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动物 Animals-最新范文


I like animals very much. I have a dog, It’s my favourite animal. It’s white, It looks like a snow ball. It has two big eyes and ears. But its nose and mouth are very small. It’s very naughty.


It often stares at my food when I have a meal. When I’m home it follows me all the time.


When I do my homework, it often sits beside quietly, but sometimes runs around me and shouts: wom wom.


I like my dog very much.



【animals动物】 animal cat dog sheep duck elephant fish lizard butterfly wolf par rot snail 动物猫狗绵羊鸭大象鱼蜥蜴蝴蝶狼鹦鹉蜗牛 crocodile cow goat hippo giraffe deer snake monkey rabbit bat mouse-m ice 鳄鱼母牛山羊河马长颈鹿鹿蛇猴子兔子蝙蝠老鼠 kangaroo tiger horse chick chicken cock hen bird spider lion bear swa n 袋鼠老虎马小鸡鸡、鸡肉公鸡母鸡鸟蜘蛛狮子熊天鹅 frog panda bee turtle tortois puppy monster zebra fox ant goose-geese 青蛙熊猫蜜蜂海龟陆龟小狗怪兽斑马狐狸蚂蚁鹅 house animal farm animal zoo animal tail hare 家养动物农场动物动物园的动物尾巴野兔 【school things学校物品】 pen pencil pencil-case letter homework schoolbag ball-pen crayon paper 钢笔铅笔铅笔盒字母、信回家作业书包圆珠笔蜡笔纸 bag eraser/rubber ruler book exercise book box map desk chair flag 书包橡皮尺书练习本盒子地图书桌椅子红旗 【transportations交通工具】 bike bus car motorbike plane helicopter ship van truck/lorry 自行车公共汽车小汽车摩托车飞机直升飞机轮船有蓬货车敞蓬货车 train boat airplane jeep


雅思考试(IELTS)/备考辅导 雅思口语Part1答案:Animals动物 1. Do you like animals? Yes, I love them. I much prefer them to humans. They don't go around fucking up the planet, killing each other or their fellow creatures for no reason, or wiping out the entire species. They will never lie to you, cheat you, say mean things to you, or in any other way screw you over. People will do this in a nano-second. 比起人来,我更喜欢动物。动物不会到处破坏地球,不会无缘无故互相残杀,也不会彻底毁灭某个物种。动物从不撒谎,从不说些卑鄙的话,也从不会欺骗。人类做这些那可是分秒的事儿。 2. What's your favourite animal? I’m an animal lover. I can't imagine my life without horses. I've always loved horses and dreamed of having one from the time I was 2 years old.

我是个爱动物的人。我没法想象生活中没有马。我一直喜欢马,2岁时候就梦想能养一匹。 3. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country? Dogs. There are many extreme dog lovers who have lost the perspective. They often ignore their family, give all the love and attention to the dogs that they should be giving to their children or spouse. 狗。中国有很多丧失原则的极端爱狗人士。他们经常忽略自己的家人,把所有原本应该给孩子或配偶的爱都给了狗。 4. Do you think cities are suitable places for keeping a pet? As long as the pets don’t attack others, then yes. Keeping pets nearly becomes a common habit of modern people. There are many advantages of keeping pets in cities. Pets can make fun for their owners. They can offer assistance as well if the owner’s disabled.


animal的用法总结集锦 相信大家对animal这个单词并不陌生吧,它就是动物的意思,小编把它的词汇解释和应用都整理出来了,一起学习吧! 释义 animal n. 动物 动物的 [ 复数animals ] 词组短语 beast, brute, creature, cattle, animal这组词都有“动物”的意思,其区别是: beast 指有别于爬行动物、昆虫等的较大的四脚兽类或牛、马等牲畜。brute 特指野兽。用于人时,突出其野蛮或残忍。 creature 通常指生物或动物,与非生动相对。指人时,则含怜悯或轻蔑的意味。 cattle 指大牲畜,尤其指牛。 animal 普通用词,指区别于植物和矿物而言的动物的总称。 词语辨析 beast, brute, creature, cattle, animal这组词都有“动物”的意思,其区别是: beast 指有别于爬行动物、昆虫等的较大的四脚兽类或牛、马等牲畜。brute 特指野兽。用于人时,突出其野蛮或残忍。

