当前位置:文档之家› 非谓语动词练习题带答案





1.There have been many advances in medicine in recent years. That means money ______ for medical research has been well spent.

A.used B.using C.to use D.to be used





2.China’s Chang’e 4 robotic probe entered lunar orbit on Wednesday, ________ a major step in its mission to make a soft landing on the moon’s far side.

A.marking B.to mark

C.having marked D.marked






3.Pressed from his parents, and ____ that he has wasted too much time, the boy is determined to stop playing video games.

A.realizing B.realized

C.to realize D.being realized



试题分析:考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:被父母迫使同时自己也意识到他已经浪费了太多时间,这个男孩决定停止玩电脑游戏。首先要弄清楚本句中的and连接的成分是非谓语动词做状语,主语the boy与press是被动关系,但是与realize是主动,所以是现在分词做状语,选A。

4.When ___________ for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very

interesting and rewarding.

A.asking B.asked

C.having asked D.to be asked



试题分析:句意:当马克被问做教师这个职业时的看法。他说他发现这个工作是非常有趣和值得的。这里when引导的省略句,完整的是when he was asked his view about his job as a teacher,这里当从句中的主语与主句的主语一致,并且从句的谓语动词有be时,这时从句的主语与be同时省略,故选B。



即学即练:He is rather difficult to make friends with, but his friendship,______ is more true than any other.

A.once gained

B.when to gain

C.after gaining

D.while gaining

解析:A。考查省略句。once gained =" once" it is gained。当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致且从句中含有be动词时,可省略从句中的主语和谓语部分。

5.(江苏)Around 13,500 new jobs were created during the period, _______ the expected number of 12,000 held by market analysts.

A.having exceeded B.to exceed

C.exceeded D.exceeding



点睛:本题考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词主要有动词不定式、现在分词和过去分词形式。having exceeded强调时间先后,指的是此动作发生在谓语动词create的动作之前;to exceed表示将要超出;exceeded过去分词表示被动。分析句子可知,这里用现在分词作结果状语。

6.Today there are more airplanes____ more people than ever before in the skies.

A.carry B.carrying

C.carried D.to be carrying





【名师点睛】非谓语动词的做题步骤1、判定是否用非谓语形式。方法:看看句子中是否已有了谓语动词了;2、找非谓语动词的逻辑主语。方法:非谓语动词的逻辑主语一般是句子的主语。3、判断主被动关系。方法:非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的主动还是被动关系。4、判断时间关系。方法:分析句子,看看非谓语动词所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前、之后还是同时。之前常用 done; 之后常用to do; 同时常用doing.从本题来看主句的主语airplanes与动词carry构成逻辑上的主动关系,因此用v.-ing形式作定语。

7.(山东) There is a note pinned to the door ___________ when the shop will open again. A.saying B.says

C.said D.having said




【知识拓展】非谓语动词的选择要根据所填的动词及它所要修饰的逻辑主语之间的关系确定。doing表主动表进行;done表被动表完成;to do表目的表将来。

【名师点睛】本题考查非谓语。先把句子简化:There is a note (which is pinned to the door) saying when the shop will open again.伴随状语是指状语从句的动作伴随主句发生,它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的,本题考查的是现在分词做伴随状语,用ing形式。现在分词短语表示与主句的主语在逻辑上有主谓关系,即表示主动意义;而过去分词短语则表示与主句的主语在逻辑上是动宾关系,即被动意义;如:He went to the classroom holding two books; He went to the forest , followed by two dogs.

