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A Code Generation Metamodel for ULF-Ware Generating Code for SDL and Interfacing with the R

A Code Generation Metamodel for ULF-Ware Generating Code for SDL and Interfacing with the R
A Code Generation Metamodel for ULF-Ware Generating Code for SDL and Interfacing with the R

A Code Generation Metamodel for ULF-Ware

Generating Code for SDL and

Interfacing with the Runtime Library

Michael Piefel and Toby Neumann

Institut f¨u r Informatik

Humboldt-Universit¨a t zu Berlin

Unter den Linden6



Abstract.Models can be used in many stages of many di?erent pro-

cesses,but in software engineering,the ultimate purpose of modelling is

often code generation.While code can be generated from any model,we

propose to use an intermediate model that is tailored to code generation

instead.In order to be able to easily support di?erent target languages,

this model should be general enough;in order to support the whole pro-

cess,the model has to contain behavioural as well as structural aspects.

This paper introduces such a model and the ideas behind it.

When the model is to cover several languages,di?erences occur also in

the available library functions.Furthermore,the input languages(e.g.

SDL)may contain high-level concepts such as signal routing that are not

easily mapped into simple instructions.We propose a runtime library to

address both challenges.


Models,in general,do not relate to programs at all.However,in software en-gineering models do refer to systems and their components,which may be executable code.Ideally,model-driven development(such as embodied in the OMG’s Model Driven Architecture(MDA))eventually leads to code generation.

Our research group has been involved in simulation and modelling for a long time.We developed SITE[1],a compiler and runtime environment for the Speci?cation and Description Language of the ITU-T,SDL.This compiler uses conventional techniques of a hidden representation of the abstract syntax tree and code generation(to C++).

Lately,we proposed an open framework for integrated tools for ITU-T lan-guages that is provisionarily called ULF-Ware[2].An overview of its architecture can be seen in?g.1on the following page.

Oversimplifying,ULF-Ware contains a model-based compiler for SDL.The input(in this case,a textual SDL speci?cation)is parsed and a model in the SDL repository is generated from it that adheres to the SDL metamodel.The next step transforms this to a new model in the Java/C++repository adhering

Fig.1.ULF-Ware overview

to the Java/C++metamodel.Finally,code generators turn this model into C++ or Java.

This paper shortly introduces the Java/C++metamodel,a metamodel that is applicable to both Java and C++and that comprises structural as well as behavioural aspects.The requirements for such a metamodel which is geared towards code generation are not obvious.

Similar metamodels exist,each with strengths and weaknesses.At the end of the next section,we will give a short overview of them.Mostly,they are concerned with structural aspects only.There is,however,a need for a new metamodel to cover all aspects of a programming language.

The second part of this paper is concerned with the runtime libraries.In SITE,we originally had only one output language(C++)and one https://www.doczj.com/doc/544841710.html,ter, we added experimental support for Java[3].In general,for n input languages and m output languages,you need n·m libraries and just as many di?erent com-pilers/code generators.With the CeeJay metamodel as a common intermediate, this number should ideally decrease to just n transformations and m libraries.

Later,we added more C++libraries that supported di?erent needs:one library for simulation(including model time,stopping of the simulation,inspec-tion of variables)and another for execution(only speed matters);also libraries that used di?erent middle-ware platforms.These extra libraries did not require a new code generator,as they had the same interface as the old one.Generally, adding another library with the same interface does not require new transfor-mations.

Therefore,this paper shows why a code generation metamodel and accom-panying libraries are useful and simplify the task of translating SDL.

Section2will present general choices that had to be made in order to de-termine the shape of the metamodel in connection with the runtime library. Section3on page5presents the metamodel in detail.Finally,sec.4on page7

describes runtime libraries as they are and how they will be interfacing with the CeeJay metamodel in order to simulate or run SDL systems.

2Design considerations for CeeJay

The code-generation metamodel is conceived to be useful to generate C++as well as Java from it.Therefore we have named it CeeJay.

2.1The meta-metamodel

It is advantageous to employ the same meta-metamodel for all steps–this is a novel point of view:A conventional compiler might use BNF for the parser,but builds its abstract syntax tree using other means such as Kimwitu++[4]or in an ad-hoc fashion.

We have chosen to use MOF as the meta-metamodel.It is used in many OMG standards,most prominently as the meta-metamodel for the UML.MOF is closely tied to UML,in fact there is a number of packages called the UML Infrastructure that are shared between MOF and UML.

MOF,however,is not than just a meta-metamodel,but it provides a meta-data management framework.There are a number of mappings from MOF to di?erent platforms,such as a mapping to XML for model interchange and a mapping to Java which gives interfaces to create,navigate and modify models.

Using MOF and an appropriate tool for it gives a standard way to access models.First,you de?ne a metamodel based on the MOF meta-metamodel.The tool then generates interfaces for models of this metamodel and an implementa-tion to store the models.There are a number of tools,but the only one adhering to the new MOF2.0standard is“A MOF2.0for Java”[5].

2.2Generic or specifc

High-level models are quite di?erent from programs in conventional program-ming languages.They abstract from most of the detail that a programming language exhibits.Once you want to generate real code,all this detail has to be ?lled in.This makes code generation from those models a di?cult task.More-over,many decisions in this process are similar for di?erent target languages, but it is hard to make use of these commonalities.Finally,the way back,i.e. from program text to high-level models,is very hard.Note that most tools that promise to do this(e.g.reverse engineering of Java to UML)only capture the structural aspects of the language(i.e.they only produce UML class diagrams).

The reverse approach is to use models that are very low-level and close to a speci?c language.There have been a number of papers such as[6]implement-ing this.The metamodel obtained this way is close to the original BNF of the language,they are grammars in disguise.Models like this are di?cult to obtain. They would be the result of a model transformation from a high-level model. Here,the intelligence would have to lie in the transformations.

Thus the level of detail of the metamodel of a programming language de-termines whether there will be more work to do in the code generator or the model transformator.We have chosen a level of abstraction that allows true object-oriented models(as opposed to models closely relating to the syntax of a language)while still being close enough to programming to make code generation a straightforward process.

