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International Business English 国际商务英语(英文版)

International Business English  国际商务英语(英文版)
International Business English  国际商务英语(英文版)

International Business English


Lesson 1 International Business


*International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. Sometimes business across the borders of different customs areas of the same country is also regarded as import and export, such as business between Hong Kong and Taiwan.

*International business involves more factors and thus is more complicated than domestic business. The following are some major differences between the two.

1). The countries involved often have different legal systems, and one or more parties will have to adjust themselves to operate in compliance with the foreign law.

2). Different counties usually use different currencies and the parties concerned will have to decide which currency to use and do everything necessary as regards conversion etc. Uncertainties and even risks are often involved in the use of a foreign currency.

3).Cultural differences including language, customs, traditions, religion, value, behaviour etc. often constitute challenges and even traps for people engaged in international business.

4). Countries vary in natural and economic conditions and may have different policies towards foreign trade and investment, making international business more complex than domestic business.

*With the development of economic globalisation, few people or companies can completely stay away from international business. Some knowledge in this respect is necessary both for the benefit of enterprises and personal advancement.

*International business first took the form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. This form of trade is also referred to as visible trade. Later a different kind of trade in the form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. gradually became more and more important. This type of trade is called invisible trade. Today, the contribution of service industries of the developed countries constitutes over 60% of their gross domestic products and account for an increasing proportion of world trade. *Another important form of international business is supplying capital by residents of one country to another, known as international investments.

Such investments can be classified into two categories. The first kind of investments, foreign direct investments or FDI for short is made for returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in in a host country.

*The host country is a foreign country where the investor operates, while the country where the headquarters of the investor is located is called the home country. The second kind of investment, portfolio investment, refers to purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling. Such financial assets may be stocks, bonds or certificates of deposit.

Stocks are also called capital stocks or bonds. Bonds are papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest. The maturity period of a bond is at least one year, often longer, for example five, or even ten years. Certificates of deposit generally involve large amounts, say 25 thousand US dollars *Besides trade and investment, international licensing and franchising are sometimes taken as a means of entering a foreign market. In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. Such intellectual property may be trademarks, brand names, patents, copyrights or technology. Firms choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to start business, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty

Besides, they can benefit from locational advantages of foreign operation without any obligations in ownership or management. The use of licensing is particularly encouraged by high customs duty and non-tariff barriers on the part of the host country. However it is not advisable to use licensing in countries with weak intellectual property protection since the licensor may have difficulty in enforcing licensing agreement.

*Franchising can be regarded as a special form of licensing. Under franchising, a firm, called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another, called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty. In comparison with the relation between the licenser and the licensee, the franchiser has more control over and provides more support for the franchisee.

*The franchiser can develop internationally and gain access to useful information about the local market with little risk and cost, and the franchisee can easily get into a business with established products or services. Franchising is fairly popular especially in hotel and restaurant business.

*Other forms for participating in international business are management contract, contract manufacturing, and turnkey project.

*Under a management contract, one company offers managerial or other specialized services to another within a particular period for a flat

payment or a percentage of the relevant business volume. Sometimes bonuses based on profitability or sales growth are also specified in management contracts.

Government policies often have a lot to do with management contracts. When a government forbids foreign ownership in certain industries it considers to be of strategic importance but lacks the expertise for operation, management contracts may be a practical choice enabling a foreign company to operate in the industry without owning the assets

*By contract manufacturing, a firm can concentrate on their strongest part in the value chain, e.g. marketing, while contracting with foreign companies for the manufacture of their products. Such firms can reduce the amount of their resources devoted to manufacture and benefit from location advantages from production in host countries. However, loss of control over the production process may give rise to problems in respect of quality and time of delivery.

*For an international turnkey project, a firm signs a contract with a foreign purchaser and undertakes all the designing, contracting and facility equipping before handing it over to the latter upon completion. Such projects are often large and complex and take a long period to complete. Payment for a turnkey project may be made at fixed total price or on a cost plus basis. The latter way of payment shifts the burden of possible additional cost over the original budget onto the purchaser *BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey project where B stands for Build, O for operate and T for transfer. For a BOT project, a firm operate a facility for a period of time after building it up before finally transferring it to a foreign company. Making profit from operating the project for a period is the major difference between BOT and the common turnkey project. Needless to say, the contractor has to bear the financial and other risks that may occur in the period of operation.

*Some Words and Expressions

customs area 关税区

in compliance with 遵从,遵照

conversion n.货币兑换

visible trade 有形贸易

resale n.转售

invisible trade 无形贸易

gross domestic product 国内生产总值

for short 缩写为

account for 占……比例headquarters n.总部

trap n.陷阱,圈套portfolio investment 证券投资stocks n.股票

bonds n.债券

maturity n.(票据等)到期,到期日certificate of deposit 大额存单other than 而不是

licensing n.许可经营

franchising n.特许经营


advisable adj.可行的,适当的patent n.专利

royalty n.专利使用费,许可使用费,版税

copyright n.版权

licensor n.给予许可的人

licensee n.接受许可的人

franchiser n.给予特许的人

franchisee n.接受特许的人

logo n.标识,标记

management contract 管理合同

expertise n.专门知识

bonus n.红利,奖金,津贴

flat adj.一律的,无变动的

contract manufacturing 承包生产

value chain 价值链

turnkey project 交钥匙工程

BOT(Build, Operate, Transfer)建


Stand for 表示,代表

variant n.变形,变体

Lesson two

Income Level and the World Market


This lesson discusses the relation between the income level and the market potential, and the features of high income, middle income and low income markets.Special analyses

are made on Triad, i.e. the markets of North America, European Union and Japan, as well as other markets that are closely related with China.

The first two paragraphs mainly deal with GNP and GDP, two important concepts used

to indicate the total size of an economy. GDP, Gross Domestic Product, stresses the place of production while GNP, Gross National Product, on the ownership of production factors.

