at home and abroad. Then the second part analyzes the different categories, strategies and restraining factors of the apologized speech. Finally, differences in the speech of language between English and Chinese language are probed from the aspects of different cultural values. Through the study, the

following conclusion is arrived: The cultural differences between English and Chinese, the different communication ways and value orientation directly lead to the different choices of apology strategies。

Key Words: the speech of apology; cultural differences; apology strategies


In our daily life, people often offend others without any intention. Then the speech act of apology would be employed to get forgiveness and maintain the harmonious interpersonal relationship. But usually people just think the apology speech act as a simple thing, and they never imagine it’s a very complicated language phenomenon. Actually, the apology speech act is an important content of cross-cultural communication for the reason that people from different backgrounds may have different understandings on the same speech act. This kind of cultural-based understanding, which seriously affects the normal cross-cultural communication, is like a gap existing between people in different cultures. So, it is necessary for us to study the widely used apology speech in different languages so that we can better exchange ideas and understand each other in cross-cultural communication.

二.The present research and classification of apology speech act

1. The present research of apology speech

The British philosopher J.L.Austin firstly put forward the Theory of Speech Acts. He defined 'apologize' as a “implementation speech”. Based on the classification of the Austin, Searle treated “apologize” as an “expression speech". Brown & Levinson, however, regarded apology speech from the perspective of “politeness”. They thought that good manners are reasonable behaviors taken to meet the demand of “face-preservation”. Here "face" means the p ositive public image of one person. It could be divided into the positive face (hoping to gain approval from others) and negative face (not wanting personal behaviors to be hampered by others). In all kinds of communication, enough attention to other's positive and negative face could ensure us smooth interactions. But Brown & Levinson thought that some speech acts carry

the inherent nature of threatening the face. In this case, we need to choose proper strategies to avoid or remedy. So people deploy apology speech to remedy and maintain each other's face when they realized that the hearer's negative face is threatened. So the apology speech act is used to restore the relationship between people when we offend others intentionally or unintentionally. Brown & Levinson thought the following factors were involved as to the threatening of face: (1) the social distance between speakers and hearers; (2) the relevant power of speakers and hearers; (3) speech act inherent in the imposition of the absolute sense. These are called the "Brown and Levinson's Face Theory (The Face going)". But Olshtain and Cohen firstly made a detailed study to apology speech. And they defined apology language as a culture - sensitive researched - act set of semantic formulae or strategies. They also proposed the original mode of apology speech act. Later, scholars represented by Blum Kalka and Olshtain improved the early model and incorporated the improved one into “Cross-Cultural Study of Speech Act Realization Mode Project" (CCSARP).

2. The classification of apology speech act

Among these researchers, Cohen and Olshtain should be mentioned in detail. They roughly divided apology strategy into five different kinds according to their observations and experiments: 1.the direct expression of apology; 2. the expression of responsibility to offend others; 3.the explanation to offensive behavior; 4.the Provision of compensation; 5.the promise to discipline oneself. Actually, two strategies are clearer in the sense of apology and more common in daily life. The latter three may appear or not because they are related to different situations. In addition to the above-mentioned five kinds of apology strategies, the speaker can also strengthen or weaken their degree of apology by using adverbs of degree such as "true" and "very” or conjunctions such as “however” or “but” etc. For example, during the sentence "I'm sorry, but you should also be careful”, the conjunction “but” is used to ease the speaker’s responsibility.

According to inner meanings and application of apology speech in real life, we put it into the following three types: "from the channels of communication, it is divided

into verbal and nonverbal forms; from the perspective of stylistics, it could be divided into formal and informal." The following would show these specifically:

(1) The verbal and nonverbal forms

Verbal apology, which is the most widely used, is conducted through verbal behavior. Verbal apology could be conducted by different parties: the offender’s direct behavior o n the other party offended or a third party’s delivering the behavior. Nonverbal apology could be all kinds of forms except verbal expression. For example, in China, if a student can't answer the teacher's questions, his face may blush with embarrassment or he may scratch his head with the hand and wears the silent even apologetic smile. Here silence and scratching his head implies the apology speech "sorry, I'm sorry." In addition, Chinese also use hands to express the meaning of apology. The idiom "offer a humble apology" originated from China’s Spring and Autumn warring states is also a kind of non-verbal behavior to apologize. These are not seen in English speaking countries. It should be pointed out that nonverbal and verbal apology is not completely separate. People combine verbal with nonverbal behaviors to strengthen their degree of apology. In real life, people also can write to apologize. Showing apology by written also belongs to nonverbal forms. But because of its deficiency in time and space, the written form may create new misunderstanding. And with the use of modern ways of communication, people are provided with more ways to communicate. For example, people can express apology through broadcasting, television, newspaper etc. These methods are more formal.

(2) The formal and informal ones

Apology is divided into formal and informal according to the different relationship of the involved two parties. Informal apology is mainly used for showing apology to acquaintance, friend, lover, colleagues for the purpose of clarifying the misunderstanding and eliminating barriers. And formal apology is mainly used between the media and the public or between two countries. For example: The former US President Eisenhower apologized to the Soviet Union for U - 2 planes flying over Sue. So a formal apology could help clarify the misunderstanding and make the whole in public.

三.The apology strategies and its cultural-based elements

1. The apology strategies

Apology speech is commonly used in daily life when we interrupt or offend others. We offend others because we violate the social norms or haven’t met each other's expectations. The following behaviors are all offense to others: we were late for the meeting, played wrong phone, forgot to bring book in class or walked past acquaintances without saying "hello". "Many scholars conducted profound study about apology strategies. This paper quoted Professor Jia Yuxin’s (a professor in Harbin Institute of Technology) apology strategies. He divided apology strategies into seven forms:

Strategy: 0 offender refused to apologize (the strategy of rejecting);

Strategy 1: light own degree of offense (the strategy of minimizing);

Strategy 2: admit liability (the strategy of acknowledging);

Strategy 3: explain the reasons (the strategy of explaining);

Strategy 4: apologize directly (the strategy of apologizing);

Strategy 5: try other means to remedy (the strategy of offering repair);

Strategy 6: guarantee (the strategy of promising forbearance);

Strategy 7: show concern to the person being offended (the strategy of showing concern).

So we have many apology strategies. But how we make choices in real life? So we need to discuss major characters that affect our choice. Many linguistic-factors determine the choice of apology strategies. The forms of apology strategies also change along with the change of contextual factors. According to the investigation and study, many social linguists believe that the choice of apology strategies is mainly restricted by social factors. The following are the most decisive ones:

(1) The social distance between the offender and the one being offended called “social distance”;

(2) The relative power between the offender and the one being offended called” relative power”;

(3) The relative rights and obligation between the offender and the one being offended called “obligation of apology”;

(4) The gender between the offender and the one being offended called “gender”;

(5) The degree of the offense called “severity of offence”.

In general, people’s feeling of guilty is proportional to these decisive factors. Accordingly, they tend to strengthen their apology speech act. For example, if the social distance is too far or the relative power is too different, people tend to try every means to strengthen their apology speech in order to keep everything smooth.

