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Hardware support for aggressive parallel discrete event simulations

Hardware Support for Aggressive Parallel Discrete Event Simulation

Sudhir Srinivasan

Paul F. Reynolds, Jr.

Computer Science Report No. TR-93-07

January 11, 1993

Hardware Support For Aggressive Parallel

Discrete Event Simulation

Every Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) protocol can bene?t signi?cantly from the av ailability of global information: non-aggressiv e protocols require deadlock detection and recovery; aggressive protocols require Global Virtual Time (GVT), and global and local status information is critical to adaptiv e protocols. To rapidly compute and disseminate global information, Reynolds proposed a framework for all PDES’s. As proposed, the framework could clearly operate with a non-aggressive protocol. To demonstrate its utility to aggressive protocols, we describe an algorithm to compute GVT using the framework in a Time Warp system, and we establish its correctness. Aggressiveness, used in moderation, (i.e. adaptive behavior) will most likely lead to the most ef?cient protocols. The algorithms described in this paper can be used as a foundation for designing adaptiv e protocols which utilize the framework to obtain status information. Finally, our approach to computing GVT is nov el. Simulation studies show that v ery accurate GVT can be made av ailable at no cost to the simulation itself.

Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.1.3 [Programming Techniques]: Concurrent Programming -parallel programming; D.4.1 [Operating Systems]: Process Management -deadlocks; D.4.1 [Operating Systems]: Process Management -synchronization; D.4.4 [Operating Systems]: Communications Management -message sending; D.4.7 [Operating Systems] Organization and Design -distributed systems; D.4.8 [Operating Systems] Performance -simulation; I.6.8 [Simulation and Modeling] Types of Simulation -parallel and discrete event

General Terms: Algorithms, Performance

Additional Key Words and Phrases: Aggressiv e protocols, GVT computation, reduction network, synchronization algorithm, Time Warp

List of ?gures

Figure 1 - Global Computation Model

Figure 2 - Framework Algorithm

Figure 3 - Hardware Con?guration

Figure 4 - A Parallel Reduction Network

Figure 5 - Aggressive Framework Algorithm

Figure 6 - GVT Computation Model for AFA

Figure 7 - AFA2P: Host Processor Algorithm

Figure 8 - GVT Computation Model for AFA2P

Figure 9 - Timestamp pro?le of LPi

Figure 10 - Possible pro?les

Figure 11 - Pro?le of the root of the rollback chain

Figure 12 - Pro?le of the root of a rollback chain with a valley


-T -value used to track the logical clock value of LP i -smallest next event time of LP i -smallest unreceived message time of LP i -T -value used for primary acknowledgment by LP i -T -value used for secondary acknowledgment by LP i

-minimum timestamp of AP i =σi ηi υi ρi τi μi MIN σi υi ,()



Parallelizing Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is a challenging problem in parallel computing. Since simulated events have causal relations among them, they must be simulated in the order de?ned by these causal relations. A dependence graph can be constructed using these causal relations, which de?nes a partial order on all of the simulated events. Events which are not related under this partial order can be executed concurrently. It appears that typical DES’s exhibit substantial concurrency in their dependence graphs [9, 15, 19] which makes DES a candidate for parallelization. Ironically though, this concurrency is dif?cult to extract in practice. The well-investigated approach of extracting concurrency from sequential programs fails with DES due primarily to two reasons: (i) There is a single (main) data structure, the events list, which is modi?ed very frequently (ii) The DES algorithm is basically a single loop in which there are several inter-iteration dependencies (because execution of events may schedule more events in the logical future). Consequently, a different method for parallelizing DES has been adopted [4, 19]. The essence of this method is to divide the DES into several logical processes (LP’s), each responsible for simulating a part of the physical system. These LP’s are sequential DES’s by themselves and they synchronize with each other when required using timestamped messages, in order to guarantee accurate simulation (i.e, freedom from causality violations). The method used to synchronize the LP’s of a Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) is generally referred to as a protocol. We present a modi?ed version of a previously proposed synchronization algorithm [22], modi?ed to operate with a class of protocols which we call aggressive protocols. This class includes the so-called optimistic protocols as well as an interesting and as yet relatively unexplored subclass:adaptive protocols in which the aggressiveness of the LP’s is controlled. Also, we prove the correctness of our algorithm. The algorithm of [22] as well as our algorithm operate on special-purpose hardware designed to desseminate global information rapidly. Thus, the primary contribution of this work is the establishment of a correct method for rapidly disseminating critical synchronization information in support of aggressive (and therefore adaptive) protocols at essentially no cost to the PDES itself. Our algorithm will serve as a foundation for the design of adaptive protocols which use the hardware to gather status information at very low cost.


In the past, researchers have proposed several protocols [9], most of which belong to one of two categories:non-aggressive, accurate and without risk (commonly known as conservative) and aggressive,accurate and with risk(commonly optimistic) with some exceptions. In a non-aggressive protocol, an LP generally executes its next scheduled event only after it con?rms that no causality constraints can be violated in the future due to this execution. Such protocols tend not to exploit much of the concurrency in the simulation. In an aggressive protocol, an LP executes events without the guarantee of freedom from causality errors. As a result, causality errors may occur. One of the ways of dealing with causality errors is to ignore them, but we do not consider this further here. For the simulation to be accurate, some error recovery must be performed; commonly,rolling back to an earlier, correct, saved state is the method of choice. Consequently, aggressive protocols suffer the penalty of saving state periodically and rolling back on errors. The

costs of these actions can become prohibitively high in implementations. Another problem aggressive protocols face is that LP’s periodically require a global value called global virtual time (GVT) [10]. Computing GVT has thus far been an expensive operation. Note that the general class of aggressive protocols includes optimistic protocols.

Researchers have reported success with both non-aggressive and aggressive protocols [9]. Studies have shown that there are applications for which aggressive protocols will outperform non-aggressive ones [12, 14] and vice-versa [16]. As a result, there is no optimal protocol. In [21], Reynolds points out that there are several other categories of protocols, based on a set of design variables used to characterize protocols. An interesting category of protocols that has not received much attention is the class of adaptive protocols in which the LP’s dynamically adapt some aspect or aspects of their processing. An interesting and promising subclass of adaptive protocols are those in which the LP’s dynamically control their aggressiveness. Recent research [1, 6, 7, 16, 17] suggests that controlled aggressiveness will most likely be a feature of a universally ef?cient protocol. In the rest of this paper, we will use the term adaptive to refer to this subclass of adaptive protocols which is characterized by controlled aggressiveness.

Most PDES protocols require global information of some sort [24]. For example, Time Warp LP’s require the value of GVT for several reasons. Correspondingly, non-aggressive (or blocking) protocols, which have the potential to deadlock, need to be able to identify the LP with the event that must be executed next, to break a deadlock. Iterative protocols which restrict executable events to those inside a computation window require the LP’s to collectively determine the lower and upper bounds of the window. In adaptive protocols as well, there is need for global information, since the amount of aggressiveness of any LP will be controlled by its state relative to the state of others in the system.

The need for global synchronization information motivated a universal framework for all parallel simulations, proposed by Reynolds [22]. This framework has the capability of rapidly providing the global information required in any PDES. For instance, it can be used to compute GVT, the minimum lookahead in the system, the ?oor and ceiling of a computation window or to break deadlocks. We believe that adaptive protocols will bene?t most from this framework because global information required to make adaptive decisions dynamically, which has been very expensive (in time) to compute thus far, can be made available very rapidly using the framework. The framework consists of three parts: (i) A small set of global values required by any PDES protocol (ii) H igh speed special purpose hardware to rapidly compute and disseminate these global values and (iii) A synchronization algorithm executed by each LP to correctly maintain the global values. (i) and (iii) are described in [23] while (ii) is described in [25]. It must be noted that the synchronization algorithm is not a protocol, but a foundation for PDES protocols. It is intuitively clear that the synchronization algorithm can operate with non-aggressive protocols, in which the logical clocks of the LP’s never move backwards. We present an aggressive version of the synchronization algorithm and prove its correctness, thus demonstrating that the framework can be used to support a protocol which allows aggressive processing. In the future, we intend to use our algorithm as a basis for designing ef?cient adaptive protocols which use the framework hardware to collect global information. In the rest of the paper we refer to the hardware desgined

for the framework as the framework hardware and to the synchronization algorithm as the framework algorithm .

In the next section, we brie?y describe the hardware and synchronization algorithm of the framework to set the context for our work. We present our algorithm in Section 3 and in Section 4,we show its correctness. Sections 5 and 6 present and establish the correctness of a modi?ed version of our algorithm, which is required due to the organization of the hardware described in Section 2. Section 7 describes three properties of the value of GVT computed by our algorithm. In Section 8, we present the ?ndings of preliminary studies of our algorithm and compare this with previous work in this area. Section 9 concludes the paper.

2 A Framework for PDES

We begin with a brief review of the Reynolds framework. Details can be found in [23]. We ?rst describe the framework algorithm and then the hardware support for the algorithm.

