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1-5 cdbba 6-10 cadda 11-15 abcdc

16-25 (one possible version)

16. a 17. inviting18. heavily 19. however 20. until 21. from

22.became23. they 24. better25. as

26-30 bddbd 31-35 dbbca 36-40 dcccc 41-45 abdca

46-50 cbafe

基础写作 (one possible version)


dear students,

we will organize an after-class activity with the theme of making a brief introduction to the development of english

plays in our school’s m eeting room at 4:30 pm this friday.

first, professor li wenhua from guangzhou university will be invited to give us a speech on this topic, and then we will watch a video clip from the play hamlet written by shakespeare. finally, we will have a15-minute interaction between professor li and students, during which students are free to ask any question.

the activity we organize is to help us with a better understanding of english plays as well as a better life in our school culture. so all our teachers and students are welcome

to the activity!

the students’ union

读写任务 (one possible version)

the author tells us what he saw and did at a common gas station. inspired by the good deeds after surfing the internet, he finally helped the young disabled girl with his donation.

i speak highly of the author, especially his mental change from refusing the girl to offering his help.

the touching story reminds me of the most terrible wenchuan earthquake in 2008. during those days, we learned in the newspapers or on tv that there was one rescue after another and many students were in great need of help. our class immediately took action to collect money and clothing. 4,500 students in our school offered to go

to the disaster area to help the students. within a short time of three days, we finally donated nearly 26,000 yuan and 7,000 articles of clothing.

from the above donation, i have come to understand that we will feel happy and proud of ourselves, if we can do our best to help those people in trouble.



1-5 bbaac 6-10 bbcbb 11-15 cbbcc


16-20 (one possible version)

16. first story 17. 1968

19. 1420. 2013 18. highest







1. b。根据上下文可知,该句的意思为“ 在外表,大小和材料上,


2. d。根据前面...after a careful observation, 可知学生是在这些


3. d。根据下文...the student 4 the needle in one hole of the

first toy. the needle came out from the other ear.可知,第一个玩具的两只“耳朵”都有洞,故选d。

4. a。根据句意“在针的帮助下,学生把针“放到”第一个玩具的一只


5. b。由第一段the second, one hole in one ear and the other one in the mouth 可知,第二个玩具的一只耳朵和嘴巴都有一个洞,因此针从一只耳朵放进去后,会从“嘴巴”出来,故选b。

6. d。根据上下文,此处是说“第一个玩具象征……的人”,stand

for 意为“象征”,故选 d。

7. c。耳朵(ear)代表着“听”(listen), 而且从后面的“after listening...”可知,选c。

8. b。因为这个玩具两只耳朵都有洞,所以应理解为“这类人假装听



9. c。根据句意“因此你跟这种人说话的时候要很‘小心(careful)’,因


10. a。根据第9题的解释,此处应填actually“实际上”。

11. c。根据第三段第一句提供的线索...who make an impression that...可知此处填impression。

12. d。根据上下文,都在用玩具 (toy) 做例子,故选d。

13. d。这些人会利用你对他们所说的话去伤害你,把它告诉别人,


14. c。见第13题分析。

15. b。这类人会保持你对他们的信任 (trust),故选b。




16. whose。考查关系代词。分析句子成分可知,该句是定语从句,先行词是a wallet,其和color构成所属关系,即“钱包的颜色”,故


17. a。考查冠词。不定冠词a在此是泛指意义,表示“一名”女生。

18. trying。考查非谓语动词。动词现在分词在此做伴随状语,补充

说明“opened the wallet” 的目的。

19. but。考查介词。根据句意“在钱包里除了找到300元钱和一张


20. worried。考查词性转化。根据前面的动词feel可知,该处用worry的形容词形式;又因是人做主语,故用过去分词形式的形容词worried,表示“担忧的”。

21. what。考查连接代词。根据句意“想知道如何处理它”,可知填what。what to do with sth相当于how to deal with sth,意为“如


22. her。考查代词。her指代前文提到的my classmate chen yang。

23. wrote。查考动词时态。叙述过去发生的事,故用一般过去时态。

24. that。考查连词。分析句子成分可知,该句是一个强调句,被强

调部分是at 6 o’clock this afternoon,故用连词that。

25. thankful。考查词性转化。be thankful for sth意为“对……感激”。


a 赛场上的最后两分钟,一切皆有可能。casey沉着冷静,连续两


26. b。推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“if i never have to touch the ball, we’ll win the game.”可知,只要坚持最后两分钟,casey


27. d。细节理解题。根据第二、三段内容可知,casey当时盯着的


28. c。细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“as the ball hit her fingertips and flew past”可知,casey没能抓住球。

29. d。推理判断题。根据第一段可知,只要casey队能坚持两分钟



30. b。文章标题题。文章主要叙述casey在最后两分钟成功地救了

一球,使全队最终胜利。故“a nice save”是最佳标题。

b 复活节可以怎么过?本文给你一些复活节可以玩的小游戏。

31. a。词义猜测题。根据第一句中“a few good ideas”及下文的内容可知,这是复活节所玩的受人欢迎的小游戏,故选a项。hit意思是“很受欢迎的人或事物”。



