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成人版一册 Unit 55 教师版

成人版一册 Unit 55 教师版
成人版一册 Unit 55 教师版

Unit 55

A good idea


【含义及用法】形容词的比较级和最高级: 形容词的比较级和最高级形式是在形容词的原级形式的基础上变化的。 分为规则变化和不规则变化。

1. 常用的不规则变化的形容词的比较级和最高级如下,这些不规则变化需要单独记忆:


2. 形容词前加less 和least ,则表示“较不”和“最不”。

E.g. difficult 难 less difficult 较不难 least difficult 最不难

interesting 有趣 less interesting 较无趣 least interesting 最无趣

3.可数名词的多与少,用many 与few 来表达,相应地,其比较和最高级分别为more ,most 和fewer ,fewest ;不可数名词的多与少,则用much 与little 来表达,其比较和最高级分别为more ,most 和less ,least 。

E.g. I've made more mistakes than you have, and Rachel has made the most.


I've made fewer mistakes than Rachel has, and you have made the fewest.


比较级 最高级 good / well

Better best bad / ill

Worse worst many / much

More most little

Less least old older (新旧或年龄)/elder (兄弟姐妹的长幼关系)

oldest/ eldest far

farther (表示距离,译为“更远”)/ further (表示程度,


farthest/ furthest



I've got more water than you have, and Rachel has got the most.


I've got less water than Rachel has, and you've got the least.



Complete the sentences.

1. Tommy's homework is much ________ (good) than it was last year.

2. The green apple is as ________ (sweet) as the red one.

3. Andy made ________ (many) mistakes than Tina did in the test.

4. It's very boring. This is the ________ (interesting) book I have ever read.

5. This blue ear is cheaper than that car. It means this blue car is ________ (expensive) than that red one.


1. better

2. sweet

3. more

4.least interesting

5. less expensive


1. 句意:Tommy今年的家庭作业做得比去年好多了。本题主要考查形容词比较级的特殊变化,根据


2. 句意:绿色的苹果跟红色的苹果一样甜。本题主要考查形容词比较级句型中as + 形容词原级+ as的句型,所以sweet在本句中为原级。

3. 句意:在(这次)考试中,Andy犯的错误比Tina要多。本题主要考查形容词比较级的特殊变化,根据


4. 句意:这实在是太无聊了,这是我看过的最无聊的书。本题主要考查形容词最高级的特殊变化,由于interesting 为多音节词,所以应该带前缀词,形容词前如加least 则表示为"最不" ,所以答案应为least interesting。

5. 句意:这辆蓝色车比那个车更便宜,就是说这辆蓝色的车没有那辆红色的车那么贵。本题主要考查形容词比较级的特殊变化,形容词前如加less 和least 则表示"较不"和"最不" ,因此表示较不贵的方式应为less expensive。

Sentence structure



1.A+ be + (much ,a lot ,a little ,a bit , far, even )+ 比较级+ B.



E.g. He is much taller than I.他比我要高得多。

2. 具体数量词+ 比较级



E.g. I am two years older than he.我比他大两岁。

3.比较级+ and + 比较级


E.g. It is getting warmer and warmer.天气越来越暖和。4.“the + 比较级…,the + 比较级…”


E.g. The more,the better.多多益善。

5. “less + 原级+ than…”


E.g. She is less healthy than he. 她的身体没有他那么健康。


Transform the following sentences into another way.

1. You are taller than I am.


2. You've got more vegetables than I have.


3. You've got heavier boxes than I have.


4. You've made fewer mistakes than I have.


5. You've got more sugar than I have.



1. I am the shortest.

2. I've got the least vegetables.

3. I've got the lightest boxes.

4. I've made the most mistakes.

5. I've got less sugar than I have.



idea n. 主意

a little少许

a few几个

teaspoonful n.一满茶匙的(量)

less adj.较少的,更少的

pity n.遗憾

instead adv. 代替

advice n. 建议,忠告

most adj. 最多的(many, much的最高级)

least adj. 最小的,最少的(little的最高级)

best adj. 最好的(good的最高级)

worse adj. 更坏的(bad的比较级)

worst adj. 最坏的(bad的最高级)


1. idea


E.g. I have a good idea. 我有个好主意.

【辨析】区分idea与opinion ,thought, view. Idea表达的含义较广,表示主意,想法,各种看法opinion 主要指对某事具体的看法、观点、想法

E.g.In my opinion, that’s a good idea. 在我看来,那是个好主意.

thought 思想;思考;想法;关心,主要特指成系统的思想,

E.g. I wonder who thought of the idea.javascript:void(0); 我纳闷谁想出这个主意的。

view 意见,表示个人观点,侧重个人意见

E.g. I have the same view.javascript:void(0); 我也有同样的观点。

good idea 好主意

bad idea 坏主意

Intelligent idea 聪明的主意

someone(somebody)’s idea 某人的主意

2. a little



【辨析】区分a little/little

a little修饰不可数名词,表示肯定含义(即为有);虽然少,但是还是有的,词义重心落在”有”的上面.

little 修饰不可数名词,表示否定含义(几乎没有);不仅少,而且是几乎没有,词义重心落在”几乎没有”上.


E.g. He has little money. 他几乎没有钱.

He has a little money. 他有一点钱.

