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大学英语精读材料2015版 复习重点

大学英语精读材料2015版  复习重点
大学英语精读材料2015版  复习重点

Test One

Part 1: Vocabulary

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase from the box below. Change the forms where necessary.

1.Many of the students ______ that the exam was too hard.

2.Can you turn the music down, please? I can’t ______ on my work.

3.You ______ fail the exam if you don’t do any revision.

4.At first, Tom found it difficult to ______ what his teachers said in class.

5.After spending a year in Australia, the little girl has gained quite a good ______ of spoken English.

6.The newly-elected government has begun the painful ______ of working out its policies and strategies.

7.______ being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.

8.After explaining his plan in great detail, Bob ______ its main points in a few sentences.

9.Young as she is, Mary is very good at ______ difficult customers.

10.The marketing department is working on new ______ to improve the company’s share of the market.

Part 2: Paragraph Information Matching

In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.

The Truth about Sports and Weight Loss

By Katrina Collins

Dangers of Extreme Weight Loss and Gain in MMA.

A)According to a study by Michelle T. Barrack from the University of California, Davis, and her colleagues, "Teenage

girls who stringently restrict their energy intake while involved in endurance sports may end up with low bone density.

Preliminary evidence from a study involving 93 female high school cross-country runners shows an association between low bone mass values and more intensive dietary restraint, according to a report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition."

B) For the 13-to-18 year-old athletes assessed, investigators defined high levels of dietary restriction as "girls who reported

not eating for 8 hours or more, consciously restricting amounts or types of food, and following strict calorie or serving size limits for 16 days or longer during the month."

C) Measurements of the girls’ bone mineral density in the lower spine and thighbone (股骨) were recorded, and the results

were not surprising —they found that the girls with increased dietary restraint had the lowest bone mass values.

Conversely, the study found that "weight or shape concerns in the absence of dietary restraint practices were not associated with low bone mass."

D) According to Barrack, "These findings suggest that young runners and their support system, including parents, coaches,

and athletic trainers, should make sure that girls expending hundreds of calories on a daily basis are not stringently restricting their energy intake." The same could be said about young women in mixed martial arts (MMA).

E) Many females are taking up martial arts and in particular, MMA. While MMA is one of the fastest growing sports in the

world today, female fighters are still struggling with finding fights. They want to fight but the problem is finding worthy opponents and available venues. Oftentimes, in order to compete, they're forced to quickly reduce or increase their weight to accommodate another fighter and fit into their weight class. This may be an easy thing to do when you're 18, 21, or 25 and in fact you may not even feel the damage done to your body during this time. But you will feel the results as you get older. Your bones will become brittle and break easily. As a fighter in MMA, this should be the last thing you want to have happen.

F) This leads to the question: are there other options available? YES! As an athlete, and as a fighter, you actually have a lot

of options. The first, of course, is to "just say no"! If an event promoter calls you to fight at below or above your normal weight, say NO. Even if your manager or agent asks you to change your weight, don't do it. And if they do, go find another manager. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have someone who had my best interests at heart, not theirs. It's one of the reasons why you're paying them. So don't get caught up into that trap. If enough of us keep saying "NO", they'll stop asking, and instead will be forced to look for and find two fighters who are starting from the same weight class.

G) Don't eat fast foods. Have you seen "Super Size Me" or "Fast Food Nation"? Yeah. Stuff isn't good for you. I mean, think

about it. You train all day long, now your body's starving for fuel, and you give it junk. Not just normal junk, but the kind that'll clog up your arteries (动脉), make you sluggish, and kill you. No kidding. According to https://www.doczj.com/doc/5a3334249.html,, fast food places (I refuse to call them restaurants) don't use normal cooking oil which of course is full of fat. Rather, they use a SPECIALL Y-CREATED cooking oil that is generally special hydrogenated (使氢化合物的) cooking oil. Check it out that they even make sure their special cooking oil "undergoes a process designed to increase its shelf life. This process makes it downright dangerous for human consumption as it produces high levels of trans-fats. These fat compounds are barely recognizable as food by the human body and end up getting stored as fat cells or heading right to an artery to start clogging it up." (SOURCE: https://www.doczj.com/doc/5a3334249.html,/dangers-fast-food) And we wonder why we see so many fighters and athletes who are still fat. We wonder ourselves why we're so sluggish.

We work out, train hard — and then hit the drive-thru window on the way home. Question answered.

H) Do you really want to clog up your arteries? Lose your bone density? Starve yourself? All for the sake of a 15 minute

fight? If so, you need to rethink some things.

I) How about another option? Eat well and use some good old fashioned common sense by eating "whole" foods. What are the whole foods you ask? I can hear a lot of you right now. "I'm no hippie! I don't want to eat all that organic crap! It's too expensive and I hate that health food stuff! I don't have a health food store in my area!" That's not what I said. I said "whole foods." Whole foods are foods that have undergone very little processing and that have been grown or produced

without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. You can find this stuff at your local grocery store! No kidding! It's all found in the fresh food section and in the outskirts of the store. So you need to eat things like fresh vegetables, fruit, nuts, milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt, beans (not the kind in a jar), rice, etc. Think of it this way, whole foods are usually those types of foods that will spoil after a period of time, if you don't refrigerate or eat it. If you stick to these foods, your body will love and reward you! You'll lose weight if you need to, gain weight (unless you're one of those with a really fast metabolism (新陈代谢) and have a hard time gaining ) if you need to, and/or maintain your weight once you get to your optimum level. You'll feel good, train well, sleep well and feel fit and full!

J) Another option? Follow a quality nutritional program. (Notice I didn't say "diet" program. Your "diet" is actually what you eat every day. It's not really what you do to lose weight, although that's what we've turned it into. So I don't use the word diet anymore. Nutritional program sounds so much better, don't you think?) Eat healthy. Stick to good, whole foods. Eat what I call "good protein" like nuts and beans with rice. And if you think I'm kidding, ask my friends who've spent any amount of time with me. I drink juice, and I eat a lot of nuts, dates, raisins, and fruit. My body loves that stuff more now than anything! Additionally, I've found that the nutritional plan described by Dr. Robert Haas in his book "Eat to Win the Sports: Nutrition Bible for a New Generation" to be a good one to follow, but that's just my personal opinion. (I'm not endorsing it, just telling you what's worked for me.)

K) No matter what, stop starving yourself to lose weight, or piling up the protein and to gain a bunch of weight before a fight. Start eating healthy NOW! Let your body figure out the weight it SHOULD be and stay there. And the next time a promoter asks you to change your weight to accommodate another fighter for an event — JUST SAY NO!

______ 1. Female MMA fighters quickly increase or decrease their weight so as to find their proper opponents or fit into their weight class.

______ 2. According to a report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, more intensive dietary restraint is associated with low bone mass values in female high-school runners.

______ 3. A nutritional program is to stick to good, whole foods, such as nuts and beans with rice.

______ 4. It's not recommended to eat fast foods, because they are harmful to our health.

______ 5. Whether you are going to gain or lose weight, you should start eating healthy and make it clear about your ideal weight.

______ 6. Female MMA fighters shouldn't stringently restrict their energy intake.

______ 7. So many fighters and athletes are still fat because of high intake of fast foods.

______ 8. Whole foods will benefit human body a lot in the long run.

______ 9. Stringent restrictions of energy intake might be the cause of lower bone mass values in the athletes being assessed.

______ 10. MMA athletes are supposed to say “NO” when their manager or agent asks them to c hange their weight or fight at below or above their normal weight.

Part 3: Reading Comprehension

There are two passages followed by some multiple choice questions. Choose the best answer for each question. Passage 1

Minh Pham was born in Vietnam(越南). He left when he was 21 years old. Minh has been in America for almost two years. There is still much he does not understand about America.

Once Minh was in a grocery store. He saw an old man and an old woman. They wanted a box of cereal(麦片). The box w as on a high shelf. The man and woman couldn’t reach it .Minh saw a stepladder. He got on the ladder and got the box. He handed it to the elderly couple. They thanked him.

“Where are your children?” asked Minh. “Why don’t they help you buy food?”

“Our children have their own lives,” said the man and woman. “We like to be free to do as we like.” Minh doesn’t think this is right. In his country, children help their parents. Minh gave the elderly couple his phone number. He told them to call him if they needed help. One night they asked Minh to dinner, but they never asked him for help.

One day, Minh was walking with a Vietnamese friend. The two were going to a film. Minh wanted to go to a restaurant first. Minh took his friend’s hand. He pulled him toward the restaurant. People on the street stared at Minh. In Vietnam, friends often hold hands. Minh found out that people in America are not used to men holding hands.

Minh Pham is going through a process known as resocialization (重新与社会公认准则保持一致). Socialization is the process through which a person learns to live in a society. Everyone goes through this process. Minh went through it when he lived in Vietnam. But the Vietnamese way of life is much different from the American way of life. When Minh came to America, he had to learn a new way of life. He had to learn how to live in a new society.

Minh has learned a lot about American life in two years. He still has a lot to learn. The process of resocialization can take many years.

1. The main idea of the passage is that one should ____________.

A. ignore cultural differences

B. learn to live in the new country

C. travel all over the world

D. learn to act on one’s own

2. According to the passage, Minh thought the old couple should ____________.

A. ask their children for help

B. encourage each other and help each other

C. rely on themselves

D. live a quiet and comfortable life

3. The passage tells us that it is necessary for ____________ to learn to live in a new society.

A. people who have a hard life

B. everyone who comes to a new environment

C. Asians who have not learned a foreign language and lack practical experience

D. those who have a smooth life in their own country.

4. It seemed that people felt surprised when they saw that Minh and his friend_____.

A. were Vietnamese

B. were immigrants (移民)

C. were holding hands

D. were quarreling

5. It is hard to ____________ when one comes to a new country.

A. learn as many foreign languages as possible

B. get used to the local weather and climate

C. greet foreigners

D. avoid culture shock and get used to the new life Passage 2

Someone said to a man, “Travel and see the world.” He answered, “Why should I? People are the same everywhere. They are born. They are babies. They are children. They are adults. They grow old. They die .They have the same feelings. They feel love and hate, happiness and sadness, security and fear, pride and shame. That is why I do not want to travel. I can learn everything here. I’m going to stay home.”

The man was right. He was also wrong. People are the same, but people are also different. They all have the same pattern of life — birth, youth, old age and death. But these stages of life have different values in different cultures. Also, while all people have the same feelings, the causes of these feelings are different. A situation that may bring happiness in one place may not bring happiness in another place.

For example, in many countries old age is a happy time. Young people in these countries show respect to the old. In Korea, old people are honored and respected. When they are too old to live alone, they live with a son, daughter, or other relatives. When they become 61 years old, it is a very happy and important event. There is a big party with many guests.

They receive many gifts. When people reach this time in life, the attitudes of their family and their community change toward them. Their position in life is good because they receive honors and respect. Everyone looks forward to this time.

In the United States, it is quite different for old people. Most old people do not live with their children or relatives. For many North Americans, old age is not a happy time. Most North Americans want to stay young. They try to act like young people as long as possible. They even try to speak the language of the young. They do not like to grow old because they will not get honor or respect or attention. Also, businesses do not want old people to work for them. So, old people usually live alone and they do not have many things to do. Old age can be a sad and lonely time for them.