2.1Framework algorithm

The main purpose of the algorithm is to correctly maintain a set of global values required by the protocol being used in the PDES. At each LP , the algorithm maintains the local counterpart of each global value. For instance, the algorithm could maintain the event processing rate at each LP so that the corresponding global value could identify the fastest LP’s. In [22], Reynolds identi?ed two such global values: , the smallest of the timestamps in the future events list of all the LP’s and , the smallest of the timestamps of messages that are outstanding (as yet unreceived). Since these values are logical timestamps, we call them T-values . As we shall see,these T -values are functions of real time. The upper-case “T ” in “T -values” signi?es logical time,which is the range of these functions, as against real time, which is their domain. To compute these two global T -values, each LP maintains two local T -values, one corresponding to each global T -value. We de?ne and as follows:

where is the timestamp of the ?rst event in LP i ’s events list (which is assumed to be sorted in non-descending order) and is the smallest of the timestamps of all the messages that LP i has sent out which have not yet been received by their intended receivers. We call the next event time and accordingly, the minimum next event time . Similarly, is the smallest unreceived message time and is the minimum unreceived message time . We emphasize here that the responsibility of the algorithm is only to correctly maintain and (or other such global T -values). The values are actually used by the PDES protocol working in conjunction with the framework. For completeness, the algorithm presented here uses the two global T -values to identify the next safe event (or events) in the system, where an event is safe if its execution is guaranteed not to violate any causality constraints in the future.

η′υ′η′υ′η′MIN LP i

ηi ()=υ′MIN LP i

υi ()=ηi υi ηi η′υi υ′η′υ′

this, the protocol uses two phases: in the ?rst phase, the sender of the message being acknowledged determines that the receiver of the message is acknowledging the message and in the second phase, the receiver determines that its acknowledgment has been observed by the sender.

To acknowledge a message sent to it by LP s , LP r initiates the ?rst phase by setting its to the timestamp and message identi?er of the received message. We refer to some having a value other than as a primary acknowledgment (or simply acknowledgment ) and the act of setting as submitting a primary acknowledgment . The timestamp of a primary acknowledgment is the same as that of the message which it is acknowledging. For now, assume that the timestamp of is the smallest among all other acknowldegments submitted simultaneously . Thus, will equal . When this is observed by LP s (and it is guaranteed to ultimately do so, since LP r does not change ),it knows that its message to LP r is being acknowledged and the ?rst phase is complete. LP s initiates the second phase by setting its to . As with , we refer to some having a value other than as a secondary acknowledgment and the act of setting as submitting a secondary acknowledgment . Since an LP submits a secondary acknowledgment only after observing a primary acknowledgment, every secondary acknowledgment corresponds to a primary acknowledgment and the timestamp of a secondary acknowledgment is equal to that of its primary acknowledgment. After some time, will equal and therefore . This is ultimately observed by LP r (because LP s does not change ) which then knows that LP s has seen its acknowledgment. LP r then removes its acknowledgment by changing . After some delay,this change is re?ected in the output of the reduction network as a change in . When LP s observes this change, it knows that LP r has removed its acknowledgment and so it relinquishes the secondary acknowledgment by setting to and the second phase is complete.

At any time during the two phases described above, a new acknowledgment with a timestamp smaller than may be submitted. As a result, will equal this new acknowledgment. This change in may occur either before or after LP s observes the old . In the ?rst case, the ?rst phase of the protocol is preempted; this situation is the same as having several acknowledgments with the new acknowledgment having the smallest timestamp. When the new acknowledgment completes, again becomes the acknowledgment with the smallest timestamp and the ?rst phase is restarted. In the second case, LP s has observed the primary acknowledgment but the second phase is preempted. LP s observes that its message is no longer being acknowledged and consequently relinquishes the second acknowledgment by setting to . After the new acknowledgment completes, reverts to . When LP s observes this,it resumes the second phase by resubmitting its secondary acknowledgment and the second phase ultimately completes. Thus, the algorithm effectively nests acknowledgments.

Batched acknowledgments

From the description above, it is clear that when multiple acknowledgments are submitted at the same time, only the one with the smallest timestamp completes. This serialization of acknowledgments is alleviated by the second enhancement in which a batch of messages is acknowledged using a single physical acknowledgment. This is done by adding a third component to each of ,, and . These T -values now consist of a message timestamp, a message identi?er and a size ?eld. An acknowledging LP searches its unacknowledged message ρr ρi ∞Φ0,,{}ρi ρr ρ′ρr ρr τs ρ′ρi τi ∞Φ0,,{}τi τ′τs ρr τs ρr ρ′τs ∞Φ0,,{}ρr ρ′ρ′ρ′ρr τs ∞Φ0,,{}ρ′ρr ρi τi ρ′τ′

and receiving messages, saving state, etc.) while the AP’s perform all of the synchronization tasks (i.e., they are responsible for submitting state vectors to the PRN, reading the output of the PRN and executing synchronization algorithms). When an HP causes its state to change (by executing an event, receiving a message, etc.) it communicates this change to its AP. The AP incorporates such changes into state vectors which it submits to the PRN for reduction. The AP also reads the globally reduced output state vector produced by the PRN and makes selected subsets of this available to the HP.

The interface between the H P and the AP consists of two unidirectional channels (implemented as buffers). For information ?owing from the HP to the AP, it is required that none of it be lost and that the AP process the information in the order sent out by the HP. For these two reasons, the IN Buffer is a FIFO. In the other direction, the only requirement is that the most recent version of the AP’s output be available to the HP. Accordingly, the OUT Buffer consists of a single cell buffer, which is repeatedly overwritten by the AP each time it presents new data to the HP. We note here that this con?guration is one of many possible implementations of the global computation model of Figure 1. In particular, the choice of having dedicated processors for simulation and synchronization tasks and their asynchronous operation with respect to each other introduces latencies in the data path which are absent in the model of Figure 1. This requires minor adjustment of synchronization algorithms which are based on the model of Figure 1, as will be seen in Section 5.

As mentioned earlier, the PRN and the AP’s operate asynchronously. Occasionally, the AP’s present state vectors (not necessarily all at the same time) to the PRN for reduction. The PRN operates in reduction cycles, reducing a set of state vectors, one from each processor, to a single output state vector in each cycle. Subsequent reduction cycles re-use state vectors for those AP’s which do not present new state vectors. To satisfy these requirements, the design includes a custom interface between the AP’s and the PRN. The AP’s write new state vectors to the IN registers and read globally reduced state vectors from the OUT registers. Likewise, the PRN reads state vectors from the IN registers, reduces them and writes the global output to the OUT registers. The IN and OUT registers are comprised of three sets of registers each which provide the isolation between the AP and the PRN. The detailed operation of these register interfaces is described in [25].

The PRN is a binary tree of height log2n, where n is the number of processors. Figure 4 shows a PRN for eight processors. Each node of the tree contains a general purpose ALU which performs reduction operations on its two operands. The reductions are performed in parallel across all the ALU’s. The PRN interfaces with each processor through the IN and OUT registers. At each LP, the IN registers present a state vector (which may be the same as the one used in the previous cycle) to the PRN. The PRN starts the reduction by reading the ?rst elements of each state vector and reducing them pair-wise at the top row of ALU’s. These ALU’s then pass the reduced values down to the second row of ALU’s. While the second row of ALU’s reduces these values, the top row reduces the second elements of each state vector. Thus, the PRN operates in a pipelined fashion. The time required for a set of values to pass through a single PRN stage is called the minor cycle time, while the time required for the top row ALU’s to read all the elements of the state vectors is called the input cycle time. Note that an input cycle consists of m minor cycles, where m is

antimessages (when they propagate the results of aggressive processing to other LP’s). In this section, we present our algorithm which is a modi?ed version of the algorithm of Figure 2,modi?ed to incorporate the considerations for the two attributes just mentioned. For exposition,our choice of aggressive protocol is Time Warp [10].

The most important synchronization value required by the LP’s in Time Warp is GVT.GVT is required by the LP’s during a simulation for several reasons: fossil collection in systems with limited state saving space, performing I/O, collecting statistics and detecting termination conditions. To date, GVT computation has been an expensive (time consuming) operation. This is an area in which the framework can signi?cantly bene?t aggressive protocols, by rapidly computing and providing the value of GVT. In order to correctly compute GVT using the framework hardware, we have modi?ed the synchronization algorithm of Figure 2 to correctly maintain two local T -values at each LP , the global reduction of which provides GVT.

3.1Aggressive Framework Algorithm

The Aggressive Framework Algorithm (AFA) listed in Figure 5 is designed to asynchronously compute GVT in a Time Warp system. It assumes the computation model of Figure 1. As mentioned in Section 2.2, the framework hardware differs slightly from this model.We will present AFA adapted for the framework hardware in Section 5 and prove its correctness in Section 6.

We assume familiarity with the Time Warp protocol and associated terminology. By de?nition, GVT is the minimum of two T -values: the smallest of the logical clocks of all the LP’s and the smallest unreceived message time among all the LP’s. The original framework algorithm maintains the minimum unreceived message time,, but does not maintain the smallest logical clock value. Instead, it maintains the smallest next event time,. In a non-aggressive system, we can distinguish between two local T -values:, which is the timestamp of the event being executed (or just executed) by LP i (i.e., the logical clock value of LP i ) and , which is the timestamp of the next event that LP i intends to execute. In such a system, LP i will not execute its next event unless it can ascertain its safety. Each LP i submits its for reduction rather than its , so that the LP’s can identify the next safe event(s). In an aggressive system, since LP’s do not wait to ascertain the safety of an event before executing it, we consider only , the logical clock value of LP i . Thus, the algorithm of Figure 5 maintains the following two T -values:

: the minimum of all the logical clocks : the minimum unreceived message time and GVT is de?ned as .