GDP is used by most countries now where as GNP was more popular before the 1990s. The actual figures of a country’s GNP and GDP are, however, quite similar in most cases and we can use whichever figure that is available.


In assessing the potential of a market, people often look at its income level since it provides clues about the purchasing power of its residents. The concepts national income and national product have roughly the same value and can be used interchangeably if our interest is in their sum total which is measured as the market value of the total output of goods

and services of an economy in a given period, usually a year. The difference

is only in their emphasis. The former stresses the income generated by turning out the products while the latter, the value of the product s themselves. Gross National Product, GNP, and Gross Domestic Product, GDP, are two important concepts used to indicate a country’s total income. GNP refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy. This term was used by most governments before the 1990s



The difference between GNP and GDP is that the former focuses on ownership of the factors of production while the latter concentrates on the place where production takes place.

For example, the dividend returned by the subsidiary of Microsoft in China is included in the US GNP but not in its GDP. And the production of the same subsidiary is included in China’s GDP but not in its GNP. The difference between GNP and GDP can be ignored since it is very small in most cases. People can use whichever term that is more easily available and they can compare a country’s GNP The third paragraph tells us the significance of per capita income in assessing a market. The figure shows the average

income level of an economy and is therefore important for marketing consumer durables.

In assessing the potential of a country as a market, people often look at per capita income. Similar to the case of national income and national product, per capita income and per capita GDP do not have much difference. So let’s use per capita GDP to illustrate an economy’s income level. It is calculated by dividing its total GDP by its population. Total GDP indicates the overall size of an economy, which is important in market

assessment for durable equipment or bulk goods such as grain, steel, or cement. Per capita GDP reveals the average income level of consumers, which is important when marketing consumer durables. For example, China has a large GDP of roughly USD1.4 trillion in 2003, being the seventh largest economy in the world. If adjusted by PPP, the figure would probably be as large as USD6.4 trillion, accounting for 12% of the world’s total and ranking the second only after the USA

So China is not only a newly emerging producer but also an important newly emerging market. Though $1000 per capita income is believed by experts to be the level at which consumerism begins to emerge, the Chinese figure is still rather low, ranking only the 111th in the world. In contrast, Singapore has a GDP of roughly a bit over $100 billion, but a

per capita income as high as $32,810. Obviously China and Singapore represent two different kinds of market.

The fourth paragraph deals with the income distribution of an economy. Different industries may be interested in the respective sizes of different sections of people such as the rich and the middle income.


Business people are also concerned about the income distribution of a market i.e. the proportions of its rich, middle income and poor people. Producers of quality electrical appliances such as color TVs are interested in the size of a country’s middle class, while manufacturers of expensive cars such as Rolls-Royces may want to know the number of its millionaires.

Paragraphs 5-7 set the respective standard for high-income, middle-income and low-income countries with enumeration of the specific countries under each group. Brief accounts are also made of their respective roles in trade and investment.

Countries of the world are divided by the World Bank into three categories of high-income, middle-income and low-income economies. Those enjoying annual per capita income of $9386 and above are classified as high-income countries. This group comprises three types

of countries. The first type includes most members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The second type is rich oil producing countries of the Middle East such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The third type consists of small-industrialized countries or regions such as Israel, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. High-income countries often have good infrastructure, high purchasing power, advanced technology, efficient management, and favorable environment for trade and investment. They offer prime markets for expensive consumer goods and are both attractive sources and destinations of investment. Countries with annual per capita income below $9,386 but above $765 are regarded as middle-income countries. Included in this category are most East European countries and most members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, six OECD members that are not up to the level of high income countries, quite a number of Latin American countries and some comparatively developed countries in Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. Among the African countries, South Africa and oil-producing Libya, Nigeria and Algeria belong to this category. China with a per capita income of over $1100 is a middle-income country though it was a low income country just a few years ago.

Lower income countries are those that have per capita incomes of only $765 or even less. Most African countries, some Asian countries and a few Latin American countries are included in this group

These countries usually have poor infrastructure, low consumer demand and unfavorable business environment. But that does not mean they should be neglected in international business activities, because they constitute markets for lower-priced staple goods, provide cheap labor and are often rich in resources. What is more important, market is something to be developed. Once tapped, the business potential of these countries will one day become real business opportunities. Paragraphs 8 – 12 deal with Triad and its extension Quad. Those are the richest and most important markets in the world. The former refers to the United States, Western Europe and Japan, and the latter is an extension of Triad to include Canada. The economic and market conditions of those regions are specified in the 5 paragraphs, hopefully to give the learners an overall picture of these markets. TEXT:

The term Triad refers to the three richest regions of the world the United States, the European Union and Japan that offer the most important business opportunities. Any international enterprise must

bear Triad in mind if they want to be successful in the increasingly competitive world market.

With a per capita income of about $30,000, the United States is the richest country in the Western Hemisphere. Though the per capita income of a few small countries like Switzerland is much higher than that of the United States, the overall size of the U.S economy of about $10 trillion GDP, roughly a quarter of the world total, coupled with its political stability puts the country on a unique position in the world. It accounts for about 15% of world visible and invisible trade.

The U.S. dollar is the invoicing currency for about half of the international transactions and is an important component of foreign currency reserves of the world.The United States has been regarded by many people as a safe haven who tend to keep their wealth in US dollar when they lose confidence in the value of their own currency. And for many years the country remained the largest recipient of foreign investment. Over 160 of the world’s 500 largest corporations have their headquarters in the United States including 24 of the top 100. The country’s large middle class make it an attractive market for enterprises all around the globe.

The second component of Triad is Western Europe that mainly refers to the European Union. With an average per capita income of over

$20,000, all the members before its eastward expansion are classified as high income countries.

Its total GDP of over 10 trillion US dollars is the largest, larger than that of the United States. Germany, France, Britain and Italy are the 4 richest, most populous and developed countries of EU. These countries are each an attractive market, and combined they constitute the largest rich market in the world. In the present intensely competing world, it is necessary and beneficial to diversify our major markets, and the importance of EU as one leg of Triad cannot be overstressed.