6. The reason why the man did not have the intention of travelling was that _____.

A. he thought he already knew about people in other places.

B. he was too old to travel any more

C. he could not understand people in other countries since he was deaf

D. he preferred to stay home to enjoy his leisure time.

7. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. People all over the world are the same, but they are also different.

B. Different values are reflected in different stages of life in different cultures.

C. People react differently to the same situation.

D. The reasons for the same feelings are also the same in different cultures.

8. In Korea, people__________.

A. think being young is the same as being old

B. are afraid of old age

C. are longing for old age

D. value their youth most

9. Compared with American old people, the old in Korea _____.

A. enjoy living alone and supporting themselves.

B. Can lead an honored and respected life

C. Can act like the young

D. Are not respected and do not receive due attention

10. The word “businesses” in Paragraph 4 means_______.

A. managers

B. consumers

C. shops or factories

D. busy people

Part 4: Cloze

In this part, you will read a passage with 10 blanks. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage.

Learning (1) help make the difficult task of studying English easier. For instance, it is beneficial to treat new words in different ways according to how (2) they occur in everyday use: active words you must practice over and over again; useful words you must (3) to memory; words that seldom occur in everyday situations require just a nodding (4) . It also pays to watch out (5) idiomatic ways of saying things in English. As idiomatic usage often causes difficulties for Chinese students, you must pay close attention to the way native speakers (6) .

Language learning is, in fact, an active (7) . Students who make a conscious effort to practice English, who seek out (8) to use what they have learned, are more successful than those who rely (9) the teacher to do the whole job. Undoubtedly, it is all important to put into practice through speaking and writing what you have (10) from reading and listening.

1. A. stages B. strategies C. tragedies D. remedies

2. A. rare B. rarely C. frequent D. frequently

3. A. commit B. put C. give D. take

4. A. assistance B. resistance C. instance D. acquaintance

5. A. in B. of C. for D. at

6. A. advocate B. complicate C. communicate D. associate

7. A. proceed B. precede C. process D. possess

8. A. solutions B. conditions C. approaches D. opportunities

9. A. on B. in C. at D. to

10. A. heard B. absorbed C. practiced D. read

Part 5: Translation

Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

1. It is well known that this disease ________________________________________(至少部分地是由于吸烟过多).

2. Mary complained that she ____________________________________________(常发现和她女儿无法沟通).

3. I hope you can ______________________ (拿出一个比这更好的解决办法).

4. __________________________ (当他渐渐获得了信心), his words came out spontaneously.

5. These expensive drawings must not _______________________ (直接暴露在阳光之下) .

Test Two

Part 1: Vocabulary

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase from the box below. Change the forms where

1.Our history professor explained the ______ cause of the First World War.

2.As a fireman, you must be ready to ______ hardships and even suffer death.

3.I think we should let Mary go camping with her classmates. ______, she is a big girl now.

4.After much thought, we ______ agreed to let him go.

5.They’ve ______ for her to be operated on by the best doctors.

6.Jim had a ______ problem with his car, but he fixed it himself.

7.To the old lady’s great ______ , Myra did not come, nor did she send her any present.

8.Prof. Smith is not a stranger to us. We’ve met him o several ______.

9.He hasn’t got enough clothes on — look, he’s ______ with cold.

10.Let’s go to the park. It’s just ______.

Part 2: Paragraph Information Matching

In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.

Are You Superstitious?

By Cristina Nuta

A)When was the last time you crossed your fingers or said, "Bless you" to someone who sneezed? Have you felt awful

when you've broken a mirror? Do you own a rabbit's foot? Do you get the heebie jeebies on Friday the 13th? If any of the above rings a bell, then join the over 50% of the population who admit to being a bit superstitious.

B)It is very well-known that many people nowadays believe in superstitions. For example, Tuesdays are considered to be

unlucky days and we expect three bad things to happen to us during such a day. Then, if it is Friday, the thirteenth, other bad happenings will wait for us. Not to forget the owl singing at night just in one of the trees we have near our house, as it will announce that maybe somebody close to us will soon die. But one of the most unlucky signs that something horrible will happen to us in the proximate future is to see a black cat crossing our way. And if that black cat passes in front of us especially before our exam in Math, then it is well-known that our test paper will be a failure.

C)Some Superstitions Are Obvious:

If you dry your hands on a towel while someone else is using it, you'll fight with that person (probably before your hands are dry)

●It's bad luck to leave your house with all the doors open (but good luck for burglars)

●Never hit a child with a broom, it will make him stupid (especially if you hit him over the head)

●It's bad luck to kick a cat (possibly for you as well as the cat)

●It's bad luck to put three lamps on a table (especially if you plug them all into the same power point)

●Shoes on a bed will cause a family fight (particularly if they are muddy)

D) Some Superstitions Are Surprising:

●If you kiss your elbow, you'll change your sex (cheaper than surgery)

●If a girl steps over a broom lying on the floor, she'll be a mother before she's a wife (must be a lot of brooms lying


●If you sew on a Sunday you'll have to rip out every stitch with your nose before you can get into heaven (I used to

try something similar by telling my kids they'd have to eat their mountain of discarded veggies before they got into heaven — that didn't work either)

●You must never greet the sun by speaking to it, e.g. "Hello sun", when it re-appears after being overcast, or it will

go right back into the clouds again. (No wonder it rains so much in Ireland.)

●Apparently if you cross your fingers when you tell a lie, it doesn't count against your character. (Someone

suggested that this is why so many politicians keep their hands in their pockets when they speak).

E)Superstitions are activities that have no effect on events but exist because of coincidental rewards and society's

prejudices. They are rooted in the philosophy that a symbolic act will bring about a physical reality. In a world where we face so many important and uncertain challenges, superstitions provide the illusion that we can somehow control our fates. We derive comfort from thinking we can either avoid an undesirable result or bring about a desired result.

Superstitions reduce tension and give us a sense that what we're doing can help us out. In this way, they can be extremely useful tools.

F)Even if you're not a believer, we think you'll get a kick out of some of the behaviors people practice in the hope they

will bring them luck. Throughout history, around the globe, strange rituals live on. In China consumers are willing to pay huge sums of money for the right phone number and will shun others. One businessman paid $20,000 for a number he liked. The worst possible combination is one ending in 547424, because in Chinese it sounds like, "I die, my wife dies, my child dies." In the Philippines, if you're taking a picture with two friends, don't stay in the middle as something bad might happen to you. Position yourself in either the left or right, or better yet add a few more people to the photo.

Oh, and never take a bath on the day of your birthday... it brings bad luck. In Cuba if you leave a glass of water at your bedside overnight and there are bubbles in the glass the next morning, you are surrounded by good spirits. Women tend to be significantly more superstitious than men —or at least they admit to it in more studies —and less educated people have more superstitions than better educated. Being superstitious is often a family tradition. If your parents are, chances are you will be too.

G)Superstitions help out with the performance anxiety that is an occupational hazard for lots of athletes. Baseball player

Wade Boggs has eaten chicken before each game for over twenty years. Basketball player Michael Jordan admits he has to lace up his shoes a certain way before every game. Babe Ruth took a swat at butterflies on the diamond because he

was sure they were bad luck. Hockey legend Wayne Gretzky habitually tucked the right side of his jersey(运动衫) behind his hip pads for luck before every game.

H)Weddings are rich in superstitious ritual. A bride wears "something borrowed" from a previous bride who has a happy

marriage; she wears "something blue" because it signifies virtue. A Chinese bride is never supposed to look in a mirror to insure there will only be one bride.

I)Actors are considered to be in one of the most superstitious professions. Everyone knows you never wish an actor good

luck. Instead you say, "Break a leg." By wishing someone good luck, you're supposed to give your own luck away. Real flowers, jewels, money, mirrors and coffins are considered bad luck onstage. It's good luck if an actor's shoes squeak on his entrance, or if a cat makes its home in the theater. Fear of change is usually at the heart of actors' superstitions. If he has a success on opening night, he hesitates to change anything during the run.

J)So superstitions are rooted in the profound lack of self-control we feel, especially in anxious times. Our minds create explanations for phenomena beyond our comprehension. So rub a rabbit's foot and pluck some daisies (he does love you, after all). Especially in today's world, it can't hurt!

______ 1. In the Philippines, you are advised not to stand in the middle while taking a photo with two friends, because something bad might happen to you.

______ 2. It is an obvious superstition to believe putting shoes on a bed will result in a family fight.

______ 3. Over half of the population admitted that they are somehow superstitious.

______ 4. Superstitions can be very useful because they can make us less nervous while facing uncertain challenges.

______ 5. According to a superstitious belief, seeing a black cat running across your way is an unlucky sign.

______ 6. Performance anxiety may be relieved by superstitions for many athletes.

______ 7. The author holds the view that never greeting the sun is a surprising superstition.

______ 8. Illiterate women are most likely to be superstitious.

______ 9. In a wedding ceremony, a bride puts on something blue, which indicates virtue.

______ 10. For the phenomena that we fail to comprehend, we create explanations, which become superstitions.

Part 3: Reading Comprehension

There are two passages followed by some multiple choice questions. Choose the best answer for each question. Passage 1

The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, poor land must be cultivated(耕种) and the good land worked intensively(精耕细作地). Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more chance of development of facilities such as ports, roads, and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand.

One of the difficulties in carrying out a worldwide birth control grogram lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary(变化) from country to country depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In the developing country where a vastly expanded populations is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, the first concern of government will be to set a limit on the birthrate, whatever the final

result may be .In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex(复杂的). A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods(制成品). When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and building industry grows weaker. Faced with concerns such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.

1. The main topic of this article is_____.

A. environment protection

B. population growth

C. environment and economy

D. climate changing

2. The passage says that a small population may lead to____.

A. higher production, but a lower average income

B. lower production and lower average income

C. higher production and a higher average income

D. lower production, but a higher average income

3. According to the passage, the use of birth control perhaps is good for _____.

A. a developing country

B. a developed country

C. the whole world

D. each nation with a big population

4. In a developed country, people will perhaps be unemployed if the birthrate_______

A. goes up

B. goes down

C. remains stable

D. is out of control

5. The author is aiming to show that______.

A. humans will run out of their food supply in the future

B. it is necessary for humans to carry out a worldwide plan for birth control

C. different nations have different views of population growth

D. we need to take necessary measures to prevent the overuse of natural resources

Passage 2

Within about 50 million years, one of the mammals(哺乳动物) that lives in marine environment, the whale(鲸), has developed into the largest of all animal forms. However, at least for the last 150 years, trouble has closed in on whales from humans.

Whales have been hunted since about the eleventh century. Certain types of whales have been hunted too much. Recently, their number has been reduced so greatly that they are in danger of becoming extinct(灭绝的). People are worried about the fact that the number of whales is getting smaller and smaller. They are working to save them.

There are reasons why people want to protect the whales. One reason is that whales help to keep a balance between plants and animals. People have been throwing their wastes into the oceans and seas, and these wastes increase the amount of salt in ocean and seawater. The increased salt helps some plants and some very small creatures to grow but these plants and small creatures are harmful to fish. However, whales are eating large numbers of plants and animals that grow in very salty water. In this way, whales are doing a good job as they keep the ocean water clean enough for the fish. In addition, because fish supply necessary food for many people, whales become our good friends which we want to save.