1-5 acdab6-10 dcbac

11-15 cadaa 16-20 bcddc

21-25 bacbd 26-30 acdbb

31-35 cabdb36-40 acdda

41-45 cbbcd46-50 ddbdb

51. stands / stood an old temple

52. if (it is) necessary

53. did he feel about

54. it makes no difference

55. will i forget

56. are being cut down

57. can he catch

58. (should) defend their country

59. accused of

60. have i heard from him

one possible version:

we often see some people beg for money from passers-by in the streets. they give various explanations for their situations.

but i think there are many ways which can help them out, and that they don’t have to do like that. my neighbour, mr. wang

sets us a good example.

a high fever disabled him when he was just 3, making him deaf and dumb. he lived a poor life in a remote village. someone asked him to live by begging in the big cities. but he shook his head firmly. at ten, he decided to learn how to make bamboo baskets by hand and he worked hard day and night. years have passed, now he can weave baskets of all shapes. although he can’t hear or speak, he supports his family by making and selling baskets in the cities.

we are sure to overcome all kinds of difficulties as long as we work hard.



1. a。题意为:工程必须在这个月之内完工,为了按时完成任务,我们不得不夜以继日地工作。meet the deadline赶上最后期限;在截


2. c。题意为:法国人用牛奶和羊奶做出了很多品种的奶酪,比如布里干酪和卡门培尔奶酪。variety品种,变种,变体;section部分,节;case情况,案例;label标签,标记。

3. d。题意为:想让孩子们上这所小学的家长们必须在2015年1月15日前递交你们的申请。submit递交,呈递;approve赞成,认可,批准;publish出版,发行,发表;assess评估,评定。

4. a。题意为:这个植物园将定期在它的官网上更新不同花卉的盛开时间,使得游客们参观更加方便。update更新;acquire获得,取得;poison毒害,使中毒;process加工,处理。

5. b。题意为:销量在冬季的几个月里总是下降,这让我们的经理很

忧虑。他已经让我们提出一些好的解决办法。fall off减少;take off (飞机)起飞;pay off使得到好处,成功;come off举行,进行,成功。

6. d。题意为:全世界的人们都在讲英语,但是人们带有不同的口音,这取决于他们来自什么地方。depend on依靠,依赖,靠??决定,取决于;rely on依靠,依赖;live on靠??生活;concentrate on集中精力于,全神贯注于。

7. c。题意为:那些课程对道路安全作出了重要贡献,并且在减少交通事故方面所做的工作也是值得赞赏的。admirable值得赞扬的,令人钦佩的;complex复杂的;unbearable难以忍受的,不能容忍的;temporary暂时的,临时的。

8. b。题意为:转基因食品对于中国人而言仍然是一个很有争议的



9. a。题意为:根据警方的调查,没有迹象表明有人故意纵火,它只是一个意外。deliberately故意地,人为地;firmly坚固地,稳定地;technically技术上,工艺上;tightly紧地,牢牢地。

10. c。题意为:尽管我们时间真的很紧迫,但是直到所有的准备工

作都安排妥当我们才会开始这项计划。in place在适当的位置,准备妥当;in essence本质上;in need在危难中,有需要;in turn轮流,依次。




11. c。该空的前后两句是转折关系,故填however。

12. a。由该段内容可知,这里是说学生们必须“吃(eat)”学校为他们提供的午餐。

13. d。总览全文可知,本文讲述的就是学校应该允许学生到校外享用午餐。结合最后一段中的the school should let students go outside for lunch可知应填allowing。

14. a。由下文的the school can use the money saved for ... sports equipment or new books可知,省下来的钱可以用来“资助(support)”更多的学校项目。

15. a。由上文的school lunches are subsidized by the government可知,学校午餐是由政府补贴的,所以才会卖得“便宜(cheaply)”。

16. b。由上文内容可知,这里是在谈论学校的“午餐(lunch)”补助项目。

17. c。由下文的sports equipment or new books可知,学校可以利用省下来的钱购买体育器材或是图书等“不同的(different)”东西。

18. d。由上文的if students are able to have lunch outside of the school可知,如果学生们可以外出享用午餐,他们将会获得更多的“阅历(experiences)”,也将更加了解这个真实的世界。

19. d。如果学生们每天都在学校食堂里排队吃饭,他们就没有“机会(chance)”融入更广阔的社会中去。

20. c。学生们应该知道当他们独立生活的时候会面对哪些问题,“尤其是(especially)”那些即将毕业的学生。

21. b。外出就餐使他们有可能更多地“了解(learn)”外面的世界。

22. a。本段主要讲述了学校给予学生信任的重要性,故填important。

23. c。由下文的teens race outside and back to school at the expected time可知,这里是说:学生们应该得到足够的信任,即:他们外出吃饭后会按时“返回(return)”。

