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Difference between Chinese and westen table manners

C:Good afternoon Jim,do you know something difference between Chinese and westen table manners?

L:I just know a little.For example: Chew with your mouth closed. Refrain from coughing sneezing or blowing nose at the table. Do not play with food or table utensils. The fork is held in your left hand and the knife is held in your right.

C:Yeah,what you have said is the basic westen table manners.I want to know some westen table manners when drinking.

L: If pouring a drink for yourself offer to pour a drink for your neighbors before serving yourself. Glasses served in a wine glass or other stemmed-glass should be held at the stem.

C:Those are very important manners differenct form Chinese table manners. However,in China table manners is mainly used chopsticks to reflect

L:I can not agree more. For instance:Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks. Do not hover around or poke looking for special ingredients. After you have picked up an item do not put it back in the dish..Do you think so?

C:Yes,but the most important is:Never stab chopsticks into a bowl of rice leaving them standing upwards.

L:You are right..It is some Asians that use as offerings to deceased family members. C: Table manners are too complex., can you give some summary?

L:In general, Always remember what “regular” manners is to say “please” and “thank you”.


餐桌礼仪的高中英语作文 中华饮食源远流长。在这自古为礼仪之邦,讲究民以食为天的国度里,饮食礼仪自然成为饮食文化的一个重要部分。下面是为大家精心整理的关于餐桌礼仪的高中英语作文文章,希望能够帮助到你们。 餐桌礼仪 As we all know,different countries have different table manners. Today, I’d like to introduce something about Chinese table manners. It’s very necessary to learn table manners in China. In China, table manners are too much. For instance,you are not supposed to eat with knives and forks. Chinese usually use chopsticks instead. But we are not supposed to stick our chopsticks into our food. But we are supposed to pick up our bowl to eat. And we are supposed to let the old start eating first. And we are allowed to talk at the table. However, you can’t talk too loud and laugh too crazily. In fact, in China, table manners are not so serious . so , you don’t need to worry about them so much. 我们都知道,不同的国家有不同的餐桌礼仪。今天,我想向大家介绍一下中国的餐桌礼仪。这是非常必要的学习中国的餐桌礼仪。在中国,餐桌礼仪太多。例如,你不应该用刀叉吃饭。中国人通常用筷


西餐厅英语对话 Head Waiter: Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation, sir? 领班服务员:晚上好,先生,你有预订桌位吗,先生? Customer: I am afraid not. 顾客:我恐怕没有。 H.W: Just a moment, please. let me have a check. 请等一会儿,让我查一下空位。。 H. W:I'm very sorry, we're full now. Would you mind waiting about ten minutes, sir? 非常抱歉,我们现在客满了,你介意等10分钟吗? C: Ok. 好的。 H.W: Here is the chair, sir. 这里有椅子,先生。 C:Thank you. 谢谢你。 H.W: I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. 我很抱歉让你久等了,先生。 C: You have a table for me? 有一张桌子了?

H.W: Yes sir, this way, please. 是的先生,请走这边。 C:Thank you. 谢谢你。 H.W: Is this table all right? 这张桌子可以吗? C:Yes,good.I don't have much time tonight. I have to see my friend at eight thirty in the lobby. 是的,很好,我今晚时间不多,我必须8点半在大厅会我的朋友。 H.W: Don’t worry, sir. I will take care everything. 不用担心先生,我会安排好的? H.W: This is your Menu, sir. 这是您的菜单先生。 C:Thank you. 谢谢。 HW : May I take your order now, sir? 我能为现在您点菜吗先生? C: Yes, A mushroom soup, I want to have beef steak please. That’s it. 可以,一个蘑菇汤,一份牛排,就这些。