Some people are now working to save whales by using the law. They hold meetings to ask fishermen to reduce the number of whales which can be killed in a year. They also work within countries to persuade law makers to make whaling against the law and to make the use of whale products against the law too.

Now this struggle to save whales is going on in many places in the world. Some governments will not let people sell whale products in their countries. Other governments have changed the law about whaling. Many people believe that since the number of whales is regarded as a serious world problem, the remaining whales will be saved.

6. The passage mainly discussed_____.

A. the protection of whales

B. the strange behaviors of whales

C. the mysterious life of whales

D. the advantages of too many whales

7. From the passage we know that during the last 150 years humans have_____.

A. returned to nature

B. learned how to swim

C. threatened the existence of some marine mammals

D. begun to harvest certain plants form the ocean as food

8. According to the passage, certain kinds of whales will soon______.

A. kill most of the plants and small creatures

B. find some other places to live in

C. die out

D. die from pollution

9. Salt in the oceans usually_____.

A. decreases the plants which are harmful to fish

B. gets rid of harmful plants and creatures

C. removes the wastes thrown into them

D. increases the plants and small creatures that do harm to fish

10. Whales are helpful to humans because________.

A. they eat a large quantity of plants and creatures harmful to fish

B. they make the oceans more and more salty

C. they often save sailors lost in a storm

D. they can communicate with humans

Part 4: Cloze

In this part, you will read a passage with 10 blanks. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage.

On the (1) of the old lady’s 80th birthday, she waited (2) to see what kind of present her daughter, Myra, would send to her. Since her first daughter, Enid, had died two years before, the old lady had (3) the loneliness of living by herself. It was (4) for Myra to visit her mother, but still the old lady was proud of her. She felt sure that her daughter would (5) her birthday with something special. As she waited for the (6) , the old lady (7) with excitement because she was quite sure she would receive a lovely present. (8) , she thought, even if Myra paid little attention to her mother (9) , today was a very special day. However, when the postman came, the old lady found to her (10) that, rather than choosing a special gift, Myra had simply sent her a cheque folded in a card.

1. A. situation B. condition C. occasion D. circumstance

2. A. angrily B. eagerly C. happily D. quietly

3. A. endured B. induced C. ensured D. insured

4. A. hard B. rare C. hardly D. rarely

5. A. congratulate B. applaud C. celebrate D. commemorate

6. A. milkman B. paperboy C. policeman D. postman

7. A. shook B. trembled C. quaked D. waved

8. A. After all B. In all C. Above all D. At all

9. A. at other times B. at one time C. at times D. at a time

10. A. relief B. happiness C. excitement D. disappointment

Part 5: Translation

Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

1. Many parents in the U.S. _____________________________ (为孩子的教育留出一笔专款) before they are born.

2. That famous actor ________________________________ (似乎很乐意出演那个小角色) in the play.

3. He is good at _____________________________________(抓住每个机会讲英语).

4. I have made sure that __________________________________ (他的结论是以事实为根据的).

5. They ___________________________________ (已安排好让我们明天去游览长城). I'm sure we'll have

a good time there.

Test Three

Part 1: Vocabulary

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase from the box below. Change the forms where

1.I am afraid that the ______ between rich and poor is still widening in our country.

2.He was so ______ to hear of his mother’s illness that he could no longer concentrate on his studies.

3. A ______ summer day in that area is hot and dry.

4.I hear young people under 18 are ______ from buying cigarettes in that country.

5.The mayor put forward a ______ to improve public transportation.

6.Though Washington, D. C. is the seat of government of the United States, New York is ______ the nation’s most

important city.

7.Mr. Smith kept thinking hard, but failed to ______ a workable plan.

8.Enid considered teaching a _______ career.

9.______ the essay looked quite good, but actually it was full of mistakes.

10. Being a sailor ______ long periods of time away from home.

Part 2: Paragraph Information Matching

In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.

Universities Branch Out

A) As never before in their long story, universities have become instruments of national competition as well as instruments

of peace. They are the place of the scientific discoveries that move economies forward, and the primary means of educating the talent required to obtain and maintain competitive advantages. But at the same time, the opening of national borders to the flow of goods, services, information and especially people has made universities a powerful force for global integration, mutual understanding and geopolitical stability.

B) In response to the same forces that have driven the world economy, universities have become more self-consciously

global: seeking students from around the world who represent the entire range of cultures and values, sending their own students abroad to prepare them for global careers, offering courses of study that address the challenges of an interconnected world and collaborative(合作的) research programs to advance science for the benefit of all humanity.

C) Of the forces shaping higher education none is more sweeping than the movement across borders. Over the past three

decades the number of students leaving home each year to study abroad has grown at an annual rate of 3.0 percent, from 800,000 in 1975 to 2.5 million in 2004. Most travel from one developed nation to another, but the flow from developing

to developed countries is growing rapidly. The reverse flow, from developed to developing countries, is on the rise, too.

Today foreign students earn 30 percent of the doctoral degrees awarded in the United States and 38 percent of those in the United Kingdom. And the number crossing borders for undergraduate study is growing as well; to 8 percent of the undergraduates at America's best institutions and 10 percent of all undergraduates in the U.K. In the United States, 20 percent of the newly hired professors in science and engineering are foreign-born, and in China many newly hired faculty members at the top research universities received their graduate education abroad.

D) Universities are also encouraging students to spend some of their undergraduate years in another country. In Europe,

more than 140,000 students participate in the Erasmus program each year, taking courses for credit in one of 2, 000 participating institutions across the continent. And in the United States, institutions are helping place students in summer internships(实习) abroad to prepare them for global careers. Yale and Harvard have led the way, offering every undergraduate at least one international study or internship opportunity and providing the financial resources to make it possible.

E) Globalization is also reshaping the way research is done. One new trend involves sourcing portions of a research program

to another country. Yale professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Tian Xu directs a research center focused on the genetics of human disease at Shanghai's Fudan University, in collaboration with faculty colleagues from both schools. The Shanghai center has 95 employees and graduate students working in a 4,300-square-meter laboratory facility. Yale faculty, postdoctors and graduate students visit regularly and attend videoconference seminars with scientists from both campuses. The arrangement benefits both countries; Xu's Yale lab is more productive, thanks to the lower costs of conducting research in China, and Chinese graduate students, postdoctors and faculty get on-the-job training from a word-class scientist and his U.S. team.

F) As a result of its strength in science, the United States has consistently led the world in the commercialization of major

new technologies, from the mainframe computer and integrated circuit of the 1960s to the Internet infrastructure(基础设施) and application software of the 1990s. The link between university-based science and industrial application is often indirect but sometimes highly visible: Silicon Valley was intentionally created by Stanford University, and Route 128 outside Boston has long housed companies spun off from MIT and Harvard. Around the world, governments have encouraged copying of this model, perhaps most successfully in Cambridge, England, where Microsoft and scores of other leading software and biotechnology companies have set up shop around the university.

G) For all its success, the United States remains deeply hesitant about sustaining the research-university model. Most

politicians recognize the link between investment in science and national economic strength, but support for research funding has been unsteady. The budget of the National Institutes of Health doubled between 1998 and 2003, but has risen more slowly than inflations since then. Support for the physical sciences and engineering barely kept pace with inflation during that same period. The attempt to make up lost ground is welcome, but the nation would be better served by steady, predictable increases in science funding at the rate of long-term GDP growth, which is on the order of inflation plus 3 percent per year.

H) American politicians have great difficulty recognizing that admitting more foreign students can greatly promote the

national interest by increasing international understanding. Adjusted for inflation, public funding for international exchanges and foreign-language study is well below the levels of 40 years ago. In the wake of September 11, changes in the visa process caused a dramatic decline in the number of foreign students seeking admission to U.S. universities, and

a corresponding surge in enrollments in Australia, Singapore and the U .K. Objections from American university and

business leaders led to improvements in the process and a reversal of the decline, but the United States is still seen by many as unwelcoming to international students.

I) Most Americans recognize that universities contribute to the nation's well-being through their scientific research, but

many fear that foreign students threaten American competitiveness by taking their knowledge and skills back home.

They fail to grasp that welcoming foreign students to the United States has two important positive effects: first, the very best of them stay in the States and — like immigrants throughout history — strengthen the nation; and second, foreign students who study in the United States become ambassadors for many of its most cherished(珍视) values when they return home. Or at least they understand them better. In America as elsewhere, few instruments of foreign policy are as effective in promoting peace and stability as welcoming international university students.

______ 1. American universities prepare their undergraduates for global careers by giving them chances for international study or internship.

______ 2. Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 3.0 percent.

______ 3. The enrollment of international students will have a positive impact on America rather than threaten its competitiveness.

______ 4. The way research is carried out in universities has changed as a result of globalization.

______ 5. Of the newly hired professors in science and engineering in the United States, twenty percent come from foreign countries.

______ 6. The number of foreign students applying to U.S. universities decreased sharply after September 11 due to changes in the visa process.

______ 7. The U.S. federal funding for research has been unsteady for years.

______ 8. Around the world, governments encourage the model of linking university-based science and industrial application.

______ 9. Present-day universities have become a powerful force for global integration.

______ 10. When foreign students leave America, they will bring American values back to their home countries.

Part 3: Reading Comprehension

There are two passages followed by some multiple choice questions. Choose the best answer for each question.

Passage 1

We have saved as a final set of emotions(情感) the two most important emotions connected with other people: love and its opposite, hate. Love can be seen everywhere. Yet surprisingly, love has been the subject of less scientific research than other emotions, such as anger and fear. The reason for this may be twofold. First, love is a very complex(复杂) emotion, difficult to describe and measure. Secondly, unlike many radical emotions, radical love is generally not a problem; thus less medical attention has been paid to it.

What is love? This is a complex question and requires a complex answer. Love is a strong, positive attraction and feeling for another person or thing. But it is more than this. It also involves feeling of caring, protection, excitement, and tenderness(温和). When two people are in love, they feel drawn to one another; they greatly enjoy each other’s company; and they may be sexually attracted to one another.

Sometimes it is easier to think in terms of different kinds of love: romantic love, brotherly love, and so forth. Though they are different in some respects, they share one important characteristic: a strong positive feeling toward another.

Our feelings toward other people are often complex. We may love someone and, at the same time, be angry with him. Or we may love someone, even though we are jealous of him. We might even love someone and, at the some time, hate for some precise reason.

Hate is a strong negative emotion toward someone, and is due to anger, jealousy, or some other factor. Like love, hate can be a very strong emotion. It can also be very dangerous. The question is often asked, “Is it bad to hate?” The best answer is probably “sometimes yes and sometimes no.” Usually hate does not help us; it makes us feel unhappy and makes us do things that may hurt others. However, sometimes it may be necessary to hate and hurt someone in order to protect loved ones.

1. The word “saved” in the first sentence of this passage means .

A. left

B. relaxed

C. set free

D. kept up

2. Love is a lasting, strong, positive attraction and feeling for another person or thing, the very opposite emotion of which is .

A. anger

B. fear

C. jealousy

D. hate

3. Which characteristic is shared by different kinds of love?

A. A strong negative emotion toward someone.

B. A strong positive feeling toward other.

C. Unhappy feeling toward someone.

D. Jealous feeling toward someone.

4. According to the passage, hate is caused by .

A. anger, jealousy, or some other factors

B. anger, danger and hurt

C. caring protection, excitement and tenderness

D. complex, strong positive emotion

5. Which of the following is true?

A. Love has been the subject of less scientific research because it is too simple an emotion.

B. Radical love is so difficult to describe and measure that less medical attention has been paid to it.

C. To hate is always too bad.

D. We can have at the same time two opposite feelings for another.

Passage 2

Mrs. Wilson, a Cree Indian in her sixties, was looking for a home to rent. She heard that one was available in an ideal location, close to the Calgary core.