Japan is the third component of Triad and the second largest economy of the world. It is an important supplier of high-tech products and a major importer of raw materials. While exports have greatly spurred Japan’s development, trade only accounts for a relatively small proportion of its GDP. Japan remained a target of criticism for engaging in unfair trade practices. The large trade surplus has enabled it to invest heavily abroad and for years it has been the largest creditor country of the world.

With mutually complementary economy, Japan and China are major trade partners, and the two countries are close neighbours separated only by a strip of water.Sino-Japanese business relations are therefore of great importance to both countries.


1 While some studies have suggested that frequent use of cell phones causes increased risk of brain and mouth cancers, others have found no such links. But since cell phones are relatively new and brain cancers grow slowly, many experts are now recommending taking steps to reduce exposure. by bruce stutz 一些研究显示,经常使用手机会增加得脑部和口腔癌症的几率。有的研究却没发现两者之间有什么联系。但是,手机算是个新兴事物,而脑癌发展也缓慢,许多专家还是建议减少使用手机。 2 Does your cell phone increase your risk of brain cancer? Does it affect your skin or your sperm viability? Is it safe for pregnant women or children? Should you keep it in your bag, on your belt, in your pants or shirt pocket? Should you use a hands-free headset? Are present cell phone safety standards strict enough? 手机会增加得脑癌的几率吗?会不会影响皮肤或者精子活性?使用手机对孕妇或孩子安全吗?应该把手机放在哪,包里、衣服口袋,还是挂在腰带上?打电话的时候要用耳机吗?现在的手机安全标准够不够严? 3 You don’t know? You’re not alone. 你不知道?这很正常。 4 With some 4 to 5 billion cell phones now in use worldwide and hundreds of studies seeking evidence of their health effects published in peer-reviewed journals over the last 10 years, there’s precious little scientific certainty over whether cell phones pose any danger to those using them. For nearly every study that reports an effect, another, just as carefully conducted, finds none. All of which leaves journalists, consumer advocates, regulatory agencies, politicians, industry spokespersons, and cell phone users able to choose and interpret the results they prefer, or ignore the ones they don’t. 如今,全世界共有40-50亿手机正在使用。过去十年里,成百上千的研究也在致力于寻找手机影响健康的证据,并在相关刊物上发表论文。但还没有确凿的证据能证明,使用手机损害健康。几乎没有研究发现手机对健康有不良影响。但这还是没影响到政治家、新闻记者、管理机构、产业发言人、消费者保护团体,还有消费者自己,选择他们喜好的结果去理解,忽略不喜欢的那些。 5 Do you, for instance, cite the studies that report adverse effects on sperm viability and motility, due to exposure to cell phone radiation or the studies that showed no —or mixed —results? 6 Do you cite the 2001 study that found increased incidence of uveal melanoma (a cancer of the eye) among frequent cell phone users, or the 2009 study by the same authors that, in reassessing their data, found no increase? 2001年的研究显示,常用手机的人患葡萄膜黑色素瘤(一种眼内癌症)几率会增大。2009年这些研究员又发表报告称,他们再分析当年的数据时,又不能确


1、英文地址书写格式 英文地址格式和中文刚好相反,按地址单元从小大到的顺序从左到右书写,并且地址单元间以半角逗号分隔(,),同时邮政编码可以直接写到地址中,其位置通常位于国家和省(州)之间,书写格式如下: xx室, xx号,xx路,xx区,xx市,xx省,xx国 下面我们看一个简单的例子: 上海市延安西路1882号东华大学186信箱(邮编:200051) Mailbox 186, 1882 W est Yan'an Rd., Donghua University, Shanghai 200051. 2、英文通信地址常用翻译 201室/房 Room 201 二单元 Unit 2 马塘村 Matang Vallage 一号楼/栋 Building 1 2号 No. 2 华为科技公司 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. xx公司 xx Corp. / xx Co., Ltd. 宿舍 Dormitory 厂 Factory 楼/层 Floor 酒楼/酒店 Hotel 住宅区/小区 Residential Quarter 县 County 甲/乙/丙/丁 A/B/C/D 镇 Town 巷/弄 Lane 市 City 路 Road(也简写作Rd.,注意后面的点不能省略) 一环路 1st Ring Road 省 Province(也简写作Prov.) 花园 Garden 院 Yard 街 Street/Avenue 大学 College/University 信箱 Mailbox 区 District A座 Suite A 广场 Square 州 State 大厦/写字楼 Tower/Center/Plaza


企业该如何有效的利用百科平台来做推广 随着互联网的普及,企业利用互联网做营销也在不断的上升中,很多中小企业看着互联网在不断的发展和成长,面对这一强势对于企业来说都是一块美味的奶油蛋糕,所以很多企业都在利用互联网这一优势做营销。然而企业想做好营销,前提则是做好企业的产品、网站、服务等信息的推广,对于推广方法来说每种方法都有独特的价值,对企业可以带来独特的营销推广。从数据上来看,当前很多企业都在利用百科平台来做推广,可想而知百科平台也是不错的推广平台,不然企业也不会这么的重视百科。 现在很多企业都在利用百科平台做推广,其实说白了就是一建立词条的形式进行宣传,从而为企业达到提升品牌和知名度以及企业的形象,大部分企业都认为百科的内容是很有权威度,用户也很相信百科上的内容,所以大力投入百科推广中。目前最主流的百科有百度百科、互动百科、腾讯百科、维基百科等,其中百度百科是市场上占有率最高的。 笔者认为,如果企业可以有效的利用百科并且长期坚持下去,相信在不久的将来会快速提升企业的权威性以及企业的形象。当然了,企业想要做好百科平台必须要先学会创建百科,其实百科推广是很简单的,要记住两点,第一是建立新的的词条、第二是编辑已有的词条,企业常用的则是建立新的词条,不过想通过审核并不容易。那么,笔者拿百度百科做说明,跟大家交流一下笔者的经验心得吧。