8.________ the difficult maths problem, I have consulted Professor Russell several times. A.Working out B.Worked out

C.To work out D.Work out





1)目的状语。To… only to (仅仅为了), in order to, so as to, so(such)… as to… (如此……以便……)

如:He ran so fast as to catch the first bus. 他飞快地跑以便赶上第一班车。I come here only to say good-bye to you. 我来仅仅是向你告别。

2)作结果状语,表事先没有预料到的,要放在句子后面。如:What have I said to make you angry?我说什么让您生气了?He searched the room only to find nothing.他搜查了房间什么也没找到。

3) 表原因。如:I'm sorry to hear your father is ill听说你父亲病了很难过。


【名师点睛】本题考查不定式作目的状语。本题与2014年四川卷第7题相似— Good idea.To find more about it, visit this website.这里是动词不定式形式的非谓语动词做目的状语。非谓语动词是高考的重要考点。一般现在分词表示主动的关系,而过去分词表示被动的关系,动词不定式的用法很多,通常是跟在一个动词后面形成的固定结构,能够分辨出具体试题中的关系就可以轻松解题。

9.We’ve had a good start, but next, more work needs _____to achieve the final success. A.being done B.do C.to be done D.to do



试题分析:句意:我们有一个好的开端,但是下一步需要做更多的工作得到最后的目标。Need doing或need to be done需要被做…,所以选C。


10.If there is a lot of work _________.I’m happy to just keep on until it is finished.

A.to do B.to be doing

C.done D.doing





考查非谓语动词。句意:如果有很多工作要做,我很乐意一直把它做完。分析句子可知,用不定式做定语表示未发生的动作,放在被修饰词的名词、代词后,此处to do在句中做定语修饰work,主动形式表示被动含义,故选A。

11.Many Chinese brands, __________their reputations over centuries, are facing new challenges from the modern market.

A.having developed B.being developed

C.developed D.developing




考查非谓语动词。句意:许多中国品牌,享誉数百年,现在正面临着来自现代市场的新挑战。brands是逻辑主语,和develop是主谓关系,所以用现在分词,表示伴随状况;再根据“over centuries”可知,应该使用现在分词的完成式,故选A。

12.Most colleges now offer first-year students a course specially ________ to help them succeed academically and personally.

A.designed B.designing

C.to design D.being designed




考查非谓语动词。句意:现在大多数大学都为一年级学生开设了一门课程,专门帮助他们在学业和个人方面取得成功。a course和design之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词。故选A。

13.More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced _____ people’s concern over food safety.

A.to raise B.raising C.to have raised D.having raised



14. Hours of playing violent video games can affect the way the brain works, ______ damage to certain cells of brain.

A.to cause B.cause C.causing D.caused



试题分析:考查非谓语动词。causing 现在分词作结果状语。句意:连续几个小时打暴力的电子游戏会影响大脑的工作方式,危害大脑细胞并减慢大脑的活动。故C正确。


15.(重庆) Like ancient sailors, birds can find their way__________ the sun and the stars. A.used B.having used

C.using D.use





考查非谓语动词。句意:象古代的水手,鸟能利用太阳和星辰来找到他们的路。谓语动词是can find,故use用非谓动词作伴随状语,与逻辑主语birds是主动关系,用现在分词做伴随状语,根据句意,use这一动作与谓语动词动作同时,用现在分词的一般式。故选C。【点睛】

伴随状语是指状语从句的动作伴随主句发生,它的特点是:它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的,这个考点在高考中经常出现,本题考查的是分词做伴随状语,分为现在分词和过去分词,现在分词短语表示与主句的主语在逻辑上有主谓关系,即表示主动意义;而过去分词短语则表示与主句的主语在逻辑上是动宾关系,即被动意义;He sen me an e-mail hoping to ge further information 他给我发一封电子邮件,希望得到更多的信息; He hurried to the hall, followed by two guards. 他匆忙进了大厅,后面跟着两个警卫。

16.________ the program, they have to stay there for another two weeks.

A.Not completing B.Not completed

C.Not having completed D.Having not completed



试题分析:考查现在分词的完成式做状语,因为他们是先没有完成任务,然后不得不在这儿再待两个星期。表示从句的动作先于主句的动作,要用现在分词的完成式,否定式是:not having done。选C。



17.(北京) Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time ________ with his students. A.to spend B.spend

C.spending D.spent





18.The park was full of people, ________ themselves in the sunshine.

A.having enjoyed B.enjoyed

C.enjoying D.to enjoy





19. the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level.