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 论《最后的莫西干人》中的印第安情结 2 中美餐桌文化差异比较研究 3 呼啸山庄之人性的泯灭 4 论商业广告中的翻译对等原则 5 An Analytical Research on the Errors in Junior High Students’ English Writing( ) 6 学生写作中中式英语的表现形式及其改进方式 7 从《紫色》中的意象看黑人女性身份的自我重塑 8 《劝导》中安妮?艾略特的道德判断 9 男女二元等级对立的颠覆--《奥兰多》之女性主义解读 10 汉英习语翻译中文化因素的处理 11 中美价值观的比较--以《老友记》为例 12 探讨美容化妆品翻译技巧--以安利雅姿产品为例 13 Study on the Basic Principles of Legal English Translation 14 从电影《美丽人生》看完美男人形象 15 解读《简.爱》的帝国主义意识 16 浅谈《圣经》故事与英语学习 17 电影《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》中女主人公性格浅析 18 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿?考菲尔德的成长经历 19 英语委婉语在英语教学中的应用 20 试论《最蓝的眼睛》中黑人理想家庭的破灭 21 从功能对等角度分析英文电影片名汉译 22 《红字》中的基督教因素初探 23 浅析《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的人文主义思想 24 论福斯塔夫的性格 25 简爱和林黛玉不同命运的文化透析 26 论修辞在英语广告中的应用 27 《动物农庄》中的象征意义研究 28 钱钟书翻译研究 29 高低语境交流模式对国际商务谈判模式的影响 30 从弗洛伊德的精神分析法分析《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿?考尔菲德的成长 31 英汉颜色词语象征意义的对比 32 《失乐园》中撒旦的艺术形象解读 33 中英禁忌语的异同性分析 34 A Tentative Comparative Study between Chinese Wine Culture and Western Wine Culture 35 A New Woman’s Journey in To the Lighthouse 36 英语环境公示语翻译中的问题以及解决方法 37 绝望而不言败的抗争——塞林格的《麦田守望者》 38 初中生英语自主学习现状调查与分析 39 The Reflection of Virgin ia Woolf’s Androgyny in Orlando 40 浅析《伟大的盖茨比》中的爱情观 41 从好莱坞电影中的中国元素看美国对中国意识观念的转变 42 广告中的视觉隐喻及其解读


介绍外国餐桌礼仪的英文作文范文 TABLE MANNERS AT A DINNER PARTY: People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.Knowing them will help you make a good impression.Having good table manners means knowing,for example,how to use knives and forks,when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.Beside your napkin you will find a small bread roll and three glasses—one for white wine,one for the red wine,and one for water.There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table,forks on the left and knives in the right of the plate.When you see two spoons,the big one id for the suop and the samll one for the dessert.The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a litte bit bigger than the ones beside them.When you sit down at the table, you can take your napkin, unfold it and put it on your lap.In Chinese you sometime get a hot,damp cloth to clean your face and face and hands,whinch,however,is nat the custom in Western countries. Dinner start with a small dish, which is often called a starter.Sime people pray before they start eating , and other people may keep silent for a moment. Then you can say"Enjoy your meal"to each other and everybody start eating.For the starter,which you eat with the smaller pair,you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.After the starter you will get a bowl of soup—but only one boel of soup and never ask for a seconf serving. The next dish is the main course.Many Westerners think the chicken breast with its tender white flesh is the best part of the bird. Some people can use their fingers when they eating chicken or other birds,but never touch beef or other meat in bones.It is polite to finish eating everthing on your plate,so don't take more food than you need. At table ,you should try to speak quietly and smile a lot,but do not laugh all the time. Most Westerners like soft drink if they will drive home.Many of them drink white or red wine with the food.When drinking to someone's health,you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch. The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once,but Westerners usually take only a sip.For drinking during a dinner,the best advic is never to drink too much. Table manners change over time.They follow the fashion of the day .Beside,table manners are only important at formal dinner parties.If you're not sure what to do ,you can always follow your hosts.Although good manners always make you look good,you do not need to worry about all these rules while having dinner with your friends or family. 餐桌礼仪参加晚餐聚会。 人们去参加一次正式的西餐聚会可以第一次吃惊于西方文化中的餐桌礼节知道问题会让


