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Landscape / scenery 山河

Mountain range 山脉

The Four Books 四书

The Five Classics 五经




英语“抽象名词(或一些特定名词)+ 动词”的句型,常常见于政论题材和科技文体中。句法简洁洗练,信息包容量大,是英语造句的一大优势。译成汉语往往需要扩展成短语或句子,而且位置也应作很大的调整。可以有以下几种译法:


1.Shortly after the family’s move to Lime Rock, paralysis disabled Captain Lewis.

路易斯船长一家搬到Lime Rock没多久,他就患了偏瘫。

2.Foresight now tells us that travel to Mars is not impossible.


3. A little forethought would have saved you much trouble afterwards.事先略作盘算

Further delay would cause us greater losses. 我们如果再耽搁,将会蒙受更大的损失。


5. A stone dropped from its outer edge would have fallen sheer downward one thousand

feet to the tops of the pines. 如果有一块石头从边缘处掉下去,会正好落到下面一千英尺处的松树顶上。

6. A man of less courage would not have dared to work inside enemy headquarters. 如


7.The May Fourth Movement of 1919 saw the beginning of the “New Redology”,

represented by scholars as Hu Shi and Yu Pingbo. 1919年“五四”运动以后,开始了“新红学”时代,代表人物有胡适、俞平伯等这样一些学者。

8.The year 1871 witnessed the heroic uprising of the Paris Commune. 1871年爆发了英



1.The prospect of the collapse of the public manners is not merely a matter of etiquette.

Society’s first concern will remain major crime, but a foretaste of the seriousness of incivility is suggested by what has been happening in Houston. 人们期望,不要把公共礼貌之沦丧仅仅看成是礼仪的问题。社会首先关注的当然还是重大罪犯,但休斯顿的不文明现象已经使这座城市预感到了这一问题的严重性了。

2.The youth cult of the 60s is fast giving way to an older and more settled lifestyle. 60年


3.The man in the street scarcely realizes that many forms of business, some major

industries, and one or two minor professions could be completely abolished without gravely injuring American society; whereas the disappearance – or even what we see in some quarters, the continuous neglect and degradation – of the teaching profession must mean a disaster to the entire nation. 在美国,许多行业可以完全停止,某些主要工业可以废除,一两个次要职业也可以完全取消,而不至于严重影响到美国社会;但如果没有教师这一职业,或者像在某些地区那样,教育事业长期未受重视,因而每况愈下,那么就整个国家而言,必将是一场灾难。关于这一点,一般人是很少认识到的。


5.Anger and bitterness had preyed upon 掠夺,折磨me continually for weeks and a

deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle. 几个星期以来,我又气又恨,感到非常苦恼,这种感情上的激烈斗争过去之后,我感到浑身无力。

6.Some say fear and caution are now a part of their daily routine. 有人说,现在总是提


7.The resounding 轰动的,彻底的success of the Curacao experiment whetted 刺激

the appetites of Florida livestock raisers for a similar feat that would relieve them of the scourge of screw-worms. 库拉岛的试验取得巨大成功,引起了佛罗里达州牲畜饲养者的兴趣,他们也想以同样的方法消除螺旋锥蝇。

8.The cold winter of 1957-1958, when freezing temperatures gripped northern Florida,

gave an unexpected opportunity to start the program while the screw-worm populations were reduced and confined to a small area. 1957年冬季,天气严寒,佛罗里达州北部地区气温骤然降到了冰点,出乎意料地提供了开始这项工程的好机会。因为这时螺旋锥蝇数量减少,而且都集中到一个很小的地区。

9.Two train derailments 出轨at the weekend cut Sydney’s rail links with Melbourne

and the New North Coast. 周末发生了两起火车出轨事故,使悉尼与墨尔本和新南威尔士州北部海岸的铁路运输陷于中断。

三、化“虚”为“实”(from generic to specific)



2.What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties. 那时他们最渴望的就是结束这


3.The sight of his native place called back his childhood. 见到自己的故乡,他想起了童


4.This is the day for our two peoples to rise to the heights of greatness which can build a

new and a better world. 现在该是我们两国人民为缔造一个崭新的、更加美好的世界而攀登这一伟大境界高峰的时候了。

1.There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems, more than transient everydayness.他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会的和经济的问题,远不止一时的柴米油盐问题。Rawdon Crawley’s debut was, on the contrary, very brilliant. She arrived very late. Her face was radiant, her dress perfection. 她进场的时候简直没人理会,她丈夫因此大不惬意。罗登太太就不是这样,一露面就与众不同。她到得很晚,脸上光艳照人,浑身上下穿戴无懈可击。他们会告诉你的!他们都知道各种钻空子办法,各种障眼法及各种狡诈办法。他是一个聪明的学生,但因学习习惯不良而学得吃力。在黎巴嫩,打仗交火已经成了司空见惯的事。…追她的人当然很多,她都挑花了眼。电动机发明之后,电才开始造福于人类。运河是工程师们土法上马建成的,当时他们没有图纸可以参照。由于具有水利的便利条件,新英格兰才得以成为一个制造中心。为了尊重语言,我们不能把这个房子叫做房间,正如我们不能把一所茅屋叫做大厦一样。由于他溜须拍马的手段运用得如此娴熟,他想捞到的东西几乎都捞到了。/flattery不但按意思译成了原因,而且加上了“手段”使其具体化。

