当前位置:文档之家› sched.h




* include/linux/schedh




#ifndef _LINUX_SCHED_H

#define _LINUX_SCHED_H

#include /* for HZ */

extern unsigned long event;





















struct exec_domain;


* cloning flags:


#define CSIGNAL 0x000000ff /* signal mask to be sent at exit */

#define CLONE_VM 0x00000100 /* set if VM shared between processes */

#define CLONE_FS 0x00000200 /* set if fs info shared between processes */

#define CLONE_FILES 0x00000400 /* set if open files shared between processes */ #define CLONE_SIGHAND 0x00000800 /* set if signal handlers and blocked signals shared */

#define CLONE_PID 0x00001000 /* set if pid shared */

#define CLONE_PTRACE 0x00002000 /* set if we want to let tracing continue on the child too */

#define CLONE_VFORK 0x00004000 /* set if the parent wants the child to wake it up on mm_release */

#define CLONE_PARENT 0x00008000 /* set if we want to have the same parent as the cloner */

#define CLONE_THREAD 0x00010000 /* Same thread group? */

#define CLONE_NEWNS 0x00020000 /* New namespace group? */



* These are the constant used to fake the fixed-point load-average

* counting. Some notes:

* - 11 bit fractions expand to 22 bits by the multiplies: this gives

* a load-average precision of 10 bits integer + 11 bits fractional

* - if you want to count load-averages more often, you need more

* precision, or rounding will get you. With 2-second counting freq,

* the EXP_n values would be 1981, 2034 and 2043 if still using only

* 11 bit fractions.


extern unsigned long avenrun[]; /* Load averages */

#define FSHIFT 11 /* nr of bits of precision */

#define FIXED_1 (1<

#define LOAD_FREQ (5*HZ) /* 5 sec intervals */

#define EXP_1 1884 /* 1/exp(5sec/1min) as fixed-point */

#define EXP_5 2014 /* 1/exp(5sec/5min) */

#define EXP_15 2037 /* 1/exp(5sec/15min) */

#define CALC_LOAD(load,exp,n) \

load *= exp; \

load += n*(FIXED_1-exp); \

load >>= FSHIFT;

#define CT_TO_SECS(x) ((x) / HZ)

#define CT_TO_USECS(x) (((x) % HZ) * 1000000/HZ)

extern int nr_threads;

extern int last_pid;

extern unsigned long nr_running(void);

extern unsigned long nr_uninterruptible(void);








#define TASK_RUNNING 0



#define TASK_ZOMBIE 4

#define TASK_STOPPED 8

#define __set_task_state(tsk, state_value) \ do { (tsk)->state = (state_value); } while (0)


#define set_task_state(tsk, state_value) \ set_mb((tsk)->state, (state_value))


#define set_task_state(tsk, state_value) \ __set_task_state((tsk), (state_value))


#define __set_current_state(state_value) \ do { current->state = (state_value); } while (0) #ifdef CONFIG_SMP

#define set_current_state(state_value) \ set_mb(current->state, (state_value))


#define set_current_state(state_value) \ __set_current_state(state_value)



* Scheduling policies


#define SCHED_OTHER 0

#define SCHED_FIFO 1

#define SCHED_RR 2

struct sched_param {

int sched_priority;


struct completion;

#ifdef __KERNEL__



* This serializes "schedule()" and also protects

* the run-queue from deletions/modifications (but

* _adding_ to the beginning of the run-queue has

* a separate lock).


extern rwlock_t tasklist_lock;

extern spinlock_t mmlist_lock;

typedef struct task_struct task_t; //将task_t定义为task_sturct的结构类型

extern void sched_init(void);

extern void init_idle(task_t *idle, int cpu);

extern void show_state(void);

extern void show_stack(unsigned long * esp);

extern void cpu_init (void);

extern void trap_init(void);

extern void update_process_times(int user);

extern void update_one_process(task_t *p, unsigned long user,

unsigned long system, int cpu);

extern void scheduler_tick(int user_tick, int system);

extern void migration_init(void);

extern unsigned long cache_decay_ticks;

extern int set_user(uid_t new_ruid, int dumpclear);


extern signed long FASTCALL(schedule_timeout(signed long timeout)); asmlinkage void schedule(void);

extern int schedule_task(struct tq_struct *task);

extern void flush_scheduled_tasks(void);

extern int start_context_thread(void);

extern int current_is_keventd(void);


* Priority of a process goes from 0..MAX_PRIO-1, valid RT

* priority is 0..MAX_RT_PRIO-1, and SCHED_OTHER tasks are

* in the range MAX_RT_PRIO..MAX_PRIO-1. Priority values

* are inverted: lower p->prio value means higher priority.