creature 通常指生物或动物,与非生动相对。指人时,则含怜悯或轻蔑的意味。 cattle 指大牲畜,尤其指牛。 animal用法 animal可以用作名词 animal用作名词的意思可分为几个层次:①指区别于植物、矿物的动物,即有感觉、能运动的生物; ②指除人和细菌等以外的动物; ③指哺乳动物,尤指四足动物; ④常用于指牲畜。animal是可数名词。animal用于比喻可指“畜生一般的人”“残暴的人”,即具有某种动物般性格(受本能支配,无思维能力,无道德观念等)的人。还可指“与众不同的人,奇怪的东西”。是可数名词。 animal还可指“兽性”,此时是不可数名词。 animal用作名词的用法例句 The jackal is a wild animal in Africa and Asia.豺狼是产于亚非的一种野生动物。 This small animal has a pair of brown eyes.这只小动物有一双棕色的眼睛。 A pig is a domestic animal.猪是一种家畜。 animal可以用作形容词 animal用作形容词的意思是“动物的”,指具有某些动物的特征; 还可指“肉体的”。animal引申还可指“活泼的,开朗的”。 animal为定语形容词,即多用在名词前起修饰作用。


Animals 常见动物 Tiger 老虎 Giraffe 长颈鹿 Lion 狮子 Deer 鹿 Leopard 豹 Monkey 猴子Elephant 大象Chimpanzees 黑猩猩Horse 马 Bear 熊 Donkey 驴Kangaroo 袋鼠 Ox 牛 Hedgehog 刺猬Sheep 绵羊Rhinoceros 犀牛Dog 狗 Camel 骆驼 Cat 猫Hippopotamus 河马Pig 猪 Crocodile 鳄鱼 Chicken 鸡肉 Snake 蛇 Rabbit 兔子 Frog 青蛙 Duck 鸭子 Tortoise 乌龟 Goose 鹅 Fox 狐狸 Panda 熊猫 Squirrel 松鼠 Zebra 斑马 Mouse 老鼠 Wolf 狼 Peacock (雄)孔雀 Owl 猫头鹰 Sparrow 麻雀 Toco toucan Miss ma 这个 字典里没有 shrimp 虾 Dragonfly 蜻蜓 Fly 苍蝇;飞虫 Cicada 蝉 Mantis 螳螂 Cricket 蟋蟀 Pigeon 鸽子 Crane 鹤 Penguin 企鹅 Ostrich 鸵鸟 Crab 蟹 Ant 蚂蚁 Bee 蜜蜂 Ladybird 雌鸟 Parrot 鹦鹉 Swan 天鹅 Eagle 鹰 Fish 鱼 Butterfly 蝴蝶 Mosquito 蚊子 A adder, viper 蝰蛇albatross 信天翁alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄alpaca 羊驼anchovy 凤尾鱼 anglerfish 安康鱼 anopheles 按蚊,疟蚊 ant 蚂蚁 anteater 食蚁兽 antilope 羚羊 armadillo 犰狳 ass, donkey 驴 B badger 獾 bald eagle 白头鹰bat 蝙蝠 bear 熊 beaver 河狸bedbug, bug 臭虫bee, honeybees 蜜蜂beetle 甲虫, 金龟子billy 雄山羊 bird of paradise 极乐鸟, 天 堂鸟 bison 美洲野牛 blackbird 乌鸫 boa 王蛇 boar 雄猪, 种猪 brood 鸡的统称 buck 公兔 buffalo 水牛 bull, ox 雄牛 bullfrog 牛蛙 bullock, steer 小阉牛 bumble bee 大黄蜂 butterfly 蝴蝶 C cabbage butterfly 纹白蝶caiman, cayman 凯门鳄calf 小牛, 牛犊 calf( pl. calves) 年幼的牛camel 骆驼canary 金丝雀 carp 鲤鱼 cat 猫 caterpillar 毛虫 catta 雌猫 cattle 牛 centipede 蜈蚣 chaffinch 苍头燕雀 chameleon 变色龙,避役 chick 小鸡


