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There is a widespread understanding of the value of KM in many organizations, and one might assume that mature KM initiatives are widespread as well. However, the gap between organizations recognizing the value of KM and those fully implementing it is large.


Establishing knowledge management strategies that will ultimately make your organization more effective can be a daunting task. Getting started down the right path is often difficult, and staying the course can be even more

so as roadblocks spring up in your way. Although you may see KM as a worthwhile effort, convincing others of its value and making it happen across your organization can be a tall order.


APQC*s approach to KM implementation eases your way, even as your organization may be struggling to understand the issues, tactics, and tools necessary for a successful KM journey. Our Road Map to Knowledge Management Results: Stages of ImplementationTM framework helps you navigate toward true institutionalization by laying out the characteristics, requirements, and action steps of every stage of KM implementation:


Stage 1: Get Started

Stage 2: Develop a Strategy

Stage 3: Design and Launch a KM Initiative

Stage 4: Expand and Support

Stage 5: Institutionalize Knowledge Management






Based on APQC*s study of and collaboration with best practice organizations over a period of years, APQC*s Road Map to Knowledge Management Results: Stages of ImplementationTM framework spells out the essential steps to achieve true knowledge management implementation. A synthesis of our experience with early adopters, assessment of emerging trends, and identification of best practices, this model serves as a navigation tool for organizations that have seen the glimmer of opportunity in KM to efficiently develop new products, beat the competition, motivate team members, and maximize profits and investments.



Each stage involves description of provoking events, objectives, key players and roles, governance and structure, information technology impact, the nature of business cases, measurement approaches, and budget issues. By completing the key activities for each stage, your organization will maintain sound footing throughout the entire KM implementation process.


Stage 1: Get Started


Learning where you are is the first important task along your path to knowledge management success. APQC shows you where to start and points you in the right direction.


If one or more of the following statements is true, your organization is likely ready to embark on Stage 1 of the journey.


?Knowledge management has emerged as a topic of interest in your organization.

?At least a few employees have explored the benefits of KM for your organization.

?Someone has had a personal stake in developing interest in KM.

?You or other members of the organization have learned about KM through participation in consortia or conferences.

?The organization has created a high-level rationale or vision for pursuing KM.







So, what now? you might wonder. Fortunately, APQC has been here before with dozens of world-class companies and knows what it takes to initiate this complex process. Based on the organization*s wealth of experience, APQC has summarized the key activities, as well as some helpful hints, of Stage 1.

As an insightful innovator and early promoter of KM, your tasks at this exciting stage are to define KM for others in your organization, share stories of how KM has helped other successful companies, and align KM use with current initiatives.



1. Make the concepts of KM real for others in your organization.

Create a clear, tangible picture of the benefits of KM as they relate to goals in your organization. Use simple definitions and simple language to explore real problems, opportunities, and the potential value that KM addresses.



2. Identify others to support the development of KM.

To find advocates of knowledge management, look around the organization for current activities that might

already be related to KM. Look for smaller communities or groups that are currently sharing knowledge, and make connections with these people. Recruiting well-respected, influential people is always a good idea.

Next, consider which of the following phrases really gets your attention: Cost cutting? Improved efficiency? Pressure from competitors? Streamlined information access? Simplified processes? As an agent of change, find the greatest motivating value factor in your organization to influence others to support KM initiatives.





3. Look for windows of opportunity to introduce the benefits of KM.

Find where KM will be most valued by talking to people involved with strategic initiatives, internal consulting groups, or people inside the company with whom you*ve developed personal relationships. Then answer the following questions. What are their objectives? What issues are being addressed? How can KM help the organization meet those objectives and deal with those issues?



4. Capitalize on the Internet and enlist the IT department to provide tools and a balanced view of KM.

Make connections with your IT leaders to find out what KM possibilities are available with existing technology. Find out what capabilities realistic upgrades might provide. Remember that the IT department can truly be a catalyst for emerging KM support technologies.




·Ignoring your corporate culture and history not addressing issues that might hinder KM

·Attempting to sell an ente rprisewide approach without building evidence first

·Asking for a large budget before creating a compelling value proposition

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