Mrs. Wilson and her daughters went to look at the house. Sure enough, there was a “For Rent” sign in the window. A woman next door told them that the owner was Antonio Pompei, who owned a bakery(面包房) farther up the street.

Mrs. Wilson has greatly difficulty walking for she is almost blind, so she waited in the car while her daughters went along to the bakery. The daughters met Mr. Pompei, who agreed to rent the house. However, the daughters wanted to see the inside of the house, where he met Mrs. Wilson. All three women liked the house and returned to the bakery to tell Mr. Pompei that they would rent it.

When Mr. Pompei saw Mrs. Wilson, he quickly walked out of the bakery. He had not realized Mrs. Wilson was Indian. Her daughters look more like their father, who is of a different ethic origin(种族根源). The next day, Mrs. Wilson and her daughters returned to the bakery in an attempt to rent the house. Because of her blindness, Mrs. Wilson was helped out of the car and guided into the bakery by one of her daughters. Mr. Pompei told the women that the house was already rented.

The Wilsons suspected discrimination(歧视). As soon as they got home, Mrs. Wilson phoned Mr. Pompei, without identifying herself, and asked about the house. He said it was still available. When Mrs. Wilson identified herself, Mr. Pompei lost his temper.

Mrs. Wilson complained to the Human Rights Commission. Their examination discovered that the tenants(房客) who did rent the house had not even seen it at the time when Mrs. Wilson visited it. They applied to rent it a full week after Mrs. Wilson had applied.

6. We know from the passage that Mrs. Wilson was .

A. to rent the house for her daughters

B. to rent the house for someone else

C. to rent the house for her family

D. to sublet (转出租) the house

7. From the passage we are certain that Mr. Wilson was .

A. an Indian

B. not an Indian

C. an Asian

D. from India

8. Mrs. Wilson found there was some discrimination on the part of Mr. Pompei by .

A. complaining to the Human Rights Commission

B. making the bakery owner angry

C. making an unidentifiable phone call

D. pretending to be a woman of wealth

9. In the end Mrs. Wilson couldn’t rent the house simple because.

A. she was of Indian origin

B. she needed assistance while waking

C. the owner of the house asked for more money

D. she was almost blind

10. Which of the following statement is NOT TURE?

A. Mr. Wilson had at least two daughters.

B. The house had been rented to someone else a week before.

C. Mrs. Wilson was almost blind.

D. Mr. Pompei was practicing racial discrimination.

Part 4: Cloze

In this part, you will read a passage with 10 blanks. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage.

It is (1) in the article that television be (2) for a period of time each evening. As (3) scientists have long noted, (4) television watching damages a family’s ability to communicate with one another; and may (5) lead to some forms of mental illness as well as a rising (6) of divorce. Forcing families to (7) their television set each evening may indeed be a way of bringing them together. Therefore, this (8) may well be a (9) one. It would, however, (10) some difficulty in putting it into effect, as few Americans would be willing to give up a single moment of television time.

1. A. proposed B. supposed C. imposed D. exposed

2. A. stopped B. opened C. closed D. prohibited

3. A. racial B. natural C. social D. cultural

4. A. expressive B. excessive C. concessive D. aggressive

5. A. actually B. virtually C. ritually D. mutually

6. A. speed B. tempo C. rate D. rhythm

7. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down

8. A. rule B. action C. law D. proposal

9. A. worth B. worthwhile C. worthing D. worthless

10.A. involve B. revolve C. resolve D. evolve

Part 5: Translation

Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.

1. I’m lucky to ___________________________________ (学会了许多不同的技能) when I was young.

2. The industrial engineer’s letter indicates that _________________________________ (他怀疑该项计划是否可行).

3. Tom was ill for about a month, _________________________________ (这使他在学习上耽误了很多).

4. The old lady was so upset that she ___________________________________________(用颤抖的手指把信撕碎了).

5. Jenny wrapped herself in warm winter clothing _____________________________________ (以防传染上这种流感).

Test Four

Part 1: Vocabulary

Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase from the box below. Change the forms where necessary.

1.Our English professor is an ______ woman, perhaps sixty years old.

2.We have a great variety of pictures for you to choose from. You can select the one which is most ______.

3.From the dark clouds, it was ______ that it would soon rain.

4.He is full of good ______, but can do nothing to help.

5.Mary strongly ______ that her husband had been lying.

6.You should ______ this opportunity and try to make a good impression on your boss.

7.The foreigner ______ the moon cake and found it very delicious.

8.The real ______ of a man lies in what he is, not in what he has.

9.When students are caught ______, they will be kicked out of school.

10.After failing four times, I ______ passed my driving test.

Part 2: Paragraph Information Matching

In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.

The New Old and the Conserva-teen

By William Higham

A)Planners, account directors and researchers are typically busy people. Under a huge lot of internal and client demands,

it's hard for us not to fall into shorthand approaches sometimes, for instance, when targeting different age groups. But it's time for a wake-up call. Standard age-related targeting can't be relied on any more, thanks to a new social trend: flip-flop generations. Many adolescents today are acting in ways we might expect middle-age Americans to do, while older consumers are maintaining their "adolescent" interests, outlooks and behaviors into middle age.

B)Middle and old ages are traditionally seen as times of conformity, responsibility, risk aversion and settling down. Yet

instead of retiring with pipe and slippers to listen to the classics, many of the new old now are still pursuing the sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll lifestyle of their youth.

C)The National Council on Aging claims 61 percent of all 60-somethings today are still sexually active. And singles 55

and older are the fastest growing group of online daters. Meanwhile, the rate of 50-somethings' illegal drug use rose more than 70 percent during 2002-08; marijuana (大麻) is now more prevalent with them than with any other age group.

Four million Americans aged 50 or older are estimated to have used at least one drug illegally in the past year, according

to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's "National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2009."

D)What about rock 'n' roll? Two-thirds of over 50s listen to rock more than any other genre, according to the Pew

Research Center. And Recording Industry Association of America data show that over 40s are the only age group whose music purchasing has risen in the last decade. The new old are pursuing other adolescent activities, too. A quarter of Americans over 50 play video games — up almost threefold since 1999 — and the average "frequent game purchaser"

is 39-year-olds, according to the Entertainment Software Association. The average motorcyclist is 47-year-olds, according to J.D. Power and Associates, and other Pew Research Center data show that three-quarters of baby boomers own cell phones and nearly a third have created a social networking profile.

E)Meanwhile, at the other end of the age divide, something very different is occurring: they are the so-called

"Conserva-Teens". They are entering their teen years in a time when the economy is at its lowest point in eighty years.

Their parents, through necessity, have pulled in their expendable-cash belts several notches. Traditionally, adolescence is viewed as a time of pleasure seeking, risk taking, icon breaking and a refusal to "settle down", but currently this is changing — and not in the way as Dylan described.

F)For today's teenagers, it's less about breaking down barriers than retreating behind them. Anxiety levels are rising

among the young, thanks perhaps to a mix of political events and "paranoid (偏执狂式的) parenting." Recent surveys suggest as many as one in five teens now suffers from clinical depression. A typical teenager today exhibits more anxiety than child psychiatric patients did in the 1950s, according to the American Psychological Association. This is driving a trend for more conservative behaviors.

G)Although there are still many teenagers today who are liberal and always seeking pleasure, I'm seeing a growing trend

away from these traits. According to government figures, recent youth rates for illegal drugs have "declined significantly," falling 25 percent in the last six years. Drinking and smoking rates are also down. Today's Conserva-teens are also more concerned about their financial future — an attitude accelerated by recent economic events. Plus, there are the looming fears of college tuition costs and the tight job market. Conserva-teens are more concerned about their financial future than prior groups. In a recent BBDO survey, U.S. teens chose financial security as their No. 1 life goal.

H)Teenagers are also proving more cautious in their purchase patterns. They are no longer the unanimously excitable

"early adopters" of youth marketing studies. Forty percent like to wait and see what other people do; they "Social Proof"

their lives. Social-Proofing (originally coined by psychologist Robert Cialdini) refers to those who look to others on how to act or what to purchase. In a tight economic climate, there are fewer buyers who want to take the risk of being ahead of everyone else in purchasing the latest in fashion or technology. In a global Microsoft survey last year called "Young Adults Revealed," just 10 percent of teens said they "like to be ahead of everybody else and try to buy the latest technology as soon as it becomes available," whereas 40 percent "like to wait and see what other people make of new technology before I buy it."

I)As for their values, there is a growing emphasis on morality and family. Three-quarters of those in the Microsoft survey

identified family as the most important thing in their lives — a far cry from the generation gap of the 1960s and 70s. In


序章 1.大学生怎样才能尽快适应大学新生活?(P2) 2.大学生提高思想道德素质和法律素质为什么要自觉学习和践行社会主义核心价值体系?(P11) 4.结合实际谈谈学习“思想道德修养与法律基础”课的意义和方法(P12) 第一章追求远大理想坚定崇高信念 1、谈谈理想信念对大学生成长成材的重要意义。(P17) 正确的理想信念可以在成长成材中给大学生正确的导向作用。 2.当遇到困难挫折时,给大学生以鼓舞和支持。3.当身处优越环境时,它对大学生应该有一个提醒作用。4.它可以让大学生在日常生活中,形成正确的人生观和价值观,树立积极的生活态度。总之,它提醒我们只有努力,端正自己的不好态度,才能创造我们幸福的生活。 2、如何认识个人理想与中国特色社会主义共同理想的关系。(P29) 3、谈谈大学生肩负的历史使命(P21) 不同时代的青年面对不同的历史课题,承担着不同的历史使命。当代大学生承担的是建设中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史使命。成为德智体美全面发展的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,是历史发展对大学生的必然要求,是党和人民的殷切期望,也是大学生需要确立的成才目标。大学培养目标所要求的德智体美方面的素质是相互联系、相互制约的统一体。德是人才素质的灵魂;智是人才素质的基础;体是人才素质的条件;美是人才素质的重要内容。大学生的全面发展,就是德智体美的全面发展,是思想道德素质、科学文化素质和健康素质的全面提高。当代大学生应努力成长为主动发展、健康发展、和谐发展的一代新人。 第二章继承爱国传统弘扬中国精神 1.中国精神的主要内容是什么,如何弘扬中国精神?(P49) 以爱国主义为核心的和以改革创新的时代精神 1.怎样继承和发扬中华民族的爱国主义优良传统?(P41) 热爱祖国、矢志不渝。刻骨铭心的爱国之情,矢志不渝的报国之志,生死不移的爱国之行,写满了中华民族的光辉史册。 天下兴亡、匹夫有责。以天下为己任,无论身居何位,都心忧天下,关心国家的命运和民生的苦乐,自觉地把个人的前途与国家的兴衰联系起来,把爱国的思想付诸实际的行动。 维护统一、反对分裂。中华民族是一个多民族的统一体,除了汉族之外,还有众多少数民族,而汉族本身也是在历史发展的过程中由许多民族融合而成的。民族团结和睦,始终是各族人民的共同心愿;维护民族团结和祖国统一,始终是各族人民的最高利益和神圣职责。 同仇敌忾、抗御外侮。中华民族爱好和平与自由,但决不容忍外来的侵略和压迫。面对外来侵略,各族人民总是团结一致,同仇敌忾,奋起反抗。 2.在经济全球化条件下为什么要弘扬爱国主义精神?(P44) 在经济全球化背景下,科学技术的发展和利用是跨国界的,商品在全世界销售,资本跨国界流动,信息得以共享,各国经济交往中需要遵循共同规则,跨国公司本土化的程度不断提高,不仅利用当地的自然资源,而且还充分利用当地的人力资源。在经济全球化的条件下,国家仍然是民族存在的最高组织形式,是国际社会活动中的独立主体。只要国家继续存在,爱国主义就有其坚实的基础和丰富的意义。我们在参与经济全球化的过程中,必须坚定地捍卫自己国家的利益,这就更需要爱国主义的支撑。 对于当代大学生来说,在如何把握经济全球化趋势与爱国主义的相互关系的问题上,需要着重树立这样一些观念。人有地域和信仰的不同,但报效祖国之心不应有差别。科学没有国界,但科学家有祖国。经济全球化过程中要始终维护国家的主权和尊严。 3.新时期的爱国主义有哪些主要内容?(P44) 如何做一个忠诚的爱国者需要在哪些方面作出努力?(P55) 新时期中华民族的爱国主义,既承接了历史上爱国主义的优良传统,又吸纳了鲜活的时代精神,内涵更加丰富。建设中国特色社会主义是新时期爱国主义的主题。在现阶段,爱国主义主要体现在弘扬民族精神与时代精神;