I have a little milk. 我(杯子里)还有一点牛奶。

I have little milk. 我(杯子里)几乎没牛奶了。

3. a few


【辨析】区分a few/few

a few 修饰可数名词,表示肯定含义;

few 修饰可数名词,表示否定含义


E.g. She has a few friends here. 在这里她有几个好朋友。

She has few friends here. 在这里她几乎没有朋友

She has a few books to read. 她有好几本书要看。

She has few books to read. 她没什么书要看了。(她几乎都看完了或者没有可以选择的了)

4. teaspoonful

【释义】名词,一满茶匙的(量) 复数teaspoonfuls

【辨析】One Teaspoonful每次一勺

a teaspoonful of sugar一茶匙糖

two teaspoonful of honey两茶匙的蜂蜜

a level teaspoonful一平茶匙

E.g. I want a teaspoonful of sugar with my coffee. 我的(那杯)咖啡加一茶匙的糖。

Give him one teaspoonful three times a day.javascript:void(0); 每天给他吃这个(药),每天三次,每次一茶匙。

How many teaspoonfuls do you want?你要多少茶匙(糖/蜂蜜等)?

5. pity




但是shame还可表示“可耻之事;令人难堪的事”,指说话人对某种行为感到厌烦、憎恶或讨厌,而pity 没有这一意思。

What a pity 多遗憾啊

E.g. What a pity/shame that she can not come! 她不能来真是遗憾!

It is a shame/pity that I can’t help you.很遗憾我没能帮上你(的忙)。

a pity thing 遗憾的事

6. instead


E.g. He is too busy, let me go instead. 他太忙了,让我去吧。

He didn't give John the money, but he gave it to me instead. 他没把钱给约翰,却给了我。

【辨析】区分take the place of/ in (the) place of /instead of

take the place of 取代,代替(做谓语,用在名词,代词前)

in (the) place of 相当于instead of 也是代替的意思,但instead of 还含有“而不是”的意思。

E.g. Who will take the place of Mr White? 谁将代替怀特先生?

I will go to this meeting in place of you. 我会代替你去参加这次会议。

instead of 用…代替,而不是…

E.g. We will go by bus instead of on foot. 我们坐车去,而不是步行。

She prefers buying books instead of borrowing them from the library.


7. advice


E.g. You'd better take my advice next time. 你下次最好听从我的建议。


E.g. I advice you to stop smoking. 我建议你不要再抽烟了。




表示"一条建议"用a piece of advice,

"一些建议"是some advice


"一条建议"用a suggestion

"一些建议"是some suggestions

"许多建议"是many suggestions

E.g. I want to give you a little advice. 我想给你提出一点建议。

He gave us many useful suggestions. 他给了我们很多有用的建议。

a piece of advice 一条建议

take one's advice 听众某人的建议

follow one's advice 采纳某人的建议

advice sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事


Complete the words.

1. Those clothes are too old- fashioned and do not s________ me at all.

2. What a p________! He tailed.

3. Please pint a t________ of sugar into the tea.

4. I did not smoke, but ate some biscuits i________.

5. it is a good i________ to cat more and smoke less.


1.suit 2.pity 3.teaspoonful 4.instead 5.idea


Listen and choose the best answer.

1. Which subject does Tom learn best?

A. English.

B. Moths.

C. Biology.

2. What's Miss Green's telephone number?

A. 95346278.

B. 95436278.

C. 95342678.

3. When did the meeting begin?

A. At 1:40.

B. At 2:00.

C. At 2:20.

4. Who jumped highest at the sports meeting?

A. Sam.

B. Tim.

C. Tom.

5. What are they going to do tomorrow?

A. They're going to watch the volleyball game.

B. They're going to pay a visit to the West Lake.

C. They're going to sleep earlier.




Text 1

Woman: How about your mid-term exams, Tom?

Man: I got an A for English, a C for moths and a D for biology.

Text 2

Woman: Hello! Cart I speak to Miss Green?

Man: Sorry, but she is in her office now, and her telephone number is 95346278.

Text 3

Woman: Sorry, I'm late.

Man: Oh, it's two o'clock now. The meeting has been on for twenty minutes.

Text 4

Woman: Hi, Tom, did Sam jump highest at the sports meeting?

Man: No. He got the second place. Tim won at last.

Text 5

Woman: Shall we go to the volleyball game tonight?

Man: No, we'd better not. We must go to bed earlier.

We are going to visit the West Lake tomorrow.


I Multiple choice.

1. There are ~four pairs of shoes and this pair is the ________

A. beautifulness

B. more beautiful

C. most beautiful

D. beautiful most

2. Tom is absent from school, because he is ill. ________.

A. That's good idea

B. What a pity

C. What pity it is

D. That's all right

3. ________ of them know the city very well.

A. No one

B. None

C. Much

D. A lot

4. Have you got ________ money?

Yes, we have ________ money.

A. some; some

B. any; any

C. some; any

D. any; some

5. The white cat is ________ than the black one.

A. more small

B. smaller

C. the smallest

D. smallest







II Fill in the blanks.

1. This building is ________ (high) than that one.

2. Tom is the ________ (clever) student in his class.

3. Jenny is ________ (tall) than her friend, Joan.

4. This box is ________ (heavy) than that one.

5. This blue coat is the ________ (cheap) one in our shop.


1.higher 2.cleverest 3.taller 4.heavier 5.cheapest 6.best

III Transform the sentences.

1.This question is difficult. I cannot answer it. (too…to结构)


2.Tom is tall. Jane is taller. (合并为一句)


3.Tom is young. John is younger than Tom. Robert is younger than John. (改为最高级形式) _______________________________________________________

4.He is shorter than any other students in this school. (改为最高级形式)


5.I'm happier than anyone else in the world. (改为最高级形式)



1. This question is too difficult for me to answer.

2. Jane is taller than Tom.

3. Robert is the youngest of file three.

4. He is the shortest in this school.

5. I am the happiest in the world.

IV Translation.












1. This is the best hostel I've ever seen.

2. I've got fewer presents than you have.

3. Have you got any envelopes?

4. I am the shortest student in my class.

5. This is the worst news I've ever heard.

Sample test

1. ---Who is ________ running star in your college?