24. b。由下文的they’re worried that something ... might

happen to child


25. d。由上文相关内容可知,这里是说“意料之外的(unexpected)”事情。

26. a。由especially if teens race ... at the expected time可知,


27. c。学生们现在已经足够“大(old)”了,他们能够对自己的行


28. d。这里是说孩子们都已经明白了“遵守(follow)”交通规则的


29. b。总览全文可知,本段是文章的结论部分,所以此处填in short。

30. b。允许学生外出享用午餐会给学生一种“自由(freedom)”感。



本文是记叙文。文章主要向我们介绍了美国历史上著名的人物——alfred carlton gilbert。

31. c。细节理解题。gilbert在十二岁时为他的朋友们成立了一个体





32. a。推理判断题。由第三段内容可知,那些起初试图禁止gilbert




33. b。推理判断题。由第二段中的gilbert broke the world

record ... at the olympic games in 1908可知他是一位有名的运动员;由最后一段中的his company made and sold the sets和he had 150 patents for his many inventions可知,他也是一位商人


34. d。标题归纳题。本文主要向我们介绍了美国历史上著名的人物——alfred carlton gilbert,他是一位了不起的运动员,也是一位伟





35. b。细节理解题。由第一段内容可知,作者受邀为大家唱歌,结


36. a。推理判断题。由第二段中的there was a support group for kids with disabilities ... to just sit around and complain all the time可知,作者和她的朋友们成立剧团的目的是为了做一些可以使


37. c。推理判断题。由该句后面的because i’m not used to having total freedom ... by both physical and parental restrictions可知,作者一直受制于身体缺陷和父母的监管这两方面


38. d。推理判断题。总览全文可知,作者通过发掘自己善于唱歌的





39. d。细节理解题。由第一段中的being an electronic form of currency, bitcoins are digital and virtual可知d项说法正确。

40. a。推理判断题。由第一段中的bitcoins are digital and virtual

和第二段中的people compete to “mine” bitcoins using computers to solve complex math puzzles可知,比特币的“开采”其实就是通过计算机来解决数学难题的过程,因为比特币是一种虚


41. c。段落大意题。由第三段中的bitcoin transactions,

bitcoins are stored in a “digital wallet”和marketplaces called “bitcoin exchanges”等信息可知,本段主要介绍了比特币是如何交


42. b。推理判断题。由最后一段中的take this to heart: its value

is not backed by anything real ... just think twice before you

start putting bitcoins in your virtual wallet可知,作者认为持有





43. b。细节理解题。由第三段中的the rosslyn bid really wants

to change the impression that people have of rosslyn ...

outside of being a business center可知,the rosslyn bid希望户外电影节能为rosslyn这一地区带来一丝新气息,即:除了作为商


44. c。段落大意题。本段主要介绍了the noma bid这一地区的一

个户外电影院the noma summer screen,故选C项。

45. d。词义猜测题。由该词后面lua cherbakov所说的话可知,户



46. d。标题归纳题。户外电影现在美国一些社区正悄然兴起,作者

就此为我们进行了介绍,故用outdoor movies win popularity in

the u.s.作为标题最恰当。




47. d。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可推知,至今没有科学依


48. b。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中lyndsay jones的话可知,


49. d。细节理解题。根据文章最后一句可知,父母应陪孩子一块烹


50. b。写作手法题。文章通过列举有关面包皮、胡萝卜、菠菜、牛奶、红花菜豆的故事说明很多有关食物的故事的真实性是有待考证的,故选b项。



Ⅰ. 1-5 abcad

Ⅱ. 1-5 cadcd 6-10 ababa

11-15 bddac 16-20 dabba




1. a。细节理解题。由第一段中的our traditional seventh-grade spring field trip ... the new world botanical gardens和the class could leave school at 8:00 a.m. and ... return to school by 5:00 p.m.可知,七年级学生的世界植物园之行是在白天进行的,故选a 项。

2. b。推理判断题。由第二段中的many seventh-grade students have already visited the history museum. since it is so close, students often go there with their families可知,很多七年级学生对于这家历史博物馆已经很熟悉了,故选b项。

3. c。段落大意题。由第三段中的visiting the botanical gardens would be an educational field trip,an excellent way to supplement our science studies,help us a lot等信息可知,本段在陈述去植物园的种种益处,也就是选择去植物园的原因。

4. a。推理判断题。由最后一段中的we are now reading which way to the amazon?以及文中多次提到的seventh-grade students 可知,七年级的学生们正在读这本书,故选a项。

5. d。写作目的题。由文章首段中的our traditional seventh-

grade spring field trip ... the new world botanical gardens和尾

段中的please consider this request ... to the world botanical gardens可知,这封信主要是讲一位七年级学生建议将今年的春游





