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英语答案Unit 5

Unit 5 Marine Disasters

Text A

Part I

Understanding and Learning

Text A

Background information

1. Notable occurrences of Harmful Algal Blooms

●In 1972 a red tide was caused in New England by a toxic dinoflagellate

Alexandrium (Gonyaulax) tamarense.

●In 2005 the Canadian HAB was discovered to have come further south than it has

in years prior by a ship called ―The Oceanus‖, closing shellfish beds in Maine and Massachusetts and alerting authorities as far south as Montauk (Long Island, NY) to check their beds. Experts who discovered the reproductive cysts in the seabed warn of a possible spread to Long Island in the future, halting the area's fishing and shellfish industry and threatening the tourist trade, which constitutes a significant portion of the island's economy.

●Brittany, in France, in 2009 was experiencing recurring algal blooms caused by

the high amount of fertilizer discharging in the sea due to intensive pig farming, causing lethal gas emissions that have led to one case of human unconsciousness and three animal deaths.

2. The United States Coast Guard (USCG) is a branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven U.S. uniformed services. The Coast Guard is a maritime, military, multi-mission service unique among the U.S. military branches for having a maritime law enforcement mission (with jurisdiction in both domestic and international waters) and a federal regulatory agency mission as part of its mission set. It operates under the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime, and can be transferred to the Department of the Navy by the President at any time, or by Congress during time of war. The Coast Guard motto is Semper Paratus (Latin for "Always Ready" or "Always Prepared").

Detailed Study of the Text

1.Harmful algal blooms may cause harm through the production of toxins or by their accumulated biomass, which can affect co-occurring organisms and alter food-web dynamics. (Para.1)

Meaning: There are two ways that HAB may cause harm: one is through producing toxins and the other is through getting together and forming a huge size of algae. The latter one has an effect on organisms which exist with the algae and subsequently change the relationship and motion of food-web.

co-occurring: a. appearing together in sequence or simultaneously

food-web: n. (Ecology) a series of organisms related by predator-prey and

consumer-resource interactions; the entirety of interrelated food chains in an ecological community

dynamics: n. (plural form) those forces that produce change in any field or system 2. The term red tide erroneously includes many blooms that discolor the water but cause no harm, and also excludes blooms of highly toxic cells that cause problems at low (and essentially invisible) cell concentrations. (Para.2) Meaning: The term red tide is different from HABs in the sense that it includes many blooms that make the water colorful but cause no harm and it does not include some blooms that have hardly coloured the water but caused harm.

erroneously: adv. wrongly

e.g. It had been widely and erroneously reported that Armstrong had refused to give evidence.


erroneous: a. based on or containing error; mistaken; incorrect

e.g. Some people have the erroneous notion that one can contract AIDS by giving blood.


3.These effects can include light attenuation, clogging of fish gills, or depletion of dissolved oxygen upon decay of the algal cells. (Para.3)

Meaning:The effects are as follows: light penetration becomes weak, fish gills stick in a mass, and oxygen of decaying the algal cells is exhausted .

attenuation: n. the act of attenuating or the state of being attenuated

attenuate: v. weaken or become weak; reduce in size, strength, density, or value

e.g. Women, I believe, will attenuate the economic gender gap that now exists and move into positions of leadership.


clog: v. adhere or stick in a mass

e.g. Oil soon clogs in cold weather.


e.g. The expressway was clogged with automobiles.


4.Marketable shellfish are generally considered to be safe, but in spite of these precautions, there are known illnesses. (Para.4)

Meaning: Shellfish which are sold on the market are thought to have no harm to human’s health. But people have still got some known diseases despite some measures taken ahead of diseases’ occurrences.

precaution: n. an action taken in advance to protect against possible danger, failure, or injury

e.g. Could’t he, just as a precaution, move to a place of safety?


take precautions against (phrase) 采取措施预防

5. As techniques for detecting algal toxins in animal tissues have advanced, so has our appreciation of the number of marine mammal deaths linked to HABs.


Meaning: The technique to assess the number of marine mammal deaths caused by HABs has made the same progress as to detect algal toxins in animal tissues. appreciation: n.recognition and assessment of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people and things

e.g. They have a stronger appreciation of the importance of economic incentives.