---I think Philip is. (2007长春中考)

A.famous B. more famous C.the most famous D.less famous

2. --- What bad wearer! (2008重庆中考)

---Yes. The radio says it will be even ________ later on.

A.bad B.badly C.worse D.worst

3. ---Which month has ________ days in a year? (2011雅安中考)


A.few B.little C.the least D.the fewest

4. ---what do you think of the dress? (2007河南中考)

---Wonderful. I don't think I can find a ________ one.

A.good B.better C.bad D.worst

5. China is one of ________ countries in the world. (2011南充中考)

A.larger B.largest C.the largest


1. C

【解析】句意:——谁是你们大学最著名的跑步明星?——我想是菲利普。题干中有“in your college”这个表范围的短语,故判断应用最高级,故选C。

2. C


3. D


4. B


5. C

【解析】句意:中国是世界上最大的国家之一。本题主要考查比较级和最高级的用法。”one of the+形容词的最高级+名词复数”表示:最……的之一.

高三译林版一轮教师用书:第1部分 必修5 Unit 1 Getting along with

Unit 1Getting along with others Ⅰ.写作单词——会拼写 1.pretend v i.&v t.假装;装扮,扮作2.beg v t.&v i.请求,恳求;乞讨3.focus n.焦点;重点 v i.&v t.集中于……;(使)聚焦4.remark n.&v i.评论,谈论5.quarrel n.&v i.争吵,争执6.blame v t.责备,指责 n.责任;责备,指责7.overcome v t.克服,解决 8.attitude n.态度,看法 9.eager adj.热切的,急不可待的10.betray v t.出卖,背叛 11.envy v t.& n.羡慕,忌妒12.swear v t.&v i.发誓;咒骂 Ⅱ.拓展单词——能辨别 1.admit v t. &v i.承认;允许进入,接纳→admission n.承认;进入;许可2.forgive v t.原谅,宽恕 →forgiveness n.原谅,宽恕 3.manner n.方式;态度,举止

→manners n.礼貌;礼仪 4.argue v i.争吵,争论 →argument n.争辩,争论 5.apologize v i.道歉 →apology n.道歉 6.disagree v i.不同意,有分歧 →disagreement n.分歧,争论,意见不一7.amuse v t.娱乐,消遣,使发笑 →amusing adj.好笑的,有趣的 →amused adj.高兴的 →amusement n.娱乐,消遣 8.mercy n.宽恕;仁慈 →merciful adj.仁慈的;宽容的 9.respond v i.做出反应,回应 →response n.回答;反应 10.dislike v t.不喜欢,厌恶 →like v t.喜欢 11.rely v i.依靠,依赖 →reliable adj.可靠的,可依赖的 12.hope n.& v. 希望 →hopeful adj.有希望的,怀有希望的,满怀希望的 →hopefully ad v. 有希望的,有前途地 →hopeless adj.没有好转希望的,无望的;糟透的Ⅲ.阅读单词——要识记 1.sincerely ad v.真诚地 2.sensitive adj.易生气的;敏感的;体贴的 3.topic n.话题 4.adolescent adj.青春期的


语言文字运用 (高一语文培优) 一、扩展语句与压缩语段 (一)解读 扩展语句首先需要关注和理解原句的容形式。在理解的基础上,拓展思维空间,增添标书容,丰富语句涵。或是添加附加成分;或是增加分局,补充完善应有的容;或是运用修辞方法,把抽象的容表达得具体、丰满、生动、形象;或是用阐释、引申、想象、联想把几个词或场景连缀成一个完整的意思,表现一个生动的画面等。 一般包括以下几种:①将若干词语合理扩展成一句话或几句话;②将一句话合理扩展为几句话或一段文字;③依据试题所提供的情境进行合理的想象。 压缩语段需要注意准确理解段与段、句与句关系的基础上辨别主次,留主舍次,保留关键信息。 一般包括以下几种:①提炼要点,主要抓关键词或关键句;②概括观点,把某一具体的道理变成泛指的、通用的道理;③组织导语;④拟定标题等等。 压缩语段主要考察学生对有关信息的抽取提炼能力,常用的考查方式有:概括容要点,提取关键词,下定义,写总结句,给新闻拟一句话新闻、写标题、提炼导语等。 (二)练习 1.为活跃校园文化生活,华南七中学生会举办了一个“四季花卉”摄影作品展,请你为作品展写一段前言,要求语言鲜明、生动,语意连贯,至少使用两种修辞手法,不于60个字(含标点符号)。(6分) 【示例】“四季花卉”摄影作品展是由华南七中学生会主办的旨在活跃校园文化生活的活动,这些展出的作品着重表现岁月流转而美人依旧的自然美,它们凝聚了同学们的汗水与智慧,相信一定会给观众带来叹为观止的艺术感受。(比喻和借代)【解析】本题考查考生语言的简明、连贯、得体及准确、鲜明、生动等综合语言运用能力。材料要求写前言,做题时注意要开门见山,直接提示作品展的基本信息;言简意赅,围绕标题介绍作品展功能、目的及意义。字数控制在要求围。 2.祖冲之、王羲之、轼、清照都是中国历史上的文化名人,假如他们正在你就读的中学读书,拟参加大学特长生招生考试,请你选择其中的一位,以校长的名义,为其写一段推荐语。(要求:略去称呼语和落款,不要出现学校的真实名称,不少于60 字)(6分) 推荐语:我校王羲之同学有较深的学识修养,一篇《兰亭集序》,畅叙幽情,被众多文人传颂。更为难能可贵的是他是书法天才,其书法飘若浮云,矫若游龙,堪称一绝。现特重向贵校推荐。(突出被推荐人物的特长2分,用语得体2分,语言通畅有文采2分。字数不合要求,扣1分。) 3.概括下面语段的主要信息,不超过50个字(含标点符号)。(5分) 近日,一些网友发布信息,号召节约粮食。随后,新浪网发起“光盘行动”:拒绝浪费,从我做起,晒出自己吃光的盘子,一起向舌尖上的浪费说“不”,争做节约达人。该信息被