刘老师分类英语词汇之动物篇kind / type 种类 pet 宠物 wild 野生的 wild animal 野生动物 Mammal(哺乳动物) dog 狗 puppy 幼狗 cat 猫 kitten 小猫 kitty 小猫,猫咪 rabbit 兔 bunny 小兔,兔 pig 猪 piglet 猪崽 sheep (pl. sheep) 绵羊lamb 羊羔 goat (pl. goat or goats) 山羊kid 小山羊 horse 马

pony 小马,小型马 cow 奶牛 calf 小牛,牛犊 ox (pl. oxen) / bull 公牛cattle (pl. cattle) 牛(总称) monkey 猴子gorilla 大猩猩 donkey 驴 tiger 虎 lion 狮子 cub 小狮 leopard 豹 elephant 大象 bear 熊 camel 骆驼 deer (pl. deer) 鹿 moose 驼鹿 antelope 羚羊 panda 熊猫

fox 狐狸 wolf (pl. wolves) 狼 zebra 斑马 giraffe 长颈鹿raccoon 浣熊kangaroo 袋鼠 koala 考拉,树袋熊 squirrel 松鼠 mouse (pl. mice) 老鼠 rat 鼠 whale 鲸 dolphin 海豚 beaver 海狸 bat 蝙蝠 dragon 龙 Insects(昆虫) insect昆虫 bee 蜜蜂

ant 蚂蚁 spider 蜘蛛 fly 苍蝇 butterfly 蝴蝶dragonfly 蜻蜓mosquito 蚊子 beetle 甲虫 bug 臭虫;虫子 ladybug / ladybird 瓢虫flea 跳蚤 cockroach 蟑螂 cricket 蛐蛐,蟋蟀grasshopper 蝗虫,蚂蚱Birds(鸟类) bird 鸟 chicken 鸡 chick 小鸡


两分钟少儿英语小故事:动物Animals There are many kinds of animals in the world. People don’t know the exact numbers. In the zoo, people can see many kinds of animals. For example, lions, tigers, they are scary. Monkey, foxes are intelligent. People usually think pandas; koala bears are so cute and smart. Some animals live in the water, such as dolphins. They need a lot of water for their home. And elephants with long nose are very strange. They can sing and dance. The giraffes are quite tall because of their long necks. So they can reach the top of the trees. 故事33 动物 世界上有许多钟动物,人们不知道它们确切的数目。在动物园里人们可以看到很多种类的动物,如:狮子、老虎,它们都令人害怕;猴子和狐狸是狡猾的;人们认为熊猫,考拉熊是如此伶俐和聪明。有些动物居住在水里,如海豚,它们的家需要很多的水。大象长有奇特的长鼻子,它们会唱歌和跳舞。长颈鹿长着非常长的脖子,因为他们可以够到数的顶部。

大学英语作文:关于动物 About Animal

大学英语作文:关于动物About Animal 导读:本文大学英语作文:关于动物About Animal,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 从我们上学起,就接受动物是我们的朋友这样的教育,我们有责任保护他们。最近,一位全国*代表呼吁对遗弃宠物的人做出惩罚。看来,公众是关注社会是否和谐的。 Animals are part of nature, so is human being. In the long history, human conquers the nature and creates the great civilization. It seems that we are in the dominant situation of nature. While the fact is not. When we receive the punishment from nature, we start to realize our fault. For example, nature punishes us with all kinds of disasters, the earthquake, the tsunami and so on. We are just a small part in front of the great nature, so the only way out is to get along well with it. 动物是大自然的一部分,人类也是如此。在悠久的人类历史中,人类征服了自然,创造了伟大的文明,似乎我们在大自然中处于主导地位。而事实并非如此。当我们收到来自自然的惩罚时才开始意识到我们的错误。例如,自然用各种各样的灾难惩罚我们,地震、海啸等等。在伟大的大自然面前,我们只是一小部分,因此的出路就是和自然和谐相处。 Human killed many animals for chasing profits, but now

英语 动物主题animals-reading

1.Choose the correct answer. A.the animals were quiet because……………… a. they wanted to drink b. the lion was there c. there was a lot of noise B. the mouse ……………………. the right answer. a. did not know b. asked for c. gave C. The mouse gave ……………….. answer a. the same b. a wrong c. a long D. The lion ………………….. the elephant a. was friendly to b. said hello to c. talked to E. The lion was angry because the elepha nt …………………….. a. had a big nose b. talked c. did not answer. F. The elephant trunk was ………………… a. very strong b. not big c. short G. The elephant did not …………………………. a. know the answer b. like the question c. throw the lion into the water 2. Answer the questions. a. What do you think happened next?