1. c。根据下文的but you were just sitting here staring at your hands和文中多处提到的hands可知,老人在低头看自己的手。

2. a。当“我”在他旁边坐下,他依然忽视(ignored)“我”的存在。

3. d。“我”在那儿坐得时间越长(longer),“我”越是想知道他是


4. c。终于(finally),虽然并非真的想打扰他,但还是想确定他是


5. d。根据上文的sat with his head down可知,他抬起(raised)头看着“我”并笑着回答“我”。

6. a。根据thank you for asking可知,他说自己很好(fine)。

7. b。根据he said in a clear strong可知,他的嗓音(voice)清


8. a。9. b。作者解释自己并不是有意(mean)要打扰他,而是想


10. a。11. b。根据palms up and then palms down可知,“我”

把自己的手翻过来(over),尽量想弄明白(figure out)他的意思。

12. d。停下来想一想关于(about)你的手。

13. d。它们这些年来是如何为你服务(served)的?

14. a。这些手,尽管(though)长满了皱纹并且虚弱,但它们曾是“我”获取我想要的东西的工具。

15. c。下文的fell upon the floor是提示。

16. d。当“我”还是个孩子的时候,母亲教(taught)“我”如何用它们祈祷。

17. a。戴上结婚戒指时,“我”的手告诉全世界“我”结婚了(married)。

18. b。它们为“我”的孩子擦干(dried)眼泪,传递着“我”对他们的爱。

19. b。毫无疑问(doubt),“我”不会再看到和原来一样的手了。

20. a。根据文章开头的sat weakly on the park bench可知,那天离开公园(park)后我再没有见过那位老人。





八年级上册学英语报纸答案八年级上册学英语报纸答案 【篇一:八年级下册英语报纸答案】 txt>1. what ' s lily playing? 2. how many kites does bob have? 3. what are they doing to raise mon ey? 4. what job is ala n in terested in? 5. which is ellen ' s favourite snow globe? 二.听小对话,选择正确的答案(10% ) 听第一段对话,回答6-7小题。 6. when is alan ' s birthday? a. march. 3rd b. march 13th. c. march 20th. 7. how will ala n celebrate his birthday? a. have a try b. go out for dinner. c. see a film

听第二段对话,回答8-10小题。 8. where is the new sports cen tre? a. on straight road b. on long street. c. beside the school 9. what sport can people play at the sport cen tre? a. basketball b. volleyball c. swimmi ng 10. how much should you pay for a year-ticket if you are 18? a. 40 yua n b. 50 yua n c. 60 yua n 三、听独白,完成信息表(10%)


学英语报答案 篇一:学英语报纸12期答案 第二版 同步课堂 Unit 1 1 connect; to 2 C 3 B 4 to dray mother ary’s Ⅲ. 1. came 2. him 3. joined 4. Their 5. sent 6. y favorite star is Jackie Chan. He is a great actor. I like him very much. I think his movies are exciting and he is a friendly movie star. Most of his movies are very successful action movies. I like his movies best. Jackie Chan is one of the most popular stars in the ay. B. In March. C. In November. D. In September. 8. A. $30.B. $ 300. .C. $60.D. $ 600. 9. A. Because it's funny.B. Because it’s exciting. C. Because it’s scary. D. Because it’s sad. 10. A. Never. B. Every day. C. Once a ike Green is a special artist. 16. He is from America.

17. He can create art any students c from poor families and they ______ afford school lunches, so the government is trying to help them. A. needn’t B. shouldn't C. can’t D. mustn’t 27. China plans to let tourists ______ the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea this year. A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. visited 28. I asked ti Green an hour to fix up his bicycle yesterday. A. cost B. paid C. spent D. took 30. Breakfast is ______ meal of the day. It provides us r Miller agrees. “It is a41 r Miller noost importantly, I45the classroom. This, of course, r Mendel discovered ost people hope that this r Mendel discover ake better medicine.B. Make them get jobs. C. Make maps for them. D. Make them attractive. 54. e. B. ovie with? C. Yes, you are right D. How wonderful the movie was! E. obile phones. G. So the movie was boring, wasn’t it? (三) 阅读短文,完成第II卷第五大题的66~70小题,


What’s the main idea of the passage? ________ A.John Snow was a well-known doctor in London. B.The cause of Cholera was polluted water. C.The source of all drinking water should be examined. D.How did John Snow collect, analyze data and find the cause of the disease and solved it . II.根据课文内容总结出各段段落大意并在空格处填上适当的单词,每空一词。

III.仔细阅读课文,找出下列句子并分析。 1. John Snow was a famous doctor in London— so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. ①划分句子成分:____________________;attend, join, join in和take part in 的区别: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ②此句中so…that 引导_______ 从句,仿写句子:她对这篇文章太熟