一、巧用百度百科的编辑助手 首先,巧用百度百科的编辑助手。理论上来说,企业创建的词条内容越专业那么通过率就越高,很多推广人员在编辑词条的时候都想创建一个高质量的词条,但始终无法实现,因此为此头疼。其实不必担心,推广员要擅长使用编辑助手,这款编辑助手是百度为我们提供的,而且这款功能是非常强大的,可以有效的辅助企业推广人员编辑词条,掌握编辑助手的方法也很简单,进入编辑页面后点击导航中的编辑助手即可,然后找到适合我们的分类。 例如:笔者现在要为企业编辑词条,笔者通过编辑助手去编辑,首先笔者打开百度百科进入创建词条页面之后再点击导航中的编辑助手,进入到目录模版,然后笔者根据企业要编辑的词条找到最适合的分类,然后笔者参考系统给出目录模版与示例词条进行编辑。 二、词条内容要有可读性不要有广告信息 其次,词条内容要有可读性不要有广告信息。不得不说百度的产品是最鄙视有广告的信息,百科也是一样,所以笔者特地强调一下不要带广告信息,在编辑的时候要多写一些有可读性的内容,而且词条的文字要具有一定的专业性,让用户看到内容之后觉得内容充满可读性,笔者的建议则是尽量制作一些知识型性的内容信息,一般企业名称、人名、产品名称都是比较好编辑的。一定要把词条做出价值来,不要胡编乱造不然不会通过的。


Why We're Fat 1 So why is obesity happening? The obvious, clichéd-but-true answer is that we eat too much high-calorie food and don't burn it off with enough exercise. If only we had more willpower, the problem would go away. But it isn't that easy. 为什么会有肥胖症?一个明显、老生常谈但又真实的答案就是我们吃太多高热量食物并且没有进行足够的运动消耗它。要是我们的意志力更强大,这个问题便迎刃而解了。但是,问题并不是那么简单。 2 When warned about the dangers of overeating, we get briefly spooked and try to do better. Then we're offered a plateful of pancakes smothered in maple syrup, our appetite overpowers our reason, and before we know it, we're at it again. Just why is appetite such a powerful driver of behavior, and, more important, how can we tame it? 当我们被警告说吃得太多的时候,一时总会被吓倒并努力做好一些。然后一碟涂满槭糖浆的煎饼摆在面前,我们的食欲战胜了我们的理智,等到我们意识到它的时候,我们又重蹈覆辙了。到底为什么食欲具有如此强大的推动力?更重要的是,我们怎么才能够控制它? 3 Within the past few years, science has linked our ravenous appetites to genes and hormones. Among the hormones that fuel these urges are ghrelin and leptin, known as the "hunger hormones." Ghrelin is produced mostly by cells in the stomach lining. Its job is to make you feel hungry by affecting the hypothalamus, which governs metabolism. Ghrelin levels rise in dieters who lose weight and then try to keep it off. It's almost as if their bodies are trying to regain the lost fat. This is one reason why it's hard to lose weight and maintain the loss. 近几年来,科学将我们迫不及待要吃的食欲跟基因和激素联系起来。激起这些强烈的欲望的激素有胃促生长素和消瘦素,也被称作“饥饿激素”。胃促生长素主要由胃保护层的细胞产生。它的职责是影响控制新陈代谢的下丘脑,让你感到饥饿。当节食者减肥并且努力维持减肥效果,他的胃促生长素水平就会升高。就像他们的身体要试图恢复失去的脂肪。这是为什么很难减肥并维持减肥效果的原因之一。 4 Leptin turns your appetite off and is made by fat cells. Low leptin levels increase your appetite and signal your body to store more fat. High leptin levels relay the opposite signal. Many obese people have developed a resistance to the appetite-suppressing effects of leptin and never feel satisfied, no matter how much they eat. Basically, your body uses these hormones to help you stay at your weight and keep you from losing fat —which is another reason why dieting can be so difficult. 消瘦素消除你的食欲,它来自脂肪细胞。低消瘦素水平增加你的食欲并通知你的身体储存更多的脂肪。高消瘦素水平传递相反的信号。很多肥胖的人已经形成了一种对消瘦素抑制食欲效应的抵抗,不管他们吃多少也从不感到满足。从根本上说,你的身体利用这些激素帮助你保持现在的体重,不让你的脂肪流走——这是节食如此之难的另外一个原因。