AFA has two concurrent procedures,PROCESS and DO_ACK . The PROCESS procedure invokes three subroutines,SEND_MSG ,RCV_MSG and ROLLBACK as required. One change in AFA from the framework algorithm of Figure 2 is that RCV_MSG is now called as a subroutine by PROCESS instead of being a concurrent procedure invoked when a message is received. This is υ′η′σi ηi ηi σi σi σ′MIN LP i

σi ()=υ′MIN LP i

υi ()=GVT MIN σ′υ′,()=

messages have arrived in the LP’s logical past (i.e. they have to be inserted in the events list before the event just executed - such messages are called stragglers ), then PROCESS calls ROLLBACK , to perform the rollback. On a rollback, the logical clock of the LP is rolled back to the timestamp of the straggler. In the ROLLBACK subroutine, we have chosen to employ aggressive cancellation [26].We show later that lazy cancellation is easily accommodated in this algorithm. At the end of a rollback, the PROCESS procedure checks to see if any new stragglers have arrived during the rollback process which will cause the LP to roll back further. If so,ROLLBACK is called again. Thus,ROLLBACK is invoked repeatedly until all of the newly received messages are in the LP’s logical future (i.e., the LP has rolled back far enough). These messages are now incorporated into the events list of the LP in the RCV_MSG subroutine. The DO_ACK procedure is the same as the CHKACK procedure in Figure 2; it performs acknowledgments of messages using the PRN.

In order to maintain correctly, the timestamps of antimessages must also be part of the GVT computation. To see why, consider a system of two LP’s with LP 0 having at 1000, LP 1having at 1500 and no messages in transit. Therefore, GVT has a value of 1000. Now, LP 0 sends LP 1 an antimessage with timestamp 1000 and then proceeds to execute its next event with timestamp 2000. While the antimessage is in transit, if antimessages are not acknowledged, we have at 2000, at 1500 and both and at , giving a GVT of 1500. When the antimessage is ?nally received by LP 1, falls to 1000, bringing GVT down to 1000. This is an error since GVT must be strictly non-decreasing. The error occurs because the smallest timestamp in the system, which is the timestamp of the antimessage, is momentarily absent from the GVT computation algorithm. The problem is solved by requiring antimessages also to be acknowledged. To do this, the ROLLBACK procedure calls SEND_MSG to send the antimessages.This guarantees that the timestamps of antimessages are accounted for in the value of . In addition, we see that the received message is marked for acknowledgment independent of its sign in RCV_MSG (i.e. antimessages are also acknowledged).

3.2Event preemption and lazy cancellation

We indicate how two optional features of Time Warp (event preemption and lazy cancellation) can be incorporated into AFA. In AFA as presented in Figure 5, the event processing procedure (PROCESS ) checks to see if new messages have arrived after the execution of each event. When one or more of the messages received during the execution of an event have a smaller timestamp than that of the event, an ef?cient implementation will preempt the execution of the event (since it will be rolled back anyway) rather than wait for the execution to complete. To incorporate this into AFA, the RCV_MSG subroutine is activated as a concurrent procedure with PROCESS and DO_ACK whenever the LP receives a message. In addition, at the start of the RCV_MSG procedure, a check is made to see if the received message is in the LP’s logical past and if so, the ROLLBACK procedure is called. In effect, each iteration of the WHILE and FOR loops in PROCESS is transformed into a concurrent invocation of RCV_MSG .

With lazy cancellation, upon rolling back, an LP sends out antimessages only as required.In Figure 5, the ROLLBACK subroutine implements aggressive cancellation, wherein antimessages are sent out during a rollback regardless of whether they are needed or not. To implement lazy cancellation, the FOR loop is removed from the ROLLBACK subroutine. Instead, the PROCESS υi σ0σ1σ0σ1υ0υ1∞σ1υi

procedure must now perform a check after every event execution, to see if any antimessages need to be sent out. If so, the SEND_MSG subroutine is called to actually send the antimessage.


In this section, we establish the correctness of AFA shown in Figure 5. Throughout this paper we are concerned only with temporal correctness. We assume that the simulators under discussion are functionally accurate. By temporal correctness we mean that none of the committed events violate causality constraints. The following criteria de?ne (temporal) correctness of a parallel simulation:

i)each LP must ultimately execute events in strictly non-decreasing timestamp

order [9]

ii)the simulator must make progress if the application being simulated makes progress

The second criterion incorporates the concepts of freedom from deadlock as well as termination.

4.1Correctness of a Time Warp system

For a Time Warp system, it can be proven that the value of GVT never decreases, by considering all of the possible ways in which GVT may change [10]. H ence, GVT de?nes a commitment horizon, i.e. events with timestamps lower than GVT can be committed. Other uses of GVT are fossil collection, gathering statistical data and detecting the occurrence of termination conditions. It is therefore reasonable to assume that every Time Warp LP needs to know the value of GVT periodically. In a typical Time Warp implementation, this is done by actually computing it during the simulation.

An ideal time warp system is one in which the LP’s obtain all the information they need instantaneously. For instance, in an ideal system, when an LP receives a message sent to it by another, the sending LP becomes aware of the fact that the message has been received at the same instant the receiving LP receives the message. Obviously, no implementation can be ideal but every implementation has a corresponding ideal system. Timestamps often remain in an implementation for some time after they have disappeared from the ideal system. Returning to our previous example, typically, the sending LP is noti?ed of the receipt of the message by some form of acknowledgment. Since this acknowledgment takes time to accomplish, the message remains outstanding for a longer period of time in the implementation than in the ideal system. This lag is especially true of implementations in which the GVT computation proceeds asynchronously with the simulation, i.e., the simulation is not suspended when GVT is computed. As a result, the GVT computed by an implementation is usually an approximation of the value of GVT in the corresponding ideal system. At any instant of real time t, we distinguish between the actual value of GVT, GVT a(t), which is the value of GVT in the ideal system at time t (i.e. the smallest timestamp in the ideal system at time t), and the computed value of GVT, GVT c(t), which is the value of GVT made available by the Time Warp implementation at time t.

4.2.2Properties of AP software

The software executing on the AP’s should have the following properties:

P5periodic read

Each AP (and therefore each LP) reads the output of the PRN periodically ,

i.e. no LP will ignore the output of the PRN for an arbitrary amount of


P6?nite delay

No communication in a FIFO remains unprocessed by the AP for an

arbitrary amount of time. This assumes that the communications are

enqueued at an average rate which is lower than the average rate at

which the communications are processed.

4.2.3Properties of AFA

P7set clock on event

An LP sets its to the timestamp of an event before it executes that


P8set unreceived message time

When an LP sends a message, if its is greater than the timestamp of

the message, its will be set to the timestamp of the message;

otherwise, there is no change in its .

P9update unreceived message time

When LP i receives the primary acknowledgment for a message which has

timestamp , that message is removed from its outstanding message list

and its is set to the smallest among the timestamps of the remaining

messages in its outstanding message list.

P10unreceived is minimum

At any LP i , is equal to the smallest of the timestamps of the messages

in its outstanding message list. This follows directly from P8 (set

unreceived message time) and P9 (update unreceived message time).

P11maintain unreceived message time

When an LP sends a message M , its is less than or equal to the

timestamp of M (from P8 (set unreceived message time)). In addition, it

will remain so until the LP observes the primary acknowledgment for M .

P12set clock on message

When an LP receives a message, its is made less than or equal to the

timestamp of the message before the acknowledgment of the message is


σi υi υi υi υi υi υi υi σi


绚烂的近义词和反义词 导读:星星使天空绚烂夺目;知识使人增长才干。造烛求明,读书求理。如下是小编给大家整理的绚烂的近义词和反义词,希望对大家有所作用。 【近义词】:奇丽、富丽、灿烂、烂漫、瑰丽、璀璨、绚丽、绮丽、艳丽、辉煌、鲜丽、鲜艳、 【反义词】:暗淡光色昏暗灯光暗淡色调暗淡不光明暗淡的前景前途暗淡 绚烂的造句: 1、枫叶是秋天这本大书中最绚烂的一页。 2、春天是初生的旭日,生机勃勃;春天是美丽的姑娘,温柔妩媚;春天是重生的希望,绚烂无比。 3、落叶,是你点缀了秋天的丛林,那丛林就像一幅山水画卷,使秋天更加绚烂,是你像舞蹈家一样快乐的舞蹈,像蝴蝶一样飘飞,才给我们带来了美的感受。 4、摘一根美丽绚烂的花,戴在发间,折一根清翠的柳枝系在腰间。我们常常穿梭于密草林间,寻觅所谓的幸福踪影,其实,幸福时刻萦绕在我们身边。 5、让我们用艺术的水彩渲染浮云的斑澜。让我们用文化的魅力点缀阳光的绚烂。 6、今天是你的生日,让荡漾的春风把烦恼统统送走,让浪漫的春雨把梦想慢慢滋润,让绚烂的春花把生活好好装扮,让温暖的春天

把祝福多多挂满,祝你幸福到永远!在这里祝你生日快乐! 7、文明常驻你我身边,让我们的校园从此绽放美丽,让我们的社会从此和谐温馨,让我们与文明结伴,和美德拉手,让我们的青春迸发出绚烂的火花! 8、没有追求,哪有执着拼搏的勇气?没有追求,哪有跃马扬鞭的动力?没有追求,哪有绚烂多彩的舞台?没有追求,哪有灿烂美好的未来? 9、亲爱的,你知道吗?你是我人生最猝不及防的遇见,你是我人生最绚烂多彩的华年,你是我人生最快乐幸福的源泉,愿你和我共释永不落幕的爱恋! 10、一直特别喜欢您的油画技法与表现方式,绚烂的色彩与独特的风格为我们所欣赏。 11、总有一天,你会遇到一个彩虹般绚烂的人,怦然而心动。 12、父爱是黑夜里的星光,照亮幼小的生命;父爱是蓝天上的彩虹,装点绚烂的童年。爸爸节到了,祝所有爸爸健康快乐! 13、随着油泵停止运作,色彩绚烂的贴纸似乎成了该国的主要产业。 14、每个人的生活各不相同,有的先甜后苦,有的先苦后甜。我却觉得只有曾经苦过,才能甜的实在,绚烂!就像彩虹一样,只会在夏日的暴风雨过后才屹立在天际,不然怎么会有“不经历风雨怎么见彩虹”的感慨呢? 15、正因为有寒冷相衬,秋菊才那样明艳美丽;正因为与霜雪斗


