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1 Ernest Hem ingway is _____.

A Englishm an

B American

C Dutch

D Denmark

2 John Fitzgerald Kennedy is _____ president.

A 35th

B 34th

C 33rd

D 32nd

3 In 1837, the first college-level institution for wom en , Mount Holyoke Fem ale Sem inary , opened in _____ to serve the “ Muslim sex”.

A New England

B Virginia

C Massachusetts

D New York

4 The capital of Massachusetts is _____.

A Providence

B Boston

C Montpelier

D Augusta

5 _____ is the dividing line bet ween the South and North.

A The Hudson River

B The Potom ac River

C The Ohio River

D The Missouri River

6 _____ is Washington’s largest city.

A Boise

B Denver

C Tacom a

D Seattle

7 Washington D.C., the capital of U.S. is situated on the _____River banks.

A St. Lawrence

B Hudson

C Potom ac

D Missouri

8 When did the Am erican Civil War break out?

A 1775

B 1812

C 1861

D 1863

9 Who prepared the draft of the Declaration of Independence?

A John Adam s

B Thom as Jefferson

C Benjam in Franklin

D John Hancock

10 In which day is Halloween celebrated?

A 5 Novem ber

B 31 October

C 17 March

D 25 December


1 B,文坛巨匠海明威是美国人。

2 A,肯尼迪是美国的第35任总统。

3 C,美国的第一所女子学院开设于马萨诸塞州。

4 B,麻省的首府是波士顿。

5 D,美国南北的分界线是密苏里河,东西的分界线是密西西比河。

6 D,华盛顿州的最大城市是西雅图。

7 C,华盛顿特区位于波托马克河上。

8 C,美国内战爆发于1861年,结束于1865年。

9 B,为美国起草独立宣言的是托马斯?杰弗逊。

10 B,万圣节前夕是10月的最后一天即10月31号。


1 The following were the founding fathers of the Am erican Republic except _____.

A George Washington

B Thom as Jefferson

C William Penn

D Benjam in Franklin

2 The New Deal was started by _____.

A Franklin Roosevelt

B J.K. Kennedy

C George Washington

D Thomas Jefferson

3 The United States was rated _____ in the world in term s of land areas.

A second

B third

C fourth

D fifth

4 The expenditure in Am erican public schools is guided or decided by _____.

A Teachers

B students

C headm aster

D boards of education

5 The Bill of Rights consists of _____.

A 10 very short paragraphs in an am endment

B 10 amendments adopted in 1787

C 10 am endments added to the Constitution in 1791

D the amendm ents concerning the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the fr ee dom of religion

6 The United States produces as m uch as m uch as half of the world’s _____.

A wheat and rice

B cotton

C tobacco

D soybeans and corn

7 Which invention m arked the beginning of “The Age of Visual Inform ation”?

A Newspaper

B Telegraph

C Laundry m achine

D Television

8 The theory of Am erican politics and the Am erican Revolution originated m ainly from _____.

A George Washington

B Thom as Jefferson

C John Adam s

D John Locke

9 The District of Manhattan is in the city if _____.

A Washington D.C.

B San Francisco

C New York

D Chicago

10 The seats in the Senate are allocated to different states_____.

A according to their population

B according to their size

C according to their tax paid to federal governm ent

D equally


1 C, 华盛顿、杰弗逊和弗兰克林都是美国创建时的元老功勋、而William Penn 是美国宾州的创始人。

2 A, 新政是罗斯福为了应对美国经济大萧条而提出的。

3 C, 就面积而言,美国是世界第四大国。

4 D, 对此有决定权的是教育委员会。

5 C, 人权法案是于1791年增补到宪法法案上来的前十条修正案。

6 D, 美国出产占世界一半的是大豆和玉米。

7 D, 开创人类视觉信息革命的重大发明是电视机。

8 D, 美国的许多政治观念都是来源于英国著名哲学家约翰?洛克。

9 C, 曼哈顿是纽约市的著名经济和商业区,也是纽约的中心地带。

10 D, 美国每一个州在参议院中均有两位议员作为代表,与各州人口无关和众议院不同)。

美国概况5( 转)

1 The world-famous Havard University is in _____.

A Massachusetts

B New York

C Washington D.C.

D Maine

2 Which of the following statem ents about American education is wrong?

A Elem entary and secondary education in Am erica is free and com pulsory

B Private schools are financially supported by religious or nonreligious private organiz ations or individuals.

C There are m ore public colleges and universities than the private ones

D Credits taken at community colleges are norm ally applicable to requirem ent for a f our-year bachelor’s degree.

3 _____ is a sym bol of American theatre and world-class entertainm ent.

A Broadway

B Wall Street

C The Fifth Avenue

D Tim es Square

4 ____ is not a tourist attraction in the United States.

A Yellowstone National Park

B Grand Canyon

C St. Patrick’s Cathedral

D Stonehenge

5 ____ was an actor before he becam e the President.

A Ronald Reagan

B Abraham Lincoln

C Herbert Hoover

D Jimmy Carter

6 New Englanders were originally known as _____, which com e to stand for all Am eri cans.

A Hippies

B Yankees

C Uncle Sam

D Brother Jonathan

7 On the 30th of April 1789, George Washington took the oath of office in _____, wh ich housed the governm ent then.

A New York

B Washington D.C.