We will add another criterion to the decision as to how close to the target language the model should be:Can we use one metamodel for many languages?

2.3Commonalities of object-oriented programming languages Many languages share common concepts,such as the quite abstract concept of namespace.For programming languages,the similarities go even further.

Many di?erences in those languages are purely syntactical or for simple static semantics,such as the declaration of variables before use.The most important di?erences are support for crash-avoidance and the extent of the available li-braries,neither of which a?ect the metamodel.

Java and C++in particular are very similar to each other.Still,a complete metamodel would exhibit a number of?ne di?erences such as the(non-)existence of multiple inheritance.However,we want to use Java and C++as output lan-guages only.This allows us to build a metamodel that can represent only the intersection of features from Java and C++.

Since Java and C++have so much in common,the combined metamodel is still expressive enough to allow arbitrarily complex models.In fact,other object-oriented languages share the same concepts in very similar ways.

Some of the di?erences between languages are evened out because we want to use the models only for code generation.In Python,for instance,variables do not have a declared type.While generating code from a model containing type information,it is easy to just suppress generation of type names.

2.4The Role of the Runtime Environment

The runtime environment serves two purposes:It hides di?erences between target languages and facilitates code generation for complex concepts.

While the target languages that we consider are semantically similar and exhibit mostly syntactical di?erences which are easily covered by the code gen-erator,they have vastly di?ering standard libraries.The problem is already ob-vious in a simple Hello-World program.While C++uses printf or cout,Java instead has System.out.println.How will this be represented in the model in a uniform fashion?One way is to have special metamodel-elements for print-ing text,and similarly for all the other library calls that di?er;this also means changes to the metamodel if we want to include another call.The other way is to use a common runtime library that o?ers a uniform interface to the model and encapsulates di?ering functionality;clearly,this approach is superior.

In theory,code generation can generate code down to the most basic level. This would have the advantage of a minimal runtime library;this library would

be speci?c to the target language,but unconnected to the source language. But,as outlined in sec.2.2on page3,it is preferable not to burden the code generator with too much detail.Instead,the runtime library contains support for the advanced concepts of the source language.While this results in di?erent libraries for di?erent source languages,it greatly simpli?es the code generator. In the past,this approach was proven to be very successful in SITE.

The concepts of the library will be elaborated in sec.4on page7.

2.5Related Work

There are a number of metamodels for di?erent languages around.However, the public availability of these metamodels is limited.Further,the focus of the metamodels can be quite di?erent,as mentioned above.

There is a project called jnome[7].The metamodel developed therein is tai-lored to generating documentation for Java?les.It lacks support for the imple-mentation of methods and is as such not suitable for complete code generation.

Both the Netbeans IDE and Eclipse seem to use a Java metamodel internally. Both IDEs bring their own repository functionality:Netbeans MDR,a MOF 1.4repository,and Eclipse EMF,a repository and metamodel that is similar to MOF.Both metamodels are not MOF2.0metamodels and do not cover dynamic aspects.

The Object Management Group has a speci?cation containing a Java meta-model[8].which seems to have been abandoned in an early stage of development.

Numerous other works are concerned with automatically generating meta-models from grammars.The results are usually close to the grammar and,nat-urally,speci?c to the language they are based on.They are not suitable for a more general approach.

A metamodel that captures some common features of Java and Smalltalk is presented in[9].This metamodel is concerned with common refactoring opera-tions in those two languages.

3The CeeJay Metamodel

This is a condensed overview of the metamodel.For a more elaborate description, please refer to[10].

3.1Basic building blocks

The basis for the CeeJay metamodel is a number of classes that are not shown in a diagram here.They have self-explanatory names such as NamedElement and are modeled very closely to the elements of the same name as in the UML Infrastructure.

In fact,these classes can be viewed as a stripped-down version of the Infras-tructure.It remains to be seen whether it is advantageous to have them here, which will aid in understanding the concepts because it is simple,or whether we should rather use the Infrastructure itself.


An important structural concept of Java is the package.In C++,there is the concept namespace.The two concepts are equivalent.The di?erences in usage are of no concern to the metamodel of the languages.While generating code, care is taken that every generated C++namespace has an associated header?le declaring everything,such that the inclusion of it is equivalent to the import of a package in Java;in Java,?les are distributed into directories of the package’s name.

Consequently,a single metaclass Package(a specialization of Namespace) su?ces for both Java packages and C++namespaces.They will be mapped accordingly,but see also3.5on the next page for an exception.


Java does not allow multiple inheritance,so CeeJay can only support single inheritance for CeeJayClass.Java does,however,have interfaces.Those are GeneralizableElement s,and a CeeJayClass or an Interface can implement or enhance any number of Interface s.

While C++does not have interfaces,they can be represented by abstract 3.4

integers and booleans are used.The third primitive type here is void,which is used in functions(see3.5on the next page)as the return value.

There is a constraint on the primitive types that is not expressed formally: There may be only one instance of the metamodel element PrimitiveType for each PrimitiveTypeKind,and there always has to be exactly one.This means that there will have to be a number of model elements in CeeJay models that are always supposed to be there,just as the package Predefined in SDL.

The second variety of types is CeeJayClass itself.In both Java and C++, each class is also a type.

Collections are mentioned explicitly in this metamodel.In order to use the built-in collections of C++or Java although they have di?erent names(and di?erent semantics and usage),there has to be a speci?c representation to unify them.

3.5Functions and variables

As can be seen in?g.2on the facing page,both variables and functions are model elements that have a name and a type.Additionally,functions have parameters (ie.they inherit from ParameterizedElement and a body.

Variables can be marked as being constant.This,however,necessitates initial values,and those can imply an order for the variables,which is not desired. Function bodies It is not yet completely clear how to represent the body–is it a nested namespace containing,among other things,the local variables,or is it only an ordered sequence of statements?The latter approach has the advantage of being simple,but it is also very close to an abstract syntax tree and as such not in the spirit of modelling.For instance,declarations of variables would just occur in the statement sequence,the variables would not truly live within the funtion’s namespace.