今天看一个产业有没有潜力,就看它离互联网有多远。能够真正用互联网思维重构的企业,才可能真正赢得未来。本文中雕爷牛腩、三只松鼠、小米成功的案例,通过详细的剖析,总结了实现互联网思维的九大法则,是目前为止关于用互联网思维改变行业最全面的一个总结。值得一读。 课前秀:三个段子 第一个段子:一个毫无餐饮行业经验的人开了一家餐馆,仅两个月时间,就实现了所在商场餐厅坪效第一名;VC投资6000万,估值4亿元人民币,这家餐厅是雕爷牛腩。 只有12道菜,花了500万元买断香港食神戴龙牛腩配方;每双筷子都是定制、全新的,吃完饭还可以带回家;老板每天花大量时间盯着针对菜品和服务不满的声音;开业前烧掉1000万搞了半年封测,期间邀请各路明星、达人、微博大号们免费试吃…… 雕爷牛腩为什么这样安排?背后的逻辑是什么? 我们再看第二个段子:这是一个淘品牌,2012年6月在天猫上线,65天后成为中国网络坚果销售第一;2012年“双十一”创造了日销售766万的奇迹,名列中国电商食品类第一名;2013年1月单月销售额超过2200万;至今一年多时间,累计销售过亿,并再次获得IDG 公司600万美元投资。这个品牌是三只松鼠。 三只松鼠带有品牌卡通形象的包裹、开箱器、快递大哥寄语、坚果包装袋、封口夹、垃圾袋、传递品牌理念的微杂志、卡通钥匙链,还有湿巾。 一个淘品牌,为什么要煞费苦心地做这些呢? 再看第三个段子:这是一家创业仅三年的企业。2011年销售额5亿元;2012年,销售额达到126亿元;2013上半年销售额达到132.7亿元,预计全年销售可能突破300亿元;在新一轮融资中,估值达100亿美元,位列国内互联网公司第四名。 这家企业是小米。雷军说,参与感是小米成功的最大秘密。怎样理解参与感? 这三个企业虽然分属不同的行业,但又惊人地相似,我们都称之为互联网品牌。 它们背后的互联网思维到底是什么? 互联网思维“独孤九剑” 我给互联网思维下了个定义:在(移动)互联网、大数据、云计算等科技不断发展的背景下,对市场、对用户、对产品、对企业价值链乃至对整个商业生态的进行重新审视的思考方式。 “独孤九剑”是华山派剑宗风清扬的武林绝学,强调“无招胜有招”,重在剑意,与互联网思维有异曲同工之妙。也意味着互联网思维将像“独孤九剑”破解天下各派武功一样,去重塑及颠覆各类传统行业。 我讲一下我所理解的互联网思维体系。 1、用户思维 “独孤九剑”第一招是总诀式,第一招学不会,后面的招数就很难领悟。互联网思维也一样。互联网思维,第一个,也是最重要的,就是用户思维。用户思维,是指在价值链各个环节中都要“以用户为中心”去考虑问题。 作为厂商,必须从整个价值链的各个环节,建立起“以用户为中心”的企业文化,只有深度理解用户才能生存。没有认同,就没有合同。 这里面有几个法则 法则1:得“屌丝”者得天下。 成功的互联网产品多抓住了“屌丝群体”、“草根一族”的需求。这是一个人人自称“屌丝”而骨子里认为自己是“高富帅”和“白富美”的时代。当你的产品不能让用户成为产品的一部分,不能和他们连接在一起,你的产品必然是失败的。QQ、百度、淘宝、微信、YY、小米,无一不是携“屌丝”以成霸业。


核电与核辐射 1986 年4 月26 日,切尔诺贝利核电站的一个反应堆发生爆炸,将相当于400 颗广岛原子弹的放射性尘降物散布到整个北半球。在此之前,科学家对辐射对植物和野生动物的影响 几乎一无所知。这场灾难创造了一个活生生的实验室,尤其是在这个被称为禁区的1100 平方英里的区域。 1994 年,德州理工大学生物学教授罗纳德·切瑟和罗伯特·贝克是首批获准完全进入该区域的美国科学家之一。“我们抓了一群田鼠,它们看起来和野草一样健康。我们对此非 常着迷。”贝克回忆说。当Baker 和Chesser 对田鼠的DNA 进行测序时,他们没有发现 异常的突变率。他们还注意到狼、猞猁和其他曾经稀有的物种在这片区域游荡,仿佛这里 是原子野生动物保护区。2003 年由一组联合国机构建立的切尔诺贝利论坛发表了声明一份关于灾难20 周年的报告证实了这一观点,称“环境条件对该地区的生物群落产生了积极 影响”,将其转变为“一个独特的生物多样性保护区”。 五年前,贝克和切塞尔在这片区域搜寻田鼠。Mousseau 到切尔诺贝利去数鸟,发现了与之相矛盾的证据。穆萨乌是南卡罗莱纳大学的生物学教授,他的合作者安德斯·佩普·穆 勒现在是巴黎南方大学生态、系统学和进化实验室的研究主任。他们发现该地区家燕的数 量要少得多,而那些存活下来的家燕则遭受着寿命缩短、(雄性)生育能力下降、大脑变小、肿瘤、部分白化病(一种基因突变)以及白内障发病率更高的痛苦。在过去13 年发表的60 多篇论文中,Mousseau 和Moller 指出,暴露在低水平辐射下对该区域的整个生物圈产生 了负面影响,从微生物到哺乳动物,从昆虫到鸟类。 包括贝克在内的批评人士对穆萨和穆勒持批评态度。贝克在2006 年与切塞尔合著的《美国科学家》(American Scientist)文章中指出,该区域“实际上已成为一个保护区”,穆萨和穆勒的“令人难以置信的结论只得到了间接证据的支持”。 我们所知道的关于电离辐射对健康影响的几乎所有信息都来自于一项正在进行的对原子弹幸存者的研究,该研究被称为寿命研究,简称LSS。辐射暴露的安全标准基于LSS。然而,LSS 留下了关于低剂量辐射影响的大问题没有得到解答。大多数科学家都同意,没有所谓 的“安全”辐射剂量,无论剂量有多小。小剂量是我们最不了解的。LSS 并没有告诉我们多 少低于100 毫西弗(mSv)的剂量。例如,引起基因突变需要多少辐射,这些突变是可遗传 的吗?辐射诱发的疾病(如癌症)的机制和遗传生物标记物是什么? 三重危机2011年 3月福岛第一核电站创建另一个生活摩梭实验室和穆勒可以研究低 剂量的辐射,复制他们的切尔诺贝利核事故研究和允许他们“更高的信心,影响我们看到有关辐射,而不是其他因素,“摩梭说。福岛310平方英里的隔离区比切尔诺贝利小,但在其他方面 是一样的。这两个区域都包括被遗弃的农田、森林和城市地区,在这些地区,辐射水平在 短距离内变化数量级。而且几乎可以肯定,他们进入福岛的速度比科学家进入苏联控制的 切尔诺贝利的速度还要快。简而言之,福岛事件提供了一个解决争议的机会。 福岛核事故发生后的几个月里,穆萨乌和莫勒就开始在这座正在冒烟的核电站以西受污染的山林里清点鸟类数量,但他们无法进入这个区域,亲眼看看家燕的情况。最后,在2013 年6 月,穆萨乌是首批获准完全进入福岛禁区的科学家之一。 对辐射的敏感度在生物和同一物种的个体之间有很大的差异,这是重要的原因之一,不要从蝴蝶推断到家燕或从田鼠推断到人类。蝴蝶对辐射特别敏感,Mousseau 说。2012年8 月,在线期刊《科学报告》(Scientific Report)发表了一篇论文,研究福岛核泄漏对淡草蓝 蝶的影响。冲绳县琉球大学的生物学教授大木若二(Joji Otaki)透露,在这种不雅行为发生两个月后,在福岛附近采集的蝴蝶出现了翅膀、腿和眼睛畸形的情况。Mousseau 和Moller 对切尔诺贝利和福岛昆虫的调查显示,蝴蝶作为一个群体数量急剧下降。但御宅族