C Philadelphia

D Boston

8 Which of the following people was not an Am erican President?

A John Hancock

B John Adam s

C John Q. Adam s

D Jimmy Carter

9 Henry Fond was the first m an to _____.

A design a plane

B fly an aeroplane

C m ass-produciton

D design and m ake a car

10 “That governm ent of the people, by the people, for the people, … ”were the wor ds by _____.

A Thom as Jefferson

B Abraham Lincoln

C Andrew Johnson

D Theodore Roosevelt


1 A, 哈佛大学位于马萨诸塞州的剑桥(Cam bridge)镇。

2 C, 在美国,私立高等教育机构要多于公立的。象麻省理工,耶鲁大学,哈佛大学都是私立的。

3 A, 百老汇是一条由南向北贯穿曼哈顿全岛的大道,其中心地带是在第42借“时代广场”附近,周围云集了几十家剧院,上演被称为现代歌舞剧的剧目。

4 D, Stonehenge 在英国,是古代城池的遗迹。

5 A, 里根从政前曾经在好莱坞闯荡20多年,参与演出了50多部电影。

6 B, Yankees 一词具有丰富的含义。现在用于代表美国人,俗称美国佬。在美国南部,Yank ee是指美国北部各州的居民,即北方佬;而对多数美国人来说,Yankee 意味着新英格兰人。

7 A, 1789年George Washington 在纽约宣誓就职,1790年首都迁往费城。1800年以后定都华盛顿。

8 A, John Hancock,因其当时在《独立宣言》上的签名很大,他的名字在美语里变成了签名的代名词。

9 C, Henry Ford 早期是一名技师,虽然没有发明汽车,但他是第一位批量生产汽车的人。

10 B, 这是Abraham Lincoln 于1863年11月19日在葛底斯堡阵亡将士墓举行落成仪式上发



1 The Rocky Mountains is located in _____.

A Great Britain

B Australia

C South Africa

D North Am erica

2 Hollywood, the centre of American m ovie industry, is closest to which city?

A Los Angles

B Chicago

C New York

D Washington

3 Which of the following is an Am erican newspaper?

A The Guardian

B Newsweek

C The International Herald Tribune

D The Daily Telegraph

4 The U.S. is called a “m elting pot” because _____.

A its steel industry is highly developed

B it has great influence on the world

C it is an im portant economic center of the world

D people from different races live there together

5 The first Puritans cam e to America on the ship _____.

A Codpeed

B Susan Constant

C May Flower

D Discovery

6 Americans celebrate Mem orial Day on the last Monday in May to honor those who have _____.

A given their lives for their country

B m ade great scientific discoveries

C won Am erican great reputation in sports

D donated large am ounts of money to the country

7 “Trick or Treat” is a phrase that children often use when they celebrated _____.

A New Year’s Day

B Veteran’s Day

C Halloween

D Christm as

8 The Easter egg and the hare, two of the sym bols m ost frequently associated with Easter, are considered to present _____.

A vigor and bravery

B fertility and new life

C originality and speed

D happiness and fun

9 Which of the following books is not written by Mark Twain, whose real nam e is Sam uel Langhorne Clem ens?

A The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

B The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

C Life on the Mississippi

D Leaves of grass

10 Which of the following books is written by Washington Irving?

A Nature

B The Scarlet Letter

C The Sketch Book

D Farewell to Arm s


1 D, 落基山脉位于美国西北部,向东南延伸。

2 A, 好莱坞和迪士尼均位于洛杉矶。

3 B, 《新闻周刊》是美国的报纸,而《国际先驱论坛》是法国的,《卫报》和《每日电讯》为英国的。

4 D, 美国被称之为“大熔炉”是因为来自世界各地的人们所带来的各自的文化在此交融形成独特的多元文


5 C, 首批清教徒到美国时乘坐的船是“五月花号”。

6 A, Mem orial Day 是美国的阵亡将士纪念日。

7 C, 万圣节是美国的传统节日。万圣节前夜,孩子们带着各种面具,穿着奇异的衣服,跑到邻居家门前,高声喊着:“Trick or Treat”,向大人们讨要糖果。不给的邻居就会遭到小孩的恶作剧。

8 B, 复活节彩蛋和兔子是“多产和新生”的象征。

9 D, Leaves if grass 是Walt Whitman 的作品。

10 C, Washington Irving 被称作是美国文学之父,这是他最有名的作品。A 是Ralph W. Em erson 的作品, B 是Nathaniel Hawthorne 的作品, D 是Earnest Hem ingway 的作品。



1 Which of the following is the British oldest daily newspaper?

A The Telegraph

B The Guardian

C The News of the World

D The Tim es

2 The river Tham es is in _____.

A Wales

B Scotland

C England

D Northern Ireland

3 The Industrial Revolution started in _____.

A the Great Britain

B the United States

C Canada

D Austrilia

4 Which of the following is true under Thatcher’s adm inistration?

A The proportion of owner-occupation decreased.

B Public housing becam e more important.

C Many public houses were sold to people.

D The UK becam e more European-like in its housing arrangem ent.