A.Find B.Finding

C.To find D.Found







20.The rainforest is an amazing place, ________ with plants and animals that aren’t found anywhere else in the world.

A.filling B.filled

C.being filled D.to fill


【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:热带雨林是一个令人惊讶的地方,充满了世界其他地方不能找到的动植物。固定词组:be filled with被……充满,此处place和fill之间是一种被动关系,所以用过去分词做伴随状态,故选B。

21.In 1938, Pearl S. Buck became the first American woman the Nobel Prize for Literature. A.winning B.win

C.won D.to win



22.“If," Johnson added," enough time, we would certainly have done the job much better. A.to give B.given C.I was given D.to be given




考查非谓语动词。句意:Johnson又说道:“如果给我们足够的时间,我们本可以把工作做得更好。” we与give之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示被动,用过去分词作状语,故B项正确。

23.We will gather for the community service at the school gate at 8 tomorrow morning unless .

A.otherwise informing B.otherwise being informed

C.otherwise informed D.having otherwise informed



考查让步状语从句省略现象。这里otherwise informed补充完整应是otherwise we are informed,但是因前后主语一致,所以省略主语,系动词。而我们应该是被通知,不是主动的。句意:我们将于明天早上八点在学校门口进行社区服务,除非另有通知。故选C。考点:考查动词的过去分词。

24.________ that the govemment can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimistic about the future of the country.

A.Convincing B.Convinced

C.To convince D.Having convinced



试题分析:句意:确信政府会带领他们走出经济危机,人们对国家的未来很乐观。B. Convinced adj. 确信的;深信的; A. Convincing adj.令人信服的; C. To convince 使确信,不定式表目的; Convince 使确信,该句中意思为使人们相信,故对people来说是被动的,故应选convinced选B。


25._____ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time

A.To face B.Faced C.Face D.facing




考查非谓语动词。句意为:面对这么多麻烦,我们不能按时完成任务。空格处为状语,前后主语一致都是we ,face的用法为,sb face sth 或者sb be faced with sth,根据题中的with 可知,选B。

26.––Do you mind if I smoke here?

––I suggest you go to the separate room ______ for smokers.

A.to reserve B.reserving

C.reserved D.being reserved




考查非谓语动词。句意:—如果我在这里抽烟你介意吗?—我建议你去为吸烟者预留的单独房间。A. to reserve表主动和将来;B. reserving表主动;D. being reserved 表正在被留;C. reserved是过去分词。此处与前面的room是逻辑动宾关系,应使用过去分词,表被动,意思是:被预留的房间,符合句意,故选C。

27.By no means ________ when we try to create a global brand.

A.the cultural factor is to neglect

B.is the cultural factor to neglect

C.the cultural factor is to be neglected

D.is the cultural factor to be neglected




考查倒装句型及语态。句意:在打造国际品牌的过程中,文化因素绝对不容忽视。By no means“绝不”位于句首时,后面需要部分倒装,因此将is提前;文化因素是被忽略的,应用被动语态。故选D。

28.There is a great deal of evidence _______ that music activities engage different parts of the brain.

A.indicate B.indicating C.to indicate D.to be indicating




考查非谓语动词。句意:有大量证据表明,音乐活动时会调用大脑的不同部位。本题为there be 句型主语为evidence,indicate作定语,修饰evidence,而"evidence"与"indicate "


29.If you go to Xi’an, you’ll find th e palaces there more magnificent than commonly ____. A.supposing B.suppose C.to suppose D.supposed




考查非谓语动词。句意:如果你去西安,你会发现那里的宫殿比通常想象的要宏伟。补充完成句子是you’ll find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly (the palaces are) supposed. the palaces和suppose是被动的关系,省略the palaces are。故选D。

30.More highways have been built in China, _____ it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.