了,以至于能全文背诵。 ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ 2. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. ①划分句子成分:______________________________________ ②此句中inspired 和exposed各在句中作_____ 和______(成分); expose to意思是__________, 其后常接________ 形式。翻译:我不想向任何人揭露他的恐惧。___________________________________________________________ __________________ 3. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. ①划分句子成分:______________________________________ ②句中absorb…into意思是__________, be absorbed in/ into本意是_________,还有使全神贯注的意思;例如:He was so absorbed into the novel that he couldn’t hear the door bell 。翻译:____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ③比较:Para7中suggest的用法与此句中的一样吗? ____________________________________________________________ ___________________


学英语报社报纸答案 九年级学英语报答案 一、听力测试(共20小题,计25分) 注意:听力测试分四部分,共25小题。做题时,先将答案画在试卷上,录音内容结來后, 将所选答案转涂到答题卡上。 (一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片,每个句子读两遍, 请看第一组的四个图片,听每个句子,完至第3小题。 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 请看第二组的四个图片,听三个句子,完成第4至第6小瓶, 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ (二) 听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。 7. A. In May. B. In March. C. In November. D. In September.

8. A. $30.B. $ 300. .C. $60.D. $ 600. 9. A. Because it's funny.B. Because it’s exciting. C. Because it’s scary. D. Because it’s sad. 10. A. Never. B. Every day. C. Once a week.D. Twice a week. 11. A. Jack.B. Sam. C. Bob. D. Tom. 12. A. Clean the living room and the kitchen. B. Sweep the floor and take out the trash. C. Clean the kitchen and take out the trash. D. Sweep the floor and clean the living room. 13. A. A hamburger and French fries. B. A hamburger and ice cream.


英语周报广州版2011-2012学年(上) 九年级基础版第二十一期参考答案 第1 版 《事事关心》 1. eight 2. excited, sad 《课文链接》 1. White. 2. Spain. 《世界博览》 1-3 FTF 第2版 《短语收藏夹》 1. fits in, with 2. has developed into 3. up to now 4. set foot on 5. the danger was in the air 6. to protect, from hurting 《课文点滴》 1. It’s,to watch 2. dates back 3. was/got married to 4. The number of, is 5. Why not go 《语法梳理》 【梳理一】 1. 名词;代词 2. 先行词;后面 3. 关系代词;that;who;which;关系副词;主语 4. 限制性;非限制性 【自测题】 1. which/that 2. which/that 3. who/that 4. who/that 【梳理二】 1. which; that;不能 2. who; that; 不能 【巩固练习】 一、1-3 CCA 二、 1. which/that is very far from here 2. which/that can hold 10 people 3. who/that helped a lot of people 4. who/that were talking loudly 三、 1. who/that is standing 2. which/that have 3. who/that gave us 4. which/that lies/is 5. which/that sells 6. who/that is Unit 7 基础训练(二)听力材料及参考答案 一、第一节1-5 ACBAC 6-10 BBCBB 第二节A. March B. yellow C. sweet D. happiest E. sunshine 二、第一节11-15 BDADB 16-20 DBDAC 第二节21-25 CBBDC 26-30 AACBA



八年级上册学英语报纸答案 【篇一:八年级下册英语报纸答案】 txt>1. what’s lily playing? 2. how many kites does bob have? 3. what are they doing to raise money? 4. what job is alan interested in? 5. which is ellen’s favourite snow globe? 二. 听小对话,选择正确的答案(10%) 听第一段对话,回答6-7小题。 6. when is alan’s birthday? a. march. 3rd b. march 13th. c. march 20th. 7. how will alan celebrate his birthday? a. have a try b. go out for dinner. c. see a film 听第二段对话,回答8-10小题。 8. where is the new sports centre? a. on straight road b. on long street. c. beside the school 9. what sport can people play at the sport centre? a. basketball b. volleyball c. swimming 10. how much should you pay for a year-ticket if you are 18? a. 40 yuan b. 50 yuan c. 60 yuan 三、听独白,完成信息表(10%)

英语报纸第四期Test Yourself答案 (1)

英语报纸第四期Test Yourself答案 1-5 ABACA 6-10 AAACB 11-15 BACCB 16-20 CBACB 21-25 ABACB 26-30 DCBDB 31-35 BCADA 36-40 CACBD 41-45 ABBBA 46-50 ADCBD 51-55 ADACB 56. in publikc 57. has changed a lot 58. didn’t use to shop 59. thought about giving up 60. take pride in/ proud of 61. bought 62.Though 63. Soon 64. night 65. ihd 66. none 67. decision 68. worse 69.bored 70. friendly 71. No, she isn’t 72. excited 73. a final decision about which course to study next year 74. she is 30 75. future plans 76. I haven’t seen you for a long time. 77. Thank you. 78. How do you make it? 79. Do you often read in your free time? 80. Good luck. 81. Because you used to be fat/heavy. 82. How’s your school life? 83. Yes, I did. 84. Do you often play it now? 85. Because I’m very busy now.