5 Britain has its nuclear naval force since _____.

A it’s one of the developed countries in the world

B it’s a traditional sea power

C it has an advanced industry

D it’s able to produce subm arines

6 Which of the following is the oldest national Sunday newspaper in Britain?

A The Tim es

B The Guardian

C The Observer

D The Financial Tim es

7 Big Ben was nam ed after _____.

A Christopher Wren

B Benjam in Hall

C Ben John

D G. Stephenson

8 The Capital of Wales is _____.

A Swansea

B Cardiff

C Rhonda

D Belfast

9 _____ is England’s biggest naval base.

A Ports m outh

B Southam pton

C Plym outh

D Dover

10 There are two m ajor national parties in Britain: the Conservative party and _____.

A the Liberal Party

B the Dem ocratic Party

C the Labour Party

D the Republican Party


1 D, 英国历史上最悠久的日报是《泰晤士报》。

2 C, 泰晤士河位于英格兰。

3 A, 工业革命最早从英国开始。

4 C, 1979年撒切尔夫人成为英国第一任女首相。她提出的政策称被为“撒切尔主义”。其内容包括国有企业私有化,采用货币主义政策以控制通货膨胀,削弱工会的影响,加强市场因素在经济中的作用,将公有住房卖给公众,强调法律和秩序。在一定程度上讲,她的计划是成功的。她领导英国经济度过了一段最繁华的时期。

5 B, 英国拥有其海军核力量与其一贯的霸主地位是密切相关的。

6 C, 《观察家报》创刊于1791年,是英国创刊最早的星期日报纸。

7 B, 据说Big Ben 得名于它在1859年修建时候的建造者Benjam in Hall。

8 B, 威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫。

9 A, 英国最大的海军基地是普茨茅斯。

10 C, 英国奉行的是两党制。其两大主要政党是保守党和工党。



1.____is the hom e of golf.

A England

B Scotland

C Wales

D Ireland

2.Which of the follwing languages is NOT spoken in Scotland?

A English

B Scottish

C Gaelic

D Denish

3.The election of ____ made Margaret Thatcher to power and she becam e the first wom an pri me m inister.

A 1979

B 1980

C 1982

D 1992

4.To its full sense, the British Parliam ent consist of ____

A the House Lord and the House of Commons

B the House and the Senate

C the Queen and the Hosue of Lords

D the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons

5.The Tower of London, a historical sight, located in the center of London, was built by ____

A King Harold

B Robin Hood

C Oliver Crom well

D William the Conqueror

6.There are ____ state churches in Britain.

A two

B three

C four

D five

7.When Oliver Crom well died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son____, the regim e began imm ediately to collapse.

A Henry

B Ham ilton

C Richard

D Charles

8.____ birthday is a great event in Britain since it m arks the beginning of full m anhood or wo manhood.

A The twenty-first

B The eighteenth

C The nineteenth

D The twentieth

9.Reuters was founded in ____

A 1715

B 1751

C 1851

D 1811

10. What is (are) the nicknam e(s) of the U.S.A.?

A Uncle Sam

B Brother Jonathan

C Yankee

D All of the above


1.B 高尔夫是一项古老的贵族的运动,源于十五世纪或更早以前的苏格兰,苏格兰地区山多,气候湿润,多雾,非常适合牧草生长,这里的工业文明以前是连绵不断的牧场。相传当时牧羊人放牧闲暇时,用木板


2.D Gaelic苏格兰盖尔语是高地苏格兰人的传统语言;更多人使用的语言是英语。一直到15世纪末,盎格鲁人仍然以他们的语言称苏格兰盖尔语为「苏格兰语」(盎格鲁语:Scottish)。

3.A Margaret Thatcher 在1979年成为英国首相,为英国史上第一个女首相。

4.D 具体的说,英国的议会是有元首,上议院和下议院组成。其中,元首没有实权,上议员由大法官(Lo rd Chancellor)掌权,是由神职议员(the Lord Spiritual)和世俗议员(the Lord Tem poral),下议院的成员是通过选举产生的651名议员,以首相为首。

5.D 伦敦塔名为“塔”,实际上是公元11世纪处于罗马统治时期的一座城堡式建筑。

6.A英国有两大国教:在英格兰是英格兰教(Church of England)或者英国圣公会,在苏格莎白的头衔全称为“托上帝宏恩,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合国和她的其他领土和领地的女王、英联邦元首、基督教的保护者伊丽莎白二世”。可见,英/女王是基督教的保护者。

7.C Oliver Crom well的儿子在父亲过世后继承王权,但是不久后掌控的政体瓦解。1660年,议会扶植流浪法国的前国王儿子Charle二世当国王。

8.A 在英国,21岁生日是个大生日,因为他们认为21岁是大人开始的年龄。

9.C 路透社是世界四大通讯社之一,也是英国创办最早的通讯社。1850年由保罗·朱利叶斯·路透(paul julius reuter)在德国亚琛创办,1851年迁址到伦敦。创办人路透原为德国人,后加入英国籍。1865年,路透把他的私人通讯社扩展成为一家大公司。

10.D “山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam),“乔纳森大哥”和“扬基老”都是美国和美国人的绰号。



1. In area, the United States is the ____ largest country in the world.

A 2nd

B 3rd

C 4th

D 5th

2.The 50th state in Am erica is ____

A Alaska

B Texas

C Hawaii

D Rhode Island

3. Mauna Loa, the world’s largest active volcano, is located in ____

A Hawaii

B Alaska

C Texas

D Perth

4. Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 because of ____.