A.making B.made C.to make D.having made




考查非谓语动词。句意:中国修建了越来越多的高速公路,人们更加方便从一个地点到另外一个地点。空格后面是it,说明是主动关系,排除B;不能选择C的原因是to do作目的状语,不符合句意;根据句意可知,此处是现在分词做结果状语。故选A。


一、选择题 1.We should try our best to prevent the air pollution________. A.from living a better life B.to live a better life C.live a better life D.lives a better life 2.—Do you prefer basketball with me? 一No,I’d rather at home and watch TV. A.play;stay B.to play;to stay C.play;to stay D.to play;stay 3.—I didn't hear you come in just now. —That's good. We tried________any noise, for you were sleeping. A.not make B.not to make C.to make D.making 4.If you really don’t know _______ at the party, you can come to me. A.who will you talk with B.who to talk C.who to talk to D.who you will talk 5.Look! There is a little cat ________ here and there on the floor. A.running B.run C.runs 6.She couldn’t help ________ when she heard the death of her grandmother. A.cry B.to cry C.crying D.to crying 7.—What do you think is the most important rule for a drive? —He or she must avoid_______ after drinking. A.driving B.no driving C.not to drive D.to drive 8.Young people enjoy ________ pop music. A.to listen to B.listen C.listening to D.to listen 9.We should do what we can _________ animals in danger. A.save B.to save C.saving D.saved 10.(2016天津中考)I wanted to see the Beijing Opera, so Lingling offered me to watch an opera. A.took B.takes C.to take D.taking 11.Dan shows an interest in musical instruments and is often heard _____ the guitar. A.play B.played C.playing D.to play 12.I used to . But now I get used to doing everything. I’m successful at last. A.give up; keeping B.giving up; keeping C.giving up; keep D.give up; keep 13.We should do sports _________ us ________ fit. So I play basketball every day. A.to help; keep B.help; keeps C.help; keep D.to help; keeping 14.---I think you should stop ______ him in English. ---I see. He ca n’t understand English at all. Let me try in French.


非谓语动词单元测试题(含答案)经典 一、非谓语动词 1.It was raining. My father asked me _______ a raincoat. A. take B. takes C. took D. to take 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:正下雨。我父亲要我带上雨衣。根据关键词 asked me,再结合选项,可判断出此处考查的是 ask sb. to do sth.的用法,故答案选 D。 【点评】考查固定搭配ask sb. to do sth.。 2.—I think the environment is terrible these years. —Yes, it will be even worse the government takes action it. A. until; protect B. unless; to protect C. if; protecting 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——我认为这几年来环境太糟糕了。——是的,环境会变得更糟糕,除非政府采取措施保护环境。A. until; 直到…为止,B. unless除非,如果不,连词;C. if 如果,连词;until和if放在这里,句意不通顺,take action to do sth. 采取行动去做某事,动词不定式作目的状语,故选B。 【点评】此题考查连词短语和固定搭配。 3.—You'd better advise him ______ anything out of the window while driving. —I will. He has to know it's dangerous. A. not throwing B. no throwing C. not to throw D. don't throw 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:——你最好劝他开车时不要向车窗外乱扔东西。——我会的。他必须知道这很危险。advise,建议、劝告,固定搭配advise sb. not to do sth.劝告某人不要做某事。故选C。 【点评】考查固定搭配advise sb. not to do sth.。 4. Whenever we kids come over, Auntie Susan just stands there and watches us ________ sure we don't break anything. A. make B. made C. to make D. making 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:无论什么时候我们这些孩子们来到这里,Susan姨妈只是站在那里,看着我们以确保我们不打破什么东西。此处是目的状语,故用动词不定式to make。watch sb do/doing sth看着某人做了/正在做某事,但是make sure的意思是“保证;确保”,在本句中不符合逻辑,故排除AD;watch sth done看着某事被做,也不符合句意,故选C。