餐桌礼仪初三英语作文 篇1 Different country have different table manners. The western country is different from eastern country, such as China and France. In China, old people eat first. We aren’t supposed to talk aloud while we are eating. If you don’t want to eat next, you are supposed to say: “ I’m full.” And you aren’t supposed to eat fruit at once. Chinese eat food with chopsticks. It is rude if you point at someone with your chopsticks. All of them will be helpful to you. It can make you a polite person. So we must know more about the manners around the world. 篇2 Table manners in China Different country have different table manners.The western country is different from eastern country,such as China and France.In China,old people eat first.We aren’t supposed to talk aloud while we are eating.If you don’t want to eat next,you are supposed to say:" I’m full." And you aren’t supposed to eat fruit at once.Chinese eat food with chopsticks.It is rude if you point at someone with your chopsticks.All of them will be helpful to you.It can make you a polite person.So we must know more about the manners around the world. 与某人曾经在法国餐桌礼仪在中国不同的国家有不同的餐桌礼仪,西方国家是不同的从东方国家,如中国,在中国,老人先吃,我们不是应该大声说话,我们吃。如果你不想吃下,你应该说:对不起,我吃不下;你应该吃水果。中国人吃的食物用筷子,它很粗,如果你使用你的筷子,他们将有助于你。它可以让你有礼貌的人,所以我们必须知道更多关于礼貌周围的世界。 篇3 Different countries have different manners. If you are invited to an American friend's house for dinner, you'd better follow the following rules. First of all, you should arrive on time. You know, in the USA, people go to dinner neither too early nor too late. Next, it is not necessary to bring a gift. If you like, you can bring some fruit, sweets or flowers; do not spent a lot of money,and never give money. Finally, wear comfortable clothes. You don't need to be overdressed. For gentlemen, a tie and jacket would be suitable. For ladies, a dress or sweater and skirt would be OK. If you are not sure what to wear, you can always ask the host. The most important thing is to


冯莹: Hi,I heard that you are going to studying abroad ,it ‘s a new experience ,which can bring you opportunity to discover fascinating things and a feeling of freedom. 嗨,,我听说你要出国留学,这是个新体验,能带给你机会去发现有趣的事物和自由的感觉。 胡若晨:Oh !yeah ,in spite of this advantages, however there are also some challenges I will encounter. Culture shock will be the first one. 噢!是的,尽管这一优势,然而也有一些挑战,文化冲击将是第一个我遇到的挑战。 何梦婷: yeah, I have watched several movies about western lifestyles and cultures, and really find an immense difference. 是的,我观看了一些关于西方的生活方式和文化的电影,找到了一个巨大的差异。 胡若晨: Yeah, the difference is almost everywhere. 何梦婷:As far as the table culture, there is no doubt it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese. But people in America prefer to forks and knives. 是的,差异几乎是无处不在的区别。比如餐桌文化,毫无疑问中国传统使用筷子,但美国人更喜欢刀叉。 何梦婷:The different tools are based on different food they like. 不同的 工具是基于不同的食物他们喜欢。油炸食品和快餐是美国人最喜欢的,而中国人选择面条、煎饼和米饭。 胡若晨: Yes,it is really a difference。Fried food and fast food are Americans’favorite while Chinese people choose noodles, pancakes and rice. 何梦婷: In some degree,western food is more connivinient,such as the Fried Drumsticks and the Pizza .It's a good choice for those who want to