2. The cultural-based elements affected the apology strategies

(1) The social distance

As above-mentioned, the social distance namely the familiarity or intimacy among people, which involves the relationship with an acquaintance, a stranger, friends, etc. Closeness affects the choice of apology strategy, which manifests in different ways in China and America.

Chinese tend to use the strategy of direct apology to strangers. They often say "对不起" "不好意思", etc. To those people who are intimate, they incline to use informal or casual apology speech, such as "老爸,对不起啦,是我的错." To a friend, the mixture of formal and other various strategies are used, such as “昨天是我的错,不该误会你,真心诚意向你道歉,保证不会有下次啦.”

In comparison, the Americans apologize to friends in a way not so formal. And they apologize to intimate people in a way not so casual. Actually, you can see British and American apologize in almost all the places and time, though we as Chinese think it unnecessary. That’s b ecause their view of individualism contrary to our collectivism. American culture emphasizes self-oriented and the individual interests, “Even one person coughs or sneezes and says “Sorry.” That’s because these behaviors spread bacteria and lead to environmental pollution. Such behaviors are also violation of others’ sensory organ. So apology is a kind of compensation to others.

(2) The relative power

The relative power refers to the involved parties’ power, including social status, age, etc. In China, if the offender enjoys high status, he can choose strategy lightly

damaged his face. If the offender has a low social status, he may choose the contrary strategy. Age, which is also the cultural-based factor, affects the apology strategies in Chinese and American cultures differently. Chinese have a tradition of respecting the elderly and the history, so offending the elderly should be compensated by choose a strategy greatly damaged the offender’s face. However, Westerners emphasize individualism which means the elderly and young people is equal, so people usually choose to strategies damaged little to their face. We can put this in another way. In China, people of high status tend to choose strategy of indirect apology rather than admitting liability. Contrary to this, people in low status will choose the strategy of direct apology and admitting liability if they offend their superiority. In most cases, some adverbs such as”真、很”are used. In America, however, both the young and elder use the strategy of direct apology very often. Both of them directly admit liability according to the fact. For Example:

Chinese: 昨天我说话有点重了,请见谅。

English: I’m sorry. Due to a misunderstanding, I blamed you for someone else’s mistake. Please accept my apologies. It was all a terrible misunderstanding.(对不起。由于误会你,我责备了你。请接受我的道歉。这真是个可怕的误会。) (3) The obligation of apology

Apology speech act is the offender publicly acknowledges that he hasn’t done something that should be done or he has done something that shouldn’t be done. For example, a staff failed to complete a special task assigned by his boss. Then the Chinese and Americans may adopt different apology strategies.

Chinese: 真对不起,老板,没能完成您交给我的任务,我一定自我检讨,也请您批评我吧。

English: I’m very sorry. I completely forgot about it. I suppose I should have been more careful. It will definitely never happen again. (真对不起。我把这回事忘得一干二净。我应该仔细些的。我保证这种事不会再发生。)

(4) The influence of the gender

With the development of social civilization, men and women tend to be equal, so the effects of gender on apology strategies selection in China and America are

basically the same. The differences only exist between male and female speakers. Actually women are more likely to apologize to others than men. Minor offence may cause the female's apology, while men only apologize for serious offense. In Addition, women incline to choose the direct apology strategies in polite and appropriate language. Contrary to women, men’s selections of apology strategies are greatly influenced by social factors such as social distance and rights, etc.

There are a lot of differences between men’s and women’s apology speech act. For apology speech act, men generally start from themselves and identify apology with admitting defeat, so they try to avoid using in order to maintain their face and social status. Only when men realize the high degree of offense or the encounter’s position is higher, they may adopt an apology speech act without hesitation. But women are more likely to think about from others’ perspective. They re gard apology as an effective way of eliminating barrios and restoring the harmonious relationship.

(5) The severity of offence

The severity of offence works differently in China and America. Americans say" sorry "does not necessarily mean that they have done anything wrong. For example, if you are in the way, one person say" sorry " implying you “Get out of my way, so I can come out.”This way of speaking is more acceptable. Strictly speaking, " Excuse me "is equal to the Chinese" 借过"or" 劳驾". The civilized Chinese may express it as "麻烦请让一下". Another difference between Chinese and America apology should be mentioned. Chinese sometimes apologized like this:”对不起,真不应该这样说你的.”However, in English, it may be said like this:”I apologize for what I have said. I take back what I said”. Chinese hold the view that you can’t take back what you said.

四.The cultural values reflected by apology strategy selections Domestic professor Jia Yuxin has made a questionnaire to Chinese who haven’t learn t English about apology strategies. Many foreign scholars’ conducted the same research to native English-speakers. Comparing the collected dater, it could be seen that:

From the form, the following should be analyzed:

Firstly, context plays an enormous role in human communication. "China belongs to high context culture, because they pay more attention to social position and other psychological contexts in communication, namely people emphasize “understanding in inner heart “. But English-speakers’ country belongs to the low context culture, so they often ignore the nonverbal factors and relies more on the verbal things ,namely people pay more attention to 'talk'." Two different cultures directly lead to the two different communication ways and value orientation. Secondly, the big difference between the choice of the responsibility strategy and compensation strategy, Chinese-speakers are respectively 3.9%, 3.9% and English-speakers are 20.9%, 21.7%. So it’s clear that the characteristics of the low-context culture are separation and difference. They value individualism and attach great importance to the interests of the individual. In this mode, the personal opinions and differences were advocated and a certain degree of conflict is supposed to be positive.

From the perspective of saving face, the Chinese take apology strategy to keep two parties’ face. But English-speakers adopt minimizing strategy to save face, so social relation is also a focus in the study of intercultural communication. China's social relationships follow the following principles: (1) obedience to the superiors or elders; (2) a relative hierarchy; (3) the following of collectivism. These are different from even contrary to American values, such as equality, individualism, etc. It is these

cultural differences that lead to their different choice of apology strategies.

Conclusion:With the rapid development of modern society, the ways of communication is becoming more and more various. The increasing globalization and international exchanges allow people from totally different cultures to communicate with each other. During the process, it’s necessary to understand more about different cultures and cross-cultural communication skills for the sake of better communication. On such occasion, everyone should know about apology strategies so that he can apologize politely and properly on different occasions. In cross-cultural communication, it’s important to take others’ cultural habits and value orientation when we offer apology. Usually it is by offering polite apology that we could eliminate understanding s and create a harmonious social environment. So learning proper apology deserves our further discussion.


