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中国科技大学材料合成化学PPT(1-1) Introdution (b-w)(1)

Synthetic Chemistry of Materials
Chunhua Chen
Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of Science and Technology of China Fall, 2013 Classroom: 5501 Time: Wednesday 9:45-12:10AM
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Applying Materials Innovation to Energy and Environmental Problems...

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 This course and me What is SCIENCE? What is MATERIAL? Classification of materials History of materials Five keywords of materials synthesis Examples of inorganic materials synthesis The scope of this course Books, literature and keywords Course assessment

“Beauties of synthesis”
-Nature 443, 1-2(7 September 2006)
“Ask a group of organic chemists why they love their work, however, and most will tell you that it enables them to make things that no one else has made before. ”
It is also true for materials synthesis.

(摘自:徐光宪“21世纪理论化学的挑战和机遇”) 报刊上常说20世纪有六大技术: (1)无线电、半导体、计算机和网络等信息技术, (2)基因重组、克隆和生物芯片等生物技术, (3)核科学和核武器技术, (4)航空航天技术和导弹, (5)激光技术, (6)纳米技术。 但却很少有人提到包括新药物、新材料、高分子和化肥的化 学合成技术。

(摘自:徐光宪“21世纪理论化学的挑战和机遇”) 上述六大技术如果缺少一二个,人类照样生存,但如没有合成氨 和尿素的技术,世界60亿人口有一半要饿死。没有合成抗生素 和新药物,人类平均寿命要缩短25年。没有合成纤维、合成橡 胶、合成塑料,人类生活要受到很大影响。没有合成大量新分 子、新材料,上述六大技术根本无法实现。但化学和化工界非 常谦虚,从来不提抗议。我们应该理直气壮地大力宣传20世纪 有七大技术,第一是化学合成技术。国外传媒把Haber Process 评为20世纪最重要的发明,是很有道理的。
15–25 MPa 300–550oC
N2 + 3 H2 ? 2 NH3 (ΔH = ?92.22 kJ·mol?1)
1909 by Fritz Haber 1918 Nobel prize 1931 Nobel prize
Fritz Haber
1913 by Carl Bosch (from BASF)

“12位华人当选全球顶尖化学家 中国科大校友占一半” “全球排名前5位材料科学家中,中国科大校友独占其四”
Xia YN (35, 4) Lin WB (54) Yang PD (10, 1) Duan XF (41, 20) Sun YG (61, 5) Yin YD (55, 2)

Course Website

Course Website
250 218 225 200
150 100 50 0 97 113 85 96
133 94
'03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12

1980s-2001: “无机材料制备”(曾桓兴、彭定坤、林 淑钦教授) 2002, 2003: “无机材料合成化学”,本科生和研究生专 业课(陈春华接替) 2004-: 课程名称改为“材料合成化学”,教学内容 加入金属材料和高分子材料合成部分;江国顺老师友情 出演 2005-:课件电子化;刘和文老师友情出演 2004-:Dr. Louis Winnubst加盟(2~3次课)(已 经连续四年) 2005-:设立PPT报告竞赛“Top10%优胜奖”

2006-:主要参考书增加了徐甲强等编著《材料合成 化学》和Ulrich Schubert, Nicola Husing著《Synthesis of Inorganic materials》 2007-:加入参观部分制备技术环节(主要参观晶体 生长和静电喷雾沉积),由姚连增教授和杨萍华高工负 责现场讲解。 2008-:姚连增教授讲授本课程“晶体生长”一章;入 选研究生示范课程建设。 2009-:先后获批中科大校级、安徽省省级研究生精 品课程。 2012 -:获安徽省省级质量工程教学成果一等奖。

本课程是中科大材料系第一门省级精品课程,也是系里最 早的一门网络课程!