6. Impacts include loss of shellfish, loss of habitat, sea grass die-backs, and altered food web interactions that decrease preferred higher trophic level species. (Para.8)

Meaning: Impacts include loss of shellfish, loss of living place of organisms, sea grass die-back, a kind of sea grass disease, and decrease of organisms in higher position of a food chain and consequently the change of the food web interactions.

trophic level species: a group of organisms that occupy the same position in a food chain

preferred higher trophic level species refers to organisms that occupying the higher position in a food chain.

7. The demand for seafood as part of a healthy diet, combined with globalization of trade and tourism, expands the geographic boundaries for human exposure and subsequent illness as well as those of economic losses beyond historically affected coastal communities. (Para.10)

Meaning: Seafood is part of human’s diet, so people need it. People need more sea food due to globalization of trade and tourism. And then the economic losses caused by sea food affect more people across the world. The chances of being exposed to seafood-linked illnesses are increasing for people not living in coastal communities. Part II

Pre-reading Questions

Before you read the text, take a few minutes to think about the following questions:

1.What marine disasters do you know? Name some of them.

tsunamis, some earthquake, some volcanic eruption, shipwreck, oil spill.…

2.What can human beings do to prevent and mitigate these natural disasters?

●create awareness of the importance of preventing and mitigating disasters;

●gain and store up the knowledge on disaster preventing and mitigating;

●raise money for scientific research on disaster warning systems and know more

about nature and about the law of nature;

●make evacuation plans for governments and local authorities;

●acquire surviving and first-aid skills for individuals;

●prevent from flooding and build dykes (堤坝), dams and reservoirs;

●the dams and reservoirs can also be used to fight a drought by allowing the

irrigation of dry fields;

●protect our enviroment

3. What do you know about algae? Is it harmful or not?



I.Reading Comprehension


1.Are HABs and red tide the same thing? Why or why not?

They are not the same. Because the term red tide erroneously includes many blooms that discolor the water but cause no harm, and also excludes blooms of highly toxic cells that cause problems at low (and essentially invisible) cell concentrations.

2.In what way do HABs cause harm?

There are two ways that HABs cause harm. One is the production of toxins; the other is high biomass accumulation.

3.How do HABs impact ecosystems?

It is recognized that harmful algae and their toxins can influence ecosystems from both the top-down (i.e., affecting predators and influencing grazing) and from the bottom-up (i.e., affecting plankton and benthic communities).

4.What are the reasons for expansion of socioeconomic impacts of HABs? Globalization of trade and tourism.

5.On what fields are many millions of dollars spent every year?

Many millions of dollars are spent annually addressing the known HAB-related impacts on public health, commercial fisheries, recreation, tourism, environmental monitoring, and bloom management.

I.Structure Analysis

Part 1: General information about “HABs” (Paras.1-3)

Some of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria create potent while some of them are harmless.

Difference between HABs and red tide:

Red tide includes blooms discoloring the water but causing no harm; excludes blooms of highly toxic cells but often almost invisible.

Two mechanisms to cause harm:

1. the production of toxins

2. high biomass accumulation

Part 2: Impacts of HABs (Paras.4-11)

Impacts on human health

Example : in 1990, six fishermen almost died from eating mussels during a fishing trip.

Impacts on wildlife

HABs-related animal mortality includes:

fish kill, bird kill, or stranding of manatees and whales.

Impacts on ecosystem

Impacts include:

loss of shellfish, loss of habitat, sea grass die-back, and altered food web interactions that decease preferred higher tropic level species.

Example: some species cause brown tides.

Two ways that HABs impact ecosystem: the top-down & bottom-up

Impacts on socio-economy

Reasons for expansion of HABs’ impacts:

1.the demand for seafood

2.globalization of trade and tourism.

The fields that money is spent to address problems :

public health, commercial fisheries, recreation, tourism, environmental monitoring, and bloom management.