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英语原创毕业论文参考选题 一、论文说明 本写作团队致力于英语毕业论文写作与辅导服务,精通前沿理论研究、仿真编程、数据图表制作,专业英语本科论文5000起,具体可以找扣扣958035 640 ,下列所写题目均可写作。部分题目已经写好原创。 二、原创论文参考题目 1 哈克贝里·费恩与汤姆·索亚性格的对比分析 2 解析《紫色》中妇女意识的形成 3 A Contrastive Study on Meanings of Animal Words in English and Chinese 4 英语听力理解障碍及应对策略 5 浅析海明威《战地钟声》中的女性形象 6 《论语》中“孝”的英译——基于《论语》两个英译本的对比研究 7 中美鬼节文化的对比研究 8 9 伍尔夫的悲剧—电影《时时刻刻》观后 10 11 中西方餐桌礼仪文化对比 12 《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同 13 中西谚语的文化比较研究 14 《雾都孤儿》中的善与恶 15 高中英语课堂教学中的口语教学 16 跨文化交际中英语副语言的表现和交际功能 17 网络表情符号的分析 18 英语文化中的禁忌语 19 从适应与选择角度看公示语翻译方法 20 初中英语课堂反馈策略教学研究 21 A Brief Study of Bilingual Teaching in China--from its Future Developing Prospective 22 浅析《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的挣扎 23 从托妮莫里森透析世纪黑人民族意识演变 24 论政治文本翻译中的译者主体性 25 边缘人群的孤独与无奈——对《夜访吸血鬼》中路易斯的研究 26 从后殖民女性主义视角分析《他们眼望上苍》 27 政治委婉语的取效性行为分析 28 中学英语教学大纲与课程标准的比较研究 29 从对立到和谐—解读伍尔夫《到灯塔去》的女性主义 30 浅析《伟大的盖茨比》中的爱情观 31 浅析短篇小说《我不再爱你》的荒诞性 32 苔丝悲剧原因探究 33 海明威文学创作中主题的转折点——《乞力马扎罗的雪》 34 中美礼貌语中的“面子文化”


汉英禁忌语对比分析 摘要:Taboo word(禁忌语)是一种非常普遍的语言现象, 存在任何一种文化,任何一个社会中。目前,中英两国人们之间的相互交流越来越频繁,在跨文化交际中,为了避免所谓的文化休克,因此了解哪些话语是被禁止的是十分重要的。英汉禁忌语在语言和词汇层面存在一定的相似性,但是不同的文化背景,不同的思维方式又导致了英汉禁忌语的迥异。为了提高人们的跨文化交际的能力,人们必须提高对禁忌语的了解,并且能够清醒的意识到在交流中避免使用禁忌语。 关键词:禁忌语不同点文化成因。 一、定义 在语言交际中,有一些词语是不能随便说的,说出来就可能会引起听话人的不快和反感,这就是语言学上所说的“禁忌语”。18 世纪英国航海家詹姆斯库克(James Cook) 首先发现了汤加群岛居民的这种禁忌习俗(taboo),并将该词引入英语,并被全世界各民族人民使用。顾名思义,所谓禁忌语就是在日常生活或工作中禁止人们说某种话,或忌讳人们说某种话。 二、禁忌语的演进 原始时代——愚昧(ignorance),在人类社会的初始阶段,由于人类认识水平的低下与征服自然能力的不足, 人们往往对自然现象和自然力不能理解甚至困惑、恐惧。作为交际工具的语言被赋予一种它本身所没有的、超人的感觉和力量。人们竟以为语言本身能给人类带来幸福或灾难, 以为语言是祸福的根源。他们盲目的崇拜迷信语言的力量, 认为谁要是得罪这个根源, 谁就得到加倍的惩罚; 反之则得到庇护。这样就自然而然的促成了禁忌语的产生。封建时代——偏见 (p rejudice), 中西方社会的封建时代都以等级森严著称,统治者与被统治者之间有严格的界限, 黎民百姓的言语都要受到限制, 他们不允许使用上级的所谓高贵语言表达, 否则会招致杀身之祸。于是, 禁忌语随之产生了。现代社会——民主(democracy),随着科学技术的飞速发展, 人类对自然界及社会各方面的认识大大提高。现如今,人们愈来愈注重人类的和谐相处与共同发展, 愈来愈追求平等和自由。因此, 现在很多带有歧视意味的词语逐渐消失或被其它词所代替。如“黑鬼”一词现在就很少使用。 三、禁忌语的对比 (一)英汉禁忌语的相似性 中西文化之间存在共性, 虽然英语和汉语隶属于不同的文化背景,但是通过比较可以发现, 英汉禁忌语言存在诸多共同特性。 1、语音层面: 语言是人类用来交际的工具,但是在原始时代,语言被赋予神秘的力量,人们认为语言是人类一切祸福的根源。因此中西方人民普遍把你些与有灾难意味的词语发音相同或相似的词语当作禁忌语,在交流中尽量避免使用,以免给自己或别人带来灾难。例如,在中国, 人们送礼时十分忌讳把“钟”作为礼物, 因为, 送“钟”和送“终”是同音词, 而生死离别被认为是人生最可悲的遭遇。实际上还


General apologies 一般道歉用语 1. Excuse me. 请原谅. 2. I'm so sorry. 很抱歉. 3.I'm awfully sorry. 非常抱歉. 4. I'm terribly sorry about that. 为此我非常抱歉. 5. I apologize. 我道歉. 6. My apologies. 我道歉. 7. Please forgive me. 请原谅. 8. I hope you will excuse me. 希望你能原谅我. 9. It seems i owe you an apology. 好像我该向你道个歉. 10. You have my sincere apology. 我诚心诚意向你道歉. 11. Please accept my sincere apology. 请接受我诚心诚意的道歉. 12. I can’t tell you how sorry i am. 我真的是很抱歉. 13. You cannot believe how sorry i am. 你不知道我感到多么抱歉. 14. Words cannot describe how sorry i am. 语言无法描述我对你的歉意. 15. I just don’t know what to say. 我真不知该说什么好. 16. I really feel bad about it. 我真的感到很内疚. Apologizing for bothering someone 因打扰对方而致意. 1. Sorry to be a bother. 不好意思打扰你. 2. Sorry to be a pest. 不好意思打扰你. 3. Sorry to disturb you again. 抱歉, 又来打扰你. 4. I'm sorry, i didn’t mean to bother you. 对不起,真不想打扰你. 5. I'm afraid i’ve brought you a lot of trouble. 恐怕我给你带来了不少麻烦. 6. My son must have put you to a lot of trouble. 我儿子一定给你带来不少麻烦. 7. I'm sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience. 给你造成诸多不便,我很抱歉. 8. Sorry about the inconvenience. 对不起添麻烦了. A pologizing for one’s mistake 因自己的过失而道歉. 1. I'm sorry for what i’ve done. 我为我的所作所为向你道歉. 2. I shouldn’t have done that. 我不该那么做. 3. I should have asked you first. 我应该先征得你的同意. 4. I honestly didn’t mean it. 我的确不是故意的. 5. I didn’t mean to do that. 我并不想要那么做. 6. I didn’t mean it that way. 事情闹成那样并非我的本意. 7. I don’t know haw that could have happened.