The choice of the representation of the body is heavily in?uenced by the way the runtime library is built.While the languages that we want to generate code for are similar,their system libraries are very di?erent.Parts of these di?erences will be covered by the metamodel,others by the supporting runtime library(cf. sec.4.2).

The requirement that each function need a type leads to the need for a type void,which has to be explicitely disallowed for variables.The respective constraint is not shown here.The alternative solution,one that was also chosen in the UML metamodel,is to have the type being optional on a TypedElement, which,unfortunately,is not intuitive at all.

4The Runtime Library

4.1Related Work

Automated code generation has become an accepted method in the design of new software systems(protocols,IT switches,control systems).There is a wide range

of code generators available which produce code of a particular programming language from a particular speci?cation or description language like SDL.

Most of them use some kind of runtime environment for the generated code for reasons of abstraction,e?ciency and adaptability.The environments could be realized quite di?erently.Some SDL code generators use a code library(like Tele-logic TAU[11]),some use precon?gured code fragments(like SINTEF ProgGen [12]),and others use runtime environments in a even broader https://www.doczj.com/doc/544841710.html,ually each code generator is quite?xed regarding its runtime environment,target language, target platform and the con?guration of the resulting executable system.

SITE[1],the SDL code generation environment once developed in our re-search group,behaves similarly.Its generated C++code depends on a runtime library.But various e?orts have been undertaken to provide more?exibility.It is possible to exchange the library when conforming to its interface,and there is a mechanism to change the code generator output without changing the generator, and additional information could be embedded directly into the SDL speci?ca-tion.We perceive the desire to be more?exible,to reuse the existing generator for a broader spectrum of application.The runtime library presented in[13]is meant as a contribution to that issue.That library allows the generated system to be adapted to di?erent communication means to the environment,that is protocols and encodings.

But restrictions remain.If we want to switch to a di?erent target program-ming language,even if close the the one used,a completely review of the code generator is needed,possibly even a new code generator.Inevitably,we need a new runtime library,too.That is,for every desired combination of source and target language we need one code generator.If we could achieve a separation of syntactical issues from abstract concepts of the target language it would be suf-?cient to have one abstract transformation per source language and one concrete code generation per target language.

4.2SDL runtime library

Elements of the library One aim of our code generation is simple and read-able code;another is a straightforward code generator.Both aims imply that the runtime library must give extensive support for the concepts of the source lan-guage.As has been previously shown in[1,3]this can be achieved by structural equivalence of the source and the target speci?cations.

The result can be seen in?g.3on the next page.The system type stype is transformed into a C++class of the same name that inherits from sdlsystem,a class de?ned in the library.Likewise,btype is a block type in SDL and inherits from sdlblock in C++.The gate and the channel are simply variables of the corresponding C++types.

To this end,the runtime provides classes for SDL concepts that the concrete classes of the speci?cation inherit.Other elements of the library not shown here are functions to route signals.

signal alive;class alive:sdlsignal;

system type stype;class stype:sdlsystem{ gate whorl out with alive;sdlgate whorl(0,alive);

channel pingpipe from b via bwhorl sdlchannel pingpipe(b,whorl, to env via whorl with alive;env,whorl,alive);

block type btype;class btype:sdlblock{ ......

endblock type;};

block b:btype;btype b;

endsystem type;};

system s;stype s;

Fig.3.SDL and corresponding C++(simpli?ed)

Interfacing models and the library In order to use the library e?ectively, the library’s interface has to be speci?ed.Often,this happens in plain English text.However,to access the library in the model,we need a formal de?nition of the interface in a package that is part of the model,just as a set of header?les for a C library become part of the program at compile time.In a similar fashion as the package Predefined in SDL,this package is considered to be in every CeeJay model.This package,however,does not contain any implementations, and no code will be generated for it;it is considered to exist in the target as well.This is necessary to use references in MOF(for specialization or function calls),as those are not by name.

Furthermore,the interface must be consistent for all the runtime libraries (for di?erent requirements and target languages).In the past,this was often not enforced,and di?erences between the libraries became apparent only when problems occured.

To de?ne the interface,we have yet to decide upon a standardized method such as IDL or eODL.Note that the interface is not limited to function calls, but also includes classes that are used as types and for inheritance.


The last step in a complete model driven software engineering process is the generation of implementation artifacts,usually in the form of source code.While code can be generated directly from high-level models such as UML,this puts too much work on the code generator.Instead,a stepwise re?nement of the model into a model geared towards code generation is preferable.

To this end we have prepared a metamodel that is reasonably close to the target languages Java and C++,while still being general enough to not only cover these two languages,but other object-oriented languages as well.

This is di?erent from existing metamodels that have been published(mainly for Java),which are close to the grammar of Java.Thus,they can often hardly be called metamodels,as they are no more than a MOF representation of the abstract grammar.

The CeeJay metamodel will be used in a framework where C++is generated from SDL speci?cations.The aim of this open framework is to extend it for other

output languages,such as Java or Python,and other input languages,such as UML or domain speci?c languages.

In order to execute SDL models,infrastructure is needed that will be in-cluded in the form of runtime libraries.These facilitate the code generation by covering the remaining di?erences between our target languages and by pro-viding solutions for complex concepts of the source language(SDL).Still more importantly,an infrastructure with a well-de?ned interface allows to change the runtime library to meet speci?c new needs.