BK6 教师用书 Unit 1

Unit 1 Paper Tigers Wesley Yang Additional Background Information (About Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother) What follows is a comment on Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Elizabeth Chang, an editor of The Washington Post's Sunday Magazine, which carried the article on January 8th, 2011. The cover of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother was catnip to this average parent's soul. Although the memoir seems to have been written to prove that Chinese parents are better at raising children than Western ones, the cover text claims that instead it portrays "a bitter clash of cultures, a fleeting taste of glory" and how the Tiger Mother “was humbled by a 13-year-old.” As a hopelessly Western mother married into a Chinese family living in an area that generates immigrant prodigies as reliably as clouds produce rain, I was eager to observe the comeuppance of a parent who thought she had all the answers. And, in many ways, "Tiger Mother" did not disappoint. At night, I would nudge my husband awake to read him some of its more revealing passages, such as when author Amy Chua threatened to burn her older daughter's stuffed animals if the child didn't improve her piano playing. "What Chinese parents understand," Chua writes, "is that nothing is fun until you're good at it." By day, I would tell my own two daughters about how Chua threw unimpressive birthday cards back at her young girls and ordered them to make better ones. For a mother whose half-Chinese children played outside while the kids of stricter immigrant neighbors could be heard laboring over the violin and piano, the book can be wickedly gratifying. Reading it is like secretly peering into the home of a controlling, obsessive yet compulsively honest mother—one who sometimes makes the rest of us look good, if less remarkable and with less impressive offspring. Does becoming super-accomplished make up for years of stress? That's something my daughters and I will never find out. Chua is a law professor and author of two acclaimed books on international affairs, though readers of "Tiger Mother" get only a glimpse of that part of her life, with airy, tossed off-lines such as "Meanwhile, I was still teaching my courses at Yale and finishing up my second book" while also "traveling continuously, giving lectures about democratization and ethnic conflict." Her third book abandons global concerns to focus intimately on Chua's attempt to raise her two daughters the way her immigrant parents raised her. There would be no play dates and no sleepovers: "I don't really have time for anything fun, because I'm Chinese," one of Chua's daughters told a friend. Instead, there would be a total commitment to academics and expertise at something, preferably an instrument. Though Chua's Jewish husband grew up with parents who encouraged him to imagine—and to express himself, he nonetheless agreed to let her take the lead in rearing the children and mostly serves as the Greek chorus to Chua's crazed actions.


语文综合训练1(语言文字运用+文学类文本阅读+古诗文阅读) 第一部分语言文字运用 夕阳西下,河上妆成一抹胭脂的薄媚。是被青溪的姊妹们所熏染的吗?还是匀得她们脸上的残脂呢?寂寂的河水随双桨打它,终是没言语。密匝匝的绮恨逐老去的年华,已都如蜜饧似的融在流波的心窝里,连呜咽也将嫌它多事,更哪里论到哀嘶。心头,宛转的凄怀;口内,徘徊的低唱;留在夜夜的秦淮河上。 既踏进所谓“六朝金粉气”的销金窝,谁不笑笑呢!今天的一晚,且默了滔滔的言说,且舒了恻恻的情怀,暂且学着,姑且学着我们平时认为在醉里梦里的他们的憨痴笑语。看!初上的灯儿们一点点掠剪柔腻的波心,梭织地往来,把河水都皴[注]得微明了。纸薄的心旌,我的,尽无休息地跟着它们飘荡,以至于怦怦而内热。 我们,醉不以涩味的酒,以微漾着,轻晕着的夜的风华。不是什么欣悦,不是什么慰藉,只感到一种怪陌生、怪异样的朦胧。朦胧之中似乎胎孕着一个如花的笑——这么淡,那么淡的倩笑。淡到已不可说,已不可拟,且已不可想;但我们终久是眩晕在它离合的神光之下的。 [注]皴(cūn):中国画技法之一,涂出物体纹理或阴阳向背。 18.下列各句中的破折号,和文中破折号作用相同的一项是(3 分)( ) A.鲁大海,你现在没有资格跟我说话——矿上已经把你开除了。 B.醉心阅读使我得到了报偿——从小学三年级开始学写作文起,我便常常跃居全班之冠,而阅读也大大扩展了我的想象力。 C.三只五只的白鸥轻轻地掠过,翅膀扑着波浪——一点一点躁怒起来的波浪。 D.你画得真好。——你为什么这样勇敢,不怕他? 【答案】C【解析】原句的破折号起到对上句补充修饰的作用。A项,引出对事情原因的解释;B项,对.上句的具体解释;C项对上句的补充和修饰;D项语意的跳跃。 19.比拟具有转换性,请据此对文中画横线的句子所用比拟手法进行简要分析。(4分) 【答案】①文中运用拟人的手法将灯当作人来写将灯赋予了人的特点与情感;(2分)②更为生动形象地体现出了夜晚的秦淮河迷蒙柔美、光影交错的特点。(2分) 20.文中画波浪线的句子可以改写成:“那些凄怀和低唱留在夜夜的秦淮河上”,从语义上来看二者基本相同,为什么说原文表达效果更好? (4分) 【答案】①原句“凄怀”和“低唱”单独成句起到强调、突出的作用,更能体现作者的情感;(2分) ②原文句式更整齐更有节奏感与音韵感也与上文语体-致语言风格更统一。(2分) 21.下面文段有四处语病,请指出其序号并做修改,使语言表达准确流畅。(4分) ①在部分防疫物资出口支撑、海外经济改善的带动下,②使8月中国出口继续超预期增长,同比增速升至年内最高。③根据海关总署9月7日发布的数据显示,④8月中国出口同比增长9.5%,⑤高于7月2.3个百分点;⑥进口同比则下降1倍,⑦降幅较7月扩大0.7个百分点。⑧此前《财新》对16家国内外机构的调查显示,⑨经济学家对贸易顺差的预测均值为490.8亿美元,⑥比7月减少将近132.5亿美元左右。 【答案】(1)语句②修改为:“8月中国出口继续超预期增长同比增速升至年内最高。” (2) 语句③修改为“根据海关总署9月7日发布的数据”或者“海关总署9月7日发布的数据显示。” (3)语句⑥修改为:“进口同比则下降50%” (4)语句⑩修改为:“比7月减少将近132.5亿美元”或“比7月减少132.5亿美元左右。” 世界上的万事万物都不是一成不变的,①。这种变动不居的特性正是谋事要“生于虑”的深刻背景。正所谓“人无远虑,必有近忧”。充满了先人智慧的这句谚语,告诚人们不要忘却了远景期待,而只盯着眼前的事物。孔子一再警醒世人,“虑之不远,其忧即至”。荀子说得也很通俗:“先事虑事,先患虑患先事虑事谓之接,接则事犹成。 ② ,豫则祸不生虽然今天的时空环境同先贤们所处的时代大不相同,但是和“凡事预则立,不预则废”的道理并无二致。在瞬息万变的当今时代,要想掌握推动事物发展的主动权,就必须未雨绸缪。对于改革开放来讲,更是如此。它本身就是一项空前绝后的创新性探索,其间难免会遇到诸多不确定性因素,遭遇