* The MAX_RT_USER_PRIO value allows the actual maximum

* RT priority to be separate from the value exported to

* user-space. This allows kernel threads to set their

* priority to a value higher than any user task. Note:

* MAX_RT_PRIO must not be smaller than MAX_USER_RT_PRIO.


#define MAX_USER_RT_PRIO 100


#define MAX_PRIO (MAX_RT_PRIO + 40)


* The maximum RT priority is configurable. If the resulting

* bitmap is 160-bits , we can use a hand-coded routine which

* is optimal. Otherwise, we fall back on a generic routine for

* finding the first set bit from an arbitrarily-sized bitmap.


#if MAX_PRIO < 160 && MAX_PRIO > 127

#define sched_find_first_bit(map) _sched_find_first_bit(map)


#define sched_find_first_bit(map) find_first_bit(map, MAX_PRIO)



* The default fd array needs to be at least BITS_PER_LONG,

* as this is the granularity returned by copy_fdset().



struct namespace;


* Open file table structure


struct files_struct {

atomic_t count;

rwlock_t file_lock; /* Protects all the below members. Nests inside

tsk->alloc_lock */

int max_fds;

int max_fdset;

int next_fd;

struct file ** fd; /* current fd array */

fd_set *close_on_exec;

fd_set *open_fds;

fd_set close_on_exec_init;

fd_set open_fds_init;

struct file * fd_array[NR_OPEN_DEFAULT];


#define INIT_FILES \

{ \

count: ATOMIC_INIT(1), \

file_lock: RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED, \

max_fds: NR_OPEN_DEFAULT, \

max_fdset: __FD_SETSIZE, \

next_fd: 0, \

fd: &init_files.fd_array[0], \

close_on_exec: &init_files.close_on_exec_init, \

open_fds: &init_files.open_fds_init, \

close_on_exec_init: { { 0, } }, \

open_fds_init: { { 0, } }, \

fd_array: { NULL, } \


/* Maximum number of active map areas.. This is a random (large) number */

#define DEFAULT_MAX_MAP_COUNT (65536)

extern int max_map_count;


struct mm_struct {

struct vm_area_struct * mmap; /* list of VMAs */

rb_root_t mm_rb;

struct vm_area_struct * mmap_cache; /* last find_vma result */

pgd_t * pgd;

atomic_t mm_users; /* How many users with user space? */

atomic_t mm_count; /* How many references to "struct mm_struct" (users count as 1) */

int map_count; /* number of VMAs */

struct rw_semaphore mmap_sem;

spinlock_t page_table_lock; /* Protects task page tables and mm->rss */

struct list_head mmlist; /* List of all active mm's. These are globally strung

* together off init_mm.mmlist, and are protected

* by mmlist_lock


unsigned long start_code, end_code, start_data, end_data;

unsigned long start_brk, brk, start_stack;

unsigned long arg_start, arg_end, env_start, env_end;

unsigned long rss, total_vm, locked_vm;

unsigned long def_flags;

unsigned long cpu_vm_mask;

unsigned long rlimit_rss;

unsigned dumpable:1;

/* Architecture-specific MM context */

mm_context_t context;


extern int mmlist_nr;

#define INIT_MM(name) \

{ \

mm_rb: RB_ROOT, \

pgd: swapper_pg_dir, \

mm_users: ATOMIC_INIT(2), \

mm_count: ATOMIC_INIT(1), \

mmap_sem: __RWSEM_INITIALIZER(name.mmap_sem), \

page_table_lock: SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED, \

mmlist: LIST_HEAD_INIT(name.mmlist), \

rlimit_rss: RLIM_INFINITY, \



struct signal_struct {

atomic_t count;

struct k_sigaction action[_NSIG];

spinlock_t siglock;


#define INIT_SIGNALS { \

count: ATOMIC_INIT(1), \

action: { {{0,}}, }, \



/* user结构定义

* Some day this will be a full-fledged user tracking system..


struct user_struct {

atomic_t __count; /* reference count */

atomic_t processes; /* How many processes does this user have? */ atomic_t files; /* How many open files does this user have? */

/* Hash table maintenance information */

struct user_struct *next, **pprev;

uid_t uid;