A the Great Depression

B the Black Power Movem ent

C the Watergate Scandal

D the Isolatio n policy

5.All the following universities are located in New England EXCEPT____

A Yale

B Harvard


D Berkeley

6.The United States has less than 6% of the world’s population. yet i t produces about ____ o

f the total world output.

A 20%

B 25%

C 30%

D 35%

7.What form s a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States?

A The Rio Grande River

B The southern Rocky Mountains

C The Colorado River

D The Gulf of California

8. The US form ally entered the Second World War in ____

A 1937

B 1939 C1941 D 1943

9. The Presidents during the Am erican Civil War was .

A Andrew Jackson

B Abraham Lincoln

C Thom as Jefferson

D George Washington

10 The em blem of the Democratic Party is ____.

A elephant

B donkey

C bear

D bull


1.C 按领土面积计算:美国是继俄罗斯,加拿大,中国之后的第四名。

2.C 1959年,Alasica和Hawaii分别为第四十九个和第五十个加入美国的州。

3.A Mauna Loa(摩纳罗亚山)是世界上最大的活火山。位于美国Hawaii(夏威夷)。

4.C 尼克松总统辞职是由于轰动一时的丑闻“水门事件”。水门事件指美国共和党政府在1972年总统竞选运动中的非法活动暴露后的政治丑闻。

5.D Berkeley(伯克利),是加利福尼亚大学分院,位于美国加利福尼亚西部。而新英格兰地区包括美国的六个州,由北至南分别为:缅因州、新罕布夏州、佛蒙特州、麻萨诸塞州、罗德岛、康乃狄克州。

6.B 美国人口低于世界人口总值的6%,但是美国经济生产总值占世界25%,是高度工业化国家。

7.A The Rio Grand River(格兰德河)形成了美国与墨西哥的自然分界线。

8.C 1941年的珍珠港事件把美国带入了第二次世界战争,与苏联,英国共同对战法西斯。

9.B Abraham Lincoln是美国第十六届总统,带领美国人走过美国内战,解放奴隶,但是在战争结束不到一周被暗杀。

10.B 19世纪70年代,在美国的《哈泼斯周刊》上,曾先后出现了政治漫画家托马斯·纳斯特的两幅画,分别以长耳朵的驴和长鼻子的象比拟美国民主党和共和党。后来,纳斯特又在一幅画中同时画进了象和驴,比喻当时的两党竞选。自那以后,驴和象就逐渐成为美国两大党的象征,两党也分别以驴、象作为党徽的标记。


发布人:圣才学习网发布日期:2010-08-23 13:44 共504人浏览[大] [中] [小] 第一部分(客观题,共40分)

I. Directions: Read the following unfinished statem ents or uestions carefully .For each unfinished statem ent or q uestion four suggested answers A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best completes the statem ent or answers the question. Then, m ark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the answer sheet. (25% )

1. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the _______ and the North Sea in the east.

A. east

B. south

C. west

D. north

2. The first known settlers of Britain were _______.

A. the Jutes

B. the Celts

C. the Saxons

D. the Iberians

3. The English Civil War is also called ______.

A. the Puritan Revolution

B. the second Magna Carta

C. the Long Parliam ent

D. the Anglican War

4. The Tories were the forerunners 0f _______ , which still bears the nicknam e today.

A. the Labour Party

B. the Liberal Party

C. the Social Dem ocratic Party

D. the Conservative Party

5. In Britain only _______ of the population are farm ers but they m anage 7O% of the land area.

A. 2%

B. 3%

C. 4%

D. 5%

6. Which of the following Statem ents is NOT true about the Prim e Minister in Britain?

A. He is appointed by the Queen.

B. He is Minister for the Civil Service.

C. He sits in the House of Commons.

D. He receives £88,292 a year.

7. London's Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of _______ .

A. the Lord Chancellor

B. the Hom e Secretary

C. the Attorney General

D. the Prim e Minister

8. Which of the following statem ents is NOT true about the National Health Service?

A. It Provides for every resident a full range of medical services.

B. It is adm inistered by the central governm ent.

C. Its em ergency am bulances are available for doctors' urgent calls.

D. It has suffered from under funding in recent decades.

9. There are som e _______ universities in the United Kingdom, including the Open University.

A. 75

B. 80

C. 85

D. 9O

10. Ireland is divided into two political parts: _______ .

A. Northern Ireland and southern Ireland

B. Southern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland

C. the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

D. Northern Ireland and Britain

11. The Grand Canyon in north-western _______ is one of nature's most impeessive sights.

A. Utah

B. Arizona

C. Nevada

D. Idaho

12. The first immigrants in Am erican history cam e from _______ .

A. England and Germ any

B. England and Ireland

C. England and the Netherlands

D. England and Spain

13. The United States went to war with _______ in 1812, the last war fought between these two countries.

A. Britain

B. France

C. Spain

D. Mexico

14. In 1932, in the depth of the depression, the Am erican people chose _______ as their

next president who prom ised a "new deal" to get Am erica out of depression.

A. Theodore

B. Franklin D. Roosevelt

C. Woodrow Wilson

D. Herbert Hoover

15. Martin Luther King, Jr., a young black clergym an, becam e a national leader of the _______ Movem ent.

A. Boycott

B. Civil Rights

C. Segregation

D. Integration

16. The cultivated land in the U.S. m akes up _______ of the total land, and people who are engaged in farm ing make up only 2.7% of the total population.