三基三严培训资料 一、心肺复苏部分: (一)判断心跳骤停的步骤如何:1、确认环境安全2、轻摇患者肩部, 高喊“喂,你怎么啦?”3、无意识+大动脉搏动消失(如股动脉、颈动脉)—— 诊断为心脏骤停 (二)如何检查有无呼吸:开放气道后,先将耳朵贴近患者的口鼻附近,感觉有无气息,再观察胸部有无起伏动作,最后仔细听有无气流呼出的 声音。若无上述体征可确定无呼吸,判断及评价时间不得超过10秒钟。 (三)如何畅通呼吸道:如头后仰、下颌上提 (四)急救人工呼吸时应达到什么样的标准?每次吹气必须使患者的 肺膨胀充分。 (五)口对口人工呼吸如何做:在患者气道通畅和口部张开情况下进行: ①按于前额的一手的拇指和食指捏闭患者鼻孔 ②术者深吸一口气后,张开嘴包住患者的口用力向患者口内吹气,要求吹 气时快而深,直至患者胸部上抬 ③吹气完毕后,放松捏鼻的手,再做下一次人工呼吸 ④每次吹气量为700-1000ml,吹气时暂停胸部按压 ⑤按压吹气比为15:2 (六)胸外按压的方法:掌根置于按压部位(2分),两手手指抬起(2分)。肘部绷直(2分),以髋关节为支点(2分),以肩臂力量垂直向下按压(1分); 放松时掌根部不离开胸骨定位点(2分) (七)判断按压是否有效的指征:呼吸改善或出现自主呼吸(1分);神 志昏迷变浅(1分);扩大的瞳孔再度缩小(1分);面色转红润(1分);可扪及大 动脉搏动即为胸外按压有效(1分) (八)除颤如何做:开启除颤器,在电极板上涂以导电膏(1分) (1)选择心电监护,看心电是否一条直线或室颤(2分) (2)选择非同步除颤键;(2分) (3)选择能量,第一次除颤用200J,第二次300J,第三次360J(2分)(4)按充电键充电(1分) (5)正确安放电极于胸部(心尖部、右锁骨下)(2分) (6)确定无周围人员直接或间接和患者接触(1分) (7)同时按压两个放电按钮进行电击(1分) a)使用完毕,将旋钮选至“0”位置关闭电源或继续监护(1分) 二、气管插管部分: (一)[适应证]有哪些? 各种原因所致的呼吸衰竭,需心肺复苏以及气管内麻醉者;加压给氧;防 止呕吐物分泌物流入气管及随时吸除分泌物;气道堵塞的抢救;复苏术中 及抢救新生儿窒息等。明显喉头水肿或声门及声门下狭窄者 (二)[用品]?


编号: 西北大学现代学院教案 2014 ~2015 学年度第一学期 分院(系):师资发展部 教研室:思政教学部 课程名称:思想道德修养与法律基础 课程学分:3学分 授课专业班级:广编1401——1404;摄影1401、1402; 表演1401、1402;动画1401、戏剧1401 教师姓名:徐贝琳 职称: 使用教材:《思想道德修养与法律基础》2013年版 作者及出版社:罗国杰,夏伟东(高等教育出版社)


教研室审阅意见: 教研室组长:年月日说明:1、本表原则上以每章为单位填写。2、此表后面为本次安排的授课内容的教案正文。 辅助手段 基本内容 和时间分配

第一节道德及其历史发展 一、道德名言 马丁路德:一个国家的繁荣,不取决于它的国库的殷实,不取决于它的城堡之坚固,也不取决于它的公共设施之华丽;而在于它的公民的文明素养,即在于人们所受的教育、人们的远见卓识和品格的高下。这才是真正的利害所在、真正的力量所在。康德:有两样东西,我们愈经常愈持久地加以思索,它们就愈使心灵充满始终新鲜不断增长的景仰和敬畏:在我之上的星空和居我心中的道德法则。德谟克利特:让自己完全受财富支配的人是永不能合乎公正的。狄德罗:如果道德败坏了,趣味也必然会堕落。 二、道德两难 有一群小朋友在外面玩,而那个地方有两条铁轨,一条还在使用,一条已经停用只有一个小朋友选择在停用的铁轨上玩其它的小朋友全都在仍在使用的铁轨上玩很不巧的,火车来了(而且理所当然的往上面有很多小孩的,仍在使用的铁轨上行驶)而你正站在铁轨的切换器旁,因此你能让火车转往停用的铁轨这样的话你就可以救了大多数的小朋友;但是那名在停用铁轨上的小朋友将被牺牲你会怎么办 三、人为什么需要道德人是否能离开道德而得到幸福生活(讨论) 四、我们所处的时代是否出现道德危机 1、曾经理所当然的道德/不道德行为在现代面临了质疑:要不要拾金不昧公车上要不要让座可不可以说谎 2、道德危机的表现 道德的权威危机——“偶像的黄昏” 道德规范的危机——“底线道德”的突破 道德价值的危机——道德相对主义 道德信仰的危机——道德虚无主义 五、道德及其历史发展 1、道德的语义分析: 古时候“道”和“德”是分开使用的,分别表示不同的意思。 “道”指道路、坦途。后引申为原则、规范、规律、道理等。“德”指字原义与“伐”相通,是指征伐的结果而言,由是“德”与“得”相通,讲授为主PPT展示案例引导 90分钟


思想道德修养与法律基础 绪论珍惜大学生活开拓新的境界 第一节、适应人生新阶段 ●认识与适应大学生活 1、大学生活的变化 ①学习要求②生活环境③社会活动 提高独立生活能力: ①确立独立生活意识 ②提高明辨是非的能力 ③虚心求教、细心体察 ④大胆实践、不断积累生活经验 2、更新学习理念 ①树立自主学习的理念 ②树立全面学习的理念 ③树立创新学习的理念 ④树立终身学习的理念 3、确立成才目标,塑造崭新形象 成才目标:成为德智体美全面发展的社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人 ①德是人才素质的灵魂 ②智是人才素质的基本内容 ③体是人才素质的基础 ④美是人才素质的综合体现 第二节提高思想道德素质和法律素质 ●思想道德与法律 关系。。。 ●思想道德素质与法律素质 1.思想道德素质主要包括思想政治素质和道德素质 2.法律素质是指人们学法尊法守法用法的素养和能力 第三节培育和践行社会主义核心价值观 ●社会主义核心价值观的基本内容 24字方针...... ●培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的重大意义 第四节学习“思修”课的意义和方法 ●认识学习“思想道德修养与法律基础”课的重要意义 ①有助于当代大学生认识立志、树德和做人的道理,选择正确的成才之路。 ②有助于当代大学生掌握丰富的思想道德和法律知识,为提高思想道德和法律素养打下知识基础。

③有助于当代大学生摆正“德”与“才”的位置,做到德才兼备、全面发展。 ●掌握学习“思想道德修养与法律基础”课的基本方法 ①注重学习科学理论 ②注重学习和掌握思想道德和法律修养的基本知识 ③注重联系实际 ④注重学以致用 第一章追求远大理想坚定崇高信念 第一节理想信念与大学生成长成才 ●一、理想信念的含义与特征 (一)理想的含义与特征 理想含义 理想是人们在实践中形成的、有可能实现的、对未来社会和自身发展的向往和追求,是人们世界观、人生观和价值观在奋斗目标上的集中体现。 理想特征 ①理想是人类社会实践的产物 ②理想是一定社会关系的产物 ③理想源于现实,又超越现实 ④理想是多方面的和多类型的 ⑤理想具有现实性和预见性 (二)信念的含义与特征 1.信念的定义: 信念是情感、认知和意志的有机统一体,是人们在一定的认识基础上确立的对某种思想或事物坚信不疑并身体力行的心理态度和精神状态。 2.信念的特征 信念具有高于一般知识的稳定性 信念有不同的内涵,也有不同的层次 ●二、理想信念重要意义:(*) (一)理想信念的作用: ①指引人生的奋斗目标 ②提供人生的前进动力 ③提高人生的精神境界 (二)理想信念与大学生: ④引导大学生做什么人 ⑤指引大学生走什么路 ⑥激励大学生为什么学 第二节树立科学的理想信念 ●一、认识大学生的历史使命 历史使命:建设和发展中国特色社会主义,实现中华民族伟大复兴 使命的实施: (一)在新的起点上继往开来


2015年松江区中心医院三基三严培训考核方案为了认真抓好三基三严培训考核工作,切实提高医务人员临床业务水平和整体素质,促进医院基础医疗质量的整体提升,特制定本培训考核方案: 一、培训考核对象 1、临床医技科室1969年12月31日之后出生的中级职称人员;年龄45周岁以下;具有执业医师资格的在职在岗人员(已参加过2014年区卫计委组织的三基培训考核人员除外)。听课对象:全院所有医务人员包括规培生、实习生、见习生以及进修生。每次听课授予Ⅱ类继续教育学分0.5分。同时三基培训考核出勤率情况直接与科内月度考核挂钩。 二、培训考核组织体系 为了确保2015年三基培训考核工作地有序进行,医院“三基”培训考核领导小组和工作小组,负责今年“三基”培训考核工作的组织与协调。 1、领导小组 组长:高臻 组员:朱涛徐萍朱仲庚刘君乐吉辰龚玉 2、工作小组 组长:朱涛 副组长:朱仲庚刘君 组员:乐吉辰龚玉赵迎春陈立新曹树军陈国宏 三、培训考核内容、形式和时间安排 (一)“三基”理论培训和考核 1、培训和考核内容:包括与疾病诊断、治疗有关的医学基本理论和基本知识;常见病的诊断、鉴别诊断和处理原则以及最新进展;以及针对医疗临床实践薄弱环节开展本次“三基”理论培训和考核。 2、培训和考核形式:培训形式以自学、科室业务学习为主、专题讲座为辅,考核形式为上机考试。 基本知识基本理论培训课程及考核安排