#define get_current_user() ({ \

struct user_struct *__user = current->user; \

atomic_inc(&__user->__count); \

__user; })

extern struct user_struct root_user;

#define INIT_USER (&root_user)

typedef struct prio_array prio_array_t;


struct task_struct {


* offsets of these are hardcoded elsewhere - touch with care


volatile long state; /* -1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stopped */ unsigned long flags; /* per process flags, defined below */

int sigpending;


mm_segment_t addr_limit; /* thread address space:

0-0xBFFFFFFF for user-thead

0-0xFFFFFFFF for kernel-thread




struct exec_domain *exec_domain;


volatile long need_resched;

unsigned long ptrace;

int lock_depth; /* Lock depth */


* offset 32 begins here on 32-bit platforms.


unsigned int cpu;

int prio, static_prio;

list_t run_list; //就绪进程队列

prio_array_t *array;

unsigned long sleep_avg;

unsigned long sleep_timestamp;

unsigned long policy;//调度策略

unsigned long cpus_allowed;

unsigned int time_slice, first_time_slice; //时间片

//以init_task为首的所有进程,按创建次序先后插入链中,为遍历提供方便task_t *next_task, *prev_task;

struct mm_struct *mm, *active_mm; //所用的内存资源

/* task state */

struct linux_binfmt *binfmt; //应用程序文件格式,如a.out

int exit_code, exit_signal; //在exit()和wait4()中用到

int pdeath_signal; /* The signal sent when the parent dies */ /* ??? */

//每个进程都有其个性,文件include/linux/personality.h定义了有关常数unsigned long personality;

int did_exec:1;

pid_t pid; //进程标识符

pid_t pgrp;

pid_t tty_old_pgrp;

pid_t session; //按注册用户分成的进程组

pid_t tgid;

/* boolean value for session group leader */

int leader;

/* 进程家谱

* pointers to (original) parent process, youngest child, younger sibling, * older sibling, respectively. (p->father can be replaced with

* p->p_pptr->pid)


task_t *p_opptr, *p_pptr, *p_cptr, *p_ysptr, *p_osptr;

struct list_head thread_group;


/* PID hash table linkage. */

task_t *pidhash_next;

task_t **pidhash_pprev;

wait_queue_head_t wait_chldexit; /* for wait4() */

struct completion *vfork_done; /* for vfork() */

unsigned long rt_priority;

unsigned long it_real_value, it_prof_value, it_virt_value;

unsigned long it_real_incr, it_prof_incr, it_virt_incr;

struct timer_list real_timer;

struct tms times;

#if HZ==100

unsigned long start_time;


u64 start_time;


//该进程在各处理机上运行的累计时间(用户空间上utime,和系统空间上stime)long per_cpu_utime[NR_CPUS], per_cpu_stime[NR_CPUS];


/* mm fault and swap info: this can arguably be seen as either mm-specific or thread-specific */

unsigned long min_flt, maj_flt, nswap, cmin_flt, cmaj_flt, cnswap;

int swappable:1;

/* process credentials 凭证,与文件操作权限有关*/

uid_t uid,euid,suid,fsuid;

gid_t gid,egid,sgid,fsgid;

int ngroups;

gid_t groups[NGROUPS];

kernel_cap_t cap_effective, cap_inheritable, cap_permitted;

int keep_capabilities:1;//授权进程的各种操作的权限,比特权用户方式更细了struct user_struct *user;//在fork()中使用

/* limits 所用资源在量上的限制*/

struct rlimit rlim[RLIM_NLIMITS];

unsigned short used_math;

char comm[16];

/* file system info文件资源 */

int link_count, total_link_count;

struct tty_struct *tty; /* NULL if no tty */

unsigned int locks; /* How many file locks are being held */

/* ipc stuff */

struct sem_undo *semundo;

struct sem_queue *semsleeping;

/* CPU-specific state of this task */

struct thread_struct thread;//线程结构定义

/* filesystem information 文件管理表格指针*/

struct fs_struct *fs;

/* open file information */

struct files_struct *files;

/* namespace */

struct namespace *namespace;

/* signal handlers */

spinlock_t sigmask_lock; /* Protects signal and blocked */

struct signal_struct *sig; //指向signal_struct数据结构

sigset_t blocked;

struct sigpending pending;

unsigned long sas_ss_sp;

size_t sas_ss_size;

int (*notifier)(void *priv);

void *notifier_data;

sigset_t *notifier_mask;