学英语报纸高一答案 【篇一:学生双语报高一30答案】 考答案及部分分析 第30期测试题参考答案 1-5 cdbba 6-10 cadda 11-15 abcdc 16-25 (one possible version) 16. a 17. inviting18. heavily 19. however 20. until 21. from 22.became23. they 24. better25. as 26-30 bddbd 31-35 dbbca 36-40 dcccc 41-45 abdca 46-50 cbafe 基础写作 (one possible version) notice dear students, we will organize an after-class activity with the theme of making a brief introduction to the development of english plays in our school’s m eeting room at 4:30 pm this friday. first, professor li wenhua from guangzhou university will be invited to give us a speech on this topic, and then we will watch a video clip from the play hamlet written by shakespeare. finally, we will have a15-minute interaction between professor li and students, during which students are free to ask any question. the activity we organize is to help us with a better understanding of english plays as well as a better life in our school culture. so all our teachers and students are welcome to the activity!


学英语报纸答案高三 【篇一:2015年12月份英文报答案】 字 发布时间:2015-12-0715:20:59.127 试题答案: a1 新闻 词义猜测abba 翻译 1. 他们(指牛津字典)的编辑们选用来总结2015年的我们的标志就 是这个象形符号,这一举动承认了这些图片在我们的(数字化)日常生活中有多么地流行。 2.表情符号已经体现了我们生活的数字化世界的一个核心部分,在 这个世界,人们都受视觉驱动,富于表达情感,且极为直接。 3. 1999年,日本通讯设计师shigetaka kurita发明了这 些小图标,把已经成为互联网主流的表情符号带到了一个标志性水平。 a3主题阅读1fast reading: 1-5 cabcb after reading: i. 1-5dbbbc ii. 1. etiquette 2. inappropriate3. contrast 4.customary5.frustrating6. turns it down

a4主题阅读2fastreading: 1-5abadb after reading: i. 1-5abdcd ii. 1. divorced2. rereading 3. unplug 4.drastic measures 5. adjustment 6. grades 模拟训练一 1-5 dbdac6-10 bbcad 11-13 cbc 14-16bb c 1 17. passport18. 3:4519. italy20. week21. adecade ago 22. arrangesthe protests23.anti-nuclear campaigns 24. radioactive waste dumping录音文字 section a directions:in sectiona, you will hear ten short conversationsbetween two speakers. at the end of each conversation, a questionwill be a sked about what was said. the conversations andthe questionswill be spokenonly once. after you hear a conversation and the question aboutit, read thefourpossible answersonyour paper, and decide whichone is the best answer to the question you have heard.


第1版 暑假作业一 词汇运用 I. 1-5 bdeca II. 1. wine 2. cheerful 3. remains 4. jokes 5. coast 6. members 7. successful 8. patient 9. date 10. south III. 1-5 CABCB IV. 1. take care of 2. is famous for 3. prefers to 4. gave up 5. as well 句型演练 I. 1-5 CAABC II. 1. department store 2. remained friends 3. go sightseeing III. 1. What does your little brother look like? 2. The hospital lies in the centre of

the city. 第2版 暑假作业二 语法专练 I. 1-5 AACCB 6-10 CBAAB II. 1. with; is 2. Where are; staying 3. What does; look like 4. Why not go there 5. so I can’t III. 1. Uncle Li 2. the Red Cross 3. a 4. the 5. the 6. the 7. with 8. in 9. so 10. but IV. 1. the man with glasses 2. the Sun and the Moon 3. the Eiffel Tower 4. in the black suit 5. but she has V. 1. C a → the 2. B 去掉the 3. B in → with 4. B so → but 5. D railway station → Railway Station VI. 1. the 2. cheerful 3. with


八年级上册学英语报纸答案. 八年级上册学英语报纸答案【篇一:八年级下册英语报纸答案】

txt>1. what's lily playing? 2. how many kites does bob have? 3. what are they doing to raise money? 4. what job is alan interested in? 5. which is ellen's favourite snow globe? 二. 听小对话,选择正确的答案(10%)听第一段对话,回答6-7小题。 6. when is alan's birthday? a. march. 3rd b. march 13th. c. march 20th. 7. how will alan celebrate his birthday?

a. have a try b. go out for dinner. c. see a film 听第二段对话,回答8-10小题。 8. where is the new sports centre? a. on straight road b. on long street. c. beside the school 9. what sport can people play at the sport centre? a. basketball b. volleyball c. swimming 10. how much should you pay for a year-ticket if you are 18? a. 40 yuan b. 50 yuan c. 60 yuan 三、听独白,完成信息表(10%) interview form name 11 job12 evaluation item(评价方面) strong points be good at writing and13