非谓语动词专项练习1 0 0 题(含答案) 1.The great hall was crowded with many people, many children on their parents’ laps. A.including; seated B.including; seating C.included; sat D.included; sitting 2.It’s said that the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 will cover more events than any other Olympics did. A.holding B.to be held C.held D.to be holding 3.for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water. A.Being no rain B.There was no rain C.To be no rain D.There being no rain 4.A street-beggar bought a lottery ticket purposelessly, him a millionaire overnight. A.making B.makes C.to make D.made 5.In the face of the big fire in October in California, many people in the fire-stricken areas moved out . A.to escape burning B.to escape being burned C.escaping burned D.escaping from burning 6.Taking this medicine, if , will of course do good to his health. A.continued B.to continue C.continues D.continuing 7.The little boy still needs the 20 dollars to do with some things . A.remaining; remained to be settled B.remaining; remaining to be settled C.remained; remained to settle D.remained; remaining to settle 8.his age, the little boy read quite well. A.Considering B.Considered C.Consider D.Having considered 9.from the appearance,it is very peaceful;but in fact,a war will break out soon. A.Judged B.Judging C.Having judged D.To judge 10.— Tom enjoys basketball on Sunday afternoons, doesn’t he? —Yes, he does. But what his sister enjoys .


各种从句单句改错题: 1. I can't understand all what he said. 2. Which is known to all, my school is a good one. 3. Is this school that you visited yesterday 4. I'll never forget the day when I spent in that village. 5. This is the factory in that I once worked. 6. I don't like anything which he gave me. 7. I still remember the places and the people whom I saw there. 8. She prefers such books like that one. 9. That he did is not right. 10. The fact which he was ill made us worried. 11. He said he will stay here for some time. 12. Teacher told us that the moon turned around the earth. 13. Please tell me what the matter was. 14. I don't understand how did he do it. 15. The problem is we are short of money. 16. The reason why he was late was because he was iii. 17. Spring is coming, because trees are getting green. 18. For he was ill, he was absent. 19. He died until last year. 20. I won't go unless it is not fine tomorrow. 主谓一致单句改错题: 1. Your family is very kind. I’ll never forget the favor you’ve done me. 2. When and where to build the new school haven’t been decided. 3. Three quarters of the land is covered with green grass while the rest are covered withpine trees. was standing at the side of the car,talking to two men who was helping him to repair it. 5. On each side of the street stands a lot of trees. 6. Playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit. 7. The students in our school each has known the meaning of WTO. 8. The number of people who own cars are increasing. 9. Such people as he is to be punished. were Tom and John who played a trick on the old man. not all information are good to society. evening she told me that something happened when their parents was out. 13. Her parents were in Shanghai, and so was his. 14. As is known to us all, remembering English words are not easy.


非谓语动词(不定式、动名词) 【考点概述】 非谓语动词的本意是不能做谓语的词性,但是它具有谓语动词的性质。非谓语动词是英语中特有的,在汉语中没有此概念。所以在掌握此语法是比较困难的,在平时的备考之中应注意多多练习。 【考点释义】 考点一:不定式 (1)构成:to+动词原形(do)如: I like to swim. 注意:不定式有省“to”的不定式和不省“to”的不定式两类,但多数以不省“to”的不定式为主。如:I heard him (to)sing. 我听到他在唱歌。 (2)句法功能: 1. 作主语 在英语中为了避免头重脚轻,当不定式作主语时有时主语太长时我们用形式主语“it”来作“形式主语”,将真正主语移植动词不定时之后。形式主语也就是我们所说的“不定式的复合结构”。其构成为“It +be +(for/of sb) to do sth. 如: ① It is very important ( us) to study English. = To study English is very important for us. 学英语对我们来说是很重要的 ② It is very kind ( you) to help me. = To help me is very kind of you. 你帮助我太好了。 【易错警示】我们在区别“of”和“for”的方法如下: 当介词“of”或“for”后面接的代词与前面形容词之间能否构成主谓逻辑关系就决定是用介词“of”或“for”。如果能够成主谓逻辑关系时我们使用介词“of”,反之则用介词“for”。例如上述两个例子。 ①It is very important (for us) to study English. Us is very important.(不成立) 由于不能构成主谓关系,所以用介词“for”。 ②It is very kind (of you) to help me. You are very kind. (成立) 由于构成主谓关系,所以用介词“of”。 2. 作宾语 当动词不定式作宾语是表示的是一种打算、希望、命令等。如: ① I want to read English magazines every day. 我每天想读英语杂志。(表想,希望) ② I determine to go for a long holiday. 我决定去度一个长假。(表打算,决定)【归纳】常接不定式作宾语的动词有如下: want determine decide hope plan except would like 等。 3. 作宾补 当动词不定时作宾补即宾语补足语时宾补与宾语之间就会构成主谓的逻辑关系,宾补成立的条件唯此一条。 接不定式作宾补的动词有:“advice”、“ask”、“force”、“persuade”、