III.Vocabulary Study


1. ultimately

2. inadvertently

3. decay

4. mechanism

5. precaution

6. sustain

7. recurrent

8. teem

9. penetration 10.contaminate


1. C

2. A

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. B 10. C



2. reserve

3. excluded

4. incur

5. resume

Ⅳ. Cloze

1.in 2.transfer 3.one-month 4.tourism

5.reducing 6.where 7.portion 8.rank

9.potent 10.safety 11.component 12.Moreover

13.unknown 14.estimating 15.disrupted 16.alternate

17.reservation 18.about 19.ruined 20.adversely

V. Translation






Marine waters teem with microscopic life. Some of them create potent toxins and some of them do harm by accumulating. The algae causing harm is called Harmful Algal Blooms. It not only has impact on health of human beings (such as some known and even unknown diseases), but on wild life as well. In fact, more than 50% of the unusual marine mortality events are now associated with HABs. It is another societal concern that HABs have profound influence on ecosystem. Sometimes, the impact works from bottom up (such as affecting predators and grazing), and sometimes from bottom-up (such as affecting plankton). In spite of the precautions, the socioeconomic impact is substantial. Many millions of dollars are spent annually addressing the HAB-related problems. The money on public health accounts for the largest part, followed by commercial fisheries and tourism.

Extended Exercises

1.feel in the pink

2.feeling blue

3. sing the blues

4. tickled pink

5. raises a red flag

6. yellow journalism

7. brown as a berry

8. black sheep

Appreciation and Recitation









Part III














8.对生态系统的影响有很多不同的类型,有的和有毒有害藻花有关,有的和无毒有害藻花无关。这些影响包括贝类死亡,(动物)栖息地丧失,海草枯梢病,和被改变的食物网互动。这种互动使得食物网高处首选动物数量减少。一个例子就是微藻类金藻,它是大西洋中部褐潮的原凶。另一个例子是它的相关物种,Aureoumbra lagunensis,它则导致了德克萨斯州沿岸的褐潮。这些物种对生态系统影响极大,包括光线穿透力减弱,海草范围缩小,文蛤生长速度降低。褐潮还导致了罗得岛和长岛水域贻贝的大量死亡。海藻的周期性蔓延同时对海湾干贝生产造成严重影响,纽约80%以上的产量都受到影响,所造成的商业损失巨大。9.人们意识到有害藻类及其毒素既能自上而下影响生态系统(比如,影响食肉动物和放牧)也可以自下而上影响生态系统(比如影响浮游生物和深海环境)。过度或长期暴露于有害藻类及其毒素之下,会直接或通过食物网把这些生物统统置于危险境地。




Text B

Part I

Understanding and Learning

Background information

1. October 25 of 2010 earthquake and tsunami in western Indonesia

The earthquake was a magnitude 7.7 Mw earthquake that occurred on 25 October 2010 off the western coast of Sumatra, Indonesia at 21:42 local time (14:42 UTC).

Many villages on the islands were affected by the tsunami, which reached a height of 3 m (9 ft) and swept as far as 600 m (1800 ft) inland. The tsunami caused widespread destruction that displaced more than 20,000 people and affected about 4,000 households. 435 people were reported to have been killed, with over 100 more still missing. The subsequent relief effort was hampered by bad weather and the remoteness of the islands, which led to delays in the reporting of casualties.

Early warning system problems

Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) issued a tsunami warning based on seismographic data. An alert was broadcast from radios and mosque loudspeakers on the mainland, prompting thousands to flee to higher ground. It was later canceled, but officials said that a tsunami warning system installed following the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami had failed to function properly. According to Indonesian officials, two of the system's buoys out at sea had been vandalized and were inoperative. The claim of a breakdown was disputed by German officials who were working with the Indonesians to maintain and develop the system. J?rn Lauterjung, the head of the German-Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning Project, said that it had "worked very well", only one sensor had not been working and its failure had not harmed the system's operation. However, the epicentre of the earthquake was so close to the islands that a warning would probably have been too late in any case, as the tsunami only took about five to ten minutes to reach Pagai.

2.Tsunami warning systems

A tsunami cannot be precisely predicted, even if the magnitude and location of an earthquake is known. Geologists, oceanographers, and seismologists, who analyse each earthquake based on many factors, may or may not issue a tsunami warning.

However, there are some warning signs of an impending tsunami, and automated systems can provide warnings immediately after an earthquake in time to save lives. One of the most successful systems uses bottom pressure sensors, attached to buoys, which constantly monitor the pressure of the overlying water column.