商业广告中的中英语言差异与中西文化差异 一、前言 随着经济的全球化,商业广告的发展也呈现出国际化的趋势,东方与西方 在广告界的交流日渐增多。面向不同消费群体及市场时,广告在形式、语言与 内容上也势必有所变化,以确保能在最短的时间内吸引消费者的注意,而使他 们产生购买欲,继而将之付诸于行动。鉴于不同市场中的广告述求,加之其自 身的语言系统及其独特的文化内涵,不同地区的广告也自然存在了差异性,从 而折射出地区之间特有的语言与文化差异。本文将重点针对商业广告中所反映 出的中英语言差异以及中西文化差异展开讨论。 二、商业广告中的中英语言差异 1.语音差异 广告语言一定要琅琅上口,令人过耳不忘,充分运用语言中的语音特质就 显得尤为重要了。通过对比中英广告中的遣词用字,就能充分反映出两种语言 在语音上的独特性来。 谐音是利用汉字一音多义的特征来转换概念。例如:“一箭如故,一箭钟情”(箭牌口香糖广告语),表明只要一吃这口香糖就会让人爱不释口;“食全食美”(酒店广告语),表明该酒店的自助餐种类齐全,而且十分美味;“骑乐无穷”(自行车广告语),表明真可以使人乐在“骑”中。运用谐音的表现方式在中文 广告中俯拾皆是。 理光(Ricoh)复印机的广告语为“We lead, others copy.”(我们领先,他人 仿效)。在这则英文广告中,“copy”既有复印的意思,同时又有其他品牌不如理光、要仿效理光的意思,用的是双关语。英文广告中也有谐音、同音替换以及 双关现象,但是没有中文广告中那么突出和丰富多彩。 英文广告中的押韵包括头韵与尾韵。头韵是把第一个音相同或者相近的单 词放在一起,尾韵则是把最后一个音相同或者相近的单词放在一起,以形成视 觉和听觉上的最佳结合,达到声情并茂的效果。例如:“Hi-Fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion,


中英禁忌语比较 禁忌语是语言的一部分,而语言又是社会现象的的重要组成部分,所以禁忌语也是学习社会文化的一种工具。禁忌语就是指在日常交际中所不能涉及到的特有话题,可以说凡是在交往和公共场合中那些引起对方或公众反感或不快的一些词或表达方式都属于禁忌语的范畴。通过对比分析英汉两种语言中禁忌语的异同之处,能深刻地理解东西方不同的文化内涵和价值观念,能帮助我们更准确地理解和使用英语,有助于跨文化交流的成功,对对外汉语教学的展开有很大帮助。 在中国,“禁忌”一词历史悠久,早在汉朝《汉书·艺文志》等一些史料典籍中就有出现。对于“禁忌”的含义《说文解字》中的记载可谓简明扼要:“忌,憎恶也。在西方,禁忌语的英文说法是“taboo”,最早是南太平洋波里西亚汤加岛人的土语,意思“需要极端注意的事情”。禁忌语的产生是与一个民族的社会文化发展息息相关的。中国古代由于生产力低下和文明落后,受封建迷信思想的影响,人们对上天、鬼、神都有所避讳。西方国家,特别是信奉基督教的国家,出于对上帝的信仰,对于“God、Christ”这些词都是不能随便说的。下面我们具体来看看中英禁忌语的异同。 中英禁忌语相同点:1)神灵圣人名的禁忌。在中国,自古就有皇族名避讳,凡是涉及到与皇公贵族名字谐音或是相近的音时,就要换一个说法。例如秦代为避秦始皇的名“赢政”而将“正月”改为“端月;西方则用委婉动听或迂回曲折的表达方式来指代与鬼神有关的词,如:上帝魔鬼撒旦一般要用:God of this world, the big D和the good man等委婉说法。2)令人难以启齿或难过之事。如“怀孕”英语中的表达方式有She is expecting.(她在待产中。)She is well-along(她心满意足)等;而汉语中人们通常说“她有了”或者说“她有喜了”等。在汉语中,我们一般说患了癌症的人得了“不治之症”。英文中人们用C.C或Big C或是long disease代替癌症(cancer),艾滋病AIDS (可传染的社会疾病);汉语中“上厕所”有“方便”、“去一号”等委婉的说法。英语中有pass water, answer nature’s call, wash one’s hands, do one’s business等等;3)死亡。“死”是各民族最忌讳的字眼因此在语言交际中人们总是回避它。汉语有“去世了”、“老了”、“走了”、“没了”等。但是,汉语对不同阶层、身份和年龄的人的死有着不同的委婉语,例如古代皇帝的死称“驾崩”,诸侯死称“薨”,战争中死称“牺牲”,坏人的死用“一命呜呼”。英语中表示“死亡”的委婉语非常丰富,如“pass away, go to the heaven, go to sleep, go to see the God, depart, be in heaven with God”等等。 中英禁忌语的不同之处:1)年老。在中国,“老”字常带敬意,是资历和地位的象征,因此汉语中有“老师”、“老同志”、“老大爷”“老师傅”等。而在西方,“老”即“old”一词一般是令人难以接受的。西方人费尽心机地借用其他词项来委婉地表示“old”这一概念,如the advanced in age(年长者)retirement home(敬老院)golden age club(老年俱乐部)等。2)谐音禁忌。在中国,四与死谐音,成为不少中国人的禁忌。送钟(终)、送伞(散)、送梨(离)也成为一种交际禁忌。因为五与恶同音,所以五月被认为是恶月不吉利。这种谐音禁忌只有汉语中存在,而西方国家不存在。3)个人隐私与话题禁忌语。英国人的“隐私权”主要体现在以下几个方面:一是不喜欢别人询问年龄。二是不喜欢别人询问其婚姻状况。三是最忌讳的是个人收入与开支。四是一般不随便询问别人的详细地址。而在中国传统文化中,似乎没有“隐私权”这一概念。许多涉及个人情况的话题,如年龄、收入、家庭状况等都是人们正常交际中乐于彼此交换的信息。人们习惯于问“你高寿?”“你贵庚?”“你结婚了吗?“你有几个孩子”等。 近年来,随着中西方交流的日益频繁,中西方禁忌语出现一定的趋同性。如英汉语中对“富”都有所保留:He is well off. “他经济条件不错。”对“贫”也不说得那么严重:They are