A. 21%

B. 31%

C. 41%

D. 51%

17. The Constitution of the United States provides that _______ shall be President of the Senate.

A. the Secretary of State

B. the Chief Justice

C. the President

D. the Vice President

18. The typical organizational pattern for elem entary and secondary schools in the United States is that of _______ .

A. classified schools

B. vocational schools

C. graded schools

D. public schools

19. In the 1920s, Black Literature developed into an upsurge which has com e to be known as _______ .

A. the Manhattan Renaissance

B. the Harlem Renaissance

C. the Black Revival

D. the African-Am erican Rebirth

20. Of all the sym bols, _______ , which are considered to represent fertility and new life: are

those m ost frequently associated with Easter.

A. the pumpkin and the turkey

B. the lamb and the beef

C. the spring peas and the potatoes

D. the egg and the rabbit

21. Canada was divided Into Upper Canada (English speaking) and Lower Canada (French speaking) in _______ and they were united again in _______ .

A. 1791/1840

B. 1775/1791

C. 1840/1867

D. 1775/1867

22. Canada's early econom ic developm ent was founded on _______ .

A. resource industries

B. heavy industries

C. light industries

D. manufacturing industries

23. What law m ade French the offical language in Canada's Quebec?

A. The Official Language Act.

B. The Charter of the French Language in Quebec.

C. The Meech Lake Accord.

D. The new Canadian Constitution.

24. The Canadian population is chiefly characterized by _______ .

A. its size

B. its growth

C. its linguistic duality

D. its French origins

25. Australia has always been a continent with few people m ainly because _______ .

A. Australia is too far away fram Europe

B. Australia is the least m ountainous and most level of the world's continents

C. Australia is separated from the rest of the world by seas

D. most of the continent is hot and dry

II. Directions: Read each of the following statem ents carefully and see if it is true or false .Blacken A if you think it is true or B if you think it is false on your answer sheet. Blackening C、

D or

E is useless. (15% )

26.Britain becam e a world leader in shipbuilding during the m iddle of the 20th century.

27. The Queen is the center of m uch of the nation's cerem onial and, by ancient tradition, the leader of society.

28.The Lord Chancellor recommends the High Court and circuit judges, the recorders and the 76 metropolitan and stipendiary m agistrates.

29.The social security system in Britain is designed to secure a basic standard of living for people in financial need.

30.The Open University in Britain is a non-residential university based in London.

31. Since the 1960s, manufacturing has becom e the m ainstay of the Irish econom y.

32. Although tobacco is grown in m any countries, the United States is the World's biggest producer and user of this profitable crop.

33.The Suprem e Court is the highest court of the United States and is the only organ which has the power to interpret the Constitution.

34. Higher education in the United States began with the founding of University of Michigan in 1636.

35. Mark Twain's real nam e was Sam uel Langhorne Clem ens and he was born and brought up in the sm all town of Hannibal, Missouri, on the Mississippi River.

36. Before World War II, it was custom ary for each community to hold veteran's parades and public cerem onies in the U.S.A.

37. Canada, a self-governing m ember of the Commonwealth of Nations, is a federation of 15 provinces and two territories.

38. British explorers had a good knowledge of anim als, the seasons and all aspects of Australia.

39. In January 1940 Australian troops first sailed for overseas theatres of war, and in the next two years they fought with the British against the Germ ans and Italians in northern Africa, the Middle East and Mediterranean.

40. New Zealanders take a community approach to pr oblem s, but at the sam e time they are very proud of being independent and self-reliant.


III. Directions: For each of the following blanks, only one word is suitable. Write the word in the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (25%)

●The capital of the Republic of Ireland is (1) ________ , and the capital of Northern

Ireland is (2) ________ .

●The English Renaissance was largely (3) ________ and its finest exponents were Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson and William (4) ________ .

●The Whigs were the forerunners of the (5) ________ Party while the Tories were the forerunners of the (6) ________ party of England.

●Most of Britain's oil reserves are thought to be under the (7) ______ (8) ______.

●British Parliam ent co nsists of the Sovereign, the House of (9) _____ and the House of (10) ______.

●The United Kingdom is a (11) ______ monarchy, it began in the (12) _______th century.

●In the United Kingdom, in crim inal trials by jury, the (13) ______ passes sentence but the (14) _______ decides the issue of guilt or innocence.

●Britain is regarded as a (15) _______ state. The term applies m ainly to the National (16) ______ Service, national insurance and social security.

●In the United Kingdom, education is c ompulsory for all bet ween the ages of (17) ______ and

(18) ________.

●The British national newspapers can be divided into two groups: national (19) _____ and national (20) ________.

●The m ost important lakes in the United States are the (21) _____ Lakes, they are all located between (22) ______ and the United States except Lake Michigan.

●In respect of population, (23) ______ (24) _______ is the biggest city in the United States.

●The largest of the racial and ethnic m inorities in the U.S. i s the (25) _______, who were first brought to North Am erica as (26) ______ in 1619.

●Counterculture in 1960s was a m ovement of (27) ________ against the moral values, the aesthetic (28) _______ and the personal behavior.

●Am erican governm ent is div ided into three branches: the legislative, the (29) ______ and the

(30) ________, each has part of the powers but not all the power.