Regions with a high tsunami risk typically use tsunami warning systems to warn the population before the wave reaches land. On the west coast of the United States, which is prone to Pacific Ocean tsunami, warning signs indicate evacuation routes. In Japan, the community is well-educated about earthquakes and tsunamis, and along the Japanese shorelines the tsunami warning signs are reminders of the natural hazards

together with a network of warning sirens, typically at the top of the cliff of surroundings hills.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning System is based in Honolulu, Hawaii. It monitors Pacific Ocean seismic activity. A sufficiently large earthquake magnitude and other information triggers a tsunami warning. While the subduction zones around the Pacific are seismically active, not all earthquakes generate tsunami. Computers assist in analysing the tsunami risk of every earthquake that occurs in the Pacific Ocean and the adjoining land masses.

3.Big tsunami occurrences in the history

The tallest tsunami ever recorded so far is the 1958 Lituya Bay megatsunami, which had a record height of 524 m (1742 ft).

The deadliest tsunami in recorded history was the 2004 Asian tsunami, which killed almost 230,000 people in eleven countries across the Indian Ocean.

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, which had a moment magnitude of 9.1–9.3, triggered a series of lethal tsunamis on December 26, 2004, that killed approximately 230,210 people (including 168,000 in Indonesia alone), making it the deadliest tsunami as well as one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. It was also caused by the third largest earthquake in recorded history. The initial surge was measured at a height of approximately 33 meters (108 ft), making it the largest earthquake-generated tsunami in recorded history. The tsunami killed people over an area ranging from the immediate vicinity of the quake in Indonesia, Thailand, and the north-western coast of Malaysia, to thousands of kilometres away in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and even as far away as Somalia, Kenya, and Tanzania in eastern Africa. This trans-Indian Ocean tsunami is an example of a teletsunami, which can travel vast distances across the open ocean. In this case, it is an ocean-wide tsunami.

Unlike in the Pacific Ocean, there was no organized alert service covering the Indian Ocean. This was in part due to the absence of major tsunami events since 1883 (the Krakatoa eruption, which killed 36,000 people). In light of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, UNESCO and other world bodies have called for an international tsunami monitoring system.

Detailed Study of the Text

1. Tsunamis are very devastating, but the tricky thing is that some marine earthquakes generate fierce tsunamis and some do not. As the situation in Japan makes painfully clear, there is no good way for people being tossed around by a tremor to know the difference until a wave arrives. (Para.3)

Meaning: Tsunamis have a profound impact on human beings' lives and property, but it is difficult for people to predict tsunamis because some quakes cause tsunamis, and others do not. For example, in the 2010 Japan tsunamis, it shows that people did not know the coming of tsunamis until a wave arrived.

toss: v. throw lightly or casually or with a sudden slight jerk

e.g. It would be better to decide it on the toss of a coin.


toss and turn: (idiom)be unable to sleep because of worrying

e.g. I try to go back to sleep and toss and turn for a while.


tremor: n.

1) a shaking or vibrating movement, as of the earth

e.g. The earthquake sent tremors through the region.


2)a trembling or quivering effect

e.g. News of 160 lay-offs had sent tremors through the community.


3)an involuntary trembling or quivering, as from nervous agitation or weakness

e.g. The old man has a tremor in his hands.


2.Deep ones (as a rule of thumb, those below 20km, or 12 miles) generate small or non-existent tsunamis because their uplifting effects are absorbed by the overburden. (Para.5)

a rule of thumb: (idiom) a way of calculating something which is not exact but which will help you to be correct enough

Usage notes: A rule of thumb was originally a way of measuring using the width or length of your thumb.

e.g. As a rule of thumb, resale stores offer customers products at about one-third the cost they would have been new.


overburden: n.(Earth Sciences / Geological Science) the sedimentary rock material that covers coal seams, mineral veins, etc.

3.The problem is deciding which is which. (Para.5)

Meaning: The key to predict tsunamis is to decide the types of earthquakes: shallow or deep ones.

4.The secret of the new method is that depth changes an earthquake’s charact er in ways other than just its tsunami-generating propensity. (Para.6)

Meaning: The secret of the new method is that depth of epicentre not only changes the chances of generating tsunamis but also the character of an earthquake.

in ways: in the aspect that(the usage of "in ways": it is the same to "in the way...that", "the way that...)

e.g.This flooding along the Mississippi River could affect people in ways you might not think about.


idioms about "way"

in a way:(idioms)

1)a certain extent; with reservations:

e.g.I like the new styles, in a way.


2)from one point of view:

e.g. In a way, you're right.


in the(one's) way: (idioms) in a position to obstruct, hinder, or interfere.