非谓语动词专项训练 一、① I want one magazine ______ . ( read ) ②My teacher wanted me ______ this question . ( answer ) ③The woman wanted her husband ______ at once . ( examine ) ④My bicycle wants _______ . ( repair ) 二、①What made you ______ so ? ( think ) ②The girl was made _____ a man she didn't love at all . ( marry ) ③The show made me _______ in the study of science . ( interest ) ④He raised the picture to make everyone _______ clearly . ( see ) ⑤He raised his voice to make himself _______ . ( hear ) ⑥My father himself made some candles _______ light . ( give ) ⑦The boss had the workers _______ day and night . ( work ) 三、①You'd better get your own room _______ . ( clean ) ②Yesterday he got his wallet _______ . ( steal ) ③You should get your friends _______ you . ( help ) ④The lecture got us _______ . ( think ) ⑤Don't get ________ in the rain . ( catch ) 四、①Did you see somebody _______ into the room ? ( steal ) ②I saw him _______ in the room at that time . ( read ) ③She was glad to see her child ________ good care of . ( take ) ④I saw her _______ at the windows , thinking . ( seat ) ⑤She was seen ________ here . ( come ) 五、①I like _______ very much . ( swim ) ②I don't like _______ TV at this time . ( watch ) ③He never likes _______ at the meeting . ( praise ) ④I feel like _______ to the cinema . ( go ) ⑤Would you like ______ with me ? ( go ) 六、①The man ______ at the meeting now is from the south . ( speak ) ②I don't know the professor ______ at the meeting tomorrow . ( speak ) ③He is the professor _______ to dinner . ( invite ) 七、①It was so cold and he had the fire _______ all night long . ( burn ) ②I have a lot of exercises ________ today . ( do ) ③"Do you have nay clothes _______ today ? "asked Mother . ( wash ) ④You'd better have that bad tooth _______ out . ( pull ) ⑤I want to have him _______ a car for me . ( find ) 八、①He doesn't do anything but _______ all day . ( play ) ②We have no choice but _______ . ( obey ) ③I'm thinking of how _______ my English . ( improve ) ④He made an apology for _____ late . ( be ) 九、①He told us about his trip in an _______ voice . ( excite ) ②He told us his story in a _______ voice . ( tremble ) ③At the sight of a snake , the little girl was very _______ . ( frighten ) ④The boy was _______ , so I didn't believe him again . ( disappoint ) 十、①He is looking forward to ______ college . ( enter ) ②He is looking forward to _____ nothing . ( see ) (类似于turn to do)


高中英语非谓语动词练习题及解析 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.—Come on,please give me some ideas about the project. —Sorry.With so much work _______ my mind,I almost break down. A.filled B.filling C.to fill D.being filled 【答案】B 【解析】 “with+复合结构”在句中表状态或说明背景情况,常作伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语,该结构由“名词(代词)+不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词-ing形式、动词-ed形式等”构成。with+名词+动词-ing形式用于强调名词是动词-ing形式的动作的发出者或某动作、状态正在进行。根据work与fill的关系可判断出要用动词-ing形式作宾语补足语,表示“工作充满了我的头脑”。动词-ed形式作宾语补足语表示被动。动词不定式作宾语补足语表示将要发生的事。 2.Don't turn a deaf ear to the advice which will make a ________to your future. A.mess B.difference C.fuss D.remark 【答案】B 【解析】 不要对能够对你未来产生影响的建议掩耳不闻。make a different to对什么有影响,是固定短语,所以选B。 3.Several years ago they found in England a tomb of a man ____ from around 2,300 B.C.A.dated B.dating C.dates D.to date 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:几年前,他们在英格兰发现了一个可追溯至公元前2300年左右的男子坟墓。date from表示“追溯到(某一时期),始于(某一时期)”,a tomb of a man(男子的坟墓)与date from之间为主动关系,应使用现在分词短语作后置定语,若用句子表示二者之间的关系,可以说成A tomb of a man dates from around 2,300 B.C.故选B。 4.There have been many advances in medicine in recent years. That means money ______ for medical research has been well spent. A.used B.using C.to use D.to be used 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查过去分词。句意:近年来医学取得了许多进展。这意味着用于医学研究的钱花得很