一年级语文反义词 虎广莲 一、教学名称:学习《反义词》 二、教学目标: 1、引导学生积极思考,理解相反的含义、丰富学生的词汇。 2、发展学生的观察力和语言表达能力。 3、能准确找出意义相反的事物,感知生活中有很多事物的特征是相反的。 三、教学重点、难点: 1、教学重点:使学生理解初步反义词的含义并感知生活中的反义词。 2、教学难点:学生感知并准确表达生活中的的反义词,同时认识涉及的汉字。 四、教学过程: 1、请将导入:将学生分成5个小组,给每个小组分别分发豆子、西红柿、棍子、核桃,毛线团、冰糖,苦瓜;引导学生用手摸、捏,用眼睛观察、用嘴巴尝尝等感知这些东西的特征并表达出来。 2、根据学生的表达引出反义词的概念,让学生初步理解反义词的概念。 3、展示课件,让学生观察图片,再次感知反义词。 4、引导学生自由发言说说这节课所感知到得反义词。 5、教师总结出这节课所学的反义词,并领读再次帮助学生巩固

这节课所学的反义词。 6、课堂拓展:鼓励学生观察并发现生活中其他的反义词。 7、课堂升华:引导做卡片游戏,给每个宝宝分发写有不同汉字的卡片,随着“找朋友”的音乐去找自己卡片中汉字的反义词,并成为好朋友手拉手站好,然后老师引导学生大声读出好朋友卡片中的汉字。 五、教学反思:本节课通过引导学生感知并理解生活中相反的变大含义,从而学习反义词。在学习反义词的同时对反义词中所涉及的汉字也要认识并学会。学生对汉字的认识和理解还是比较好的,但对于一些比较难的反义词还需进一步的学习掌握。 六、教学拓展:引导学生观察生活中常见的事物和现象,并找出所表达的反义词,请假老师或者父母自学反义词中所涉及的汉字。


关于国内工程保理业务介绍 根据我行最新国内保理业务管理办法,现将本业务作如下介绍: 一、本业务涉及到的几个定义 (一)国内保理业务是指境内卖方将其向境内买方销售货物或提供服务所产生的应收账款转让给我行,由我行为卖方提供应收账款管理、保理融资及为买方提供信用风险担保的综合性金融业务。其中,我行为卖方提供的应收账款管理和保理融资服务为卖方保理,为买方提供的信用风险担保服务为买方保理。 工程保理是指工程承包商或施工方将从事工程建设服务形成 的应收账款转让给卖方保理行,由保理行提供综合性保理服务。(二)卖方(供应商、债权人):对所提供的货物或服务出具发票 的当事方,即保理业务的申请人。 (三)买方(采购商、债务人):对由提供货物或服务所产生的应 收账款负有付款责任的当事方。 (四)应收账款:本办法所称应收账款指卖方或权利人因提供货物、服务或设施而获得的要求买方或义务人付款的权利,包括现有的金钱债权及其产生的收益,包括但不限于应收账款本金、利息、违约金、损害赔偿金,以及担保权利、保险权益等所有主债权、从债权以及与主债权相关的其他权益,但不包括因票据或其他有价证券而产生的付款请求权。 (四)应收账款发票实有金额:是指发票金额扣除销售方已回笼货款后的余额。

(五)保理监管专户:指卖方保理行为卖方开立的用于办理保理项下应收账款收支业务的专用账户。该账户用途包括:收取保理项下应收账款;收取其他用以归还我行保理融资的款项;支付超过保理融资余额以外的应收账款等。卖方不能通过应收账款专户以网上银行或自助设备等形式开展任何业务。 二、保理业务分类 (一)按是否对保理融资具有追索权,我行国内保理分为有追索权保理和无追索权保理。 有追索权保理是指卖方保理行向卖方提供保理项下融资后,若买方在约定期限内不能足额偿付应收账款,卖方保理行有权按照合同约定向卖方追索未偿还融资款的保理业务;无追索权保理是指卖方保理行向卖方提供保理项下融资后,若买方因财务或资信原因在约定期限内不能足额偿付应收账款,卖方保理行无权向卖方追索未偿还融资款。 三、应收账款的范围、条件及转让方式 (一)可办理国内保理业务的应收账款范围: 1、因向企事业法人销售商品、提供服务、设施而形成的应收 账款; 2、由地市级(含)以上政府的采购部门统一组织的政府采购 行为而形成的应收账款; 3、由军队军级(含)以上单位的采购部门统一组织的军队采 购行为而形成的应收账款;


部编四年级语文上册近反义词+常考默写+词语归类 近义词 屹立——矗立顿时——立刻犹如——好像 颤动——颤抖霎时——刹那依旧——依然 恢复——复原若隐若现——若有若无明亮——闪亮 柔和——柔润新鲜——清新坑坑洼洼——崎岖不平 满意——满足招待——接待闪闪烁烁——时隐时现 奇妙——奇异归——回一瞬——刹那眠——睡 霸占——占据纳凉——乘凉密密麻麻——密密匝匝 微小——渺小无处不在——无所不在 按照——依照暖洋洋——暖烘烘温暖——温和 舒适——舒服明亮——透亮预感——预测

震动——晃动丰满——饱满等待——等候揭晓——公布广大——广泛虚弱——衰弱安静——平静准备——预备靠近——挨近相信——确信愉快——快乐盘绕——缠绕爆裂——碎裂光彩——光华注视——凝望启示——启发灵巧——灵活敏锐——敏捷秘密——奥秘清楚——清晰发现——发明依赖——依靠幻想——梦想洞察——洞悉回顾——回忆改善——改进改变——转变出乎意料——意想不到躲避——躲藏 喧嚷——喧哗轻盈——轻巧猛烈——强烈

均匀——平均空隙——间隙痕迹——印迹 逐渐——渐渐牢固——坚固休想——别想 出名——有名隐蔽——隐藏可惜——惋惜 慎重——谨慎柔弱——脆弱研究——钻研 搜索——搜寻倾斜——歪斜平坦——平缓 简朴——朴素疲劳——疲倦宽敞——宽阔 混沌——浑浊黑乎乎——黑漆漆缓缓——慢慢 巍峨——巍然精疲力竭——筋疲力尽照耀——照射辽阔——宽阔茂盛——茂密堙——填衔——叼悲惨——惨烈喷射——喷发拿取——取得 驱赶——驱使气急败坏——暴跳如雷严厉——严酷

吩咐——嘱咐立即——立刻敬佩——佩服 饶恕——宽恕违抗——违背遭受——遭遇 凶恶——凶狠著名——出名创造——制造 欢歌笑语——欢声笑语急忙——连忙难过——伤心零零星星——零零散散 快乐——快活憧憬——向往渐渐——慢慢 似乎——好像大惊失色——胆战心惊寻找——寻觅垂头丧气——妄自菲薄猛烈——强烈摇撼——摇动无可奈何——无能为力锋利——尖利扎煞——支棱掩护——保护拯救——挽救嘶哑——沙哑 搏斗——战斗庞大——巨大


成语归类大全(一)一、描写人的品质: 平易近人宽宏大度冰清玉洁持之以恒锲而不舍废寝忘食 大义凛然临危不俱光明磊落不屈不挠鞠躬尽瘁 二、描写人的智慧: 料事如神足智多谋融会贯通学贯中西博古通今 出类拔萃博大精深集思广益举一反三才华横溢 三、描写人物仪态、风貌: 憨态可掬文质彬彬风度翩翩相貌堂堂落落大方 斗志昂扬意气风发威风凛凛容光焕发神采奕奕 四、描写人物神情、情绪: 悠然自得眉飞色舞喜笑颜开神采奕奕欣喜若狂 呆若木鸡喜出望外垂头丧气无动于衷勃然大怒 五、描写人的口才: 能说会道巧舌如簧能言善辩滔滔不绝伶牙俐齿 出口成章语惊四座娓娓而谈妙语连珠口若悬河 六、来自历史故事的成语: 三顾茅庐铁杵成针望梅止渴完璧归赵四面楚歌 负荆请罪精忠报国手不释卷悬梁刺股凿壁偷光

七、描写人物动作: 走马观花欢呼雀跃扶老携幼手舞足蹈促膝谈心 前俯后仰奔走相告跋山涉水前赴后继张牙舞爪 八、描写人间情谊: 恩重如山深情厚谊手足情深形影不离血浓于水 志同道合风雨同舟赤诚相待肝胆相照生死相依 九、说明知事晓理方面: 循序渐进日积月累温故知新勤能补拙笨鸟先飞 学无止境学海无涯滴水穿石发奋图强开卷有益 十、来自寓言故事的成语: 自相矛盾滥竽充数画龙点睛刻舟求剑守株待兔 叶公好龙亡羊补牢画蛇添足掩耳盗铃买椟还珠 十一、描写事物的气势、气氛: 无懈可击锐不可当雷厉风行震耳欲聋惊心动魄 铺天盖地势如破竹气贯长虹万马奔腾如履平地 十二、形容四季特点: 春意盎然春暖花开满园春色春华秋实骄阳似火寒气袭人烈日炎炎秋风送爽秋高气爽秋色宜人冰天雪地寒冬腊月十三、形容繁荣兴盛景象: 济济一堂热火朝天门庭若市万人空巷座无虚席 高朋满座如火如荼蒸蒸日上欣欣向荣川流不息