In China, as with any culture, there are rules and customs that surround what is appropriate and what is not when dining, whether it is in a restaurant or in someone’s home. Learning the appropriate way to act and what to say will not only help you feel like a native, but will also make those around you more comfortable, and able to focus on you, instead of your interesting eating habits. 同其他国家文化一样,在中国,无论是在餐馆还是在家,用餐时也有很多禁忌。适当了解一些中国的餐桌礼仪,不仅能让你更加入乡随俗,融入其中,而且能让别人注意到你,而不是你特别的用餐习惯。 The customs surrounding Chinese tables’ manners is ingrained with tradition, and some rules are not to be broken. Failing to understand and follow all of the rules could result in offending the chef and ending the night in an unfavorable way. 有些餐桌礼仪是随着传统延续下来的,是决不能违反的。如果不了解这些餐桌礼仪并且破坏了这些规矩,到时可能得罪厨师,扫兴而归哦。 1. The food is served via large communal dishes, and in nearly every case, you will be supplied with communal chopsticks for transferring food from the main dishes to your own. You should use the communal chopsticks if they are supplied. If they are not or you are unsure, wait for someone to serve food to their own plate, and then copy what they do. On occasion, an eager Chinese host may place food into your bowl or on your plate. This is normal. 1. 食物是通过大的公用盘子盛装的,基本上都会提供公用筷方便你将食物分到你自己的盘子里。如果有公用筷子就用公共筷子分开食物。如果没有公共筷,或是不确定是否有公共筷子,可以先等待,看其他人是怎么做的,然后效仿就行。有时候热心的中国主人会帮你将食物分到你的盘子里,这很正常。 2. It is rude to not eat what you are given. If you are offered something you absolutely can't stomach, finish everything else, and leave the rest on your plate. Leaving a little food generally indicates that you are full. 2. 分到你盘子的食物你不吃是很失礼的。如果有些食物你真的吃不下可以先把其他能吃的吃掉,然后把不想吃的剩在盘子里就行。通常盘子里剩下一点儿食物说明你已经吃饱了。 3. Don't stab your chopsticks into your bowl of rice. As with any Buddhist culture, placing two chopsticks down in a bowl of rice is what happens at a funeral. By doing this, you indicate that you wish death upon those at the table.


场景一(家里) B(1): Honey, which hand should I use to hold the fork? C(1): Left for the fork and right for the knife. Just remember that the stronger one is for knife. B(1): Got it. It's so troublesome to have western food. I've been learning the table manners for hours but still can't master it. C(1): Sure. Rather than eating, having western food is more about western culture. B(1): Yeah. Which restaurant are we going to tonight? C(1): Cindy has reserved a table for us at a newly opened western restaurant downtown. She said the environment there was really pleasant. B(1): Fine. I believe in Cindy's taste. Oh, what should I wear? C(1): You should put on the black suit I bought for you last week. But I'm afraid it may be a bit crumpled. You'd better iron it now. B(1): I don't want to mess it up. Please do it for me. I'm going to the bank to cash some money. How much do we need? C(1): There is no need to do that. I think the restaurant accepts credit cards. But it's necessary to make a budget. B(1): Honey, you are a good accountant. So I'd better leave that to you, too. C(1): It seems that it's all about me. Then what do you do?


英语餐桌礼仪 本文是关于英语餐桌礼仪,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 英美餐桌礼仪差异 1.让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜 let the elder people and the customer eat first 2.不要用筷子敲碗 don't use the chopsticks hit the bowl 3.不要将手伸到饭桌对面夹菜 don't reach to get the food on the opposite side 4.等大家到齐了,才开始吃 don't eat until everyone is there 5.为主人的长寿、健康、成功干杯 wish for the people who host the dinner 中国饮食在世界上是很有名的。Ibelieve the Chinese food is famous around the world. 假如你来到中国,中国朋友请你吃饭,你就需要了解一下有关宴会中的座次问题。Andif you are in China and you are asked by your Chinese friend to a dinner, youmay want to know how to pick up your seat at the table and what is the properway to sit at the table. 这个位子一般是主位,是主人的。Well,normally this seat is the seat for the host or the hostess. 这个位子面朝着门。(面朝着门的一般是主位。)Theseat is facing the door of this room. 也可以根据餐巾的样式来辨别座位。Onemay also distinguish the seats at the table from the style in which the napkinsare folded. 无论餐巾折成什么样式,最高的餐巾对应的座位,一定是主位。Regardlessof how the napkins are arranged.,thetallest arrangement will always