2019年高考英语短文改错专题--非谓语动词(含答案) his father died, left the family even worse off. will have trouble learn English well in a year. crossing the street,she was killed by an ambulance speeded by. ’s up to you decide whether to eat out or at home. our way home,we couldn't help to talking about what we had experienced. accepting for the job, you’ll be informed soon. host parents took good care of us,which made us feeling at home. warned of the danger in the street at night, she went home with a friendaccompanying her. took me a little while figure out these differences,but it was fun. must take some measures to preserve the endangered animals from killed. ’m looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible. fact, Americans make go to the baseball game a favorite summer outing nowadays. did all thatI could express myself clearly but my speech was a total failure. should have the courage to admit have broken the window. in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood,the house is big enough to enable you to have a room of your own. father as well as his three children goes skating on the freezing river every Sunday afternoon in winter. had to look for a place along the street to get his bicycle repairing. their hats into the air,the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. to the escaped driver,I am proud of what I did. woman was observed follow him closely.


初中非谓语动词最全总结 1、动词: finish doing sth、完成做某事;enjoy doing sth、喜欢做某事;practice doing sth、练习做某事;imagine doing,想象做某事;avoid doing sth、避免做某事;consider doing sth、考虑做某事;suggest doing sth、建议做某事;mind doing sth、介意做某事; keep doing sth、持续做某事 allow 允许resist抵抗miss错过advise建议stand(忍受)risk冒险forgive escape admit 2、固定短语: feel like doing sth、喜欢做某事;be busy doing sth、忙于做某事;be worth doing 值得做某事;spend time (in) doing sth、花费时间(金钱)做某事; have difficult/trouble in doing sth做某事有困难;have fun doing或have a good/great time doing做某事高兴prevent…from d oing阻止be busy doing忙着做help sb with doingkeep on持续 put off推迟feel like想要 3、介词后(on, in, of, about, at, with, without, for, from, up, by等)如:be good at doing sth、;thank you for doing sth、;give up doing sth、;stop sb、 from doing sth、;do well in doing sth、;be afraid of doing sth、;


最新非谓语动词测试题 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.I got to the office earlier that day, ________ the 7:30 train from Paddington. A.caught B.to have caught C.to catch D.having caught 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:那天我早到了办公室,因为赶上了7:30那趟来自帕丁顿的火车。分析句子可知,catch用非谓语动词形式,catch发生在got之前,应该用完成式,与主语I 是主动关系,用现在分词的完成时,having caught表示原因,相当于because引导的原因状语从句。故选D。 2.The press should expand its influence in international public opinion to make China’s voice better ______ in the world. A.hearing B.to be heard C.hear D.heard 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:新闻应该扩大其在国际舆论中的影响力,使中国的声音更好地在世界上被听到。“中国的声音”与“听到”之间是被动关系,用make sth. done结构,故选D。 3.A hearty laugh relieves physical tension, _____your muscles relaxed for over half an hour. A.to leave B.left C.leaving D.leave 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:开怀大笑可以缓解身体紧张,至少可以使你的肌肉放松半小时。分析句子可知,空格处做伴随状语。且与逻辑主语laugh构成主动关系,所以用现在分词。故选C。 4.With Father’s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank ________ presents for my dad A.buy B.to buy C.buying D.to have bought 【答案】B 【解析】