●Formal education in the United States consists of elem entary, (31) _________ and (32) _______ education.

●The firs t British settlers in Canada were (33) _______ refugees who refused to fight against the British arm y in the War of A m erican Independence. They called them selves (34) ________.

●It is assum ed that the first Europeans who reached Australia's shores were the (35) ________ and Portuguese, whom were followed by the (36) _______ and then the English.

●In the 1950s, there was a boom in Australia's econom y and people's living standard was high, so Australia was called "the (37) _______ (38) ________" in that period.

●In World War II, Australia declared war on Japan imm ediately after Japan bombed the U.S. naval base at (39) _______ (40) _________.

●The m ain feature of Australia's trade is that it has always involved the exchange of (41) ________ m aterials for (42) ________ products.

●The basic structure of Australian governm ent is based on both the (43) ______ and (44) _______ m odels.

●New Zealand has t wo m ain islands. They are (45) ________ Island and (46) ______ Island.

●New Zealand is a sovereign independent state with a parliam entary (47) ________ and a constitutional (48) _______.

●The official languages in New Zealand are (49) ________ and (50) _______.

IV. Directions: Explain the following term s in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (15%)

1. Black Death

2. The Gunpowder Plot

3. Ulysses

4. The Puritans

5. the Axis powers

V. Directions: Give a brief answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in th e corresponding space on your answer sheet. (12%)

1. What happened in the four-day London s m og in 1952?

2. What does IBM stand for? What is the corporation's m ain product?

3. When is "Trick or treat" played and what does it m ean?

4. What is special about the Kiwi, a national sym bol of New Zealand?

VI. Directions: Write between 100-15O words on the following topic in the corresponding space on your answer sheet. (8%)

Describe briefly the size and location of the United States of America.



1. B

2. D

3. A

4. D

5. B

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. D 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. C

19. B 20. D 21. A 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D


1. F

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. T

7. T

8. T

9. F 10. T 11. T 12. F 13. F 14. T 15. T


1. Dublin

2. Belfast

3. literay

4. Shakespeare

5. Liberal

6. Conservative

7. North

8. Sea


Lords/Commons 10. Commons/Lords 11. constitutional 12. 9 13. judge 14. jury 15. welfare 16. Health 17. 5 18. 16 19. dailies/Sundays 20. Sundays/dailies 21. Great 22. Canada 23. New 24. York 25. blacks 26. slaves 27. revolt 28. standards 29. executive 30. judicial 31. secondary 32. higher 33. Am ercian 34. Loyalists 35. Spanish 36. Dutch 37. lucky 38. country 39. Pearl 40. Harbour 41. raw 42. finished 43. British/Am ercian 44. Amercian/British 45. North/South 46. South/North 47. govem ent

48. monarchy 49. English/Maori 50. Maori/English


1. Black Death was the m odern nam e given to the deadly epidem ic disease spread by ratfleas . (1分)It spread through Europe in the 14th century and swept through England (0.5分) in the summer of 1348 . It reduced England's population from four m illion to two m illon by the end of 14th

century .(1分)


2. The Gunpowder Plot was the m ost famous of the Catholic conspiracies . (0.5分) On November 5,1605,(1分) a few fanatical Catholics attem pted to blow King Jam es and his m inisters up (1分) in the HousesofParliam ent where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gunpowder in the cellars .


3。'Ulysses 'is Jam e Joyce's m asterpiece . (1分) The novel describes the events of one day in the lives of several people (0.5分) in Dublin , and explores their subconscious m inds. (1分)


4. (1) The Puritans were wealthy , well-educated gentlem en . They wanted to purify the Church of

England . (1分)

(2) Dissatisfied with the political corruption in England and threatened with religious persecution , the Puritan Leaders saw the New World as a refuge provided by God for those He m eant to save . So i n


1630 , the great Puritan migration began . (0.5分)

(3) The Puritans did not allow religious dissent . They went to America to establish what they considered the one true church . / Puritan tradition also involved a respect for learning which led to the establishm ent of schools and the spread of literacy .(0.5分/0.5分)


5. The Axis powers refer to Germ any , (0.5分)Italy (0.5分)and Japan (0.5分) during World War II. (1




1. In 1952 the sulphur dioxide (1分)/ an unhealthy atm osphere form ed by mixing s m oke and dirt with

fog had left 4,000 people dead or dying . (1.5分)


2. IBM stands for International Business Machines /International Business Machines Corporation .

(1.5分)Its main product is the com puter . (1分)


3. "Trick or treat " is played during Halloween / October 31(1分)and it means " Give m e som ething


, or I'll play a trick on you ". (1.5分)


4. The kiwi is a nocturnal bird (1.5分) that awakes at night (0.5分) and that cannot fly (0.5分)



1. a) land area-----9.3 million km*(the fourth largest country in the world )

b) from north to south ----- 2,575km

c) from east to west ----- 4,500km

2. a) in central ----- North Am ercia

b) north----- Canada

c) south ----- Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico

d) east ----- the Atlantic Ocean

e) west ----- the Pacific Ocean

f) Alaska and Hawaili are seoparated from the continental US

g) Alaska borders on north western Canada , Hawaii lies in the central Pacific

3. a) a federal republic com posed of 50 states

b) Alaska ----- the largest in area and Rhode Island the sm allest


发布人:圣才学习网发布日期:2010-08-23 13:46 共170人浏览[大] [中] [小]