中文地址翻译成英文地址的方法和技巧 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。 1.各部分写法 ●X室:Room X ●X号:No. X ●X单元:Unit X ●X楼/层:X/F ●X号楼:Building No. X ●住宅区/小区:ResidentialQuater ●X街:XStreet ●X路:X Road East/Central/West东路 / 中路 / 西路 芙蓉西二路 / West 2nd Furong Road Central Dalian Rd. /大连中路 芙蓉中路的“中”可以用Central,也有用Middle的,一般用Mid比较简洁。 ●X区:X District ●X镇:X Town ●X县:X County ●X市:X City ●X省:X Province ●国家(State)中华人民共和国:The People’s Republic of China、P.R.China、 P.R.C.、China ●X信箱:Mailbox X 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 各地址单元间要加逗号隔开。

2.英文通信地址常用翻译 201室/房 Room 201 二单元 Unit 2 马塘村MatangVallage 一号楼/栋 Building 1

华为科技公司 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. xx公司 xx Corp. / xx Co., Ltd. 宿舍 Dormitory 厂 Factory 楼/层 Floor 酒楼/酒店 Hotel 住宅区/小区 Residential Quater 县 County 甲/乙/丙/丁 A/B/C/D 镇 Town 巷/弄 Lane 市 City 路 Road(也简写作Rd.,注意后面的点不能省略) 一环路 1st Ring Road 省 Province(也简写作Prov.) 花园 Garden 院 Yard 街 Street/Avenue 大学 College/University 信箱 Mailbox 区 District A座 Suite A 广场 Square 州 State 大厦/写字楼 Tower/Center/Plaza 胡同 Alley(北京地名中的条即是胡同的意思) 中国部分行政区划对照 自治区 Autonomous Region 直辖市 Municipality 特别行政区 Special Administration Region 简称SAR

社会企业的定义 - Isabelle 20101221

社会企业的定义 根据维基百科的定义,社会企业家指的是那些认识到社会问题,并通过运用企业家精神以及各种方法来组织、创造、管理一个企业,以达到改变社会最终目的的人。当一般的企业家以利润来评估经营成效时,社会企业家则以造成的社会变化作为经营的成效评估基础。大部分的社会企业家都在非营利组织或是社区组织工作,但是也有许多在私人机构或是政府工作。在某些比较小的国家或是政府,社会企业所扮演的社会角色正足以弥补政府之不足;而在其他国家,社会企业家倾向与其他组织以及政府单位一起合作。 1996年,欧洲委员会成立了社会企业网络(EMES),EMES 网络设定了有关“社会企业”的社会指标,它们是: 1.由一群公民首创; 2.权力不是以资本所有权为基础; 3.牵涉到受活动影响的人们的参与; 4.有限的利润分配; 5.以及施惠于社区的清楚目标(EMES,1996)。 这些指标实际上对社会企业的特征进行了清晰的描述。 美国的社会企业服务机构Virtue Ventures LLC创立者和负责人Kim Alter(2007)年对社会企业的综合特征从九个方面进行归纳: 1.运用商业手段和方法达到社会目标; 2.融合社会和商业的资本和管理方法; 3.创造社会和经济价值; 4.从商业活动中获得收益来支持社会项目; 5.由市场驱动同时由使命引导; 6.同时衡量财务绩效和社会影响; 7.在提供公共产品的过程中满足经济目标; 8.从无约束收入中享受财务上的自由; 9.在达成使命的过程中融入商业战略。 阿育王(Ashoka)对社会企业家的定义反映了其对这种领袖人物的期望,该组织认为社会企业家是能够运用创造性方法来解决社会最紧迫问题的个人。这些社会企业家在解决社会问题时具有雄心壮志以及持久的毅力,并能为更广范围内的变革提供新的想法。斯科尔基金会(Skoll Foundation)认为社会企业家是社会变革的行动者,是能够为人类带来福利的改革倡导者。 Roberts 基金会(New Social Entrepreneur)对社会企业家的定义是用“赚取收入的策略来追求社会目标”的人,并认为在美国政治、经济和社会领域中,出现了一种结合公共部门、私有部门和非营利部门的“社会目的企业部门”(Social Purpose Business Sector),它是社会企业家的聚集地,他们所推动的每一件事,都是具有“社会目的和财务上自我满足的期待”。 美国的非营利组织国家社会企业家中心(The National Center for Social Entrepreneurs)以社会企业家精神作为非营利组织处理和市场相关事务的策略,它结合公共服务的热情及企业化的途径来应对市场,使非营利组织在做好事(任务)和成本(经费)间找到平衡。