/* TUX state */

void *tux_info;

void (*tux_exit)(void);

unsigned long cpus_allowed_mask;

/* Thread group tracking 在exit()和wait4()中用到*/

u32 parent_exec_id;

u32 self_exec_id;

/* Protection of (de-)allocation: mm, files, fs, tty */

spinlock_t alloc_lock;

/* journalling filesystem info */

void *journal_info;



* Per process flags


#define PF_ALIGNWARN 0x00000001 /* Print alignment warning msgs */

/* Not implemented yet, only for 486*/

#define PF_STARTING 0x00000002 /* being created */

#define PF_EXITING 0x00000004 /* getting shut down */

#define PF_FORKNOEXEC 0x00000040 /* forked but didn't exec */

#define PF_SUPERPRIV 0x00000100 /* used super-user privileges */

#define PF_DUMPCORE 0x00000200 /* dumped core */

#define PF_SIGNALED 0x00000400 /* killed by a signal */

#define PF_MEMALLOC 0x00000800 /* Allocating memory */

#define PF_MEMDIE 0x00001000 /* Killed for out-of-memory */

#define PF_FREE_PAGES 0x00002000 /* per process page freeing */

#define PF_NOIO 0x00004000 /* avoid generating further I/O */

#define PF_FROZEN 0x00008000 /* frozen for system suspend */

#define PF_FREEZE 0x00010000 /* this task should be frozen for suspend */

#define PF_IOTHREAD 0x00020000 /* this thread is needed for doing I/O to swap */ #define PF_KERNTHREAD 0x00040000 /* this thread is a kernel thread that cannot be sent signals to */

#define PF_USEDFPU 0x00100000 /* task used FPU this quantum (SMP) */


* Ptrace flags


#define PT_PTRACED 0x00000001

#define PT_TRACESYS 0x00000002

#define PT_DTRACE 0x00000004 /* delayed trace (used on m68k, i386) */

#define PT_TRACESYSGOOD 0x00000008

#define PT_PTRACE_CAP 0x00000010 /* ptracer can follow suid-exec */


* Limit the stack by to some sane default: root can always

* increase this limit if needed.. 8MB seems reasonable.


#define _STK_LIM (8*1024*1024)


extern void set_cpus_allowed(task_t *p, unsigned long new_mask); #else

#define set_cpus_allowed(p, new_mask) do { } while (0)


extern void set_user_nice(task_t *p, long nice);

extern int task_prio(task_t *p);

extern int task_nice(task_t *p);

extern int idle_cpu(int cpu);

asmlinkage long sys_sched_yield(void);

#define yield() sys_sched_yield()


* The default (Linux) execution domain.


extern struct exec_domain default_exec_domain;


* INIT_TASK is used to set up the first task table, touch at * your own risk!. Base=0, limit=0x1fffff (=2MB)


#define INIT_TASK(tsk) \

{ \

state: 0, \

flags: 0, \

sigpending: 0, \

addr_limit: KERNEL_DS, \

exec_domain: &default_exec_domain, \

lock_depth: -1, \

prio: MAX_PRIO-20, \

static_prio: MAX_PRIO-20, \

policy: SCHED_OTHER, \

cpus_allowed: -1, \

cpus_allowed_mask: -1, \

mm: NULL, \

active_mm: &init_mm, \

run_list: LIST_HEAD_INIT(tsk.run_list), \

time_slice: HZ, \

next_task: &tsk, \

prev_task: &tsk, \

p_opptr: &tsk, \

p_pptr: &tsk, \

thread_group: LIST_HEAD_INIT(tsk.thread_group), \

wait_chldexit: __WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD_INITIALIZER(tsk.wait_chldexit),\ real_timer: { \

function: it_real_fn \

}, \

cap_effective: CAP_INIT_EFF_SET, \

cap_inheritable: CAP_INIT_INH_SET, \

cap_permitted: CAP_FULL_SET, \

keep_capabilities: 0, \


user: INIT_USER, \

comm: "swapper", \

thread: INIT_THREAD, \

fs: &init_fs, \

files: &init_files, \

sigmask_lock: SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED, \

sig: &init_signals, \

pending: { NULL, &tsk.pending.head, {{0}}}, \

blocked: {{0}}, \

alloc_lock: SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED, \

journal_info: NULL, \



# define INIT_TASK_SIZE 2048*sizeof(long)


union task_union {

task_t task;

unsigned long stack[INIT_TASK_SIZE/sizeof(long)];


extern union task_union init_task_union;

extern struct mm_struct init_mm;

extern task_t *init_tasks[NR_CPUS];