4、听课制度:本次课程共设12项专题,参训人员必须参加专题讲座,听课少于8次者视为理论考核不合格,并采用开始/结束双盖章制进行考勤,每次培训授予继续医学教育Ⅱ类学分0.5分。 (二)“三基”技能培训和考核 1、培训和考核内容:心肺复苏、腹部体格检查、神经系统体格检查、心脏体格检查。 2、培训和考核形式:培训形式以自学为主,如果需要练习,临床技能培训中心随时开放,为培训考核对象服务,集中示范为辅,考核形式为现场操作。具体安排如下:


绪论珍惜大学生活开拓新的境界 一、大学生应如何尽快适应大学新生活? 1.认识与适应大学生活。(学习要求的变化,生活环境的变化,社会活动的变化) (树立自立自强自信自律的生活意识提高明辨是非善恶的能力虚心求教,细心体察大胆实践,积累生活经验) 2.更新学习理念。(自主、全面、创新、合作、终身学习理念) 3.确立成才目标。(德是人才素质的灵魂,智是人才素质的基本内容,体是人才素质的基础,美是人才素质的综合体现)二、如何理解思想道德素质和法律素质对大学生成长成才的作用? 1.思想道德素质和法律素质是人的基本素质,体现着人们协调各种关系、处理各种问题时所表现出的是非善恶判断的能力和 行为选择的能力,是政治素养、道德品格和法律意识的综合体,决定着人们在日常生活中的行动目的和方向。 2.良好的思想道德素质是促进个体健康成长、社会发展进步的重要保障和基础。 3.良好的法律素质对于保证人们合法得实施行为,一发维护各种正当的权益,履行法定义务,弘扬社会主义法治精神,具有 重要意义。 三、为什么要将社会主义核心价值观内化于心、外化于行? 1.实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦的价值支撑; 2.协调推进“四个全面”战略布局的精神动力; 3.引导大学生进德修业成长成才的根本指针。 四、如何认识学习本课程的重要意义和基本方法 1、重要意义:有助于当代大学生认识立志、树德和做人的道理,选择正确的成才之路;有助于当代大学生掌握丰富的思想道 德和法律知识,为提高思想道德和法律素养打下知识基础;有助于当代大学生摆正“德”与“才”的位置,做到德才兼备、 全面发展。 2、基本方法:学好科学理论;掌握基本知识;注重联系实际;坚持学以致用。 第一章追求远大理想坚定崇高信念 一、谈谈理想信念对大学生成长成才的重要意义。 1.理想信念指引奋斗目标。人的理想信念,反映的是对社会和人自身发展的期望。因此,有什么样的理想信念,就意味着以 什么样的期望和方式去改造自然和社会、塑造和成就自身。只有树立起崇高的理想信念,才能够解答好人生的意义、奋斗的价值以及做什么人等重要的人生课题。 2.理想信念提供前进动力。大学时期,同学们都普遍面临着一系列人生课题,这些问题的解决,都需要有一个总的原则和目 标,这需要树立科学崇高的理想信念。大学时期确立的理想信念,对今后的人生之路产生重大影响,甚至会影响终身。3.理想信念提高精神境界。大学生只有树立崇高的理想信念,才能明确学习的目的和意义,激发起为国家富强、民族振兴和 人民幸福而发愤学习的强烈责任感与使命感,努力掌握建设祖国、服务人民的本领。 二、如何认识个人理想与中国特色社会主义共同理想的关系? 1.个人理想是指处于一定历史条件和社会关系中的个体对于自己未来的物质生活、精神生活所产生的种种向往和追求;2.社会理想是指社会集体乃至社会全体成员的共同理想,即在全社会占主导地位的共同奋斗目标; 3.个人理想与社会理想有机地联系在一起,二者相互联系、相互影响,又相互区别、相互制约; 4.社会理想规定、指引着个人理想。人是社会的人,实现理想的实践活动在社会中进行,正确的个人理想从根本上说是由正 确的社会理想规定的。同时,个人理想的实现,必须以社会理想的实现为前提和基础; 5.社会理想是对社会成员个人理想的凝练和升华。社会理想不是凭空产生或有外在力量强加的,而是建立在众人个人理想的 基础之上。社会理想的实现归根到底要靠社会成员的共同努力,并体现在个人理想的具体实践中。 三、结合自身实际,谈谈实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦历史使命中大学生肩负的责任。 1.立志当高远。青年时期是理想形成的重要时期,也是立志的关键阶段。志向高远,就是要放开眼量,不满足于现状,也不 屈服于一时一地的困难与挫折,更不要斤斤计较于个人私利的多与少、得与失。树雄心、立壮志,是关系大学生一生前途命运的重大课题。 2.立志做大事。在今天,做大事就是献身于中国特色社会主义伟大事业。新时代的大学生应该把个人命运与国家和人民的命 运联系在一起,立为国奉献之志,立为民服务之志,为祖国和人民的利益而奋斗,在实现社会理想而奋斗的过程中实现个人理想。 3.立志须躬行。漫长的征途需要一步一步地走,崇高理想的实现需要一点一滴地奋斗。通往理想的路是遥远的,但起点就在 脚下,在一切平凡的岗位上,在扎扎实实的学习和工作中。实现崇高的理想,要从我做起,从现在做起,从平凡的工作做起。 伟大出自平凡,社会需要杰出人物,更需要千千万万个普通劳动者。


“三基三严”培训记录 时间:2012 年3 月20 日地点:四楼大会议室 主持人:张如贞主讲人:孙学武 记录人:严慧参加人员:住院部全体职工 培训题目:伤口换药 培训主要内容 伤口换药 (一)操作方法 1. 先换无菌之清洁伤口,后换污染伤口; 2. 用75%酒精棉球由伤口边缘向外围拭擦,避免将伤口外细菌带入伤口内; 3. 用扭干的盐水棉球吸去伤口之渗液,轻柔祛除沉着的纤维素、坏死组织或线头; 4. 观察伤口深浅、大小、肉芽是否健康。若肉芽不健康,有坏死组织存在,需应用 适当外用药物; 5. 伤口有引流物时,应松动引流或拔除调换; 6. 粘着于皮肤的胶布痕迹应用松节油擦净; 7. 盖好消毒敷料,用胶布固定,并加以软绷带包扎; 8. 换下的敷料及脓血物应放置在另一个专盛污物的容器内; 9. 取得病人合作,解除思想顾虑,换下及脓血污物避免给病人看见,以免产生不良 影响; 10. 换好敷料后,应将伤口情况、分泌物性质和多少等详细记录; 11. 针对破伤风、气性坏疽、溶血性链球菌和绿脓杆菌感染的伤口,在换药时应穿隔 离衣,器械应严格隔离,对污染的敷料必须焚毁,以免交叉感染。 (二)注意事项 1. 工作人员必须戴好口罩、帽子。 2. 每次换药前必须洗手。 3. 取盛敷料之碗盘时,仅可托持,不允许手指接触到碗边盘口,或深入碗盘内。 4. 应有两把镊子,一把专为清洁伤口,。另一把专为递取碗盘内之消毒敷料,两者不能交替使用,以免污染。 5. 估计伤口大小和渗出多少,准备足量的敷料和药品。 “三基三严”培训记录 时间:2012 年6 月20 日地点:四楼大会议室

主持人:张如贞主讲人:孙学武 记录人:严慧参加人员:住院部全体职工 培训题目:规范医疗文书书写、防范医疗差错纠纷 培训主要内容 规范医疗文书书写、防范医疗差错纠纷 病历书写的基本原则和要求(之一) 书写者资质要求 1、首次病程录、抢救记录、术后三天的病程记录、死亡记录、医嘱记录要由执业医师书写; 2、“入院录”一般由本单位认定的具有执业资格的医师书写(包括执助); 3、手术记录由手术者书写,特殊情况下可由一助书写,但必须由手术者签名; 特殊诊疗记录由实施医师书写,特殊情况下可由一助书写,但要由实施医师审签; 4、术前小结、转出(入)记录、出院记录须由主治(科主任)或以上人员书写;术后病 程录由主治以上人员补充、修改、审签; 5、疑难危重病例讨论记录、术前讨论记录、死亡病例讨论记录应由主持人修改、补充并审签;会诊申请单要由住院总或主治审签。 病历书写的基本原则和要求(之二) 书写时间要求 1、特殊诊疗记录、术后病程记录-结束后及时书写;门诊病历即时完成,急诊病历在接 诊的同时或处置完成后及时书写 2、抢救记录—结束后6h 内具实补记(注明抢救结束时间及补记时间); 3、首次病程录—入院后8h 内完成; 4、入院录/接班记录/手术记录/死亡记录-24h 内完成; 5、主治首次查房记录及入院诊断-48h 内完成; 6、病历修改/麻醉随访记录-72h 内完成; 7、病危者根据病情变化随时书写病程记录,每天至少 1 次(记录时间具体到分钟);术后三天内每天至少 1 次病程记录; 8、病重者至少每 2 天一次病程记录; 9、病情稳定者至少每 3 天一次; 10、病情稳定的慢性病或恢复期者至少每 5 天一次


绪论、第一章“人生的青春之问”练习题 一、单项选择题(下列每题给出的备选项中,只有一个选项符合要求) 1、“人的本质不是单个人所固有的抽象物,在其现实性上,它是一切社会关系的总和。” 这句话说明() A.自然属性是人的本质属性 B.社会属性是人的本质属性 C.自然属性和社会属性都是人的本质属性 D.自然属性和社会属性都不是人的本质属性 2、人生观主要内容的三个方面相互联系、相辅相成,其中,人生观的核心是() A.人生目的 B.人生态度 C.人生价值 D.人生信仰) 3、人生观主要内容的三个方面相互联系、相辅相成,其中,人生观的表现和反映是( ) A.人生目的 B.人生态度 C.人生价值 D.人生信仰 [ 4、人生态度属于人生观的范畴,是指( A.人生实践活动的总目标 B.人的生活实践对于社会和个人所具有的作用和意义 C.人们在实践中形成的对于人生目的和意义的根本看法 D.人们通过生活实践形成的对人生问题的一种稳定的心理倾向和基本意愿 5、人生价值属于人生观的范畴,是指( A.人生实践活动的总目标 B.人们在实践中形成的对于人生目的和意义的根本看法 C.人的生活实践对于社会和个人所具有的作用和意义 D.人们通过生活实践形成的对人生问题的一种稳定的心理倾向和基本意愿 6、在人类历史长河中涌现过形形色色的人生观,但对于当代大学生来说,值得终身践行的科学而高尚的人生观是() A.享乐主义的人生观 B.拜金主义的人生观 · C.极端个人主义的人生观 D.为人民服务的人生观 ) 7、爱因斯坦说:“一个人对社会的价值,首先取决于他的感情、思想和行动对增进人类利益有多大作用,而不应看他取得什么。”这意味着在人生价值中()