动物英语单词 - animals

刘老师分类英语词汇之动物篇 kind / type 种类 pet 宠物 wild 野生的 wild animal 野生动物 Mammal(哺乳动物)dog 狗 puppy 幼狗 cat 猫 kitten 小猫 kitty 小猫,猫咪 rabbit 兔 bunny 小兔,兔 pig 猪 piglet 猪崽 sheep (pl. sheep) 绵羊lamb 羊羔 goat (pl. goat or goats) 山羊kid 小山羊 horse 马 pony 小马,小型马 cow 奶牛 calf 小牛,牛犊 ox (pl. oxen) / bull 公牛cattle (pl. cattle) 牛(总称)monkey 猴子 gorilla 大猩猩 donkey 驴 tiger 虎 lion 狮子 cub 小狮 leopard 豹 elephant 大象 bear 熊 camel 骆驼 deer (pl. deer) 鹿 moose 驼鹿 antelope 羚羊 panda 熊猫 fox 狐狸 wolf (pl. wolves) 狼 zebra 斑马 giraffe 长颈鹿raccoon 浣熊 kangaroo 袋鼠 koala 考拉,树袋熊 squirrel 松鼠 mouse (pl. mice) 老鼠 rat 鼠 whale 鲸 dolphin 海豚 beaver 海狸 bat 蝙蝠 dragon 龙 Insects(昆虫) insect昆虫 bee 蜜蜂 ant 蚂蚁 spider 蜘蛛 fly 苍蝇 butterfly 蝴蝶 dragonfly 蜻蜓 mosquito 蚊子 beetle 甲虫 bug 臭虫;虫子 ladybug / ladybird 瓢虫 flea 跳蚤 cockroach 蟑螂 cricket 蛐蛐,蟋蟀 grasshopper 蝗虫,蚂蚱 Birds(鸟类) bird 鸟 chicken 鸡 chick 小鸡 hen 母鸡 cock / rooster 公鸡 duck 鸭 duckling 小鸭子 goose (pl. geese)鹅 wild goose 大雁 swan 天鹅 parrot 鹦鹉 sparrow 麻雀 eagle 鹰 hawk鹰 owl 猫头鹰 pigeon 鸽子 dove 鸽子 swallow 燕子 crow 乌鸦 seagull 海鸥 peacock 孔雀 woodpecker 啄木鸟 turkey 火鸡 ostrich 鸵鸟 flamingo 火烈鸟 penguin 企鹅 dinosaur 恐龙 Fish (鱼类) fish (pl. fish) 鱼 goldfish 金鱼 shark 鲨鱼 tuna (pl. tuna or tunas) 金枪鱼 salmon 三文鱼 Reptile(爬行动物) snake 蛇 rattlesnake 响尾蛇 lizard 蜥蜴 lobster 龙虾 python 巨蟒 crab 螃蟹 Amphibian(两栖动物) turtle 龟 frog 青蛙 crocodile 鳄鱼 Mollusk (软体动物) snail 蜗牛


动物animal: frog[fr?ɡ] rabbit['r?bit] bee bird[b?:d] fish bear[bε?] monkey tiger panda['p?nd?]lion wolf[wulf]elephant dog cat pig cow sheep duck chick

hen zebra['zi:br?giraffe [d?i'ra:f] turtle ['t?:tl]tortoise ['t?:t?s]horse crocodile ['kr?k?dail]deer [di?] mouse [maus]snake [sneik] goat [g?ut]cock ox [?ks] ant [?nt]butterfly ['b?t?flai] fly 食物food:

rice soup egg noodles jelly['d?eli]ice cream biscuit['biskit] n. 小点心,饼干sweet[[swi:t]]糖果 cola['k?ul?]milk water juice tea cake pizza hamburger pie[pai]馅饼hotdog sausage [′s?sid?]

sandwich [′s?nwid?]cheese [t?i:z] honey [′h?ni]beef [bi:f] steak [steik]bread meat

玩具toy: Ball doll kite bicycle football rope[r?up]绳索basketball balloon [b?'lu:n] badminton['b?dmint?n] yo-yo['j?u?j?u]robot['r?ub?t] scooter['sku:t?]skating shoe['skeiti?][?u:] plasticene ['pl?stisi:n]building block[bl?k]

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