英汉委婉语对比研究 摘要:委婉语的创造和使用是人类语言中的一种普遍现象,也是一种社会现象和文化现象,是特定社会和文化的一面镜子。英汉委婉语具有很多相似处,但由于不同的文化传统、历史背景等因素,它们之间在表现形式及文化内涵等方面有着明显的差别。本文从英汉委婉语的词源、表现手法、表现形式、表现内容及文化意义等几个方面对英汉两种委婉语进行了对比研究。 关键词:英语;汉语;委婉语;对比研究 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Euphemisms Abstract: Euphemism is not only a widespread linguistic phenomenon, but also a social and cultural phenomenon. It is a mirror of a particular society. English and Chinese euphemisms have many similarities but more differences on forms and connotations because of different cultural tradition and historic background. This paper makes a comparative study of the cultural differences between English and Chinese euphemism from its origin, the way of its formation, its forms, contents and cultural significances. Key Words: English; Chinese; euphemisms; contrastive study 0. 引言 到目前为止,有关委婉语的研究已有许多,现有的研究主要是从语义学、社会语言学和语用学等角度进行的,。综观委婉语的研究历史,我们发现国内外委婉语研究者们的注意力主要集中在个别语言上,缺乏深入的多语间的对比研究。而关于英汉委婉语之间的对比研究,国内外著作较少,要揭示委婉语的普遍特征,或更好地理解某一语言委婉的特殊性,还须通过对比的方法。本文将从英汉委婉语的词源、表现手法、表现形式、表现内容及文化意义等几个方面来对比分析英、汉委婉语的异同。 1. 英汉委婉语的词源 英语中的euphemism(委婉语)一词源于希腊语的前缀eu(好)和词根pheme(说话)意为good speak(说好听的或善词令)。因此,euphemism 就是“说好听的话”或“讨人喜欢的话”。《牛津高级英汉双解词典》所给的定义是用比较模糊但更温和或比较委婉的单词或短语代替直言直语。王德春等认为,汉语辞


汉语道歉言语行为分析 班级: 姓名: 学号:

汉语道歉言语行为分析 【摘要】:道歉是重要的人类语言现象,是人类文明的重要表征。从语言学的立场看,道歉言语行为属于言语交际的组成部分。道歉言语行为作为人们交际过程的一种弥补性言语行为,同时也是体现个人 礼貌修养的社会行为,其基本功能在于,为冒犯进行弥补以恢复交际双方的和谐。本文参照言语行为理论,对汉语道歉言语行为进行了初步的语用研究。论文对汉语道歉言语已有成果,研究现状进行了分析,然后总结现代汉语道歉言语行为的特点,以及对汉语道歉行为深入其中的中国传统文化进行了较为深入的剖析在文章的最后给出了本人的结论。 【关键词】:道歉言语行为礼貌文化 一.道歉和道歉语 1.道歉语 道歉言语行为,即俗称道歉,人们大都向别人道过歉。也接受过别人的道歉。在日常生活中,人民由于说错话,做错事或其他的原因,常常会给别人的生活带来不良后果,轻则对方不欢而散,引起彼此间关系的疏远,重则会给对方造成重大伤害,如果不及时对此进行有效的挽救或弥补的话,有时甚至会造成不可挽回的重大损失。有鉴于此,为了补偿过错,减少损失,同时也为了恢复遭到损害的人际关系,就产生了向被冒犯者一方道歉的社会需要。

冒犯者用来向被冒犯这表达歉意的词语和句子就是道歉语。道歉语在人们日常交际中频繁使用,是语用学礼貌原则的重要体现,是人们语言交际的一个方面。 当然,人们为了表示道歉除了采用言语行为的方式,也可以采取非言语行为的方式,比如,采用特定的身体动作,面部表情等。但在社会交往中,人们更多的依赖言语行为方式。本文主要讨论前者,即道歉言语行为。言语行为理论是英国哲学家John Austin 于20世纪50年代首先提出来的,是语用学研究中的一个重要理论(王建华,2004)。这一理论昭示:人们通过某种话语来完成一定的言语行为,话语中所包含的意义可以在聆听着身上产生一种效果。也就是说,人们讲一句话的目的在于完成一种职能(Austin,1962)。不言而喻,所谓道歉言语行为,指的就是通过使用道歉语而达到有关方面表达迁移的语言行为表现。关于道歉的定义很多,语言学家从不同角度归纳出了道歉的定义。 2.道歉 美国社会学家Goffman(1971)视道歉为一种弥补性的交流,目的在于重建由于真实或者假想的冒犯的发生而面临危险的社会和谐。Olshtain(1983:232-249)则将承认有过失和对过失负有责任视为道歉的主要组成部分,并且增加了自我羞辱这一成分,在他看来,自我羞辱是与通常认为的有损面子的举止行为是一致的,因为这与冒犯者原本正面的形象产生了冲突。Brown和Levinson(1987:187)对道歉的定义加进了礼貌因素,他们认为道歉是一种交际活动,在这个活动中,


中英广告语异同简析 摘要:广告语言已成为一种应用语言,有其独特之处,由于中英文化形态,风俗习惯的巨大差异,背靠两种文化背景的广告语存在不同之处;但广告的功能却是不受文化差异影响的,因此中英广告语也有相似的地方。本文将对两种广告语作一粗略的比较。 文酷网 关键词:广告语;功能;文化 一、中英广告语的相似点 (一)常用句式相似。中英广告中使用最频繁的是陈述句。笔者随意观察了中英文报刊广告各10则,陈述句在中文广告中占50%,而英语广告中也占45%。言简意赅的肯定陈述句在广告中陈述事实,表达情感,创造意境和形象,通常可以将产品的特征、功能、效用和形象表达得真实,清楚,具有极强的信息传播功能。其次是祈使句,它所占的比例在中英广告语中都是30%。 广告以说服为己任,而祈使句具有直接劝说、直接鼓动的作用,它往往能以中肯的语气表达有益于消费者的劝告、勉励和指令,能打动潜在消费者的心,颇能激励消费行动,具有很强的劝诱功能。接下来是感叹句,它所占的比例分别为15%和20%。感叹句带有强烈的感情色彩,表达非同一般的信息,它多以感叹号结尾,很有力量,能起到强调信息,突出重点,激励消费行动的目的。再有就是疑问句,所占比例为5%。疑问句如同祈使句意味着对读者直接说话,通常被视为需要作出反响。广佶话中疑问句能吸引公众的注意力,引起他们的好奇心,使之对产品加以重视。 (二)常用结构相似。中英广告中常见的有省略结构、比较结构和排比结构。省略是广告中最常见的结构,它使广告节奏有力,语气明快,促使读者积极思维,激发池们的联想。对比结构的运用是为了在比较的基础上帮助读者进行鉴别。广告商品通过对比更确切地显示出自身的特征、功效和优势,更具竞争力。排比结构在各类广告中应用频繁。英国广告学家Greg Myers(1994)认为排比结构工整对称、意义并重、易读易记,便于表达或突出广告信息。 (三)常用修辞相似。中英广告中大量采用反复以强化广告的宣传效应;巧用双关语,提高广告语言的艺术性,加深印象;运用拟人手法,增强广告语言的感情色彩,使冷冰冰的商品变得富有人情味,使它的特性与功能更为突出,给人以鲜明的印象;多用比喻,增强广告语言生动逼真的表达功能。 二、中英广告语的差异 (一)广告与文化。


英汉禁忌语和委婉语在英汉互译中的处理技巧分析 . 第卷第期兰州交通大学学报 试眦 年月∞ . .... 文章编号:枷. :./.遗 英汉禁忌语和委婉语在英汉互译中的处理技巧分析 胡绍廷 兰州交通大学外国语学院,甘肃兰州 摘要:任何一种语言,都是英文化的戢体,都各有其语言禁忌和由此产生的禁忌语和委婉语。英汉两种语言在禁 忌语和委婉语的使用上存在着相似之处,又有所不同。本文尝试对英汉禁忌语和委娩语的异同之处进行对比分 析,并在此基础上提出,在英汉互译中,对于禁忌语和委婉语的翻译可以采用直译:意译、套译和加注翻译等四种处 理技窍,以期有助于译者在翻译实践中更准确地传达原文的信息和文化内涵,从而使读者能跨越语言和文化差异 的鸿沟,成功地实现交际的目的。 关键词:禁忌语;委婉语;对比分析;翻译技巧