2015版思想道德修养与法律基础 第四章教案

第四章学习道德理论注重道德实践 一、授课学时:5学时 二、教学目的: 学习有关道德的理论知识及其历史发展过程,明确中华民族优良道德传统,全面把握社会主义道德体系,自觉加强社会主义道德修养。 三、重点:①为什么在发展社会主义市场经济中要加强社会主义道德建设。②为什么在社会主义市场经济条件下要坚持社会主义道德的核心与原则。③诚信及大学生的诚信道德建设问题。 四、难点::①为什么在发展社会主义市场经济中要加强社会主义道德建设。②为什么在社会主义市场经济条件下要坚持社会主义道德的核心与原则。 五、教具或电教设备:多媒体 六、自学内容:无 七、相关学科知识:思想政治教育学伦理学 八、教学法:讲授法为主,讨论法、案例法为辅 九、讲授内容纲要、要求及时间分配 回顾与衔接:(5分钟) 上学期所讲内容。(互动)与本学期学习内容的联系。 导入语:(5分钟) 人生于世,谁都想拥有一个幸福、美满、有价值的人生,这不仅需要人们对人生有正确的观念、对价值有正确的评判,而且还需要掌握一些必要的生存智慧。在社会生活中的每个人都有自己的要求,同时又不得不受到社会的政治、法律、伦理的支配和约束。为了使人真正成为人,社会成为真正的理性社会,就必须有道德的自觉规范。作为社会调控体系的重要手段,伦理道德与法律规定共同构成人们的行为规范内容。本章的主要目的是帮助同学们树立正确的道德观。 道德在我们的生活中处处皆见,人人都知道道德,可并非人人都说得清道德是怎么回事。比如说:道德是怎么产生的?它到底有什么用?讲道德有什么好处?不讲道德会有什么样的后果?有些行为的善恶为什么人们众说纷纭?有些时候为什么不是“善有善报,恶有恶报”?……同学们可能有着许多的疑问,那么我们就带着问题来一起探讨这些问题吧。 第一节道德及其历史发展 道德现象反思-------------------------------------10分钟 在我们已经成为世界第二他经济体的国度,在物质日益丰裕,初步跃升至“中上等收入国家”行列之时,精神何求?生活以至生命的意义与价值何在?道德是什么?人为什么要有道德? 一、道德的起源与本质--------------------------------------------25分钟 1、道德的词源解释。从词源的解释了解道德起源。--------------------2分钟 2、道德的起源(视频:道德起源)----------------------------------8分钟 道德作为一种社会现象,其产生有多方面的条件。 首先,社会关系的形成是道德赖以产生的客观条件。道德是社会关系的产物,只有形成了人与人、人与社会之间的相互关系,才会产生道德。 其次,人类自我意识的形成与发展是道德产生的主观条件。当人们意识到自己作为社会成员与其他动物的根本区别,意识到自己与他人或集体的不同利益关系以及产生了调节利益矛盾的迫切要求时,道


第一章坚定科学的理想信念 重点提示 一、理想信念的内涵及对大学生成长成才的重要意义 理想是人们在实践中形成的、有可能实现的、对未来社会和自身发展的向往与追求,是人们的世界观、人生观和价值观在奋斗目标上的集中体现。信念是认知、情感和一直的有机统一体,是人们在一定的认识基础上确立的对某种思想或事物坚信不疑并身体力行的心理态度和精神状态。 理想信念对人生发展有很重要的作用:(1)指引人生的奋斗目标;(2)提供人生的前进动力;(3)提高人生的精神境界 理想信念对大学生成长成才具有重要的意义主要表现在:(1)理想信念引导大学生做什么人;(2)指引大学生走什么路;(3)激励大学生为什么学。 二、确立马克思主义的科学信仰 马克思主义指导思想是社会主义核心价值体系的灵魂,建设社会主义核心价值体系,最根本的是坚持马克思主义的指导地位。坚定马克思主义的科学信仰是因为:1.马克思主义是科学的又是崇高的。马克思主义是科学性、革命性和崇高性相统一的思想体系,是工人阶级和人民群众争取自身解放的理论指南。 2.马克思主义具有持久的生命力。马克思主义具有与时俱进的理论品格和持久的生命力,马克思主义发展史就是一部不断发展、完善和创新的历史。 3.马克思主义以改造世界为己任。马克思主义是认识世界、改造世界的科学理论。 马克思主义关于人类社会必然走向共产主义的基本原理,是建立在对人类社会发展规律正确认识的基础上的科学预见。因此,必须坚定马克思主义的科学信仰。 三、树立中国特色社会主义共同理想 1.中国特色社会主义共同理想是社会主义核心价值体系的主题。 2.当代大学生要正确认识社会发展规律,正确认识国家的前途命运,正确认识自己的社会责任,确立在中国共产党领导下走中国特色社会主义道路、为实现中华民族伟大复兴而奋斗的共同理想和坚定信念。 3.当代青年树立中国特色社会主义的共同理想要:坚定对中国共产党的信任,坚定走中国特色社会主义道路的信念,坚定实现中华民族伟大复兴的信心。 四、在实践中化理想为现实 1.正确认识理想与现实的关系是实现理想的思想基础。人们在确立理想和追求理想的过程中,常常会感受到理想与现实的矛盾;大学生来也容易对理想与现实的矛盾产生困惑。这就需要正确认识和把握理想与现实的关系。 2.坚定的信念是实现理想的重要条件。追求理想需要有执着的信念,当代大学生要努力学习马克思主义理论,坚定科学崇高的理想信念,树立起为国家和民族的社会理想而献身的精神,不断磨练自己的意志和毅力,在追求理想的过程中进一步坚定理想信念。 3.勇于实践、艰苦奋斗是实现理想的根本途径。理想必须通过实践才能转变为现实。


思修2015年修订版 绪论珍惜大学生活开拓新的境界 1、如何尽快适应大学生活P3 2、我们应树立怎样的学习理念P4 3、思想道德与法律P7 思想道德素质与法律素质P8 4、认识当代大学生的历史使命P5 5、社会主义核心价值观的基本内容P9 培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的重大意义P11 (“四个方面”战略布局) 6、学习本课程的重要意义P13 7、本课的学习内容P15 第一章追求远大理想坚定崇尚信念 1、理想的含义与特征P17-18 2、信念的含义与特征P18 3、理想信念的重要意义P20-21 4、大学生的历史使命P22 5、确立马克思主义的科学信仰P23-24 6、树立中国特色社会主义共同理想P25-27 7、正确理解理想与现实的关系P28-31(艰苦奋斗) 8、坚持个人理想与社会理想的统一P32-33 9、在实现中国梦的实践中放飞青春理想P34-35 第二章弘扬中国精神共筑精神家园 1、重精神是中华民族的优秀传统P37 (重视并崇尚精神生活) 2、中国精神是兴国强国之魂P40 3、中国精神是民族精神与时代精神的统一P41 4、民族精神的基本内容P42-43 5、爱国主义的科学内涵P44-45 (归属感、认同感、尊严感与荣誉感的统一、 道德要求、政治原则和法律规范) 6、爱国主义的时代价值P46-47 7、国的内涵P44 8、爱国主义与经济全球化P48-50 (爱国主义与爱社会主义、爱国主义与拥护 祖国统一) 9、做忠诚的爱国者P52-56 (国家安全、总体国家安全观P56) 10、以改革创新为核心的时代精神P57-63 第三章领悟人生真谛创造人生价值 1、马克思指出:“人的本质不是单个人所固有的抽象物,在其现实性上,它是 一切社会关系的总和。”具体理解P66


“三基三严”培训记录 “三基三严”培训记录 时间:2017年3月20日 地点: 主持人: 主讲人: 记录人: 参加人员: 培训题目:伤口换药 培训主要内容 伤口换药 (一)操作方法 1.先换无菌之清洁伤口,后换污染伤口; 2.用75%酒精棉球由伤口边缘向外围拭擦,避免将伤口外细菌带入伤口内; 3.用扭干的盐水棉球吸去伤口之渗液,轻柔祛除沉着的纤维素、坏死组织或线头; 4.观察伤口深浅、大小、肉芽是否健康。若肉芽不健康,有坏死组织存在,需应用适当外用药物; 5.伤口有引流物时,应松动引流或拔除调换; 6.粘着于皮肤的胶布痕迹应用松节油擦净; 7.盖好消毒敷料,用胶布固定,并加以软绷带包扎; 8.换下的敷料及脓血物应放置在另一个专盛污物的容器内; 9.取得病人合作,解除思想顾虑,换下及脓血污物避免给病人看见,以免产生不良影响; 10.换好敷料后,应将伤口情况、分泌物性质和多少等详细记录; 11.针对破伤风、气性坏疽、溶血性链球菌和绿脓杆菌感染的伤口,在换药时应穿隔离衣,器械应严格隔离,对污染的敷料必须焚毁,以免交叉感染。 (二)注意事项 1.工作人员必须戴好口罩、帽子。 2.每次换药前必须洗手。 3.取盛敷料之碗盘时,仅可托持,不允许手指接触到碗边盘口,或深入碗盘内。 4.应有两把镊子,一把专为清洁伤口,。另一把专为递取碗盘内之消毒敷料,两者不能交替使用,以免污染。 5.估计伤口大小和渗出多少,准备足量的敷料和药品。 时间:2017年6月20日 地点: 主持人: 主讲人: 记录人: 参加人员: 培训题目:规范医疗文书书写?、防范医疗差错纠纷

培训主要内容 规范医疗文书书写?、防范医疗差错纠纷 ??病历书写的基本原则和要求(之一)? ?????????????????????????????书写者资质要求? 1、首次病程录、抢救记录、术后三天的病程记录、死亡记录、医嘱记录要由执业医师书写;? 2、“入院录”一般由本单位认定的具有执业资格的医师书写(包括执助); 3、手术记录由手术者书写,特殊情况下可由一助书写,但必须由手术者签名;特殊诊疗记录由实施医师书写,特殊情况下可由一助书写,但要由实施医师审签;? 4、术前小结、转出(入)记录、出院记录须由主治(科主任)或以上人员书写;术后病程录由主治以上人员补充、修改、审签;? 5、疑难危重病例讨论记录、术前讨论记录、死亡病例讨论记录?应由主持人修改、补充并审签;会诊申请单要由住院总或主治审签。? 病历书写的基本原则和要求(之二) 书写时间要求? 1、特殊诊疗记录、术后病程记录-结束后及时书写;门诊病历即时完成,急诊病历在接诊的同时或处置完成后及时书写? 2、抢救记录—结束后6h内具实补记(注明抢救结束时间及补记时间);? 3、首次病程录—入院后8h内完成;? 4、入院录/接班记录/手术记录/死亡记录-24h内完成; 5、主治首次查房记录及入院诊断-48h内完成;? 6、病历修改/麻醉随访记录-72h内完成; 7、病危者根据病情变化随时书写病程记录,每天至少1次(记录时间具体到分钟);术后三天内每天至少1次病程记录;? 8、病重者至少每2天一次病程记录; 9、病情稳定者至少每3天一次;? 10、病情稳定的慢性病或恢复期者至少每5天一次?