The code-generation metamodel CeeJay and its accompanying libraries will allow us to generate code for and execute or simulate arbitrary SDL systems. References

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讯镭Netum条码扫描枪如何使用? 来源:扫描网 讯镭Netum条码扫描枪如何使用?大多数用户应该都知道,条码扫描枪是即插即用的,直接连接电脑就可以开始扫描了,可是无线枪的连接相对来说就优点麻烦了,有些无线枪在扫描之前还需要配对,很多用户都不是很理解,下面扫描网小编以迅雷Netum条码扫描枪NT8800为例,给大家讲解一下无线枪在使用时需要注意哪些方面。 使用前须知: 1)迅镭NT-8800扫描枪的充电接口仅能进行充电操作,不能连接其他数据线: 2)充电时,迅镭NT-8800扫描枪底部指示灯为红色(请务必使用出厂标配电源适配器进行充电,否则有可能损坏设备);充电饱和时,指示灯熄灭(关机充电状态下) 3)充电时间:4小时完全饱和 4)开机后,如迅镭NT-8800扫描枪超过20秒未使用,将进行自动关机 5)出厂时迅镭NT-8800扫描枪与接收器间已建立好配对关系,如无必要,请勿自行配对。如实在需要重新配对,请先扫频道设置(设置此项之前需要将接收端的复位键长按至绿灯常亮时方可设置频道,设置好之后按复位键绿灯熄灭) 如何连接? 1)设备连接;将USB迷你接收器连接到数据终端(如电脑) 2)开启扫描枪;按扫描枪的按键开关。听到滴的二声后,即开启了扫描枪 常见问题: 1)问:扫描枪有“滴”一声长鸣的提示音?答:这是因为扫描枪电力不足,需要充电 2)问:机器短鸣三声答:这是因为扫描枪没有与USB迷你接口器连接上,或者是没有信号。请重新连接设备并适当调整工作范围。 3)问:扫描枪扫描正常,但数据终端不显示数据?答:未扫描“开启无线”或USB迷你接收器与扫描数据终端未正确连接,请参照本指引中的“基本操作流程””重新设置一遍。或者是数据终端的USB接口破坏或对外设支持不好,请换一个USB口或重启电脑 4)问:无线电传输是否会影响家电(如:电视机)及其他电器的使用?答;一般不会。此型号的无线激光条码扫描枪的无线功率水平在10dbm以下,且使用2.4G频段,对其他无线电的干扰较小。


条码扫描枪常见故障以及解决办法 条码扫描枪的使用操作步骤 1、插入扫描枪(默认情况下是接入电脑的USB接口) 2、鼠标打开EXCEL(或任何可以输入文本的软件) 3、在光标定位到要录入的单元格 4、扫描条码(根据需要设置条码枪的扫描模式,如扫描后回车、换行、连续扫描) 5、扫描完成,保存。 条码扫描枪不能读取条码的几种原因 1)没有打开识读这种条码的功能。 2)条码不符合规范,例如缺少必须的空白区,条和空的对比度过低,条和空的宽窄比例不合适。 3)阳光直射,感光器件进入饱和区。 4)条码表面复盖有透明材料,反光度太高,虽然眼睛可以看到条码,但是采集器识读条件严格,不能识读。 5)硬件故障,和你的经销商联系进行维修。 在笔记本电脑上,键盘接口的条码扫描器工作不正常,或扫描器正常而键盘不能工作 笔记本电脑上,键盘接口的扫描器相当于外接键盘。 笔记本电脑的键盘接口如果连接键盘之后可能的变化是∶ 1)原有键盘失效。这时扫描器正常而键盘不能工作 2)笔记本电脑的键盘正常,外接键盘不工作。这时扫描器不工作 解决办法∶ 1)通过自动方式设置BIOS使外接键盘工作 2)连接键盘接口扫描器 3)扫描器接外接键盘 4)或者直接使用串口扫描器 条码扫描枪使用常见问题 Q:计算机发出嘟嘟声,一些条码数据丢失 A:这是因为条码传输速度太快,需要减慢条码的传输速度 Q.读取一个条码后,扫描器死机 A:由于扫描器的保护功能,如果读取的条码数据传输错误,会自动进入保护状态,从而防止数据丢失。如果把没有传输成功的数据读取后,扫描器可以从新使用。 如果发生这种现象,请仔细检查连线、协议。确认无误后,拔出扫描器,然后另换别的USB接口连接设备使用


扫描枪使用规范 扫描线的链接问题: 扫描枪都是即插即用,无需驱动和软件即可正常使用。接口有分三种:USB口,键盘口,串口。不同点在于:USB接口和键盘口的枪连接电脑后,扫描到的条码信息都可在任意的常用软件的输入窗口中直接显示;而串口的扫描枪只能在特定的窗口中输入,如附件中的通讯选项中的超级终端。 扫描枪连接到电脑上的时候都会有电源提示音,根据不同品牌和不同型号的扫描枪,提示音有不同。 扫描枪的使用规范: 一维扫描枪: 1.按下扫描键红色光线从枪口射出,需要用红色光线贯穿条码上的黑条。根据 条码的尺寸不同,扫描距离的远近也有不同。一般是需要拉到条码宽度占据红光的三分之二为最佳。另根据扫描枪的性能不同,该标准也有不同之处,但差距甚微。 2.扫描角度最理想为30—60度角。该标准也根据标签纸的不同材质和扫描时的 光线环境有些许不同。一般国内常见扫描枪,多以45度角为最佳。调整角度的同时也可适当的调整距离,已达到最佳扫描位置。 注:上述要求根据常见的一维激光扫描枪而定,另有一种红光扫描枪,于本标准有较大差异。红光扫描枪扫描距离需要很近,且对于角度方面要求不高,一般距离在1-5CM不等,可根据实际情况调整到最佳位置。 二维扫描枪: 二维扫描枪所射出的光线是呈区域型的,正中会有一个红色的十字形图案做定

位。四周有四个角确定范围大小。扫描时应将红色十字最准二维码,大概居中即可,扫描角度以90度直角为最佳。区域范围根据条码大小有不同,以条码占据区域的二分之一到三分之二为最佳。另根据不同品牌不同型号的扫描枪,以上标准略有差异,同样,差异度不大,可适当调节以达到最佳扫描位置。 注意事项: 因串口扫描枪比较少用,故此处着重说明USB口和键盘口扫描枪使用中的问题。原理类似。 在您正常使用前需要做的检查工作有:硬件是否有损坏;配件是否齐全;接口是否是您所指定的。如有发现问题,请尽快联系本商城的在线客服。 1.检查无误后,连接电脑相应的接口,听到电源提示音为正常,可以开始扫描 工作。如无提示音,请先更换接口,重新连接。如是键盘口扫描枪,可直接更换电脑测试一下。如任无反应,请联系本商城在线售后人员帮您查看问题,并解决。 2.上述一切正常后,开始扫描测试工作。可在桌面新建一份记事本文档,打开 后点击文档空白处,即可开始扫描测试。可参照扫描枪的使用规范来操作。 正常情况下,按键扫描后,条码信息即会显示在先前打开的记事本文档中。 如果扫描的是一维码,可根据条形码下方的数字来核对扫描的信息是否有误; 如是二维码,可根据先前所编辑的信息来核对是否正确。 3.如果您使用的是其他软件,则需要先选中软件中可输入的窗口,光标停留在 输入位置,扫描相应的条码即可在输入窗口中键入所扫描到的条码信息。