中图分类号: 文献标志码: 即是产生于人类对自然认识的局限性,其中一些逐渐成为根引言 植于人类文化中的风俗,人们在交际中都应该遵守。在日常交际中,当人们不得不涉及那些受到禁忌的行为或语言时, 任何一种文化,任何一种社会,都存在语言禁忌,而委婉 为了避免直接提及,人们寻找另外一些词语或说法来暗示或是禁忌心理的产物,委婉语和禁忌语休戚相关。为了使交际代替它们。委婉语即是用来暗示或代替这些禁忌词语的成双方均能接受,保证交际的和谐顺利,在人们的交往中,一些分,在英语中Ⅱ。咖”。。”一词源于希腊 属于禁忌的事物的名称就必须改头换面,以一种相对得体、文,从词源上说,即或、盹好;锄即能 高雅的名称出现,人们对犯忌讳的事物或避而讳之或委婉言话,整个单词的意思就是好听的话,即。融 之,于是产生了委婉的修辞手法。禁忌语及其相应的委婉语啪耐”,有时还被称作美化词“、Ⅳ”。 这一语言现象在各民族语言中普遍存在,在语言交际中不可在人们的交往中,哪些行为或语言受到禁止或可以接 避免。英语与汉语两种语言在禁忌语和委婉语的使用上有受,因所处的文化背景或历史时期的不同而不同。下面就对着诸多相似之处,同时,也由于两种语言在历史背景、生活环


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5515430702.html, 英汉禁忌语的对比研究 作者:余真 来源:《西部论丛》2018年第09期 摘要:禁忌语不仅是一种口头表达,而且是反映某一特定文化价值观的社会现象。中西 之间的交流和合作越来越频繁,但在对外交流与合作中,由于双方文化的不同导致了一些禁忌语的差异,从而对对外交流产生消极影响。所以,对英汉禁忌语进行对比研究是我们当前的重要任务之一。 关键词:禁忌语;特征;差异 禁忌语是指人们在社会生活中受到本民族文化传统和社会风俗的影响,对不能直接谈及的人、事、物及相关活动采取规避的词语表达出来的语言。禁忌是人类社会广泛存在的文化现象,学术上称为“taboo”,大意是“犯忌讳的话及行为”或者“应该要十分注意的事。” 英汉文化中的禁忌语都有其特殊的起源,并且在各自的文化当中体现出来,成为一种常见的社会现象。本文主要通过英汉禁忌语的对比仔细探讨它们的特征、差异以及正确规避禁忌语的措施。 一、禁忌语的特征 (一)普遍性 禁忌语贯穿人类社会发展的始终,其历史来源也较为悠久,各个民族和国家都存在着一定的禁忌语。它存在各国文化之中,其存在和发展具有普遍性,与人们的生活息息相关。它不但存在于各社会形态中,也存在于各国家中,由于语言禁忌的存在,人们受强制性心理支配,“不许说”某些语言,从而产生禁忌。 (二)特殊性 不同民族和国家之间的文化价值观念、文化思维方式以及文化背景等的不同,就导致了不同民族和国家之间的语言差异,禁忌语就是一个典型的例证。在人们交往的过程中,因为对不同国家间的禁忌语不了解,使人们对同一语言存在着完全相反的看法,语言误解、观念冲突、观点分歧也就由此产生。 (三)因时而变 语言是一定社会习俗约定的产物,它有一定的稳定性,但是世界是物质的,物质是运动的,语言也不例外,它会根据时代的变化和发展做出相应的调整。因此,禁忌语在不同时代也会做出相应的变化。 二、英汉禁忌语的差异


英汉禁忌语对比研究 摘要:禁忌语是人类社会生活中的一个普遍现象,它反映了不同的文化特征。讨论禁忌语的产生根源、应用范围的共同性、相异性等,对英汉禁忌语进行对比研究,有助于了解语言的文化内涵,避免交际失误,实现理想的交际效果。 关键词:禁忌语文化交际 语言是人与人之间互相交往的纽带,语言运用的正确与否对现实生活中的人际交往起着重要的影响。在任何一种文化中,尽管语言中存在明确表达概念或事物名称的方法和词语,但针对某些概念或事物,人们总是期望避免谈及。这就是本文要讨论的语言的一种特殊现象——禁忌现象。 1 禁忌语的由来及产生根源 英语taboo一词的含义是禁忌,它源于太平洋汤加群岛的汤加语(Tongan),意为“神圣”,“不可接触”。1777年英国的库克(James Cook)在南太平洋上探险来到汤加群岛时发现,当地存在着许多令人惊异的社会现象,如某些词语允许某一特定的社会集团使用,而不允许一般居民所使用,当地居民把这禁忌的现象称为“taboo”。从此,“taboo”这个词就进入了西方的人类学,社会学及语言学等学科,开始作为一种社会现象和研究课题而得到广泛重视和使用。 2 英汉禁忌语应用范围的共同性 禁忌语普遍存在于各种语言之中。从历史的角度看,英语汉语植根于不同的文化背景之中,但通过比较可以发现,英汉禁忌语存在着许多共同点,在表达上更有许多相似之处,主要表现在以下方面: 2.1涉及亵渎神明的禁忌语 在英语和汉语两种语言中,一般都不能随便提到神灵或所崇拜的对象的名字,否则就是亵渎神灵。在英语中,宗教上的好多词语,像God(上帝),devil(魔鬼),heaven(天堂),hell(地狱),Christ(基督),Jesus(耶稣),damn(该死)等只有在严肃的讲话里才是合适的,违反了这个规则就会使说话人受到谴责或遭到人们的回避。于是在英语中,就用gosh来代替God,用Goodman来代替the devil。中国也是如此,早期的中国禁忌的内容与形式相当繁杂。比如,在中国的一些地方,老虎被视为神灵。因此,“虎”字是不能随便说的,凡遇到虎字就要用别的名称,像中国西南地区的一些少数民族就改称老虎为“猫”,北方森林中的猎人则改称为“大虫”。逢年过节时尤其不能亵渎神灵。比如,买财神画像不能说“买”,只能说“请;商家直销员去卖时也都说是“送财神”,而不是“卖财神”。 2.2有关排泄物的禁忌语