【精品】高中英语(人教版 选修7)教师用书:Unit 1 Section_Ⅲ Learning_ab

人教版英语精品资料 Section_ⅢLearning_about_Language_&_Using_Language Ⅰ.Read the text and then match the main idea with each paragraph. Paragraph 1 A.Earphones are necessary beside all seats for hearing-impaired people. Paragraph 2 B.Seats can be raised for people to see the screen easily. Paragraph 3 C.Lifts should be offered to all parts of the cinema. Paragraph 4 D.The purpose of writing the letter. Paragraph 5 E.Reasons why the designer should take the disabled into consideration. Paragraph 6 F.Toilets should be convenient for the disabled to reach. Paragraph 7 G.Car parking spaces are important especially for the disabled customers. 答案:Paragraph 1~7 DCABFGE Ⅱ.Read the text and then choose the best answers. 1.From the text we know that Alice Major advised the architect to consider ________ things. A.two B.three C.four D.five 2.If the lifts are at the back of the cinema in cold and unattractive areas, this will make disabled people feel they are ________ other customers. A.more important than B.as important as C.twice as important as D.less important than 3.What does “hearing-impaired” mean? A.耳聋的B.耳鸣的 C.耳聪的D.耳障的 4.Which of the following is NOT true?


语言文字训练 1、下面是朱光潜《诗论》中的一段文字。请用一句话概括朱光潜对陶渊明的评价,不超过15字。 自钟嵘推渊明为“隐逸诗人之宗”,一般人都看重渊明的隐逸一方面;自颜真卿做诗表白渊明眷恋晋室的心迹以后,一般人又看重渊明的忠贞一方面。渊明是隐士,却不是一般人所想象的孤高自赏、不食人间烟火气,像《红楼梦》里妙玉性格的那种隐士;渊明是忠臣,却也不是他自己所景仰的荆轲、张良那种忠臣。渊明还有极实际极平常的一方面,他处处都最近人情,保持着一个平常人的家常便饭的风格。 答案(陶渊明是)最近人情的隐士与忠臣。 解析本题要求考生概括朱光潜对陶渊明的评价。陶渊明是中国文化史上的重要人物,选择这一素材考查学生的概括能力,增强了试卷的文化味。评价显然是在比较中进行,关键词为“隐士”“忠臣”和“近人情”。 2、《论语》中“己所不欲,勿施于人”“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”,蕴含了丰富的人生智慧。请根据其中一句给你的启示,写出自己处理人际关系的想法和做法。要求:①内容具体; ②句式工整;③语言简明、得体;④60—80字。 答: 答案示例一:自己不想说的话,不强求他人说;自己不愿听的话,不强求他人听;自己不愿做的事,不强求他人做。设身处地感受他人难处,推己及人避免强人所难。 示例二:为他人生活提供方便,为和谐相处创造条件;为他人成长贡献力量,为共同发展奉献智慧。在成全他人中成就自我,在分享快乐中创造幸福。 解析本题将理解文化经典和语言表达简明、得体,扩展语句结合起来考查,呈现出很强的综合性。答题时,首先要正确理解这两句话的含意,领悟其中蕴含的人生智慧;再结合自己的生活实际和人生体验,表明自己处理人际关系的想法和做法,做到有理有据,句式工整,语言简明、得体,字数符合要求。 3、请补写出空缺处的语句,与前两句构成排比,使语段意思连贯,风格统一。 作一次心灵旅行,就以那一本本零落的古卷残页为车票,感受着穿越时空的欣喜。我与李白共攀蜀道,与辛弃疾拍遍栏杆,,。无论是漠北黄沙,还是江南水乡,我都一一留下足迹。 答案示例一:与屈子上下求索与杜牧晚坐枫林 示例二:与岑参同赏“梨花”与柳永泛舟钱塘 解析本题考查仿用句式的能力。补写时,要注意选取古代诗人,同时联系其代表作中的代表词语,组合成符合语境的句子;句式要与前两句相同,构成排比。 4、阅读下面一则消息,将其概括成一句话新闻,不超过15个字。 据《京华时报》报道,国务院总理李克强访问泰国期间,中泰两国签署了《关于深化铁路合作的谅解备忘录》。跨国铁路激发“泛亚铁路网”联想。高铁所代表的“中国速度”,将为区域经济一体化注入新动力。铁路专家、同济大学教授孙章介绍,中国高铁在国内大发展的同时,也积极谋划“走出去”。目前中国已经与包括美国、巴西、白俄罗斯在内的多个国家建立高铁合作关系。他认为,中国高铁能在短短几年间驶出国门,主要源于三大优势。首先是性价比,一份研究报告显示,国外建设高铁每千米成本为0.5亿美元,而中国只要0.33亿美元;其次是技