Professors of this course
Prof. Chunhua Chen: responsible for most of the chapters
Dr. Louis Winnubst: (visiting prof. from Univ. Twente, The Netherlans) responsible for “Microstructures and processing of ceramics” Prof. Lianzeng Yao: responsible for “Crystal growth”

Contents of this course
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Introduction (3 class hours) Fundamental theories for materials synthesis (3) Metallic materials syntheses (6) Polymeric materials syntheses (8) Chemical syntheses and processing of ceramic materials (9) Fabrication of thin films (6) Crystal growth (6) Syntheses of porous materials (3) Special topic 1: Pechini’s method to ceramic powders (3) Special topic 2: Electrostatic spray deposition of thin films (3) Special topic 3: Other synthesis techniques (3) Students group report session (7)
10. 11. 12.

About the professor: Chunhua Chen
81-86: Solid Oxide Ionic Conductors (Bi2O3-based) @ USTC, China ( B. Sc.) 86-89: High Tc Superconductors (YBCO and Bi-based) @ USTC, China (M. Sc.) 89-92: Semiconducting gas sensors (SnO2- and Fe2O3-based) @ USTC, China (Lecturer) 92-94: Oxygen-permeable dense membranes (LaSrCoO-based) @ University of Twente, Netherlands (Research fellow) 94-98: Thin-film components for Li-ion batteries (many) @ Delft Technology University, Netherlands (Ph. D.) 98-01: High power Li-ion batteries for electric vehicles (many) @ Argonne National Laboratory, USA (Postdoc) 01-02: High power Li-ion batteries for electric vehicles (many) @ Argonne National Laboratory, USA (Staff scientist) 02-present: High performance Li-ion batteries and thin-film technology @ USTC, China (Professor)

What is SCIENCE?
Science “scientia” The knowledge that is most respected.
Knowledge Domain
Astronomy Life
Biology Physics
Chemistry Social
Earth Visual
The arts
Anthropology Economics History Politics Psychology Law Education
Literature Dance Music Art
Bibliology ( 圣经论) Theology (神论) Christology (基督论) Penumatology (圣灵论) Harmatiology ( 罪论) Soteriology (救恩论) Ecclesiology (教会论) Angeolology ( 天使论) Eschatology (末世论) Teleology (目的论) Pastorology (教牧论)

What is SCIENCE?
The Three Levels of human The Six Levels of Thought thought
Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge ③ Fantasy
The final and most distant level of thought. Thoughts here are random, often nonsensical. Many times these thoughts encompass the results of your actions, since no one consciously realizes what their actions may mean.
(by C.S. Lewis in 《The Screwtape Letters》)
② Intellect
Thoughts on this level tend to be conscious thoughts, conscious decisions. These thoughts can be anything at all, and don't necessarily influence you in any great way.
① Will
The first primary level. At this level, everything is real, and factual. The thoughts on this level influence your daily life and govern all of your actions. Also, thoughts here are usually subconscious, influencing you without you even knowing it.

What is SCIENCE?
科学是关于自然界、人类社会以及人 自身的规律的概念、原因、方法和观念。 1)科学的核心是规律; 2)科学是关于自然界、人类社会和人自身 三个领域的规律,也就是说科学包括自然 科学和社会科学; 3)科学是关于规律的概念、原理、方法和 观念几个方面的知识体系。也就是说,科 学不仅仅是传统意义上的知识(概念和原 理),更包括科学方法和科学观念。

What is SCIENCE?
科学的特点: 1)符合“奥卡姆剃刀”原则(“如无必要, 勿增实体”)(Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily); 2 ) 本身是自恰的(self-consistent); 3)可被否证的,不能在任何条件下都 永远正确、不能有任何的修正; 4)有清楚界定的应用范畴; 5) 有可被检验的预测; 6) 在实际上已有了被证实的预测; 7) 结果可被重复。

What is SCIENCE?
Advancement of Learning (1605)
Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
Natural science is split up into physics and metaphysics. The former investigates variable and particular causes, the latter reflects on general and constant ones, for which the term form is used.
Facts cannot be collected from nature, but must be constituted by methodical procedures, which have to be put into practice by scientists in order to ascertain the empirical basis for inductive generalizations.[Syllogism]

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