E.g. He put every obstacle in my way.


other than: besides

e.g.I'm especially excited to have the opportunity to blog about anything other than technology and science.


propensity: n. an innate inclination; a tendency

e.g.Mr Bint has a propensity to put off decisions to the last minute.


4.An energy-release rate indicating a rupture rate of 1?km a second or less sets the alarm bells ringing, for the earthquake has probably spawned a tsunami—though the system is also sensitive to the actual earthquake magnitude, and adjusts accordingly, so it did not miss the tsunami-creating potential of the Japanese earthquake either. (Para.7)

Meaning: If the energy-release is at the rate of 1?km a second or less, the alarm bells will ring for possible tsunami. So, it is likely for the system to predict the possible tsunami as well as the actual earthquake magnitude.

Note: The sentence is a compound sentence linked by ―so‖.

rupture: n. a tearing or breaking。

v. to break or tear

e.g. Certain gasoline tanks in trucks can rupture and burn in a collision.


accordingly: adv.

e.g. We have a different background, a different history. Accordingly, we have the right to different futures.


spawn n the eggs of fish, frogs, etc.

In the spring, the pond is full of frog spawn.

spawn: v.

1)deposit eggs

e.g. Salmon live much of their lives in the open ocean but return to freshwater streams to spawn.


5. It will then be up to local authorities to have evacuation plans in place. But they will no longer be able to say they did not see it coming. (Para.10) Meaning: The local government will be responsible for evacuation plan. At that time, they will not have any excuse that they do not predict the coming of tsunamis.

be up to: (idiom)

1)do or plan something secretly

e.g. We knew the boys were up to something because we hadn't seen them all



2)be as good as something; be good enough for something

e.g. Your last essay was not up to your best.


3)dependent on

e.g. Mr. Robinson said it was up to the government to take the lead on London Bridge's future.


4) as many as

e.g. The building will provide office accommodation for up to 60 businesses.


in place: (idiom)

1)in the appropriate or usual position or order

e.g. With everything in place, she started the slide show.


2)in the same spot; without moving forwards or backwards

e.g. While marching in place, the band played a popular tune.


Part II

Pre-reading Questions

Before you read the text, take a few minutes to think about the following questions:

1. What is tsunami? Have you ever seen or experienced it?

The phenomenon we call "tsunami" (soo-NAH-mee) is a series of traveling ocean waves of extremely long length generated by disturbances associated primarily with earthquakes occurring below or near the ocean floor. Underwater volcanic eruptions and landslides can also generate tsunamis.Can you list some of the disastrous ones that occurred in human beings’ history?

2.Is it possible for human beings to predict tsunamis?

A tsunami cannot be precisely predicted, even if the magnitude and location of an earthquake is known. Geologists, oceanographers, and seismologists, who analyse each earthquake based on many factors, may or may not issue a tsunami warning. However, there are some warning signs of an impending tsunami, and automated systems can provide warnings immediately after an earthquake in time to save lives. Exercises

II.Reading Comprehension


1. what is ―Tsunami‖ according to the passage?

The phenomenon we call "tsunami" (soo-NAH-mee) is a series of traveling ocean

waves of extremely long length generated by disturbances associated primarily with earthquakes occurring below or near the ocean floor. Underwater volcanic eruptions and landslides can also generate tsunamis.

2. How destructive is Japan’s Tsun ami in 2011?

The earthquake triggered powerful tsunami. The tsunami caused a number of nuclear accidents, primarily the ongoing level 7 meltdowns at three reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant complex, and the associated evacuation zones affecting hundreds of thousands of residents. Many electrical generators were taken down, and at least three nuclear reactors suffered explosions due to hydrogen gas that had built up within their outer containment buildings after cooling system failure. Residents within a 20 km (12 mi) radius of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and a 10 km (6.2 mi) radius of the Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant were evacuated.

3. Why is it hard to decide deep earthquakes or shallow earthquakes?

Once all the data are in during an earthquake, its depth can be worked out with reasonable accuracy. But that takes time. The recent Japanese quake, for example, was thought initially to have happened 83km down. The latest measurements suggests its depth was actually 30km. Normally, that would still put it in the class of safe earthquakes, but it was so powerful that the usual rules did not apply.