/* PID hashing. (shouldnt this be dynamic?) */

#define PIDHASH_SZ (4096 >> 2)

extern task_t *pidhash[PIDHASH_SZ];

#define pid_hashfn(x) ((((x) >> 8) ^ (x)) & (PIDHASH_SZ - 1))

static inline void hash_pid(task_t *p)


task_t **htable = &pidhash[pid_hashfn(p->pid)];

if((p->pidhash_next = *htable) != NULL)

(*htable)->pidhash_pprev = &p->pidhash_next;

*htable = p;

p->pidhash_pprev = htable;


static inline void unhash_pid(task_t *p)



p->pidhash_next->pidhash_pprev = p->pidhash_pprev;

*p->pidhash_pprev = p->pidhash_next;


static inline task_t *find_task_by_pid(int pid)


task_t *p, **htable = &pidhash[pid_hashfn(pid)];

for(p = *htable; p && p->pid != pid; p = p->pidhash_next) ;

return p;


/* per-UID process charging. */

extern struct user_struct * alloc_uid(uid_t);

extern void free_uid(struct user_struct *);



* The 64-bit value is not volatile - you MUST NOT read it

* without holding read_lock_irq(&xtime_lock)


extern u64 jiffies_64;

extern unsigned long volatile jiffies;

extern unsigned long itimer_ticks;

extern unsigned long itimer_next;

extern struct timeval xtime;

extern void do_timer(struct pt_regs *);

extern unsigned int * prof_buffer;

extern unsigned long prof_len;

extern unsigned long prof_shift;

#define CURRENT_TIME (https://www.doczj.com/doc/5f2641948.html,_sec)

extern void FASTCALL(__wake_up(wait_queue_head_t *q, unsigned int mode, int nr)); extern void FASTCALL(__wake_up_sync(wait_queue_head_t *q, unsigned int mode, int nr));

extern void FASTCALL(sleep_on(wait_queue_head_t *q));

extern long FASTCALL(sleep_on_timeout(wait_queue_head_t *q,

signed long timeout));

extern void FASTCALL(interruptible_sleep_on(wait_queue_head_t *q));

extern long FASTCALL(interruptible_sleep_on_timeout(wait_queue_head_t *q,

signed long timeout));

extern int FASTCALL(wake_up_process(task_t * tsk));

extern void FASTCALL(wake_up_forked_process(task_t * tsk));

extern void FASTCALL(sched_exit(task_t * p));

#define wake_up(x) __wake_up((x),TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE | TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, 1)

#define wake_up_nr(x, nr) __wake_up((x),TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE | TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, nr)

#define wake_up_all(x) __wake_up((x),TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE | TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, 0)

#define wake_up_interruptible(x) __wake_up((x),TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, 1)

#define wake_up_interruptible_nr(x, nr) __wake_up((x),TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, nr)

#define wake_up_interruptible_all(x) __wake_up((x),TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, 0)


#define wake_up_interruptible_sync(x) __wake_up_sync((x),TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, 1) #else

#define wake_up_interruptible_sync(x) __wake_up((x),TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, 1)


asmlinkage long sys_wait4(pid_t pid,unsigned int * stat_addr, int options, struct rusage * ru);

extern int in_group_p(gid_t);

extern int in_egroup_p(gid_t);

extern void proc_caches_init(void);

extern void flush_signals(task_t *);

extern void flush_signal_handlers(task_t *);

extern void sig_exit(int, int, struct siginfo *);

extern int dequeue_signal(sigset_t *, siginfo_t *);

extern void block_all_signals(int (*notifier)(void *priv), void *priv,

sigset_t *mask);

extern void unblock_all_signals(void);

extern int send_sig_info(int, struct siginfo *, task_t *);

extern int force_sig_info(int, struct siginfo *, task_t *);

extern int kill_pg_info(int, struct siginfo *, pid_t);

extern int kill_sl_info(int, struct siginfo *, pid_t);

extern int kill_proc_info(int, struct siginfo *, pid_t);

extern void notify_parent(task_t *, int);

extern void do_notify_parent(task_t *, int);

extern void force_sig(int, task_t *);

extern int send_sig(int, task_t *, int);

extern int kill_pg(pid_t, int, int);

extern int kill_sl(pid_t, int, int);

extern int kill_proc(pid_t, int, int);

extern int do_sigaction(int, const struct k_sigaction *, struct k_sigaction *); extern int do_sigaltstack(const stack_t *, stack_t *, unsigned long);

static inline int signal_pending(task_t *p)


return (p->sigpending != 0);