非谓语动词练习100题 1. Zhou Lan doesn't have to be made ________. She always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. le arned 2. ________ for several times, we decided not to do it again. A. Having scolded B. Having been scolded C. She has been scolded D. Since she was scolded 3. Hearing the bad news, _______. A. tears came down her face B. she can't help crying C. everything seemed to be in bad order D. the young lady was upset 4. The boy was caught ______ things from a shop last night. A. steal B. to steal C. stole D. stealing 5. The ______ look on his face suggested that he was ______. A. surprised; surprised B. surprising; surprising C. surprised; surprising D. surprising; surprised 6. This novel is said __________ last year. A. to have been published B. to be published C. to have published D. having been published 7. I have never thought of _______ abroad with us. A. you to go B. you will go C. for you to go D. you going 8. It was very clever ______ in the young lady's room. A. for Holmes to stay B. Holmes' staying C. of Holmes to stay D. of Holmes' staying 9. They spent the night ______ in the room. A. having locked B. locking C. to be locked D. locked


(1)David and I wanted go off to find help but Bill insisted on staying near the car. (wanted 后加to) (2)…rather than go into the forest and getting lost. (getting 改get,) (3)David pointed to a path which he thought would probably leading to a village. (leading 改为lead,) (4)I went back to get David and helped him to stood up. (stood 改为stand,) (5)Charles and Linda Mason do all of these things as well as climbed building. (climbed 改为climb) (6)Modern people know more about health,have better food,and to live in clearer surroundings. (去掉live 前的to) (7)The World Health Organization and other organizations are working improve health all over the world. (improve前加to)(8)…you pay the cost of send a postcard,the librarian will write to you. (send改为sending,) (9)…and let you to know when the book you want has returned.(去to) (10)I want to thank you again for have me in your home for the summer holidays. (have改为having) ( (11)I had always wanted return to the village after moving away. (return前加to) (12)It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. (drove改为drive) (13)I look forward to hear from you soon. (hear改为hearing)(14)Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit. (第一个play改为playing)(15)I was often a little tired after a day’s work and watch TV demands very little effort. (watch改为watching) (16)I’d like very much come but I have an examination on Monday


非谓语动词总结 一.后面可跟动词的ing形式的情况 1.动词:finishdoingsth.完成做某事;enjoydoingsth.喜欢做某事;practicedoingsth.练习做某事;imagine doing,想象做某事;avoid doing sth.避免做某事;considerdoingsth.考虑做某事;suggestdoingsth.建议做某事;minddoingsth.介意做某事;keepdoing sth.持续做某事 doing值得做某事;spendtime(in)doingsth.花费时间(金钱)做某事;havedifficult/trouble in doing sth做某事有困难;have fun doing.做某事高兴 3.介词后(on, in, of, about, at, with, without, for, from, up, by等) 如:be good at doing sth.;thank you for doing sth.;give up doing sth.;stop sb.from doing sth.;do well in doing sth.;be afraid of doing sth.;be interested indoing sth.;be proud of;instead of;be fond of 4.to作介词的情况lookforwardtodoingsth期望做某事; preferdoingsth.todoingsth与…相比较更喜欢…;pay attention to doing注意做某事;be/get used to doingsth.习惯于做某事;make a contribution to为…做贡献 二.后面可跟动词的不定式形式的情况 1.动词:agree todo同意去做;afford to do买得起;decide todo决定去做某事;hopeto do希望去做;wish to do希望去做;fail to do做某事失败去;plan to do打算去做;pretend to do假装去做;refuse to do拒绝去做;would like to do 想要去做;want todo想要去做某事;learntodo学做;prefertodosth.喜欢(爱)做某事;sb.seemtodo sth好像做某事;want/would like to do sth.想做……;used to do sth.过去常做某事 2.句型. allow sb. to do sth.允许某人去做某事 asked sb. (not) to do sth.叫某人做事某事(叫某人不要去做某事)

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