U n i t3V e r b a l a n d N o n-v e r b a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n Unit overview Both Units 1 and 2 mention a key word “communication”.As Thomas Payne points out in Text B of Unit 2, most of us, linguists or non-linguists, have the common-sense notion that “the main purpose of human language is communication”. Thus to develop a deeper understanding of the nature and function of language, we need to take a close at human communication. This unit examines this topic from a cross-cultural perspective, illustrating the similarities and differences in verbal and non-verbal communication between different cultures, which lays a foundation for further exploration into the interface between language and culture in the following units. Text A People in different communities demonstrate different perceptions and rules of both verbal and non-verbal communication. The way they interact is culturally relative in almost every aspect, including when to talk, what to say, pacing and pausing, listenership, intonation and prosody, formulaicity, indirectness, and coherence and cohesion. Text B Some non-verbal behaviors are practically universal and have the same meaning wherever you are (e.g., smiling and facial expressions of anger, surprise, fear, sadness, and so on). But for cultural and historical reasons, there have also developed great differences and variations in such aspects as eye contact, touch, gestures, and territorial space, etc. Without an awareness of respect and accommodation for people from a different background, these differences are likely to cause misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication. The two texts supplement each other in that Text A illustrates cross-cultural differences in both verbal and non-verbal communication while Text B focuses on non-verbal behaviors and addressesboth differences and similarities. Teaching objectives This unit is designed to help students develop their reading skills, communicative competence, critical thinking, intercultural reflection and abilities of autonomous learning in the following aspects. Reading skills: Use context to understand a new word Identify cohesive devices Predict the content of an upcoming sentence/paragraph

2020届疯狂专练1 文言文+名篇名句+语言文字运用( 教师版)

文言文 一、(宁夏银川市2020届高三月考)文言文阅读(本题共4小题,19分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成下列1~4题。 杨继宗,字承芳,阳城人。天顺初进士 ..主事。成化初,用王翱荐,擢嘉兴知府。以一仆自随,署 ..,授刑部 斋萧然。性刚廉孤峭,人莫敢犯。而时时集父老问疾苦,为祛除之。大兴社学。民间子弟八岁不就学者,罚其父兄。遇学官以宾礼。师儒竞劝,文教大兴。御史孔儒清军,里老多挞死。继宗榜曰:“御史杖人至死者,诣府报名。”儒怒。继宗入见曰:“为治有体。公但剔奸弊,劝惩官吏。若比户稽核,则有司事,非宪体也。” 儒不能难,而心甚衔之。濒行,突入府署,发箧视之,敝衣数袭而已,儒惭而去。中官 ..过者,继宗遗以菱芡、历书。中官索钱,继宗即发牒取库金,曰:“金具在,与我印券。”中官咋舌不敢受。入觐,汪直欲见之,不可。宪宗问直:“朝觐官孰廉?”直对曰:“天下不爱钱者,惟杨继宗一人耳。”九载秩满,超迁浙江按察使。数与中官张庆忤。庆兄敏在司礼,每于帝前毁继宗。帝曰:“得非不私一钱之杨继宗乎?”敏惶恐,遗书庆曰:“善遇之,上已知其人矣。”闻母丧,立出,止驿亭下,尽籍廨中器物付有司。惟携一仆、书数卷而还。继宗力持风节,而居心慈厚。为浙江按察时,仓官十余人坐缺粮系狱,至鬻子女以偿。继宗欲宽之而无由。一日送月俸至命量之则溢原数较他司亦然因悟仓吏缺粮之由将具实以闻众惧请于继宗愿捐俸代偿,由是十人者获释。 尝监乡试 ..得二卷,具朝服再拜曰:“二子当大魁天下,吾为朝廷得人贺耳。”及拆卷,王华、李旻也,后果相继为状元。人服其鉴。 (节选自《明史·杨继宗传》,有删改) 1.下列对文中画波浪线部分的断句,正确的一项是(3分)() A.一日送月俸/至命量之/则溢原数/较他司亦然/因悟仓吏缺粮之/由将具实以闻/众惧/请于继宗/愿捐俸代偿/ B.一日/送月俸至/命量之则溢/原数较他司亦然/因悟仓吏缺粮之由/将具实以闻/众惧请于继宗/愿捐俸代偿/ C.一日/送月俸至/命量之/则溢原数/较他司亦然/因悟仓吏缺粮之由/将具实以闻/众惧/请于继宗/愿捐俸代偿/ D.一日/送月俸/至命量之/则溢原数/较他司亦然/因悟仓吏缺粮之由/将具实/以闻众惧/请于继宗/愿捐俸代偿/ 【答案】C 【解析】此题考查学生文言文断句能力。解答此类题,考生不仅需要具备一定的文言阅读的语感和断句技巧,而且还应具备一定的文化素养。文言断句有很多的标志,比如:四字短语、排偶句式、顶真修辞等等。还可以利用名词代词在句中担当的成分来断。本句找出句中名词代词,如“月俸”“之”“原数”“他司”“仓吏”“继宗”等,然后依据语法关系进行排除。“量”是动词,“之”是其宾语,故“之”后应断开,排除B