* Re-calculate pending state from the set of locally pending

* signals, globally pending signals, and blocked signals.


static inline int has_pending_signals(sigset_t *signal, sigset_t *blocked)


unsigned long ready;

long i;

switch (_NSIG_WORDS) {


for (i = _NSIG_WORDS, ready = 0; --i >= 0 ;)

ready |= signal->sig[i] &~ blocked->sig[i];


case 4: ready = signal->sig[3] &~ blocked->sig[3];

ready |= signal->sig[2] &~ blocked->sig[2];

ready |= signal->sig[1] &~ blocked->sig[1];

ready |= signal->sig[0] &~ blocked->sig[0];


case 2: ready = signal->sig[1] &~ blocked->sig[1];

ready |= signal->sig[0] &~ blocked->sig[0];


case 1: ready = signal->sig[0] &~ blocked->sig[0];


return ready != 0;


/* Reevaluate whether the task has signals pending delivery.

This is required every time the blocked sigset_t changes.

All callers should have t->sigmask_lock. */

static inline void recalc_sigpending(task_t *t)


t->sigpending = has_pending_signals(&t->pending.signal, &t->blocked); }

/* True if we are on the alternate signal stack. */

static inline int on_sig_stack(unsigned long sp)


return (sp - current->sas_ss_sp < current->sas_ss_size);


static inline int sas_ss_flags(unsigned long sp)


return (current->sas_ss_size == 0 ? SS_DISABLE

: on_sig_stack(sp) ? SS_ONSTACK : 0);


extern int request_irq(unsigned int,

void (*handler)(int, void *, struct pt_regs *),

unsigned long, const char *, void *);

extern void free_irq(unsigned int, void *);


* This has now become a routine instead of a macro, it sets a flag if

* it returns true (to do BSD-style accounting where the process is flagged * if it uses root privs). The implication of this is that you should do

* normal permissions checks first, and check suser() last.


* [Dec 1997 -- Chris Evans]

* For correctness, the above considerations need to be extended to

* fsuser(). This is done, along with moving fsuser() checks to be

* last.


* These will be removed, but in the mean time, when the SECURE_NOROOT

* flag is set, uids don't grant privilege.


static inline int suser(void)


if (!issecure(SECURE_NOROOT) && current->euid == 0) {

current->flags |= PF_SUPERPRIV;

return 1;


return 0;


static inline int fsuser(void)


if (!issecure(SECURE_NOROOT) && current->fsuid == 0) {

current->flags |= PF_SUPERPRIV;

return 1;


return 0;



* capable() checks for a particular capability.

* New privilege checks should use this interface, rather than suser() or * fsuser(). See include/linux/capability.h for defined capabilities.


static inline int capable(int cap)


#if 1 /* ok now */

if (cap_raised(current->cap_effective, cap))


if (cap_is_fs_cap(cap) ? current->fsuid == 0 : current->euid == 0)



current->flags |= PF_SUPERPRIV;

return 1;


return 0;



* Routines for handling mm_structs


extern struct mm_struct * mm_alloc(void);

extern struct mm_struct * start_lazy_tlb(void);

extern void end_lazy_tlb(struct mm_struct *mm);

/* mmdrop drops the mm and the page tables */

extern inline void FASTCALL(__mmdrop(struct mm_struct *));

static inline void mmdrop(struct mm_struct * mm)


if (atomic_dec_and_test(&mm->mm_count))



/* mmput gets rid of the mappings and all user-space */

extern void mmput(struct mm_struct *);

/* Remove the current tasks stale references to the old mm_struct */

extern void mm_release(void);


* Routines for handling the fd arrays


extern struct file ** alloc_fd_array(int);

extern int expand_fd_array(struct files_struct *, int nr);

extern void free_fd_array(struct file **, int);

extern fd_set *alloc_fdset(int);

extern int expand_fdset(struct files_struct *, int nr);

extern void free_fdset(fd_set *, int);

extern int copy_thread(int, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, task_t *, struct pt_regs *);

extern void flush_thread(void);

extern void exit_thread(void);

extern void exit_mm(task_t *);

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