一. 单项选择题

Read the following unfinished statem ents or questions carefully. For each unfinished statem ent or question four suggested answers A,B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best com pletes the statement or answers the question:(20 points )

1. Franklin Roos evelt’s program for the depression was called .

a. Progressivism

b. laissez faire

c. New Freedom

d. New Deal

2. The United States did not join the Second World War directly until in Decem ber,1941.

a. Great Depression

b. Pearl Harbor incident

c. the Japanese attack on China

d. the Germ an attack on Poland

3. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a Commonwealth. It was ruled first by Oliver Crom well as .

a. Lord Protector

b. Lieutenant General

c. Commander of the New Model Arm y

d. President

4. Ireland is in the of Great Britain.

a. east

b. south

c. west

d. north

5. WASPs referred to .

a. the mainstream Americans

b. Hispanics

c. Asian-Am ericans

d. Blacks

6. Lincoln's Em ancipation proclamation and the Thirteenth Am endment to the Constitu tion formally ended .

a. the immigration movem ent

b. the Civil War

c. the slave system

d. the industrialization

7. About a hundred years ago,as a result of imperialist expansion,Britain ruled one fourth of the world people and of the world’s la nd area.

a. one third

b. one fifth

c. one fourth

d. tow fifths

8. The Celt’s religion was .

a. Teutonic religion

b. Christianity

c. Druidism

d. Buddhis m

9. The spirit of the Great Charter was the lim itation of the powers of ,keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.

a. the Archbishop of Canterbury

b. the barons

c. the church

d. the king

10. The ultim ate authority for law-making resides in the .

a. the House of Lords

b. the House of Commons

c. the Privy Council

d. the Shadow Cabinet

11. The English Renaissance was largely .

a. religious

b. ideological

c. philosophical

d. literary

12. In the Industrial Revolution,changes occurred earliest and quickest in .

a. hardware

b. textile

c. pottery

d. chem icals

13. The Rom ans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in

a. 200B. C.

b. 55 B. C.

c. 55 A. D.

d. 410 A. D.

14. The Hundred Years’ War started in .

a. 1733

b. 1453

c. 1337

d. 1357

15. Civil Rights Movem ent happened in .

a. the 1960s

b. the 1950s

c. the 1940s

d. the 1930s

16. The open declaration of the containm ent policy was m ade by on March 12,1949 in a speech to the joint session of Congress.

a. President Roosevelt

b. President Kennedy

c. General Marshall

d. President Trum an

17. The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliam ent.

a. 651

b. 1,200

c. 1,198

d. 763

18. About half of the Britain’s trade is with .

a. the United States

b. South-east Asia

c. the EC

d. the Latin Am erica

19. The British recorded history begins with .

a. the arrival and settlem ent of Celts

b. the Norman Conquest

c. Rom an invasion

d. Viking and Danish invasions

20. At the beginning of the First World War,the United States pursued a policy of


a. containm ent

b. neutrality

c. pro-Germany partiality

d. pro-Ally partiality


Read the following statem ents carefully and decide if each of them is True or False:(20 points )

() 1. The Bill of Rights is the term for the first twelve am endments to the Constitution.

() 2. The stock m arket crash in 1929 was the beginning of a long econom ic depression in the U. S.

() 3. George Washington was the first president of the United States.

() 4. The system of the parliam entary governm ent of the U.K. is based on a written constitution.

()5. Benjam in Franklin alone drafted the Declaration of Independence,and on July 4,1776,the Congress adopted the declaration.

() 6. Britain was the first country to start the Industrial Revolution which contributed to the establishm ent of the British Em pire.

()7. The word English m eans “the language that belongs to the Angles.”

()8. The Pennines are known as the “Backbone of England”.

()9. The largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh Lake in Wales which covers an area of 397 square kilom eters.

()10. Both the First Continental Congress and the Second Continental Congress were held in Boston.

()11. The Am erican Constitution founded feudalis m and introduced checks and balances.

()12. The national church in Scotland is also the Church of England.

()13.Of all the English university Oxford and Cam bridge are the most prestigious

()14. The House of Lords is now m ade up of two kinds of Lords:the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Tem poral.

()15. William,Duke of Normandy,founded a strong fleet which first beat the Danes at sea and he becam e known as “Father of the British Navy.”

()16. Anglo-Saxons in Britain are believed to be ancestors of the Highland Scots,the Irish and the Welsh people.

()17. Af ter Margaret Thatcher was elected Britain’s first ever wom an prim e minister in 1979,she adopted a new program to cure the “British disease”.

()18. America Vespucci proved that the land discovered by Colum bus was not Indian,but a new continent. As a result,the new continent was nam ed after him and became known as Am erica.

()19. Declaration of Independence was form ally adopted by the Continental Congress on July 14,1776, a day which has been celebrated each year as Independence Day of the United S tates.

()20. When the news of Am erican victory at Yorktown reached London,the Parliam ent voted to end the War and peace negotiation began in 1782.