CLV 条码阅读器使用指南

目录 1.条码阅读器的安装步骤----------------------------- (1) 2.条码阅读器扫描频率设定方法----------------------- (4) 3.CVL Setup软件使用说明--------------------------- (5) 4.附录1:CLV44X动态聚焦功能使用方法--------------- (23) 5.附录2:SICK CAN-SCANNER-NETWORK介绍------------- (29)

一、条码阅读器的安装步骤 1.条码阅读器的对准 条码阅读器安装的第一步首先需要将条码阅读器的激光与被阅读的条码对准,这样才能保证阅读效果。 上图所示为三种不同类型的扫描器的对准方法。 (1)单线式条码阅读器,首先使条码阅读器的光 线垂直于条码方向,同时条码阅读器将激光的中心位置对准条码。 (2)多线式条码阅读器,首先使条码阅读器的光线平行于条码方向,同时调整条码阅读器使激光对准条码的中心位置。 (3)对于摆动镜式阅读器,首先使条码阅读器的光线平行于条码方向,同时调整条码阅读器以保证所有的条码都位于激光的阅读区域内。 2.安装距离和角度 扫描器的安装距离是指从扫描器的窗口到条码表面的距离。下图所示为阅读距离的测量方法,每种型号的条码阅读器的阅读距离都不同,因此安装过程中阅读距离的确定需要查阅相关型号的技术参数。 为了避免条码表面对激光直接的反射,条码阅读器一般不采取垂直于条码表面的安装方式,扫描器的安装角度有如下要求。

图中所示为不同类型条码阅读器的安装角度,单线式和多线式阅读器安装时出射光线和条码表面保持105度的倾角。对于摆动镜式的阅读器安装时取阅读器的侧面和摆角的平分线为105度夹角。 3.光电开关的安装方法 通常状况下条码阅读器都采用光电开关来提供触发信号源,因此光电开关的正确安装也非常重要。下图所示为光电开关的安装方法。 如图所示,我们设定条码边缘到货箱边缘的距离为a,光电开关到条码阅读器的距离为b。 第一种情况,当采用沿传送方向先安装条码阅读器后安装光电开关的方式时,则必须保证b


有关条码扫描枪怎么使用?扫码枪怎么安装?条码扫描枪使用需要安装驱动吗?等一系列的问题.鸿兴永利小编做出了一下问题整理提供参考. 扫描枪安装方法 通常情况下条码扫描枪接口数据线有三种,分别是USB数据线、rs232数据线和PS/2数据线,我们将这些弄懂了,就会知道条码扫描枪怎么使用了。下面我们分别来介绍不同数据线的不同扫码枪安装方法。 一、USB数据线连接 条码扫描枪与USB数据线连接 1)将USB数据线的设备接口端(RJ 45 1、接口)与条码扫描枪相连; 2)将USB数据线的主机接口端(USB 接口)与主机相连; 二、rs232数据线连接(串口数据线)

条码扫描枪与RS232数据线连接 1)将RS232数据线的设备接口端(RJ 45 1、接口)与条码扫描枪相连; 2)将RS232数据线的主机接口端(RS232 接口)与主机相连; 3)将RS232数据线与HR100系列产品通过电源适配器相连 三、PS/2数据线(键盘口数据线) 条码扫描枪与PS/2数据线连接 1)将PS/2数据线的设备接口端(RJ 45 1、接口)与条码扫描枪相连; 2)将PS/2数据线的主机接口端(PS/2 接口)与主机相连; 3)如有需要,请将PS/2数据线与HR100系列产品通过电源适配器相连; 4)如有需要,请将普通键盘与PS/2 数据线母口端相连。 条码扫描枪正确使用方法? 1)不可将扫描枪与条码成90°进行扫描,90°时无法进行正常读取条码。必须对准且将扫描线全部套住条码。 2)不可随便乱扫说明书上的条码,否则可能造成扫描枪无法扫描等现象。 3)在识读过程中,对同一批次的条码,您会找到扫描枪与条码的距离在某一范围内,读码成功率会很高,此距离即为最佳识读距离。