低年级如何提升语言文字运用的能力 个性化发展在语文教学的过程中,很多老师经常会走入这样一个误区:即把“教语文”与“教课文”等同起来。这样一下子将语文的范围缩小了。语文课缺少了语文知识、语文方法和语文技能,限制了学生运用语言文字的机会。语文课应该是认知——实践——迁移的过程,所以,语文教学要侧重于语言文字的积累和运用,以及阅读能力的培养,从读到写,层层递进。 关于“语言文字的运用”,我们容易将它理解为简单的“表达”,即强调的是写作能力的培养。其实不然,“语言文字的运用”,应该包括生活、工作和学习中的听说读写活动以及文学活动,根据小学生理解能力的特点,小学生语言文字运用能力的培养主要指的是识字写字能力、书面表达能力、口头表达能力、阅读能力。简单地说:就是从“听说读写”四个方面有效地培养学生的语文素养。 在小学的低年学段,学生的听说读写各项能力都比较薄弱,教学的重点在于识字、写字,这虽然是低年级教学的核心,但我们同样不能因为过度强度识字与写字教学,而忽略学习“语言文字的运用”。二者并不矛盾,识字是基础,“语言文字的运用”是一种技能。我们关注语言文字的理解与运用,自然就能关注低年级的识字与写字教学了。语文是语言的学习,词不离字,句不离词,相依相存。如果在低年学段能合理有效地进行语言文字运用的训练与培养,那很多问题便可迎刃而解。 如何在低年级有效地进行语言文字运用的训练与培养?笔者认为:可以从以下几方面尝试展开: 一、明确教学目标,注重语言运用。 低年级的语文教学目标,在识字写字的基础上,应以“学习语言文字的运用”为目标。很长一段时间来,语文课的教学形态就是讲读课文,通过课文来达到理解思想内容、理解表达形式,教师把感悟思想内容、分析理解作为语文课的教学目标。提高学生学习语言文字运用的能力,必须改变这种侧重于教学内容为主的教学目标,应明确教学目标,提出需要完成的任务。叶圣陶先生曾说:课文只是个“例子”,语文课应该是用课文教学生如何阅读、如何写作。低年学段处于语言文字运用的启蒙阶段,能在这个时候就有意识培养学生“语用”的能力,对培养他们的语文素养有很大的辅助作用。 人教版一年级下册第十四课的《荷叶圆圆》是一篇轻快活泼的散文诗,全诗充满夏日的童趣,学生在诵读中能够充分体验夏天的美好,是深受低年级学生喜欢的课文。许多教师在

高中英语必修2 教师用书 Unit 1

The world we live in is full of things that can't be explained even by today's science. They are mysterious because no satisfactory① answers have been offered② to explain them. Though these mysteries have puzzled people for a long time, they still show great interest in them. The most famous one is the UFOs. UFO stands for③ Unidentified Flying Object. According to some witnesses, they are bright and move at a slow, steady speed with little noise. Yetis are famous too. The Yeti has been called the “missing link” — half-man, half-beast. It is supposed to④ live in the highest mountain in the world — Mount Qomolangma. Do you hear of the story of Crop Circles? Crop circles often appear in spring or summer when wheat, barley, rye⑤ or maize⑥ is growing in the fields. A crop circle is a large pattern created by the flattening⑦ crop. The first crop circle was discovered in England in 1647. They have been found in many places all over the world. Stonehenge is a monument of huge rock slabs⑧ in the southwest of England built in the Stone Age. It is believed that Stonehenge served some sort of religious purpose. Up to now nobody knows for sure⑨ how it came into being⑩. There are many other unexplained things in the world, such as the pyramids in Egypt and the Great Wall in China. We believe that as the science and technology develops, the people in the world will find the answers to explain the mysteries.

2020年新高考语文热点04 语言文字运用(教师版)

热点04 新高考·语言文字运用 (建议用时:30分钟) 【命题趋势】 语言文字运用题一直是高考命题人的“试验田”,或稳中有变,或变中有新,一些多年未考的考点有时候会冷不丁地跃上高考的考卷,从而倒逼考生在备考过程中多方面着手,全面复习,不留死角。 刚刚过去的山东省2020年“新高考”模拟考试中,语言文字运用题既有新题型,也有对2019年全国卷题型的继承,共20分。具体分析如下: 第18~20题为语段材料综合题,命题材料为老舍的《济南的秋天》,为散文,2019年的命题材料或为新闻,或为科技类文章。而变化最大的是,与2019年全国卷考查词语(或标点)、病句、语句复位的三个四选一的选择题有所不同,第18题考查的是修辞手法的判定,四选一,共3分。这已经是多年未曾考查的题型。第19题考查的是长短句的变换效果,共4分,这也是多年未曾考过的题型,第20题考查的是补写句子,共补写两个句子,每个句子2分。 第21题考的是一段话中语言表达的问题,这可能涉及到病句、简明、连贯、得体、准确、鲜明、生动等多种考点,非常灵活,共4分。命题材料为科学家的科普责任问题。 第22题是对2019年全国卷第21题的继承,考查的是压缩语段。共5分。命题材料为上海的新一代信息基础设施建设。 【满分技巧】 1、备考热门考点,不能松懈。高考近几年常考的辨析词语(成语)、辨析并修改语病等题目,依然要加强练习,尤其要关注新题型。 2、备考冷门考点,不能忽视。冷门考点也会有变热的时候,比如修辞手法,《考试大纲》明确规定“正确运用常见的修辞手法”,考生需要明确常见修辞手法的特点及作用,如比喻、比拟、借代、夸张、对偶、排比、反复、设问、反问等。 【限时检测】 一、(山东省2020年高考全国统一考试模拟卷)阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 济南的秋天是诗境的。诗的境界中必须有山有水。那末,请看济南吧。那颜色不同,方向不同,高矮不同的山,在秋色中便越发的不同了。以颜色说吧,山腰中的松树是青黑的,加上秋阳的斜射,那片青黑便多出些比灰色深、比黑色浅的颜色,把旁边的黄草盖成一层灰中透黄的阴影。山脚是镶着各色条子的,一层层的,有的黄,有的灰,有的绿,有的似乎是藕荷色儿。山顶上的色儿也随着太阳的转移而不同。山顶的颜色不同还不重要,山腰中的颜色不同才真叫人想作几句诗。山腰中的颜色是永远在那儿变动,特别