1)委婉是禁忌心理的产物。任何一种文化,任何一种社会,都存在语言禁忌。委婉语和禁忌语休戚相关。自古以来,人类就对某些事物心存忌讳,为了交际的和谐顺利,为了交际双方更易接受,遭到禁忌的事物的名称必须改头换面,有些刺激性的字眼,敏感的话题就得转移,以一种人们认为“得体、高雅”的名称出现。对犯忌讳的事物或避而讳之或委婉言之,于是避讳委婉的修辞手法应运而生。 2)共同的使用领域。随着社会的发展,委婉语已渗透到各个领域。中英两国在语言禁忌方面有着各自的特色和民族习惯。但是,仍然有些领域的禁忌是在两个社会中普遍存在的,成为了中英委婉语的共同使用领域。例如,英汉委婉语都与死亡、疾病、职业、犯罪、性和排泄等密切相关。 A.表达死亡。在《圣经》或其它与基督教有关的传说中存在许多与死亡有关的委婉语,例如:“to be with God”,“to be asleep in the Arms of God/in Jesus/to lie in Abraham’s bosom”,“to go to heaven/paradise”,“to be promoted to glory”。西方人也认为人类生来有原罪,也就必会受到惩罚,所以“死亡”也是“to pay the debt of nature”。中国对于死亡有禁忌,例如中国佛教把“死”婉称为“入寂”、“圆寂”;道家却称之为“仙去”、“仙逝”等。古代中国皇帝死亡则称为“驾崩”、“弃群臣”;百姓之死称为“过世”、“作古”等。老者死亡称为“寿终”、“谢世”;少年死亡称为“夭折”;中年死亡称为“早逝”;靓女弃世称作“玉陨香消”,等等。 B.人体排泄方面。如关于上厕所,英语有“wash one’s hand,relieve oneself,powder her nose,还有”feel the call of nature”(感觉到自然在召唤),意为“要上厕所”;汉语有“洗手、方便”。如果女士在场,就必须这样问:“我可以使用一下盥洗室吗?”或问“洗手间在什么地方?”C.关于性的委婉语 在中国和西方国家里,性关系和身体的某些部位是谈话的禁忌。随着经济的发展和人们对性解放的更深认识,在最近几年里西方国家对性的态度开放了许多。在小说和电影中类似“to make love”,“to have sex with”,“to go to bed with”这样的语言也出现了。谈到性关系,中国人更倾向于用“同房”,“夫妻生活”等语言来代替。英语中也有一些新创造的词汇“go to bed with”,“be in bed”,“do it”。与汉语相比而言,英语拥有更多的关于性方面的词汇,这可能与人们对性抱有更开放、更随意的态度有关。 D.教育生活方面:成绩差的学生是a below average student 或working on his own level,而do betterwith help则指反应比较迟钝的学生。学生考试作弊则冠以to depend on others to do his (her ) work.汉语中可用“学习要下劲、成绩要提高”来表达学习成绩差的含义。“考试时做小动作”等来代替考试作弊。美国学生考试不及格,回家对其父母说:“I didn’t make it.”E.社会地位、职业方面:对生活的贫富、职业的贵贱,倾向于低调陈述而不直言不讳。如对贫穷,英语有disadvantaged,underprivileged,汉语有“手头拮据”。有一部分职业委婉语,将一些平凡的职业名称予以改头换面,以此克服自卑感。比如hair dresser (女理发员)被誉为beautician (美容师)、cook (炊事员)被称作chef (厨师)、janitor (守门人)被冠以security officer(安全官员)。汉语中,我们称清洁工为“城市美容师”、小保姆为“小阿姨”、蹲监狱为“在高墙里面”等等。 3)共同的表达方式 如:使用缩写和省略。在所有的文化中,为了避免不愉快,或表示礼貌,或掩饰某些东西,某些词汇可能就会被省略掉。在英语里,“The woman is pregnant”被委婉的表达成“She is expecting”,在这个句子里“a baby”就被省略了。同样,“out”就是“out of work”省略后的委婉语。语音省略也是一种缩写,例如,“WC”是“water closet”,“G-man”是“garbage-man”的省略。汉语里也有利用缩写词委婉表达意思的,例如,“行将就木”中的“木”是“棺木”的委婉表达法。


给朋友道歉的话语(55句) 1、嘿,哥们,知道你不会怪罪我的,今晚一起喝一顿吧! 2、如果你生气就直接骂我吧,打我一顿也行,就是别不理我呀哥们。 3、很想和你去吹吹风,吹掉我给你的不愉快,只留下我给你的开心。 4、所有的理由和解释都是苍白无力的,我选择在沉默中等待你的原谅。 5、对不起,是我让你难堪,大度的你,自然不会与糊涂的我一般见识吧! 6、昨天我喝了多少?怎么说出那样的话呀。对不起了兄弟。明天哪玩去? 7、对不起,下次不敢啦!请接受我诚心的道歉,不要再生气了,好不好? 8、对不起!不好意思!我错了!别介意!我投降了!我快顶不住了!原谅我吧! 9、我知道你很生气。而且你每次生气我都好害怕。理解我,好么?原谅我,好么? 10、也许是我的幼稚刺伤了你的心!别再用痛苦的过去折磨自己!我并无害你之心! 11、如果你生气就直接骂我吧,千万不要对着我掉眼泪,那样的

话我的心都会碎成千万片。 12、真对不起啊,昨天我不该说那样的话,一时口快,一时口快,嘿嘿,今晚我请你吃饭吧。 13、我已经不再生你的气了,象我这样胸襟开阔、德高望重的人肯定会原谅你还在生我的气的! 14、如果把我内心的愧疚说出来,怕你觉得我没出息,可是不说出来,自己又觉得自己没出息。 15、穿棉袄了是因天气冷了;撑起伞了是因天下雨了;给你短信了是因我错了……能原谅我吗? 16、事情已经过去好多好多好多秒了,就不要放在心上了!你到底要我怎样,你才可以原谅我啊? 17、如果把我内心的愧疚真说出来,怕你觉得我没出息,可是不说出来,自己又觉得自己没出息。 18、我的错误让我夜不能寐,在午夜向你说:“我错怪你了,没有你的原谅,我宁愿长眠此生。” 19、原谅我吧!我知道错了,你若不能原谅我的话,那就不断的打电话骂我吧!我原意被你骂到老! 20、因为我的一时冲动,令我作出了一生中最后悔的一件事。现在,我很想很想跟你说声:对不起! 38、如果我的问候打挠了你我很无奈;如果你我相处是种负担我很痛心;如果心的距离已经远离我很遗憾;如果一切已经过去请你明示。