2.Some political scientists argue that the cynicism is more a rejection of specific policies

and incumbents than government itself. 一些政治家坚持说,人们之所以对政府冷嘲热讽是因为他们厌弃其某些具体政策和在职官员,而并非政府本身。Albert Einstein 肯定不时什么风度翩翩的人物,他的毛衣松松垮垮,裤子鼓鼓囊囊,他既不肯打领带,又不肯穿袜子,他说这些东西无用又讨厌。但这样的外表从来也没有埋没他的天才。他(Jefferson)精力极其充沛,他创造发明,著书立说,阐发新思想,并在人类努力从事的各个领域中有所开创。通常采用高架线传送高压电,以防人畜触电致死。在决策过程中,他已经不那么抛头露面了。

1.The best of women (I have heard my grandmother say) are hypocrites. We do n’t know

how much they hide from us: how watchful they are when they seem most artless and confidential:how often those frank smiles, which they wear so easily, are traps to cajole or elude or disarm. 我听我祖母说过,最贤良的女人都会假腥腥。我们从来不知道她们心里藏着多少秘密。她们表面上天真烂漫地跟你谈体己话儿,其实是步步留心提防着你。她们不费力气就能堆下满脸诚恳的笑容,往往为的是哄人,脱滑儿,叫你心软,上她们的当。他今年65岁,但身子骨却很硬朗。

2.Taft had set up headquarters with the confident phone number ME-1940. 塔夫脱的


3.Dawn met him well along the way. It was a pleasant uneventful ride.在东方欲晓的时


4.There is a lethal combination of high costs and high-ticket prices at work, and

fundamentally, one newspaper can cut down a show. 高成本的制作再加上昂贵的票价(指百老汇剧场),真要了百老汇的命。但根本的症结是:报上一篇剧评,就足以“枪毙”一出戏。

5.He had some cheerful wine at the party.聚会时他喝了一些酒,于是便浑身来劲儿。


7.It was at Tarr’s that she snatched up gifts for (her daughter) Biddy: the lovely doll

which resembled a plumper Biddy. 她送给Biddy(女儿)的礼物是在Tarr百货公司




1.The chapter ensuing treats of 谈及,探讨the comparative application in the

predicting plot runoff.下面一章叙述推算径流场径流的应用比较。

2.The mathematical model provides determination of the parametric参数的pressure

and speed of rotation fluctuation, the static values of the drive being known. 在已知静走驱动值的情况下,这个数学模型可以用来判定压力参数和转速波动参数。3.The world is still engaged in a massive-armament race designed to insure continuing

equivalent strength among potential adversaries. 世界仍在进行大规模的军备竞赛,目的是为了在潜在对手之间继续保持力量的平衡。

4.Mr. Oakhust drew the youthful speculator behind the door, and thus addressed

him, ”Tommy, you’re a good little man, but you don’t gamble worth a cen t. Don’t try i t over again.” Oakhust先生把这个想试试运气的年轻人拉到门口后对他这样说:“Tommy,你这小子挺不错,可是你赌博一窍不通,以后别再尝试了。”


6.Pressing down the button of the alarm clock, he curled up for a last warm moment

under the bed clothes. 他把闹钟的按钮按下,蜷缩在被子下面,享受最后一刻的温暖。




1.The plays adapted from Greek tragedies and Shakespearean drama by Tadashi Suzuki,

although performed in Japanese, caused a big stir among the western audience with their strange and cruel beauty. 铃木正的由希腊悲剧和莎士比亚戏剧改编的剧作,虽然用日语演出,但那种奇特而残酷的美,却在西方观众中引起了轰动。

2.They (American financial entrepreneurs) are brining about the “creative destruction”

by which capitalism regenerates itself. “This is a high tech world with lots of obsolescence (即将过去的东西,因陈旧而将被淘汰的东西),” says former De puty secretary of the Treasury Richard Darman, “Restructuring has to be constant.” 他们(美国金融家们)正在带来“创造性的破坏”,从而使资本主义不断更新。前财政部长理查德达曼说:“这是高科技的世界,很多事情转眼之间就变成明日黄花了,所以调整重组也须不断进行。”

3.It (New York) has the poorest millionaires, the smallest great men, the haughtiest

beggars, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, and the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw. 这座城市里(纽约)有的是心灵最空虚的百万富翁,人格最渺小的伟人,最目空一切的草包,最使人瞧不上眼的美女,最卑鄙龌龊的摩天大楼,和最使人悲哀的娱乐,比我所见到过的任何城市有过之而无不及。(不宜译为:“最贫穷的百万富翁,最矮小的伟人,最目空一切的乞丐,最普通的美女,最低矮的摩天大楼,最令人悲哀的欢乐)(以上1-2例可以进行直译,因为读者可以接