4. Why does the rupture causing a deep earthquake propagate more rapidly?

The speed seems related to the rigidity of the rock that is rupturing, and deep rock, which is under more pressure, is more rigid. Shallow rocks bend, and that slows the rupture down.

5. When an earthquake is detected, its magnitude is above

6.5 and epicenter is under the water, what will the new system subsequently react?

If the quake’s magnitude is greater than 6.5 and the epicentre is underwater, it then requests information from the relevant stations on how long the earthquake took from beginning to end. That allows it to work out how quickly energy was released by the earthquake, and thus how fast the rupture propagated. An energy-release rate indicating a rupture rate of 1?km a second or less sets the alarm bells ringing, for the earthquake has probably spawned a tsunami—though the system is also sensitive to the actual earthquake magnitude, and adjusts accordingly

6. Has the new system managed to detect Western Indonesia Tsunami on Oct.25 of 2010?

Yes. But it still killed more than 400 islanders. Unfortunately, the new system was not then attached to any sort of alarm that could let the Mentawai islanders know that they were in danger.

II.Structure Analysis

Part 1: General information about “tsunami” (Paras.1-2)

Causes: earthquakes, volcanic eruption, landslide (Para.1)

Impacts: (Para.2)

A threat to life and property to anyone living near the ocean.


Japanese Tsunami in 2011

Part2: A New earthquake-monitoring system: A help to distinguish the earthquakes that can cause tsunamis from those that can not(Paras.3-10)

Inventors of the new system: Andrew Newman and Jaime Convers

Problem of the old method (Paras.4-5):

It takes time to work out an earthquake ’s depth with reasonable accuracy.

The usual rule

Exception: Japanese Tsunami, a deep earthquake, causing tsunamis

Advantages of the new method (Paras.6-7):

A tool to make an instant estimate of an earthquake’s depth.

Principle: The rupture causing deep earthquake propagates more rapidly than in a shallow rupture.

Working process:


nuclear accidents

earthquake deep earthquakes shallow earthquakes less dangerous more dangerous Conclusion: The usual rule does not work. To have detected an earthquake To look at the size of the tremor and location of its epicenter To work out how quickly energy was released by the earthquake To request information on how long the earthquake took (if magnitude is greater than 6.5 and epicenter is under water) To request how fast the rupture propagated

The alarm bells will ring for a probable tsunami if

Application of the new method: tsunami in western Indonesia (Paras.8-9) Implication of the new method (Para.10):

a help for local authorities to have evacuation plans in place.

III.Vocabulary Study






5. initially




9.trigger 10.disturbance


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. C

9. B 10. A






5. hydroelectric

Ⅳ. Cloze

1.earthquakes 2.rarely 3.awesome 4.of

5.occurring 6.localized 7.underneath 8.frequent

9.margins 10.at 11.other 12.aware

13.dramatically 14.coastal 15.modify 16.inland

17.extreme 18.largest 19.while 20.by

V. Translation






Seismologists have long known that some marine earthquakes generate fierce tsunamis and some do not. The problem is deciding which is which. A new tsunamis-prediction system is under development. It makes an instant estimate of an earthquake’s depth through selecting date of propagating speed when rupture occurred in the rock. And thus it can predict the risk of creating a big tsunami. The researchers tried their system out and analyzed many earthquake and predicted some tsunamis successfully. But unfortunately, it was not attached to local alarms and it still caused devastating tolls and loss. In the near future, the system will be hooked up to alarms around the world. If the new system works at that time, the government will have evacuation plans in place ahead of time.

VIII. Extended Exercises


1. 可怜可憎可悲的工作


2. 家庭压力


3. 心如死灰


4. 平庸无为


5. 毫无方向


6. 缺乏激情


7. 自我中心


8. 不会放松



9. 不会自我提升


10. 内心空虚


Part III









7.纽曼博士与康弗斯先生研发的新系统接入了世界各地几百所地震监测站。当检测到地震时,该系统软件立即测算地震规模与震中位置。如果震级超过6.5级且震中位于水下,系统则要求相关监测站报送地震全程持续时间。这一信息可帮助计算地震能量释放速度,并以此计算岩层断裂速度。岩层断裂速度达 1.5公里/秒或以下标准所释放的能量会让警报拉响,而这时极有可能引发海啸——然而,该系统也能检测出地震级数并做出相应调整,因此也检测出了日本地震会引发海啸的风险。




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