中英文商业广告语言特点的对比研究 武汉职业技术学院外语学院 吴娅敏 [摘 要]自从加入W TO,我国商业广告翻译行业就以前所未有的速度迅速发展起来;在成功申办2008年奥运会之后,发展更是惊人。面对这扑面而来的商业广告翻译热潮,笔者不由想起商业广告的特点研究是引人注目的话题,但与商业广告特点密切相关的中、英文商业广告语言特点的对比研究在翻译界则鲜有涉及。中、英文商业广告具有哪些共同以及不同的语言特点,这是进行中、英文商业广告翻译时需要探讨的问题,在翻译过程中也起着至关重要的作用。[关键词]商业广告 语言特点 词法 句法 前言 加入世贸组织后,我国企业面临着让产品走向世界的机遇和挑战。我国企业涉世不深,商业广告就成为他们面对经济全球化,在竞争日益激烈的国际市场上站稳脚跟的踏脚石;同时商业广告在为中国产品树立良好商品形象,创造响亮国际声誉方面也起到了举足轻重的作用。因此不少志在向外拓展的商家纷纷找人翻译其广告以供对外宣传之用。要想商业广告翻译地出众、出奇、出彩,就必须特别注重中、英文广告的语言特点的异同点。因此,笔者从中、英文商业广告的词法和句法两个方面着手,对中、英文商业广告语言特点的共同点和差异进行了分析。 1.中、英文商业广告相同的语言特点 为了让人一目了然,过目不忘,商业广告有别于其它普通文体,有其独特之处。无论是中文还是英文商业广告都希望:在有限的空间和时间里,引起读者的注意和兴趣,创造出无限的视听效果,从而发挥出最大的效益,促成买卖。所以不论是中国还是外国广告商都善于玩文字游戏。文字游戏其实就是一些词法和句法。 中、英文商业广告相同词法特点主要体现在以下几个方面: (1)选用词汇简洁,增加印象; (2)善用错拼,增进创新记忆; (3)多用非正式词汇,增添亲切感; (4)巧用褒义形容词,增辉生色; (5)重用关键词,增强效果; (6)妙用人称代词,便于拉近消费者; (7)精用动词,勤于推销; (8)运用同音异形(异义)词,利于想象; (9)常用押韵,易于阅读; (10)偶用拟声词,借于艺术魅力,吸引消费者。 中、英文商业广告都具有如下的句法特点: (1)多用简单句,少用复合句; (2)频用疑问句和祈使句; (3)常用省略句; (4)活用条件句; (5)善用感叹句。 成功的商业广告以新颖别致的词汇,生动有趣的语言形式以及言简意赅的内容,让消费者耳目一新。以上那些中、英文商业广告相同词法、句法特点无非是为了博得消费者对商品的信赖和喜爱,达到撩拨消费者购买欲望,实现购买行为的目的。由于许多学者对以上这些共同点都已经研究得很透彻了,笔者就不再赘述。然而由于中、英两种语言分属不同的语言派系,究其不同的发展历史,以及独特的演变规律,从而衍生出中、英文商业广告不同的语言特点。这些不同点在商业广告翻译过程中的 影响是不容忽视的,所以翻译者应特别重视。以下笔者就逐一对比举例说明。 2.中、英文商业广告不同的语言特点 2.1中、英文商业广告词法的不同点 2.1.1英文商业广告的造字 造字是把两个或是多个单词加在一起,创造成一个新单词。造字时可把原单词的个别字母省掉。造成的新词有读音动听,拼写容易,形式简短,意思明了的特点。例如:“天美时”表广告词: Give a T i m ex to all,to all a good T i m e.T i m ex是T i m e+ex2 cellent.T i m ex符合广告“K ISS”(keep it sho rt and si m p le)原则。读者一看便知:T i m ex表时间精确,品质优良。此外T i m e+ excellent缩短为T i m ex既朗朗上口又节约广告空间。节约广告空间即是节约昂贵的广告费用。造字是英文商业广告的创意之举,在翻译时应特别注意这一特点的内涵。例如:“O range2 mo stest”(O range+mo stest)一种饮料;“K leenex”(C lean+ex2 cellent)一种面巾;“Purex”(Pure+excellent)一种漂白剂;“Ro lex”(Ro ll+excellent)劳来士表;P laytex(P lay+textile)一种胸罩;U needa B iscuit(You need the biscuit)一种饼干;A sk2 it(ask it)一种感冒药;O I C(oh,I see)一种眼镜;O do-Ro-N o (odo r?O h,N o)一种除味剂.;Put-U-U p(put you up)一种沙发;Sunk ist(sun k iss it)一种橘子汁;Stop-N-Go(stop,eh, Go!)一家超市等等。 2.1.2英文商业广告的复合词 英文商业广告中有大量复合词,此现象在中文中无法见到。由于英文复合词可以千变万化,无论什么词性,无论放在词前,还是词后都符合语法,即复合词的语法限制少,所以倍受英文广告商的宠爱。同时也为商业广告翻译开辟了一条新径。因为复合词既可以节约广告空间,又可以产生许多意义联想,在极其简练的表达中包含许多信息量。还可以给顾客提供一个生动的画面,妙趣横生,从而贴近顾客,产生亲密感。 作为一个广告翻译者,或是英文广告撰写者应该注意这种独特的词法特点,在工作中多加运用。甚至可以自己创新复合词。例如:量词 序数词加名词(one-w eek 18-sto ry);形容词加上不定时形式(easy-to-dress)形容词加上副词(commonly -pain)等等。只要是在节约空间和不影响表达的前提下,可以尽可能的创造复合词。 2.1.3英文商业广告的缩写 为了节约广告费用,一些广告商就缩写一些单词从而节约广告空间。因为这些缩写顾客们早已司空见惯,意思不言而喻;而且这种书写是非正式的,迎合了顾客。中文字体的局限性决定了中文商业广告就没有这一特点。现在我们来看一则英文房屋买卖广告。 — 1 5 1 —


汉英禁忌语对比 【摘要】禁忌是世界各民族之间普遍存在的一种文化现象,禁忌规范了人们的言语行为与社会交际。而中西文化的巨大差异直接导致了汉英禁忌语的迥异。所以,无论是在英语还是汉语中,我们都会遇到一些因传统或社会风俗不同,会引起对方强烈反感,结果导致了有些词语我们要避免使用,就是禁忌语。跨文化交际是现代交际的重要组成部分,了解语言禁忌现象可以使跨文化交际更加得体。汉语和英语中的禁忌语反映在社会生活中的各个方面,因此从语用角度看汉英禁忌语的异同对跨文化交际有重要意义。本文主要分析了汉英禁忌语语用原则的共同性和差异性,总结出了三条共同的禁用原则并对汉英文学作品、动物习语以及称谓语等方面的禁忌语语用差异进行分析。尝试从语形讳饰和语义讳饰两个方面进一步探讨汉英禁忌语的语用表达,通过语用的艺术解决跨文化交际中的禁忌问题。 【关键词】禁忌语;交际;语用;对比 Abstract Taboo is a commonly existing cultural phenomenon among nations in the world which regulates people’s language and soci al communication .The great difference between Chinese and western culture directly results in the great difference between Chinese and English taboo .So ,taboo exiting both in Chinese and English .With the consideration of the different cultures and customs ,we should avoid using offensive expression: taboo, in international communication. Cross-cultural communication is the important part of modern communication. The phenomenon of the taboo can make the cross-cultural communication more appropriate. Taboos in both Chinese and English reflect every corner of the different social life, so the pragmatic differences between the Chinese and English taboos can be of great help for cross-cultural communication. By analyzing the intercommunity and the otherness of the pragmatic principles, the thesis summarized three principles of using the taboos and discussed the pragmatic differences between Chinese and English taboos from angles of

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