条码扫描枪需要安装什么软件或驱动? 对于初次使用条码扫描枪的客户来说,这些可能是最普遍会咨询的问题了,可能有些供应商会回答你,“条码扫描枪是即插即用的呀,根本就不需要安装任何驱动或软件的”。但是当你买来一把条码扫描枪后,面对电脑屏幕上扫出来的一串数字,却发现不知道下一步该怎么办。其实我猜可能是您的问题问的不太准确,您或许该这样咨询,“条码扫描枪还需要配合其他什么软件一起来使用吗?”这样供应商们就会回答,“哦,那要看您行业是什么性质,比如超市的话,您可能还需要另外采购一个进销存软件”等等。下面扫描网小编来一一为您分析。 首先,条码扫描枪的使用方法是非常简单的,条码扫描枪一般分为三种接口,分别为USB接口、串口和键盘口。关于接口您不必纠结,只需要选择适合您使用的接口,也就是说您电脑或其他设备上有什么接口,您就选择什么接口就对了,就大多数情况而言,使用USB接口的用户居多。 条码扫描枪的使用操作方法一般会分为下面几个步骤: 1)首先将数据线分别连接至条码扫描枪的数据线插口和电脑USB端口(其他接口扫描枪的连接方式稍有不同,具体可以参考用户手册)。 2)按住触发键不放,照明灯被激活,出现红色照明区域及红色对焦线。 3)将红色对焦线对准条码中心,移动扫描枪并调整它与条码之间的距离,来找到最佳识读距离。 4)听到成功提示音响起,同时红色照明线熄灭,则读码成功,扫描枪将解码后的数据传输至主机。 从上面来看,条码扫描枪功能就是代替了手工输入,更加方便快捷。简单来说就相当于一个键盘,是一个输入工具,只是将条码中的数字扫描出来,然后显示在电脑等终端。并不是像非专业人士认为的那样,扫描条码后就可以立马看到关于条码代表的信息(名称、价格等)。这些信息是需要借助别的软件才能显示出来,而这个软件则需要根据你的商品来选择,不同的商品配备不同的软件,比如服装、医药、超市等行业,行业不同软件也会有所区分。 在软件安装好了以后,进入软件的后台管理界面,在商品信息选项里边,把你所有的商品都在这里先保存下来:在商品条码那一项里边把你产品的条码用扫描枪扫入进去,然后保存好商品名称、价格等,然后就可以销售了。接下来我们再进入软件的前台销售界面,拿条码扫描枪扫一下商品条码,上面就会自动显示出商品名称、价格等信息,然后收钱就可以了。


条码扫描枪和电脑如何连接方式 条码扫描枪可以连接电脑使用,应用行业在超市,服装店,餐饮,书店等场所。扫描枪一般有三种接口,分别为USB接口、键盘口和串口,如下图。 条码扫描枪和电脑如何连接方式: 1)USB接口:一般是即插即用的,一头连接扫描枪,一头接电脑上的USB端口 2)键盘接口:Y型电缆:一头接电脑键盘口,一头接键盘;还有一头接扫描枪 3)串口:一头接电脑串口,一头接扫描枪)。注意:串口一般需要外接电源,而键盘口和USB 口都能够提供5V电源。 以上就是超市条码枪与电脑的连接,可能有些朋友没有使用过收银专用的如进销存软件,所以可能就会误以为只要扫描枪扫完条码后,电脑中就能出现关于该商品的价格等相关文字信息,其实这种理解是错误的,条码扫描枪扫描出来的只是一串数字,该数字才是代表该条码产品的相关信息(商品名称、价格等),但这些具体信息需要通过其他软件才能在电脑中显示。

举个例子,我们一般去超市购物,经常会看到收银员每扫描完一件商品条码,电脑中就会自动蹦出该商品的名称、价格等相关信息,其实这个电脑中已经应用了诸如进销存等类似收银软件。这个软件中已经包含了超市所有商品的名称、价格等文字信息,当收银员扫描商品后,该软件就会自动将扫描到的条码数字与自身数据库中的商品信息进行匹配,最后才会将该商品的名称、价格等以文字形式展现出来。 选购超市平台扫描枪注意事项:选取时应着重注意扫描枪扫描线的花斑分布 1、在一个方向上有多条平行扫描线; 2、在某一点上有多条扫描线通过; 3、在一定的空间范围内各点的扫描机率趋于一致。 深圳鸿兴永利电子科技有限公司秉持将条码进行到底的决心,一站式的供应国内外知名品牌条码扫描器, 欢迎前来选购! 本文链接:https://www.doczj.com/doc/544841710.html,/news_detail/&productId=819.html


扫描枪常见的故障及处理方法 成都厂扫描枪分类: 1)一维扫描枪:(条形码扫描枪) 2)二维扫描枪:(CPU扫描枪) 一维扫描枪工作原理: 激光扫描仪的基本工作原理为:手持式激光扫描仪通过一个激光二极管发出一束光线,照射到一个旋转的棱镜或来回摆动的镜子上,反射后的光线穿过阅读窗照射到条码表面,光线经过条或空的反射后返回阅读器,由一个镜子进行采集、聚焦,通过光电转换器转换成电信号,该信号将通过扫描器或终端上的译码软件进行译码。 如果条码无法正确的识别到,光源线会一直亮着,这其实是扫描枪一直在解码的过程,如果解码成功,光线就自动灭掉。 常见故障: 1)扫描枪亮红灯,无法读取数据或者数据读取不完整。 故障表现:扫描枪线材损坏,参数设置不正确, 2)扫描枪无激光。 故障表现:扫描枪内部电路板损坏或者是没有更新扫描枪驱动(参见:进入管理员账号,更新设备驱动) 设置方法: 1)基本设置手册 2)自动发送F1设置手册 接口种类:USB接口,PS/2接口,RS232接口

二维码扫描枪工作原理: 二维码(dimensional barcode),又称二维条码,是在一维条码的基础上扩展出的一种具有可读性的条码。设备扫描二维条码,通过识别条码的长度和宽度中所记载的二进制数据,可获取其中所包含的信息。相比一维条码,二维码记载更复杂的数据,比如图片、网络链接、视频等。 简介 二维条码/二维码(dimensional barcode)是用某种特定的几何图形按一定规律在平面(二维方向上)分布的黑白相间的图形记录数据符号信息的;在代码编制上巧妙地利用构成计算机内部逻辑基础二维码的“0”、“1”比特流的概念,使用若干个与二进制相对应的几何形体来表示文字数值信息,通过图象输入设备或光电扫描设备自动识读以实现信息自动处理:它具有条码技术的一些共性:每种码制有其特定的字符集;每个字符占有一定的宽度;具有一定的校验功能等。同时还具有对不同行的信息自动识别功能、及处理图形旋转变化等特点。 常见故障: 1)能读码,电脑上无数据传输。 故障表现:线材损坏,接口松脱,没有正确设置仿真USB接口。 2)能读码,读码能力弱。 故障表现:扫描枪设置不正确,扫描枪内部部件老化损坏。 设置方法: 1)参照二维扫描枪设置手册