四年级上册英语教案-Unit 5Dinner’s ready Part B Let’s talk

第五课时 教学内容 Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play 教学目标 1.会使用用餐时的基本用语:Dinner’s ready!Help yourself.Would you like a knife and fork?No,thanks.I can use chopsticks./Yes,please.。 2.掌握基本的用餐礼仪。 3.在道别和表示感谢时注意礼貌用语的使用。 教学重点和难点 1.教学重点: 会使用用餐时的基本用语:Dinner’s ready!Help yourself.Would you like a knife and fork?No,thanks.I can use chopsticks./Yes,please.。 2.教学难点: 能听懂、会说:I can use chopsticks.Help yourself.。 教学准备 课件,单词卡片 教学过程 1.Warm-up/Revision (1)教师用单词卡片复习已经学过的食物单词。 (2)T:Look,boys and girls.Dinner’s ready!You can eat the delicious food.But before you eat,I’d like you to do something for the dinner.Please stand up.Let’s do it together.(教师播放课本第52页Let’s do 部分的录音,学生边做动作边说唱) (3)划分小组 本节课与餐桌礼仪有关,可让学生四人或六人围成一组,模拟餐桌。 (4)复习日常口语会话。 T:Look at the table,what would you like?(教师用课件呈现餐桌上摆着各种食物,如:fish,chicken,rice,dumplings,noodles,French fries,hamburger,hot dog) S:I like...(学生根据自己的爱好做出回答) 2.Presentation/Practice (1)教师播放本部分的课件,学生欣赏课件,了解对话内容。 (2)教师再次播放课件,学生观看后回答问题What would Wu Yifan and Mike like?。 (3)学生回答问题,教师第三次播放课件,学生跟读,教师领读重点句 型:Dinner’s ready!Help yourself.Would you like a knife and fork?No,thanks.I can use chopsticks./Yes,please.。 (4)学生自读对话。 (5)学生在小组内分角色表演对话,教师巡视指导。 (6)全班展示交流。


基本的餐桌礼仪英文 基本的餐桌礼仪英文 1.让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜 let the elder people and the customer eat first 2.不要用筷子敲碗 dont use the chopsticks hit the bowl 3.不要将手伸到饭桌对面夹菜 dont reach to get the food on the opposite side 4.等大家到齐了,才开始吃 dont eat until everyone is there 5.为主人的长寿、健康、成功干杯 wish for the people who host the dinner 中国饮食在世界上是很有名的。 I believe the Chinese food is famous around the world. 假如你来到中国,中国朋友请你吃饭,你就需要了解一下有关宴会中的座次问题。And if you are in China and you are asked by your Chinese friend to a dinner, you may want to know how to pick up your seat at the table and what is the proper way to sit at the table. 这个位子一般是主位,是主人的。Well, normally this seat is the seat for the host or the hostess. 这个位子面朝着门。(面朝着门的一般是主位。)The seat


酒水 你喜欢喝什么酒?What would you like to drink, May i fill your glass again? 要再给你加点酒吗 Drink more. 多喝点。 Here's to our friendship and to your health, Cheers! 为我们的友谊和您的健康,干杯! To the success of your长春trip! 为你长春之行成功干杯! 上菜 Help yourself. 自己来!请自便! Have some more. Have more. Have a little more. Eat more. 多吃点。 ? Would you like a little bit more? 你想再来点吗? Ah, here come the egg rolls. Ah,上春卷儿了。 Try some of the cold dishes. 吃点凉菜吧。 Another course is coming up. 另一道菜上来了。 Just help yourself to whatever you'd like. 请随便挑你喜欢的吃。Since you don't help yourself, i'll help you with some fish balls.既然你自己不下筷,我只好来帮你搛点鱼丸。 It tastes best when taken piping hot. 趁热吃好吃。 Have some more, please. 请再来点儿。 May i help you get some pieces of sweet and sour fish? 我给你夹点糖醋鱼吧。 接待宾客常用基本英语对话句型 1. 四种基本句型