【小学语文】一年级全册近义词反义词大汇总 近义词: 复—又眠—睡闻—听啼—叫全—都关—合傻—笨叫—喊朋友—伙伴刚才—刚刚 发现—发明非常—特别笑嘻嘻—笑眯眯着急—焦急蹦—跳高兴—快乐出名—有名 好玩—有趣闻名—著名美丽—漂亮小心—仔细 反义词: 上—下升—降细—粗放—收先—后来—去天—地大—小里—外无—有有—无左—右 轻—重男—女阴—阳前—后长—短忙—闲早—晚公—私宽—窄明—暗古—今去—来拉—推 冷—热里—外真—假东—西问—答开—关老—少头—尾黑—白对—错笑—哭南—北远—近 分—合新—旧好—坏文—武弯—直多—少胖—瘦合—开熟—生软—硬闭—开坐—立看—望 亲爱—敬爱是—非进—出美—丑出—入圆—方饿—饱送—接动—静干—湿爱—恨借—还苦—甜 这—那快—慢朝—夕香—臭难看—漂亮进步—落后高兴—生气雪白—乌黑活—死 高—矮伸—缩 密—稀喜欢—讨厌粗心—细心以后—以前热情—冷淡清凉—炎热忘记—记得敌人—朋友 诚实—虚伪难过—高兴认真—马虎爱惜—浪费虚心—骄傲温暖—凉快敌人—朋友 可爱—可恶 成功—失败顺从—反抗高大—矮小进步—落后明白—糊涂 一年级(下册):

1.柳树醒了 近义词:跟—同 反义词:软—硬 2.春雨的色彩 近义词:瞧—看淋—浇争论—争辩究竟—到底说—讲玩耍—玩乐 反义词:轻—重有—无醒—睡高—矮 3.邓小平爷爷 近义词:挑选——选择茁壮——健壮(强壮)仔细——认真 反义词:笔直——弯曲美丽——丑陋 4.看电视 近义词:疲劳——疲倦提议——建议 反义词:出来——进去秘密——公开 5.胖乎乎的小手 近义词:喜欢——喜爱红润润——红扑扑 反义词:那—这出来—进去 7.棉鞋里的阳光 近义词:暖和—温暖奇怪—古怪高兴—快乐明白—知道 反义词:湿—干喜欢—讨厌明白—糊涂舒服—难受暖和—阴冷收—放8.月亮的心愿 近义词:商量——讨论照顾——照料 反义词:生病——健康太累——轻闲离开——回来 9.两只鸟蛋 近义词:连忙——急忙仿佛——好像焦急——焦虑 反义词:凉——温 10.松鼠和松果 近义词:忽然——猛然主意——办法茂密——茂盛 反义词:茂密——稀疏蒙蒙细雨——瓢泼大雨 11.美丽的小路 近义词:认真——仔细五颜六色——五光十色 反义词:长—短轻—重慢—快香—臭焦急—从容连忙—缓慢愉快—悲伤认真


困境的近反义词 导读:人生之路无坦途,走出困境天地宽。下面是小编收集整理的困境的近反义词,希望对你有所帮助! 【近义词】: 窘境、逆境 【反义词】: 顺境 用困境造句 1、大家只有联合起来,才能度过目前的困境。 2、一定程度上,医生和患者都是陷于在癌症困境中的难兄难弟。 3、当你陷入人为困境时,不要抱怨,你只能默默地吸取教训。 4、当困境发生时,人很容易失去信心,并忐忑不安。 5、他只有奋力冲上这座山峰,才有可能摆脱腹背受敌的困境。 6、做事情之前得考虑清楚,可别越理越乱,最后陷入作茧自缚的困境。 7、语言体现思维方式已为人们所共识,那么学习一门语言而不知其思维特点就会陷入只见树木不见森林的困境。 8、当单亲家庭陷入极度经济困境时,堂区团体如圣云先会可帮助他们解决燃眉之急,或协助他们申请综援,或作其他安排。 9、面对生活中的困境,我们不能怨天尤人。 10、你所经历的困境、磨难、失败都是获得成功的必经之路,勇敢吧,去挑战他们相信自己,你就会成功的!

11、耐心等待吧,你会摆脱困境的。 12、他虽然长期处于困境,但始终自强不息。 13、如何突破公司目前的困境,大家意见杂陈,莫衷一是。 14、企业还没有完全摆脱困境,不能盲目乐观。 15、在困境中,他们赤诚相见,以沫相濡。 16、一味地掠夺自然,征服自然,只会破坏生态系统,咎取自由,使人濒于困境。 17、目前我们还没有摆脱困境。 18、他急于想摆脱困境,可是计将安出?他心里没底。 19、期中后,你将只会使自己陷入更大的困境而不能自拔。 20、要突破目前的外交困境,胶柱鼓瑟的政策是行不通的。 21、人并非败给困境,而是败给自己。 22、如果他做到这一点,惠普长达1十年的公司治理困境或许会最终迎来一个皆大欢喜的结局。 23、人生之路无坦途,走出困境天地宽。 24、这突如其来的难题,让她陷入了困境。 25、诸葛亮初出茅庐就大名鼎鼎,智慧锦囊的作用不可限量,他让困境中的刘备惊喜若狂。 感谢您的阅读,本文如对您有帮助,可下载编辑,谢谢


含有反义词的成语大全精选 含有一对反义词的成语 悲欢离合古今中外古往今来天南地北出生入死今是昨非 1和2位是反义词的成语: 悲喜交加黑白分明功败垂成进退两难进退维谷轻重缓急轻重倒置生死存亡生死攸关始终如一是非曲直阴阳怪气 左右逢源 七步成诗南朝宋刘义庆《世说新语·文学》:“文帝尝令东阿王七步中作诗,不成者行大法;应声便为诗曰:‘煮豆持作羹,漉菽以为汁;萁在釜下燃,豆在釜中泣;本自同根生,相煎何太急!’帝深有惭色。”后以“七步成诗”称人才思敏捷。 1和3位是反义词的成语: 大惊小怪大街小巷大材小用大同小异东奔西走东张西望古为今用今非昔比苦尽甘来来龙去脉冷嘲热讽里应外合 南辕北辙南腔北调南征北战内忧外患前赴后继前仆后继前仰后合前因后果深入浅出生离死别死去活来天崩地裂 天翻地覆天高地厚天高地迥天昏地暗天经地义天罗地网天旋地转天诛地灭同床异梦异口同声异曲同工阴错阳差 有备无患有口无心有名无实有气无力有始无终有恃无恐有头无尾有天无日有眼无珠有勇无谋左顾右盼左邻右舍 左思右想上行下效朝令暮改朝三暮四前呼后拥东倒西歪眼高手低喜新厌旧口是心非头重脚轻有头无尾前倨后恭 东逃西散南辕北辙左顾右盼积少成多朝秦暮楚出生入死舍生求死七上八下进退两难天长地久东张西望貌合神离 三长两短弱肉强食水深火热早出晚归取长补短大惊小怪大材小用九死一生异口同声街头巷尾生离死别阴晴圆缺 生死存亡眉来眼去柳暗花明南辕北辙洋为中用前俯后仰里应外合好逸恶劳前赴后继深入浅出内忧外患横七竖八

嘘寒问暖转危为安弄巧成拙惹是生非惹事生非推陈出新貌合神离顾此失彼左邻右舍惊天动地开天辟地欢天喜地 承上启下南辕北辙人来人往承前启后反败为胜化敌为友化险为夷去粗取精阴差阳错虎头蛇尾天崩地裂一决雌雄 昏天黑地昏:黑暗。形容天色昏暗或光线暗淡。也形容神志不清、头昏眼花或忘乎所以。也比喻社会黑暗混乱 阳奉阴违乐极生悲无中生有有勇无谋人情冷暖前仰后合掐头去尾求同存异左右开弓左拥右抱左右逢源先来后到 争先恐后大同小异 2和4位是反义词的成语: 舍生忘死贪生怕死醉生梦死承上启下承前启后开天辟地惊天动地顶天立地花天酒地欢天喜地改天换地经天纬地 遮天盖地震天动地翻天覆地翻来覆去顾此失彼厚此薄彼虎头蛇尾街头巷尾继往开来扬长避短说长道短三长两短 截长补短取长补短今是昨非口是心非似是而非空前绝后除旧布新你死我活拈轻怕重弄假成真七上八下欺上瞒下 完整无缺借古讽今颂古非今起死回生避重就轻头重脚轻将信将疑尺短寸长积少成多瞻前顾后挑肥拣瘦同甘共苦 声东击西喜新厌旧凶多吉少眼高手低假公济私惩前毖后自始至终朝思暮想飞短流长返老还童争先恐后转败为胜 前呼后拥东倒西歪眼高手低喜新厌旧口是心非头重脚轻有头无尾前倨后恭东逃西散南辕北辙左顾右盼积少成多 朝秦暮楚出生入死舍生求死七上八下进退两难天长地久东张西望貌合神离三长两短弱肉强食水深火热早出晚归 聚讼纷纭聚讼:众中争辩;纷纭:多而杂乱。许多人在一起对某一问题议论纷纷,不能决定哪种意见是正确的。 取长补短大惊小怪大材小用九死一生异口同声街头巷尾生离死别阴晴圆缺生死存亡眉来眼去柳暗花明南辕北辙