Unit 1 Genetically modified foods -- Feed the World? If you want to spark a heated debate at a dinner party, bring up the topic of genetically modified foods. For many people, the concept of genetically altered, high-tech crop production raises all kinds of environmental, health, safety and ethical questions. Particularly in countries with long agrarian traditions -- and vocal green lobbies -- the idea seems against nature. 如果你想在某次晚宴上挑起一场激烈的争论,那就提出转基因食品的话题吧。对许多人来说,高科技的转基因作物生产的概念会带来诸如环境、健康、安全和伦理等方面的各种问题。特别是在有悠久的农业生产传统和主张环保的游说集团的国家里,转基因食品的主意似乎有悖自然。 In fact, genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives. A third of the corn and more than half the soybeans and cotton grown in the US last year were the product of biotechnology, according to the Department of Agriculture. More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will be planted in the US this year. The genetic is out of the bottle. 事实上,转基因食品已经成为我们生活重要的一部分。根据农业部的统计,美国去年所种植玉米的1/3,大豆和棉花的一半以上都是生物技术的产物。今年,美国将种植6500多万英亩的转基因作物。基因妖怪已经从瓶子里跑出来了。 Yet there are clearly some very real issues that need to be resolved. Like any new product entering the food chain, genetically modified foods must be subjected to rigorous testing. In wealthy countries, the debate about biotech is tempered by the fact that we have a rich array of foods to choose from -- and a supply that far exceeds our needs. In developing countries desperate to feed fast-growing and underfed populations; the issue is simpler and much more urgent: Do the benefits of biotech outweigh the risks? 但是,显然还有一些非常现实的问题需要解决。就像任何一种要进入食物链的新食品一样,转基因食品必须经过严格的检验。在富裕的国家里,由于有大量丰富的食品可供选择,而且供应远远超过需求,所以关于生物技术的争论相对缓和一些。在迫切想要养活其迅速增长而又吃不饱的人口的发展中国家,问题比较简单,也更加紧迫:生物技术的好处是否大于风险呢? The statistics on population growth and hunger are disturbing. Last year the world's population reached 6 billion. And by 2050, the UN estimates, it will probably near 9 billion. Almost all that growth will occur in developing countries. At the same time, the world's available cultivable land per person is declining. Arable land has


英文地址的写法 中国MPA在线的英文地址:Rome1232,Youth building,No.34 West Beisanhuan Road, Beijing,China 一、寄达城市名的批译: 我国城市有用英文等书写的,也有用汉语拼音书写的。例如“北京”英文写为“Peking”,汉语拼音写为 “Beijing”二者虽然都是用拉丁字母,但拼读方法不同,前者是以音标相拼,而后者则是用声母和韵母相拼的, 批译时要注意识别,以免错译。 二、街道地址及单位名称的批译: 常见有英文书写、汉语拼音书写、英文和汉语拼音混合书写三种。 1、英文书写的,例如:Address:6 East Changan Avenue PeKing译为北京市东长安街6号; 2、汉语拼音书写的,例如:105 niujie Beijing译为北京市牛街105号; 3、英文、汉语拼音混合书写的,例如:NO.70 dong feng dong Rd.Guangzhou译为广州东风东路70号。 三、机关、企业等单位的批译: 收件人为机关、企业等单位的,应先译收件人地址,再译单位名称。批译方法为: 1、按中文语序书写的要顺译。 例如:SHANGHAI FOODSTUFFS IMP AND EXP CO. 译为:上海食品进出口公司; 2、以英文介词短语充当定语,一般位于被修饰的名词之后,译在该名词之前。 例如:Civil Aviation Administration Of China 译为:中国民航局; 3、机关、企业单位的分支机构一般用英文“branch”(分部、分公司等)表示。 例如:Beijing Electron Co. Ltd Xian branch 译为:北京电子有限公司西安分公司。 四、姓名方面:


编号:10001121207 南阳师范学院20 12 届毕业生 毕业论文(设计) 题目:网络流行语“很X很XX”的语言学解读 完成人:黄叶文 班级:2010-12 学制:2年 专业:汉语言文学 指导教师:张春雷 完成日期:2012-03-30

目录 摘要 (1) 一、“很X很XX”流行语的出现及形成原因 (1) (一)产生及发展 (1) (二)形成原因 (2) 二、“很X很XX”的语言学解读 (3) (一)语音特点 (3) (二)语义特点 (3) (三)语法特点 (4) (四)语用分析 (7) (五)“很X很XX”模式的构形理据——能产性理论 (8) 三、“很X很XX”的使用情况 (8) (一)广告中对于产品的宣传 (8) (二)评价社会热点 (9) (三)在标题中运用 (9) 四、“很X很XX”的流行原因 (10) (一)客观原因 (10) (二)主观原因 (11) 1.心理因素 (11) 2.社会共知基础 (12) 五、看待态度及发展前景 (12) 结语 (13) 参考文献 (14) Abstact (14)

网络流行语“很X很XX”的语言学解读 作者:黄叶文 指导教师:张春雷 摘要:在目前的网络流行语中,“很X很XX”这种新兴的语言组合格式从2007年出现以来在很短的时间内便迅速流行。本文从形成原因、分类及其句法结构、语义特征、流行成因等四个方面,对“很X很XX”’式流行语进行深入探讨。重点阐述了它的构形理据——能产性理论,并在分析其使用情况的基础上,从客观和主观两个方面对其流行原因进行探析,并指出对待网络流行语的态度及其发展前景。 关键词:“很X很XX”; 网络流行语; 语言学阐释 进入21 世纪,互联网技术越来越普及,网络也开始成为语言的一个新的载体,载体的变化促生了社会语言的新变体——网络语言。在“很+名词”被广泛接受的基础上,“很好很强大”式流行语从一出现便引起了大众的兴趣,并且几乎是在一夜之间便在网络上迅速流行。无论是网络,报纸,还是电视媒体,随处可见它们的身影。从语法的角度来看,程度副词是不能修饰名词的,那么,这类流行语为什么能流行开来?其原因是什么?又具有怎样的结构类型?本文将对它们做一初步的探讨。 一、“很X很XX”流行语的出现及形成原因 (一)产生及发展 “很X很XX”流行语最初产生于人们日常生活的口语,因网络流行事件传播开来。 原初版“很好很强大”来源于对某网络游戏代理商的一次采访,代理商就记者的某些问题解释道“很好很强大”,从此“很好很强大”开始流行。随后,一些官方人士也在正式场合使用这个句式。国务院新闻办网络新闻局副局长彭波在《中国互联网视听节目服务自律公约》签署仪式上说了这样一句话:“明天中国的互联网,一定会很美很绿色、