其他还需要意译的矛盾修饰还如:busy idleness无事忙(不宜:忙碌的闲暇);living death活地狱般的生活(不宜:活着的死);strenuous idleness令人腻烦/发慌的闲散(不宜:辛苦的闲散);painful pleasure、悲喜交加(不宜:痛苦的喜悦);cruel kindness 害人不浅的仁慈(不宜:残忍的仁慈);a cheerful pessimist纵情酒乐的厌世者(不宜:愉快的悲观主义者)



1.An outsider’s success could even curiously help the two parties to get the agreement

they want. 说来奇怪,一个局外人取得的成功竟然能够促使双方达成一项他们希望取得协议。

2.She was 82 and living in Keokuk when, unaccountably, she insisted upon attending a

convention of old settlers of the Mississippi valley. 82岁那年她住在基厄卡克镇时,不知什么缘故,她执意要去参加密西西比河流域老移民的年会。

3.She was expensively spoiled from the moment of birth. 她自从呱呱落地,就一直受




1.His story is unchallengedly true. 大家都认为他的话是无可辩驳的事实。

2.The unbelievably beautiful scenery of that place attracts a lot of tourists every day. 那


3.Few people consider her justifiably wrong. 几乎没有人认为她的错误是情有可原


4.This fact is brutally true. 这件事千真万确,谁也否认不了。

5.He is admittedly reliable. 他十分可靠,这是大家公认的。


Readings –

1.Some people take sharp exception 异议to girls’ indecent exposure to their neck and

shoulders and men’s being stripped to the waist in public. 有一些人反对女孩子在公共场合袒胸露背,对男人们当众光着上身也很反感,认为是有伤风化。

2.In the winter of 1879, James Lecky, exchequer 财政部clerk from Ireland, and

privately interested in phonetics, keyboard temperament 操练抚琴, and Gaelic, all of which subjects he imposed on me, dragged me to a meeting of a debating society call The Zetetical: a junior copy of the once well known Dialectical Society founded to discuss John Stuart Mill’s Essay on Liberty when that was new. 1879年,James Lecky 拉我去参加一次辩论会,Lecky是爱尔兰人,在财政部门当职员,有空喜欢研究语音,练习弹琴,学习盖尔语,他还硬叫我也学这些东西。这次他拉我去参加的辩论会是一个名叫“探索学会”的团体举办的。当年John Stuart Mill的文章《论自由》刚刚发表的时候,成立过一个“辩论学会”来讨论这篇文章,这个学会曾名噪一时。探索学会就是仿照这个学会建立起来的,只是没有它那么有名罢了。

3.The little chap’s good-natured honest face won his way for him. 这小伙子长相老实,


4.The proposal died a bureaucratic death. 由于官僚主义机构办事推诿拖延,这份建议


5.She regards having breakfast in bed on Sunday morning as a permissible indulgence. 星


6.A deplorable ignorance on this subject has resulted in a serious consequence. 对这一


7.It is the same sensation as I have experienced in looking at a photograph of, say, some

river valley of innermost China and seen a boulder … 这种感觉和我观看一张譬如说中国内地某个河谷的照片并看到一块漂石时所产生的感觉一模一样。


9.But in a certain sense he was the first musical romantic. 但在一定意义上他是第一个


10.This is a lesson for vocabulary extension. 这一课的内容是如何扩大词汇量。

11.He cancelled his room order.他退掉预定的房间。


Your work today (note the italics) –

1.Failure to answer half the questions they asked made the police suspect him.



2.The fallacy of détente was that it led Americans to expect too much, too soon. Little

steps, not giant strides, may in the long run be more effective.




4.The barbed有倒钩的shaft of love had penetrated his dull hide. Six weeks

approachability or opportunity had victimized him completely.



5.There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in his character.


6.… but Lady Southdown dismissed poor Briggs as quickly as decency permitted.


5 改:无奈吴唐老太太不喜欢布里格丝,勉强留她住了几天,糊过面子,就急急的打发她走了。


8.The inability to satisfy those expectations will mean increased social tensions,

especially where the regimes are already a byword 谚语for corruption and instability.

6 如果不能满足这些期望,那就意味着社会局势会愈来愈紧张,尤其是在那些腐化和动荡已经替代了政治的国度里。

7. Every one of us, except my poor hoodwinked (cheat, deceive) grandmother, heard of the bad news.




8 He relaxed himself by playing chess at the end of an arduous day’s work.


5.改: 他辛勤劳作一天,下班后下下棋,放松放松。

9 There’s been some dirty work with the company accounts and some money is missing.



10 She is an absolutely one-man wife.


7.改; 她是一位忠实的妻子,坚信从一而终的信念(她坚贞忠实,从一而终)。9.She is a good washer.



10.Our troops won overwhelming victories in quick succession.



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