条形码扫描枪的正确使用方法及注意事项 本文来源:扫描网 如何正确使用条形码扫描枪呢?很多朋友反应,条码扫描枪不好扫、扫不上等问题,其实大多并不是条形码扫描枪本身的问题,而是我们操作方法不够正确,下面扫描网小编整理了此文,希望能帮助广大新用户,更准确使用好条形码扫描枪。 一、如何正确使用条形码扫描枪? 1)首先请确保扫描枪、数据线、数据接收主机和电源等已正确连接后开机。 2)按住触发键不放,照明灯被激活,出现红色照明区域及红色对焦线。 3)将红色对焦线对准条码中心,移动扫描枪并调整它与条码之间的距离,来找到最佳识读距离。 4)听到成功提示音响起,同时红色照明线熄灭,则读码成功,扫描枪将解码后的数据传输至主机。 二、条形码扫描枪的使用注意事项: 1)不可将扫描枪与条码成90°进行扫描,90°时无法进行正常读取条码。 2)扫描条码时必须对准且将扫描线全部套住条码,然后再进行解码,不可只对部分条码进行扫描,否则可能有误码产生。

3)不可随便乱扫说明书上的条码,否则可能造成扫描枪无法扫描等现象。 4)在识读过程中,对同一批次的条码,您会找到扫描枪与条码的距离在某一范围内,读码成功率会很高,此距离即为最佳识读距离。 三、条形码扫描枪的常见故障处理: 若扫描枪不能正常进行工作,请先进行以下检查: 1)检查数据线与主机是否恰当连接,包括数据线是否牢固连接以及是否使用原装数据线。 2)检查条码标签质量是否良好,扫描枪可能无法识读褶皱或污损的条码标签 3)检查扫描枪识读的条码类型是否开启,若未开启明,请先开启识读改类型条码、 若扫描枪仍然不能正常工作,请联系您的扫描枪供应商。 四、条形码扫描枪的维护与保养 1)识读窗口必须保持清洁。供应商对不恰当维护造成的损害免于保修责任。 2)避免坚硬粗糙的物体磨损或划伤识读窗口; 3)用毛刷去除识读窗口上的污点; 4)请使用柔软的布清洁窗口,例如眼镜清洁布; 5)禁止向窗口喷洒任何液体; 6)禁止使用除清洁水以外的任何清洁剂。


Symbol 扫描枪使用说明书 一:简介 Symbol 扫描器组合了高性能扫描和高级的人机工程学优点,为轻 便型扫描器增添了价值。无论手持或放在支架上作免提扫描器使用 , 保证使用简便和轻巧舒适。 二:扫描器部件

三:安装接口电缆 1.将接口电缆方型连接器插入扫描器柄底部的电缆接口端口 2.将接口电缆的另一端连接到主机。 3.将电缆接至电源 ( 如有必要 )。 四:扫描姿势 1.请确保所有连接的牢固。 2.将扫描器对准条码。 3.请确保扫描线扫过符号的所有条形及空格。 4.成功解码后,扫描器会发出蜂鸣声且发光管发出绿光。

五:蜂鸣器的定义 扫描器通过发出不同的蜂鸣器顺序和模式来指示状态。如下表所示

六: LED指示器的定义 扫描器通过 LED双色指示器显示与用户通讯。如下表所示

七:疑难解答 问题可能的原因可能的解决方法 如果遵循操作说明,扫描器无 任何反应。 扫描器未接通电源。 接口 / 电源电缆 检查系统电源。如果扫描器 配置需要电源,则应确保已 连接完毕。 检查电缆连接是否松动。松动。 没有将扫描器编程为适用于 该条码类型的程序。 确保已将扫描器编程为能够 读取待扫描条码类型。 激光出现但符号未解码。条码符号不可读。检查符号以确保其未受损伤。试着扫描相同条码类型 的测试符号。 扫描器与条码的距离不合适。将扫描器从条码移近或移远。 符号解码完成,但未传至主没有将扫描器编程为适用于 扫描相应的主机类型条码。 机。该主机类型的程序。 请确保选择了正确的主机。 检查扫描器主机类型参数或 编辑选项。对于 RS-232 ,应 确保扫描器的通讯参数与主 机设置相匹配。 扫描数据在主机上显示有误。没有将扫描器编程为能与主对于键盘仿真配置,应确保机协同工作的程序。为系统编制了适用于键盘类 型的程序,并且 CAPS LOCK 键处于关闭状态。 确保为编辑选项 ( 例如,从 UPC-E 到 UPC-A 的转换 ) 正 确编制了程序。


无线条码扫描枪怎么安装和使用?可能大家对有线扫描枪都非常熟悉了,因为有线扫描枪大都是即插即用的,只需要一根数据线将其连接至电脑就可以立马使用,不需要其他操作。但无线扫描枪相对来说就稍微有点复杂了.下面鸿兴永利小编做出了一下问题整理提供参考. 无线扫描枪有个底座,就是无线扫描枪与电脑终端连接的一个媒介。就类似于“无线天线”,有了它,无线扫描枪才能与电脑终端建立联系,将扫描到的条码数据传输至电脑中。所以在使用前必须将二者先建立联系,专业术语叫做“配对”。 1)将数据线有水晶头的一端连接底座,另一端与电脑的相应接口连接,这时电脑会自动安装一个驱动程序。等待它自动安装完。 2)用无线扫描枪扫描一下底座上的条码,配对成功。注意:品牌不同,无线扫描枪的配对方式可能不同,这个可以查阅与产品相关的说明书。

有些无线扫描枪,就只需要按一下底座上的红色按钮M键就可以配对了。(如下图) 3)在电脑上打开一个记事本,Word文档或Excel等有光标闪烁的软件,也就是只要键盘可以输入的地方都可以,这时无线扫描枪可以开始扫描条码,同时条码数据就会即时传输到电脑中。传输成功,则无线扫描枪测试可正常使用。 条码扫描枪正确使用方法? 1)不可将扫描枪与条码成90°进行扫描,90°时无法进行正常读取条码。必须对准且将扫描线全部套住条码。 2)不可随便乱扫说明书上的条码,否则可能造成扫描枪无法扫描等现象。 3)在识读过程中,对同一批次的条码,您会找到扫描枪与条码的距离在某一范围内,读码成功率会很高,此距离即为最佳识读距离。