语言文字运用3 教师(DOC)

语言文字运用题专辑训练(3) 1、依次填人下列各句横线处的成语,最恰当的一组是(3分) ①尽管这样,我们采访过的经理们,一般来说都认同,公司给予消费者的机会更好些,无论这些话是正面的还是负面的。 ②科威特的议会经选举产生,议会成员能够____,媒体也发出不同的声音,这使得科威特数十年来享有相对的自由。 ③最近,在县委宣传部召开的组织生活会上,大家敞开胸怀,,讲实话,讲真话,消除了过去的一些误会,增进了相互之间的了解。 A.各抒己见畅所欲言推心置腹B.畅所欲言各抒己见推心置腹C.推心置腹畅所欲言各抒己见D.各抒己见推心置腹畅所欲言1、B 畅所欲言:畅,尽情,痛快。畅快地把要说的话都说出来。各抒己见:抒,抒发,发表。各人充分发表自己的意见。推心置腹:把赤诚的心交给人家。比喻真心待人。 2.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3分) A.作为牵头单位,北京协和医院派出了首个援藏医疗队,于8月19日从北京飞赴西藏,开展为期三年的医疗援藏工作。 B.会议要求,各级教育部门须加强学校毒品预防教育兼职教师队伍,不断开发内容新颖、适合学生特点的教育资料。 C.各级政府应以“十三五”规划为契机,利用包括新媒体在内的各种媒体,征求广泛公众建议,为经济社会发展建言献策。 D.此次足协调整改革,不仅包含对足协自身发展路径、发展模式的“破与立”,更是一次确立全新运行系统的大胆探索。 2、D (A搭配不当。可在“于8月19日”前加“该医疗队”;也可把“了”改为“的”。B 成分残缺。可在“队伍”后加“建设”。C语序不当。把“广泛”移到“征求”前) 3.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是(3分)() 每当飞机发生空难,广播、电视或报纸总是在报道中提“黑匣子”。。 ,;, 。。目前,“黑匣子“不仅使用在飞机上,许多国家在高速火车和汽车上也安装了“黑匣子”。“黑匣子”的用途变得越来越广泛了。 ①一种是无线电话记录系统 ②可以记录飞行速度、方位、高度和航向等多种数据 ③可以把飞机驾驶舱内的谈话及外界的通话全部接收下来 ④“黑匣子”是一个密封的金属盒,它里面装有两种飞行记录系统 ⑤一种是数据记录系统 ⑥一旦飞机发生灾难,专家便根据“黑匣子”中记录的各种声音和数据来分析失事的原因A.⑥④⑤③①②B.④①③⑤②⑥ C.⑥④①③⑤②D.④⑤②①③⑥ 3、B ④是总写,指出黑匣子装有两种飞行记录系统,应放在最前面;①③是一个系统,讲无线电话录音;⑤②⑥是一个系统,讲数据记录。由此,可以判定出正确选项是B。4.依次填入下列各句横线处的成语,最恰当的一组是() 一位伟人说:“喜欢聆听的民族是一个智慧的民族。”的民族不喜欢聆听,只喜欢征服,他们狂妄自大,这遮挡了他们的视线;的民族不喜欢聆听,只会沾沾自喜,他们坐井观天,妨碍了他们的见识;的民族不喜欢聆听,只喜欢盲动,他们浅尝辄止,这影响了他们的深度。因此,我们要学会聆听。这将使我们虚怀若谷,博采众长,锐意进取;这将使我们胸怀远大;视野宽广,开拓创新;这将使我们高瞻远瞩,潜心探索,


Unit 1 At the Travel Agency Ⅲ. Putting into Practice ●Listening interpreting 1.Vocabulary Work Work on the following words and phrases, then write the translated version in the 2.Sentences: 英汉口译English-Chinese Interpretation Listen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from English into Chinese: ①What's the price for this trip? 本次的旅游费用是多少? ②Is there anything worth seeing? 哪里有什么值得看的吗? ③What's the weather like there? 那里的天气怎么样? ④Are there any groups of tour I can go with? 有什么旅行团我可以参加吗? ⑤There is a special rate for 50,000RMB for this package, including everything such as air line tickets, tour guides, hotels and food. 有一个价值5万元人民币的特价套餐,包括所有费用,例如飞机票,导游,酒店和食物。 汉英口译Chinese-English Interpretation Listen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from Chinese into English: ⑥我想到巴厘岛去。I want to go to Bali.. ⑦我想看看去云南旅行有哪些路线。I'd like to look at some travel packages to Yunnan. ⑧坐飞机去的时间是5天。The transportation by air will take 5 days. ⑨我们有一些很棒的套餐。We have some great tour packages. ⑩我们会住在半岛酒店和海滩度假山庄。这两所酒店提供的设施都很完美。 We will stay in Peninsula Hotel and Beach Holiday Resort. Both hotels offer perfect device.

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