小学一年级语文下册字语(多音字、反义词、近义词)复习集 一、填上合适的形容词 (美丽)的春天 (柔柔)的春风 (细细)的春雨(柔嫩)的小草 (雪白)的梨花(红红)的杏花(粉红)的桃花(翠绿)的竹子 (嫩生生)的娃娃(浅褐色)的外衣(宽阔)的海洋(欢乐)的海洋 (明亮)的眼睛(长长)的睫毛(火红)的太阳(灿烂)的阳光 (鲜红)的气球(弯弯)的小船(闪亮)的珍珠(明亮)的小池塘 (美丽)的世界(五彩)的世界(淡淡)的清香(响亮)的鞭声 (响亮)的歌声(动听)的歌声(热烈)的掌声(宁静)的黎明 (无边)的草原(欢乐)的羊群(疯狂)的公牛(高大)的松树 (黑黑)的头发(雪白)的头发(发光)的萤火虫(绿色)的羽毛 (雪白)的羽毛(黄色)的嘴巴(硬硬)的嘴巴(长长)的鼻子 (蓝湛湛)的天空(绿茵茵)的树木(碧澄澄)的小河(呼呼)的北风 (快乐)的小鸟(漂亮)的菊花(美丽)的荷花(鲜艳)的红旗 (鲜艳)的红领巾(聪明)的头脑(勤劳)的双手(灵巧)的双手 (晶亮)的冰花(圆圆)的眼睛(弯弯)的小河(蓝蓝)的天空 (碧绿)的莲子(碧绿)的叶子(火红)的太阳(雪白)的棉花 (闪闪)的星星(青青)的小草(混浊)的泥水(充足)的水分 (好学上进)的孩子(美丽)的东方明珠(雪白)的云(快乐)的小鱼 (快乐)地成长(兴致勃勃)地观看(好奇)地问(大声)地说 (难为情)地说(细心)地询问(打)篮球(打)排球 (踢)足球(掷)铁饼(掷)铅球(掷)标枪 二、填上合适的量词 一(声)春雷一(位)骑手一(方)田埂一(棵)松树一 (列) 火车一(台)电脑一(束)鲜花一(只)眼睛一(手)好字一(场)比赛 一(片)草原一(块)石碑一(阵)台风一(场)雷雨一(张)竹椅一(张)桌子一(把)蒲扇一(片)森林一(把)伞一(座)小岛一(粒)种子一(面)红旗一(座)雕像一(朵)浪花一(朵)白云一(朵)冰花一 (朵) 荷花一 (首) 歌曲一 (叶) 扁舟一 (缕) 炊烟一(只)青蛙一(只)松鼠一(只)小鸟一(片)枫叶一 (片) 丹心 一(片)青天一(颗) 莲子一(颗)明珠一(颗)珍珠一(颗)星星一(个)巨人一(个)脚印一(块)草坪一(块)木板一(块)石头一(条)小河一(条)银河一(条)小鱼一(条)林荫道一(条)渔船一 (种) 神情一 (道) 风光一(道)闪电一 (出) 新戏一 (艘) 军舰一(艘)飞船一(头)牛一(匹)马一(盏灯一(阵)风一(封)信一(件)衣服一 (轮) 明月一(朵)花一(张)纸一(双)手一(只)手一(座)桥一(盆)水一(口)气一(只)羊一 (节) 车厢一(座)山一 (顿) 晚餐一 (则) 新闻一(幅)油画一(支)护林军一(座)广播电视塔


一年级下册语文的近义词和反义词 复-又朋友-伙伴小心-仔细眠-睡闻-听啼-叫全-都高兴-快乐关-合看-望 好玩-有趣高兴--快乐高高兴兴--快快乐乐刚才-刚刚闭-合笑嘻嘻-笑眯眯着急-焦急 傻-笨升-落叫-喊美丽--漂亮快乐-欢快亲爱-敬爱伙伴-朋友发现-发明快活-欢快蹦-跳反义词 大-小高-低、矮轻-重多-少忙-闲今-古 真-假认真-马虎对-错好-坏开-关高兴--生气 笑-哭胖--瘦合-开放-收外-里男-女早-晚 去-来朝-夕香-臭远-近前-后先-后明-暗爱惜-浪费 无-有阴-阳闭-开坐-立是-非美-丑圆-方黑-白 弯-直送-接干-湿伸-缩借-还难看-漂亮难过-高兴 难-易左-右喜欢-讨厌熟-生清凉-炎热温暖-寒冷 好--这下沉-上浮西-东以后-以前敌人-朋友进-出顺从-反抗 高大-矮小雪白-乌黑男-女宽-窄密-稀爱-恨 快-慢老-少虚心-骄傲热情-冷淡诚实-虚伪进步-落后是-非 长-短拉-推活-死饿--饱真正-虚假苦 -甜 快-慢伙伴-敌人粗心-细心忘记-记得公-私 问-答分-合北-南暖--寒东-西可爱-可恶厚-薄软-硬 成功-失败明白-糊涂动-静晚-早新-旧 语文复习资料全集语文复习资料全集复习资料 一、字(同偏旁的字:同偏旁的字:) 单人旁:你、们、他、借、像、做、什、伙、伴、位、 提手旁:找、扫、把、拉 心字底:总、忘、想、念、意、思、急、息、 门字框:问、间、闭 口字旁:叶、呢、吧、呀、吓、叫、吹、吃、听、唱 走字旁:赶、起 言字旁:认、语、诗、谁、请、许、说、话 虫字旁:蚂、蚁、虾 耳朵旁:阳、那、都 禾字旁:秀、香、和、秋

竖心旁:快、忙、情、怕 草花头:花、草、苗 宝盖头:完、家、定 走之底:这、边、远、运、进、过、道、选、连、送 人字头:全、会 绞丝旁:红、绿、级、练、给 立刀旁:到、刚 王字旁:玩、球 足字旁:跑、跟、跳 反文旁:收、放、故 两点水:冷、净、凉 三点水:江、河、湖、海、沙、淡、没、洋、洗、活 方框儿:因、园 女字旁:奶、妈、姑、妹 双人旁:得、往、很 木字旁:桃、树、林、机、桥 二、词语 1、课本中出现的描写春天的四字词语 春回大地冰雪融化春风拂面和风细雨万物复苏泉水丁冬春暖花开万紫千红柳绿花红百花齐放五颜六色鸟语花香莺歌燕舞百鸟争鸣百花盛开山清水秀蒙蒙细雨 2、其他四字词语 古往今来夕发朝至 3、ABB 式 亮晶晶兴冲冲凉冰冰红润润走来走去写来写去又大又圆 又大又红绿油油懒洋洋胖乎乎慢吞吞光秃秃静悄悄千山万水 飞驰而过诗情画意各种各样四面八方自言自语 4、飞来飞去说来说去 5、又香又甜又白又胖跑来跑去游来游去又高又大又大又多 跳来跳去又细又长 6、懒洋洋地(晒太阳) 慢吞吞地(说) 兴冲冲地(走进来) 7、鸟蛋凉凉的——凉凉的鸟蛋杨树高高的——高高的杨树 小路长长的——长长的小路 8、碧绿碧绿的叶子(荷叶、小草、菜地) 雪白雪白的棉花(浪花、梨花、贝壳) 火红火红的太阳(花儿、朝霞、高粱) 金黄金黄的落叶(麦田、稻田、油菜花) 9、高兴——高高兴兴


自怨自艾,汉语成语,拼音是zìyuàn zìyì,原意是悔恨自己的错误,自己改正。现在只指悔恨自己的错误。出自《孟子·万章上》。下面是精心整理的自怨自艾的近义词|反义词及造句,供您参考,欢迎大家阅读。 自怨自艾的近义词 引咎自责、妄自菲薄、灰心丧气、垂头丧气、悔不当初、怨天尤人、自艾自怜 自怨自艾的反义词 自鸣得意、怨天忧人 自怨自艾造句 不要再自怨自艾了,让我们重新开始吧! 犯了错误,懂得自怨自艾也是好事,但是就此消沉下去就不可取了。 他终日自怨自艾,因为赌博害得他失业多时,妻儿也生活无着。 在武侠和金庸大旗的遮盖下,江湖儿女也成了现代都市自怨自艾顾影自怜的

白领阶层,在遮遮掩掩进进退退中做着迷茫的爱情游戏。 他说,他们不应低估自身能力,也不要自怨自艾,哀叹命运。 碧丝自怨自艾说自己没有孩子,竟然不懂得庆幸没有孩子才是她前世修来的,日子可以过得比较好。 对自己的恶习他常自怨自艾。 人们想让鲍什知道,他的讲话让他们不再自怨自艾,帮助他们走出离婚的阴影,或更加重视家庭。 精彩的年华已经过去,剩下的只是自怨自艾以及年老珠黄时对生命不甘心而又不得不忍受的痛。 10.愚痴邪见即是自造恶业;懒惰懈怠就是自毁前程;自怨自艾终究于事无补;怨天尤人只会更加坏事。 1怜悯中长大的孩子,将来容易自怨自艾。 1我懂了,当你自怨自艾时,幸福就会停靠在别的港湾。

1忠诚就体现在这里,沈从文没有因委屈而自怨自艾,他认从了这不公平的待遇,很平静地转向了文物研究。 1现在的我们不再自怨自艾,不会再陷在改变不了的悲剧里不能自拔。 1但倘有不知道自怨自艾的人,想将这位先生"送进疯人院"去,我可要拚命反对,尽力呼冤的。 1他和我的日程安排者兰迪。怀特都提醒我,在我自怨自艾的同时,我还应该对我的职员以及他们未来的安康表现出更多的关心。 1当我们有朋友陷入情绪低落、自怨自艾和挫折失败的时候,这无疑是一个极好的范例,让我们可学以致用,运用当中的原则来扶立他。 1如果一个人过度放纵自己,就会陷入自怨自艾之中。 1这个问题的关键不是因为你不能事事精通就自怨自艾,对自己苛刻,而是找出你的强项和对你真正重要的东西。 20.花时间整理评估下你目前的状况,但是不要自怨自艾。 2第一个生日,我在忽而愤怒,忽而无限地自怨自艾中度过。