深圳鸿兴永利电子科技有限公司代理扫描枪国内外知名品牌,提供分销,维修等条形码相关服务。价格真实,原装正品!欢迎前来选购: https://www.doczj.com/doc/544841710.html,/index.html


条码扫描枪的使用步骤 条码扫描枪(简称条码枪)在各个行业的使用已经非常普遍。但是对于新手可能还是有点迷惑的,如果你是使用usb接口的那你的使用非常简单,只需要连接上你的设备,就可以使用了,不需要再学习什么理论和实践知识就可以完成了。 一般测试或简单了解条码枪的使用步骤非常简单: 1、插入扫描枪,(直到听到条码扫描枪成功安装的提示音); 2、打开EXCEL(或任何可以输入文本的软件); 3、在光标定位到要录入的单元格; 4、扫描条码(根据需要设置条码枪的扫描模式,如扫描后回车、换行、连续扫描); 5、扫描完成,保存。 单纯的学习条码扫描枪如何使用非常的简单,条码枪只是一个用来读取条码内容的设备,而条码内容只是一串数字或数字字母组合。 如果是需要打印条码,那么你需要安装一个条码制作的软件,使用CorelDRAW也可以,不过条码编码方式有很多种,用户需要知道你的条码到底需要使用哪种编码。 为什么条码枪需要设置,下面是个典型例子,一般机器是否正常也可以安装此步骤来判断:新买一个9针串口条码扫描枪,已测试证实可用于收银机,条码扫描枪如何使用,条码扫描枪本身没任何问题,现在想接入电脑,在word、Excel等文档里使用,已买外接电源线,9针串口pci扩展卡,又安装了串口驱动程序,在不考虑硬件问题后,还是无法在电脑上录入数据,应该是设置的问题吧,你用的什么电脑?为什么还要装PCI扩展卡,一般台式电脑都有9针串口的,如果另装了扩展卡,扫描器使用的端口就要重新设置,电脑主板上的串口通常是COM1和COM2,另加的串口会是COM3。 条码扫描枪扫描条码有声音,说明条码扫描器供电没有问题,识读条形码也是没有问题的,但是不显示,问题可能出在你的键盘接口或者条码扫描枪的设置上。


很多新买的客户,都会问到的问题,扫描器怎么安装,设置,等一系列的小问题。鸿兴永利小编做出了条码扫描器设置正确使用说明提供参考。 正确使用条码扫描枪 1)首先请确保扫描枪、数据线、数据接收主机和电源等已正确连接后开机。 2)按住触发键不放,照明灯被激活,出现红色照明区域及红色对焦线。 3)将红色对焦线对准条码中心,移动扫描枪并调整它与条码之间的距离,来找到最佳识读距离。 4)听到成功提示音响起,同时红色照明线熄灭,则读码成功,扫描枪将解码后的数据传输至主机。 扫描枪安装方法 1)插入数据线:将数据线的水晶头接入扫描枪的底部接口,注意:如果插进入之后可以直接拔出,说明没有插好,因为插好后是不能直接拔出的。 2)连接电脑:扫描枪一般有3个接口可选,常用USB接口。连接电脑的时候将扫描枪数据线插口插入电脑相应的接口上,稍等电脑自动安装驱动之后,即可使用。 3)取线方法:用一个小别针插入取线孔,稍微用力挤压然后就可以拔出数据线。 扫描枪使用注意事项: 1)不可将扫描枪与条码成90°进行扫描,90°时无法进行正常读取条码。必须对准且将扫描线全部套住条码。 2)不可随便乱扫说明书上的条码,否则可能造成扫描枪无法扫描等现象。 3)在识读过程中,对同一批次的条码,您会找到扫描枪与条码的距离在某一范围内,读码成功率会很高,此距离即为最佳识读距离。 扫描枪常见故障处理:

若扫描枪不能正常进行工作,请先进行以下检查: 1)检查数据线与主机是否恰当连接,包括数据线是否牢固连接以及是否使用原装数据线。 2)检查条码标签质量是否良好,扫描枪可能无法识读褶皱或污损的条码标签 3)检查扫描枪识读的条码类型是否开启,若未开启明,请先开启识读改类型条码 扫描器常用设置 1 恢复出厂设置 恢复出厂设置的方法可以解决条码扫描器一般出现的故障,如:扫描器无法识读条码标签,恢复出厂是条码扫描器设置中最重要的一个设置。 一般扫描器说明书上面会有详细解释。1)Set Defaults 或Set All Defaults2)Recall Defaults 3)Standard Product Default Settings这些英文表示的就是扫描器恢复出厂设置。 2 条码数据的前缀和后缀添加设置和位数截取设置 条码扫描器前缀和后缀的添加和条码数据删除是为了适应一个新的系统的一些功能,新系统的功能有时会出现和扫描器不兼容的现象,这个时候我们就需要使用条码数据添加和删除功能来实现兼容。 3 条码扫描器串口通讯参数设置和扫描模式设置 条码扫描器波特率、奇偶校验、停止位、数据位、握手协议等都是通过扫描器串口通讯参数设置来实现的。 条码扫描器扫描模式有多种,手动按键式扫描、自感条码式扫描、光线闪烁式扫描、光线常亮式扫描,通过扫描模式的设置可以方便的在任意两种模式中进行切换操作。 4 条码扫描器码制开通设置和扫描器接口类型设置 条码扫描器有时候会出现无法扫描识读的现象,这是因为一下不常用的条形码码制一般都会锁定,为了提高条码扫描器的性能和编码速度,默认情况下条码扫描器是无法识读的,我们可以通过码制开通设置来开通。 条码扫描器接口类型设置可以方便用户进行接口模式的转换设置,这样扫描器就能在其他接口模式下正常工作。 5 条码扫描器蜂鸣器设置 扫描器蜂鸣器的设置也许容易被广大用户所忽视,对于它的设置用户更是一点都不了解,而且也不知道出现什么样的问题和故障是需要进行扫描器蜂鸣器的设置。

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