三. 名词解释

Explain the following term s in English:(20 points)

1. The New Deal

2. counterculture movem ent

3. checks and balances

4. Constitutional monarchy

5. Em ancipation Proclam ation

四. 简答题

Give an one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. (10 points )

1. What is the longest river in Britain?

2. How long did the Wars of the Roses go on?

3. When did Am erican Civil War break out?

4. What were the m ainstream Americans called?

5. What does Am erican Congress consist of?


Write between 100-150 words on the following topic:(10 points )

Cold War

Key to Model 2


1~5dbaca 6~10 cccdb 11~15 dbbca 16~20daccb


1~5 FTTFF 6~10 TTTFF 11~15 FFTTT 16~20 FTTFT


1. It refers to a series of m easures taken by Franklin Roosevelt in 1932 to prevent the possible collapse of the Am erican econom ic and political system.

2. It was a m ovem ent of revolt in the 1960s against the moral values,the aesthetic standards,the personal behavior. and the social relations of conventional society.

3. Each of the three branches of the governm ent——the legislative,the executive and the judicial——has part of the powers but not all the power. Each branch can check,or block,the actions of the other branches. The three branches are thus in balance. This is called “checks and balances”.

4. A constitutional monarchy is a county in which head of the state is a king or a queen. In practice,the Sovereign reigns,but does not rule. In English history,constitutional m onarchy was established after Glorious Revolution in 1688.

5. On Septem ber 22,1862 during Am erican Civil War,Lincoln issued the fam ous docum ent

E m ancipation Proclam ation which would becom e effective on January 1,1863. it provided that all the black slaves in the rebelling states were freed and they were welcom e to join the armed forces of the Union.


1. The longest river in Britain is Severn river.

2. The War of the Roses went on for 30 years.

3. Am erican Civil War began in 1861.

4. The m ainstream Americans are called WASPs.

5. Am erican Congress consists of Senate and House of Representatives.


Som e historians say that the world entered Cold War immediately after the Second World War ended. The conflicts arose basically from the separate concepts of postwar world order. The United States,relying on its large econom ic and military strength,tried to play the role of world police under the pretext of fighting against the Soviet expansion. The Soviet Union put forward the theory that there could be no long-term peaceful coexistence bet ween socialism and capitalism and the Soviet Union should rapidly build up its strength for the final struggle against capitalism,represented by the United States and Britain. Cold War was characterized by international tension and conflicts without bloody “hot war” between the Soviet Union and the United States. Cold War did not end until after the collapse of Berlin Wall in 1989


I. Direction:Read the following unfinished statem ents of questions carefully. For each unfinished statem ent of question four suggested answers A;B, C and D are given. Choose the one you think best com pletes the statem ent or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your answer sheet (25%)

1. There are ______ political divisions on the island of Great Britain.

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

2. Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses of which the m ost important matters could be seen in three of the following except _______.

A. no tax should be m ade without the approval of the Grand Council;

B. no serf should be arrested,im prisoned or deprived of his property except by the law of the land

C. London and other towns should retain their ancient rights and privileges

D. There should be the sam e weights and m easures through - out the country.

3. The first steam engine was devised by Thom as Newcom er at the end of the 17th century,and the Scottish inventor ________ m odified and improved the design in 1765.

A. Abraham Darby

B. Jam es Watt

C. John Kay

D. Richard Arkwright

4. In som e areas factory far m ing methods are used,particularly for ________.

A. growing crop

B. producing m ilk

C. catching fish

D. rearing poultry

5. By tradition,the leader of the majority party is appointed ______ by the Sovereign in the United Kingdom.

A. Prim e Minister

B. Mem ber of Parliam ent

C. Lord of Appeal

D. Speaker of the House

6. Under the Anglo - Irish Treaty,Britain established _______ with dom inion status in Ireland in 1921.

A. the Anglican Church of Ireland

B. the Irish Free State

C. the Irish Republican Arm y

D. the Anglo - Irish Intergovernm ental Council

7. Irish broadcasting began in ______ in a sm all studio called Dublin Broadcasting Station.

A. 1906

B. 1916

C. 1926

D. 1936

8. _______ realized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroad by making the war a just war against slavery.

A. Frederick Douglass

B. George Washington

C. John Adam s

D. Abraham Lincoln

9. But even after the abolition of slavery,organized or individual discrim ination was practiced against ______.

A. Chinese - Am ericans

B. Am erican Indians

C. Japanese - Am ericans

D. black Americans

10. From 1948 to 1966 average yearly growth in real spendable earnings was ______ percent in the United States.

A. 1.1

B. 2.1

C. 3.1

D. 4.1

11. After a period of prosperity (1920 ~ 1929),governm ent involvem ent in the econom y increased _________.

A. during the Great Depression

B. after the WW I

C. after the WW II

D. during the Cold War

12. The United States grows nearly _____ of the world's grain and supplies a half of all the exports of grain in the world.

A. one third

B. one fourth

C. one sixth

D. one seventh

13. Through the Departm ent of _____,the President is responsible for the protection of Am ericans abroad and of foreign nationals in the United States.

C. Labor

D. Defense

14. The community college em bodies ________ belief that an education should be practical as well as liberal.

A. George Washington's

B. Thomas Jefferson's

C. Abraham Lincoln's

D. Franklin Roosevelt's

15. The exploratory voyage m ade by ______ brought to a close to an era of European discovery of Australia that had lasted nearly two hundred years.

A. Arthur Philip

B. Mathew Flinders

C. Port Jackson

D. Peter Lalor

16. After the outbreak of the First World War,Australia followed Britain's lead and declared war on ________.

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