科技英语阅读 第五单元文章翻译

稻草建筑材料在未来是否成为可能? 露易丝·蒂克尔用稻草修房子并没有为《三只小猪》中的第一只带来任何好处,但是,如果巴斯大学的研究成果被建筑行业所接受的话,那么现代草砖将会成为未来的伟大设计。 说到一个草砖房子,你可能会联想到一个摇摇欲坠的窝棚,它漏水,发出吱吱的响声,随时都会垮塌在地,还带着类似农家的气息。但是当你踏入BaleHaus的时候,一个被修建于巴斯大学校园里,看起来原始的当代房屋,将会令你吃惊地出展现在你面前,并且,你会发现你无法找到任何一缕稻草。相反,你在一楼的走廊将会看到一个拥有两间卧室和一个浴室的倒置房子,和楼上一个通风的开放式的生活区。这就像是从斯堪的纳维亚半岛抵达了萨默赛特郡。 这些由石灰做底泥制成的,干燥稻草捆,原来都是被紧紧捆住并放置于一系列预制好的木质矩形框架结构的墙中的,它们像乐高拼装玩具一样被嵌入一个叫做ModCell 的嵌板中。 这些“草屋”存在的问题似乎并不在于它们并不实用,而是人们意识到它们有点非主流,并且并不是特别耐用。再加上,这样的草屋很难拿去获得抵押贷款。 巴斯大学BRE的建筑材料创新中心的主管Peter Walker 教授指出,稻草的好处在于:“它是便宜、易于广泛应用的良好绝缘体材料,它被用在房屋建筑上已经好几百年。” 作为整个世界的工业副产品——这些秸秆在谷物收获以后被留下——只要它们不分解,就仍然有效地吸收和固定大气中的碳。对于建筑行业来说,当前所依赖的材料是无论在生产还是运输上都具有极高的能耗和碳消耗的嵌入式混凝土和砖——因此,稻草可以为解决温室气体排放这一问题提供一个友好的解决方案。 无论这个草屋看上去有多时髦,多现代化还是多环保,你仍然想要知道它是否会在雷电交加的暴风雨中被淋得湿透或者是否会因你打翻的蜡烛,而被被嗖嗖的火焰烧的精光。Walker 教授和他的研究伙伴公布了他们的研究结果,Dr Katharine Beadle 花费了18个月的时间,通过一个详尽的危险因素清单去测试这个BaleHaus被腐蚀、烧毁、吹倒的可能,到目前为止,这个房子看来似乎是可靠的。 “你总想有点戏剧性的意外,但我们没让它发生。”Beadle 教授在团队将一块ModCell 的取样拿到测试实验室去,用一个温度不断上升并超过1000℃的火热的熔炉试图将其融为灰烬的那天笑着说。 “这是一个重现建筑火灾的标准化测试。”Walker 教授解释道。 “你需要至少30分钟的抵抗时间,这意味着你知道那个房子至少在半小时内会保持其结构的完整,这给了人们一个逃生的机会。” 在石灰底泥开始掉落之前,这花费了一个半小时直接接触火焰,Beadle说。“之后稻草开始燃烧,然而他们是如此的坚实以至于只是表面被烧焦而不是实体的瓦解。”


很多人不知道自己家的标准英文地址怎么写,这里给大家介绍一下。 英文地址与中文的顺序是完全相反的. 一定在"中国"前写好当地的邮政编码! 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。掌握了这个原则,翻译起来就容易多了! X室Room X X号No. X X单元Unit X X号楼Building No. X X小区X Residential quarters X街X Street X路X Road X区X District X县X County X镇X Town X市X City X省X Province 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 中文地址翻译范例: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403, No. 37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201, No. 34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South), HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路42号李有财 Li Youcai Room 42 Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473004 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店李有财 Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city Hubei Prov. China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司李有财 Li Youcai Special Steel Corp. No. 272, Bayi Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473000 528400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 李有财 Li Youcai


企业维基很好很强大 许多IT部门都在运用维基方式处理从技术培训到项目管理的各种工作。 意大利国家电力公司(Enel)北美分公司的信息与通信技术经理Ernest Kayinamura与另一名IT经理积极采用维基(Wiki)方式,以便最终用户更容易获取各种IT材料。这是为什么?因为只有他们两个人服务全部北美的众多用户,既然维基能够减轻他们的工作负担,Kayinamura何乐而不为? 其实这并不是什么个案,如今越来越多企业内的技术部门借助维基这种便于管理、开销又低的Web 2.0方式,以促进工作小组内部或不同部门之间的沟通。 早在1994年,就出现了第一个维基体系―WikiWikiWeb,设计者当初的设想是“维基成为切实可行的―最简单的联机数据库。” 15年过后,这个概念正深入越来越多的企业内部。业内人士表示,与免费使用的公共维基相比,企业内部的维基往往有着更多层次的结构,采用比较严格的版权管理政策确保对企业知识产权的访问,从而达到支持特定组织或部门的目标。

那些企业维基的支持者们表示,与电子邮件和较复杂的知识管理系统相比,企业维基提供了一种更简单、更自然的方式来共享信息、促进合作,完成集体任务。 减轻IT部门负担 Enel北美公司最早是在2005年启动的维基试点项目,最初他们是利用维基作为管理数据库应用开发的中心。目前它已成为一个成熟的内容管理平台,该平台让该公司的260名最终用户可以通过自助服务获取IT信息,而这些信息之前由Kayinamura领导的二人小组通过电子邮件或通过内部网络来分发。“工作量非常大。”Kayinamura说。 现在,Kayinamura的二人IT小组在使用Traction Software公司的TeamPage企业维基程序,它可以通过维基向最终用户提供各种信息,包括培训材料、计算机和手机使用政策、行业背景资料以及各种软件说明文档。 Enel在北美拥有及经营可再生能源项目,Kayinamura表示: “我们需要提供尽量多的自助服务参考材料,减轻IT部门的负担。我们为维基添加了许多资料,例如电子邮件摘要功能可以提醒员工注意任何新迈发布的内容。要是使用传统网页通知,员工去查看以往的邮件很不方便。” Kayinamura领导的IT小组还利用该平台作为放置关键

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