[标签:标题] 篇一:学英语报纸12期答案 第二版 同步课堂 Unit 1 1 connect; to 2 C 3 B 4 to draw Unit2 1 B 2 D 3 Do; make travel plans 4 send 词语贴士 1 search for information 2 search; for 3 search his clothes 语法在线 1 How 2 Who 3 How many 4 Where 5 Which 6 When/What time 7 What 8 How old 第三版 Unit 1 Ⅰ1 screen 2 print 3 paper 4 Finally 5 keyboard Ⅱ1 learn 2 uses 3 coonect 4 click 5 save Ⅲ1 boxes 2 first 3 its 4 to open5 mice Ⅳ1 turn on 2 on the left of 3 Put; in 4 What about 5 of course Unit2 Ⅰ1 visit 2 often 3 customers4 pllan 5 games 篇二:七年级学英语报纸寒假版参考答案 寒假专版参考答案 第1版寒假作业(一)词汇与句型篇 词汇运用 Ⅰ. 1-5 cdeba Ⅱ. 1. German 2. age 3. hobbies4. mountains 5. friendly 6. never 7. Geography 8. break 9. guitar10. together Ⅲ. 1-5 ACACD Ⅳ. 1. is from2. look like 3. lives with4. eating out 5. arrive at 6. helping; with 7. am good at 8. on the Internet 9. go to bed 10. take the bus 句型演练 Ⅰ. 1. teeth 2. playing 3. friendly 4. elder5. German 6. to be 7. to go 8. running 9. playing 10. listening Ⅱ. 1. enjoy/like2. seldom3. elder; dreams 4. by bus5. favourite sport 第2版寒假作业(二)语法专练 Ⅰ. 1-5 DBACA 6-10 DACBD Ⅱ. 1. Does Kate want 2. Which man 3. doesn’t play 4. How often 5. Yes; he does 6. When is 7. Does Peter take 8. parents’ages 9. How many flats10. No; they don’t Ⅲ. 1. Germany 2. hobbies3. playing4. friends 5. twice 6. goes 7. to be 8. Does; doesn’t 9. times 10. likes Ⅳ. 1. an ice cream 2. seldom goes out 3. wants to be 4. twice a week 5. helps me buy



八年级学英语报纸答案 【篇一:八年级英语报纸】 分) ( ) i where did mr brown arrive five minutes ago? ( )2 which kind of animal does jay like best ? ( )3 what did cathy’s mother buy for her? ( ) 4 how did miss brown go to the supermarket ? ( ) 5 what did the old woman leave in the taxi ? 二听对话,选出相应问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。(共5分) 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。 ( ) 6. where are they talking? a in a shop b in a zoo c in a library 听第二段对话,回答第7小题。 ( ) 7 does polly answer the telephone ? a yes ,she does b no, she doesn’t c she’s out at the moment.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。 ( )8 what’s april’s new telephone number ? a 4389669 b 4369699 c 4389699 听第四段对话,回答第9小题。 ( ) 9 what sign is there?

a no swimming b no walking c no speaking . 听第五段对话,回答第10小题。 ( )10 where is tiantian ? a behind the house b in the garden c under the tree . 三听短文,选出能回答问题的最佳答案。本题听两遍。(共5 分) ( )11 how old is nancy ? a seven b eight c nine ( )12 whose birthday party is nancy going to? a her aunt’s b her uncle’s c her cousin’s ( )13 why do nancy’s parents laugh? a because she makes a mistake. b because her words sound funny c because she wears beautiful clothes ( )14 what are “sunday clothes”? a the best clothes b the newest clothes c the oldest clothes ( )15 where do western people usually go on sunday ? a to the park b to the church c to the cinema 四听填信息,请根据所听内容,完成如下信息表。本题听两遍(共5分) children’s day pe ople celebrate children’s day on (16)_____in japan and south korea. in (17)_____children’s day is also called the festival of boys. on children’s day, children are (18)_____.


8B Unit 5 综合验收练习参考答案 I. 1.pocket money 2. 医学治疗3. be grateful to sb. 4. 带你去一所中学 5. perform / do an operation on sb. 6. 继续我们的工作7. don’t worry 8. 隔壁,相邻9. try one’s best to do 10. 以做……为自豪 II. 11. mostly 12. interviewer 13. treatment 14. are looked 15. go 16. blind; blindness 17. getting 18. training, to help 19. operations 20. flying III. 21—25 CBACB 26—30 BBBCA 31—35 BCBCB 36—40 CABBB IV. 41. Did, use; Used 42. didn’t use 43. operated on 44. so, that 45. such an interesting, that V. 46. used to be 47. isn’t used to drinking 48. proud of 49. perform / do an operation on 50. was, set up VI. 51—55 CDBCA 56—60 DCCBA VII. 61—65 DBCAB 66—70 CACDB VIII. One possible version: No. 368 Hunan Road Nanjing October 25th Dear Mr Wang, I saw your poster and I want to become a member of the Fish Lovers’ Club. I am a student of Nanjing No. 28 Middle School and I am in Grade 8. My favourite subjects are English and geography. I’m very interested in playing basketball and keeping fish.