三基三严培训资料 一、输血知识 (一)申请输血前填写《临床输血申请单》应由谁负责签字核准? 由主治医师核准签字 (二)决定输血治疗前应该注意什么事项? 1经治医师应向患者或其家属说明输同种异体血的不良反应和经血传播疾病的可能性,征得患者或家属的同意,并在《输血治疗同意书》上签字。《输血治疗同意书》入病历。无家属签字的无自主意识患者的紧急输血,应报医院职能部门或主管领导同意、备案,并记入病历。 2对于Rh(D)阴性和其他稀有血型患者,应采用自身输血、同型输血或配合型输血。 3 输血前由两名医护人员核对交叉配血报告单及血袋标签各项内容,检查血袋有无破损渗漏,血液颜色是否正 常。准确无误方可输血。 (三)如出现异常情况如何及时处理: 1.减慢或停止输血,用静脉注射生理盐水维持静脉通路; 2.立即通知值班工程师和输血科(血库)值班人员,及时检查、治疗和抢救,并查找原因,做好记录。 (四)疑为溶血性或细菌污染性输血反应,如何办? 应立即停止输血,用静脉注射生理盐水维护静脉通路,及时报告上级医师,在积极治疗抢救的同时,做以下核对检查: 1.核对用血申请单、血袋标签、交叉配血试验记录; 2.核对受血者及供血者ABO血型、Rh(D)血型。用保存于冰箱中的受血者与供血者血样、新采集的受血者血样、血袋中血样,重测ABO血型、RH(D)血型、不规则抗体筛选及交叉配血试验(包括盐水相和非盐水相试验); 3.立即抽取受血者血液加肝素抗凝剂,分离血浆,观察血浆颜色,测定血浆游离血红蛋白含量; 4.立即抽取受血者血液,检测血清胆红素含量、血浆游离血红蛋白含量、血浆结合珠蛋白测定、直接抗人球蛋白试验并检测相关抗体效价,如发现特殊抗体,应作进一步鉴定: 5.如怀疑细菌污染性输血反应,抽取血袋中血液做细菌学检验; 6.尽早检测血常规、尿常规及尿血红蛋白; 7.必要时,溶血反应发生后5-7小时测血清胆红素含量。 (五)输血的指征如何掌握: A 浓缩红细胞 用于需要提高血液携氧能力,血容量基本政常或低血容量已被纠正的患者。低血容量患者可配晶体液或胶体液应用。 1 血红蛋白<70g/L,应考虑输。 2 血红蛋白在70~100g/L 之间,根据患者的贫血程度、心肺代偿功能、有无代谢率增高以及年龄等因素决定。 B血小板 用于患者血小板数量减少或功能异常伴有出血倾向或表现。 1.血小板计数>100×109/L,可以不输。 2.血小板计数<50×109/L,应考虑输。 3.血小板计数在50~100×109/L之间,应根据是否有自发性出血或伤口渗血决定。 4.如术中出现不可控渗血,确定血小板功能低下,输血小板不受上述限制。 C新鲜冰冻血浆(FFP) 用于凝血因子缺乏的患者。


第一节继承和弘扬优良道德传统;人类道德的发展具有其内在的规律性,是在继承和弘扬; 一、继承和弘扬中华民族优良道德传统的重大意义;传统似江河之水,又似生命之流,它是一个民族世代积; 1、继承和弘扬中华民族优良道德传统是社会主义现代; 2、继承和弘扬中华民族优良道德传统是加强社会主义; 3、继承和弘扬中华民族优良道德传统是个人健康成长;二、中华民族优良道德传统的主要内容 第一节继承和xx优良xx传统 人类道德的发展具有其内在的规律性,是在继承和弘扬优良道德传统的基础上不断发展和进步的。要以马克思主义为指导,紧密结合新的实际。继承和弘扬中华民族的优良道德传统,推进中国特色社会主义道德建设。 一、继承和弘扬中华民族优良道德传统的重大意义 传统似江河之水,又似生命之流,它是一个民族世代积累下来的相对稳定的历史经验。虽然其中也有落后保守的成分,但其精华部分,往往凝聚着一个民族的智慧和力量,成为一个民族迎接新的挑战的内在精神动力。中国有五千多年的文明史,道德资源十分丰厚。中国传统道德是历史上不同时代人们的行为方式、风俗习惯、价值观念和文化心理的体现,是中国古代思想家对中华民族道德实践经验的总结、提炼和概括。今天,继承和弘扬中华民族优良道德传统,具有重大的现实意义。 1、继承和弘扬中华民族优良道德传统是社会主义现代化建设的客观需要。在实现现代化的过程中,任何一个国家都面临着如何对待传统文化和传统道德的问题。世界各国都有各自的历史和文化道德传统,这是他们在实现现代化过程中能否保持自己的特色,走出自己道路的重要基础。世界各国现代化的实践充分说明,现代化的模式可以是多种多样,但都不能推理自身的民族性。中国现代化进程,如果离开民族优良道德传统的继承和弘扬,就会失去历史的基


2015年三基三严培训内容 一、心肺复苏部分: (一)判断心跳骤停的步骤如何: 1、确认环境安全 2、轻摇患者肩部,高喊“喂,你怎么啦?” 3、无意识+大动脉搏动消失(如股动脉、颈动脉)——诊断为心脏骤停 (二)如何检查有无呼吸:开放气道后,先将耳朵贴近患者的口鼻附近,感觉有无气息,再观察胸部有无起伏动作,最后仔细听有无气流呼出的声音。若无上述体征可确定无呼吸,判断及评价时间不得超过10秒钟。 (三)如何畅通呼吸道:如头后仰、下颌上提 (四)急救人工呼吸时应达到什么样的标准?每次吹气必须使患者的肺膨胀充分。 (五)口对口人工呼吸如何做:在患者气道通畅和口部张开情况下进行:①按于前额的一手的拇指和食指捏闭患者鼻孔②术者深吸一口气后,张开嘴包住患者的口用力向患者口内吹气,要求吹气时快而深,直至患者胸部上抬③吹气完毕后,放松捏鼻的手,再做下一次人工呼吸④每次吹气量为700-1000ml,吹气时暂停胸部按压⑤按压吹气比为15:2 (六)胸外按压的方法:掌根置于按压部位(2分),两手手指抬起(2分)。肘部绷直(2分),以髋关节为支点(2分),以肩臂力量垂直向下

按压(1分);放松时掌根部不离开胸骨定位点(2分) (七)判断按压是否有效的指征:呼吸改善或出现自主呼吸(1分);神志昏迷变浅(1分);扩大的瞳孔再度缩小(1分);面色转红润(1分);可扪及大动脉搏动即为胸外按压有效(1分) (八)除颤如何做:开启除颤器,在电极板上涂以导电膏(1分)(1)选择心电监护,看心电是否一条直线或室颤(2分) (2)选择非同步除颤键;(2分) (3)选择能量,第一次除颤用200J,第二次300J,第三次360J (2分) (4)按充电键充电(1分) (5)正确安放电极于胸部(心尖部、右锁骨下)(2分) (6)确定无周围人员直接或间接和患者接触(1分) (7)同时按压两个放电按钮进行电击(1分)a)使用完毕,将旋钮选至“0”位置关闭电源或继续监护(1分) 二、气管插管部分: (一)[适应证]有哪些?各种原因所致的呼吸衰竭,需心肺复苏以及气管内麻醉者;加压给氧;防止呕吐物分泌物流入气管及随时吸除分泌物;气道堵塞的抢救;复苏术中及抢救新生儿窒息等。明显喉头水肿或声门及声门下狭窄者 (二)[用品]?麻醉喉镜、气管导管、气管导管衔接管、牙垫、导管管芯、吸痰管、注射器以及供给正压通气的呼吸器及氧气等。(三)[方法]?


2015年松江区中心医院三基三严培训考核方案 为了认真抓好三基三严培训考核工作,切实提高医务人员临床业务水平和整体素质,促进医院基础医疗质量的整体提升,特制定本培训考核方案: 一、培训考核对象 1、临床医技科室1969年12月31日之后出生的中级职称人员;年龄45周岁以下;具有执业医师资格的在职在岗人员(已参加过2014年区卫计委组织的三基培训考核人员除外)。听课对象:全院所有医务人员包括规培生、实习生、见习生以及进修生。每次听课授予Ⅱ类继续教育学分0.5分。同时三基培训考核出勤率情况直接与科内月度考核挂钩。 二、培训考核组织体系 为了确保2015年三基培训考核工作地有序进行,医院“三基”培训考核领导小组和工作小组,负责今年“三基”培训考核工作的组织与协调。 1、领导小组 组长:高臻 组员:朱涛徐萍朱仲庚刘君乐吉辰龚玉 2、工作小组 组长:朱涛 副组长:朱仲庚刘君 组员:乐吉辰龚玉赵迎春陈立新曹树军陈国宏 三、培训考核内容、形式和时间安排 (一)“三基”理论培训和考核 1、培训和考核内容:包括与疾病诊断、治疗有关的医学基本理论和基本知识;常见病的诊断、鉴别诊断和处理原则以及最新进展;以及针对医疗临床实践薄弱环节开展本次“三基”理论培训和考核。 2、培训和考核形式:培训形式以自学、科室业务学习为主、专题讲座为辅,考核形式为上机考试。 基本知识基本理论培训课程及考核安排

备注:具体内容和时间安排可能会有所变动,请以实际通知为准。 4、听课制度:本次课程共设12项专题,参训人员必须参加专题讲座,听课少于8次者视为理论考核不合格,并采用开始/结束双盖章制进行考勤,每次培训授予继续医学教育Ⅱ类学分0.5分。 (二)“三基”技能培训和考核 1、培训和考核内容:心肺复苏、腹部体格检查、神经系统体格检查、心脏体格检查。 2、培训和考核形式:培训形式以自学为主,如果需要练习,临床技能培训中心随时开放,为培训考核对象服务,集中示范为辅,考核形式为现场操作。具体安排如下:


“三基三严”培训与考核管理记录本科室 年度 目录 1.“三基三严”培训与考核制度 2.“三基三严”培训计划 3.“三基三严”培训内容记录表 4.“三基三严”考核情况记录表 5.“三基三严”培训与考核季度分析与总结

“三基三严”培训与考核制度 1 目的 为进一步加强医师“三基三严”(三基即:基础理论、基本知识、基本技能;“三严”即:严格要求、严密组织、严谨态度)的培训考核,使“三基三严”培训工作制度化、常规化和规范化,保证和巩固医疗基础,提高医疗卫生服务质量,保障医疗安全,特制定本制度。 2 范围 全员各级质量管理组织 3 内容 3.1 基本原则: 层次性原则、实用性原则、加强基本功训练原则、更新知识原则和理论与临床实践相结合的原则。 3.2 组织领导 以主管院长作为组织领导,由医务科具体负责院级培训、考核工作的组织管理;临床、医技等科室成立由科主任担任科室培训考核小组组长、具体负责科室培训考核工作。医务科要制定具体考核管理办法和年度培训考核计划。各科室也要制定出本科室、本专业相应的“三基”培训计划。 3.3 培训对象 主治医师及以下职称人员。 3.4 培训形式 3.4.1 科内每月组织一次专题授课。 3.4.2 医务科每季组织一次专题授课。 3.4.3 带教老师演示,带教。 3.4.4 个人自学(医院为医师配备《医学临床“三基”训练》书一册,随时自学)。 3.5 培训内容 3.5.1 以最新版通用《医学临床“三基”训练》一书为主要培训教材; 3.5.2 其它相关材料。 3.6 考试对象及内容 3.6.1 考试频率:医院组织考试每年总次数不少于2次,科室组织考试原则上每月1次,

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