带有反义词的成语大全及解释 朝令暮改:早晨发布的命令,晚上就改了。比喻经常改变主张和 办法,一会儿一个样。 朝秦暮楚:战国时期,秦楚两个诸侯大国相互对立,经常作战。 有的诸侯小国为了自身的利益与安全,时而倾向秦,时而倾向楚。比 喻人反复无常。 朝三暮四:原指玩弄手法欺骗人。后用来比喻常常变卦,反复无常。 朝思暮想:朝:早晨;暮:晚上。早晚都想念。形容非常想念或 经常想着某一件事。 瞻前顾后:瞻:向前看;顾:回头看。看看前面,又看看后面。 形容做事之前考虑周密慎重。也形容顾虑太多,犹豫不决。 转危为安:由危险转为平安(多指局势或病情)。 遮天盖地:形容数量多,占的面积大。 左顾右盼:顾、盼:看。向左右两边看。形容人骄傲得意的神情。 争先恐后:抢着向前,唯恐落后。 早出晚归:早晨出动,晚上归来。 左拥右抱:形容人姬妾多(多见于旧小说)。 左右开弓:左右手都能射箭。比喻两只手轮流做同一动作或同时 做几项工作。 左思右想:多方面想了又想。 醉生梦死:象喝醉酒和做梦那样,昏昏沉沉,糊里糊涂地过日子。 震天动地:震动了天地。形容声音或声势极大。

转败为胜:变失败为胜利。 自始至终:从开始到末了。指一贯到底。 左邻右舍:左右的邻居。 左右逢源:比喻做事得心应手,非常顺利。 左右为难:左也不好,右也不是。形容无论怎样做都有难处。 一决雌雄:雌雄:比喻胜负、高下。决一胜负,比个高下。 眼高手低:指要求的标准很高(甚至不切实际),但实际上自己 也做不到。 摇头摆尾:原形容鱼悠然自在的样子。现用来形容人摇头晃脑、 轻浮得意的样子。 阳奉阴违:阳:表面上;奉:遵守,听从;阴:暗地里。指玩弄 两面派手法,表面上遵从,暗地里违背。 阴阳怪气:形容态度怪癖,冷言冷语,不可捉摸。 阴差阳错:比喻因为偶然的因素而造成了差错。 有勇无谋:只有勇气,没有计谋。指做事或打仗仅仅猛打猛冲, 缺乏计划,不讲策略。 有头无尾:有开头没有收尾。指没有把事情做完。 有气无力:形容说话声音微弱,作事精神不振。也形容体弱无力。 有名无实:光有空名,实际上并不是那样。 有恃无恐:恃:倚仗,依靠;恐:害怕。因为有所依杖而毫不害怕,或毫无顾忌。 有始无终:有开始没有结尾。指做事不做到底。 有天无日:比喻社会非常黑暗,没有公道。



东奔西走.东拉西扯.东倒西歪.东张西望. 南腔北调.南辕北辙南来北往南征北讨.南征北战. 前赴后继.前因后果.前呼后拥前俯后仰. 左邻右舍左思右想.左顾右盼.左推右挡见多识广察言观色高瞻远瞩左顾右盼调兵遣将粉身碎骨狂风暴雨旁敲侧击千辛万苦眼疾手快生龙活虎惊天动地七拼八凑胡言乱语欢天喜地改朝换代道听途说半斤八两千变万化万紫千红姹紫嫣红花红柳绿狂风暴雨旁敲侧击鸡鸣狗吠狼心狗肺虎背熊腰獐头鼠脑千辛万苦眼疾手快生龙活虎先来后到不知不觉粗枝大叶跋山涉水天造地设七零八落兴国安邦翻山越岭百依百顺背井离乡和颜悦色冰天雪地严寒酷暑救死扶伤志同道合豪言壮语吆五喝六摇头摆尾撕心裂肺枝折花落胡言乱语高瞻远瞩高谈阔论眼疾手快聚精会神金枝玉叶三年五载左邻右舍发号施令自由自在悲喜交加黑白分明功败垂成进退两难轻重缓急轻重倒置生死存亡生死攸关始终如一是非曲直阴阳怪气左右逢源不关痛痒颠倒黑白混淆黑白混淆是非颠倒是非举足轻重无足轻重礼尚往来大惊小怪大街小巷大材小用大同小异东奔西走东张西望古为今用今非昔比苦尽甘来来龙去脉冷嘲热讽里应外合南辕北辙南腔北调南征北战内忧外患前赴后继前仆后继前仰后合前因后果深入浅出生离死别


一年级上册语文,反义词汇总,高分必备 第一单元: (上)对(下)(古)对(今)(分)对(合) (对)对(错) 第四单元: (大)对(小)(冷)对(热)(高)对(低) (来)对(去)(弯)对(直)(多)对(少) (南)对(北)(东)对(西)(是)对(否) (天)对(地)(圆)对(方)(顽皮)对(听话) 第五单元: (有)对(无)(远)对(近)(去)对(来) (老)对(小)(早)对(晚)(升)对(降) (正)对(歪)(起)对(落)(明)对(暗) (静悄悄)对(闹哄哄) 第六单元: (前)对(后)(黑)对(白)(左)对(右) (长)对(短)(里)对(外)(下)对(上) (是)对(非)(有)对(无)(好看)对(丑陋) (常常)对(偶尔) 第七单元: (快)对(慢)(宽)对(窄)(软)对(硬) (洁白)对(乌黑)(柔软)对(坚硬) (希望)对(失望)(快活)对(忧愁) 第八单元: (睡)对(醒)(里)对(外)(升高)对(降落)(好久)对(不久)(许多)对(很少)

m e a d A 一、读句子,找出反义词写在括号里。 1. 上下楼梯靠右行。 ( )---( ) 2.冬天天气冷,夏天天气热。( )---( ) 3.我的左手和右手都很灵巧。( )---( ) 4.远看山有色,近听水无声。( )---( )、( )--( ) 5.爸爸个子高,我的个子矮。( )---( )6、小鸟从天上飞下来。 ( )---( )7.铅笔长,粉笔短。( )---( ) 8、小燕子到菜园里看见冬瓜大,茄子小。( )--( ) 9.红红得了100分,高兴得直笑,小刚没考好,急得直哭。( )---( ) 10.小刚把压弯的小树扶直了。( )---( ) 11.小华跑得快,我跑得慢。( )---( ) 12.班长来得早,可他的弟弟却来得很晚。( )---( ) 二、写出下列句子中划线词的反义词。 1.你到北京去坐的( )车还是慢车。2.水龙头总开着,你去( )一下吧。 3.树苗只有一棵死了,其余的都( )了。 4.我们要做好事,不能干( )事。 5.小山前面有一个村子,( )面是一条小河。 6.这河水是浅还是( )。7.小红,笑一笑,不要( )。


数落的近义词和反义词有些数落造句示例数落泛指责备,和批评的意思相近。那么和数落意思相近的词语有什么呢?请阅读以下文章,跟着一起来学习! 数落 [shù luò] 【近义词】 责备 【词语释义】 1.列举过失加以指责。泛指责备。 2.不住地述说。 【出处】 明贾仲名《对玉梳》第三折:“猛见了他面目,事在当初,不合将他千般数落十分怒,料应来命在须臾。”《红楼梦》第六九回:“邢夫人听説,便数落了凤姐儿一阵。”梁斌《红旗谱》三二:“老驴头坐在炕沿上,把两只手掌抠在怀里,合着眼,闭着嘴,什么也不说,干挨春兰数落。” 《儿女英雄传》第二十回:“﹝安太太﹞一面哭着,一面数落道:‘我的孩子!你可心疼死大娘子!拿着你这样一个好心人,老天怎么也不可怜可怜你,叫你受这样儿的苦哟!’”杨朔《永定河纪行》:“那个好心情的农民数落开了:‘村里要装电灯,装电话,装收音机,;还要修澡堂子,修电影院,修学校。’” 【词语造句】

1、人们也许还在数落他,但是足球世界中他的表现值得所有人的尊重。 2、亲戚们数落他,骂他是不孝子。 3、我们分手了。我在他朋友的生日派对上数落他,他觉得在朋友面前丢了脸。 4、但战胜国在声名狼藉的镜厅签订《凡尔赛条约》,数落德国的罪责,并集体做出了德国必须要为之发动战争的罪责付出高昂代价的决定。 5、在一所学校,有一名学生因为没有用笔把黑板上的家庭作业抄在书本上,而是使用手机直接拍了下来,就被老师数落了一顿,手机还被没收。 6、上面说的要有时代背景:现在网页设计师们通常像当年抱怨网景浏览器一样的来数落IE6。 7、你说,要不是因为你包里正好有糖,我肯定会因为饿肚子而大发脾气,所以你算是躲过了我的一顿数落。 8、我们总是喜欢数落我们爱的人,但是又不能容忍别人这么做。 9、这种极端行为为他赢得了片刻喘息,但不久之后,他们便恢复了对他单身生活的数落。 10、换了以前,我早就数落她好几回了。 11、屋子的木头门框翘曲了,门旷得关不上。老人趔趔趄趄地追到堂屋,把嘴对着门缝大声数落。