中国的餐桌礼仪英文作文范文 内容简介: 1让客人和长辈先吃每一道菜 2不要用筷子敲碗 3不要将手伸到饭桌对面夹菜 4等大家都到齐了再吃 5为主人的健康长寿成功干杯 Dietary Changes and Health Care As is shown in the graph, China's food distribution has taken great changes from 1960's to 1990's According to this statistics of cereals, vegetable, meat, and fruits, the number of those who eat rice, flour or vegetable has greatly decreased in the past four decades. In contrast of this the number of those who eat oil or meat has sharply increased. From such dietary changes, we can perceive the rapid improvement of our people' s living standard. Why does this improvement occur? The direct reason is the fact that the Chinese people have attached much importance to their health care. Nationally, China's economic growth is booming, and more people are getting richer. Individually, everyone's consumption of food is increasingly varied. In particular, most of people are reluctant to eat much vegetable, but much meat


中国餐桌礼仪常用英文表达 Chinese table manners of families have no intrinsic quality even there are different region and position. No matter three meals a day or guest’s arrival, always bowls with chopsticks, food with soup. There is no rule for how to put the tableware. What people care about more are not the gorgeous tableware but the sumptuous food. People’s dining position reflects the most obvious etiquette of Chinese table manners. In ancient society, men are supreme, and women are not allowed to sit with men on the same table. Although this is modern society, this kind of ancient etiquette still remains. Today in China, the phenomenon that men sit on the table before women can be found everywhere. The master of a family usually sits on the first-class seat. The first-class seat is usually near the interior of a room facing to the door. Once there is a guest, the master will offer the first-class seat to the guest politely. If it is an ordinary meal of family, families should start after the elder. If there is a guest, the master offer the food to the guest is essential from the beginning to the end. And the tradition of urging others to drink is also a special phenomenon.


关于餐厅的英语对话 英语其实说起来难,但是其实真正学习起来就一点都不难了,今天就给大家整理了有关英语口语的情景对话跟分享一下,同学们有时间一定多多学习,这样英语学习起来才不费力哦 一 去西餐餐厅用餐 AHoney, which hand should I use to hold the fork? 亲爱的,应该用哪只手来拿叉子啊? BLeft for the fork and right for the knife. Just remember that the stronger one is for knife. 左手拿叉右手拿刀。只要记住强壮点的那只手拿刀就可以了。 AGot it. It's so troublesome to have western food. I've been learning the table manners for hours but still can't really get it. 知道了。吃西餐可真是麻烦啊。我学习这些餐桌礼仪都用了好几个小时了,可还是没能真正学会。 BSure. Rather than eating, having western food is more about western culture. 当然。吃西餐可不光光是吃,还包含了很多西方文化呢。 AYeah. Which restaurant are we going to tonight?

是啊。我们今晚去哪家餐厅呢? BCindy has reserved a table for us at a newly opened western restaurant downtown. She said the environment there was really pleasant. 辛迪已经在市区新开的一家西餐厅帮我们预定好位置了。她说那里的环境很不错。 AFine. I believe in Cindy's taste. Oh, what should I wear? 不错。我相信辛迪的眼光。哦,我该穿什么衣服呢? BYou should put on the black suit I bought for you last week. But I'm afraid it may be a bit crumpled. You'd better iron it now. 你就穿我上周给你买的那套黑色西服吧。但是我怕它有点皱了。你现在去把它拿出来烫一下。 AI don't want to mess it up. Please do it for me. I'm going to the bank to cash some money. How much do we need? 我不想把它弄得更糟糕。还是你帮我弄吧。我去银行取点钱。我们大概需要多少钱? BThere is no need to do that. I think the restaurant accepts credit cards. But it's necessary to make a budget. 没有必要那么做的。我想餐厅一定会受理信用卡的。不过倒是有

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