学英语报纸答案七年级 七年级语文报纸答案 一、语文知识积累与运用(28分) 1、根据语境及拼音在横线上填入恰当的字。(4分) 打开心灵的窗口,睁开敏ruì( )的眼睛,莫让一切都随风。一时一事的得失,似乎永远困rǎo( )着我们,永远是生命的fán( )恼之泉。一个人最难认识的是自己,悲惨的结局在于自以为找到了答案而其实完全南辕北zhé( ) 。 2.修改下面病句。(4分) (1)我们一定要发扬和继承神农炎帝坚韧不拔、开拓创新的精神。 修改意见: (2)是否重视课内外阅读,是学好语文的关键。 修改意见: 3、填写古诗句。(8分) ①马上相逢无纸笔,。 ②,思君不见下渝州。 ③独坐幽篁里,。 ④云南地震牵动着全球民众的心!灾害发生后,全国各地派遣的救援人员十万火急地奔赴灾区。用《木兰诗》中“,。”一句来形容最为恰当。 ⑤《木兰诗》中通过环境描写,渲染军旅生活悲壮严酷气氛,烘托木兰勇敢、坚强性格的名句是:,。

⑥一切都是瞬息,一切都将会过去;而那过去了的,。 4、综合性学习:在我们常用的俗语中,有许多和黄河有关,请任意写出一条并说说它的意义。(4分) 俗语: 含义: 5、下面衣一份是对200名初中生课外阅读调查情况表,请根据这个表回答下面的问题。(4分) 阅读内容 人数 百分比 卡通书 112 56% 时文杂志 32 16% 武侠小说 30 15% 文学名著 26 13%

⑴从表中可以得出一个结论,即。(2分) ⑵看了这一结果,你对同学的建议是。(2分) 6、名著填空:(4分) (1) 蜜蜂的幼虫们都被母亲安置在四周紧闭的小屋里,或呆在丝织的茧子里,为的是可以静静地睡一个长觉,直到它们变为成虫。可是这些宏伟的蓝图往往不能实现,敌人自有办法攻进这四面不通的堡垒。每个敌人都有它特殊的战略——那些绝妙又狠毒的技巧,你根本连想都想不到。你看,一只奇异的虫,靠着一根针,把它自己的卵放到一条蛰伏着的幼虫旁边——这幼虫本是这里真正的主人;或是一条极小的虫,边爬边滑地溜进了人家的巢,于是,蛰伏着的主人永远长睡不醒了,因为这条小虫立刻要把它吃掉了。那些手段毒辣的强盗,毫无愧意地把人家的巢和茧予作为自己的巢和茧子,到了来年,善良的女主人已经被谋杀,抢了巢杀了主人的恶棍倒出世了。 这段文字出自(作家名)的《》。(2分) (2)请从四大名著中任选一个你喜欢的人物,并列举出有关他的一个故事情节。(2分)例:人物:孙悟空故事情节:大闹天宫人物:故事情节: 二、现代文阅读(23分) (一)阅读《最后一课》中的几段文字,完成 7—10 题。(12 分)接着,韩麦尔从这一件事谈到那一件事,谈到法国语言上来了。他说,法国语言是世界上最美的语言———最明白,最精确;又说,我们必须把它记在心里,永远别忘了它。亡了国当了奴隶的人民,只


一. 听小对话,选择图片(5%) 1.What ’ s Lily playing? 2.How many kites does Bob have? 3.What are they doing to raise money? 4.What job is Alan interested in? 5. Which is Ellen ’ s favourite snow globe? 二. 听小对话,选择正确的答案(10% ) 听第一段对话,回答6-7 小题。 6 . When is Alan ’ s birthday? A. March. 3rd B. March 13th. C. March 20th. 7 . How will Alan celebrate his birthday? A. Have a try B. Go out for dinner. C. See a film 听第二段对话,回答8-10 小题。 8 . Where is the new sports centre? A. On Straight Road B. On Long Street. C. Beside the school 9 . What sport can people play at the sport centre? A. Basketball B. Volleyball C. Swimming

10 . How much should you pay for a year-ticket if you are 18? A. 40 yuan B. 50 yuan C. 60 yuan 三、听独白,完成信息表 (10% ) Interview Form Name 11 Job 12 Evaluation Item( 评价方面 ) Strong points Be good at writing and 13 Experience Worked in WZTV for 14 E-mail address 15 November 20, 2012 11 . A.Vivan Cruise B. Vivan Grace C. Vivan Green. 12 . A.a host B. a reporter C. a writer 13 . A. drawing B. speaking C. singing 14 . A. 2 weeks B. 2 months C. 2 years 15 . A. Sunny1980@yahoo.co m B. daisy1981@https://www.doczj.com/doc/528867841.html, C.water1983@https://www.doczj.com/doc/528867841.html, 笔试部分( 80% ) 四. 单项选择( 10% ) ( )1 、 There are some shops on ______ side of the road. A 、each B、 every C、 both D、all ( )2 、 He has been studying Chinese history______three years.

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