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The Process Design for LingBao Wastewater Treatment



Water is the source of human life, conceived and nourish the all living things on the earth, and from all aspects for human services. However, fresh water resources in water environment is rarely, accounts for only 2.53% of the total, and can now directly access for human accounted for only 0.22% of freshwater resources. Combined with the seasonal variation and regional differences of natural water sources, as well as the general pollution of natural water bodies, and can directly access the water quality of increasingly scarce, hard to meet the needs of people's life and industrial and agricultural production is increasing, so protect and cherish water resources, is a common responsibility of society as a whole. So water is the foundational natural resource and strategic economic resources, water resources security belongs to resources and economic security.

Since the 80 s, a new process for biological treatment of wastewater in the research, development and application, it has been great progress in worldwide, and led to many new types of wastewater biological treatment technology. Some of these new techniques has got good application in practical engineering at home and abroad, some of which have been showing its good application prospect, receive the attention of researchers and engineers and is being constantly in-depth study, their common characteristic is high efficiency, stability, energy saving, and has the versatility of pollutant removal, most has the depth of processing such as nitrogen and phosphorus in good efficiency, and is developing in the direction of the automation control.

In recent years, With the economic development of LingBao, population and industrial output also increased, the living water and industrial water demand is increasing dramatically, so will cause the increased amount of

sewage, a series of water environment problem increasingly prominent. If not in time to produce

sewage treatment, so LingBao serious water environment pollution, the whole urban living environment and ecological balance will be more serious damage, the recovery of all of these will be very slow, to pay the price is also very expensive. So we must build a sewage treatment plant. Sewage through governance can relieve and reduce the water pollution of the environment, ease the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources, for the economic and cultural development of LingBao create favorable conditions. Engineering construction, on the one hand provide people with the high quality of sewage, improve people's quality of life and health level; On the other hand is the industrial water quality guaranteed. This design is designed according to actual situation of LingBao. Because of its high LingBao life water flow, high SS content, nitrogen and phosphorus are also need to have a certain removal. A2O denitrification and phosphorus removal at the same time in the process of the organic matter, the process is the most simple, always similar hydraulic retention time is less than other processes, the alternating anaerobic - anoxic - aerobic running, bacteria will not thrive, SVI generally less than 100, advantages of sludge bulking will not occur.

KEY WORDS: Wastewater Treatment,A2/O,Nitrogen and phosphorus removal


前言 (1)

第1章设计概论 (3)

1.1 设计依据和任务 (3)

1.1.1原始依据 (3)

1.1.2 设计内容 (3)

1.1.3 设计要求 (4)

第2章工艺流程图的确定 (5)

2.1 工艺流程的方案比较 (5)

2.1.1 SBR工艺 (5)

2.1.2 氧化沟工艺 (6)

2.1.3 A2/O工艺 (7)

2.2 工艺流程的选择 (8)

2.2.1 污水处理工艺 (9)

2.2.2污泥处理工艺 (11)

第3章主要构筑物计算 (13)

3.1 污水主干管 (13)

3.1.1 设计参数 (13)

3.1.2 泵前中格栅 (13)

3.2 污水提升泵房 (15)

3.3泵后细格栅 (16)

3.4 沉砂池 (18)

3.5 初沉池 (20)

3.6 A2/O工艺 (22)

3.7曝气系统设计计算 (25)

3.8二沉池 (28)

3.9接触池与加氯间 (30)

3.10污泥泵房 (31)

3.11污泥浓缩池 (32)

3.12贮泥池 (33)

3.13脱水间 (33)

第4章平面及高程布置 (35)

4.1污水厂的平面布置 (35)

4.1.1平面布置的一般原则 (35)

4.1.2平面布置的具体内容 (35)

4.2污水厂的高程布置 (36)

4.2.1 高程布置原则 (36)

4.2.2 高程布置的注意事项 (36)

4.2.3 高程布置方法 (37)

4.2.4高程布置计算 (38)

4.2.5污水提升泵静扬程校核 (40)

4.2.6污泥高程设计计算 (41)

结论 (42)

谢辞 (43)

参考文献 (44)

外文资料翻译 (45)




本次设计的灵宝市污水处理厂规模较小,投资不宜过大,应考虑采用稳定可靠,成本低廉的处理工艺。本设计的总体污染物控制指标应达到GB18918-2002 所规定的一级 B标准。在综合比较了多种常用工艺的基础上,为满足相关的技术要求,本设计决定采用A2/O处理工艺。









1、除磷效果难再提高,污泥增长有一定限度,不易提高,特别是P/BOD 值高时更甚;





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