带反义词的成语 1和2位是反义词的成语: 悲喜交加黑白分明功败垂成进退两难轻重缓急生死存亡生死攸关始终如一是非曲直阴阳怪气左右逢源左右开弓 1和3位是反义词的成语: 大惊小怪大街小巷大材小用大同小异 东奔西走东张西望东躲西藏东倒西歪 南辕北辙南腔北调南征北战 前赴后继前仰后合前因后果 深入浅出生离死别死去活来天崩地裂 天翻地覆天高地厚天高地迥天昏地暗天经地义天罗地网天旋地转天诛地灭同床异梦异口同声异曲同工阴错阳差 有备无患有口无心有名无实有气无力有始无终有恃无恐有头无尾有天无日有眼无珠有勇无谋左顾右盼左邻右舍 左思右想上行下效朝令暮改朝三暮四前呼后拥眼高手低喜新厌旧口是心非头重脚轻有头无尾前倨后恭 东逃西散南辕北辙左顾右盼积少成多朝秦暮楚出生入死舍生求死七上八下进退两难天长地久东张西望貌合神离 三长两短弱肉强食水深火热早出晚归取长补短大惊小怪大材小用九死一生异口同声街头巷尾生离死别阴晴圆缺 生死存亡眉来眼去柳暗花明南辕北辙洋为中用前俯后仰里应外合好逸恶劳前赴后继深入浅出内忧外患横七竖八 嘘寒问暖转危为安弄巧成拙惹是生非惹事生非推陈出新貌合神离顾此失彼左邻右舍惊天动地开天辟地欢天喜地 承上启下南辕北辙人来人往承前启后反败为胜化敌为友化险为夷去粗取精阴差阳错虎头蛇尾天崩地裂一决雌雄 阳奉阴违乐极生悲无中生有有勇无谋人情冷暖前仰后合掐头去尾求同存异左拥右抱先来后到 争先恐后大同小异 2—4位是反义词的成语:

舍生忘死贪生怕死醉生梦死承上启下承前启后开天辟地惊天动地顶天立地花天酒地欢天喜地改天换地经天纬地 遮天盖地震天动地翻天覆地翻来覆去顾此失彼厚此薄彼虎头蛇尾街头巷尾继往开来扬长避短说长道短三长两短 截长补短取长补短今是昨非口是心非似是而非空前绝后除旧布新你死我活拈轻怕重弄假成真七上八下欺上瞒下 完整无缺借古讽今颂古非今起死回生避重就轻头重脚轻将信将疑尺短寸长积少成多瞻前顾后挑肥拣瘦同甘共苦 声东击西喜新厌旧凶多吉少眼高手低假公济私惩前毖后自始至终朝思暮想飞短流长返老还童争先恐后转败为胜 前呼后拥东倒西歪眼高手低喜新厌旧口是心非头重脚轻有头无尾前倨后恭东逃西散南辕北辙左顾右盼积少成多 朝秦暮楚出生入死舍生求死七上八下进退两难天长地久东张西望貌合神离三长两短弱肉强食水深火热早出晚归 取长补短大惊小怪大材小用九死一生异口同声街头巷尾生离死别阴晴圆缺生死存亡眉来眼去柳暗花明南辕北辙 洋为中用前俯后仰里应外合好逸恶劳前赴后继深入浅出内忧外患横七竖八嘘寒问暖转危为安弄巧成拙惹是生非 惹事生非推陈出新貌合神离顾此失彼左邻右舍惊天动地开天辟地欢天喜地承上启下南辕北辙人来人往承前启后 反败为胜化敌为友化险为夷去粗取精阴差阳错虎头蛇尾天崩地裂一决雌雄阳奉阴违乐极生悲无中生有有勇无谋 人情冷暖前仰后合掐头去尾求同存异左右开弓左拥右抱左右逢源先来后到争先恐后大同小异 3—4位是反义词的成语: 不关痛痒颠倒黑白混淆黑白混淆是非颠倒是非举足轻重无足轻重礼尚往来 1—4位是反义词的成语: 公而忘私死里逃生关闭- 关闭-


困境的近反义词是什么 本文是关于困境的近反义词是什么,感谢您的阅读! 在困境中,他们赤诚相见,以沫相濡。下面是小编收集整理的困境的近反义词,希望对你有所帮助! 【近义词】: 窘境、逆境、 【反义词】: 顺境 用困境造句 1、大家只有联合起来,才能度过目前的困境。 2、一定程度上,医生和患者都是陷于在癌症困境中的难兄难弟。 3、当你陷入人为困境时,不要抱怨,你只能默默地吸取教训。 4、当困境发生时,人很容易失去信心,并忐忑不安。 5、他只有奋力冲上这座山峰,才有可能摆脱腹背受敌的困境。 6、做事情之前得考虑清楚,可别越理越乱,最后陷入作茧自缚的困境。 7、语言体现思维方式已为人们所共识,那么学习一门语言而不知其思维特点就会陷入只见树木不见森林的困境。 8、当单亲家庭陷入极度经济困境时,堂区团体如圣云先会可帮助他们解决燃眉之急,或协助他们申请综援,或作其他安排。 9、面对中冶的困境,不能怨天尤人,只能从内因上解决竞争力问题。

10、你所经历的困境、磨难、失败都是获得成功的必经之路,勇敢吧,去挑战他们相信自己,你会成功的! 11、耐心等待吧,你会摆脱困境的。 12、他虽然长期处于困境,但始终自强不息。 13、如何突破公司目前的困境,大家意见杂陈,莫衷一是。 14、企业还没有完全摆脱困境,不能盲目乐观。 15、在困境中,他们赤诚相见,以沫相濡。 16、一味地掠夺自然,征服自然,只会破坏生态系统,咎取自由,使人濒于困境。 17、目前我们还没有摆脱困境。 18、他急于想摆脱困境,可是计将安出?他心里没底。 19、期中后,你将只会使自己陷入更大的困境而不能自拔。 20、要突破目前的外交困境,胶柱鼓瑟的政策是行不通的。 21、人并非败给困境,而是败给自己。 22、如果他做到这一点,惠普长达10年的公司治理困境或许会最终迎来一个皆大欢喜的结局。 23、人生之路无坦途,走出困境天地宽。 24、这突如其来的难题,让她陷入了困境。 25、诸葛亮初出茅庐就大名鼎鼎,智慧锦囊的作用不可限量,他让困境中的刘备惊喜若狂。 26、在同学们地帮助下,小静终于摆脱了困境。 27、我们要伸出友爱之手,援助那些处于困境的人。


一年级语文上册反义词表 上----下笑----哭高----矮大----小 好----坏入----出真----假远----近 来----去有----无弯----直圆----方 前----后宽----窄冷----热开----关 明----暗里----外坐----立尖----钝 阳----阴长----短进----出早----晚 拉----推高----低黑----白是----否 尾----头扁----圆多----少快----慢 里----外收----放细----粗老----少 升----降问----答没----有这----那 深----浅美----丑对----错睡----醒 借----还正----反今----古冷----暧 亮----暗满----空 晚上----白天热闹----安静顺水----逆水漂亮----丑陋举头----低头暖和----寒冷撑开----收拢朋友----敌人好看----难看常常----偶尔拉开----关上方便----不便遥远----附近进步----退步仔细----马虎许多----很少格外----一般快乐----哀伤开心----郁闷走进----出来美丽----难看

一年级语文上册多音字表 zhōng(中国)xíng(行走) 中行 zh?ng(打中)háng(行家) de (好的) shǎo(多少) 的少 dì(目的) shào(少年) juǎn(龙卷风)xiān(新鲜) 卷鲜 juàn(试卷)xiǎn(朝鲜) kàn(看见)shù(数字) 看数 kān(看门)shǔ(数数) méi (没有)jiān(中间) 没间 m?(淹没)jiàn(黑白相间)xìng (高兴) fā(发现) 兴发 xīng(兴奋)fà(头发) jǐ(几个)zháo(着急) 几着 jī(茶几)zhe (听着)


带有反义词、人体器官名称的成语(全) 含有一对反义词的成语 悲欢离合古今中外古往今来天南地北出生入死今是昨非深入浅出有名无实有口无心名存实亡 1和2位是反义词的成语: 悲喜交加黑白分明功败垂成进退两难进退维谷轻重缓急轻重倒置生死存亡 生死攸关始终如一是非曲直阴阳怪气左右逢源远近闻名 1和3位是反义词的成语: 大惊小怪大街小巷大材小用小异东奔西走东西望古为今用今非昔比 苦尽甘来来龙去脉冷嘲热讽里应外合 南辕北辙南腔北调南征北战忧外患前赴后继前仆后继前仰后合前因后果 深入浅出生离死别死去活来天崩地裂 天翻地覆天高地厚天高地迥天昏地暗天经地义天罗地网天旋地转天诛地灭 同床异梦异口同声异曲同工阴错阳差 有备无患有口无心有名无实有气无力有始无终有恃无恐有头无尾有天无日

有眼无珠有勇无谋左顾右盼左邻右舍 左思右想上行下效朝令暮改朝三暮四前呼后拥东倒西歪眼高手低喜新厌旧 口是心非头重脚轻有头无尾前倨后恭 东逃西散南辕北辙左顾右盼积少成多朝暮楚出生入死舍生求死七上八下 进退两难天长地久东西望貌合神离 三长两短弱肉强食水深火热早出晚归取长补短大惊小怪大材小用九死一生 异口同声街头巷尾生离死别阴晴圆缺 生死存亡眉来眼去柳暗花明南辕北辙洋为中用前俯后仰里应外合好逸恶劳 前赴后继深入浅出忧外患横七竖八 嘘寒问暖转危为安弄巧成拙惹是生非惹事生非推出新貌合神离顾此失彼 左邻右舍惊天动地开天辟地欢天喜地 承上启下南辕北辙人来人往承前启后反败为胜化敌为友化险为夷去粗取精 阴差阳错虎头蛇尾天崩地裂一决雌雄 阳奉阴违乐极生悲无中生有有勇无谋人情冷暖前仰后合掐头去尾求同存异 左右开弓左拥右抱左右逢源先来后到 争先恐后小异

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